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Results of Advanced Search for dreich (quotations, both SND and DOST)

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Results for 1700 onwards
From the Scottish National Dictionary
Showing results of a total of 59 results


  1. Dreich adj.I think you will say yourself it is a dreich business. Sic dreich wark. . . . For lang I tholed an' fendit. Ay! dreich an' dowie's been oor lot, An' fraught wi' muckle pain. And he'll no fin his day's dark ae hue the dreigher for wanting his breakfast on account of sic a cause. It's a dreich job howkin man or woman that hasna whyled awa a dreich hour wi' some dream o' this kind? Forrit, Maggie, hame's afore us, Dreich the road, an' unco lang. Ilk successive day, wi' anguish, Row'd by heavilie an' dree we lift. At the kirk, whan the minister's dreich an dry. There's lang and dreech contesting; For' converse dreigh, Their ain fireside affairs, Jocose, this morn. Sally's tongue's baith dreich an' fell. I. A minister on one occasion preached an unusually long and dreich sermon. This Sunday there was a was going on till Monday.” Weel, sir, some folk considers it interestin', but it's dreich, dreich skeigh, Nor wi' her answer very blate or dreigh. Dull an' dreich to learn. Queer that Jamie Lang hisnae 
  2. Draidle n.And yet at orra times the dour Dreich draidle dings me sair ajee.  
  3. Sog v.1, n.Maist days his been dreich an' ragglie, wi' fog an' weet. A'thing fair soggit ootside an' the wa's 
  4. Inkle v.Dreich and dull micht be my darg, but at nicht I had nae cares, For my heart got aye sae licht as 
  5. Lirk v.2A hairie o' the dog That at the boddam lirked. Wha kens whaur the villains may lirk! Wi' dreich 
  6. Swisher n.. Mebbe there's higher hills than Arthur's Seat in Swisserland but they're dreich and cauld-lookin'.  
  7. Rag n.3. November's fair haudin' bi its name, for maist days o' it his been dreich an' ragglie wi' fog an' weet.  
  8. Coronach n. Ceremony is called a . I wid want my dowieness, my bellwaverin moods to be tint in your dreich coronachs 
  9. Seendil adv., adj., was dreich to draw, But, seenil, lang wi' Tam wad thraw. For sindle times they e'er come back. Fou 
  10. Bairn-time n.2 , the time a woman takes to breed her family. Matrimony is a dreich affair without the occasional 
  11. Bellwaver I wid want my dowieness, my bellwaverin moods to be tint in your dreich coronachs. Fin they 
  12. Blaud n.1 got, it was a dreich hairst till's. It scougs . . . Frae the blaud o' the wind an' the scud o' the 
  13. Claith n. in wearing Claiths, And some in coining of new Aiths. I stood on many a dreich night at the corner 
  14. Stey adj. braes that garred us pech were steich, . . . Wow! but oor hinmaist days are dreich. Set a stout heart 
  15. Bosie n., v. railins leadin tae ilkie hoose in yon dreich, Victorian airt, war happit wi snaw an ice - a geelin 
  16. Foreland n. herrings. Dour-hunched in a drizzle o dreich November or smoort in haar frae bitter North Sea this toon's 
  17. Smirr n.1, v. weather: 'dreich' and 'smirr' are only two of them. ... Only it wasn't real rain, it was smirr, a fine from the Atlantic Ocean. It was all Rebus needed first thing on a dreich Monday morning. The rain 
  18. Croup v.1, n.1 the loch o' the Auds. Ye croopin corbies, black as soot. Dreich the day: the craws cannae fash 
  19. Gove v., n.1, bleirin awa dreich days goavin at fremmit ferlies on ane electronic screen. He told me where they 
  20. Caul n.1, v.Dreich clouds, a flicht o greylags ben the lift, Drookit biggins squar on tae the caal, Driftwid 
  21. Langsome adj. langsome twinin' rapes. O, dreich the langsome tryst I dree'd Wi' God the Lord, my lane. "Och, God, sae 
  22. Abeich adv.Quhen scho growis heich, I draw on dreich, To vesy and behald the end; Quhen scho growis skeich, I 
  23. Sidelin adv., adj., n.; a dreich place, wie e sidelings sair owergrown wi scrog it raxed fir e sky wi scruntit beuchs an 
  24. Ablow dreich and gloomy as we wade among the slush.  
  25. Saul n., interj.It's no the days, sair tho they are, but gantan nicht I canna thole - Lang, dreich tyauvan wi a 
  26. Howder v.1, n. doun for the auld: howdert thegither in hames, bleirin awa dreich days goavin at fremmit ferlies on ane 
  27. Norland n., adj. his lane On a dreich norlan scar; He dwynes in sleep, as winter Haps him in a plaid o haar. Gin I 
  28. Dree v.1, n.1, E'en as fast as he may drie. For in Thine angir ilka day O' oors drees dreich alang. Ablow yon simmer 
  29. Killogie n. dreich enough place at any time, ... " The above accident was occasioned by the dryster's leaving some 
  30. Lift n.1 intil the black lift. And heicher up the fauldin land mair trees agin the luift. Dreich clouds, a 
  31. Haar n.1 gesticulating, a cacophony of voices: ... A firtree stauns his lane On a dreich norlan scar; He dwynes in 
  32. Scrog n.1, v. hillockie; a dreich place, wie e sidelings sair owergrown wi scrog it raxed fir e sky wi scruntit beuchs an 
  33. Blatter v., n. dreich, or slack . . . Is shair to be the first to blatter oot A great fraca. Sit down or stand aside 
  34. Sicht n., v. glower at sichtless vistas, An anatomical sculpture, dreich an deid. The wame wi wachts o snaw is cauldly 
  35. Skreich v., n., adj. mirk An the trummlin o' beddit kye. Sic dreich wark — sic skreich wark. A skinny, lantern-jawed 
  36. Gant v., n.1 gantan nicht I canna thole - Lang, dreich tyauvan wi a festert saul. The deid step oot yince mair 
  37. Jeel v., n. hoose in yon dreich, Victorian airt, war happit wi snaw an ice - a geelin claddin far aa souns smored an 
  38. Smore v., n. leadin tae ilkie hoose in yon dreich, Victorian airt, war happit wi snaw an ice - a geelin claddin far aa 
  39. Tyauve v., n. canna thole - Lang, dreich tyauvan wi a festert saul. He mynded thir faces whan he had heichted the 
  40. Creep v. trauchled hame wi the dreich prospect o a hale evenin feedin an muckin oot chuckens an futterats afore him 
  41. Dowie adj. you an' me. I wid want my dowieness, my bellwaverin moods to be tint in your dreich coronachs. The 
  42. Sand n., v. synds ti heiliegoleirie in the sea. Hie wins, gey snell, dreich rain anaa an saun fae Africa can blaw 
  43. Snell adj., adv., v. wind and the occasional smirr. Hie wins, gey snell, dreich rain anaa an saun fae Africa can blaw 
  44. Dool n.1, adj., v.1 they deal oot sae dool a fate Tae aul' an' wearit? Ay! dreich an' dowie's been oor lot, . . . Sin' yon 
  45. Ferm n.1, v., Are the fir wids raxxed ower fairmlans, Far the leaden lift hings dreich. The farm onsteads in the 
  46. Wag v., n.1, an Neil Rannoch traucled hame wi the dreich prospect o a hale evenin feedin an muckin oot chuckens an 
  47. Guddle v., n. dreich hairst till's, an' we were clean guddled wi'd. They never get abune a meeserably hashy 
  48. Fell adj., adv. the croaking ra'en, Fell thief o' gosling brood, has his retreat. Sally's tongue's baith dreich an 
  49. Wammle v., n., adv., An anatomical sculpture, dreich an deid. The wame wi wachts o snaw is cauldly fillin, Thon laired 
  50. Lane adj. for it's langsome washin' a body's lane. A firtree stauns his lane On a dreich norlan scar; He 
  51. O prep. o' pittin in an appearance. Ye wadna be lang o' tirin' o'd onyway. Next mornin' he was dreich o 
  52. Trauchle v., n. and shite. Dreich clouds, a flicht o greylags ben the lift, Drookit biggins squar on tae the caal 
  53. Yerk v., n. dreich neep-dreels, Yarkin' on ahin' the grieve. Yerking these Words out which ly nearest. Sutors yerk 
  54. Back n.1, v., adj., prep., an Neil Rannoch traucled hame wi the dreich prospect o a hale evenin feedin an muckin oot chuckens an 
  55. Tume adj., v., n. stagger. The teem ee sockets glower at sichtless vistas, An anatomical sculpture, dreich an deid. Our 
  56. Tyne v., n. my dowieness, my bellwaverin moods to be tint in your dreich coronachs. There's naethin tae tine 
  57. Mind v., n. minding, my grandfather had been a lover of all feathered creatures. Spite o its dreich mindins, the 
  58. Souch n., adj., v. cold, dreich wind soughing over the Bervie water. Outside the wind began to sough and sigh but, work 
  59. Doon adv.1, prep., adj., v. Scotch “a doon mouth” in public. Like human hutches Each wi'its ain wee run Wir gairdens thole dreich 


Results prior to 1700
From A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue
Showing results of a total of 17 results


  1. Dreich n.All othir off dreych than gert he drawe Folow on dreich, giff that we mystir ocht The tothir drew hym on dreigh, in derne to the dure My spous on dreich efter our trais sall hy [The hunter] standand far on dreich with dart and speir … the beste assayis The army of Britonis stude arrayit on dreich, nocht far fra thame The first battall was fochtin on dreich Ageit men and wemen … following euer the armye on dreich Quhen scho growis heich, I draw on dreich The samin lyis now in lenth and breid extending linialie … to the deid dreich of Hervis haucht Ane ruid of land … extendyng fra the Kyngis he get 
  2. Dreich adj.He [God] sittis heich And has a balans larg and dreich The craig was vgly, stay and dreiche, … I is lang and dreich Fearing to be esteemed drigh, nice, or in any way wanting due regard to your Lordship's pleasure From typset preachers drunk all night, And dreich againe er day be light, … deliver us  
  3. Reke n.2[The hunter] standand far on dreich with dart and speir Assoverit of hys reik, the beste assays  
  4. Skeich v. withdraw on dreich, Seand hys stedis and the horssis skeich  
  5. Adreich adv.Ay the more he standis a dreich fra it, he heris ay the better Thaj past … to the Dene, a dricht 
  6. Lauta n. and dreich He him band Lauta to kep to Wallace Sa he will … Fra this tyme furth kepe lawta till our 
  7. Larg adj. dreich The wound so lairg was and wyde Ane pair of gallows, lairg and lang Under lairg soumes of money 
  8. Hy v.? My spows on dreich eftyr our trays sal hy Ane ladie … onto the dur did hy Richt suddantlie Hy, ȝe 
  9. Assover v., Assoverit of the sey? [The hunter] standand far on dreich with dart and speir, Assoverit of hys reik, the 
  10. Def adj., … callit … the Deif Stane, … the more he standis a dreich fra it, he heris the better Thane wald scho 
  11. Hauch n.1 Extending … to the deid dreich of Hervis haucht The tway acris … nixt adjacent to the Galloraw haucht Ane 
  12. Fecht v. The first battall was fochtin on dreich This batall was fochtin with mare cruelte than ony batall 
  13. Her v. a dreich fra it, he heris the better He gane ane hoist anone. The gudman herd and sperit ‘Quha is 
  14. Draw v. wildernes And draw to toun Quhen scho growis heich, I draw on dreich Part of thame [were] drawand ower the 
  15. Sign n. hendering of the ta part or furthering of the tothir Throw ane signe that Quintius made on dreich, the 
  16. Vesy v. corps of the said erle Quhen scho growis heich, I draw on dreich, To vesy and behald the end A mane 
  17. Stand v. … spekand, standand nor commonand with the sellaris tharof The Deif Stane … ay the more he standis a dreich army of Britonis stude arrayit on dreich, nocht far fra thame The armyis stude lang arrayit in otheris 
