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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Resait, -ceit(t, -ceipt, n. Also: res-, ra(s)-, rais- and -sat, -saite, -saitt, -sayt, -seait, -cait(e, -ceait; -sate; -seit(t, -seyt; -ceat(e, -seat; -siett; -site; and resauit; (resasit). [ME and e.m.E. receyt (Chaucer), resseit (Wyclif), resceyte (Piers Plowman), receipte (Gower), ressayt (c1400), e.m.E. also recyte (Caxton), receate (1539), AF (ONF) receite, -ceyte (1304–5), = OF reçoite (13th c. in Wartburg), var. of recete, L. recepta, fem. p.p. of recipere Resav(e v.]Cf. Reset(t n., which has the same field of meaning, but a substantially different distribution between the various senses. There was appar. some formal and semantic confusion between the two words.

I. 1. The action of receiving or accepting (a material thing) given, handed or delivered to one. = Reset(t n. 5. a. Of (a sum of) money. b. Of goods, animals, etc., also of proscribed coin. c. Of letters or documents.a. (1) 1465 Wemyss Chart. 88.
The dai of the resait of the said sowme
1469 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 416.
Gif it sel hapin me … wilfulli to absent me … fra the ressayt of the said sowm
1470 Wemyss Chart. 97.
The resaite of the froytis and proffetis
1474 Stewart Mem. 73. 1488 Acta Aud. 126/2.
For his fraudfull absenting and withdrawing fra the ressait of the sammyn [money]
1490 Acta Conc. I 168/1.
The said prouest … grantit to be … assignay to thaim of the resait of the said soume
1497–8 Ib. II 111.
That thai cheise … a thesaurare for the inbringin, ressat and keping of thare commone rentis
1528 Blackfriars Perth 192. 1561 Admir. Ct. Bk. 221.
The said Williame grantit the ressait of xx lib.
1564 Crim. Trials I i 446.
Vpone the ressait and aggreance for the said sowme
1595–6 Misc. Spald. C. V 62.
Upone the resaitt of his majesties tochir
1633 Aberd. Council Lett. I 382.
We have delyverit to the berar our testificat on the ressait of the moneyes
1637 Peebles Gleanings 212.
After the persone had grantit the ressait of the teyndis and send his discharge thairof to the collectouris
1659 Glasg. Univ. Mun. III 433.
That the bursar report the questores resayt therof to the principal
(b) 1445 14th Rep. Hist. MSS App. iii 12.
I graunt me wele content and payit … throu the … ressate of nyntene pundis
1465 Buccleuch Mun. II 67.
That I … sal nocht … absent me … fra the ressate of the said soume fraudefully
1476–7 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 460.
Quhill [etc.] … cum mekly to the resate of the said sowm
1494 Ib. No. 593.
The said Petir … warnyng me … lauchfully to the ressate of the same sovme in the pariskyrk … apon ane Sonday within the solempnite of the hee mesis
1532 Douglas Bequest 9 March.(c) 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 277.
The reseyt of monaye for the same
1579 Soc. Ant. XVI 200.
1627 Aberd. Council Lett. I 277.
Mr. James Rosse acknowledges receipt from Andrew Meldrum treasurer of 40 lib. [etc.]
(d) 1583 Perth B. Ct. 6 Dec.
Nochtstanding of the ressite therof be the said Thomas
(e) 1614–15 Dumbarton Common Gd. Acc. 1.
Theasurer's compt of his receait of the common dewties
1627 Misc. Bann. C. III 225.
The … collection … to be sent … to the Presbyterie … who shall mak ane act upon the receate theirof
1635 Galloway P. 15 Aug.
1673 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct.) 3 April.
And to giwe discharges at the resceats therof
(2) 1622-6 Bisset I 262/22.
Eftir reall offer and refuse of ressait be the pairtie
b. (1) 1473 Holyrood Chart. 152.
The ressate ande sustening of hors halkis ande al vthir sic chargis
1498–9 Reg. Privy S. I 45/2.
To keip … communite of Wigtoun in possescione of the rasait of strangaris schippis and rasaving of thair enstrayis
1549 Elgin Rec. I 99.
Providing the said William pay ix s. … afoir the rasait of the said pott
1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II 222.
That [they] … deliuer nocht the said money without the ressait of pleggis thairfor
1557 Admir. Ct. Bk. 31.
Ane capitane gifand his obligatioun upoun the raissait of ony gudis … makis fayth for the takar
1575 Glasgow B. Rec. I 37.
Fund in the wrang for huirding and ressait of beir in his kill
1597 Elgin Rec. II 49.
Thair sall a man await for the ressait of the taikinnis
1624 Misc. Maitl. C. III 511.
Ane not of my hand gevin for resait of certane diamondis
1641 Acts V (1817) 517/1.
To redeliver the saidis horsis and armes to the awneris … Thair resaite of them being lauchfullie provin
1662 Decis. Lords G. 37.
The defender should have, immediatly after his receipt thereof, sent and intimat the same to the pursuer
(b) 1570 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XIII 241.
The said Arthur … confessit the resauit of that clayth
(2) 1574–5 Glasgow B. Rec. I 456.
Allowit to the comptare for tinsell … be resate of hardheidis cryit doun
1576 Crim. Trials I ii 64.c. (1) 1518 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 124.
Eftir the ressait of your wryting
1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 143.
Gif ȝe be in Edinburgh at the ressait of it, send me word sone
1600 Elphinstone Mun. 195/1.
We … desire you to begin … indelayedlie upon the resait herof
1680 Red Bk. Menteith II 189.
I wes very glaid at the recait of yours
(b) 1578 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 85.
(c) 1592 Douglas Corr. 243.
Quhairof I wes altogidder ignorant befoir the reseit of your letter
1608 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 140.
Efter the receitt of this letter
1617 Aberd. Council Lett. I 150.
Since the resseit of your last letter
(d) 1543 Douglas Corr. 152.
Aftir the resiett of thir our letters
(e) 1689 Melville Corr. 139.
To acquaint you of the receat of yours of the daite this day senight
pl. 1508 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale 88 n.
After the resceitis of your gracez letters
(2) 1550–1 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 153.
Ony … officer that takis ony decreitt for ony … persoun, that he putt the samyn to executioun within xlviij houris after the ressaitt thairof
1557 Admir. Ct. Bk. 31.
Quhair he grantis the raissait of the obligatioun maid
1563 Annandale Corr. 271.
We haife rasauit your maisterschepis writtin and hes … delyuerit your x peces of evidentis to Maister Jhone Moscrop, of the rasaitt of the quhilkis ye sall rasawe his writtin
1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 72.
Even after the resaite of our last supplication

d. The action of accepting the surrender of, or of taking over, a place.1515 Treas. Acc. V 30.
To pas with thre lettrez for the ressate of the castellis of Hume, Thornetoun etc.

e. The receipt of stolen goods; reset. = Reset(t n. 5 d.1574–5 Prestwick B. Rec. 76.
The inqueist hes clengit Villiam Vylȝe of the ressait of the thiftuous geir
1597–8 Misc. Spald. C. II 138.
Sewintle, Thow art accusit and indytit for art and part and ressait of the thifteous steling of ane broune meir
1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. i xix 5 (1678) 195.
Theft may be divided into common theft … and receipt of theft

f. Lettris (tikket, acquittance, note, chek) of ressait, a written acknowledgment of money or goods received into possession. Cf. 7 below.1434 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 314.
That yhe … pay yherly … ten markkis … taking his lettres of ressayt to schaw to vs
1450 Exch. R. V 425 n.
Schewing the said Patrikis letterez of ressaitt upon yhoure comptis for yhoure warand
1551 Reg. Privy C. I 114.
To restore … all money and gudis … takin be the said Allane fra him … conforme to the tekat of ressait maid betuix the saidis parteis
1561–2 Treas. Acc. XI 152.
As ane compt subscrivit witht his hand and acquittance of ressait schawin upoun compt beris
1566 Reg. Privy C. I 482.
As the collectouris acquittance of thair ressait beris according to the quhilk thai haif maid thair compt in the chekker
1589 Edinb. B. Rec. V 3.
The … baillies to gif … thair awin tikket of ressaitt thairof
1606 Acts IV 298/1.
Sum vther pairt [of the jewels] are contenit in … his note of ressait
1646 Glasgow B. Rec. II 90.
[The town's munitions to be] put in ther keippeing vpon ther noitts of recaite
1655 Cramond Kirk S. 7 Jan.
Ane tickit of the receipt thereof
1679 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt.
Instructed be the chek of receat

2. The act of receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist.c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 18/92 (M).
Off ressayt synfull of thé, my saluitour
1542 Elgin Rec. I 70.
Efter the rasait of the blissit sacrament

3. a. The reception or admittance (of a person) into custody. Also, lettris of resait. = Reset(t n. 6 a. b. Good reception, welcome. c. Acceptance (of an official) as accredited.a. (1) 1479 Acta Conc. I 29/2.
Thir thre to resaue the lettres of thare resate within the sadis placis or thai passis of this tovne
1523 Ib. MS XXXIV 16.
Ane tekat of his ressait deliverit be him
1559 Inchcolm Chart. 96.
Acquittancis to gif apoun his ressait
1604 Stewart Mem. 113.
That thai cum to our sacretar … and resaue our vther letrez for thair ressait and ward within our said castell
(2) 1497–8 Acta Conc. II 95.
The sade Doule … til … enter his persone in ward … and tak his letters of ressate thareapone
1502 Ib. III 177.
[The defenders are to] cum til the secretar and ressave thair lettres of ressate thairapone
b. a1578 Pitsc. I 369/17. Ib. 297/24.
Thir … touns … to mak provisioun and treumph for the quenis comming and hir ressait
1628 Edinb. B. Rec. VII 46.
The haill project and forme of his majesties ressaite
c. 1579 Irvine Mun. II 22.
That the admissione and receate of the said commissioner … prejuge nocht the … actione depending betwix thame
Ib. 24.

4. The act of receiving (a person) to shelter, accommodation or refuge; the fact of being so received. = Reset(t n. 7. b. Of undesirable persons, chiefly as proscribed by the law. = Reset(t n. 7 b.1561 Peebles B. Rec. I 272.
To rander the keyis of the west wolt … for the ressait of … decrepit bedellis to be harbryit thairintill
1587 Aberd. Chart. 89.
To alter … the samyn for the eisment and resaite of the saidis pure and impotent persones
1594 Aberd. Council Lett. I 58.
That ye mak the auld prouestis lodgeing reddy for our awin ressait and remaning
1610 Writers Signet 245.
[They] sall at the ressait of the saidis prenteissis, mak ane indentur betuixt thame
1616 Irvine Mun. II 48.
We understand that you have buldit ane verrie fair inne for the commodious resait of all passingeris within our burgh of Linlythgow [etc.]
1617 Cramond Cullen Ann. 31.
There is na sufficient comoun ludging for reseitt of strangeris
1650 Irons Leith II 109.
The king … went down to Leith, to ane ludging … appointit for his resait during his abyding at Leith
b. (1) 1533 Bell. Livy I 78/19.
The said montane suld nocht be ane mvnicioun to ressait of inemyis sum vthir tymes agane the toun
1559 St. A. Kirk S. 6.
For the … ressate of … adultereris in his hows
1565 Reg. Privy S. V i 605/2.
For ressait, supple and intercommoning with Andro Quhite, Inglisman, pirat, in his piracie, and for ressait of the gudis takin be him thairin
1577 Ib. VII 195/2.
The ressait and mantenance of Johnne Baillie … and Mathow Baillie … rebellis and at the horne
1577 Digest Justiciary Proc. I 60.
The said court … fylis him … ofthe ressait and intercommoning with Westhall incontrair the act of parleament
1593 Lett. Jas. VI to Eliz. 96.
Thay confesse … ressaitt of Jesuitts
1650 Nicoll Diary 19. 1686 Elgin Rec. I 340.
Williame Cuy … decernit in tuentie punds Scottis for resseat of straingers
(2) 1587 Aberd. Council Lett. I 37.
Nor na utheris of thair causing sending hunding urging command resseit assistance and ratihibitioun
1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 18. 1643 Bk. Dunvegan 114.(3) 1628 Aberd. Council Lett. I 296.
That … no … rebellious traffiquing papists ar suffered to have resseit or beild within the said burgh

5. The acceptance, or receiving, of a non-material thing. = Reset(t n. 8. a. Of an office conferred. b. Of a financial statement. c. Of an oath. d. Of a wound.a. 1533 Bell. Livy II 99/32.
He deprivit his self of the dictatorie, the xvi day eftir the ressate thareof
1567 Acts III 23/2.
At the tyme of thair coronatioun, and ressait of thair princely authoritie
b. 1565 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 19.
To come to the tolboth and her the ressait of the comptis
c. 1580 Inverness Rec. I 282.
The tyme of the rasait of his ayth of burgesrye
d. 1626 Justiciary Cases I 38.
George upon the ressait of that hurt, … closet with Coronell Patrik

II. 6. sing. and pl. That which is received; the amount of money, or quantity of material, received; a written record of such amounts. = Reset(t n. 9.(1) sing. 1493 Halyb. 4.
Som of this rassayt affor writin, 950 crounis
1494 Edinb. Hammermen 4b.
This is my ressait of the wolkis peny
1496 Ib. 14.
The maist part of the craft … hard & ressauit full covnt & reknyne of all his ressait
1531–2 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 74.
Haill ressait spendit to the imputting of the grete bois windois [etc.]
1534 Ib. 121.
The compt of the resait of lyme to the palis of Linlithqw
1536–7 Ayr B. Acc. 15.
The rasate of the taxt … extending to vj lib. … quhilk he rasavit and tuke up
1548 Reg. Soltre 218.
The hayll sowme of this rasayt is [etc.]
1562 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 22.
That … right schairp countes may be taken, alsweill of thair receat as of thair delyverance
1565 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 26.
1619 Argyll Rentals 9 Oct.
Loisit of my ressait of moneyis … be the lois of gold & silver in wecht [etc.]
1677 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 21 April.
Payed … to Major Biggar … 500 lib. Scotts agried to be given him … as the precept and receit is
pl. 1437 Cop. St. A. 150.
He giffand ws leill and trew cownt and reknyng of all his resayttis and paymentis
1473–4 Treas. Acc. I 1.
Compt of … all his ressatis and expensis made in the saide office
1509 Edinb. Hammermen 65.
Full compt & reknyng … of all his ressatis & deliuerance
1538–9 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 235.
Heir followis the resaittis of our soverane lordis taxtis resavit be Maister Johnne Scrimgeour
1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I 214.
To produce his compts … and to be particular in the tymes and quantities of his resaitts
1638 St. A. Baxter Bks. 104.
That he hes maid compleit payment of his haill ressaittis of the mo[n]eyis receaueit be him in name of the craft
1647 Dumfries Treas. Acc. MS p. 8.
Summa of thir resaits
1675 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. MS 11 July.
And tharby fand that his resaites exceidit his debursements
1680 Cunningham Diary 146.
As by his receipts produced, 10 bolls and a half of meal
(2) 1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 50.
Producit ane ticket under the handwreat of Gilbert Donnet, keiper of the buikis of the ressaittis of the dewteis of Orknay
1626 Aberd. Council Lett. I 240.
With his buik of receitis subscryvit be the skipperis at the tyme of the ressait of his dewty
1629 Ib. 301.
To produce his comptis … together with his book of ressait verefeit be the skipperis subscriptiones

III. 7. A document or writing acknowledging receipt of money or goods. Cf. 1 f above. = Reset(t n. 10.1585 Inv. Wardrobe 320.
Scho hes my resaitt subscrivit and writtin be the clerk of registre
1602 Misc. Maitl. C. I 23.
Certane buikis … gevin … for the prince his use as the said Mr. Adamis ressait thairof producit testifeis
1628 Justiciary Cases I 85.
Ane uther lettre of slanes … beiring his ressait of thre scoir ten merkis
1644 Army of the Covenant II 325.
To him … conform to his resasit [£26,955]
1651 Hossack Kirkwall 252.
Quhilk money ye will pay or allou to him … and taik his resait
1660 Laing MSS I 279.
John … gott Midelton's resait, that they ver in my costady
1661 Acts Sederunt ii 78.
Money … to be given up to Sir William Bruce, now clerk to the bills, upon his ressaitt
1687 Stirling Ant. IV 17.
The busser is payed … from Mertimes 1685 to Mertimes 1686 per his receat
1688 Hist. Carnegies 374.
You will finde … a receipt of some juells
1690 Elgin Rec. I 351.
With the said Moses his resseat of the money on the back therof

IV. 8. A formula or prescription for a preparation, esp. one for treating an ailment. Also in fig. context. = Reset(t n. 11.(1) 1504–5 Treas. Acc. II 477.
For certane potingary tane for the quene eftir ane ressait of Maister William Bailȝeis
15.. Nat. Lib. MS 22.2.11.
A resait for children of tuo ȝeris of aige for a pain in the belye
1665 Argyll-Lauderdale Lett. 26.
Pray let me have a receate of making small shote, Prince Rupert's way
16.. Nat. Lib. MS 22.2.11., last p.
A receat to caus on sleepe
(2) 1682 Lauder Observes App. iv 308.
The receipt, as it was transcribed out of The Packet of Advice from Rome, take as follows, from the laboratory of the Inquisition [etc.]

V. 9. A place of refuge. = Reset(t n. 1.1533 Bell. Livy II 264 (B.M.).
The … houses thairof equate to the ground … [that it suld nocht] be in tymes cuming ane generall ressate to his ennemeis

VI. 10. Of a person: One who gives shelter or refuge to another; a refuge. = Reset(t n. 3.1531 Bell. 1531 Boece (M) I 379.
Eugenius grantit the mair pleasandlye to thair peticionis, becaus the Britonis wer ressaitt to the rebellis of Scotland
15.. Clar. iii 1588.
Have mercie, Lord, … Be thow hir ressait, succur and refuge

