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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Sojourn(e, -jorn(e, Sujorn(e, Sudjorn(e, v. Also: sojowrn, -jurn(e, sogeo(u)rne, swjorn, sugeorn(e, (sugeournyngn), sudiourn. [ME soiourni (c1290), soiorn(e (Manning), ME and e.m.E. suiorn (Cursor M.), soiourn(e (Rolle), sug- (c1325), sugge(ou)rn(e, sogeourne (c1440), e.m.E. also sudgern(e (a1485), early ME also soriourni, e.m.E. sourgoyn(e (1513), OF sujurner, sojorner, -journer, pop. L. *subdiurnāre, med. L. subjornare, -jurnare, also OF surjurner, sorjorner, med. L. superdiurnare, f. diurnum daily, day.]

1. intr. a. To stay for a (brief) period of time at a place; to tarry.(a) 1375 Barb. xvi 47 (E).
Thay soiournyt [C. sudiornyt] thar dayis thre
c1420 Wynt. ii 1613.
Thare sojowrnand [C. suiornande, W. soiornand] a quhille he bade
c1475 Wall. iii 79.
We will nocht soiorne her, Nor change no weid, bot our ilk dayis ger
1517 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 100.
That … the kingis … persoune be translat to … Cragmillar thar to sugeorne and remane for viii dayis or x
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 601.
And thair ane space remanit he … Quhen he ane quhyle had sojornit, He to the court of France returnit
1560 Rolland Seven S. 6937.
Thair he soiornd for his pastime ane space
(b) 1375 Barb. xvi 52 (C).
And quhen in Cragfergus had he With his men sudiornyt [E. soiournyt] dais thre
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1487.
And thare no more scho did sudiorne, Bot with the branche, scho did returne

b. To stay behind; to remain in a place.1375 Barb. iii 323.
Thir angrys may I ne mar drey, For thoucht me tharfor worthit dey I mon soiourne, quhar-euer it be. Levys me tharfor

c. To stay for an unlimited period (chiefly, in a place or with a person); to make one's residence, to dwell.(a) c1400 Troy-bk. i 45.
That ȝe enterit … To sogeourne here in hys cuntre With-out leue
c1400 Troy-bk. i 241.
Dukis … And erlis … That with hym that tyme soiournyt thare
c1400 Troy-bk. i 282.
Of hunting Haboundanly thar had the kyng The quhilk gaue hym occasioune That tyme to soiourne in-to that toune
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1452 (C).
Anthenor in Troye not willand To duelle ne soiourne [D. sudiorne] in that land
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 757.
How the michtie Nabuchodonosor In beistlie forme did on the feild soiurne [L. sudiourn]
Arundel MS 275/28.
The … victorius campyoun … hes done return … With his all-weilding Father to soiorne
1696 Sc. Ant. XIII 77.
That first the poor that belong to the town, and then such as sojurn with us, may be relieved
(b) a1400 Leg. S. v 498.
The eyrne … mon of fors he cum done To the law ȝerd, & ther suiorne
a1400 Leg. S. xxix 904.
Thare as thai war suyornand, … com tythand That Traiane emperour wes ded
1388 Douglas Chart. 32.
Dame Mergaret Steward … the qwilk we fand suiornand in the Castel of Temptaloun … that … als lang as hir likys thar to duel [etc.]
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 3032.
[He] tretit him all that he mycht To byde with him … Bot Circes has him send a lettir … That he on na wys wald sudiorne
a1500 Lanc. 1709.
When well long haith yow swiornyt in a place And well acqueynt thé vith thi puple has Than [etc.]
1498 Reg. Privy S. I 26/1.
To remain and sugeorn within Ingland als lang as he or thai ples
(c) 1513 Doug. xiii xi 80.
Eneas Amyd the starnys chosyn has his place Quham the famyll … Julian Doith clepe … Indigites, quhilk is alsmekill to say As god induellar, at thar sudiornys ay
1533 Boece 465.
To sudiorne here perpetualie as exile

2. To stop, come to a halt. Also transf.15.. Clar. v 2713.
Day and night thay sojorne not nor rest Bot furth thay held ower fluid with saillis prest
transf. a1500 Colk. Sow iii 130.
So it turnit This penny that xv ȝeir it nocht soiornit He mvlteplyit moir than a thowsand pound

3. tr. a. To rest (a horse), to leave (it) free from exertion.?1438 Alex. i 814.
Into my sheild first sall I sie Sik woundis that the king sall say That I come fra na herdis play Na that my steid sall nocht be Sa greatly soiornit vnder me

b. To sojourne (horses) on or in (a person or place), to quarter (horses), take stabling, etc. by compulsion or military order.1424 Acts II 4/1.
The kyng forbiddis that ony cumpanyis … thig or soiorne hors outhir on kirkmen or husbandis of the lande
1424 Acts Jas. I 82b.
[It is forbidden] that ony cumpanys pas in the cuntre lyand on hwsbandis … or thyg or sugeournyngn [sic] hors in abbais or kyrkmen or husbandis

4. intr. Of a person or persons: To sojourne on or upon (a person), to exact accommodation from (a person) by threat or command; cf. Sorn(e v.1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Schireffe.
All sorners, quha lyis and sojournis vpon the kings lieges
1697 Proclamation 28 Dec.
That no companies … ly on our leidges, or thig or sojourn on them



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