A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Cariage, Car(e)age, n. Also: caryage (karyage, -iage), cariag, -adg(e, -eg, cairiage; careag (kaireag), carreage; caradge, -agh, -ege, -eig, -eche, -igge, -idge, cairedge; carrage, -ag, -aige, -ege, -ig; carriag(e, -adg(e. [ME. cariage (Chaucer), caryage, ONF. cariage, f. carier Cary v.]
1. a. Those in charge of the baggage of an army.1375 Barb. xi. 238.
Of fechtand men I trow thai ware Thretty thousand, … Foroutyn cariage and pouerale Ib. xv. 19.
I rede, our caryage … By thame-selwyne arayit be
b. The baggage or supplies of an army or armed force.14.. Acts I. 108/2.
Ilk lord sal cum stuffyt & purvayt to the ost of caryage and vyttalis c1475 Wall. iii. 62.
Freindis thaim tauld … That Fenweik was for Perseys caryage Ib. ix. 619.
Wallang gart bryng fra Carlele cariage, To stuff Bothwell with wyn and gud warnage 1531 Bell. Boece I. 284.
The cariagemen … left thair cariage, and slew thair ennimes Id. Livy II. 105/10.
Ilk armye fled, levand the cariage … behynd thame 1533 Boece viii. viii. 267 b.
The king … causit cartis, sleddis, barrellis, and al vthir conbustibill veschell of the cariage … be lade before the armye
2. The action of carrying or conveying; carriage or conveyance of any kind of articles or goods: a. As a feudal duty or service.For other examples see Arrage and Average.(a) 1461 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 362.
The forsaide landys … with bludwytis, herȝeldis, … aueragis & caryagis 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I. 188.
Tha sal lede for al kynd of karyage to the abbay xiiijxx of futhyris of turvys and petis 1475 Ib. 203.
Payand to ws ȝerly x pundis [etc.] alanyrly for male and al chargis, bonage or caryage 1512–13 Treas. Acc. IV. 469.
To the Margret, … j barrell salmond, xlv s.; in caryag, ij d. 1552 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I. 456.
With ariage, karyage and vder dew service(b) 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I. 176.
Payand … of ilk man in cariagis in the ȝere efter as tha ar chargyt Ib. 177; etc.
Tha beand asolȝeit of al vthir cariage 1515 Edgerston Writs (Reg. H.).
Commodities, ariage, cariage, dewtie & due seruice that to the saidis half land … pertaines 1521 Liber Melros 631.
We sall neuer … hwrt, herry nor charge … the landis … with na tailȝeis, taxis, extentis, cariagis, nor dew service c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5705.
Ȝe Lordis and Barronis … That ȝour pure tennantis dois oppres … With sore exhorbitant cariage 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Dissolution.
Avarage, cariage, or ony vther dewteis & seruice 1673 Melrose R. Rec. II. 355.
[To pay 3 l. 7 s. 6 d.] for kayne and cariadg 1678 Forbes Baron Ct. 317.
The … tennentis sall be lyable to the said act anent long cariages(c) 1446 Reg. Episc. Brechin I. 107.
To … mak careage for his part of the bryngyng hayme of the mylstane 1515 Reg. Dunferm. 400.
To giddir witht hariage, careage, … and tua ȝeiris mele 1539 Reg. Privy S. II. 470/2.
With all malis, fermes, … sawing and schering in hervist, areage, careage [etc.] 1542 Reg. Cupar A. II. 203.
All the huisband men of the saidis landis ar oblist to commoun careage to salt, colis, … and lyme 1599 Fraser P. 156.
The tennentis … sall be subiect and astrictit to pay areage and careage and customes(d) 1503 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I. 74.
Thar arrages and carages and all uther deuyteis 1549 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I. 434.
Payand … ȝeirlie … ten penneis for bundage, arrage, or carrage 1552 Reg. Cupar A. II. 107.
With arrege, carrage, dewteis and dew seruice, vsit and wont 1556 Ib. 262.
With all wthir arrege and carrege vsit and vont a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. cx. 13.
For carrage als sum hes no rest, Thocht thair awin wark sould ly vndone 1604 Urie Baron Ct. 9.
Quhatsumeuer tennent in the grund that refusit to do thair detfull serwice to the Lard in carrigis or wtherwayis as thaj ar oblisset, saill be punddit 1678 Forbes Baron Ct. 321.
Quhen long carradgies is sent for, as lym or ani other thing, that thair sall goe able men who sall be countable for thair loads and carradgies
b. In general use.(a, b) 1474 Treas. Acc. I. 71.
For the cariage of the clathis fra Striuelin to Edinburgh 1491 Ib. 179.
For v hors of cariage to bring the arras claythis … to Lythqow 1513 Ib. IV. 513.
In uncostis and caryage fra Leith to the castell 1515–16 Ib. V. 74.
To Cabdan Jonet … for expenses maid to him on cariag of the artalȝery 1523 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 216.
To perfurnis … hors of cariage to our Souerane Lordis army, to cary … victuall thairto 1539 Treas. Acc. VII. 213.
The cariage of … irne barsis … to the castell 1565 Peebles B. Rec. 300.
The baillais … devissit xij hoursmen to rid to the King … to Dunfreis with ix hors of carieg with thame Ib.
The remanent neburis … oblist thame to pay the kaireag and expensis 1633 Maxwell Mem. II. 234.
He resingit his auld liberties, … kariage of the croun and vanegaird in battell 1662 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 486.
The feit defrayed the chargis of the cairiage of the samyne [cattle](c, d) 1511–12 Treas. Acc. IV. 273.
To the said Schir Iames … by expens maid be him of werklumez and careage 1515 Ib. V. 18.
For the careag … of the forsaid tyld 1544 Ib. VIII. 304.
For carrege of v doubill barsis to Leith, quhilk my lord governour lent to Jhonne Creycht 1572 Peebles B. Rec. 338.
That all the inhabitantis … bring in thair carechis of lyme restand bygane 1658 Mun. Univ. Glasg. II. 504.
For exchange and chairges of cairedge [of dials](e) 1595 Douglas Bequest (Reg. H.) 85.
To … haiff priuiledg and libertie of lonyng and … passaig and carriadg of the said fevali to his said rovme 1612–13 Misc. Spald. C. V. 91.
Payit for ane chalder coillis … Item, for mettaig and carriag thairof 1665 Lauder Journal 156.
I payed … 4 livres baiting a groat for the carriadge of my valize
3. Conduct, behaviour.Common in 17th c. with a variety of spellings, as cariag (1650), careag (1621), caradge (1644), caridge (1658), etc.1606 Rep. Southesk MSS. 13.
As ȝour bypast cariage hes contented ws 1608 Elphinstone Mun. 29.
Ȝour undeutifull cairiages in his Maiesties seruices 1626 Edinb. Test. LIII. 260.
To pay to thame … according to the mereitis of thair cariage & behavior 1645 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 77.
Finding … [that] his cariage was and is ane bad example for others 1665 Forbes Baron Ct. 257.
All whow they did offend or wrong be thair ewill caryag or misbehaviour 1682 Melrose R. Rec. III. 31.
[The bailie continues them] untill he trye furder anent ther cariadges
4. Attrib. with hire, silver.1544–5 Treas. Acc. VIII. 360.
For carage hyer of tua pair of lymmarris furtht of the castell of Edinburght to the lang sandis of Leith 1617 Montgomery Mem. 278.
To Johnne Wallace by his cariage siluer for byding in Edinbruch the said space