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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Supplé, Supplie, Supply, n. Also: supplee, -leie, -ley, -li, -lye, suple, -lie, subpley, (sipplie). [e.m.E. supplie (1580), supply (1584); Supplé v.]

1. Aid, assistance, help, support, or an instance of this. Also (once), lettres of supplé.In various constructions and collocations.(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1556 (Bann.).
Bot we him help, of supple wait he nane
c1475 Wall. vii 1115.
Dunbar scho held fra him … Throuch the supple off Wallace
c1475 Wall. x 16.
Ȝon is, that ȝhe se hydder draw, … Erll Malcom to sek ȝow for supple
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 47/31.
Thow art … oblist to … pray for … tham that thow lyvis of thair almos and supple
1490 Irland Mir. III 2/32.
In … the haly sacramentis suld be … spirituall grace … for help suple and perfeccioun of the saule
a1500 Quare Jel. 316.
1508–9 Reg. Privy S. I 271/2.
He … durst nocht cum to the said burgh to hald the said court without warning, support and supple of his frendis
1509–10 Peebles Chart. 42.
Wit ye ws to haif takin vnder oure speciale manteinance protectioun defence supple and saufgard oure louittis all the merchandis and inhabitantis oure burgh of Peblis
1513 Doug. Comm. i iii 29.
Thar lyis … amyd the sey, a hirst or ryg of craggy rolkis, quhilk beyn callit ‘altaris of suple or help’
1513 Doug. i viii 136.
Thidder sall ȝhe suyrly pas with my supple
1513 Doug. ii viii heading.
Thar helpit na suple
1513 Doug. ix vii 79.
O Latonya, … send me thy supple
1513–14 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 26.
With his consell of Jhone Bryden in hop of supple of him we scher his ber
1513–14 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 26.
I and the said Matho with Jhone Brydenes consall with his supple tuk the same one [= on] hand
1562-3 Winȝet II 26/11.
Bot perchanse at that tyme the new inuentioun wantit aid and supple?
a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 30/20.
Quha gaif him sic substance and supplie … Quha bot grit God
1581 Lennox Mun. 321.
To provide succour and supple … for preservatioun of the said Dame Elizabeth
(b) a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 138.
The seid of lufe was sawin in my face And ay grew grene throw ȝour supplie and grace
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 684.
With curage all mismaid Fra time I vnderstude na mair supplie, Sair abaisit … I thus out braid
1545 Reg. Privy C. I 4.
1567 G. Ball. 124.
My hope and traist hes bene to lang In mennis fals supplie
1660 Rothesay Par. Rec. 28.
John McKinley a poore man, petitioneing the Session for supplie was appointed to get the next Sabaothes contributione
(c) Arundel MS 247/264.
(d) 1663 Moray Synod 133.
Supplications for some charitable supply were presented by … John Paterson and James Lyall, poor students in philosophie
1687 Dunlop P. III 39.
Bot ye may lay your count to get no supply from them which ye lipid most to
(2) 1428–9 Cal. Charters Suppl. 7 Feb.
For the quhilke helpe & supple of the wynnynge of the said landis I bynde me & my ayris [etc.]
1438 Acts II 32/1.
This act to be … fulfillyt be the offysaris of the lordis of regalyteys … vyth help and supple of the lordis of the realteys geyff neyd be
1448 Aberd. B. Rec. I 17.
In thar helpying and supple with thair inherdance warr folowaris and makaris of the said soite
1454 11th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. vi 27.
At the said Arthour be help and suple to the said Huchone in the said landis
1484 Aberd. B. Rec. I 40.
Inhabitantis … sal … haf … cellattis and vthir fenssable geer … and cum with thaim to the … ballies … quhen thai … myster helpe or supple
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 26/26.
And thus with the helpe and suple of Him a persone may mak satisfactoun for his synnis
1490 Irland Mir. I 149/2.
In oure maist neid … sche is all oure help and suple
a1500 Prestis of Peblis 1047.
I haue na vther help nor ȝit supplie, Bot I wil pas to my freinds thrie
1513 Doug. vii viii 57.
The deir so dedly woundit, … Onto his kynd resset can fleyng hame, … And like a man besocht help and supple
c1515 Asl. MS I 230/22.
The prince … and the Quene of Yngland come in Scotland to get help & suple aganis the Duke of Ȝorke
1524 Douglas Corr. 92.
That I may haif help and suple of ȝour henes with monye to furnesche twa hundretht men
1528 St. P. Henry VIII IV 523.
1535 Stewart 47613.
King Edward … Without the help and supple of the Bruce, … schew
Arundel MS 281/91.
Grant to me … the port of saluacioun, help and suppley
1568 Cal. Sc. P. II 467.
To geif help and supple to our soverane for exemple caus
1631 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XVIII 46.
The soum of six pound Scots to be put in an box and keiped thereintill for the help and supplie of the poor & decayed persones
1515 Paterson Ayr & Wigton III ii 314.
Because Robert Huntare … is nocht of power to resist the personis, that waistis the samyn without suplie and help
(3) 1462 Aberd. B. Rec. I 22.
Forsamekle as the forsaid lorde is oblist till ws in mantenance and supplie
1465 Bk. Carlaverock I 145.
The said lordis ar … oblist thaim selfis, thair kyn, [etc.] … to stand in afald kendnes supple and defencs ilk til odir
1533 Boece 6.
Britouns … wery of the felloun inhumanite of Scottis and Pichtis aganis thame brocht in supple Constantyne son of Androene
1375 Barb. xiii 225 heading.
How the ȝhemen men [etc.] … maid of schetis the maner of baneris, in supple of king Robert the Bruce & his folkis
1493–4 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 334.
Symon Dodis … has byggit ane chawmer … in supportacione and supple of the saide alterage
1497–8 Acta Conc. II 102.
Quha failyeis and cumis nocht to the sade crya in supple of his nychtbouris … that [etc.]
1500 Edinb. B. Rec. I 83.
In augmentatioun and suple of the comone profitt
1533 Boece 48.
Britouns quhilk come in supple of Pichtis
15.. Clar. iii 120.
He passis in suplie Of Cristine men, the Sarasinis to resist
(4) c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 15.
Ryght as the schip that sailith stereles Vpon the rok[kis] … For lak of it that suld bene hir supplye
c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 112.
1456 Acts II 45/2.
Quhen ony gret ourset is lik to cum on the bordouraris thai think the Inland men sulde be redy in thar supple
c1460 Misc. Bann. C. III 40.
Quhen he mycht nocht gaynstand us, he callit in his supplee the false Saxones
1471–2 Liber Melros 591.
Wit ȝe ws to haue takin vndir oure speciale mantenance protectioun defence supple and saufgarde … Richard Abbot … of Melros
c1475 Wall. ix 1723.
Wallace welcummyt quha com in his supple With lordly feyr
1490 Irland Mir. II 6/3.
Na way thai may eschape bot God be thar suple and deliuer thame
a1500 Bk. Chess 1073.
The folk suld aye be redye bovne In his supple that is prince of this tovne
1534–5 Orkney & Shetl. Rec. 68.
Than ar thaj bundyn … to tak nay maystermen in thar defence or suple, bot equhell men and the laow
1535 Stewart 1248.
In ȝour supple we ar cumit to ȝow hidder To tak ȝour part
1559 M. Napier Mem. J. Napier 63.
All the cumer that can be maid me sall not caus me to geif over that thing suld be my supple in time of neid
1567 G. Ball. 162.
Thow art … My hope, support, and haill supplie
a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 307/74.
Ȝit the ane pairt in thame dependis The vther on France for thair supple
1588–9 Glasgow Burgesses 17.
[Burgess] fienes gevin to Johnne Bogill … for his supplie of the skaith sustenit be him be burnyng of his hous in Rattonraw
1631 Glasgow Hammermen 43.
The vnsufficient irne wark roippit quhilk wes all givin to Mathew Darroche for his supplie
(5) 1463 Liber Aberbr. II 132.
Quhat supple that he makis hym he takis it in weray thank and for na maner of thryldom
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2042.
Ȝe man tak trauell and mak ws sum supple
?a1500 Rosw. & Lillian 308.
When ever thou needest, come to me, And I shall make you good supplie
1535 Stewart 34422.
He thankis thé Of supportatioun, help and grit supple, Thow hes maid him agane his mortall fo
1544 Hamilton P. in Lynd. IV 270.
Without the Kingis grace make some suple and cause to take the ship by the gate
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 220.
Sick marde Musis may mak me no supplee
1554 Misc. Bann. C. III 67.
Requirand to that your Kinglie henes, mot mak supple in thingis to be schawin be oure simplecite
1567 G. Ball. 18.
My supper is nocht graithit for thé Giue thow can mak thy self supplie
1480 Acta Conc. I 68/2.
The gift … was gevin … for his help furtherance and supple done and for to be done
1498–9 Acta Conc. II 331.
For his help, supple, and furderance done to the sade Patrik
1521 Douglas Corr. 81.
The saidis lordis desiris to knaw what supple the Kingis grace wil do thame
(6) a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 950.
Cry quhat he will, he gettis na suppley
1513 Doug. i vii 111.
The Troian madynnys … all sorofull gan pas Onto the tempill … to ask supple
1513 Doug. vi ii 27.
And quhen thou art thar, as thou waldbe cary, Of succurs and of help al desolate, Quhat pepill, and quhat citeis than, God wait, In Ital salt thou beseik of supple!
1513 Doug. xi vi 11.
To help the Latyn pepill in thar weris Behuffyt thame to seik other supple
c1515 Asl. MS I 244/2.
The Lord Hammiltoun was in Yngland till haue gottyn suple
c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus ii 666.
His bill thay gif to him incontinent. Bad him pas hyne, and seik vther supple
(7) 1493 Acta Conc. I 302/1.
The geving of certane expense to the supple of Alisone Spens and hir barnez
1513 Doug. iv i 91.
By the purvyans of Juno to our supple Thir Troiane schippis … Heth hyddir set thar coursys fortunate
1543–4 Reg. Privy S. III 96/1.
And nocht cumand to the supple of hir hienes
1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 566.
See how Penthesilea leads Her Amazonian trowpes to Troye's supplie
(8) 1456 Hay II 77/19.
A lytill buke the quhilk salbe … a supplee to thé in myn absence rycht as I war present
1585 Calderwood IV 302.
If yee can bring anie supplee for your reasons out of the declaratioun, use it
1640 Maidment Balfour Ballads 5.
To wait the lurking fragment of our Traine, That yet remaines: as our assur'd supplie Bought long agoe by love and clemencie
pl. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 2689.
Ȝe may ken sic wemens properteis, Quhat mercy, grace or gude deid thay wil grant Gif ȝe desyre at thame ony suppleis
(9) 1420 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 182.
The said Schir Thomas is becum mane till our said lord the Governour … alsua … the Governour sall giff his lettres baunde and seille till his forsaid cusin … of mantinance helpe and suppleie in [deu] forme [etc.]

b. An additional supply of people, specif., additional fighting men, reinforcements.Some of the earlier quots. are ambiguous with 1 (6) above. c1475 Wall. v 87.
To get supple he socht on to the staill
c1475 Wall. v 790.
It is no witt in wer, With our power to byd thaim bargane her. … tharfor I rede that we Euirmar seik, quhill God send sum supple
c1515 Asl. MS I 185/7.
The Ethiopis held weir apon all Egipte … for the quhilk the Egipcianis socht suple at the Grekis … quharfor the king of Athenis … send his son with gret powere
1513 Doug. vii xiii 104.
The first chiftanys … The rowtis for supple baith neir and far Compellis to assemble with thar poweris
c1541–2 State P. (Reg. H.) No. 29.
Oure soverane … hes send mare supplie to defende his bordouris may nor wes send of before
1533 Boece 42.
To perfurnis thir weris supple of Britouns suld nocht faleȝe

c. Of a person: A support, a help. a1500 Prestis of Peblis 1095.
Allace, my freind is ouer unkynde, Quhome I wend was support and supplie
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 2140.
Thow stant ordant, as sanct, … Till be supplie and the hie gre of price

d. pl. Supporters, fighting men. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 107/22.
The … tratour Donald Owyr Mair falsett had nor udir fowyr Rownd ylis and seyis In his suppleis

2. Financial assistance for a specific purpose; the making good of a deficiency in funds. 1509–10 Edinb. B. Rec. I 129.
In augmentatioun and supple of the commoun proffitt
1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I 334.
300 merks … assignit to me be Mr. Patrick Dun … quhilk he had payit to him … as a supplie to his stipend for his primarship
?a1632 Aberd. Council Lett. I 353.
For supply of the present inlack of small money
1635 Glasgow Chart. I ii 356.
Twa thowsand markis money for supple of the building of the new wark
1665 Dunblane Synod 24.
John Robertson … presented ane supplicacioun … for some supplie to help him in his lauriacionne
1669 Arbroath Old Doc. 9/2.
The said burgh and inhabitants theirof are rendered unable to repair the said harbour without some supplie be granted to them for that effect
1670 Glasgow B. Rec. III 137.
For four pundis starling deburst … for kebers for supplie of the cast [= excavation] at the loch ther
1679 Galloway P. 17 Feb.
He produces a receipt to the tennant of Blackcraidge for the last three moneths of the 12 suplie being £17
1681 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 27.
Mark and John Polanus … whoe wer laitly taken by the pirats of Tripoli … lykwayes craving a supplie toward ther ransome
1689 Cullen Kirk S. 16 June.
There was ane act of the Convention of States read for a supplie to be collected for the French and Irish protestants
(b) 1675 Maxwell Mem. I 372.
Two severall strangers, dieing … could not, without sipplie [sic in pr.] hence, be so much as buried … to whose buriall I gave a six dollar

b. The making good of a deficiency of another sort. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xxviii 35.
Off God grit kyndness may ȝe clame, That helpis his peple fra cruke and lame, Supportand faltis with ȝour supple

3. (A) provision of funds or food; (a person's) allowance of money or other necessaries.sing. (1) 1512 Crim. Trials I i 80.
And it is thocht rycht odious and hevy to oure soverane lorde … that ony resset, supple, favour, intercommonyn or assistance suld be gevin to the saidis rebellis
c1575 Balfour Pract. 126.
Efter that the over-lord is … aggreit with his tenent, anent the releif of his landis to be gevin to him, it is leasum to the tenent to ask … fra his men and tenentis, ane ressonabill help and supplie, efter the facultie and quantitie of thair landis
1584-9 Maxwall Commonpl. Bk. Prov. No. 37.
That castell doith not merite mercie quhilk ȝeeldes rather for wainte of fresche supplie than at the swite of the beseiger
1608 Irving Dumbartonsh. II 198.
We have given our speciall precept for payment of twelve thousand merks mair, sae that our old burgh … should not perish for laik of supplie
1608 Conv. Burghs II 259.
To restrayne that impertenent and vndewtifull supple gevin to the saidis ministeris
1639 Tayler Hist. Fam. Urquhart 42.
Send us such a supplie as yow may spair
1666 Lamont Diary 188.
A complaint given in vpon severall ministers for giveing testificatts to persons to goe and seike supplie wher they pleased
1689 Acts XII 64/2.
The concealling the demand of a supply for ane forfault persone although not given is treason
(2) 1657 Sc. Ant. XIII 30.
Committee to visit the prisoners in the Abbay … next Wadnsday that a course may be taken anent their supply
(b) 1646 Army of the Covenant II 367.
Paid to John Bruntoun hurt suldier for his present subpley and subsistance per ordour and recept ane hundreth pounds
pl. (1) 1510 Crim. Trials I i 66.
Item, gif thair be ony resettis, supleis, or intercommonis with the kingis rebellis?
1572 Elphinstone Mun. 18.
And als becaus of vtheris diuers gratitudis supleis and helpis
1689 Cramond Kirk S. III 6 Dec.
The parochiners of Cramond … made their addresse to … the presbitry of Edinburgh, for their severall Sabbathly supplies
(2) 1648 Hamilton P. (Camden Soc.) 151.
My Lord Montros … sems daylay discontent, bot … The supleis hei hes hede is greate consideringe the condition of thos from whom it coms

4. The furnishing of a person, etc., with necessaries. 1544 Reg. Privy S. III 119/1.
Ane respiet maid to Johnne Law … for his tressonable supple, mantenyng, fortefeing [etc.] … William Erle of Glencarne
1615 Crim. Trials III 284.
A other proclamatione, prohibiteing the ressatt, supplee, or furnisheing of thir rebelles, with ony thing confortable, or necessar vnto thame
1619 Cramond Cullen Ann. 33.
That sum guid ordour may be taiken for supplie of the said toun in tyme
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 76.
The thirds of all benefices wer appoynted to be uplifted for … supply of the king's hous and publict effairs of the kingdome
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 287.
Anent the recept, supplie and intercomuneing with rebells
1639 Dunferm. Ann. 305.
And of the leavie that is going to the Southe. Have thairfore for suplie thairof appointit and ordainit ane taxt & stent
1650 Dumfries Kirk S. 7 Nov.
For gathering ane collectione from hous to hous, for the supplie of these aforesaid in both conditiones

b. Reward, personal advantage. c1475 Wall. x 1132.
Quhat lordschip thou will craiff For thy supple, I hecht thou sall it haff
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 208/8.
Sum gevis in practik for supple

5. A land-tax or cess levied from the shires and burghs, over and above other sources of revenue, for the defraying of the sovereign's expenses. Also Commissioners of Supply, officials appointed locally to raise such levies.Cf. SND, s.v. Supply n. 3."The subsidies granted in parliament to defray the public expenditure for the current year were called ‘supplies’." W. A. J. Prevost ‘The Commissioners of Supply for Dumfriesshire and their Proceedings, 1692–1711’ in Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society 3 Ser. XXXVI 27. "[The Dumfries Commissioners] … imposed taxes to meet the demands of His Majesty's Supply which was part of Scotland's contribution towards the upkeep of the British fleet and armed forces … In 1688 and after they are invariably called ‘Commissioners of Supply’." W. A. J. Prevost ‘The Valuation Book of the Shire, 1667–92’ in Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society 3 Ser. XXXVIII 168–9. (1) 1622 Scot Course of Conformity 64.
In a loyall and submissive obedience to their princes will and … a heartie … offering of all supply and ayd to the vpholding and increase of his estate
1684 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. XXXVI 145, 146.
[To] make offer to his Majestie of alse many moneths supplie yearlie … as his Majesties Privie Councill … shall think fitt to appoint, by and attour the present supplie granted by the current Parliament
(2) 1622 Scot Course of Conformity 64.
[King James VI] The importance … of our adoes giveth us just hope for to looke for a supply to bee granted to us by our subjects … in a greater measure then hath been at any time heretofore
1689 Acts XII 56/2.
That the collector of the supply in the schyre of Edinburgh give catione to the clerk of the thesaurie
1689 Acts XII 76/1.
That a Commissione be drawen for exacting Whittsundayes termes supply and the inland excyse preceeding that terme
(3) 1693 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. XXXVI 42.
Which levies and proportions the Commissioners of Supply which now are, or shall be herafter in the said shyres and stewartries … are herby fully impowered to make effective
1699 Cramond Kirk S. IV 26 Oct.
The commissioners of Supply … have appointed this paroch to make choise whither to send in thair poore to Edinburgh to be maintained thair, as the law provides, or keep thaim at home within thair oun paroch

6. In the Church of Scotland: The filling of a vacant charge on a permanent or temporary basis. Chiefly, appoint supply. 1644 Moray Synod 71.
As all Badȝenoch is now vacand saife only one churche they appoynt supply
1646 Moray Synod 81.
The Assemblie appoint supplie till the said kirk be provyded with a qualified man
1693 Cramond Kirk S. III 28 March.
It was necessar they should see to the supply of the vacancy of this church
1695 Dunkeld Presb. II 32.
Certifying that who ever beis absent, without a letter bearing a relevant excuse, shall be lyable to any supplie of vacant kirks the Presbitrie shall appoint

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