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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Reset(t, -cept(e, n. Also: res-, ra- and -sette, -cet(t, -sept; -sat(t(e, -catt; -sit; -sutt; risset. [ME and e.m.E. recet (1297), resset (c1350), -cette (1450), OF recet (Chanson de Roland), L. recept- (see Reset(tv.).]See the note to Resait n.In all the main senses, chiefly or only Sc. after c1450.

I. 1. A place of accommodation, shelter or refuge; a haunt or usual residence. = Resait n. 9.Also in fig. context.(1) 1375 Barb. v 415.
He … is furth with his menȝe gayne Till his resett
c1420 Wynt. ii 1427.
Thai … maid in strayttys thare reset
Ib. iii 318.
Quhen the Phylisteis … Wyst he had thare his resset [etc.]
Ib. v 5217.
Thare fyrst Saynt Serffe tuk hys reset
Ib. vii 3235.
The kyng … made in Edynbrowch his reset A qwhylle wyth his Qwene Margret
1513 Doug. vii viii 54.
The deir, so dedly woundit … Onto his kynd resset can fleyng hame
Ib. x xiv 197.
The Latynys and Rutilian ost … Withdrew thame to thar raset in affray
1531 Bell. 1531 Boece (M) I 141.
The Ile of Man … was … generall ressett of all pepill that … haittit the Romanis
a1540 Freiris Berw. 510 (B).
Thairfoir thow turs thé to thyne awin ressett
fig. 1533 Boece 87.
Gillus the cruell tyran of sa mony evill dedis the receptakill and resett
(2) 1375 Barb. x 139.
At Lythkow wes than a pele … reset To thaim that … Fra Edynburgh wald to Strewelyn ga
1424 Acts II 6/2.
In all burowis townys … and thruchtfaris … that thar be ordanyt hostilaris and resette [Skene receipters] haifande stabillis and chawmeris to ridaris and gangaris
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 38.
Resset couth thai find none That suld thair bute bene
1608 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 113.
The dismoleisheing of all sic houssis … that may be ayd or ressett to ony fugitiue rebell
(3) ?14.. Ship Laws c. 25 (B).
The maystyr is haldyn to … get hym [sc. a sick seaman] a hows and a recept [Balfour Pract. 615, ane house and ane resset or ludging and chamer] and candyl
1513 Doug. xiii vi 190.
And I … Ane new resset and wight wallys sall beld
1533 Boece 130.
This ile … was ane resett quhare fugitivis had recurs
1582–3 Reg. Privy C. III 557. 1629 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. III 316.
The castell … formerlie wes a recept to the rebellis
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 180.
What ane house that is now become, to wit, ane resett of all mischeife, reif, and spoile!
(4) 1610 Aberd. B. Rec. II 304.
Ail houssis … which ar the ressittis of the idill wagabundis and beggaris

2. A place of shelter for a ship; a harbour.?14.. Ship Laws c. 14 (B).
A yhong man is ladysman of a schyp and is hyryt to bryng it to the recept
Ib. c. 18.
Qwhen the schip is cummyn to recept than [etc.]
c1575 Balfour Pract. 621. 1593 Acts IV 35/1.
The … heavin of Pitirheid … hes bene in all tymes … ane veray commodious recept for schippis and boittis

II. 3. A person who affords shelter to a fugitive, esp. one proscribed by the law; a resetter (of a criminal); a receiver of stolen property. = Resait n. 10.Also person resept, a resetter.(1) c1475 Wall. ii 17.
This gentill man was full oft his resett
1552 Reg. Privy C. I 130.
Gif he beis fugitive and passis to his nychbour knawing him fugitive for that cause, the resett of him sall pay the xx lib.
1570 Sat. P. xi 97.
Lat all that fische be trapt in net, Was counsall, art, part, or reset, … Or ȝit with helping hand him met
1641 Acts V 713/2.
That circuit courts of justiciarie also be established … yeirlie for tryell and punisching of all theiffis sorneris robberis and ressetts tharof
1610 Inverurie B. Ct. 26 Feb.
Quhatsumeuir persone … recept interteine or sell maitt or drink … the persone resept or seller mait or drink … salbe presentlie poyindit for ten pundis mone
(2) 1583–4 Inverness Rec. I 294.
Edward said he wald the theiff and the rasett war hangit

III. 4. Refuge, shelter, succour.Chiefly, to get, or to have, resett.1456 Hay I 246/26.
Ony man that gevis outhir resset or favoure to Goddis inymyes
1528 Douglas Corr. 132.
Traisting fermlie I wil get na reset, help or suple
1535 Stewart 9424.
Sailland to seik quhair tha mycht get resset
Ib. 46418.
Onto … Air … he fled, Traistand thairin for to get sum resett
1539 St. P. Henry VIII V 162.
Within ony part of oure realme, quhair … ȝour rebellis fugitivez may have recept
1603 Reg. Privy C. VI 526.
The patrocinie, ressett, conforte, and supplee quhilk the criminallis ressaves amang thair … favouraris
1612 Inverness Rec. II 90.
All lipper fokis sall be sequestrat and not sufferit to hawe recet in any publict company
1628 Aberd. B. Rec. III 24.
Nor na … papistis be sufferit to hawe resset or beild within the said burght
1685 Scot. Proclam. in London Gazette No. 2032/3.
To the end the said … rebels may have no reset, harbour [etc.] … from any of the subjects of this our realm

IV. 5. The act or fact of receiving or being received; receipt. = Resait n. 1. a. Of money. b. Of goods, animals, etc. c. Of letters or documents.a. 1487 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 366.
1490 Acta Conc. I 174/1.
Absenting of him fra the takin and reset of … fyftj merkis
1492 Highland P. II 192.
Ay ande quhil we … cum mekle to the resat of the saide soume
1564 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 13.
The quhilk day the haill kirk conwinit for the reset of the puris silver
1574 Prot. Bk. G. Fyiff 6b.
Johne … offerit the same [money] to … ony vtheris haffand power to the resett thairof
c1575 Balfour Pract. 453.
The place appointit for the recept of the money
1608 Inverurie B. Ct. 9 May.
And to receawe the said Mr. James tickett on the resept thairof
1641 S. Leith Rec. 36/1.
The maisters of the said hospetall to give an dischairg at the reset of the money
(b) 1563 Dumfries B. Ct. fol. 208.
Anents the result of ten punds … resawit be hir
b. 1491 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 327.
Eftyr the deliuerans and rasat of the said bell
1544 Aberd. B. Rec. I 209.
The ressett of this woll vnderwritten
1551 Treas. Acc. X 20.
In drink silver at the resett of ane mulate propinit to my lord
1556 Reg. Cupar A. II 262.
In takin of his confessioun of the resset of the cornis, oxin [etc.] … our signet is affixit
1570–1 Rec. Earld. Orkney 132.
Gif thai vilhef the tua houssis befor the dur, to pa the gud wiff befor the raset tharof
1589 Reg. Privy C. IV 420.
The tickatt subscryvit be him upoun the resset of the … jewell
1623 Dalyell Darker Superst. 126.
Efter the recept quhairof [sc. a plateful of corn] scho gaid furth of the house
1627 Aberd. Council Lett. I 269.
On the ressett of sex demiculveringis
1641 Acts V 429/2.
To delyver the saidis horsse and armes to the saidis owneres … ther recept of them being laufullie provine
1657 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 169.
Master Robert Downey, keeper of the said bibliothek, hes grantit the recept of the samen [books]
1661 Elgin Rec. II 293.
Elspet Smith … denyes all except only the recept of the stone in pand of tuo dollors
c. (1) 1543 St. P. Henry VIII IV ii 348.
Aftir the rescett of thir our letters
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 75.
Aftir the resett of thame [supra writingis] be yow
1545 Douglas Corr. 156.
1586 Cal. Sc. P. VIII 524.
At the recepte of such letteris as he ressavit
1618 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 307.
Vpoun the ressett of the tua pacquettis
1689 Rep. Menzies MSS 25.
Fail not vpon recepte hereof to send towards the enemy for sure intelligence
(2) 1583 Wedderb. Compt Bk. 38.
Ane discharge maid … on the resset of certain evidentis
1587 Ib. 39.
On the recept of ane contract matrimoniall
1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I 329.
Upon your recept of this acquittance subscryvit [etc.]

d. The act or practice of receiving stolen property; freq., resett of thift. = Resait n. 1 e. Also personified.(1) c1500 Rowll Cursing 280 (M).
Resset or stouth of wickit geir
1529–30 Edinb. B. Rec. II 19.
The thiftuis resset of ane kirtill
1570–1 Canongate Ct. Bk. 305.
For ony allegit resset of ony gold money guddis or geir intromettit with ony wayis be hir
1589 St. A. B. Ct. 5 Sept.
The said Magnus … confessit the recept of the … quart aquavite
1610 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. II 157.
For the recept of the thifteous fangis of George Duthie
1677 Corshill Baron Ct. 140.
Hendrie … confest the recept of the said peuther
(2) 1501 Acta Conc. III 102.
His hienes will nocht geif remissions … for … commone resset of thift
1557 Reg. Cupar A. II 143.
Give ony of thame be apprehendit with thift, resset of thift, or sornaris [etc.]
1571 Montgomery Mem. II 208.
They salhaue a remitt … except … [for the] revissing of wemen, thift, ressett of thift [etc.]
c1575 Balfour Pract. 567. 1595 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 79.
Ȝe ar inditit to be ane commone theif and for outfang and infang and resset of thift
1602 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 9.
To quyt himselff of the ressett of the said stowth with the twelter aithe
1603 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. II 25.
Indytit for commoune theiffis & briganes recept of thift infang & outfang [etc.]
1636 Rep. Menzies MSS 40.
A notorious theefe who … hes lived … vpon thift resset of thift pylkerie and oppressioun
1674 Justiciary Ct. Rec. II 270.
The crimes of theft and resett of theft are punishable by death
1697 Justiciary for Securing the Peace of the Highlands.(3) 1554 Duncan Laideus Test. 151.
personified Recept that oft tuik in mony ane fang Wes portar

e. Letteris, etc. of resett, an acknowledgment of money or goods received.(1) c1610 Skene in Misc. Stair Soc. I 153.
The quantitie of the bulyeoune delyverit in to the cunyiehous according to the letteris of recept of the master cunyeour
(2) 1613 Orkney Rentals App. 94.
Butter, payit be the commounes to the butter buith, as Robert Chalmer his scroll of ressett beirs
1642 House Gordon II 462.
Tickett of recept
1650 Irvine Mun. II 75.
Provyding the notts of rescepts that I have given … be maid null
1661 Laing MSS I 287.

6. The admission of a person a. To custody. Also, letteris of resett, document(s) stating that the bearer is to be admitted to ward or custody. Cf. 10 b below. = Resait n. 3 a. b. To (in) a university or service.a. (1) 1479 Acta Conc. I 48/2.
Lettres to be writin to the capitane and connestable of the Blacnes for his ressat
1581 Dunbar Moray Doc. 98.
And receive our said letters for ther recept in ward within our said castell
1614 Inverness Rec. II 128.
The jayllar to be anserabil for his reset and custodie
(2) 1328 Exch. R. I 120.]
[Per literas suas de recepto … per literam de recepto
1499–1500 Acta Conc. II 387.
[The defender … to enter prisoner in the Castle of Blaknes] … that he pas til the Secretar and tak his letters of ressat thairapone
1569 Reg. Privy C. II 65.
Letters … to … charge the said … provest … and … baillies … to … entir thair personis in ward … and that the officiaris executouris of the saidis letters deliver unto thame letters of recept for this effect
b. 1571–2 Reg. Privy C. II 108.
The forme of the ayth to be gevin be the persoun … the tyme of thair recept in the universitie
1665 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 214.
The number of fourtein as this burghs proportione imposit for his maiesties present service at sea and to delyuer the said haill number [of seamen] to … others appoyntit for recept thereof

7. The act of harbouring, or giving shelter to, a person. = Resait n. 4.1533 Bell. Livy II 95/32.
Quhiddir the tovne of Fidena … war mare ganand for ressett of thare battell
1535 Acts II 346/1.
That euery landit man … sall big ane sufficient barmkyn … for the ressett and defens of him his tennentis and thar gudis in trublous tyme
1572 Sat. P. xxxvi 48.
Our antecessouris … oft tymes baid the hasard of the weir, For the resset and succouring of straingeris
1574 Reg. Privy C. II 391.
To caus the said hous be theikkit and reparit for the ressett of the said lipperfolk
Ib. 402.
Ane hospitall … for the harbring and ressett of the puyr and impotent personis of [Aberdeen]
1618 Conv. Burghs III 60.
Thair is na innes nor houssis for ressett of straingers

b. specif. The harbouring of an undesirable person or persons, chiefly as proscribed by the law. = Resait n. 4 b.(1) c1475 Wall. iv 715.
Thai gart tak that woman … Accusyt hyr sar of resset in that cas
1505–6 Crim. Trials I i 105.
A remitt … for all actioun and cryme … of the resset, and supple, intercommonyn with the saidis rebellis
1527 Reg. Privy S. I 556/2.
His tresonable ressett and intercommoning with Alexander Forestar and his complicis
1567 Acts III 32/1.
That nane … gif thame meit, drink, resset, mantenance, or supplie in thair thifteous deidis
1584 Reg. Privy C. III 697.
[None to] ressave in herbry … ony maner of persoun … except within the space of ane hour eftir the ressatte thay gif the name of the persoun and duelling-place to the commissar
1595–6 Aberd. Council Lett. I 62.
We fand caution … for the non ressett, supplie, and intercommuning with the Erll of Huntlie
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 287.
Anent the recept, supplie and intercomuneing with rebells
1637 Justiciary Cases I 284.
Bot thair sall be nather law norpretick fund that quhair such a violent … recept is as is qualifiet heir
1685 Nat. Reg. Archives (Ewart Lib., Dumfries) 33.
As if they were evidently guilty of notor resett
(2) 1529 Armstrong Hist. Liddisdale 269.
Ony crime … sic as tresoune, … hame sukin, ressett of rebellis at the horne [etc.]
1531 Edinb. B. Rec. II 54.
Gyf ony burgesses … uses the resett of sic vnfremen of the said craft [etc.]
1535 Stewart 2000.
For his recet quhat wes the pane of law
1543 Reg. Privy S. III 57/1.
For the thiftuis ressett of Robert Logane and his complices
1554 Treas. Acc. X 242.
Resset of rebellis
1567–8 Inverness Rec. I 159.
The assys hes fyndyn Jame McFayll in amerciament for resset of his serwand
1570 Leslie 53.
All ayde and ressett of ennemies or rebellis suld be avoidit
1575 Orkney Oppress. 10.
Compelling the countrymen [pr. countryman] of Zetland to pay great composition for the alleged resset of Matthew Sinclair
1592 Crim. Trials I ii 278.
For the tressounable ressett within his place of Abirdour of Frances sumtyme Erll Bothuell
1614 Ib. III 284.
1682 Bk. Carlaverock I 404.
Be pleased … to convein … old Lady Holme … for resett of ministers and feild conventicles
(b) 1620 Whitelaw Sc. Arms Makers 189.
Being found to the risset of vagabounds and unfreemen in his buith [etc.]
(3) 1588 in T. Morris Provosts of Methven (1875) 75.
Nor na vtheris of his causing, sending, hounding oute, command, ressett, assistance, and ratihabitioun
1626 Justiciary Cases I 41. 1642 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 38. 1699 Misc. 3 Spald. C. II 101.
And others of their … resett [etc.]

c. Admission to one's house for immoral purposes.1589–90 St. A. Kirk S. 657.
Sche that wes delatit for keping of ane oppin hous in the silence of the nicht … and resett of young men

8. The acceptance of a non-material thing, as a financial statement, a command or answer, etc. = Resait n. 5.1560 Bk. Disc. 184.
A charge … commanding us [etc.]. … Upone the recept quhairof … [we] did convene
1565–6 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 39.
The ressat of the pur silver compt
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1804) 229.
The ambassador, eftir the ressett of this answere, returnit to the Regent, quhair they consultit togidder for a … remeid

V. 9. The amount of money, or quantity of material, received. = Resait n. 6.(1) 1534–5 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 130.
Thair haill resett sen the last compt … extendis to [etc.]
1559 Inverness Rec. I lxxxi.
[Sued … for] a resett of vii dakyr benokis conforme to his merchand byll
1603 Montgomery Mem. II 245.
The reset of the hell mony I resauit from my coming to Ingland
(b) 1560–1 Edinb. Old Acc. II 142.
The distrubutioune of the Eistland burdis: … sic eque, ressat and delyuerance
1567 Bk. Old Edinb. C. VI 83.
Compt and reknan … be James Ingles of his rasat and depursing
(2) 1473 Treas. Acc. I 14.
Thingis tane be the thesaurar … and deliuerit …, as his buke of ressat beris

VI. 10. A written receipt for money or goods. = Resait n. 7. b. A receipt for a person taken into custody. Cf. sense 6 a above.1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I 340.
The present … gressome quhilk the mylnis payes according to the laitt recept thairof
1644 Inverness Rec. II 186.
And to be comptable for the samen to the Consell according to thair resset
1650 Dunbar Moray Doc. 127.
1000 bolls … of meall [etc.] … took the said Comissarie Nimmo his servants recepts thereupon
1659 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 180.
Which books abouewretin the counsell ordanit to be delyuerit to the master of the gramar scooll, and that his recept be takin thervpon
1679 Inverness Rec. II 281.
The hawers of his resetts on the said wrytts to restore the samen to him
1681 Irvine Mun. II 294.
1684 Misc. Maitl. C. III 157.
To his servants for writing the recepts to bring in our rents
1686 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 103.
The saids wreats … to be delyvered up to his curators upon inventair and recept
b. 1685 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XI 60.
Receave back your recept you sent of the entrie of the mother, in lew quharof send me ane recept of the daughters entrie

VII. 11. lit. and fig. A prescription; (a) remedy. = Resait n. 8.1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 132.
That thair was na recept culd serve aganis feir
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 845 (W).
He knawis the ground of all thy griefe, And recepts to for thy reliefe
1629 Black Sc. Witches 13.
Its nottour … that for recept of eye called the styan [etc.]



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