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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Power, -ar(e, n. Also: pou-, pov-, pouu-, pouw-; pu-, pw- and -ere, -eir, -air(e; -ir; -our, -ur; -art; poa(i)r; pouyer. [ME and e.m.E. power, pouwer(e (c 1290), poer, poeir (1297), pouer (c 1400), -oir, AF poer, poair, pouair, OF poër, poeir (whence pooir, mod. F. pouvoir), subst. use of infin. v. poeir, pouoir, povoir, pouvoir, earlier *podeir, late pop. L. potēre, for posse to be able. Cf. Pour(e n.1] Power; a power.Some examples appear to imply more than one of the senses.

1. (The, also one's) ability or capacity (to do, also of doing, something).To have (the) power, to be able (to do something).(1) 1375 Barb. xviii 267 (C).
Thair schippes … Had the vynd contrar till thame ay Swa that apon no maner thai Had power till the fyrth till bring Thair vittale
a1400 Leg. S. vi 350.
Fore he that gyffis his almus here, Quhen to hald it he has powere Is [etc.]
?1438 Alex. ii 5655.
Gif it happin … That thow may hap and power haue To refe his sword
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xl 355.
All the warld … sall not haue the power ȝow to deir
1616 Rogers Social Life III 303.
And never have power to eat meat
(2) 15.. Dunb. To London 14.
For manly power, with craftis naturall, Fourmeth none fairer
1560 Rolland Seven S. 3725.
It passis far our power for to do
1581 Burne in Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 164/20.
As gif … His pouar of virking miraclis var limitat to [etc.]
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. 140.
As the licht of the sone … takis not from the eyne the pouar … of seing

b. (Material) resources.1456 Hay II 81/15.
Thou mon have eye to thyne awin power, and syne, to the necessitee that thai have that thou delis with
c1490 Irland Asl. MS. 53/19.
That God consideris the luf & cherite … mare than the quantite of the gift and specialie quhen the powere and substance is litill
1566 Reg. Privy C. I 482.
That the Scottismen frauchtaris of the said strangearis schippis ar of sufficient power and abilitie to furneis the ladynning thairto of thair awin propir gudis

c. To do (al) (one's) power, to do all one can, to do one's best. d. For all the power (one) may, despite all one's efforts.1409 Exch. R. IV ccx.
[They] sal lelily do thair power on aythir part to ger it [a discord] be stanchit
1424 Acts II 4/2.
And that the extentouris salbe sworne … that thai sall do thar full powere to the saide extent
1446 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 105.
To do al my power and delygens, als fer as the commwn law ma extende
1456 Hay I 13/26.
And first he did his power to put it doun
c1475 Wall. ix 1286.
To bruk that land thai did power and will
(1337) Liber Plusc. 285.
Montagu, for al the power that thou may [etc.]
c1475 Wall. iii 396.
His men … he out off perill brocht Fra his enymys, for all the pouer thai mocht

2. Ability to operate strongly on something or someone; telling force; might. a. Physical strength or vigour; power of physical movement, vital power.1375 Barb. xii 554 (C).
And mony gud man fellit vndir feit That had no power to ris ȝeit
Ib. xx 195.
Sen God will nocht that I Haue power thiddirward till ga
1456 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 14.
That he haif cunnying and power to labour
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 1920.
Straik so weill That of his strenth he suld the power feill
Ib. 3767.
Hit him … with sic a will, With all his force and power put thairtill
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1224.
May nowthir power nor pith put him to prise
a1500 Henr. Fab. (O.U.P.) 1568.
Now is the lyoun … delyuerit … Be lytill beistis of ane small power [: danger]
c1475 Wall. ii 197.
Sen my pouer thus sodandlye is gane
1531 Bell. Boece I 136.
Scho answerit, scho … wald have slane hir ennime; and laikit na gud will, howbeit hir power failyeit
1572 Sat. P. xxxii 124.
Lat neuer thair micht, but richt, with hand ay bend, Haue strenth or power thame for to hurt or wreik
1590 Crim. Trials I ii 206.
For … gewing and taking of power fra sindrie mennis memberis

b. Military strength; force of arms, physical force.1375 Barb. xii 238.
Thai ar cummyn heir, For lypnyng in thair gret power, To seik vs in our awne land
?1438 Alex. I 372.
Quhan I for power, strenth or aw Sall of this stalwart stour be gane
c1400 Troy-bk. i 199.
Thai war notht of syk power, For-quhy to few of folk thai wer
c1420 Wynt. ii 1518.
All Asy dowtyde thare powere [: were]
Ib. viii 1760.
For thai trowyd swne off were Assaylyd to be wyth gret powere
1456 Hay I 47/16.
The Romaynis … schew sik power agaynis thame that thai slewe thair king
Ib. II 27/13.
For fault of power and defense
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 4012.
That thai war nocht of power to ganestand The michty power that thai saw cumand
c1475 Wall. v 364.
That a persone … Trowys to stop the power of Ingland
1497–8 Acta Conc. II 101.
Gif the sadis trespassouris be of mare power than the persons of the place quhare thai cum in
1531 Bell. Boece I 73.
In adventure thay [the Romans] grow efter sa strang, quhen thair power is junit togidder, that [etc.]
1535 Stewart 5288. 1549 Compl. 90/28.
There grit pouer & mycht be see & be lond
1578 Bk. Carlaverock II 484.
Hes biggit … aucht … greit stane housis, inprynnabill for the warden of Scotland his power
1584 Melvill 201.
And wald undoutedlie with fyre and sword persew the saming giff force and powar answerit to thair incensit aire and bludie appetit

c. Divine, spiritual, mental or moral power; power to work miracles or the like.(a) c1420 Wynt. v 4084.
Ony man gyff that he mycht Rays be powere or be slycht Fra dede to lywe
1456 Hay II 112/32, 33.
And traist wele … that God has nocht … sa fremmytly excludit His powere infynyte fra His werkis that He may nocht direct His powere to change the first set of the devise
a1500 Henr. Fab. (O.U.P.) 1643.
For God is in His power infinite And mannis saull is febill
Id. Test. Cress. 148.
The seuin planetis … Quhilk hes power of all thing generabill
1490 Irland Mir. II 25/6.
That the sone of God Ihesus was les of power na the fader
Ib. I 6/20. Id. Asl. MS. 47/6. 1513 Doug. i x 20.
To thé I cum, to thé I seik, quod sche, Lawly askyn thy power and supple
Ib. x Prol. 160.
Thir paygane goddis … Quhais power may nocht help a haltand hen
1528 Lynd. Dreme 538. 1535 Stewart 139.
And thoucht ȝour asking be waill honorabill, Ȝit to my power it is rycht importabill
a1561 Q. Kennedy Brief Tract. (ed.) 122/29. Ib. 123/12. 1567 G. Ball. 16.
The power spirituall of Christis blude
a1585 Polwart Flyt. 557 (T).
Suppres all power of King Pluttois sprit
(b) a1400 Leg. S. i 269.
I sall schaw thé The micht of myn dewine poware [: prayere]
Ib. Prol. 113. c1420 Wynt. v 664.
The dewyllys … Off Goddys wyll and Hys poware [: ware] Cryit [etc.]
a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1145 (Asl.).
As God His powar kyd in creacioun
1551 Hamilton Cat. 47.
All thai … that lippinis mair in the powar and help of man than of God
a1561 Q. Kennedy Brief Tract. (ed.) 120/7.
That He rais one the thyrd day be his awin powar
1567 G. Ball. 115.
Ane generatioun thy warkis dois declair Unto ane vther, and als thy greit powair
1580 Hay in Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 45/24.(c) a1568 Bann. MS. 32 a/77.
Hale of honor puer and dignite … Immensurable

d. A particular faculty of body or mind.1490 Irland Mir. MS fol. 294.
As the power vigitatiue [serves] to the sensitiue, and the sensitiue to the intellectiue
1513 Doug. x Prol. 67.
The sawle of man is ane … Havand thre poweris distinct and separate, Vndirstandyng, rayson and memor
Id. Comm. i iii 54. 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 155/1.
The blessing or curse of the parentis hes almaiste euer a prophetike pouaire ioined uith it

e. Some combination of the above and/or any other source(s) of strength or resources.The Seven S. quot. is perh. intended as sense 5.c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 2439.
To cheis ane king … To quhome thair is baith wit and wisdome lent And power als to keip ȝow and defend
a1500 Seven S. 1684.
Als lang as thai ȝone ymagis haf … Thar may na power do thaim dammage
Arundel MS. 284/166.
Fra all my enemes visabill and invisabill, and fra all the wachingis and power of thame
a1570-86 Arbuthnot Maitl. F. xxix 146.
I want all micht, na powar is me lent
1587 Aberd. Council Lett. I 8.
Avowing … to execute his power and malice agains thame

3. Of an inamimate thing: The capacity to produce some effect. Also, an instance of this.(1) 1531 Vaus (1531) 2.
Ane coniunctione may be of diuers power, now rationale [etc.]
1549 Compl. 35/8.
As [if] the dede hed na pouuer to sla oure bodeis
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 129/5.
Be the pover of his vorde
1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 240.
The said Agnes … gaif power to the said pictour [of wax] that as it sould melt away … swa sould [etc.]
(2) 1533 Gau 4/11.
Siclik thay dremit and maid innumerabil pouers and vertus and laid to siclik orisons

b. Said of a legal enactment or the like: Jurisdiction, application.1622-6 Bisset I 255/26.
That this act sall have power in all materis abone [etc.]

4. A large amount (of wealth).A more or less concr. extension of sense 2.c1460 Regim. Princ. 58 (Fairf.).
And cheis na man for hee lordschip na blud Na gret pouware [Marchm., Ch. & M. power] of ryches [Maitl. powar nor riches] to consale

5. An armed force; a body of armed men, a host, an army; also, the main body of an army.The concr. sense corresp. to 2 b.Also without article or possessive: Armed force, armed men, army. Cf. 2 b.Also, contextually, (a) sufficient or matching armed force.(1) c1420 Wynt. v 5574.
On were Assemblyd he had a gret powere
Ib. viii 2146. 1456 Hay I 6/30.
God … send Michael his angel with sik a power of gude angelis … and gafe him bataill
c1475 Wall. viii 464.
Quhat mysteryt ma in a power to pas?
c1500-50 Brevis Cronica 335.
The nixt ȝeir eftir come Edwart … with ane greiter poweir
1533 Boece 244.
Graham … send ane power of the Insulanis … in reskewe of the vantgarde
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 45.
Lying not far of the town [Aberdeen] with a greit power
1582 Crim. Trials I ii 108.
Grit poweris of Inglismen … daylie manassand and boistand weir
1596 Dalr. I 72/21.
With a new power to truble Gathel
Ib. 298/11.(2) 1375 Barb. iii 247.
Hanibal … syne wes put to sik assay Throw the power off that cite That [etc.]
Ib. vi 472, viii 391, xi 84. ?1438 Alex. ii 9631.
Betys … Abandoned him sa in that stour That his power thocht ferly [F. Que tuit cil s'esmervellent qui sont en sa frontiere]
c1420 Wynt. iv 990.
To scant all rynnand ryverys were For to be drynk till his powere
Ib. viii 1820.
All wes slayne wyth that powere [: frere]
Ib. iii 586; iv 336, 590, 1728, 2416; v 490, etc. 1456 Hay I 57/1.
Thare come agaynis Rome to destroy it the powaris of Cipre, the poware of Almayne, and the powere of Fraunce
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 412.
Tuelf crovnit kingis in feir, With all thair strang poweir
c1475 Wall. iii 116.
Be that the power was takand Lowdounhill
Ib. ix 1046.
Hys power sone he gart dewyd in twa … rycht knychtlik he thaim kend, In that jornay othir to wyn or end
Ib. xi 357.
To harnes ȝeid the power off the toun
Ib. v 785, etc. 1533 Boece 145.
Becaus of thare [certain castles'] strate entre the power mycht nocht ische commodioslie
Ib. 35. 1535 Stewart 8839.
Quhen thai [two kings] met, … baith thair poweris intill ane wes knet
Ib. 27058. a1578 Pitsc. II 287/13, 288/8. 1596 Dalr. II 19/16.
The Scottis power … refuises nocht to fute the feilde
c1650 Spalding II 473.
The Erll of Sudderland in persone with his pouer, … the Lord Lovatis pouer, bot not him self
(b) ?1438 Alex. ii 1237.
That Alexander cumis … To succour ȝow with his poware [: fare]
c1420 Wynt. ii 1397.
The Sytykys than wytht thare poware Had wastyd all that land off were
c1510 Prester John fol. 311 b.
Thair king and all his powar passis to fecht wyth thame
1528 Douglas Corr. 136.
At the Kyng of Scotland convenis with the gret pouar of Scotland
1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 15.
Your partye … purposis to be in Styrlinge … with the powart thai may be
1544 Ib. 79.
Quhat your grace … will devis for the resisting … of our ennymeis advertise ws at sum haste that we may provide our powaris
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 3. a1578 Pitsc. I 316/6.
That he sould com to Edinburgh witht all the powar that he might be
Ib. 317/2.
Best it war to debait witht baitht thair powaris and strengthis in tyme
(3) 1456 Hay II 28/10.
And he suld be wele horsit, and have power of men to kepe the contree and the kingis wayis
c1475 Wall. v 303.
Gret power wok at Stirlyng bryg off tre
Ib. vi 286.
Throuch all Ingland he gart his doaris cry Power to get
1512 Crim. Trials I i 80.
Quhar the takaris or apprehendaris ar maisteris of pover, quharthrow the said rebell … may nocht evaide
c1515 Asl. MS. I 188/30.
And than the kingis son … gadderit gret powere of Scottis men and come in les Scotland
1531 Bell. Boece I 206.
Donald … seing the king of small power tuke purpos [etc.]
1533 Boece 45.
Than certane power lichtlie bodyn … suld persewe the flearis
Ib. 99.
Ane myscheant man namyt Murkett … assembling power of brokin men and larouns fra Ireland
Ib. 137.
Cornan … attemptit to rais power in defence of the king
Ib. 283.
About the portis Ambrois assignyng power that na Saxoun suld ische
Ib. 456, 617. 1535 Stewart 5020.
Sayand … thai had power aneuche To fecht witht thame
(4) c1420 Wynt. vi 898.
Twa gret ostys … off were Arayid welle wyth gret powere
1456 Hay I 49/4.
And … armyt thre hunder schippis with gret power
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 1032.
Na fecht with him with power thow na may
Ib. 3422.
I se cumand in batall Duke Bitis With all powar that he may gudlie be
Ib. 4124.
With all power the citie purvayit he
1533 Boece 86.
Evene … with strang power garnist all the coistis
1535 Stewart 18545.
With plane power he met him into feild
Ib. 34151.
King Gregoure, with power les and moir … passit furth onto Northumberland
Ib. 39333.
Than King Eldreid … Come hame agane with pover of the new
(5) 1535 Stewart 27041.
Traistand richt weill he micht na powar be In plane battell agane tha kingis thre

6. Control or influence over others; the right to rule or command; authority, dominion, command, sway.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xlvi 143.
The pouere thu hichtis me & the gret state & dignite I refuse
c1420 Wynt. i 1633.
Quhen that prynce hys powere hade Off yrne all the warlde he made
Ib. vi 1346.
Till se, How the byschapys governyd ware And led thare state and thare poware
Ib. 1961.
Makbeth … set hym than in hys powere [W. for his gret powere] A gret hows for to mak off were Apon the hycht off Dunsynane
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 2455.
I … heir resingis all my power hale To ȝow lordis
1490 Irland Mir. I 119/32.
The ressounis and powere of oure scister, Dame Mercy, are sa strange that na way thai may be resistit
Ib. II 37/33.
Thai that war befor vnder our power and thrildome
1506 Edinb. Chart. 190.
For the quhilk ye sall be haldin to ansuer our full power be thir our lettres
1513 Doug. iii vi 157.
First of Iuno thou wirschip the gret mycht And glaidly hallow with sacrifice … The power of Iuno
1537 Edinb. Hammermen 3.
Beand requirit tharto be … ony vther masteris in the dekinis nayme & powar
a1570-86 Maitl. F. lx 20.
Suppois that thow had kinrikis nyne Thy kinglie powar sall decres
a1578 Pitsc. I 16/14.
Ane myane hou scho sould deminesch the chancellaris pouer
1581 Burne Disput. 39.
Ȝe ar not content to limitat the pouar of kingis … bot ȝe vil limitat the pouar of God him self
1590 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II 138.
The King of Spain … encouraged be his powar and lairge dominions
c1590 Fowler II 93/24.
Findinge the jurisdiction and pouar of Rome hig[h]lye advanced
1596 Dalr. I 236/12.
Caduall, king of the Britonis … , quhen the kingis of Northumbirland [etc.] … had brocht his pouer to nocht
1622-6 Bisset I 21/14.
Quhat lenth, breadth, hecht nor deip, thair [the laws'] poware drawes
(2) c1420 Wynt. vi 711.
Donald … Wes kyng in Scotland off powere [: yhere]
1424 Dumbarton B. Rec. App. ii 2.
Withoutyn leve purchest of thaim that powar has
1456 Hay I 215/6.
The suerd of powere imperiale is gevin to the emperour
1490 Irland Mir. II 37/28.
And befor we [the devils] had power and dominacioun in the waurld
Ib. I 5/11, 59/24. 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 550.
The Archebischop of Sanctandrus … primate in power pastorall
a1538 Abell 81 a.
In power laulie and in fairnes womenlie
Ib. 114 b.
Sa ma the paip abus his keis baith of power and science
1567 Sat. P. v 63.
Sen God hes to ȝow power lent, Gif ye be lashe ye ar to blame
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 34.
Ȝour selffis that hes sufficient power to represse thair insolency and proudnes
1577 A. Hay Nobility 15.
His [progenitors] were Erles of Stratherne and Comitie Palatynes, now decayenge in lyvinge and of no greate power
a1578 Pitsc. I 42/2.
That ȝe ar promovit to the greit dependance of vasallis … witht wther great strength and powar
Ib. II 62/11.
Thow hes takin power at thyne awin hand without ony auctoritie of the churche
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. in Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 83/20.
They lichtlie and contems hie pouer and authoritie
1606 Reg. Privy C. VII 181.
All … noblemen, barrons, and gentlemen of power
plur. 1562-3 Winȝet I 120/22.
Or as mony supponis to the end that ȝe and ȝour priuat opinioun be nocht iugeit be men of superiour poueris
(3) 1456 Hay I 104/23.
[Christ's] vicare has powere our all his lordschip in this erde
Ib. 232/10.
For he that has poware apon the maist has power apon the leste
Ib. 106/7. 14.. Edinb. Univ. MS. La. ii 318.
On quhilk men the feynd has pouste On sic men he has power [: here]
1490 Irland Mir. MS fol. 297 b.
As the paip gevis thame powere abone monyare ore feware pepil
1562-3 Winȝet I 102/4.
And siklyke saying to Pylat, Thow wald haif na pouer ouer me, except it war geuin thee frome abuif, quho hald his pouer of the empriour
1635 Dickson Hebrews 32.
Satan hath power of death as the burrio hath power over the pitt and gallows
c1460 Consail Vys Man 450.
The fend of thé has na powere [: heir]
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 148.
The seuin planetis … Quhilk hes power of all thing generabill
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xc 31.
Thi confessour … power hes of thy synnes compleit
1551 Hamilton Cat. 238.
The woman hes nocht powar of hir bodye bot hir husband
Sa it followis that the man can nocht geve the powar of his body to may than ane [sc. woman]
a1599 Rollock Wks. I 426.
The Lord hes the power of thy bodie
1662 Crim. Trials III 607.
We haw no power of rain, bot ve will rease the wind quhan ve pleas
(4) 1456 Hay I 245/8.
Quhen a … mortale inymy haldis in his power the principale party advers
1456 Hay I 200/12.
For quhy … the fader has his barnis all under his power and cure
1490 Irland Mir. I 8/7.
The regimen and gouernyng of his pepil that lifis undir thi power and autorite
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 285.
If [a woman] … be under the pouer of her husband [etc.]

b. (In or to) the handis and power (or power and hands) of a person, in or into one's custody, charge or possession.1561 St. A. Kirk S. 131.
Committing the sayd Johan Forret to the handis and power of temporall magistratis
1601 Reg. Privy C. VI 322.
That the saidis personis sould be sufferit to remaine in the powar and handis of the said erle
1661 Glasgow B. Rec. II 475.
The fleshouris throw their inhansing in their hands and power not onlie the ruch tallyow they had … but also quhat they could buy [etc.]

c. After Eng., rendering potestas in the Vulgate (1 Cor. XI 10): A symbol of being under authority. —1558 Knox IV 377.
And therfore oght the woman to have a power upon her head

7. A person or a group of persons possessing authority; an authority; a ruler or governor; also applied to God.Chiefly with a qualifying term, as héar (= higher), temporal, etc.1551 Hamilton Cat. 80.
Evereilk man submit him self … to the auctoritie of hear powaris … Submit your self to all ordinance of the temporal powar
1559–60 St. A. Kirk S. 28.
With the incalling of the civile powaris hand
1562 Bk. Univ. Kirk. I 17.
To make supplication to the hier powers for the mansses … to ministers to dwell in
1562-3 Winȝet I 107/28.
Als weill to superiour poueris … as to æquall and inferiouris
1568 Cal. Sc. P. II 467.
In thair prencis, kingis, quenis, or utheris supreme pouerris
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. in Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 73/14.
Ordinar superiors, quha ar substitute be the maist michtie pouar as Goddis in the earth
1613 Haddington Corr. 120.
Be ordonance of heighar powars
1624 J.M. Beale Fife Schools 127.
Quho sall separat me from the love of God? Sall principallities, or pouaris, thingis present or to cum? 16 … Melvill lxii. The said Mr. Thomas had compleanit to the superior powers upon him
1688 Cramond Kirk S. II 6 May.
Though they bring recommendationes from any [pe]rson, either higher powers or any others

b. A celestial or spiritual being having control or influence.1490 Irland Mir. II 49/29.
Thai sperit the maner hou he had ourcummyn all thir powaris of myrknes
a1500 Seven S. 1684.
Thar may na power do thaim dammage
c1500 Rowll Cursing 1 (M).
Devyne poware of michtis maist
1557 Facs. Nat. MSS. III xl.
Aganis Sathan and all wicked power that [etc.]
1611-57 Mure Early Misc. P. xiv 17.
That hyer powares be with feir regairdit

8. Authority granted or delegated, permitting or instructing a person to operate in some capacity or act in a specified way; authorization, commission; licence, leave; or an instance of these.Freq. const. to do something. Also with complements specifying the nature of the authority delegated or held, and in letter, also commission, of power.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxv 177.
Mene … That wyst thai brethyre pouare had To distrenȝe al that [etc.]
1397 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 35.
Hafande souffisande pouer of bathe the kingis ilkan for his part for to redresse … trespasses
1398–9 Acts I 210/2.
That the Duc of Rothesay be the kyngis lieutenande generally … hafande fwl power & commission of the kyng
c1420 Wynt. vii 1754.
For-thi the byschapys, that thare ware, Off tha absentys had na poware For till mak awnswere
Ib. 1870, 3113. 1429 Dumbarton B. Rec. App. ii 2. 1448–9 Aberd. B. Rec. (S.H.S.) cxi n. 1456 Hay I 153/19. Ib. II 22/34. 1466 Reg. Dunferm. 357.
Hafand full leiffe and power … of me [etc.]
1471 Acts II 99/1. 1471 Maxwell Mem. I 185.
That the said John … haff full pover and fre faculte to … inhabit the said landis
1476 Acta Aud. I 46/1.
To pruf that Willame of Sterlin had powar of the said Erle of Hontle til assigne or to set the said landis to the said Vmfra
1482–3 Acta Conc. II cxxi. 1488 Crim. Trials I i 12. 1489 Exch. R. X 100 n.
a1500 Bk. Chess 2148.
The rok … has na power ferther for to do Than be the king he is direct to
1500 Edinb. B. Rec. I 81.
Interponand our autorite for the obseruyng and keping of the premissis safer as we haue powar
1503 Acts II 246/1. 1522 Balfour Pract. 51. 1535 Stewart 34061.
That no secular suld haif power to caw Ane preist or clerk befoir him to thole law
1558 Glasgow Cordiners 249. 1562-3 Winȝet I 15/14.
Bot giue ȝe be callit be man, ȝe moist schaw thaim to haue had lauchful power thairto
Ib. 51/4. c1575 Balfour Pract. 2.
Na jugeis … hes powar to mak any lawis or statutis
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Forestarius. 1620 Breadalbane Doc. No. 437.
That na persone haid powar … to … tak away aney buriall stane … without speciall leive
1630 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. II 339.
For himselff and haueing power of Wa. Dick merchand
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 42.
All barons who hes pouer of pitt and gallowes hes pouer to hold courts for slaughter
1648 Glasgow B. Rec. II 154.
That none of these … quartermasters … sall naither have power nor any voyce in the leitting of the new deacone
1658 Rothesay B. Rec. 21.
Payment to the persewar of xx li. for ane broune horse as haveing pouer fra Hew Alleine
(b) 1517 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 89.
That he may hayf puer to rasayf in service to … my lord gowernour all that he may get
(2) a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 135.
He [God] thame gafe Playne powar our the laffe To bynd and lois [etc.]
c1420 Wynt. ii 377.
Hys lard [sc. the King of Egypt] … gawe hym large and full powere To do that [etc.]
1423 15th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. viii 33.
Gyfand and grantand my ful and playn pouere to tha ilkis … my landis … tyl vpgyf
1428 Liber Melros II 519.
Syttand as iuge … with powar giffyn & chargyt vndyr the kyngis seale
1439–40 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 239.
And I graunt … full fredome and power to punde … withoutht leif or licence
1456 Hay I 219/32.
Privilegis imperiale, as … gevand power be lettre to tak mark
1488 Acts II 208/1.
Thir lordis vnder writtin … to gif thame pouer to caus vtheris smale lardis within thar boundis to [etc.]
1490–1 Acta Conc. I 176/1.
[She] reuoikit … all power gevin to him be the said lettrez of procuratory
1539 Reg. Privy S. II 455/2.
Ane lettre … gevand him full poware and speciale licence to … rife out his landis of his heretage
1558-66 Knox I 8. 1563 St. A. Kirk S. 158. 1605 Conv. Burghs I 538. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 557.
Gang to the devill and bischop yow, the pape hes gevin yow power
1652 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 75.
Be vertue of the power given them be Collonell Ashfeild
1689 Falkirk Par. Rec. I 250.
We … doe, be thir presents, give full power, warrand, and commission to the hammermen … to visit [etc.]
(b) 1603 Reg. Privy C. VI 560.
With puer alsua to the twa part of our said counsall to gif commissioun and puer … to ony fyve of thair nowmer upoun complentis [etc.]
(3) 1439 Edinb. Chart. 64.
And grantande to … hys airs … oure ful and playne poware … oure courts to halde
1454 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 261.
Grantande to my saide procuraturis … my ful power … to gyf vp … my landis
1482 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 501.
Geveand and grantand … my plane and expres power and speciale mandment for me & in my name al and sindry the said my landis
1486 Maxwell Mem. I 198. 1508 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 333. 1557 Rec. Earld. Orkney 108. 1586 Jurid. Rev. IV 119.
Committing to them … my full power express bidding commandment and charge … to compear before our soverane Lord Justice-General
(4) c1420 Wynt. vii 2642.
The Archebyschape off Yhork … Be autoryte and powere Off the pape, assoylyd then … our kyng
(5) a1400 Leg. S. xxv 171.
Be the poware that thai had, Distrenȝeyt al that [etc.]
1424 Dumbarton B. Rec. App. ii 1.
The qwhilks xii … sal determyt al playnts [etc.] … as in thair wyttis and powers extend [sic]
1425 Coldingham Ct. Roll MS.
And incontinent ȝoung John of Paxton brukit [sc. certain land], qwat power at he had we wat nocht
1471 Acts II 101/2.
It is statute … be the lordis hafing the pover committit to thaim be the hale thre estatis … that … quhen ony brefis pledable [etc.]
1524 Wigtown B. Ct. 157 b.
And at he vse the said povir bot as deput to the said schiraef
1563–4 Reg. Privy C. I 270.
Swa to be … chargeit be the said erle or thame havand his power within the saidis boundis
Ib. 271.
In the sycht of him or of thame berand his power
1569 Peebles B. Rec. I 307.
The bailye … had purchasit na power nor lycens of the lordis of cessioun
15.. in Bisset I 84/7.
Be hir maiesties poware
1578 Bk. Disc. 1.
The kirke in the last sense has a certaine power grantit be God
1578–9 Reg. Privy C. III 91. 1582–3 Ib. 541.
The same commissioun [of justiciary] wes … worthelie reduceit as a power strange and unsufferabill to be in the persoun of ony inferior subject
1645 Baillie II 307.
As including ane arbitrarie and illimitat power
16.. Gordon Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 396.
He wes not to succeed … but a power limitat be them … wherein they doe no less than reduce the succession to election
1681 Stair Inst. iv iii §20 (1832) 577.
There are many debates … why an action should be defined a power to prosecute, it being rather a prosecution of power; for all right is comprehended in some kind of power
1684 Erskine Diary 84.
They had the power of the justiciary as well as of the council
(6) 1593 Bk. Univ. Kirk III 808.
The power of the presbiteries is … to enquire diligentlie of nauchtie and vngodlie personis
1596 Dalr. I 53/22.
Forfare, … quhair is ane … justice courte haldne, and power to juge
1653 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 136.
In usurping … the counsellis [power] whois power it hes onlie beene … to appoint the weght of bread
1684 Fountainhall Decis. I 313.
Sir Patrick craved power to affix [etc.]
(7) 1478 Prestwick B. Rec. 28.
The said Huchoun … sall haf na pouer of court upon … na inhabitaris
1478–9 Acta Aud. 74/1.
That he had a povere of balȝery … to gif him sesing of the said landis
14.. Maner of Battale 226.
Ane prince havand power of batall … sal sit juge … above … the listes
1482 Edinb. Chart. 155.
As at mar lenth is contenit in the samyn pouir of procuratory
1490 Lanark B. Rec. 6.
William Dikeson … to bring his power of Sanct John befor tham
1496–7 Acta Conc. II 44.
To bring with him … the power of executory that he had of … his moder
1498 Ib. 226.
With ane power of bailyery and ane instrument of saising thareupoun
1498–9 Ib. 313.
Thai war redy til schaw a power of deputry this day
1505 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 147.
Wilyam Grant indultour of Sanct Anthonis power in Letht
1515 (c 1650) Dundee B. Laws 94.
The whilk Deane of Gild sall hawe power of collectorschip of the halie bluid siluer
1533 Bell. Livy II 60/33.
The pepill … chesit tribunis militare with power consulare
1535 Acts II 340/2.
Oure said souerane lord … hes gevin to the lordis of articulis fornamyt full power of parliament
c1575 Balfour Pract. 39.
All baronis havand power of pit and gallows for thift [etc.]
1611 Reg. Panmure I xcv.
Ane iuge … with power of frie prisone [etc.]
1638 Dickinson Source-bk. III 109.
It giveth to ecclesiasticall persons the power of both the swords, and to persons meerly civill the power of the keys and kirk censures
1646 S. Leith Rec. 76.
His right and power of presentatione
(8) 1456 Hay I 207/27.
Or he geve lettre of power to tak mark, he [etc.]
1479 Sc. Ant. XV 142.
To the quhilk we [sc. the Earl of Angus] commit to you in our naymn be this our present letteres of power
1489 Reg. Privy S. I 33/2. 1498–9 Ib. 42/2.1497 Acta Conc. II 92.
That the sadis bailyeis … of Hadingtoune bring with thame ane sufficient commissione of power agane the sade day
(b) 1432 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 285.
Throw uertu of a letter of baileȝere gifin to me of pouyer throw … William the Hay knicht constabil of Scotland

b. Common in the formula with (lefe and) (ful) power (also, once, powers) to do something.1447 (1451) Reg. Great S. 106/1.
With lefe and ful power to big … ane mylne within the samyn landis
1491 Acts II 230/2.
With power to contenew the said parliament … quhill Lammes
1508–9 Reg. Privy S. I 272/1.
A lettre of tak … of … the kingis landis … with power to mak subtenantis [etc.]
1509–10 Ib. 305/1, etc. 1542–3 Ib. III 8/2. 1559 Ib. V i 133/2.
Togidder with fewale, power and leif to win and leid awaye the samyn
1563–4 Reg. Privy C. I 270.
With power alswa to the said erle to direct chargeis … to the inhabitantis … for [etc.]
1572 Sat. P. xxxiii 98.
With power to cleik vp the benefices
1596 Reliq. Antiq. Sc. 79.
With power to him [David Kinloch] to use … the said office of … medicinar to his majestie
1598 Acts IV 162/2. 1617 Ib. 531/2, etc. 1641 Dundee Chart. 54.
With full poware to the said provost and bailleis … to substitute deputies
1641 Stirling Chart. 120. 1664 Inverness Rec. II 219.
[Seven men] to be bargane mackers, with power to them to agrie [etc.]
1670 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 268.
With power to them to make laigher the said gramer scooll loft if found neidfull for thair accomodatione
1597 Paisley B. Rec. 204.
With powers to him … to … ingaddir the cornis

c. concr. = Letter of power (see (8) above), a document granting an authorization or delegating an authority.See also (7) above.14.. Acts I 343/2.
Fyrst call the soytoure, syne rede the justice powere
1561 Reg. Privy C. I 172.
Pretendit procuratouris … hes nocht schawin ony procuratorie or power to that effect
1576 Orkney Oppress. 74.
Nowther schawand commission, powar, nor charge to do the same to the … compleinar
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Iter. a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 14.
Any duik … being absent … may send a pouer subscribit to any of that estait [etc.]
1641 Misc. Spald. C. II 237.
Quha produceit ane pouer subscryvit be the said Mr. Thomas for tham to appeir for him
1663 Haigs of Bemersyde 276.
Making Alexr. Chiesly ane power to be factor
1663 Mackenzie Mem. (1821) 84.
After a fortnight's delay he brought his power to your majesty

9. In various special adv. phr. introduced by a prep.

a. Abuif (above) or atour (one's) power, beyond (his) ability, capacity or resources.1456 Hay II 81/31.
He that gevis atour his power … puttis him till … povertie
1549 Compl. 123/7.
I am dung … to gar me do & to thole the thing that is abuif my pouer
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 50.
Ane stream above the power of all sailing and rowing

b. At (all)(one's)(gudly etc.) power, to the best of one's ability.Common in subscriptions to letters in the 16th and 17th c.: cf. f (2) below.(1) 1401 Aberd. B. Rec. I 380.
We … wil do our besynes to bryng it thar to at our power
1456 Hay I 105/30.
That the pape will … forthir at all his powere and confourt thair devocioun
Ib. 127/22.
I aw to do for him in my word and gude will at all my powere
Ib. 182/23, II 99/19, etc. a1500 Henr. Fab. (O.U.P.) 507.
In paramouris he wald do vs plesing At his power as nature list him geif
1513 Reg. Panmure II 282.
I sall nother her nor se his skaith … bot I sall lat it at my pouer
1521 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 62.
That all men … quhenever ony fraye cumis … pas togydder at thair power for weill of the town
1536 Misc. Spald. C. IV 199.
That we sall serue our said lord lelely and trewly at our power
1560 Rolland Seven S. 8827.
At my power I sall ȝour pane support
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Homagivm. a1649 Drummond Wks. (1711) 138.
I shall … defend … religion … at all my power
(b) 1384 Acts I 349/2.
Ilk an of the lordes … sall set let tharin at thair powair
c1460 Consail Vys Man 359.
And help all power at thi powar [: dere]
c1460 Thewis Gud Women 290.
& quha his barnis puttis nocht to lare, And garris teich thaim at his poware
Ib. 108.
Poware [: debonar]
1462 Cal. Chart., Suppl. (Reg. H.) 9 Nov.
That nane of the borowis forsaide sal thole at thar poware ony indwellare of Brechin to los or lade with thaim
a1500 Lanc. 243.
That he schuld hyme reweng at his poware [: hurtare]
1487 Melville Chart. 246.
I sall nouthir here, se, nor wit his skaith … than I sall warne him thairof and let it at all my powar
c1510 Prester John 310.
With strang powar till expung His inimeis at our powar
1541 Reg. Cupar A. II 13.
The said Johane sall … vse the craft of fowlarie … at his powar
(2) 1442 Foulis Chart. (Reg. H.) 18 Jan.
I sall mak … trew service at all my gudely powar
1445 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 311.
Als safere as thai may let it at thair gudely powere to warn him in al gudely haist
1449 Melville Chart. 33.
[To] mary and at his gudly powar ger be maryit
1465 in Tytler Hist. Scot. II 388.
[To] adwis the kyng at al his pertly power wytht his gud cunsail
1496–7 Acta Conc. II 43. 1531 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale I 114.
And sulde debate that querell at thair utir power
1534 St. P. Henry VIII IV ii 8.
To do ȝou all plesoure at my uter poware
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 115.
Quhilkis I sall fulfyll at my hichtast power
1545 Montgomery Mem. 138.
At all our gudlye power
1576 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 42.
At the uttermost of my pouer
1557 Facs. Nat. MSS. III xl.
We sall mentene thame … at oure haill poweres
1559 St. A. Kirk S. 7.
At our utter poweris
(3) 1456 Hay I 271/1.
And all man is haldin to defend him at all power fra the dede
a1500 Henr. III 90/23.
Preis thé with pane at all poweir [: leir, feir, deir]
c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 183. 1513 Doug. ix ix 16.
Quham to assailȝe … all the Italianys At vtir power ombeset atanys
1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 38.
Quhat your grace will I do, … it sall be obeyit at poware
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. xiv 37.
Thy princis proffitt … Set ay fordwarde at powar
(4)c 1525 Wemyss Corr. 67.
Writyn … the xxviij da of September be your ald em at power
1560 Cal. Sc. P. I 505.
[Edinburgh. Signed:] Yowrs assurid at his poar [James Hammylton]
1568 Reg. Morton I 42.
Ȝour lordships cosing at his pwar
1569 Ib. 45.
Ȝouris att power
Ib. 46.
1570 Reg. Morton I 50.
Be ȝours at puer Patrick L. Lyndsay
1573 Wemyss Corr. 69.
Be youris at pover
Ib. 72, 73. c 1575 Ib. 75.
Your asswrit freind at the vtermast of his powar
c 1577 Buch. Wr. 58.
Fairweal and God keip you. At Sterling the sext of August. Be youris at al a powe[r]
1591 Reg. Morton I 178. 1627 Rutherford Lett. (1862) 1.
Yours at all power in the Lord Jesus
1628 Aberd. Council Lett. I 293. 1631 Breadalbane Lett. No. 468.
Ȝour loweing and assurit ante at all power

c. Efter one's power, with all one's might, to the best of one's ability.(a) a1400 Leg. S. iv 254.
That thai mycht mak his sepultore Eftyr thar powar with honour
1402 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 55.
To help … the said Sir William … efter his pouere to … ioyse the said lande
c1450 Cr. Deyng 266.
He suld mak satisfaccione … efter his poware
1459–60 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 189.
I disasent tharto and wil let it eftir my power
c1460 Consail Vys Man 346.
c1460 Dietary 60.
Eftir thi power maynteme ay thi houshald
1472 Reg. Cupar A. I 165.
The sade John sal kepe his land fra guld efter his powar
a1500 Colk. Sow Proh. 39.
Quho will nocht eftir his gudly powere … profes him a mertere [etc.]
1533 Gau 10/5. 1622-6 Bisset II 88/7.
(b) 1386 Rot. Sc. II 85/2.
The lordes forsayd sall set lettyng therin aftir thair leal poair
(c) 1518 Thanes of Cawdor 130.
I sal … stop it eftir my pwir

d. In … power. (1) (To be) within one's capacity (to do something); also plur. and transf. (2) To stand, ly or extend in one's power(s), id. (3) Within the scope of what one is authorized to do, within one's authority or rights. (4) Of the person: To be in power (of gudis), to have the capacity or the resources (to do something).(1) 1456 Hay II 164/37.
And it sall nocht be in thy powar to sett remede
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 2893.
To birn thame … It was weill in his power, or to sink
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. xxiii 11.
The land Quhilk to transport was nocht in thair poweir [: geir]
plur. 1545 Douglas Corr. 160.
That they schwld do na lese nor is in ther poweris therto
transf. 1676 Ib. 278.
It shall nott be in the pouur of melless it selfe to break off my honour and respektt for you
(2) c1490 Irland Asl. MS. 9/24.
Than he is oblist till confes him als far as standis in his powere
1532 Breadalbane Coll. No. 43.
Bot thai sall … lat the sam safer as lyis in thair power
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 72.
I pray God tha com newer haym for layk he wald dow to owr sornem, qwelk sal not lay in hes power
1549 Ib. 299.
We sall do na les nor lyis in owr powar
plur. 1424 Lanark & R. 282.
Lelily and treuly, as in thair wyttis and powers extends
(3) 1697 Peebles B. Rec. II 157.
It shall yet be in thair pouer to tak such other measurs as is fitt
(4)a1500 Rauf C. 886.
The tane is in power to mak that presoun
1531 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 113.
And than Esobell … said … ve are in pouer to by thir geiris
1499–1500 Acta Conc. II 346.
Jhone, being ane pure man, … is nocht in power of gudis til mak thare expensis

e. Of power: (1) Of ability or capacity, able, capable; of authority, authorized; of sufficient resources; (2) In respect of one's ability; in as far as one of power may, as far as one can.(1) 1375 Barb. xvii 42.
The marschall … vist by him-selvin he Micht nocht of mycht na power be For till eschewe so gret a thing
a1400 Leg. S. xliii 564, 566.
Tho thu of poware wes The lyf to tak of ony man, Of powere wes thu neuir ȝet than To quhykine man that ded had bene
c1400 Troy-bk. i 145.
We sall sett ankeres one the sand Quhen he sall be of na powere To strenghe ws … To leue hys land
c1420 Wynt. vi 2240.
That man is nowcht borne … Off powere to rewe me my lyffe
c1420 Ratis R. 647.
Scho is of powar … To get al forgevyne ilka deill
1427 Indenture Crown Office Wr. No. 40 (Reg. H.).
Alslang tym has the said John is lefand or may be of pouare to bete his mystare
1456 Hay I 106/23.
Quhen ever he may be of power to recover it
Ib. II 106/30.
And gere commaund till all men that ar of powere, to send thaire barnis to the lare
1475 Aberd. B. Rec. I 34.
That … he is sa tensalit in gudis, that he is nocht of povar to pay certane dettis
a1500 Lanc. 3245.
For to withstond thai war of no poware, And yhit of folk x thousand mo thei vare
1500 Edinb. B. Rec. I 80.
That he be … of powere to pay ane steik of hewit claith
(2) 1602 Misc. Spald. C. II 290.
We intend … to sattill your lordschipis baith as far as we off powar may

f. To (the uttermest of) one's power or powers, also, to utter power, as far as one can, to the best of one's ability.Also (2) in the subscription of a letter: cf. b (4) and g (4).(1) 1569 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) I 73.
The continuall travell … takin be him … to his pure power in the avancement … of our service
1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I 41.
It salbe resistit to the uttermeist of our powars
1599 Reg. Privy C. VI 841.
To furthfill the same to the uttermest of our pouour
1638 Moses Bundle No. 2, 10335 in Bk. Old Edinb. C. XXXI 176.
Bot sall … remeid the samyne to their poweris
1653 Hossack Kirkwall 254.
Quhairin I intreat you to be of assistance to your pouer
1682 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 20 Sept.
And to my pouer shall … defend all rights [etc.]
(2) 1570 Reg. Morton I 52.
Yours to power in God, trubled in body, Johne Knox
Ib. 54.
Ȝour rycht assurit freind to my powar Jhon Erle of Mar
1600 Facs. Nat. MSS. III lxxvi.
Lwking for yowr answer … yowris to vtter powar redy
1655 Annandale Corr. 306.
I ame vnchangablei your real freind to my puer

g. With other preps.: (1) With al, with the uttermost of, one's power, for one's power, of power, according to one's power, with all one's resources, to the best of one's ability, as far as one can. (2) With or (3) be (all) … power, by force, forcibly.Also (4) in the subscription of a letter: cf. b (4) and f (2).(1) 1415 Lennox Mun. 61.
Witht al my micht and pouer in cunsale, red, suppouele and help
1544 Douglas Corr. 153.
With the uttermost of my powour ever to be reddy to your majesties contentatioun
1580 Facs. Nat. MSS. III lxx.
That we shall continue in the obedience of the doctrine … of this kyrk and shal defend the same according to our wocation and pouer
1602 Misc. Spald. C. II 289.
We haiff chosin rather … to committ our selffis to your lordschipis wounted courtoisie be satling off thir debaitis for our poware
(2) c1420 Wynt. vii 3211.
Quhill in the castelle … Thai gat wyth mycht and wyth poware
Ib. viii 5002.
The gud wardane, That wyth all poware can hym pane For to recovir agane the land, That [etc.]
1456 Hay I 162/12.
Than may the warrayouris, with all force and power, wyn all that thai may levefully and forsabily get
(3) c1420 Wynt. viii 1574.
That pressyt thaim for to wyn then This ilke land off Kilqwhonqwhare Bathe be slycht and be poware
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xlix 26.
Falsett no feit hes, nor deffence, Be power, practik, nor puscence
(4) 1656 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 65.
Yor honors humbl servant with powar



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