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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Provid(e, -vyd(e, v. Also: -wyd(e, -wid(e, -vyid, -wyid; -veide; -vaid, -vayd; proyd; pruyde. P.p. -it(t, -ite, etc.; -ied; -vyddet; proydet; provide, -vyd(e. [Late ME and e.m.E. provyde, -vide (Lydgate), L. prōvidēre to see before, foresee, look after, f. prō and vidēre to see. Cf. Purvay v., a doublet of this, and Previd(e v.]

A. tr.

1. To foresee, anticipate. b. To predestine.See also unprovisit ppl. adj. a1500 Henr. Fab. 1607 (Bann.).
Fals fortoun … bindis thame so soir That thay no perrell can provyd befoir
Ib. 1758 (Ch.).
Bot prudence … That garris ane man prouyde and foirse [Bann. prowyde befoir and see] Quhat gude quhat euill is liklie for to be
a1500 Henr. Orph. 566 (Bann.) (see Previd(e v. 1).

2. To arrange or prepare beforehand (a non-material or material thing); to prearrange; to see to in advance; to make ready.Also const. for a person, cf. 6 below, and wpoun a person.(1) c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 2128.
It suld the goddis be Quhilk had prouidit my natiuitie Quha suld me wyte alsua
1513 Doug. x ii 135. 1533 Boece 89b.
The king … went to … Epiac to provide the weill of the familie of Cadall
1560 Rolland Seven S. 4942.
Sum image … Subtell science or ȝit nycromansie … Quhairby thay micht prouyde thair purueyance
(2) c1475 Wall. x 620.
Wallace in haist prouidyt son his ost
1491 Treas. Acc. I 182.
To Downy Malwny to pas before to provyd his [the King's] lwgeingis be the way
c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxxiii 6.
Provyde thy place, for thow away man pas
1526 Reg. Privy S. I 513/2.
Gevand to him [our treasurer] full power … all … the provisionis and necessaris concerning us … to provide, forsee and furnis
1535 Stewart 50513.
Ane greit armie King Robert gart provyde
(3) a1578 Pitsc. I 397/5.
They tuik porpois quyitlie to burne Jedburgh … bot it was not so quyitlie provyditt bott the lutennent had moyens thairof
(4) a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. xiv 86.
Thairfor in hewin ane place for thé provyde
1571 J. Maitland Sat. P. xxvii 23.
Off parrellis pance, and for sum port prowyde
p.t. 1490 Irland Mir. I 160/6.
The … trinite providit it [a name] eternaly for his derrest sone
p.p. c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxvi 81.
I wait [a kirk] is for me provydit
1513 Doug. iii vi 25.
Tha landis quhilkis war for ws provyde
(5) a1578 Pitsc. I 109/27.
Quhat paine thy maiestie pleissis to provyd wpoun me

b. To give advance notice of (an event). — 1680 Cunningham Diary 116.
To … paying for list providing preachings

3. To lay down as a provision or arrangement; to ordain; to make (legal) provision for; to stipulate.Const. cl. (freq., neg. cl.) obj. (once, also with dat. pron.) or simple obj. (and infin. or compl.).(1) 1497–8 Acta Conc. II 107.
That he [the King] may consider and provyd how thai salbe rewlit according til thare estait
1562-3 Winȝet II 19/30.
Than … sall he prouide that he inhere to the antiquitie
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. clxxx 9.
Gar it be providit How thow sall leif to thi royell estait
1592 Grey Friars II 69.
It haid bene speciallie prowydit thairby that [etc.]
1596 Dalr. I 116/15.
Quhen sa our lawis provydes that the eldest succeides
1622-6 Bisset I 15/22.
Actis of parliament provydis That mutulatioun do deserve the deid
1687 Boyd Fam. P. No. 284 (29 Dec.).
I dout the lau will provaid that I sal take my mony as it war at a term
1596 Dalr. I 266/5.
He causes to erecte mony monasteries … and prouydet thame abundantly how thay mycht lyue
(2) 1533 Bell. Livy II 326.
Praying tham to provid that the peple vindicat na … wraith on tham
1532 Instit. Ct. Sess. in Facs. Nat. MSS III xx.
To provid that nane fruster ane vthir of his laubouris and proffitt
1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 83.
With ane speciall protestatioun thai prouydit that it suld not be prejudiciall to thame
1598 Edinb. B. Rec. I 228.
(3) 1546 Reg. Privy C. I 43.
Land of auld extent … with [etc.] … thair pertinentis lyand within the barrony … and thai without providite of the saidis eirleis charter tallie to be holdin of our soverane lady and hir successouris as Countes of Carreik
(4) 1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I 202.
And quhen the same wes lent upoun bond it wes provydit efter this forme
1639 Kirkcaldy Presb. 141.
[The delegates] by tradition of earth and stone … gave him possessioun of [the mance and glebe with] … pasturage [etc.] … as is provydit in the law
1668-9 Fraser Lawfulness Separ. 19.
Yet the law provides this disposition null
(5) 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 219.
The saide doctor was … imprisoned, and used with the accustomed paine provided for those offences
1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 175.
Eftir … he was requyrit to giue teynding as ordour of law prouyds

b. Only Sc.: To prearrange contractually the deliverance of (property) (to a certain person or class of persons) following one's death; to promise contractually to commit (property) in advance of one's death.See also mak provisioun, Provisio(u)n(e n. 7 c.For reference to numerous legal cases involving provision to heirs see Morison Dict. Decis. XV 12839–13060. 1579 Reg. Privy C. III 253.
Hir said umquhile fader, afoir his depairting to France … providit his haill landis and heretage to … his broder
1651 Lamont Diary 36.
He left no male cheldren behinde him, bot prouided his estate to his daughter
1663 Decis. Lords G. 49 (see Conquest n. 2). 1688 Misc. Bann. C. II 294.
To … [the] relict of the said defunct for … annuell-rent of the … xm merkis provyded to hir by contract of maridge
1697 Fountainhall Decis. I 800.
The obligement providing the conquest to the bairns of the marriage … of the nature of an universitas bonorum
1698 in Sir H. Dalrymple Decisions (1792) 5.

4. To grant or dispose of (a benefice, feu or the like) (to an incumbent or possessor). 1458 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 329.
Sic chaplancie or seruice sal be erast disponit and providit to the chaplanys that kan best [etc.]
1496 Acts II 237/2.
Vpon the impetratioun and purchessing at the court of Rome beneficis … that mycht be … prouidit within the realme
1564 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 53.
Superintendents to be placed … in … the rest of the deales in the South not provydit
1567 Inverness Rec. I 148.
Sic personis quha optenit ony fewis sen [1558] … ane just rentall to be maid thairvpon gif the samyn was lauchfullie prowydit
1581 Bk. Univ. Kirk II 481.
All benefices provydit to ministers, to be divydit the ȝeir of thair deceise, equallie betwixt [etc.]

5. To appoint or supply (a person) (to, chiefly, a benefice; also an office or way of life, or (a source of) competence or subsistence.)(1) ?1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 40.
Twa Franche monkis … to … be prowydyt to that benefice thame selfis in my contrair
1546 Reg. Privy C. I 41.
Sertane personis to be providit to all beneficis
1559–60 Reg. Privy S. V i 164/2.
Quhill ane pastoure be lauchfullie providit to the said bischoprik
1564 Ib. 485/1.
Quha wes nevir lauchfullie providit thairto [sc. a deanery] nolder in the courte of Rome or uthirwyis
1576 Goudie Shetl. Antiq. 159.
The haill vicarage of Dunrosness quhairunto he is newlie providit
1585 Acts III 376/2.
That all personis to be providit heireftir to the bishoprikis abbaciis priories or quhatsumeuir inferiour benefices … sall [etc.]
1590 Old Ross-shire I 27.
[The] Kirk of Tarbatt quhairunto he is newlie provydit
1593 Montg. Suppl. 322.
Nather the persewar nor his predecessour was prowydit to the said archiebischoprie as vacand throwcht the said sentence of baratrie
1593–4 Exch. R. XXII 393.
Johnne Balfour, providit of auld to the chapellanie of Sanct Thomas
1597 Acts IV 54/2.
Sik pasturis and ministeris within the samin as at ony tyme his maiestie sall pleis to provyid to the office … of ane bischoip abbott or vther prelat
1621 Craven Ch. in Orkney 33. a1639 Spotsw. Hist. II (1677) 59.
Shevez … was himself provided to the archbishoprick
1593 Montg. Suppl. 322.
Bischope Iames Boyde, quha was prowydit throwcht the inhabilitie of the said vmquhile Bischope Betoun
(2) 1580 Reg. Privy C. III 324.
His brother german, being lauchfullie providit to ane yeirlie pensioun … wes slane, … in quhais place the said Alexander, being providit to the said pensioun, bruikit the samin peciabillie
1612 Montgomery Mem. II 257.
Gif thay be not provyddet to mariedges in his awin tyme
1625 Edinb. Test. LIII 168b.
His airschipe guidis … to remane in his said motheris custodie vnto sic tyme as … he sall be provydit to ane hous & famelie of his awin
1626 Old Ross-shire I 33.
To the effect the said complener may be provydit to ane ampeler stipend
1645 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 42.
Seing shoe is prowydit to the lyfrent use thairoff be the defunctis testament
1662 Decis. Lords G. 20.
A proportion of what she was provided to by her contract of marriage
1668 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II 618 (3 Aug.).
[Should the said Jean be] provydit to ane fortoun and cled with ane husband [etc.]
(3) 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 135/6.
Inkaice it please God to prouyde you to all thir three kingdomes

6. To supply or furnish (something) (for (to) a person or thing).Also, with double obj. and without const.(1) a1500 Henr. III 103/36.
Hir hois of honestie … I suld for hir provyd
1535 Stewart 17960.
Desyrand … He wald prouyde for thame sum honest place Quhair tha micht leue
1560 Rolland Seven S. 3024. 1643 S. Leith Rec. I 44.
Till he gaitte a house provydit for him
(b) 1667 Laing MSS I 363.
If thay should now … have no alouiens provaydied for them
(2) 1490 Irland Mir. I 44/10.
We desyre that our fader of hevin prouid to us temporale sustinaunce, suppleand oure necessite
1560 Rolland Seven S. 6891.
To this chylde ȝit lyfe thow hes prouydit
1564 Reg. Privy S. V i 484/2.
That the benefice … wes nocht lawfullie providit to ony persoune
1592 Acts III 553/2.
How in quhat maner thair may be a minister prouydit at ilk paroch kirk, … quhat locall stipend is necessour for the ministre … and be quhat meanis the same may be … prouydit to thame
1604 Elgin Rec. II 130.
The candiles to be prowydit to the heres
1655 Peebles B. Rec. II 33.
Alexander Lauder, toun thesaurer, to provyde ane … weycht back to the customer
(3) a1578 Pitsc. I 228/1.
The King of Ingland … gart provyde the captane Stewin Bull thrie greit scheipis
1612 Montgomery Mem. II 257.
Unto sic tyme as it sall pleis God provid thame [sc. daughters] marieges
(4) c1475 Wall. iii 245.
He gert dewys and prowide thar wictaille
1498 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 75.
Thair to remayne quhill God provyde remeid
1545 Douglas Corr. 161.
The kingis majesty wil prowyid al things
1569 Reg. Privy C. I 653.
Sa let him provyde his awin releif
1596 Dalr. I 44/2.
The ground prouydes quhat is sufficient for thame
1599 Lett. Jas. VI to Bruce 286.
He hes often tymes sutit the magistrates of Edinbrugh to prvyde ane sufficient roume for convening of his flocke
(b) 1677 Fawside Coal Compt 14.
For mage wood proveideing
(5) 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 199.
The said Cristaine … haid provydeit … fine linning claithe for the picturis

b. With a person or persons as object. c1475 Wall. viii 455.
Him selff and Jop prowidyt that menȝhe … Harnes and hors he gert amang thaim waill
a1568 Bann. MS 265a/60.
Of hir luve my langour was gane I had provydit ane bonyar ane
1596 Dalr. II 84/27.
An armie … that he was to prouyd and gathir of frammet natiounis
1600-1610 Melvill 271.
God … provydit Mr. Robert to supplie that inleak
1645 S. Leith Rec. 64.
Ordains to provyd 6 cleangers

7. To prepare or fit out (a thing or person) for a particular purpose; to equip with necessary appurtenances; to furnish.Also reflex.(1) 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 178.
He sal haue the fredome of hoslary quhenswa at it be sufficiand and prouidit in al nedis efter consuetude, for man, hors and chawmeryng
1567 G. Ball. 92.
And thow ane tabill dois prouyde Befoir me, full of all delyte
a1585 Polwart Flyt. 511 (H).
Clotho … Provyd my penne profoundlie to distell Some dure dispyte
1586–7 Exch. R. XXI 619.
[He] sall … provyid and furneis his majesteis hous and haill tabillis … in naiprie, fyireweschell, and tyneveschell
1634 Maxwell Mem. II 254.
Si the hous hansumlie drest and provyded against my homcuming
1646 Glasgow B. Rec. II 90.
To provyd and munt the armes they have
(2) 1517 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 43.
George … sall mary … Ysabel … als sone as the parteis cane be providit thairto for treting and completing of the said mariage
a1578 Pitsc. I 21/32 (see For(e)se(e v. 3 b).reflex. 1591 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 9 April.
James protestit that he meycht ramane in the said tak … to the effect he meycht prouid hym self

8. To furnish or supply (a person or thing) (of, also with, something).Also reflex.(1) 1456 Hay II 102/13.
And se that thou ger thy providouris … be ay … providit of cornis and othir provisiouns nedefull
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 465 (B).
Had thay bene sa prowydit of schott of gun … but perrell thay had past
1517 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 171.
Ay and quhill thai be proydet of ane alter to thame selffes
1542–3 Reg. Privy S. III 2/2.
Ay and quhill he be providit be the quenis grace of ane leving
1566 Reg. Privy C. I 503.
Hir grace sall provyde and satisfie … [James] of alsmekill pensioun and proffeit … ay and quhill he be utherwyise provydit of his pensioun
c1590 Fowler II 137/19. 1692 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II 440 (20 June).
At what tyme the Lord should provyd hir of ane husband
16.. Abercrummie Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 2.
Well enough provyded of coal
1585 Reg. Privy C. IV 15.
As the said burgh may be uthirwayes providit of ane pastour
reflex. 1625 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 293.
That everie musketter … provyid him selff of all thinges belonging to ane muskett
(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. xiv 3.
How that this realme, with nobillis owt of nummer, Gydit, provydit sa mony ȝeiris hes bene
1531 Bell. Boece I ix.
My tender body … quhilk nature hes provide With every pleseir
1593 Edinb. B. Rec. V 101.
That sic as hes … dwelling-houssis … be sufficientlie provydet with … halberts or Jedwart staffis
1616 Inv. Q. Mary cxxi n.
[The bed] to be mendit and prouidit with furnitour answerable
1622-6 Bisset II 221/7.
[The admiral to] see the schip … salbe provyded with men and munitioun
1675 Edinb. B. Rec. X 253.
The masters … to proyd him with a chamber haveing a fyre

b. Without const.: To provide with the means of comfortable living; to make (generous) provision for. — 1528 Lynd. Dreme 211.
Thare bastarde barnis proudely thay prouydit; The kirk geir larglye thay did on thame spende

B. intr.

9. To make advance arrangements (for a future event or contingency); to make adequate preparation.Const. infin., obj. and infin.; also without compl.(1) pres., p.t. c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 833.
The king … gart prouide ane thousand knychtis to mak
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1739 (Bann.).
Quhair danger is … It is grite wisdome to prowyde before, It to deuoid
Ib. 1758 (see 1 above). 1494 Loutfut MS 6a.
That al othir suld … provid & do swa that the said place remane in … stable possibilite
c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxix 17.
Dispair sayis ay, In tyme prowyde
1549 Compl. 12/10.
Ande ilkane til help vthirs as nature prouidit fyrst in the begynnyng
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. xcviii 2.
It [this country] to preserue quhy do ȝe not prowyd As of the commoun weill ȝe had na cair
1572 Sat. P. xxxi 82.
Bot that ȝe may prouyde befoir To haue ane pyn for euery boir
a1578 Pitsc. I 43/6.
Provydand to repair all thingis that he had consawit
p.p. 1513 Doug. viii ix 74.
Gyf … ȝour godhed … Be presciens provyd hes and forsychtis, Pallas my son … I may … se
(b) 1545 Douglas Corr. 157.
I … hade losit my layfe, if God hade nocht provaydit ȝour gracis arme to cum in Scotland
(2) 1489 Treas. Acc. I 130.
To Sperdour to pas to Jedwort to gar provyde for the justis costis again the Ayre
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 777.
The glorious Lord … Prouydit hes for my saluatioun
Id. Æn. iv vii 82.
Lyke emmotis … Providing for the cald wyntir tocum
1540 Lynd. Sat. 1378.
And I sall provyd for a paist Our corssis to confort
Ib. 2557.
Now in to peice, ȝe sowld provyd for weiris
1565 Reg. Privy C. I 336.
We … will provyde for thair dew punisement as appertenis
a1568 Wedderburne Bann. MS 288a/47.
Than thay sowld provyd for thair sepulture
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 7/2.
And as a king man tymouslie prouyde for youre training up in all the pointis of a kings office
1636 Sutherland Bk. II 167.
We may prowyid for our murning clois

b. To arrange for a person (to do something). — 1535 Stewart 27399.
Beseikand him … he wald for thame prowyde Within his boundis to … byde

10. To make provision (for a person, also for his needs or safety). a1500 Lanc. 2570.
And Gawane haith … Consulit his eme he schuld for them prowid
1497 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 71.
Quhill God prouyde for thair health
c1500-c1512 Dunb. lvii 6.
On substance sum man dois abyde, Quhill fortoun do for him prowyde
1560 Rolland Seven S. 183. 1566 St. A. Kirk S. 285.
That he suld provyd for the rest of his dochteris unmareit
1567 Sat. P. v 101.
Prouyde als for the ministerie
a1570-86 J. Maitland Maitl. F. clxxvii 23.
And for sum port prouide And anker sicker
1591 St. A. Kirk S. 725 n.
And desyris thame therfor to provyd for a minister or ma to serve ther turn

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