A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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Safe, Saif(f)(e, Sauf(f)(e, Saf(f, adj. Also: sayf, sawf(fe, saaf, seaff; save, sawe, saiv; sailf, salf(e, salve, saulf(f)(e; saffe. [ME and e.m.E. sauf, sauue (both c1290), saf (a1300–1400), saufe (Rolle), saue (c1400), safe (c1450), saulf (Caxton), salve (1536). OF salv, sauf (980 and 1155 in Larousse), L. salvus.For the change of vowel cf. chafer beside chauffer, etc. (Chafer n.), OF chauffoir, also Catioun n. beside Cautioun n., etc.]Also in vouch, voche safe, Vouch v.
1. a. predic. Of persons, also institutions: Not in danger, not liable to be harmed, with an assurance of safety, secure.There is some ambiguity with sense 2.(1) c1475 Wall. ii 341.
He suld be saiff thocht Ingland had hym socht 1535 Stewart 14685.
Tha … Baith brint and slew … Thair wes nothing into thair gait tha fand Wes saiff Ib. 50874.
Or than to strenthis quhair tha saif mycht be Ib. 51249. a1578 Pitsc. II 98/12.
The protectour … wissit to God he had bene in Ingland witht his airmie saif and [pr. saifand] he had never committ in Scotland Ib. 98/17.
[He] desyrit him to … convoy him self the best way that he might that he might be saif c1630 Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 176.
Ane verie good strength against enemies … for it wold keep themselves that are inhabitants of the illand saiff 1611-57 Mure Psalmes cxix 117.
Sustaine me, saiffe I shal be, Lord(b) 1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 287.
Quhair effter thay desirit to randyr the hows being sawe at ther efter thar lyffis alennyrly sawe 1549 Compl. 74/16.
And quhou be it of al thir particular … consaitis that ȝe haue vsit to saue ȝou fra the crualte of Ingland ȝit the maist subtel nor the maist dissymilit of ȝou al is nocht saue Ib. 99/31.
Gyf the Romans ther fre liberte to pas hame saue vitht out hurt of ther honour bodys or guidis(c) 1600-1610 Melvill 75.
The Englis ambassator … in whase hous … he, with manie ma, war seaff(d) 1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 58.
The haly gaist … kepe … my lege lord Kyng of Scotland his realme hys legis & hys estate ay saufe c1420 Wynt. v 2982.
We ask … yhowre helpe at oure cyte And we may sauff wnperyst be Ib. 4148.
The devyll … gert thame trowe that tyme that he Sauff suld bryng thame oure the se 1456 Hay I 183/30.
Sen the lyf may nocht be sauf but commissioun of dedely syn [etc.] a1500 Lanc. 1276.
The clowdy nyght undir whois obscure The rest and quiet of euery creatur Lyith sauf 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 181.
The Romanis ressauit peace in this maner, and wer assurit to departt bag [sic] sauff 1570 Leslie 57.
It wes rehersit that … the prince gaif speciall commaund that nane suld put violent handis in the king his fader quhairthrouch all the tyme of the battell he wes sauffe(e) 1533 Boece 50b.
Oure wyfis barnys gudis [etc.] … togiddir with oure liberte quhilk inemyis devisit refe, war al kepit salf be special gift of our goddis 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 229.
[They] wer only saulff be the moyan of his mother
b. attrib. Of a practice, measure, etc.: That is safe to do, not exposing one to danger. 1627 Aberd. Council Lett. I 259.
For the frie and saiff tred of the merchandis 1640 Lithgow Poet. Remains 231.
Ile lay about the ruther of my minde, To keep a safer loofe, and thirle the winde
c. Immune, free, safe fra (from) (a liability, harm, etc.).(1) 1619 Breadalbane Doc. No. 430.
To the said Coline Campbell … frei and saiff fra all wardis releves [etc.](2) a1500 Henr. Age & Yowth 51 (M).
My cors is clene withouttin corruptioun My self is sauf fra seiknes and fra sair 1513 Doug. x i 104.
Suffyr that ȝyng Ascanyus mot be Salf fra all wapynnys and of perrell fre 1533 Boece 177.
That the hynde calf and fowne suld euer be salf fra the huntaris 1568 Anderson Collect. Mary IV ii 56.
And we sal be assurit to be saife from all dangers that may ensue 1596 Dalr. II 56/4.
King James the secund … throuch industrie of ane Crychtoun … is keipet saife from the tyrannie of al his ennimies in the castell of Edinburgh
2. Having been preserved from or escaped some injury or harm; delivered from danger; unhurt, unharmed.Freq. in quasi-adv. use with verbs of coming, going, receiving, bringing, etc.(1) 15.. Clar. v 2679.
Thay raisit saillis … And fuire ower fluide … And saiffe arryvit into Garnet land 1560 Rolland Seven S. 865.
Quhairby that thay suld all be saif togidder And out of dout and all danger of deid Ib. 1818.
The babie saif and the hound woundit soir 1567 G. Ball. 38.
Thairfoir his father … is full faine That saif ressauit him hes he 1570 Leslie 36.
He … brocht thame saiff in Scotland a1570-86 Maitl. F. 424/163.
He send him sycht and saiff his sone hame brocht 1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 317.
The storme allay'd, they saiff away do slide Ib. 188.
Save 1633 Orkney Bp. Ct. in Dalyell Darker Superst. 179.
Ane boit with fyve men quhairof four perischit and ane was saiff 1685 Dunlop P. III 15.
We are saife arayved heir in 12 weekes sealling(b) 1513 Doug. i vi 135.
Of all our floyt … Sevin evil perbrakit salue remanys with me Ib. 146.
Salf [Sm. sailf] 1533 Boece 69.
Of all the multitude quhilk come to the feild viijc men alanerlie war salf, the remanent to the leist ane being slane(c) 1649 Blairs P. 19.
Father George landed at Kirkaldy saffe 1650 Lamont Diary 12.
His stabels werre brunt … bot his horses werre saffe(2) c1420 Wynt. iv 350.
Hym-self eschapyd narowly And sauff wes [W. sawf wan] fra that jwperdy 1513 Doug. iii iii 115.
Salve from the wallis at the costis of Strophe … arryvit we Ib. v xii 60.
From the perrell salf and out of dowt Was al the navy 1600 Crim. Trials II 247.
The king was saiff fra thair intendit treasone aganes his sacred persone
b. In attrib. use with nouns of arriving, returning, etc. 1606 Conv. Burghs II 228.
Efter the schippis saife arryuell ?1655 Fugitive Poetry II xxviii 4/99.
Her saif returne
c. Spared; allowed, through clemency, to escape unhurt. 1533 Boece 36.
[He] commandit (eftir thai war subiect) thai suld be salf 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 12.
Promittand to delyuer … the said castell, his … honour and lyif being saulf Ib. 183.
Alexander Gordoun … was saulf, for hinging of the rest
3. Delivered from sin and damnation, spiritually saved.(1) c1490 Irland Asl. MS 9/14.
Gif he happinnis to de than sudanely slepand or walkand … he is saif Id. Mir. II 7/33.
That we syn and ar nocht saif Ib. 148/1.
Quhethir … God predestynis and ordanis this man to be saif a1500 Rois Garlandis 41.
O glorius Lady … send me … tithingis … that I be ane of thaim that salbe saife c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 17/69.
All to be saif [M. sauf] into the stait of grace that standis Id. Tua Mar. W. 502 (see Sabot). 1533 Gau 27/29.
Faith is sa neidful that neyne kane be saiff without it c1540 Lynd. Kitteis Conf. 96. 1562-3 Winȝet I 81/14.
Baptim on lyke maner makis ws saif 1567 G. Ball. 15.
Quha … Sathan and his warkis hes forsworne, Thay salbe saif(b) c1450 Cr. Deyng (STS) 44.
But faythe may na man be saufe 1456 Hay I 168/5.
Quhethir and a knycht be dede in bataill gif his saule be sauf or nocht Ib. II 19/27.
[He] is contrarius till himself; for he wald be sauf, and gais nocht the hye gate till his salvacioun c1460 Regim. Princ. 137 (Maitl.). 1562-3 Winȝet I 81/12.
That God makis ws sauff be the lawar of regeneratioun(c) a1400 Leg. S. xiv 88.
That I … Quhen God our dedis sal assa, Befor hyme trastly ma apere, & to be saf haffand na vere c1520-c1535 Nisbet Mark v 34.
Jesus said, … douchtir, thi faith has made thee saaf(2) c1420 Wynt. v 3315.
Quha trowys noucht … Lyppyn he nevyr sauff to be Fra the pyne off hell all fre
4. Dependable, reliable, trustworthy, sure; steadfast.(a) ?1480 Hay Geneal. Sainteclaires 111.
Be it kend till all men by thir present lettres us George Lord Seton to be bunden … till … Sir Oliver Saintclair … in a safe, sekyer, and true bond of laute, frindship, and kindnes 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 57.
Bot aganis this desyre thair withstude … the consent of the nobilitie quha remaning saif scho culd never attene it 1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. 26b.
Sa ony man of saif and vnaffectionat iugement may es[i]lie persaue [etc.] Ib. 12. a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 322.
If a minor be challenged of fellonie he shall be atached be saife and suir burgeses, and shall not be compelled to anser whill he be major 1669 Jus Populi 378.
A guard of reasons … be-like he thought them more invincible and saife, then a legion of the most valient champions that his majestie's kingdomes can aford(b) 1610 Misc. Hist. Soc. II 177.
I hoip no man of saf judgement wil greatlie attribute to the bare … affirmation of the Bischop of Ross 1659 A. Hay Diary 223.
That the wholl word of God's law … is a sure abyding thing and cannot be altered. 4 meditations from the point. 1o [etc.] … 2o That its not saff to wad on ourselfes. 3o [etc.]
5. Of material things: Intact. a. That have escaped threatened damage or loss.(a) 1575 Conv. Burghs I 44.
The gudes saiff sall contribute scatt and loitt for the relief of the personis dampnefeit a1578 Pitsc. II 122/20.
Nathing thay culd get saiff bot thair wreittingis and thair sellffis 16.. Admir. Ct. Form 64 (see Lek adj. 2).
Safe(b) c1420 Wynt. i 237.
The tane [sc. pillar] to sawffe [v.rr. sauf] be fra the flwde, The tother fra fyre ?14.. Ship Laws c. 10 (A).
A master of a schip cumis with his chargis in saufe, he aw to [etc.] 1456 Hay I 16/28.
And thus the twa first schippis ar sauf throu confessioun contricioun and penitence 1513 Doug. v v 71.
Glaid he was the schip was salue [Sm. salf, Ruddim. sayf] onlost 1533 Bell. Livy I 125/2, 3.
Quhen hir husband had demandit hir gif all thingis war sauf, scho ansuerit, ‘nay; for na thing may be sauf to ane woman quhen hir chastite … is gane 1576–7 Reg. Privy C. II 584.
Quhairof the part saulf [from the shipwreck] wes intromettit with be the inhabitantis of Holand
b. That have been kept safe, without, or not in danger of, damage or loss. 1598 Misc. Spald. C. I 122.
And biddis say ane oration … nyn sindrie tymes, and that being done the cornis sall cum saiff to the barne that yeir 1627 Melville Chart. 162.
Mr. Harie Melvill … is becume cautioun that the haill guidis … salbe saiff and furthcwmand to all partes haveand interest thairto 1639 in Spalding I 215.
That our schipis … be recalled and all personis goodis and schipis restorit, and thay maid saif fra invasioun 1651 Laing MSS I 264.
The saife redylyvery and transportation of the registers 1665 Wemyss Corr. 130.
This bearer … I hoope will delywer them [sc. coals] saiffe
c. Of property: Secured frae, from a detrimental condition, derogation, etc. 1669 Burnett Fam. P.
The samyn landis … to be saiff and frie from all allienationes, dispositiones [etc.] 1677 Irvine Deeds 4 July.
The said tenement of land … to be frie saiff and sure to them frae all perrills dangers burdinys [etc.]
6. In the phrases safe and sound and sound and safe, also, sauf and hail and salfe and saucht, in above senses.(1) 1460 Hay Alex. 826.
Rewardis to the messinger[is] he gaue And gart convoy thame hameward sound & saue 1596 Dalr. I 158/28.
Him selfe … fled saif and sound to Capitane Catus Ib. 184/20.
That he … mycht saife and sound defend it [sc. the realm] frome al to quhome it rychtuouslie perteynet and frome al force of ennimies he put doun … mony noble men Ib. II 240/14. Ib. 457/31. c1650 Spalding I 254.
Ane fishe boit … brocht hir in saif and sound(b) 1533 Boece 346b.
The Scottis … has kepit this kinrik salf and sound(2) 1533 Boece 394b.
To kepe the kinrik sauf and hail to his ȝong cousing 1535 Stewart 2005.
In all his tyme salfe thai war and saucht
7. a. (Assured) that one is safe, (guaranteed) of one's safe conduct. 1544 Sel. MSS Q. Mary 15.
We desire to be salf suerit to come and gang and speak with ȝowr lordship
b. That guarantees safe passage: cf. also Safe-conduct n. 1594 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxxv.
The said Robert sall mak the said Jhone saiff conwoy a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xlix 22.
Grant thou vs, befor that we come n[ar,] Thy saiv sure conduct, that [etc.] 1622-6 Bisset II 234/30.
That quhere the brevis suld be saif to theme to demande the saidis brevis within the thrid tyde 1672 Inverness Rec. II 253.
They are to delywer the seamen … at Forres and … receawe securitie … from Pluscarden & Gawen Watsone for ther saff conwoy and delywerie at Leith
8. Conducive to safety, well-being, stability, etc. 1567 Sel. MSS Q. Mary 235.
The advise may be good for the soule, but not sauf for the body 1631 Cochran-Patrick Coinage II 23.
It wer not saulfe nor seasounable at this tyme ather to decry or discharge the course of dollours till the countrie wer first supplied with better money
9. In constructions resembling L. ablative absol. constructions (as salva fide) and similar constructions in F. (as sauf votre respect), in the sense ‘Keeping safe, without prejudice to, with due respect to.’ Passing into Safe prep. 1 d. Standing for a conditional clause. c1409-1436 Kingis Q. §143.
Gif I myght deserue … For my grete lufe … to stond in grace Hir worschip sauf … That I wold ask 1490 Irland Mir. I 117/17.
And gretlie desirit, thare honour saif, to haue hartlie pes and concord 1531 Bell. Boece II 283.
The noblis sal submit thame to the kingis will, thair livis and landis saif 1533 Acts Sederunt i 19.
Quhilk we may nocht do to thaim, our conscience sauf, as we have ellis declarit oure mynde
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"Safe adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/safe_adj>