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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Ger, v. Also: gere, gerr(e, gerr-. P.t. and p.p. gert (gerte). [Northern ME. gere (a 1300), gerre, ger, ON. gera (p.t. gerði, p.p. gerðr). The original infin. gere is rare; the usual short vowel of ger has been assimilated to the p.t. and p.p. gert (cf. ON. gert, neut. of the p.p.). The further change of ger to Gar is normal.]

1. tr. To cause (something) to be done. Cf. Gar v. 1.(a) a 1350 Facs. Nat. MSS. II. 14.
[They] sal ger [L. facient] gaynand biging be made
1375 Barb. i. 305.
That suld ger his price dowblyt be
1405 James of Douglas Letter to Henry IV in Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 59.
The kynge … chargit me til aske & ger be askyte … redresse tharof
1409 Exch. R. IV. ccx.
He sal … ger it to be revelit
1456 Hay I. 138/1 i.
He may … ger him be payit of his travaill
Ib. 205/19.
To ger resoun be done to men
1498 Treas. Acc. I. 319.
Passand with the Kingis lettrez … to ger wapynschawingis be criyt
(b) 1416 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 247 a.
Al this … to kepe and gere be kepyt
c1420 Wynt. v. 1927.
A barne That sall gere our goddis alle Be brokyn
Ib. vii. 895.
He suld gere thare be set … a relygyown
(c) c1420 Wynt. i. 677.
Sum … gerrys the kyn Gaddryde be
Ib. 817.
Thai … gerrys thame drownyd be
1424 Wemyss Chart. 47.
I sal gerre be … giffyn to the said dame my moderis landis
1456 Hay II. 67/21.
For the knychtis gerris the grete lordis, … be honourit abone the small peple
a1500 Seven S. 397.
The empriour … gerris the child be brocht ws till
(b, c) 1375 Barb. ii. 565.
His men in hy he gert be dycht
a1400 Leg. S. xxviii. 72.
He … gert hyre be tacht in Cristis lacht
c1420 Wynt. i. 234.
He gert twa pillars sune be made
Ib. iv. 2332.
It thai gert be set wp-rycht
1426 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 202.
Efter that I haf … gert him be infefft
1448 Acts I. 350/2.
The hail lordis and bordouraris he gert bodily be suorne
1515 Fife Sheriff Ct. 5.
The schiref … gert the personis foirsaid … be suorne

2. Const. with infin. (without to): To give orders or take steps (to) do something. Cf. Gar v. 2.(a) 1375 Barb. vi. 66.
Gif I may heir ony thyng, I sall ger varn ȝow
Ib. xix. 705.
Than ger mak our fyres bricht
a1400 Leg. S. i. 426.
Petir … bad ger bring hym bred of bere
1398 Acts I. 212/1.
The schiref … sal … ger cry the namys of tha that may nocht be arrestit
c1420 Wynt. iv. 437.
Hyr consale gave hyr to ger breke The bryggys
1456 Hay I. 268/33.
Gif my wapin failis, I suld ger get ane othir
1479 Acta Conc. 24/1.
The king wil be avisit and ger see the ald lawis of bondage
1490 Ib. 153/2.
[They] sall … seik or ger seik the four hede pilgrimage(s) of Scotlande
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 461.
The skippar bad ger land thé at the Bas
(b) 1405 James of Douglas Letter to Henry IV in Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 59.
Qwhethir I will gere refourme the sayde attemptatis
c1420 Wynt. v. 283.
He wald offt gere pyne and sla Thewys
Ib. 2837.
Thow sall gere cast Downe the templys
(c) 1398 Acts I. 210/2.
He may … gerre calle his officeris
1440 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV. 192.
Our forsaid souereyne lord will … gerre deliuer the castel of Kildrummy
1456 Hay I. 153/33.
He kepand and gerrand kepe him the termes of law
Ib. I. 224/21.
A man of armes … gerris put him in prisoun
1463 Lennox Mun. 76.
That ȝe mak na gerr mak na stoping to me in the serving of thame
(b, c) 1375 Barb. i. 591.
The king a parlyament Gert set thareftir
Ib. ii. 13.
The Bruce … Gert priuely bryng stedys twa
a1400 Leg. S. xxii. 364.
He gert hed hyme forout fryst
Ib. xxxiv. 283.
Scho … gerte mak hyre a litil cel
1389 Cart. Cambuskenneth 260.
We fynd that the forsaid Robert … hes gert skaith the said abbot
c1420 Wynt. viii. 1810.
The yhettis … off the towne thai gert wp cast
1444 Chart. St. Giles 71.
In witnessing hereof to thir lettres we haue gert set our seelis
c1475 Wall. vii. 977.
Ramsay gert byg strang bestials off tre
1483 Acta Conc. II. civ.
Becaus Adam Wallace gert summond & comperit nocht to follow him
1516 Reg. Cupar A. I. 291.
The quhilk [croft] we gert met with thre suorne men
1551 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 21.
[The] portioneris … hes ratified the foresaid marches … and has gert set carnis

3. To make or cause (a person or thing) to do something. Cf. Gar v. 3.(a) 1375 Barb. i. 299.
Thair wes nane aueutur that mocht … ger him let To do the thing he was on set
a1400 Leg. S. iii. 434.
The treutht … that thu … wald ger me trew
c1420 Wynt. ix. 1479.
As yhe ger ws wndyrstand
1431 Reg. Great S. 45/1.
We sal ger thaim conferme this our gift
1456 Hay I. 228/30.
He mycht … ger him pay ransoune leffully
1474 Treas. Acc. I. 54.
To Wil Turing, to ger him send clay to Edinburgh
1497 Ib. 378.
To the werkmen, … that kest about hir [the ship] foure dayis to ger hir com on floit
(b) a1400 Leg. S. xxxi. 588.
That thu … May gere leile folk in thé affy
Ib. xxxvi. 361.
To gere thame of al dout quyt be
c1420 Wynt. viii. 3319.
Lw, how a lytill thyng may gere [: were] Gret harmys fall
(c) 1375 Barb. vii. 246 (E).
Quhat is he That gerris yow haiff sik specialté
a1400 Leg. S. xlv. 271.
Thu begilis me … That gerris nocht thire bestis byt
c1420 Wynt. i. 227.
The story gerris ws wndyrstande
Ib. v. 3678.
The welth … Gerris thé perchans mysknawe thi syn
1456 Hay II. 97/14.
Gerr thame trow thou drinkis … , and sa sall thou gerr otheris be blythe
1482 Fam. Rose 147.
Giff … the saide Lauchlane cavs or gerrys the saide Donalde … deliuer the saide castell
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 343.
That gerris thé ryme in to thy termis glod
(b) 1375 Barb. i. 422.
He gert him galay disyly
Ib. ix. 296.
The king … gert his men burn all Bouchane
a1400 Leg. S. x. 89.
He gerte thai serpentis ly al still
Ib. xxxiii.623.
He gert bedalis ga Oure the cite
c1420 Wynt. iv. 106.
Hewes the fyrst kyng … That gert the Romanys custum pay
1456 Hay II. 7/23.
He … gert him sytt doune … and rest him
c1475 Wall. viii. 1259.
Lang ws in wer gert thaim desyr thair will
1506–7 Treas. Acc. III. 369.
To Wantonnes that the King fechit and gert hir sing
a1570-86 Maitl. F. xlviii. 75.
He bair ane club gert mony carle be coy

