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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Stek(e, Steik, v.2 Also: steike, steick, (steiche), steyk, steak, steek(e, sti(c)k. P.t. and p.p. ste(i)kit, etc., also, stekkit, steikkit, stikkit, staiket, stokit, -yt, stekine. [ME and e.m.E. stekenn (Orm), steke(n (a1350), steyke (c1400), steek (1683). P.t. stac (14th c.), stake (c1400), stoke (c1425). P.p. istekene, steken (both Ancr. R.), (y-)stoken (1380), i-steke (Trevisa), stoke (14th c.), ? OE *stecan (*stæc, *stæcon, *stecen), OED conjectures f. Stek(ev.1, the sense perhaps developing from the notion of thrusting home a bolt.]

1. To close, shut (usu. so as to lock) (a door, gate, window, entrance, etc.). Also const. fast (clos). Also proverb. Also fig.(1) pres. c1420 Wynt. iii 947.
And gert … steke the dure with-out And kendyll fyre rycht fast about
(b) a1500 Seven S. 1915.
The pyot sall se na licht Durris and wyndois I sall steike
1524 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 218.
And gyf onye of the said vnfremen steikis thair durris wilfullie sua that thay may haue na entres to serche thame [etc.]
1530 Soc. Ant. II 393.
Gyf ony man will taik on hand to steik the ȝetts at viii hours at ewyn … to haif thre pence ilk man
1554–5 Edinb. Old Acc. I 142.
Ane greit braid bar of irne to steik the said yet with
1572 Peebles B. Rec. I 345. 15… Reg. Soltre 214.
The sacrister … sall oppin and steik the duris of the kyrk and revestry
c1600 Montg. Suppl. xviii 3.
Steiche the dur, and cache me
(c) 1577 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 56b.
That he haid neglectit hymself in clossing and caussing steak the ȝeittis and principall portis of the said college
(d) a1651 Calderwood III 71.
Whill he was steeking the port
(e) 1539 Soc. Ant. II 397.
The lamp … to be ly[ch]tit … and till indur quhill the clerk stik the durris
1682 Melrose Reg. Rec. III 3.
To sticke and lock in the saids prissone doors securlie
p.t. 1442 Aberd. B. Rec. MS IV 289.
Quhen Grahame myssit his gudis he stekit the ȝet
a1538 Abell 109b.
Katherin Dougles … stekit the chalmir dur bot the bar wes tane awa
1582 Inverness Rec. I 292.
Efter he followit thame to the dur, the said Agnes stekit the samyn and wald nocht lat him in
(b) 15.. Clar. ii 673.
(c) 1570–1 Crail B. Ct. 6 Feb.
That his wyf stokit and barrit his dure
p.p. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 692.
Ane … the whome they … The keyes of this hors … assigned and when that he Saw tyme … He shold than oppyn the closoures, That stekyt war thrught crafty cures
1442 Aberd. B. Rec. MS V ii 663 (5 Sept.).
That … the remanand of ȝattis and othiris opin places of the toune be stekit and closit
c1515 Asl. MS I 162/5.
Gif it be wynter … the ȝettis of Caspy ar stekit with yrne bandis & barris for serpentis & edderis
1513 Doug. ix xi 30.
Thai the port, quhilk be Eneas charge Was commandyt to kepe stekit, … Has warpyt oppyn
(b) 1442 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 6.
That the saidis yettis be steiket be thame ilk nicht at couerfure tyme
?a1500 Remembr. Passion 691. 1513 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 143.
For the eschewing … of pestilence … that all merchandis … hald thair wyndois steikit and clositt
c1580 Bann. Trans. 490.
The duiris and windois steikkit, … Judge ye how ghaist and gyrecarlingis come in
1578–9 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 101.
That the duirris of the samyn be steikit and kepit clois
a1600 Liber Dryburgh 277.
A certane yett steikit and lockit
a1605 Birrel Diary 39.
The tolbuith dores wer shut and steiket
1621 Maxwell Mem. I 326. 1672 Craven Ch. in Orkney 52.
[The sheriff] having knocked … at the utter gate … and finding the samen steicked and fast … caused his officers to … make the said gate … open
(c) 1494 Loutfut MS 2a.
At thair be maid twa portis … and thai salbe stekkit [Lindsay MS steikit] with gud barreris
(d) 1643 S. Leith Rec. 45.
To keep … the gaits of the church yard fast and sticked all tymes day and night
(e) a1400 Leg. S. xviii 110.
The custume ves of that abbay That the ȝettis ware stokyt [pr. stekyt] ay
(f) a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii 288.
Thai … Strat stekine set the ȝettis til
absol. 1629 Boyd Last B. 401.
O God … who hast the keyes of heaven and of hell. Thou steeketh and no man openeth; thou openeth and no man steeketh. Open now thy mercifull doores vnto this poore soule
proverb. a1500 K. Hart 613.
The steid is stollin steik the dure
1570 Sat. P. xxii 27.
Ouir lait it is the stabill dure to steik, Quhen sturdie steid is stollin
a1585 Maitl. Q. 243/6.
The proverb auld I put in vre Quhen stead is stollin then steik the stable dure
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 176 (L).
To lait the stable duir I steik [Wr. steeke], Quhan as the steid is stowin
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1283.fig. 1562-3 Winȝet I 139/31.
This ȝour disciple hes … fast steikit the ȝettis of hel
1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 260.
Oft times we get ane evil answer when we come and the gates are steiked on our chafts as they were on the foolish virgins
1592 Sc. Ch. Hist. Soc. Rec. IV 130.
The King replied … ‘Mr. Patrick, my chalmer doore wes never steaked upon you: ye might have told me anything ye thought in secret’
1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 209.
The ȝeattis of heauin war stekit be the sonne of Adam
1605-6 Welsh Forty-eight Serm. 496.
Run to get mercy as long as the door of mercy stands open; for there is a time when it shall be steiked and ye shall not win it
(2) c1420 Wynt. vi 1519.
Thai gert be All the durys stekyd fast
1513 Doug. vi i 81.
Ane hundreth entreis had it … Ane hundreth durris tharon stekit clos
a1538 Abell 76a.
Quhen I am deid steik and bar the kirk durris fast
1546 Stirling B. Rec. I 43.
To sleep and waik in his werkhous, the durris thairof being fast stekit
(3) 1564 St. A. Kirk S. 223.
Ressetting hym in hyr hous divers nychtis, sche and he allan and the dur steakit upon tham
1596 Elgin Rec. II 43.
Sic yettis and durris as ar found stekit upoun the officiaris quhen thei pas through the toune
15… Craven Argyll Diocese 36.
[The doors of the Church were] steyked [against the national clergy, and the Roman mass prevailed]
c1620 Boyd Fl. Zion Exc. xxvii/2.
Hee hath his doore now steeked him behind
1640 Kirkcaldy Presb. 168.
The durr was steakit after them
a1650 Row 26.
Those who have contemptuouslie steeked kirk doores upon the preachers of Christ's Gospell
(4) 1600 Crim. Trials II 295.
Schir Alexander … led him within the thrid chalmer and steikit to the dure thairof

b. specif. To close up (the doors of a merchant's booth), to shut (a shop) (for a time). Also absol. 1554 Edinb. B. Rec. II 204.
That thai oppin nocht thair buith duris nor sell ony gudis quhill ix houris befoir none and than to continew quhill xij houris and than to steik the samyn quhill twa eftir none
1563–4 Inverness Rec. I 113.
And that all buyth durris be stekit in tyme of preching
1574 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 18.
The haill merchands that haldis merchand buthes to steik thair buth durris on the preching day
1593 Birrel Diary in Dunferm. Ann. 248.
Merchants and otheris that wer ignorint, steiket thair buith doris, and ran to the kirk to pray, thinkind it had bene the last dai
1604 R. Brown Paisley I 214.
It is statut and ordainet … that the merchants within this burghe steek their buith doors ilk Tysday, the tyme of preaching
absol. 1545–6 Elgin Rec. I 86.
Decernit … that the said George sall noder opin nor stek nor vse merchandece within this burgh for ȝeir and day

c. To steke up, to close or block up (a door or window) in a more or less permanent fashion. 1548 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 143.
To steik vp in massie wall the durris and windois of thair said brynt land
1551–2 Edinb. B. Rec. II 162.
Ordanis James Carmichaell dene of gild to steik wp all maner of personis buith duris that ar nocht fremen, and thole tham nocht to occupy ony maner of fredome vnto the tyme thay pay thair dewte thairfore
1560 Edinb. B. Rec. III 83.
The heretouris … of the landis lyand on the west syde of the Nether Kirk yarde to stik vpe or stanchel the windokis and durris of the saidis landis swa that na bestiall hawe entres to the said kirk yarde
1562 Edinb. B. Deeds 70.
Gif he … makis ony enteres of durris and windois betuix the said foirland and bakland that the samyn salbe cloissit and steikit up massie wall with stane and lyme
1588 Pittenweem Ann. 14.
To steik close up and big firmly with stane and lime the doors and present entrances
1597 Perth Kirk S. in Lawson Bk. Perth 229.
The session … ordains the Masters of the Hospital … to cause steik up the door that is in the midst of the said house
1603 Stirling B. Rec. I 108.
Na inhabitant … present thair maill cheildrene … to ony uther scole … nor to the grammer scole … and for the bettir executione of this act, James Duncansoun [etc.] … teacheris of the Ingles scolles … become … oblest … to haif thair scole durris staiket up
1619 Glasgow Trades House 84.
Decernit him to pay ten punds … his buithe windo to be steikit vp and to be wairdit quhill the samyn be payet
1654 Dumfries Council Min. MS 29 June.
The counsall … ordaynit the dore of the sd. Jeans hir booth … to be steikit vp by new nailling

d. intr. Of a door: To close. Also fig. 14.. Acts I 25/2.
Gif a burges be chalangyt … of ony thyft … he sall clenge hym with the athe of xii men … and he sall suere at he wate never quhare the dure opynnis na stekis [L. clauditur; Skene Reg. Maj. ii 122, steikes] of hym fra quham he bocht that ilke forsayde thyng
1583 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 180.
For mending of the greit ȝet of the kirkȝaird to lawin & drawin of the crukkis be the greit wynd that it wald nocht steik
fig. c1420 Ratis R. 466.
Thir four wertewis … That beris the ȝettis of thi resone Tyll opin and stek with discreccione
c1420 Wynt. v 3807.
And let noucht stek agayne me The yhete off Hewyn
1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World 23.
Open, open heavens yaits Steik, steik, hells yaits

2. To close, fasten shut, lock up (a space, place, room, etc., freq. heaven) so as to prevent access or egress. Also intr. 1490 Irland Mir. I 131/2.
This angell enterit … in hire sacret chaumere and quhen all was closit and stekit
1490 Irland Mir. II 40/31.
Eftir that His blist body was wtuth the graif it remanit stekit and selit
1490 Irland Mir. III 84/5.
To the prestis He gave power and autorite to stek and opin hevin to the pepil be absolucioun
1562 Knox Ressoning 188.
Wo be unto you, Scribes and Pharises, hipocrites, for ye steak the kingdome of heaven before men
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 65.
Thaj … thairefter past to the tolbuith, quhilk wes then steikkit and quhen thaj culd nocht apprehend the keyis thairof thaj … dang vp the … dure perforce
1596 Edinb. B. Rec. V 159.
That the baillies pas to Leyth and strik up the girnells that thai fynd steikit contrer the proclamatioun
14.. Acts (1597) Table s.v. Tavernes.
Tavernes suld be steiked at nine houres, and na person suld be found therein
intr. 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 68.
Thair wes ane cloud opynnand with four levis in the quhilk was put ane bony barne … the said cloude opynnit and the barne discendit … and deliuerit to hir hienes the keyis of the toun … That being done the barne ascendit in the cloud and the said clud stekit
1639 Ritchie Ch. S. Baldred 246.
Given to George Cuming, smith … 32 pence for mending the lok of the box, and causing it to open and steek
1688 Old Kirk Chron. 52.
[To make the poor's box so that it would] open and steik

b. To close (one's eyes). Chiefly fig. a1568 Bann. MS 59a/17.
Thou steik thyn een fra warldis vanite
1494 Loutfut MS 18b.
Thai haue waik sicht and stekis nocht thair een
1567 G. Ball. 238. 1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 191.
Thay haue stekit thair eine, lest thay suld sie with thair eies
intr. a1570-86 Dunb. in Maitl. F. 387/46.
My ene for pane incluse and steik

c. To bring (a narrative) to a close. a1500 Lanc. 316.
This proces mot closine ben and stek; And furth I wil one to my mater go

d. To steke up (once, in), to close up (a building, freq. a shop) for a period.(1) 1561–2 St. A. Kirk S. 134.
And that lang efter the said citie wes reformed … all … papisticall jurisdiccione abolesched … the consistorie hows dischergit and stekyt up
1574 Misc. Maitl. C. I 105.
That the buithis … be stekit upe the tymes of sermondis during the said tyme
1584 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XV 38.
And in the mene tyme hir buith to be steikit up quhill the said cautioun be fund
(2) 1562 Perth Hammermen 95.
And in cais of non payments as said is, submitts his buith to be steikit in and his gudis and gear to be poyndit

3. To close, stop up (a passageway, route, aperture, etc.). b. To be stiking full of, to be crammed full. (Cf. Steek v.1 4 and Stech v. (SND).)(1) 1375 Barb. xix 687.
Thai … stekis forouth ws the way, Thai weyne we may nocht get avay
c1420 Wynt. iv 438.
To ger breke The bryggys and alle the fwrdys stek And let thame passage till have
1436–7 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 5.
That the commoune venell of the burgh be stekit and closit for a time
1567 Anderson Collect. Mary II 175.
Thai came up the Canogait to the Nethir Bow quhilk was steikit
(2) 1531 Edinb. Guild Ct. 2 June.
And gif thar be na commoun conduct … passand dovne throw the said clois ordanis thame to steik wp the ee and hoill at the clois heid quhar the rayne watter cumys
1574 Glasgow B. Rec. I 30.
Ordanis the Sculehous Wynd and all the wennellis to be simpliciter condampnit and stekit vp
(b) 1562 Old Dundee II 222.
[That he] tyne his water-gang coming through his yaird frae Tod's burn, [which shall] be stikkit up
b. 1653 Hope Diary 155.
And when I looke to the walles I thoght the seemes betuixt the stones was stiking full of sproutings and litle plates … of silver

c. fig. To stop up (one's ears); to fail to listen or pay attention. c1490 Irland Asl. MS 78/14.
My syn stekand myne eire of myn hert
a1500 Lanc. 1650.
For qwho his eris frome the puple stekith, … His dom sall be ful grewous

4. To enclose, shut (up) (a person or thing) (in a place). b. To enclose the teeth wyth the tongue, to bring what one has to say to an end.(1) a1400 Leg. S. vii 795.
The Jowis … In-to this wall stekyte me
a1400 Leg. S. xix 458.
In presone thane stekit ware thai With Christofore, quhare he lay
a1400 Leg. S. xxviii 486.
Salamon … Of feyndis that na nowmir was In a weschale stekit of gles
c1420 Wynt. i 596.
He prewyde wytht werk-men than thraly Thare in to steke thaim mare straitly
14.. Acts I 385/2.
Gif at thai [sc. bees] happyn to fail in to thi tre befor that thai be stekyt in the hyff
c1475 Wall. vi 257.
Mony thai slew that nycht in Laynrik toune Sum grecis lap, and sum stekit with in
1542 Linlithgow B. Ct. 17 May.
He was inclusit and in stekit wpone his bak syd fra his hous to the ȝard quhar his common passage was
a1568 Bann. MS 144b/54.
Thairowt he is bot seyndill sene Sa fast thairin thay can him steik
1500-1699 Herbarius Latinus Annot. (Bot.).
Wynd stekit in the body
c1650 P. Gordon Brit. Dist. 87.
He told his vncle that all his freindes and followers had stuke him yet hithertills in hope that way to be secured from danger
(2) 1555–6 Edinb. B. Rec. II 317.
To Homill quhen he wes stekit up
1585 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 419.
James Ros, thesaurer, to furneis all necessaris to thame that ar steiket vp in the Watter of Leyth
1593 Edinb. B. Rec. V 84.
Concerning the friemen … that steiks up ony geir … in the said places
b. c1420 Wynt. ix 2823.
Wyth tethe for-thi my toung I steke: Off hym ennuch I can nocht speke

5. To exclude (a person) fra (owt (at), furth of (at), to (a place, door). Also absol. a1400 Leg. S. ii 900.
Nothir stekis fra Godis mercy Of the fel syne the quantite Na ȝet the gret ennormyte
c1420 Wynt. v 3743.
The kyrk … Is stekyd for my mysdede me fra
1555 Acts Sederunt i 58.
That all massaris ische furth of the counsall-house … and not to remane nor sitt thairin bot sall steik thame selffis owt at [1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. in Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 4a, steik thame selffis furth of; Bisset I 156, steik thame selfis furth at] the vtemest dur quhill thai be callit
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 326.
He … culd haue na entres, bot wes steikit to the doore be him in quhome he lippinit maist in
absol. 1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Excludo, to steik out, to cleck
1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Discludo ‘secludo’, to steike out
1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Secludo, to steak out
1659 Cramond Kirk S. I 17 April.
Marion Wachop steekit out the uther servant woman Jonet Young two severall nights

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