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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Wik(k)it, -ed, adj. Also: -yt, -et, wikide, wikhed, vik(k)it, vikyt, wyk(k)it, -yt, -yd, -ed, vykit, uykkit, uikkid, wyykkyt, wickit(t, -yt, -e(i)t, -ed, wyckit, -ed, vickit, -et, -ed, wickkit, wicit, wicced, wekit, -yt, -ed, vekyt, ueked, wekkyt, weckit, wei(c)kit, wiecket, woikit, Quhickett. [ME and e.m.E. wickede (Layamon), wicked, wikid (both Cursor M.), wykkede (Ayenbite), wickid (Wyclif), wekyd (14th c.), wikyt (1450), f. Wik adj.]

1. a. Of a person, persons, etc.: Morally bad, evil, cruel in character, malicious, criminal. Also in fig. context. Also proverb.(a) 1375 Barb. i 195.
Edward … stuffyt all with Inglis-men. … alkyn … officeris That for to gowern land afferis … That worthyt than sa rych fellone And sa wykkyt and cowatous … That Scottis-men mycht do na thing That euer mycht pleys to thar liking
a1400 Leg. S. i 581.
a1400 Leg. S. x 45.
Twa full vikyt men fand thare, In sorcery that richt sle ware
a1400 Leg. S. xv 169.
a1400 Leg. S. xxv 505.
Ȝet he Wykyt wolfe wes withine, & heylyt in a lame-skine Sa that fele dissawit he
c1420 Ratis R. 60.
Sum rychtwys men, and god-lyk baith, With wykyt men & wnewyne-lyk scaith
1456 Hay I 32/23.
The mare that wikkit tyrane emperouris … has pressit thame to put the faith abak, the mare it is multiplyit and growin
1456 Hay I 197/6.
A lorde has a wikkit wyf of evill nature, he tellis … ane of his chief bondis … to sla [her]
a1500 Seven S. 2742.
Than said the empriour hir till Wikit woman fulfillit of ill Quhy art thow dum & answeris nocht
1490 Irland Mir. II 150/25.
He suld and mycht schaw His power & iustice in-to thame that ar euill, wikkit, ingrat, and brekis His law
1490 Irland Mir. III 163/8.
The king suld nocht wse the counsale of synnaris and euill lyffaris or wykit men
1513 Doug. iv iii 33.
Quhat wikkyt wyght wald euer Refuys syk proffyr, or ȝyt with thé had levir Contend in bataill
1526 Acts II 315/1.
Forsamekle as diuers wikkit evill auisit personis fenȝeis and contirfeitis oure souerane lordis money
1533 Boece 430a.
Tapestrie hang apoun the wallis … behynd quhilk this subtell and wyle woman placit croce bowis, bent with scharpe hedis of groundin steill … the infortunate king knawing na fraude and with the wikkit woman entering the conclave and [etc.]
1533 Gau 41/27.
The prophetis spekis alsua of … quhow … thay suld … put Hime to deid apone ane cors witht wikkit companie
1562-3 Winȝet I 5/27.
Wes not the sacramentis of Christ Jesus prophanit be ignorantis and wikit persones
1595 Edinb. B. Rec. V 141.
Ane article … for redressing and refrayning of the manyfawld raveshings of … young damesellis intysing thame fra thair parents be deboschet and wikket persouns
1624 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 145.
The evill of wikkit disposit personis … quha brekis houss and stealls nytbors gere in the night
(b) ?1438 Alex. i 1286.
1456 Hay II 28/34.
As the hewing ax is ordanyt to cutt doune treis that hynderis labouragis of landis [etc.] … sa is the suerd of knychthede ordanyt to kutt away and destroye the wickkit unworthy wedis and ronnis of thornis of evill men that lettis labouraris, merchandis [etc.] … to travale throu the warld
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2917.
Thow wer better beir of stane the barrow … Than to be matchit with ane wickit marrow
?a1500 Dewoit Exerc. 186.
Alsua, sueit Lord, Ȝe herd the gret blythnes that thir wickit folk maid quhen thai with gret desir persewit Ȝow to the dede
1513 Doug. i x 23 (Sm.).
Quhat wise thi brothir Eneas … Is blawin and warpit euery coist abowt, Of wickit Juno throw the cruell invy
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5175.
Thare sall ryse, affore that day, Quhilk ȝe call generall iugement, One wyckit man from Sathan sent … Callit the creuell Antechrist
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 134/27.
Quhow vonderfullye God tryis the trueth of His vorde, nocht onely be godly men His ministeris, bot also be vicket instrumentes
1567 G. Ball. 66.
Gude Lord, deliuer me out From all this wickit natioun
1570 Sat. P. xiii 71.
How wickit men delytis ay in to wrang
1575 Wemyss Corr. 95.
1594 Acts IV 71/2.
Vickit thevis and lymmaris
1639 Spalding I 223.
The wickit instrumentis about him, who ar enemeis of his majesteis honor and oure peace
(c) a1400 Leg. S. l 1088.
Wikide wiche
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1515 (C).
So wyked [D. wikked] o traytoure He may spare in anny houre
?1438 Alex. ii 3912.
Wikked I war sa God me sane
?1438 Alex. ii 4374.
c1420 Wynt. viii 1932.
Robert the Brws kend well than The falsate off this wykkyd man
c1420 Wynt. viii 6536.
The Scottis men That he cald ill and wykyd [C. wickyt, W. felloun] then
1569 Sc. Hist. Rev. I 41.
I haue always thoght … it vnlauchful to resist the very tyrants or vsurpars how wikked so ever thay be
1683 Alyth Par. Ch. 111.
The minister preached the thanksgiving sermons for the king's delivrie owt of wiked mens plotts
(d) ?1438 Alex. ii 3096.
He is wicked, fals and ill, And of ane hie, fell, wicked will
a1585 Maitland in Maitl. Q. 70/30.
I hope the tyme sall cum schortlie Sall gar all wicked companie Repent the wrang that thay haue wrocht
1585 Reg. Privy C. IV 29.
Being for a grite part wicked and laules people, thevis, tratouris, and dalie exercett in reiff and crueltie
1622-6 Bisset II 169/34.
Ane vicked luxurius and effeminate prince
1640 Baillie I 287.
The root of episcopacie will be assaulted with the strangest blast it ever felt in England … the breath of the Lord's nostrills may joyne with the endeavours of weak men to blow up that old gourd wicked oak
1672 Justiciary Rec. II 113.
Certifying them that does the contrary, they shall be repute as seditious and wicked instruments
(e) 1657 Balfour Ann. II 164.
A wicced fellow, formerly accussed and arrainged for sorcerey
(f) a1400 Leg. S. vii 29.
That wekit tratore Judas
c1460 Regim. Princ. 30 (Marchm.).
For sic men as thou deputis vndir thé Quhethir thai be fulis, wekit men or wys [Fairf. full wykkyt men or wys]
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 214.
Wariand oft my wekit kyn that me away cast, To sic a craudoune
1531 Bell. Boece I 113.
He punist mony wekit schrewis for thair attemptatis, and rewardit all thaim that he fand defendouris of the common weill
a1538 Abell 2*a.
Wekyt & fals Hengest
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 22.
Wekit synnairis
c1568 Lauder Minor P. iv 26.
Neathir virtew nor wit, in to this weked land Doith proffeit thame that hes nocht gudis in hand
c1590 Fowler I 294/84.
These weked men of misheif aga[n]st me that coniure
c1590 Fowler I 298/106.
(f) a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 442/41. ?
Haif nocht inwy thocht woikit men in warldlie welthe do thé excell
(g) 1579 Reg. Privy C. III 231.
Certane weikit personis … all bodin in feir of weir and missallit [pr. missallis], come to the said hous, ledderit the samin at ane windo, enterit thairin, and maid thameselffis maisteris thairof
compar. a1538 Abell 57a.
Impriour eftir miserable deid of Leo wes his sone wikkittair na his fadir … he wes instrukkit in nagramisse and wichcraft & persewit halie kirk [etc.]
proverb. a1400 Leg. S. x 73.
As men in proverbe sais, Mare reuerens is gewine … To vekyt men … Thane to gudmen
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 304.
A moir will change his cullour, if a wicket man change his maneris

b. In weakened sense: Incompetent, unskilful.1375 Barb. ix 75.
Thaim that wikkyt chifftane hais His wrechytnes sa in thaim gais That thai thar manlynes sall tyn Throw wrechitnes of his conwyn

c. Of a supernatural or celestial being or manifestation, a spirit, etc.: Harmful, evil, malicious in nature or intent.a1400 Leg. S. ix 88.
Thane the apostol sad … 'Wikit spryt, trawale hym no mare!' & with that wourd, … The seke wes heylit of his care
c1475 Wall. v 222.
Gif the man endyt in ewill entent, Sum wikkit spreit agayne for him present
1492 Myll Spect. 293/10.
The ante cryst salbe ingenerit on a non quharfor [I] think all gud Cristyn man suld feir to saw his seid in the ground quhar sic wikkit frute sall grow
1596 Dalr. I 119/8.
I can nocht tel, in quhattine a wod furie ar fallin, or rather inspiret with wicket spirites, the lawes, allace, baith of God and man
1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 206.
When the wikit angels drew the riche glouttons saule to the infernal pit of hel
1605 Crim. Trials II 463.
He, in his beistlie rage and furie, as ane possest with ane wikket spreit
1605 Crim. Trials II 478.
The said wikkit spreit, the Devill, in the liknes of the said Helen Mcbrune
1622-6 Bisset II 107/27.
The crowell innimie of man that vicked spreit the devill perventare of all guid ordour and service of God

2. Of something non-material, esp. an action, mode of behaviour, attribute, etc.: Malicious, cruel, evil, criminal; also in weakened sense, bad, unfortunate. Also proverb. and const. of.attrib. a1400 Leg. S. i 474.
Throw his wekit sorcery, Till thame that stud thar, gert apere That the ded man his hevid can stere
a1400 Leg. S. l 601.
Wirk furth thi wekyt will! For I will na way bow thé till
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 8 (C).
Inne-to hys thought haffand that whyles Of tratorye the wycked [D. wyked] wyles Of Anthenore and Eneas
c1460 Thewis Gud Women 196.
Fore ful women ar so smytabile, And till al wykit wycis abile That [etc.]
c1460 Thewis Wysmen 432.
Sorow cummys for syne, And mekile wraik for vykit vyne
a1500 Henr. Hasty Credence 41.
O wicket tung, sawand dissentioun, Of fals taillis to tell
c1475 Wall. vi 98.
What is fortoune, quha dryffis the dett so fast? We wait thar is bathe weill and wykit chance
1513 Doug. i v 116.
With hard irne bandis claspit fast in cage, Of wykkit [Sm. wickeit] bargane tharin the furyus rage Set apon grisly armour in his seyt
1525 St. A. Formulare I 270.
1549 Lamb Resonyng 43/18.
This slauchtir in the said mater is pruvit be ane vikit wse obseruit betuix the bordouris bayth of Ingland and Scotland
1551 Hamilton Cat. 104.
Mak your self freindis of your wyckit mammonie, that is to say, mak the puir men … your spirituall freindis be giving of part of your rychis to thame
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 126/10.
1565 Crim. Trials I i 467.
Thair wikkit and rebellious dedis
a1578 Pitsc. II 95/20.
His wickit and ewill consall
1596 St. A. Kirk S. 814.
For breking of the Sabboth [be] extraordinar drinking and for resche wickit speking
1613 Crim. Trials III 263.
Distrusting that thais herbis war hable to do that wiket turne [supra tak away the lyves of the saidis tuo boyis]
1664 Thanes of Cawdor 317.
This wikhed and barbarous kynd of procedour
(b) c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxix 15.
My wiecket natur dois rebell, And leidis me astray
proverb. 1535 Stewart 11086.
Thair wickit lyfe suld make ane rycht euill end
1535 Stewart 16251.
The wys man sais that it is rycht oft kend, Ane wickit lyfe man mak ane wickit end
superl. a1500 Henr. Annunc. 66.
This prayer fra my splene is That all my werkis wikkitest Thow put away and mak me chaist
c1508 Ch. & M. Prints vii c 10.
O wyfhede wariit of wyis wickitest … The cause causing of ruyne as I gesse
predic. (1) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 400.
Forsoth, no wyckydnes may be So wyked ne so felle to se
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 412.
Fell is thy fortoun, wickit is thy weird
1490 Irland Mir. I 86/28.
For the man, throw the knawlage he had, wauld sone haue knawin that his persuasioune had bene fals and wykkit
1562 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 6.
All aithis (except ane juge compell us to declair the treutht) is vickit and forbiddin be the third commandement of God
(2) a1538 Abell 84b.
Tua ȝere before his takin wes martirit Sanct Thomas of Cantirberry be 4 familiaris of King Henris nobil of blude bot wikkit of life

b. Applied to part of the body of a person considered to have such a disposition.?1438 Alex. ii 6639.
Of wicked hart cumis wicked will
1567 Sat. P. iii 176.
Jesabell … Quhais blude did laip the cruell hundis fell, And doggis could hir wickit bainis gnaw
1622 Crim. Trials III 547.
He resolued, out of the pryde & malice of his wikked heart to be revenged vpone him

3. Of a natural phenomenon, especially the weather: Severe, destructive.1375 Barb. v 12 (C).
To vyn the heling of thar hevede, That vikkit vyntir had thame revede
c1400 Troy-bk. i 427.
Scho [sc. Medea] wald rase wedderis one thame thare So wod with wykked wyndis blast … That all suld peryse hastely
c1400 Troy-bk. i 441.
The woddis grene That spoilyt had in wynter bene Throw wicked blastes and fellone schoures
1420 Liber Calchou 449.
That wekyt ayr may enter and envennomouse the spirtis of the man
a1500 Rauf C. 35.
In thay montanis, I-wis, he wox all will, In wickit wedderis and wicht
a1500 Rauf C. 106.
In wickit wedderis and weit walkand full will
1531 Bell. Boece I 29.
This nobill prince … be ane wickit tempest was drevin apon ane crag

4. Of a place, route, terrain, etc.; Dangerous, difficult.1513 Doug. v iv 86 (Sm.).
Sergest … Ontill a wickit place his schip did steir, Quhill on the blind craggis … Fast stikkis scho
1533 Bell. Livy II 115/12.
The battell was fochtin in ane wikkit place
1533 Bell. Livy II 222/16.
The said Gaulis clam vp the montane of Carmentis … ilkane helpand … vthir quhare ony strait or wikkit passage was

5. Of illness: Severe, virulent, terrible.1530 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 107.
Ve ordande Jhone Scot with his complices … quhilkis ar suspekit with this violans pestelans to pas our the vatter in the allairis ay and quhill thai cleingit and thair efter nocht to com in the toun for ane [blank] and forfut thair fredomes for the inbrynging this vikit pestilens
1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 7.
Quhilkis … becummis corrupt, in mannis bodie als wikit as deidlie poysone

6. transf.Of an object. a. Impious. b. Capable of being the source of damage, bloodshed, etc.a. 1513 Doug. ii iv 56 (Ruddim.).
Laocon … the haly hors … With violent straik presumyt for to dere And thairintill to fassyn his wikkit [C., Sm. cursit; L. sceleratam] spere
b. a1578 Pitsc. II 279/31.
All that cuntrie about Edinburgh was hereit and all be haulding of this vickit castell of Edinburgh quhilk causit meikill innocent bluid to be sched
a1578 Pitsc. II 299/14.
The regent seand all in pace except this vicked castell of Edinburgh … send to Ingland about support of men of weir and arteilȝerrie to batter the said castell

7. Monstrous, huge.1513 Doug. xii xi 160.
A wikkit hill [L. mons improbus] of huge weght

8. absol.as noun.Wicked people, evil or malicious persons. Chiefly with def. art.(1) ?1438 Alex. ii 1474.
Quhare the gude sall haue honour, The wicked shame for thair labour
1461 Liber Plusc. I 386.
Gudmen ar loune; the wykkyt weill ar kend
1562-3 Winȝet II 5/15.
The wickit … esteming the wirscheping of God to be abominatioun
1565 St. A. Kirk S. 258.
The holy band of mariaige is sa ordenit of Almychty God, excluding the wyckit in thar wyckitnes
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 119.
Thus the wekit, … for thair sin ar brint in flam of fyre
1570 Conv. Burghs I 22.
That … the innocent … and the wickitt may be pvneist
a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 443/63.
Sic punusching hauldis ws in awe That we stray nocht … Nor with the weikit in ȝoik drawe Quhome in His wraithe the Lord will schent
1597–8 Misc. Spald. C. I 122.
At the day of judgement … the godlie wilbe schowred fra the wicked
1581-1623 James VI Poems II 28/28.
Uith thy suorde my soule pull from the uikkid that it seike From men pull thou it Jehoua uith thy most michtie hande
1638 Henderson Serm. 315.
When God brings down the wicked from the high top of their honours … and lays them down laigh in the dust
(2) c1460 Regim. Princ. 46 (Marchm.).
Expel wykkit, and luf thaim that are wyse And, oure al thing, put wys men in office
1461 Liber Plusc. 386.
Wyykkyt are [pr. wyykkytare] welth [B. Wekkyt are in welth] and wourthy men perys
c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxxiii 7.
Thocht weickit perische be the suord [etc.]



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