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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Salmond, -mound, -mo(u)nt, -mon, n. Also: -monde, -mownd, -mund, -monte, -mant; sallmond, -mont; saumond, sawmound; samont, samone. [ME and e.m.E. salmoun (13..), samoun (1387), samon (1387), samown (a1400), salmon (1515), OF salmun, salmon, saumon (1138, 1175 in Larousse), L. salmōn-.]

1. (A) salmon.Also coll., and uninfl. pl.1375 Barb. xix 664 (C).
In-till the luge a fox he saw, That fast can on a salmond [E. salmound] gnaw
Ib. 685 (E).
He his gud salmound had tynt
a1500 Henr. Fab. 751, 753.
Ga doun, schir Kid, cum vp schir Salmond agane, Quhill he wes deid … and off that new-maid salmond eit anewch
1512 Facs. Nat. MSS III x.
For ane keypyr salmont xx d.
1578 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 63. 1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Salmo, a salmond
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 77.
Ane kind of fish the quantitie and shape of ane salmond without skaills
?1613 W. Alexander Doomes-day iii 583 (J).
That salmond fresh … May then be had, boil'd
1657 Glasgow B. Rec. II 373.
Aught penneis for the taile of ane litle salmont
1696 Cramond Kirk S. IV 21 June.
Alexander Linn … & others … broke the Lord's day lately by killing a salmond
proverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS No. 884.
I cannot liv on the air I am no salmond
coll. and uninfl. pl. 14.. Acts I 304/2.
Of a hundreth salmond
1469 Ib. II 96/2.
Salmonde, grils, and trowtis
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2126.
Ane syde off salmond
1478 Acts II 119/2.
That in time to cum all salmonde be pakit in barellis of the mesure of Hamburgh
1487 Ib. 178/2, 179/1.
That the barell bind of salmond suld kepe … the assise … of xiiij gallonis & nocht to be mynyst vnder the pain of eschete of the salmond
1491–2 Acta Conc. I 209/2.
That the said salmond war thare propir gudis
1494 Reg. Cupar A. I 243.
A schot in the wattir of Tay for salmond
1497 Halyb. 46.
The oncostis of this salmond [supra 12 barellis of trowtts]
Ib. 182.
Rasauit out off that samyn schip 16 barell off salmond and 6 br. off trottis
A last of sallmond
1498 Ib. 177.
A barell salmond and an of gryssyllis
1515 Treas. Acc. V 21.
xxxij salt salmond
1531 Bell. Boece I xliii.
Als sone as thir salmond cumis to the lin, thay leip
Ib. lix (see Currok n.). 1533 Boece 232. 1543 Reg. Privy S. III 67/1.
The custumes of salmond aucht … be utheris
c1575 Balfour Pract. 543.
Ȝoung salmond, smoltis, or the fry of ony uther kind of fish of the sea
a1578 Pitsc. I 337/8.
Deliecat fisches, as sallmond, troutis and perches
1594 Edinb. Test. XXVI 268.
Thrie barrellis northland salmond
a1595 Descr. Isles MS 23.
Salmond … are slane with teeis or bastounis
Ib. 29.
In all the small burnis of this ile are multipill of salmond
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 106.
Delyuerit unto him, in a cloute, four cuttis of salmond
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 138.
That they sall not slay any salmond in forbidden time
1619 Argyll Rentals I 6.
5 dozen grylsis 5 dozen grit salmond
1698 Marchmont 183.
[Bill of Fare]: Coulard salmond
1699 Foulis Acc. Bk. 256.
5 cast of whitins 6 sh., a chyne of salmond 5 sh.
(b) 1473 Acts II 105/2.
Salmound keling and vtheris fischis
1482 Edinb. Chart. 168.
Grete fisch as keling stokfisch leyngis salmound and sic lyke fisch vnbaralit
1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 106.
All the salmound thay may gett
1522 Aberd. Pynours 59.
Othir salmound or ony uther merchandice
1548–9 Treas. Acc. IX 288.
Alexander Forstar, messinger, to pas and arreist certane salmound
1552 Soc. Ant. II 414.
c1575 Balfour Pract. 212.
Anent the selling of salmound out of the realme
1594 Aberd. Council Lett. I 60. 1644 Glasgow B. Rec. II 67.
Act anent the breking of salmound … Nather sall it be leasum to him to cutt the salmound above the crumbe or any pairte therof
(c) 1484 Acta Conc. I 108*/2.
1512 Household Bk. Jas. IV 2a.
ii salmont
1532 Exch. R. XVI 552.
For ane barrell of sallmont
1596 Dalr. I 50/23, 24.
The hie salmonte haueng castne the meltis and the sche salmonte the rounis
Ib. 100/8. ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1884) 38.
Within this ile ther is gud take of salmant
1644 Glasgow B. Rec. II 67.
In taking … exorbitant pryces for the tails of salmount
1657 Ib. 373.
Williame Stirling wha was … appoyntit to breck the salmount
(d) 1518 Edinb. B. Rec. I 179.
1542 Elgin Rec. I 72. 1581 Ib. 159.
The teynd salmon of the thre coblis of Innerspey
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 138b.
It is not lesome to slay salmon fra the feast of the Assumption … vntil the feast of Sanct Androw
(e) 1434 Aberd. B. Rec. I 391.
That na fischar of sawmound [etc.]
1508 Rentale Dunkeld. (SHS) 3.
1534–5 Wigtown B. Ct. fol. 297b.
The takyne of mvsyllis vylkis & samont
1594 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 3a.
For our part of ane barell samone was geuene to the quens schepes xxx s.
1598 Ib. 11a. 1608 Irvine Mun. II 47.
That na samont be packit in hogitis bot in barellis
infl. pl. 1375 Barb. ii 579.
He wrocht Gynnys, to tak geddis & salmonys
14.. Acts I 109/2.
Watteris quhar … the ȝong salmondis or smoltis … cumis
1398 Ib. 212/1.
All maner of imposicion set apon the saumondis

2. attrib. and comb.With Fischar(e n. 1, Fischer n., Makar n., Pakkar n.1 q.v.; Cobill n. 1, Net n. 1; Fat n.1 1, Kist n. 2, tre; Bind n. 2, Draucht n. 6, Gage n.2, stok, taking; Compt n.1 1, Custom(e n. 2, trade; tail; Lope n., leap; and see Salmond-barrel(l, -fisch(e, etc., below.(1) 14.. Acts I 334/2.
Off the chalance of salmon fyscharis
1580 Conv. Burghs I 100.
The said salmon pakkeris
1616 Aberd. Council Lett. I 136.
Upoun all actiouns … betuixt quhyt fischeris amongis thame selffis or amongis salmound fischeris
1642 St. A. Presb. 7.
Thomas Lennox and Johne Wanne, salmond fishers in the paroch of Leuchars
1644 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 15.
The vnlawes of salmund makers
1644 Rec. Old Aberd. II 19.
The salmond fishers of both the cavels of Don
(2) 1576 Glasgow B. Rec. (MC) 53.
That na … salmond cobles be lauborit [etc.]
1639 Acts V 597/1.
Act anent … inlarging the meisheis of salmond nettis
c1641–54 J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 560.
Men ar able to wade therin, following the salmond cobills and helping the killing of the fishe
(3) 1532 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 110.
For sawin of thre wanscot to be salmond kystis
For makin of viii salmond kystis
1540 Acta Conc. & Sess. MS XIII 119b.
Ane meill ark and ane salmond fatt
1584 Acts III 302/2.
And that all salmound treis, hering treis and quheit fish treis … salbe of the measure … foirsaid
(4) 1581 Conv. Burghs I 115.
That thair be na diuersity in the salmond bind
1596 Dalr. I 15/18.
To this toune is priuelege of salmonte takeng
1636 Retours I Inq. Spec. Argyll (57).
Salmonum piscaria lie salmond-draught
1657 Glasgow B. Rec. II 371.
To have charge of the salmownd stok and breking of the samyne
(5) 1599 Glasgow B. Rec. I 200 marg.
Statute for the commonweill anent the salmount custome
1629 Argyll Rentals I.
Strathachie draucht salmond compt maid day ȝeir & place forsaidis
c1680 Fountainhall in Sc. Lore 83.
The salmond trade, now decayed
(6) 1644 Glasgow B. Rec. II 67.
That he had taken greater pryces for the salmount tails nor is allowit
(7) 1596 Dalr. I 51/22 (see Lope n.). 1644 J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 581.
Heir is a great salmond leap commonlie cald a linn

b. Salmon laxis.1488 Acta Conc. I 89/1 (see Lax n.)

c. Salmon-grilses (Grilse n.), -grisses (Griss n. q.v.), -smoults (Smolt n.)16.. Archibald in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. III 194 (see Lyth(e n.2). 1701 Brand Orkney & Shetl. 32.
Some trouts and salmon-gilses are found in it [sc. the Loch of Stennis]
1706 Corshill Baron Ct. 212.
Killing of … salmond smoults in forbidden seasones

d. Fisch-salmond, cf. Salmond-fisch(e.1498 Reg. Privy S. I 24/1.
Foure seme of salmond fisch, ilk seme contenand 13 fisch salmond



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