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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Satisfy, Satify, v. Also: satys-, sattis-, sat(t)es-; sati-, saty-, sate- and -fie, -fye, -ffie, -f(f)é, -fei; seteisffé; setifé. [Late ME and e.m.E. satisfye (Lydgate), satisfied p.p. (1433), satysfy (1455–6), satisfy (1529), also satefie (c1475), satify (c1555), OF satisfier (Hatz.-Darm.), also satefier, sattifier (1294 in Larousse), L. satisfacere.]

I. With reference to debt or obligation.

1. tr. a. To pay (what is owed or due)(to another), to discharge (a debt), to pay (a fee, expenses or the like); to fulfil (an obligation) (to another); to comply with (a request or demand).(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 836 (Ch.).
Thy air … Haif he thy gude, he takis bot small tent To execute, to do, to satisfie Thy letter will, thy det, and legacie
1580–1 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 196.
The haill kirk annuellis and kirk rentis of this burgh is nocht habill to satisfie and pay the ministeris stipendis
1594 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 314.
Bring … sic … allabast as salbe sett doun … quhilk we sall not faill to se defrayed and satisfeit to your gude contentment
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 98.
A decreit of removeing is sufficientlie satisfied if the partie find caution to remove
Ib. 116.
Be the practique of Scotland, the maills and dewties of the lands should be first satisfied
1648 Inverness Rec. II 198.
To exact for ilk staine's weying of inbrocht guidis … four pennies … and the pryces to be satisfeit be him quha sall requeir the service
1672 Bk. Old Edinb. C. VI 112.
Jeane Millar aristed … ay and whill shee satisfie the jayl fies
(b) 1601 Conv. Burghs II 107.
The … commissioneris of burrowis … promitis to satife and fulfill the said act
(2) 1594 Facs. Nat. MS III lxxv.
The said Jhone … sall … cancell and destroy this present contract as a full discherg of ather of thair pairtis honestlie satisfeit and performit to vtheris
1596 Stirling Chart. 221.
Duncane Paterson … oblist him to satisfie to Jhone Tailyefeir, massoun, the soume of ijc pundis money for beiting of the brig of Inneralloun
(b) 1582–3 Perth B. Ct. 18 Jan.
Quha being suorne deponit that his said vmquhill father satefeit sez firlottis mele to the said Dauid

b. To compensate for (a financial or other loss).(a) a1578 Pitsc. I 129/15.
By that to restoir and satisfie at the leist the haill goodis and geir to everie man quhilk he had reft and taine away
(b) 1562 Peebles B. Rec. I 282.
Caidmour hes lying waist without teling … quhilkis hillis wuld haif sawin till us xviijxx bollis of aittis [etc.] … extending to the sovme of [blank] quhilk sowme we desyre to be satifyit and mendit

c. With a person as object in senses a and b above. Also const. for, of, anent(is what is owed, etc., and with the compensation offered.(1) 1555 Miss Hamilton MSS in 8th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 309/1.
[Andrew Hamilton] contentit, applesit, satisfiet and assithit plesandly the tenants and fermorers [by giving them other mailings]
1598 Acts IV 167/1.
For to inhabill thameselffis to satisfie the saidis creditouris be ingaddering of the sowme
1620 Dumbarton B. Rec. App. i 2.
David Watsonn becumes catioun for them that they sall mack their repentance and they [sc. the Session] askit them to seteisffe him undir the doubill of the paine
1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I 208.
1659 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 59.
[The moveable goods of the prisoner were ordained to be escheat and the] pairties damnified … to bee satisfied out of the first and readiest thereof
1662 Decis. Lords G 41.
Sir Andrew Dick pursues James Baillie compriser of certain lands … pertaining to Sir Andrew, to … see it found, that James was satisfied by his intromissions within the legal, and produced a rental … where-with James intrometted … he having medled at least with some of the duties from the tennents
(b) 1562-3 Winȝet I 107/24.
That sindry at this præsent … ar nocht eschameit nocht to satifie thair inferiouris … in thair deuitie of dettis
1586 Perth B. Ct. 16 Dec.
We grant ws satiffeit and payit be them in numerat money foirsaid
(2) 1565 Reg. Morton I 14.
Lett her l. be satisfeit anentis thai x chalderis victual
1566 Reg. Privy C. I 467.
That kyndlie possessouris … sould nocht be removit … without thai wer satisfiit for thair kyndnes
1570 Reg. Morton I 55.
To … aduise with him how Dauid Orme may be satisfeit anent the byganis
1573 Reg. Privy C. II 314.
The said Mr. Johne Spottiswod said the Act wald caus him be satisfeit for the foure akeris be the Bischope of Sanctandorois
a1578 Pitsc. I 83/19.
He delt thair landis and goodis to thair creditouris and complenaris quhill they war satisfieit of the thingis taine fre thame quhairof the misdoaris war convickit
1579 Edinb. Test. VII 25.
He levis … to satisfie the laird of the grund for thair tak fourty pund
1582 Reg. Privy C. III 503.
[Persons convicted are to] repair with diligence to my lord thesaurar … and compone for thair eschetis, quhairthrow the parteis may be satisfeit and thay orderlie relaxt
1626 Dundee Chart. 157.
Untill the pettie customer be satisfied of the dewties thereof
1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I 312.
Togedder with fourtie lib. for my hous maill … off the quhilkis I hald me … satisffiet
(b) 1558 Admir. Ct. Bk. (St.S) 84.
And declarit that the said James Logane satyfy thaim for thair part of the pris libellat
1562–3 Rec. Earld. Orkney 116.
Swa are thaye payit and setifeit of thar fathyre arff
1573 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 4.
Quha that enteris nocht to satifie the gude toun and fermoraris of thair dewteis to be callit the nixt law day
(3) c1575 Balfour Pract. 109.
And the air is bundin … to satisfie the woman with ane uther manse

d. To remunerate; to reimburse; to pay (a person) (in respect of wages or expenses) (for work done or services rendered).(1) 1565 Reg. Privy C. I 403.
Labourand everie man according to his craft … unto sic tyme that all the artailyearie … be … put in … ordour and the samyn being done be thame thai to be considderit and satisfiit extraordinarlie
1612 Inverness Rec. II 99.
The said Georg … to repent for the vrang and to satisfie the leich
Ib. (see 2d). 1650 Boharm Kirk S. 2 June.
The edifice of the kirk is helpit and the skletter satisfied with halff a dolor and his expenses
(2) 1599 Reg. Privy C. VI 40.
He hes … acceptit upoun him to satisfe the furniseris of his majesteis house according to thair … comptis and als to satisfie all feis accustomat to be payit be comptrollaris … and his majestie being of gude mynd that the said Sir George be satisfeit of the saidis debursmentis
1644 Inverness Rec. II 183.
The counsell … dischairgit Hew Monro … of his chairge over the brucht and ordaines that he be satisfeit of his bygane pey
(3) 1581 Conv. Burghs I 112.
Clerk, to continew … compleitting of the said buik … thae promeist to se him satisfeit for his paynis
1590 Edinb. B. Rec. V 25.
Jhonn Jhonestoun to pay to … Mr. Adam Colt, ane of the regents … the Alhallowmes terme nixtt to cum of his stipend … he satisfeand … the intrant regent in his place for the monethis service to be maid before the said terme
1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 236.
Sche haifing done pleasour to the gudwyffe of Gallowschelis, for the quhilk sche did nocht satisfie hir
1646 Inverness Rec. II 191.
The toune … did obleis him to satisfie him ane dollor ilk day for ilk day he suld remaine in the toune's imployment
1659 Dumfries Council Min. 16 May.
Thai ordayne the said William to sattisfie the pairtie for the chirurgians paynes
1663 Galloway P. 2 July.
The said earle is to satisfie the said Johne to wite for eury hors shoing [etc.]

2. To compensate for, atone for (an offence).(a) a1500 Colk. Sow ii 5.
And to satisfie my foirsaid symple dyte In recompance of it now will I wryte Of the secund penny
1567 G. Ball. 104.
Ȝour bludie boist na syith can satisfie
(b) a1568 Bell. Bann. MS I p. 4/64.
The bittir deid salbe ane sacrefice The grete offence of man to satifye

b. To satisfy the kirk, also, the discipline (of the church) (for, of an offence), to atone, by public repentance or in some other fashion, for the offence.(1) 1579 St. A. Kirk S. 439.
He sal satisfye the kirk at sic tyme as he may be lasered
1581 Ib. 465.
The sessioun … ordanis thame … to begin thair repentance upon Sonday nixttocum and thairefter to continew quhill the kirk be satisfeit
1605 Dundonald Par. Rec. 88.
Scho sall satisfie the kirk for hir relapse in fornicatioun
1606 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 8.
Thai salbe ansuerabill to satisfe the kirk for payment of the bluids and satisfeing of the parte efter tryall
1615 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 28 March.
That if the lyk be fund in him he sall satisfie according to the law both magistrat & kirk
1626 Justiciary Cases I 49.
Ordaning that scho sall satisfie the kirk as ane incestuous persone
1630 Banff Ann. II 28.
The Laird of Banf and his complishes have not yit satisfied the kirk for the slauchter of James Ogilvie
(2) 1672 Alford Rec. 185.
Confessing their sin were appoynted to satisfie the discipline of Lochell in sackcloath
1677 Inverness Presb. 79.
The elders … brings in … delinquents … and constraines them, nill they will they, to satisfie discipline

c. To discharge by atonement.1655 Stirling Ant. II 18.
That Georg Muchet should satisfie his penultie and repentance

d. To make, chiefly financial, reparation to (a person) (for, of an injury or wrong inflicted on or perpetrated against him).1538 Breadalbane Doc. No. 48 may, rather, belong in sense 1.1580 Prot. Bk. W. Cumming 248.
The said James Grant … sall satesfe Johne Grant … of all skaythis quhilk salbe … done be hyme
1612 Inverness Rec. II 99.
The judges … ordanis him to satisfie the pairtie and the leich as salbe modifiet be the judges
1614 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 165.
They ar many vther men heir who thinkis that the performyng of thir offeris war ane ware ease way to satisfe his majeste for the contempt
1677 Argyll Justic. Rec. 85.
The said pannell stoll from John Campbell … ane mart kow for which he likewayes satisfied the owner
(b) 1500 Edinb. B. Rec. I 80.
Swa that gif ony falt standis in him he to satefy the pairty sustenand the scaith
1538 Breadalbane Doc. No. 48.
The saidis Johne Campbell … hes nocht satefeit the said Archibald … tuyching ane cleme at the said Archibald hed to the landis of Stronmonessaik
1548 Crim. Trials I i 336.
That thai … sall assythe satefy and pleise Robert Cathcart … for the mutilatioune committit be thame vpoune him

3. intr. To make satisfaction, reparation, or atonement (as an offender, or for the offence).(1) 1585 St. A. Kirk S. 558.
Thai ar ordanit to be impressonit and to satisfie
1630 Fraserburgh Kirk S. II 20 Jan.
That Edward Steivin & Gilbert Watt be holdin in memorie wntill thay satisfie
1631 Strathbogie Presb. 5.
Shee … hade begune her repentance alrady, and was content to satisfie to the full
1635 Ritchie Ch. S. Baldred 241. 1646 McKay Hist. Kilmarnock 317. 1649 Moray Synod 96.
Raisers off neidfyre in the presbytrie of Strathboggie ar ordained to satisfie three days in sackcloath
1652 Cullen Kirk S. 25 July.
Compeired Jhone Williamsone & … was injoyned to satisfie in repentance
1653 Hossack Kirkwall 254.
I am glaid he is weill and come home and abll to satisfie for himself
1670 Soc. Ant. X 655.
James Jafray … to satisfy in the joges two dayes
(2) 1588 Haddington Presb. 10 July.
It wes … ordanit that the said Marioun suld satifie as adulteres in the paroche kirkis of the parochinis quhair scho faultit
1686 Boharm Kirk S. 10 Oct.
Whosoever should bleach cloath on the Sabbath day should satisfie as a fornicator
(3) 1602 Dundonald Par. Rec. 1.
That he sould satisfie for his fornicatioun … as the kirk sall inioyn to him
1628 Fraserburgh Kirk S. II 12 March.
Scho reportit that scho hade satisfeit in Rathen for hir fornicatioun with the said man
1650 Dumfries Kirk S. 4 July.
[He] is appoynted to satisfie for subscryving the act
1651 Cramond Kirk S. I.
John Robisone … being seited befor the sessione becaus he had not satisfied for his fall in fornicatione
1669 Dunblane Synod 71.
John Stirling … was ordained … to satisfie publicklie before the congregacioun … for takeing away a young woman
1678 Boharm Kirk S. 17 March.
James Rob and Alexander Rob ordained to satisfie for their troubling the church
(b) 1574 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 20.
The allegit spulȝearis and troublaris of the said Doule … may be eselie compelit to satefie for the samyn

II. With reference to feelings or needs.

4. tr. To fulfil (a person, his attributes, etc.) in respect of (of) his needs, desires, etc., to cause a person to be fulfilled or contented or satisfied in some respect; also, in the passive, to be fulfilled; to be content; to be mollified or pacified, freq. of or with what fulfils or satisfies; also, to find it sufficient, to require no more than to do something.(1) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 130/75.
Had I rewarde amang the laif, It wald me sumthing satisfie
1513 Doug. Direct. 70.
Hys twa last bukis sall swage thar fantasy Les than na resson may thame satysfy [Ruddim. satify]
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5043.
Thare is no warldly thyng at all May satysfie ane mannis saull
15.. Clar. iv 106.
This taill could nocht his mynd all satisfie
1567 G. Ball. 21.
God … Quhilk feidis vs with thy sweit word, Sen, all that ever tuke lyfe of thé, Thow satisfyis aboundantlie
a1570-86 Arbuthnot Maitl. F. 51/59.
To bawdische bourdis ȝit man I oft gif ear To satisfie ane flesch[l]e cumpanie
a1578 Pitsc. II 17/8.
Singing and iusting and rinning of great horse at the listis witht all wther kyndlie games that might satisfie the quene
1583 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 290.
Heirin we lippin to be satisfeit, our requeist being swa resonabill
a1651 Calderwood II 172.
The poore ministers … compleaned … that neither were they able to live upon the stipends allowed nor gett payment of that small portioun which was allowed. So faine would the comptroller have played a good varlett and satisfeid the queene, or elles have made up his owne profite
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. I 11.
But the incensed multitude wer as yet so litle satisfeed … that [etc.]
(b) c1515 Asl. MS I 299/10.
Nocht as diligent of thar seruice for he was evir als glorius omnipotent & satifyet as he is now
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 187/7.
Quho had all riches unto Ynd And wer not satefeit in mynd With povertie I hald him schent
1541 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 109.
Of this oure … desyre, ye will [etc.] … and that ye … induce the remanent of oure said burrois till satifie ws in this behalf to the effect aboue written
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 6181.
Bot thay salbe all satyfeit and content
1567 G. Ball. 20.
Thow opinnis furth thy hand full gratiouslie And satifyis [v.rr. satisfyis] all flesche aboundantlie
1558 Q. Kennedy Tractive 101.
Our pretence is not to satifie and delite the delicat earis of curius men
(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 211/32.
Sum wald tak all this warldis breid And ȝit not satisfeit [M. satisfeid] of thair neid
1513 Doug. v xi 11.
Iuno, … Not satisfyit [Sm., Ruddim. satyfyit, L. saturata] of hir ald fury ne wrok
1549 Compl. 134/8.
Than to be satefeit of his admiratione, he send for that ald vyif, and inquirit hyr [etc.]
a1568 Bann. MS 238b/29.
Sen that ȝe ma me satisfie of all my panis
(3) 1533 Bell. Livy I 18/23.
Thai chasit and slew ravenus beistis; and nocht satifyit [v.r. satyfeit] with sic besynes, slew
1549 Compl. 99/32.
The Samnetes nocht beand satesfit nor contentit of this ansuer
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2009.
And wes nocht satifyit nor content Off his awin regione nor his rent
a1578 Pitsc. II 35/17.
Our auld enemeis quho can never be satisfeit with thair awin, bot gif they haue thair nichtbouris to
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. I 85.
Swa that he culd newir be satisfeit of drink
1609 Wemyss of Bogie MSS.
Of the quhilkis uitenseillis, abulyements … above uritten we half us weill satisfyit
(4) 1513 Doug. viii x 52.
Scarsly kowth he satisfyit be Forto behald thir armour bryght and schene
1533 Boece 261b.
Saxons nocht satifyit to haue coverit al regions towart the ryver of Tyne with dede carions [etc.]
1692 Cramond Kirk S. III 15 Aug.
The heretors & elders present, are satisfied to holde the schoole of Leny in blench

b. With desire, cruelty, curiosity, etc., as object.(a) a1500 Henr. Fab. 836 (Ch.) (see 1 (1) above). 1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 391/20.
To conques gudis to satisfy [pr. satiffy] thair foule desyris
Id. Livy I 28/22. 1558 Q. Kennedy Tractive 229.
We wyll schaw gude wyll to satisfie thare curiositie sumpart
1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. i 716.
Magnum … implevit genitoris amorem, satisffeit the desyre of Aeneas that thoucht long efter him
1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii xxx 4 (1678) 560.
The defender … must presently find caution to satisfie [1699 satifie] the kings will
(b) 1513 Doug. v Prol. 36.
He altyrris hys style sa mony way … To satyfy ilk wightis fantasy
1531 Bell. Boece I 123.
For the Romanis wald nocht dedenye thair majeste, to satefy the desire of barbar pepill in ony othir sort
1533 Boece 327.
Id. Livy I 4/21.
Quhil be sum meretis thare ire war satifyit
Ib. 115/12.
For quhen thir pepill may nocht be gottin to satifye his cruelte, he behuffit finalie to rage on him self
1596 Dalr. II 454/22.
He requires the bischopric of Moraue to be gyuen him be the quene. The quene gentillie ansueris that how sune scho cumis to Scotland, to satifie his askeng

c. To satisfy sexually, to satiate.a1585 Maitl. Q. 254/41.
I … will bauldlie say With wyfe or maid to play the man … But for to satefie ane whore Fiftene sies I can not induire

d. To alleviate or cure (a disease).1535 Stewart 14182.
Quhen sair seiknes, that nane can satisfie, Commix[i]t is with mad melancolie

5. a. To resolve or settle (an issue). b. To comply with, to fulfil the demands of (an injunction, petition, etc.) c. intr. To give an answer (to a question).a. 1596 Dalr. II 342/10.
Controuersie and stryfe … laid war al to sleip, satifiet and put to rest
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 103/4.
Looke that the grounde of youre uarres be satisfeid in youre peaxe
b. c1590 Fowler II 44/4.
I wald thou satisfiit my petition quhilk is necessar
1649 Kingarth Par. Rec. 6.
Haueing satisfied the injunctiones of the presbytery for ther malignancy
c. 1562-3 Winȝet II 32/6.
This is an apt quæstioun … to the quhilk nochttheles it becumis to satifie nocht of my awin ingyne bot be auctoritie of the diuine law

d. tr. To fulfil the requirements and pay the membership dues of (a craft, trade).1613 St. A. Baxter Bks. 80.
To pay and satisfie the craft conforme to the dewitie of ane brotheris second sonne
1625 Dunferm. Hammermen MS p. 20.
Dauid Bull comperand personally satisfeit the said craft for his fredome and of all that thay have to lay to his charge
1656 Ib. p. 60.
Robert Robertsone … is bound prentes … for the space of three ȝeares and ane ȝeaire for met and fie and has sattesfied the craft
1657 Ib. p. 61.
Johne Stevinsone hath satisfied the craft of his freedum muney and all other thing that can lay to his charg befor thir witneses [etc.]
1667 Ib. p. 71.
And hath served the samen tyme for that whilk the said Robert Lawsone hath satisfied our trade

6. To assure or convince, to free from doubt or uncertainty.(1) c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 6.
The angell satisffiis Josephs mynd
a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun 28.
His father was sumthing displiceit, bot at the last was appeisit and satisfeit
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 181/3.
I am sufficientlie satisfeit … with the effect and substance of the mes
Ib. 181/5. 1558-66 Knox II 170.
I do intend … to send Monsieur Dosell to the quene youre maistres … quho sall declair that unto hir from me that, I trust, sall satisfie hir
a1578 Pitsc. II 211/11.
My … will is that ȝe … cause hir to convein the counsall … quhair the matter may be tryed and ȝe may be purged thairof and than I will be sattisfied
1586 Rait & Cameron King James's Secret 91.
Ather to satisfei hir majeste heir with ressounis or els [etc.]
1588 King Cat. in 1573-1600 Cath. Tr. 205/4.
Albeit thais ressones may satisfie thame quha [etc.]
1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 467.
There are with you more worthy and learned than I am, Messrs. Dickson, Blair, and Hamilton, who can more fully satisfy you
1643 Baillie II 70, 71.(b) 1558 Q. Kennedy Tractive 99.
The nerrest, and onelie way, … to be satifiit and establischeit in all materis … concerning faith
Ib. 174.
To be satifiit in his doute
Id. Breif Tract. (ed.) 112/2.
Ib. 134/34.
Sene we have hed just occasione … tilbe resolut and satifyet with the first hede … of our disputacione
Ib. 131/13.
1562-3 Winȝet I 67/20.
Plesandly to satifie thame, according to ȝour doctrine, of the expres word of God
(2) 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 233.
Na thing that I can do may satesfy my lord governour to gif me my pece
(3) 1664 Stair in Brunton & Haig 365.
Whereby I hope your lordship … will be satisfied that I need not come



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