A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Ȝerely, Yerely, adj. Also: ȝere-, yerelie, yerl(i)e, ȝeirly, ȝeir(e)lie, yeirly, -lie, yheirlie, ȝeyrly, yheyrlye, ȝierlie, yierlie, yeerly, yearly, -lie, ȝearellie, ȝeryly. [Late ME and e.m.E. ȝeerli (c1449), ȝerely (a1450), yerely (1452), yerlie (1531), yearely (Shakespeare), OE ᵹéarlic.]
1. Done, happening, etc. every year or once a year; annual. a. Of payments, dues, etc. Also absol. and transf. b. In other contexts.a. 1489 Acta Aud. 129/1.
He summonde the erle … for x li. for the ȝerely teyndis of the manis of Lesly 1498–9 Acta Conc. I 324.
In part of payment of his yerelie pensione aucht til him 1500 Reg. Privy S. I 87/2.
A letter of gift made to … Robert Stanele, browstaris, … of ane ȝerelie pensioun and fee 1512–13 Reg. Privy S. I 380/11.
In few and heretage for a ȝerely few to be pait thairfor 1529 Stirling B. Rec. I 36.
Ane yerlie bowntaith … for his idand and contynuall gud serwice 1547–8 Corr. M. Lorraine 219.
The capitane … will nocht pert wyth nane [sc. money] wythowt ane dischairge of the yerle rentaill 1577 A. Hay Nobility 13.
Yerely(b) 1525 Reg. Soltre 91.
Ane yheirlie pencioun of fourty schillingis 1532 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 77.
Fourty penneis of ȝeyrly maill to be ȝeyrly lyftit of the saidis landis of Raitht 1540 Lynd. Sat. 3367.
I gif with gude intentioun To divers temporall lords ane ȝeirlie pensioun c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 184.
I am … my fatheris air, The quhilk may spend … Of ȝeirlie rent ane thowsand pound 1554 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. VII 48.
For agayne gettin of the haill evidentis pertening to the towne furcht of the Inglismannis handis of yeirly pensioun during his lyftyme 1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II 212.
The mercat croce and rowme thairof beand rowpit … to se quha wald big the samyn in buith or buithis on thair expens and tak the samyn in rentale of the towne for ane yeirlie proffit 1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II 213.
To be rentalit yeirlie thairin … and his airis efter him for the said yierlie dewtie alanerlie 1560 Edinb. B. Rec. III 66.
For inhalding of the yeirlie maill of the samyn [tolbooth] 1562-3 Winȝet I 6/8.
Or gaif the princes of the erth ȝow ȝeirly rentis … to the end that euery ane of ȝow mot spend the samyn vpon his dame Dalida and bastard browis? 1567 Edinb. B. Rec. III 244.
[The council disponed … the lands] sumtyme pertening to the Blak freris … for the interes syluer and yeirlie annual underwrittin 1580–1 Reg. Privy C. III 362.
The said pensioun … tane furth of the haill fruites quhilk his twa part, being now of sobir yeirlie quantitie, payis yeirlie 1584 Conv. Burghs I 186.
The burgh of Edinburgh … payis ane ȝeirlie intres of xij of the hundreth 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Annvell.
Annvell ane word vsed in the practik of this realme, for an ȝeirelie reuenue, or dewty, payed at certaine termes 1640 Spalding I 261 n.
That the present regentis sall have ther ȝeirlie stipendis augmentit 1665 Maxwell Mem. 342.
Gawane Parke, hammerman, … (for the yeirlie fiall wnderwryttin) … bindis himself [etc.](c) 1573 Grant Chart. 294.
Hearetab[i]ll possessores of the saidis landis … for ȝearellie peyment of ane pennie 1657 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS App. 413/2.
For yearly payment to the cash keeper of the company of ten merkis 1673 Misc. Bann. C. III 236.
For … setleing a yearlie sellarie upon a bibliothecarius 1697 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 239.
The Old Green … to be possest and used be them … for the yearly rent of ane hundered and twentie pounds, at the terme of Mertimes yearly(d) 1654 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 141.
Such yeerly rents, boones, and annuall services as are mentionat or due by any deads, patents, charters [etc.]absol. 1576 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 27.
Thay payand the half of the ȝeirlie thairof as the said Marion sall pay for hir parttransf. 1578 Reg. Privy C. III 30.
The superplus of the saidis thriddis, attour the ordinar assignationis of the stependis of the ministre contenit in the yeirlie buke of the modificatioun, aucht [etc.]b. 1580 Skeyne Descr. Well Sig. A 4b.
The ȝeirly vse thairof [sc. the water] sall giue occasioun to leirnit phisicianis to intreit the gude succes thairof mair largely in tymes cumming 1596 Dalr. I 135/19.
The ȝeirlie justice, now called the justice ȝeir, or air he institute 1562-3 Winȝet I 115/21, 23.
Exemple he geuis of the ȝierly celebratioun of the Pasche day, of our Saluiour ascensioun … onlyke manere ȝierlie to be celebratit 1533 Bell. Livy I 24/4.
Makand on it [sc. an altar] ȝerelie sacrifice to thi honoure and loving
2. One-year-old. = Ȝereling adj.1550 Knox III 54.
But it is answerit unto thame be the prophet Michas, ‘Sall I cum in His presence with brunt offeringis, and yeirlie lambis?’ [AV, Micah vi 6, with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old]