A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
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Quhy, adv. (conj.), n. and interj. Also: quhi, qwhy, (qhwy, quwhy,) vhy, why, whie; quhay, quhai; whey. [Early ME, ME and e.m.E. whi (Orm), wy, qui, qwy (Cursor M.), why (Manning), whye (a1425), whai (Piers Plowman), OE hwí, hwý instr. case of hwæt Quhat, governed by to or for (see Forquhy) or used as adv. Cf. OS hwî, with prep. or = why, wherefore; and ON hví, as dat. of hvat, and as adv. = why.] Why, in the usual senses and applications.
A. adv. (conj.).
1. In direct questions. a. As a simple interrogative.Forquhy, also, is used in elliptical direct questions, as in the following quots. from Doug.: 1513 Doug. iv viii 79.
The ilk tre … Stikkis to the rochis … For quhy? Ib. v Prol. 33.
Tharon aucht na man … quhryne. For quhy? Ib. vi Prol. 164.
For Austyne says syn [etc.] … Is nocht at all. For quhy? Thai nocht availȝe c1420 Wynt. vii 1537.
‘Qwhy is thi clethyng sa qwhyt sene?’ ‘For caus I deyd madyn clene’ Ib. 1527. a1500 Quare Jel. 341.
Quhy in him self ay at debate is he? c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) xvi 49.
The merle said, Quhy put God so grit bewte In ladeis … Bot gife [etc.]?
Chiefly, b. implying that the action, etc., questioned is to be criticised, censured, condemned or not accepted, and that its contrary is more desirable or plausible.Freq. with suld.In negative clauses, implying that the positive or contrary action, etc., should be, or should have been taken.(1) a1400 Leg. S. ii 1154.
Man, … Quhy houffis thou? quhy has thou dred? Ib. xxvi 438.
Wykyt man … Quhy has thu for this warldis gud To felone ded of innocent Conspyrit? c1450-2 Howlat 55 (A).
Quhy is my fax … fassonit so foule? a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 96.
Quhy has thow marrit my man? c1475 Wall. ii 186.
Quhi will thow giff thi handewerk for nocht? a1500 Seven S. 1093.
Scho said, My deir, quhy say ȝe sa? c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) lxix 27.
Quhy wald thow hald that will away? Ib. lxxv 1.
Quhy will ȝe merchantis … Lat Edinburgh … The commone proffeitt tyine? 1513 Doug. iii x 108.
Desolate quhy left thou me heir? 1535 Stewart 3265.
Sen He is ressonabill, Quhy ar sum men to Him sua acceptabill … And vther als so far haitit to be? c1552 Lynd. Mon. 394.
Sen we bene thrall to sic myschance Quhy do we set so our intentis On ryches [etc.]? 1554 Knox III 213. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 1117. a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 127/20.
Quhy diffidis thow of the mychty vord of God quha [etc.]? 1562-3 Winȝet I 125/31.
Quhy cal ȝe ws heirfor Papists? 1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii 112.
Quhy stand ȝe aw of tratouris twyse detractit? 1580 Cath. Tr. 61/16.
Quhy have ye reiected as idolatrie all that appartheneth to … Papistes, except onlie [etc.]? 1596 Dalr. I 95/17. — a1500 Henr. Fab. 2417.
The volff … cryis: ‘I cummand thus dounwart, quhy thow vpwart hyis?’(b) 1642 Bk. Pasquils 162.
Quhay(2) 1375 Barb. xi 135 (E).
Quhy suld I mak to lang my taile? a1400 Leg. S. ii 1006.
Quhy suld thane Petir sa be steryt That [etc.]? 1456 Hay I 101/4.
Quhy suld we say for that that law war an evill thing? a1500 Seven S. 1142.
And thow wait I am innocent Quhy suld thow gar me than be schent? c1530-40 Stewart Bann. MS 216b/39. 1549 Lamb Resonyng 53/20.
Gif the Kyng of Scotland omittit all thir … oportuniteis, quhy sould he now … walkin besines a contra his vncle … ? 1596 Dalr. II 53/6, 7.(3) 1456 Hay I 227/21.
Sen he was inymy in his hele … quhy suld he nocht be sa haldin in his woodnes inymy? a1500 Rauf C. 597.
Quhy hes thow not that husband brocht as I thé bad? c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) xlii 28 (B).
Ȝour legis quhy will ȝe nocht releif? c1530-40 Stewart Bann. MS 216b/36.
Sen God hes grantit thame sic gudlinas … Quhy suld nocht men hald thame of he renown? 1559–60 A. Bothwell in M. Napier Mem. J. Napier 66.
Gif we haif ressaivit guid out of the hand of the Lord, quhai suld we not alsua ressaive evill? a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 709 (L).
Quhy may nocht we twa leid this ane? 1588 King Cat. App. 27.
And quhy hes Thow done this … nocht luked for, but that I might baldlie rinne to Thé? c1590 Fowler I 223/7.
Qhwy … will ȝe not employ Your sueteist yeres vnto your awen avayle? c1616 Hume Orthog. 21.
If this be doon to make the c in logica etc. subsist quhy wer it not better to supply a k?
c. ellipt., sometimes with so in place of the following clause. a1400 Leg. S. xxi 382.
& quhy? ȝe here [sal], gyf ȝe wil a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 506.
Na wonder was … and lo now quhy? 1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 90.
He never lost a cause, whey, because he never plaid one — a1500 Colk. Sow ii 146.
Than wald I say scho had grit grace of God. Quhay so? quod scho
d. Conjoined with an expletive or interjection.See also Devil n. 1 d. c1450-2 Howlat 480 (A).
Quhy leif I allace quhy [: cry, chewalry] And thow deid art c1475 Wall. ii 235.
In Inglismen allace quhi suld we trow? c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 214.
Quhy [Bann. quhay] was thou blyndit, Resoun, quhi, allace c1552 Lynd. Mon. 945, 946.
e. Quhy … but, why … not. = b (3) above. — 1639 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 571.
Why then but we may believe that our kings of this island shall come in? 1640 Ib. 597.
Why but He should go to His place, and hide Himself?
2. Introducing an indirect question or a dependent noun clause.Sometimes with omission of the governing verb.Also, once, quhy that.Also ellipt., with no following clause.(1) 1375 Barb. iv 290 (E).
Scho … askyt quhy he gabyt had a1400 Leg. S. v 517.
His discipulis … Prayt hym to tel [tham] quhy He sad tha vordis Ib. xix 73.
I wil wyt quhy it was ?1438 Alex. ii 527.
Gaudifeir him askit suyth Quhy he thame left c1400 Troy-bk. i 315. 1456 Hay I 116/11.
He speris quhy and for quhat caus knychtis suld be punyst c1460 Regim. Princ. 43 (Fairf.).
O prince think quhy thi crown was gevyn thé till a1500 Seven S. 510.
Sche said I merwell quhy ȝe speire. The questioun ȝe knawe full wele a1500 Prestis of Peblis 265.
Quharfor the caus & quhy Sic lordis was in my eldaris dayis a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1138 (Asl.).
Think quhy thi sone Crist sufferit passioun 1555 Prot. Bk. Sir W. Corbet 21.
Thair requyrit at ii pursewanttis … quhi thai twyk awaye the said … meill a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xvi 6.
Vhy [: invy] c1616 Hume Orthog. 21.
Or gif they speak not soe I wald understand quhy they wryte not as they speak 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 426.
To show yow whie he cannot … justlie contend for the precidencie(2) 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 240.
Fyncormacus … send ane herrald quhy he come in his realme Ib. (1821) II 40.
Hengist … reprevit him quhy he maid sa hevy cheir in the time of his mariage 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 16.
Message was sent to the king of Ingland quhy the peace was brokin(3) 1562 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 21.
If your majesty demand quhy that now we ar more ernest then we have bene heirtofore we answer [etc.](4) ?1438 Alex. ii 2736.
Ȝe suld nocht sa largely Call vs cowardis but ȝe wist quhy a1500 Seven S. 279.
The emprys … raif hir haire. He sperit quhy a1500 Prestis of Peblis 271 (Asl.).
Schir this it is quharfor it is & quhy 1502 Orkney Rentals i 6.
We ken nocht quhy 1535 Stewart 3209.
Ȝe may considder quhy
3. Introducing the theme or topic of a following discussion, chapter, etc. Cf. Quhow adv. 4. 1531 Bell. Boece I iii.
The beginning of Scottis and quhy thay wer callit with that name 1562-3 Winȝet I 56 marg.
Quhy wes this buik deliueret to Iohne Knox Ib. 60 marg.
Quhy ar thir quæstiounis now nocht maid mair strenthy 1602 Colville Paraenese Contents 5.
Vhy God hes suffrit his darrest seruands to fall
4. As a relative: Because of which; for which.Introducing an adj. clause, or a clause in apposition to a preceding noun. Cf. Quhow adv. 6.For further examples see Caus(e n. 1.Also quhy that, id.Also with ellipsis, cf. 1 c and 2 (4) above.(1) a1400 Leg. S. l 245.
Thane sperit thai thar enchesone Quhy he gert thaim cum to that towne c1400 Troy-bk. ii 264 (C).
Thys is the cause I told to ȝow Why it delayed is whyl now 14.. Burghs Laws c. 110 (B).
Cause quwhy men aw nocht to ga be nycht 1456 Hay I 3/5.
And the resouns quhy I have undertane to mak this buke ar gude yneuch a1500 Henr. Fab. 2841.
I haue na wyt quhy suld I lakkit be c1475 Wall. vii 749.
For caus quhi thai wantyt men and meit 1521 Acts XII 39/1.
We se nane appearance quhy ȝoure grace suld belieff [etc.] 1531 Bell. Boece I iii.
Schawand … causis quhy the translatoure tuke this werk on hand 1602 Colville Paraenese 130.
That it is not vithout gret reson vhy God hes suffrit his darrest seruands … to fall most dangerusly, to th'end [etc.] 1622 Lanark & R. 21 n.
I have omitted to sett doune heirfor the cause whey the earle … confesseth 1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 67.
He professes the main thing whey he quites the Catholick religion for is because he can never liberate [etc.](2) a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 391.
& Thare-to gud witnes Beris myraclis sewyn quhi that he Before othire suld haly be 1513 Doug. i Prol. 361. 1549 Compl. 55/3. a1578 Pitsc. I 197/35.
I will schew ȝou the veretie quhairfoir and quhy that I tuik ȝour croun(3) a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 70.
Lo, the cause quhy c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2378.
He hatit this Pirrus dedly … Caus quhy the story tellis nocht ?1438 Alex. ii 2382.
The ressoun quhy fane wald I haif 1456 Hay I 77/31.
I walde wele understand the resoun quhy Ib. 100/19. 1596 Dalr. I 150/8.
Thay say, that na cause quhy thay sie, quhairfor Cæsar sulde conquisse thair libertie a1500 Prestis of Peblis 275 (Ch.).
This it is the caus quhairfoir and quhy 1622 Lanark & R. 21 n.
The reasone whey as I wnderstand [is] …
B. noun. Reason, cause.(1) c1420 Wynt. ii 1128 (W).
Thai excusit thame sympilly And said thai did it for this quhy a1500 Lanc. 1310.
For what why Ar ȝhe agrewit? a1500 Seven S. 2095.
He sperit of hir diseis the quhy [: I] a1500 Quare Jel. 385.
Withoutyn ony quhy Ib. 426.
For no cause bot for his jelousye … and for non othir quhy [etc.] Ib. 439.
That sentence is interpret to amys … nocht vnderstand the quhy 1513 Doug. ix iii 28.
For the ilk quhy 1535 Stewart 3275.
That God thame hait, this is the verrie quhy Ib. 20322.
For hie vane gloir and for na vther quhy 1549 Lamb Resonyng 3/10.
I do nocht knaw that quhy ȝitt I suld be eschamit of my natioun 1560 Rolland Seven S. 1145.
As may perchance be done for sum gude quhy Ib. 5553.
Howbeit he had na querrel, caus nor quhy a1568 Scott xxxi 31.
This is the quhy And caus that I Complene so peteously 15.. Edinb. Univ. MS La. iv 6.
This is the quhy I planȝe foir my lady on ȝour excellence(2) a1500 Seven S. 116.
And this our quhy a1500 Bk. Chess 645.
And said this was his quhy c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i 57.
And this my caus, and quhy Id. Seven S. 6345.
Was that thy quhy?(3) a1500 Quare Jel. 228.
Allace the wo … That wommen suffren ay withoutyn quhy — a1500 Quare Jel. 62.
Quhich be the cause that I Am turment thus, withoutyn cause or quhy 1535 Stewart 49923.
Withoutin caus or quhy c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i 458. Id. Seven S. 5820.
But caus or quhy(4) a1500 Lanc. 2332.
As for no why To court I cam, but of hyme to inquere 1535 Stewart 6807.
Bot ony caus thai schuip him to distroy, And for no quhy … But to distroy the nobill Britane blude
C. interj. As an exclamation of surprise, etc. c1475 Wall. iii 361.
Lychtly he sperde, Quhi, Scot, dar thow nocht preiff? Ib. vi 134.
Quhy, schir, he said, come ȝhe nocht new our se? Pardown me than 1540 Lynd. Sat. 4455 (B).
Quhy, Foly, wald thow mak ane preiching? 1558-66 Knox II 172.
Quhy (said scho) God dois command subjectis to be obedient to thair princes and commandis princes to reid his law and governe thairby 1643 Misc. Abbotsf. C. I 175.
[She] ansuerit ȝow, quhy, quhat glangoir war ȝe doing in that ill weather?
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"Quhy adv.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 15 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/quhy>