A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
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Reset(t, v. Also: res-, ra(s)- and -cett, -cept; -sat(t. P.t. and p.p. -set(t, -cet, -cept, -sat, etc.; and -set(t)it, -ceptit. [ME and e.m.E. recette(n (1297), reset (1436), recepte (c1470; rh. mette), OF receter, recetter (c1125 in Tobler-Lommatzsch), L. receptāre, f. recept-, p.p. stem of recipere Resait v.]
1. tr. To harbour or shelter (a person). b. Chiefly, To harbour (a law-breaker, or other person regarded as undesirable) in breach of a law or without obtaining official permission to do so. = Resait v. 1.See also resett and resave, Resav(e v. 14 (5).(1) 14.. Acts I 55/2.
pres. That thai suld nothir resset na harbry theyffis … na murthiraris [etc.] 1456 Hay I 246/28.
He dois again the precept of the kirk … to favour na resset the inymyes of the faith 1500 Edinb. B. Rec. I 83.
Na maner of master … to hous, harber or resett any vther master's prentice or servand 1509 Justiciary Rec. II 144.
Gif thair be ony [that] resettis, supleis, or intercomonis with the kingis rebellis 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 891. 1531 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 5 Nov.
Jenot Lauson wes banist the towne for pykrie and at na man raset hir 1563–4 Inverness Rec. I 114.
That na man … harber or rassett ony beggar bot he or scho that hes the townes mark a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 433/36.
Thair is that sum man did resett With mett and claythis hes him bet 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 133b.
All they quha menteines, or resettes him, are mensworne Ib. 145b.
Na man … suld set their houses … to hures … or resett them 1616 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 72 (27 March).
That thaj war not honest that wold reset him or giff him intertamiment 1647 Peebles B. Rec. I 382.
That … nane of thame ressett ony trouperis or dragoneris without speciall licence 1648 Elgin Rec. II 262.
These that resets travaillers or pakers one anie Satterday at night that they let the ministers know or they go out of the toune on the Saboth 1664 Sc. Ant. I 40.
That none … resett or give meit and drinke unto the said Janet 1675 Forbes Baron Ct. 299.
No laborer … sall recett nor giue anie hadin to anj … idle persons 1687 Shields Hind Let Loose 222.
With inhibition to all to reset, conceal, or correspond with any that had escaped 1698 Stitchill Baron Ct. 135.
Sir John Pringle … dischairges all residenters … to resett harbour intertain or give almes any manner of way to any poor people whatsoever that goe from place to place for charity(b) 1525 Aberd. B. Rec. I 113.
That na maner of person … ressat or lugis ony maner of personis without the prowest lischence 1536–7 Treas. Acc. VI 310.
Chargeand the wardanis … nocht to ressatt Inglismenne(c) 1599 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 170.
That nane recept hir onder the former pane 1643 Banff Ann. I 90.
That na burges … shall … tak in nor recept … any landward wright, aixman [etc.] c1650 Spalding I 6.
That none sould recept supplie or intertyn onie of thame a1651 Calderwood V 319.
That he nather recept … traffiquing papists, nor solist for them 1660 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 267.
To dischairge all the inhabitants … to recept the said Barbara … by and attour the imprisonment of the recepteris persones 1669 Glasgow B. Rec. III 122.
If ever her husband recept her heirafter 1670 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 261.
That no inhabitant … sould recept, supplie, intertaine or furnish meat or drink to … papists or quakers 1691 Cullen Kirk S. 12 April.p.t. 1531 Bell. 1531 Boece I 87.
The said Romanis … resset his rebellis 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 3.
The captane of the castell … resett Pherniherst, and sent him fourth at the posterne yat a1578 Pitsc. II 138/7.
[He] causit him to be put to the horne and siclyke thame that resett him a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1804) 44.
Shoe resett and harbarit … the maist capitall enemies that euershoe hade 1684 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. XXXVI 139.
William Wilson … [was] interrogat … if he knew of any that resset rebells 1690 Shields Grievances and Sufferings 9.
Souldiers … stripped them who reset the fugitivesp.p. 1375 Barb. ix 283.
Till Ingland fled [they] … And war resett [C. resettit] with the king 1397 Acts I 208/1.
The schiref … in quhais schirefdome he is reset c1420 Wynt. vi 2530 (W).
Thocht he … till arife in the empyre To be resset with his grantschire 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1635.
I saw … how thay war resset … Be Quene Dido 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1641 (B).
The merchandmen thay haive resset [Ch. resauit] Dissait 1605 Glasgow B. Rec. I 231.
That na manir of cadger travellouris be reset out of ony of the saidis placis 1606 Stewart Mem. 116.
The saidis rebellis remanit … within the saidis boundis of Athoill, resett, huirdit, furneist and intertenyed be the personis … abonewrittin 1615 Crim. Trials III 373.
Ressett, hurdit, keipit close, with thair horssis and provisioun, be the … staibler 1683 Wodrow MSS 4to XXXVII No. 6.
Have yee reset ore conversed with any of the rebells 1685 Lauder Observes 217.(b) 1684 Meikle Old Session Bk. 88.
Severall persons … that have recept lewd vagabonds 1686 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 22.
[He] refuises to answer to the questions put to him anent … where he hes bein recept since his returne(2) c1515 Asl. MS I 304/19.
Thar is Segor a litill cite that reset Loth tornyng out of Sodome 1570 Sat. P. xviii 35.
Edinburgh [etc.] … reset nane of thay lownis … that did his body keill
c. To receive (within, in, intill a place, or in a community).1386 Rot. Sc. II 85/2.
That nane … sal change fays or be receptit in others bondys 14.. Acts I 347/2.
That na baroun [etc.] … sall resset ony mysdoar uithin ther lordschippis 1468 Peebles B. Rec. I 159.
Quhat nychtbur that rasettis playaris at the dys … in hys hows [etc.] 1529 Edinb. B. Rec. I 13.
And diuerse personis … reparis and ar ressett within this toune 1533 Bell. Livy I 40/15.
Thai war ressett within the portis and wallis of thare toun 1539 St. P. Henry VIII V 162.
Our evill subjectis fleing of our realme ar indifferentlie recept and kepit in ȝour realme 1562 Fam. Rose 239.
Gif we heir tell that ony … rebellis beis ressett within your boundis 1570 Leslie 66.
And nocht to be resett thaireftir thairintill 1576 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 18b.
Anent sornaris rebellis and thevis that thai be not recept or culȝeit in the cuntray 1608 Inverurie B. Ct. 13 May.
That all seruandis being fund wagabund … nocht to be recept be ony within the towne at ludging nor meitting 1631 Elgin Rec. II 217.
It is publisched that no inhabitant be reset in any ostadge within the toun efter ten houris at nicht 1642 Ib. I 272. 1675 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. IV 444.
The said Lord Cardros and his lady still resett him in ther family 1692 Cramond Kirk S. III 14 July.
Considering that the poores boxe is burdened with strangers resett in this paroch, who are not able to maintain themselves
2. To receive (a person) (in a specified manner); to welcome. b. To receive or admit (to a state or condition).1460 Hay Alex. (S.T.S.) 4004.
And Alexander with gud chere thame ressett … and gratiously thaim grete 1513 Doug. vii ix 81.
That sik forloppyn Troianys … Suld thankfully be resset 1625 Garden
His banish'd foes he pleasantlie recepts [: intreats] 1625 Kings 33.b. 1578–9 Bk. Carlaverock I 242.
Na fugitives … salbe takin in or ressett to peax quhill [etc.]
c. To accept in a specified capacity. Const. noun compl.1648 Records of the Incorporation of Tailors of Glasgow (1872) 8.
Ten merks for ane friemans sone befoir he be resat frieman
d. To seize, take possession of (prisoners, also booty).1460 Hay Alex. (S.T.S.) 1764.
Alexander and his men resetit [: retretit] Quhat prisoneris quhat jowallis quhat riches
3. To receive, take delivery of, or keep on one's premises (a thing, also an animal, chiefly when this is stolen property, also (once) when it carries infection). b. To do this wilfully with the intention of profiting thereby. Cf. Resait v. 2 and 3.Also in fig. context.1389 in Cartulary of Cambuskenneth 260.
Ten oxin … wrangusly tane … and ȝit with the foresaid William resettit and haldin 1525–6 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 79.
Ony [men] fre or unfre takand and resetand ony kynd of stuff cumand to the merkat … quhill it present the cros 1530 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 29.
As thar is … pestilens rissin within this toune … that na … personis ressett ony personis cummand furth of Sanctandros, or ony insicht or gudis [etc.] … vnder the pane of deid c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4765.
Rome hes ressett, furth of this regioun … Quhilk mycht … haif payit a kingis ransoun 1556 Lanark B. Rec. 31.
Geif ony persone … tystis, byis, or rasettis fra ony other mannis servandis … owther aittis, beir, peis [etc.], … tha sall be bannist the toun for evir 1565 Reg. Privy C. I 336.
We … esteme thai personis that avaciouslie [sic] resettis thair gudis takin in piracie na les culpabill 1567 Inverness Rec. I 153.
Ane certan laidis of bark … pertenyng to the said Nicholl quhilk he rassat beest Ellan Worrycht 1569–70 Canongate Ct. Bk. 164.
Thai had resset in thair hows ane barrell beif [etc.] … stowne furth of my Lord Justice Clerkis hous 1601 Crim. Trials II 341.
Ye … thifteouslie stall, stouthfullie reft, ressett and away-tuik nyne pair of scheitis 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 18.
Qvha resets theift stollen fra anie man: he salbe estemed as ane common theif 1634 Misc. Spald. C. V 225.
Whatsumeuer brouster within the grund sall recept or sell aill to any of the lairds domestik servands [etc.] 1675 Edinb. B. Rec. X 240.
Seaverall persones … is knowen frequentlie to recept stollin work 1680 Kirkintilloch B. Ct. 105.
All yairne [etc.] … shall first present the merccat and no persone to resett it in their housefig. a1658 Durham Commandments (1676) 265.
Thus one inventeth a lye, another venteth and outeth it, and a third resetteth it, like coyners, spreaders and resetters of false money
c. To receive (money) as wages or salary.1668 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 174.
[The schoolmaster was given 40 merks] by and attour what he recet formerly
4. absol. or intr., in senses 1 and 3 above.c1499 Prestwick B. Rec. 36.
That na man … herbry, intromet na reset be nycht or day … & at the sergeand … serche the toune for … folkis herbreyt 1551 Elgin Rec. I 111.
That na persoun resett betuyx mercattis in howsis and sell the samyn within the said hous vnder the payne of escheting of the vittuallis