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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Questioun, -ion(e, n. Also: -ioune, -youn, -yowne; quæstio(u)n. [ME and e.m.E. question, -iun (Cursor M.), -yon, -ioun, -youn, AF questiun, OF question dispute, inquiry, L. quæstiōn- f. quærere to inquire. Cf. also med. L. question-.]There is some overlapping between senses 1, 2 and 4.

1. Investigation or discussion of some doubtful point; inquiry into a matter; (a) debate or controversy. b. Doubt, uncertainty.In early use, appar. chiefly in set phrases.To ma (mak) questioun, to raise as an issue or subject of debate; to express doubt (quhether).To have (no) questioun, (not) to be doubted or denied.To be (fall) in questioun, to be (become) engaged in controversy.Na questioun (is), (there is) no doubt.Questioun is, it is doubtful.To move questioun of, to draw in questioun, to make (a matter) a subject of discussion.To bring in questioun, to call in question.But (without) questioun, without doubt, undoubtedly.For further examples, see Dout n. 1.(1) 1456 Hay I 115/8.
It efferis to the constable to here all questiounis querelis and complayntis of his menȝe
1558 Q. Kennedy Tractive 107.
To tak awai al question, schysme, and debait that rais concernyng materis of faith
1559 Edinb. B. Rec. III 48.
All the commoun questionis and caussis of this burgh wer … referrit to the decisioun of the counsaill
1558-66 Knox I 12.
After that dyet we fynd almoist no questioun for materis of religioun the space ney of thretty yearis
c1575 Balfour Pract. 661.
Gif ony doubtis or questiounis … happin to result heirefter concerning the using of the jurisdictioun of the commissariat [etc.]
1592 Conv. Burghs I 384.
The said questioun and contraversie to haif bein at dyveris conventiouns mowit to thame be the saidis procuratouris
1683 Misc. Bann. C. III 237.
I hope none will rease aney questione or doubt about this
(2) 1375 Barb. i 249.
Than mays clerkis questioun Quhen thai fall in disputacioun … Quhether [etc.]
1456 Hay I 280/7.
Thus he maid questioun bustously sayand he traistit he wrangit him
Ib. 282/9.
Quharfore I will nocht here mak questioun na dout the quhilk armes ar the maist noblez
(3) c1420 Ratis R. 513.
This treuth will have no questione
(4) 1456 Hay I 256/5.
The grettest clerkis ar in grete dout and questioun in that mater
1574 Misc. Maitl. C. I 112.
[Having] fawin in ressonyng and questioun with Johnne Seytoun
1598 Edinb. Masons 2 b (see 2 (2) below). a1639 Spotsw. Hist. (1655) 33.
Now this Radolph was at the same time in question with Thurstan the elect of York for his consecration
(5) a1500 Seven S. 670.
He bad hir … quha him gat Scho said na questioun is thairat
1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 16.
Gif they had [etc.] … na questioun this controversie might be easilie tane up
Ib. 31.(6) 1533 Boece 64b.
Gif in ony of thir foresaidis [laws of hunting] war questioun or dout … ane juge suld be namyt
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 165/29.
Quhen sumeuir questioun is for the vndirstanding of the misteriis of the scripture
Id. Breif Tract. (ed.) 135/2.
Id. Ressoning 180.
It is question to me gif it be [etc.]
(7) 1562-3 Winȝet I 73/20.
Sen St. Augustine … dar nocht moue quæstioun thairin of the said blissit Virgine
1558-66 Knox I 7.
We fynd small questioun of religioun moved within this realme
1596–7 R. Bruce in Calderwood V 565.
A cruell pursute has beene devised … purposelie to draw the jurisdictioun of the Kirk in questioun
1636 Aberd. B. Rec. III 103.
That the sinceritie of oure … endeavouris … sould be brought in questioun
(8) c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 2144.
Than of the law thair is na dout nor were But questioun I am his hereter
a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1552 (Asl.).
Schawe will in werk & without questioun Thow sall in hevyne for evir be laureat
Ib. 1358. 1655 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 127.
Tho without questioune members of the congregatioun

c. (The person) in questioun, under consideration, that is the subject of discussion. —1563 St. A. Kirk S. 162.
That same nycht Barbara Sandelandis wes lychtar of her barne in question

2. a. Dispute or contention (aganis another; betuix, betwene or amang certain parties) (of, also in, into, to, for, of, apon an issue, esp. on a point of law). b. Litigation. c. An instance of either of these.To mak, or move, questioun, to begin a dispute; to start litigation [cf. MF movoir question].Freq. in collocation with (other) terms in common legal use, as clame, debate, demand, plede, etc.To put, or call, in questioun, to challenge (a right, etc.) at law; to be in question, to be the subject of litigation.Forouten questioun, but ony questioun, with no possibility or threat of future litigation or dispute.For further examples, see Debate n. 3 and 4, Demand n. 2 and 3, Move v. 5 and 6, and Querel(l n.(1) 1379 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 2.
Nowthir I no [etc.] … may … aganis thaim questioun or plede moue
1389 Ib. No. 16.
Gyf euer thai make ony questione or mouyng be the lawch in to the contrary of this endenture
1393 Ib. No. 28. 1402 Dundee Chart. No. 22.
Questioun and debate beand movit of before bytwene the burowys of Perth … and of Dunde, … we put sylence to thaim of Perth … apoun the said questioun for euer mare
1441 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 7 (see Again-calling vbl. n.). 1446 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 244.
Eftre debate et question made betwix the chapillanis … and … bischop
1453 Stirlings of Keir 226 (see Chalange n. 3 (a)). 1485 Acts II 171/2.
Certane personis barratouris quhilkis … has movit plede and questioun
1488–9 Liber Melros II 618. 1495 Acta Conc. I 395/2.
Gif it happinis ony plede to be maid or ony mvte to be movit or questioune of law to the said Johne
1521 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XXXV 106.
Anentis all questionis [etc.] … movit betuix thaim
1558 Q. Kennedy Tractive 105.
The … eldaris onelie convenit to … decerne upoun the questioun movit in the congregatioun betuix the Jewis and Gentiles
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 16.
Al actions or questions movit be thayme of the vniuersite aganis ony personis
1582 Perth B. Ct. 20 Aug.
Neuer to mak furder clame questioun nor demand thairto
1614 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 166.
And some questioune being moved vpon this poynt be the counsall efter lang reasoning thairanent it was fund [etc.]
(2) 1385 Red Bk. Grandtully I 138.
Al the debate and the questyoun that wes betwene thaim for the landys
1402 Dundee Chart. No. 22 (see (1) above). 1453 Stirlings of Keir 226.
[I] resignis … all rycht, titill of rycht, questione, clame of rycht or demande … in or to the landis of Castlecary
1456 Hay I 115/8.
The constable to here all questiounis querelis and complayntis of his menȝe … and to do justice … to all partis complenȝeand
1467 Reg. Dunferm. 358.
Thir said personis beand sworn in jugement … to decide the said question
1479 Acta Conc. I 44/2.
One to the tyme that the questioune debatable betuix the lard [etc.] … & Johne Olifant for the said landis be determyt
1545 Wemyss Chart. 171. 1590 Conv. Burghs I 313.
Quhairanent questioun is debatit … betwixt the communitie and thame … for inhaleing of thame selffis … in the cheiff offices off the toun
1596 Aberd. B. Rec. in Kennedy Aberd. Ann. II 218.
Anent the difference and questioun betwixt the saidis pairteis
1598 Edinb. Masons 2b.
Gif ony questioun stryfe or variance sall fall out amang … prenteisis that the parteis that fallis in questioun … sall signifie the causis of thair querrell
1605 Glasgow Trades House 553.
That heireftir all manner of muttany contraversie questioun and debait salbe removeit furthe of this commoune weill specialy betuix the merchand rank and rank of craftismen
1629 Colstoun Baron Ct. in E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. II 129.
And ather of thame discharigis [sic in pr.] utheris hinc inde of all questiounes
(3) 1390 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 19.
That yhour richt be na mare putte in questioun
1565 Facs. Nat. MSS III xlix.
Salang as [etc.] … this mater wes neuir callit in questioun
1649 Hist. Fragm. III 17.
The laufulness and necessitie off such ane undertaking … called in quaestion
Ib. 16.
1589 Craig-Brown Selkirkshire I 167.
Gif thir be any heretable ryt or title of land, to be in question amangis us … that the law sall proceed thairupon
(4) c1480 Acta Conc. II cxxxiv.
Judges ordinar in questiounes of fie and herytage
1492 Reg. Episc. Morav. 244.
Arbitrours … apon the debatis questionis and querellis of the merchis of the landis of Croy [etc.]
1533 Boece 205 heading.
How amang the breder sonnys of King Craithlinth was questioun of the croun
1533 Bell. Livy II 47/29.
The samyn place & land of quhilk now the questioun occurris
1574 Glasgow B. Rec. I 12.
Ane parte of the counsale past to vise and decyde the questione of lyneyng and nychtbourheid betuix [etc.]
1578 Acts III 113/1.
Thair never being questioun of removing intentit aganis thame
1596 in Melvill 381 (see March n.2 3 pl. (b)). 1666 Old Ross-shire I 40.
And when ther is no question of nullitie &c.
(5) 1398–9 Liber Melros II 489.
Forouten al manere of cauillacioun controuersy questioun fraude [etc.]
Ib. 1400 Maxwell Mem. I 138.
Owther throw the taylȝe or othir way … [to] thole the sayd Robert … joyis thaim [lands] frely in forme as thai ar taylȝit wythowtyn questyoun
1418 Liber Melros 503.
And yher be yher frely to put ovt and take in all tenandis at thair awen lykyng forowten questioun of ony man
1454 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 14.
Heirattour we … sal frely deliuir but ony questioun or demande … the forsaid tenement
1456 Hay I 154/25.
Gudis wonnyn apon inymyes, bot ony questioun, ar thairis that wynnis thame
c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 3079.
Thay suld deliuer but ony questioun Baith land and lordschip

3. The fact of (a person's) being called to question, challenged or interrogated.To put to pane & questioun, to torture in order to extract information.(1) 1456 Hay I 238/20.
Thay … may bathe travaill … but impedyment or questioun
Ib. 186/2.(2) a1538 Abell 57b.
Mony wes tane … & put to pane & questioun to schaw the doaris of that

4. a. The interrogative statement of some point to be investigated or discussed; a problem; a matter forming the basis of a problem, a subject of difficulty or uncertainty.The questioun, the precise matter for deliberation or discussion.To ask, mak, move, propone or spere (a, the, etc.) questioun, to formulate in question form; to pose a problem.To dyscryve or solve (a) questioun, to propose a solution to a problem posed; to answer. See also Absolve v., Assoilȝe v. 5 and Declare v. 2 b.(1) 1456 Hay I 5/24, etc.
And as langand to the first questioun … quhat thing is bataill, I ansuere [etc.]
1478 Acta Aud. 62/1.
Anent the declaratioun of the questioun quhether the gift of the landis [etc.]
c1475 Wall. viii 973.
Rycht clayr it is to ransek this questioun
a1500 Prestis of Peblis 255 (Asl.).
The solȝeing Of this questioun this problevme & this dowt
Ib. 352 (see Assoilȝeing vbl. n.). a1538 Abell 8a.
The Quene of Saba come to … tempt him in subtill questionis
1549 Compl. 13/24.
It is the nature of ane man that hes ane … ripe ingyne that euerye purpos ande questione is familiar tyl hym
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 671.
Lat doctoris wrytt thare curious questionis And argumentis sawin full of sophistrye
1560 Rolland Seven S. 235. 1562-3 Winȝet I 47 title.
The buke of four scoir thre questions tueching doctrine
c1530-40 Stewart Bann. MS 265b/24.
Questionis of luve that can ȝe weill discus
a1568 Scott i 14.
This ȝeir … all erronius questionis [shall be] put areir
1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Problema, a question
1595 St. A. Kirk S. 809.
The questionis of the Litill Catichisme
1600-1610 Melvill 523.
Ane book of questiounes quhairby the … governement of the Kirke wes maid dispautabill
1668 Lauderdale P. II 117.
& it begins to be a questione uith me whither ue can mak any thing of such obstinat people
(2) 1456 Hay I 128/22.
Than here lyis the questioun, to quham he sall pas
Ib. 251/16.
Than is the questioun, quhethir this may lefully be or nocht
c1530-40 Stewart Bann. MS 266a/53.
Afoir the questioun thow me schew
(3) 14.. Quon. Attach. c. 34.
About this resonnys is muffit a questione that gif [etc.] … quhether sal [etc.]
1456 Hay I 5/16, 17, 22.
We will mak first certane questiounis pertenand to the mater be maner of figure … the first questioun is, quhat thing is bataill [etc.] … To the quhilkis questiouns I will ansuere or I pas furtherlyar
Ib. 138/16.
Here speris the doctour a grete questioun … quhethir [etc.]
Ib. II 91/1.
Thame that movis and argues of questiounis [pr. -ionuis] doubtablez
1549 Compl. 143/2. 1551 Hamilton Cat. 246.
For the playner knawlege of this matir of prayar, we will propone certane questions
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 125/19.
This questione mowit be hyme self
Ib. 130/26.
I vil speir ane questione at thir grosse gospellaris
(4) c1475 Wall. xi 654.
Yhe men off wit this question dyscryve
1556 Lauder Off. Kings 82.
I can nocht solue that questioun rycht

b. pl. The questions, and answers, of the Catechism. —1658 Rothesay Par. Rec. 4.
That the elders … be diligent in exorting the severall families to familie exercise and getting of the questiones
1695 Kingarth Par. Rec. 182.
To the Highland boy for learning the questions
1700 Ib. 214.

c. comb. in question-book, a Catechism. —c1700 in Wodrow Hist. (1828) II 54.
Having a mind to learn to read I bought a question book

d. A practical (as opposed to a theoretical) problem. —1468 Edinb. B. Rec. I 24.
Thar is a questioun hapnyt with yow that a burges of your burgh … hapnyt to marry twa wyffis

5. A sentence of interrogative form, addressed by one person to another in the expectation of eliciting information; a query or inquiry.c1420 Wynt. v 5263.
This questyowne I ask in oure collatyowne [L. The deuill movit him a questioun]
a1500 Seven S. 511.
I merwell quhy ȝe speire The questioun
1490 Irland Mir. I 122/35.
Quhen the questioune was maid … quhilk of the thre persounis … suld tak this werk on hand
Ib. 135/11. ?a1500 Remembr. Passion 201.
Quhen King Herod sperit questionis at Thé
1513 Doug. i xi 113. 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 171/10.
Ȝour questioun is mair difficle to anser to nor ony questioun ȝit proponit
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 91.
Questioun was demandit from the hous, What thei were that trubled the captane vnder silence of nycht

6. A proposal, in the form of a question, submitted to a council or assembly for approval, decision, etc.1533 Boece 61a.
Quhen questioun was movit gif it was expedient [etc.]
1560 (a1651) in Calderwood II 57.
Questioun was moved to the whole multitude if there was anie other whome they wold putt in electioun
1600-1610 Melvill 440.
The questioun moyennit at all the synods befor cam in, whither ministers might vot in parliament
1641 Baillie I 363.
The nixt question was, about the lite for a new Moderator



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