A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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Servito(u)r(e, Sarvitour, n. Also: serwito(u)r, servatour, -etour, (schervitour), shervitor, servitur(e, -ytur, -uir(e, serveture, (scherviture, sevitour), serwiture, -etwr, serviteur(e, -ieure, -er, servetter, servitir, syrvito(u)r, sirviture, sarwatour, sarvettour, sarvator. [ME and e.m.E. servitur, -oure (both Manning), servytoure (c1400), serveture (a1500-34), sarvytor (1562), OF servitor (c1050 in Larousse), late L. servītor.] = Servand(e n. in various senses.On forms in scher-, see the note to Service n.
1. A person in the service of another, in sense 1 of Servand(e n.(1) c1475 Wall. ix 1510.
Thai seruitouris the Scottis put to ded a1500 K. Hart 33.
Grein lust, disport, jelousy … Thir war the inwarde, ythand seruitouris [: curis] Quhilk gouernouris war vnto this nobill king 1491–2 Acta Conc. I 220/1.
Twa bonatis … deliuerit to twa seruitouris of the said laidiis at hir command 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 399.
Payt to Monsure Lamote servitouris that dansit ane moris to the king 1516–17 Treas. Acc. V 111.
To the servitouris that kepit my lord governouris mulattis iij dais in Striveling 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 85.
This proper bird he gaue in gouernyng To me quhilk wes his simpyll seruetoure; [: cure] 1538–9 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 236.
Resavit … fra Maister George Cuik servitour to my Lord Cardinall … iiii lib. xvi s. 1566 Reg. Privy S. V ii 180/2.
Thair lovit servitoure Margaret Howstone … mawmy or midwyfe to hir majestie 1581 Treas. Acc. MS 782b.
Drink siluer to my lord duicke of Levinox seruitour 1643 Misc. Abbotsf. C. I 171.
Cristane Poock, lait servitour to Henrie Ingisgar … and now with Kowie Insgar(b) 1479 Acta Conc. I 37/1.
The wrangwis eting of the gers & hering & manuring of the samyn be thaim ther men & seruituris 1498 Acta Conc. II 280.
[The hay and peats were his own and] lauborit be his servituris on his maling 1549 Compl. 118/24.
Pausanias beand aduertest of the presonyng of his seruand past … to the tempil to inquyre his seruituir [etc.](c) 1647 Sc. N. & Q. 1 Ser. XII 61.
Alex. Barnat … servitor to Capitan Lammie(d) 1474 Treas. Acc. I 70.
To a seruiter of the Larde of Ettallis … that brocht lettres to the king [40 s.](e) 1604 Lanark B. Rec. 116.
That nain pas out of this toun of ony of the said induelleris or thair sarvettouris(f) 1685 Old Tolbooth Rec. in Bk. Old Edinb. C. XI 49.
Permitt the beirer David Denholme, syrvitor to Schir Alexander Gibsone to have access to Mr. Alexander Scheill prisoner(2) 1549 Compl. 117/28, 30.
He hed ane domestik seruitour … quhilk seruitur hed borne the last vrytingis that he hed vrytin to Artabasus 1589 Treas. Acc. MS 170.
For the furnessing of certane his domestique seruitouris to serue thame in cleithing
b. transf. One who serves another in the manner of a servant, one of the status of servant. Cf. Servand(e n. 3.1456 Hay I 110/24.
Crist said till his Apostlis … Bot quha ever of ȝow be first, that he be lawest servitour to ȝow c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4622.
Bot, he [sc. the angel] refusit sic honoure, Sayand: I am bot seruitoure. Gyff glore to God
2. A person in the service of another, in sense 2 of Servand(e n.(1) 1496 Acta Conc. II 4.
To keip … Robert of Bonkle and his servitouris and subtennandis in the tak … of the landis [of] Ballerny 1497–8 Acta Conc. II 94.
Harmeles … of the sade Huchone his servitoris and anerdance 1508 Reg. Privy S. I 259/2.
Forsamekle as for certain chargis of labouris that the kingis hienes has commandit his servitour William Forbes of Tolleys to vaik on in tyme tocum c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 128/1.
Schir, ȝe have mony servitouris And officiaris of dyvers curis: Kirkmen, courtmen and craftismen … Doctouris [etc.] 1523 Reg. Privy S. I 490/1.
To oure lovitt servitour James Dog … the warde of all landis [etc.] 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 243.
I am subject to sum infermyte … quhar throw I ma nocht gudly awayt apon lawbouris and service and I ma nocht gudly be daly resedent in your grace service I think I man writ oft and hamille as your awn sobir servitour concernyng all sic materis and effeiris [etc.] 1561–2 Reg. Privy S. V i 241/2.
Grantit be hir graces derrest moder … to Alexander Hume, broder germane to hir weilbelovit servitoure George Hume 1565 (1583) Reg. Great S. 171/2.
Geving to oure servitoure Johnne Gray … apone the heretable … keiping of our castell … of Skebo 1565–6 Reg. Episc. Brechin. II 327.
Dauid Watt vicare … hes bene ane lang seruitour … to oure souerane ladyis derrest moder 1568 Reg. Privy S. VI 81.
Axell Wiffirtt, servitour to the kingis grace of Denmark 1575 Orkney Oppress. 3.
The manifest tyranny wrangis and oppression done by him his deputes and servitors … upon the poor inhabitants [etc.] a1578 Pitsc. I 90/1.
Schir Patrick Gray quha was … principall seruitour to the king 1594 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 314.
Trusty servitour, we greit you hartlie wele. [King to goldsmith] … To our trusty servitour Thomas Foulis our gold smyth presentlie at Londoun 1595 Paisley B. Rec. 164.
Johne Wilsoun [gap in text] being arrestit at the instance of Johne Hucheson, servitour to my Lord of Paislay, for non peyment making to him as servitour foirsaid of the dewties underwritten 1619 Aberdeen Guild Burgesses in Misc. New Spald. C. I 124.
Abircrombie, George, and Johne Gordoun, syruitures to my lord Gordoun c1650 Spalding II 158.
Ane parliament … quhairintill the king … wes trampit doun; his freindis and faithfull seruitoris declairit rebellis, … and thair enemeis plantit … into thair roumes(2) 1587 Red Bk. Menteith II 366.
Be oure weilbelouit cousing Michaell Elphingstoun, seruitoure domestik to oure souerane lord 1598 Crim. Trials II 67.
The said Sir James … being domestik seruitour and proper depender vpoun my Lord of Angus
b. = Servand(e n. 2 c.Const. man and seruitur, however, some examples in 2 above (e.g. 1496, 1497-8, Orkney Oppress.) may belong here.1527 11th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. vi 34.
Robert Steuard … [binding himself to] becumin man and seruitur [to James, Earl of Arran]
c. ? A squire (cf. OED Servitor n. 1 f), or ? a further example of a above.c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 109/7.
To king, queyne, lord, clerk, knight and servatour [: honour]
3. Familiar (daylie) seruitour (of houshald), = Servand(e n. 3 c.1472 Exch. R. VIII 153 n.
To oure loveit familiare servitoure of houshald Adame of Sellare 1497–8 Reg. Morton II 247.
Oure louet and tendyr familiar servitor Robert of Douglas 1509–10 Edinb. B. Rec. I 125.
Til our familiar and daily seruitour Maister Stephane, ypothegar 1524 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 218.
To our familiar seruitour aduocat and justice clerk Mr. James Wischert concernyuyng the office of the said procuratorie and bailyereis 1536 Reg. Privy S. II 317/1.
We have causit oure familiar servitour James Coluile … knycht, oure comptrollar to be [etc.] 1544 Reg. Privy S. III 116/2.
To Johnne Layng familiar servitour and chalmer-chyld to Gawyne, archibischip of Glasqw 1567 Acts II 559/2.
Takand regard … to the lang … seruice not onlie done … to hir maiestie … be hir weil belouit cousing Williame Lord Levingstoun bot alssua be his sister germane Marie Leuingstoun hir hienes familiar seruitrice and … be hir daylie and familiar seruitour Johnne Semple sone to Robert Lord Semple … and beirand gud mynd & fauour … to hir said speceall seruitouris the said Johnne Semple & Marie Levingstoun to knytt thame togidder in lauchfull mariage —1556 Edinb. B. Rec. II 244.
To our daylie seruitour Johne Litill
4. In deferential formulae. = Servand(e n. 7.(1) 1463 Lennox Mun. 76.
To ȝoure henes and to the thre estatis … humbli I … ȝoure sympill seruiteure menys me that [etc.] a1500 Henr. Fab. 451 (Bann.).
Quhom suld ȝe trest bot me ȝour seruitour? 1509 Soc. Ant. LXXXIX 453.
It is humely menit, … be oure liegis and daily servitouris, the maisteris of the faculte of the cordinare craft within oure burgh of Edinburgh 1530 Edinb. B. Rec. II 22.
To yow my lordis provest [etc.] … humlie menis and schawis your dalie seruitouris the haill brethir of bonetmakaris within this burgh 1536–7 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 81.
Vnto your lordschipis humle menis … we your seruitouris the baillies and commwnitie of the burch of Innerkething 1538–9 Crim. Trials I i 217.
My lordis of counsale vnto ȝour lordschipis huimlie menis and schewis I ȝour seruitour, Patrik Duncansone, notar publict [etc.] 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 238.
As ferther my lord of Cowper your graice rycht trew servitour wil mayr largele inform your grace 1552 Reg. Privy C. I 132.
Your graces servitouris, Walter Ker … and Andro Ker … knychtis 1567 Crail B. Ct. MS 11 Nov.
Honorabill schiris and bailȝeis … ȝour seruituris and oratricis Alisoun Elyn and Margarit Cornualis 1649 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XXXV 132.
I your … shervitor John McGill underteacher(2) 1524 Douglas Corr. 87.
Ȝoure gracis lauly servitoure 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 34.
Servitir 1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 88.
Be your graceis servytur George Lord Hom 1546 Corr. M. Lorraine 170.
Servetter 1547–8 Corr. M. Lorraine 220.
Serwiture 1549 Balcarres P. 308.
Ȝour gracis humble and obediant sarvator John, Lord Erskin 1556 Melrose Reg. Rec. III 165.
Your sarvitour at his power, the Justice Clerk 1560 Bk. Disc. 183.
Your honouris humble servitouris and ministeris of Christ Jesus 1560 Cal. Sc. P. I 359.
Serwetwr 1566 Rec. Earld. Orkney 375.
Ȝour humill subiettis and servatouris 1568 Anderson Collect. Mary IV ii 161.
Your majesties maist humill and obedient serviteurs leiffullie to command 1580 Hay in Cath. Tr. 34/22.
Seruiteure 1601 Warrender P. (SHS) II 386.
Your majestis maist humble subject and affectionat serviteur to my lyvis end, Huntlye 1618 Lithgow Poet. Remains 10.
Your Lo. most seruile seruitour 1625 Bk. Carlaverock II 68.
I am in all asseurance your lordships faithful frind and seruitore
5. An assistant to a workman, craftsman, etc. = Servand(e n. 4. b. specif. A clerk or secretary. Also comb. in servitor-clerk.1486 Aberd. B. Rec. in Misc. Spald. C. V 30.
Thome Gray, tailȝour … and in likuis … ony seruitor of his 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 274.
To twa servitouris, send to Sebald, finour, to labour one the mind 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 275.
To James Carwour takand woklie for him self and tua servituris with him at the kingis organis, xxviij s. 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 380. 1633 Edinb. Surgeons p. 108.
James Suricht seruitor to the said Michaill Andro is buikit prenteis to him 1648 Edinb. Hammermen in Whitelaw Sc. Arms Makers 132.
Peter Johnstoune Dutchmane brasier and servitor to James Monteith peuderer 1646-54 J. Hope Diary (1919) 140.
Whereof tuo fitters with thair two serviteurs wil be able to make 1800 glasses a weeke either beare or wyneb. 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 437.
Schir Walter Stewart, servitour to the maister almesar for the tyme 1537–8 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 228. 1567 Reg. Privy C. (Acta 1559-67 160 MS Reg. H.) in Concilia Sc. I clxxi.
We directit towart the said Nunce oure weilbelouit clerk and seruitor Maister Stevin Wilsoun 1572 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 259.
Richard Bannatyne servitor to unquhill Mr. Knox 1595 Conv. Burghs I 460.
James Clapen, seruitour to my lord comptroller 1595 Aberd. B. Rec. II 121.
Ane hous … to be ane vreting buyth to … thair servitour and clerk 1588 Reg. Great S. 547/2.
Patrik Glesfurde and Geo. McCartnay schervitouris to the said Wil., Thomas Home schervitour to Mr. Jhone Prestoun advocat 1601 Edinb. Masons 3 Feb.
Writtin be Jon Ȝallowleyis seruitor to the generall wardan and clark generall of the said office 1602 Montgomery Mem. 244, 245.
Gilbert Garven, seruitour to Hew Garven, court clerk of Irwin, … witnesses, William Mur, and … my serwitouris 1645 Aberd. Council Lett. III 4.
Receavit be me Jon Munro syrvitor to John Denholme commissyr c1650 Spalding I 301.
Alexr Lyndsay … and Robert Keith, … gryt gyderis of the Erll Marschall since the decourting of Robert Keith, writer, his reall servitourcomb. 1582–3 Exch. R. XXI 559.
James Bonar, servitour clerk of the schirefdome of Forfair
c. An assistant teacher; a scholastic tutor.1602 Aberd. Acc. in Misc. Spald. C. V 129.
To Mr. George Mackie servitor of the grammer school for his panis in attending on the school, fra the deceis of the maister thairof c1647 Jervise Epitaphs & Inscriptions II 137/1.
[Mr. Park … was] servitor or pedagogue to the laird of Innes's children
6. One who serves God, etc. = Servand(e n. 8. Also transf.1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 295.
Schame ȝe nocht to be Christis seruaturis Arundel MS 253/447.
I am Thy pure creatoure and seruitoure; vnwourthy thoucht I be, I am Thyne 1567 G. Ball. 163.
Go, hart, as leill and trew seruiture, To him that heill is for all seik 1567 G. Ball. 171.
I neuer wrocht sa gude againe Bot was vnthankfull seruiture [: creature] 1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. 18b.
Judas Machabeus the notable seruiteur of Godtransf. 1490 Irland Mir. I 123/10.
The gret discensioune … betuix Me [sc. God] and My seruiture and wassale, humane linage
b. A priest, perhaps attached to a particular cure or altar. = Servand(e n. 8 c or d.1531–2 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 120.
Of thir forsaidis vordis the saidis schir Jhone Brydin, servitour, tuk ane act 1538 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 194.
We … uphauldis that present service vith oblaciones and penny almus at the Paycht tyde, and geffis the servitour sustentation
7. One who professes service to a woman as a lover. = Servand(e n. 9.c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) lxxxiv 16.
The lustiast ladie … Thocht scho have mony semelie scheruitour [: creatour; B. servitour] c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 915.
To be subject or seruiture Till ane quhilk takis of me na cure c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 980. 15.. Clar. iv 2828.
When ladies kneillis to thair serviture [: indure] a1568 Bann. MS 219b/3.
My hummill seruice tak nocht in disdane Bot me accep to be ȝour seruiture a1568 Scott viii 17.
Gif my hairt be ȝour hairtis serviture [ed. scheruiture] a1585 Maitl. Q. 113/27.
Since I am be destanie Becum ȝour seruituire a1585 Maitl. Q. 211/99.
Sall I ane lemmand tak, Ane servitour that will me service mak c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxvii 10.
Remember on ȝour ȝoldin siruiture
8. fig. = Servand(e n. 11.1456 Hay II 53/3.
And be faith men has esperaunce cheritee and leautee and ar servitouris to veritee