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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Solem(p)n(e, adj. (adv.). Also: solemm-, sollempn(i)e, soleme, -mme, sollem, solum, -eame, solemp, sol(l)empt, solen, suillen. [ME and e.m.E. solempne (c1315), solempn (Rolle), solemne (1447), solenne (a1450), solen (1530), solemn (1533), OF solem(p)ne, solenne, L. sollem(p)nis, sollennis, also e.m.E. sulleyne (1583), sullen (a1586), solemn, serious (OED s.v. Sullen adj. but ? rather varr. of Solemn adj.).]The forms solempt and sollempt may possibly be abbreviations of sol-, sollempnit Solem(p)nit ppl. adj.

A. adj. 1. Of a ceremony, ritual, sacrifice, sacrament, etc.: Having religious significance, and performed with due rites and ceremony; sacred, holy. Also, of the conducting of such a ceremony, generally.Both in Christian and pagan contexts.(1) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 416.
To the god clepeth Appollyne … It plesed hem … To mak solempne sacrifice
c1420 Wynt. v 3086.
He maid wyth gret dewotyowne Solempne dedicatiowne Off the kyrk
c1420 Wynt. vii 3139.
Off this solempne translatyowne [sc. of Queen Margaret's body] Befor thare is mad mentyown
1491 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. I 255.
That ale chaplannis that ar absent fra solempt processionis in solempnit festis, sale pay 1 d. vnforgevin
1494 Loutfut MS 1b.
And richtsua that in all solempnit festis and othir dais quhar the king haldis his state riall or makis ony sollempt festis the said kingis of armes and heraldis sall gang richt befor the maistir of houshald
1533 Bell. Livy I 47/27.
And thocht he institute mony haly sacrifices at this tyme, ȝit he institute the sacrifice that pertenit to the flamyn diall with maist solemne cerymonis
1533 Bell. Livy II 9/3.
I nurist hir to solempne mariage, and nocht to the bordell
1535 Stewart 9965.
1565 Knox VI 394.
Privatlie fasted Anna, wyfe to Alcana, even in the verray solempne feastes during the time of hir barrennes
1638 Kirkcaldy Presb. 125.
1649 Blairs P. 18.
The ministers indyted a day of solemme thanksgiuing for this
c1650 Spalding I 226.
Ane solempne fast keipit in Edinbrugh for the happie success of the ensewing generall assemblie
1666 Lamont Diary 191.
A day of soleme thanksgiveing … for the leate victory
1671 Ellon Par. 131.
The lord bishop … had appoynted ane solemne fast to be keiped the nixt Lord's day and that for the sines of the land
(b) 1535 Stewart 16500.
[He] syne grauit wes in to his graif … with sacrifice solen Of Cristin wyis
(2) c1420 Wynt. v 5684.
The Exaltatyowne festyvalle Off the Croys … is oysyd ilke yhere In plesand and solempne manere Off Eraclius wictoryis [etc.]
c1420 Wynt. vii 450.
The Byschope off Lundyn … Crownyd hym wyth solempne serwys
1513 Doug. v ii 22 (Sm.).
Netheles suld I … exequies, with solempt pomp and fair, Dewlie perform, and … Adorn the altaris with their just offerandis

b. Of a constituent part of such a ceremony.c1420 Wynt. viii 3134.
Thare made his Coronatyown Wyth solempne and halowyd wnctyown

2. Of a particular day, season or time. a. Distinguished by, or set apart for, the celebration of special (mainly religious) rites. Also predic. b. Serious, grave.c1420 Wynt. v 5161.
Than [ap]on a solempne day, Or he begowth to tak hys way
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 112.
Vpon ane solempne day … the pepill … vnto the tempill went With sacrifice
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. xxvii 15.
1524 Holyrood Chart. 258.
The said Maister Hary Henrysoun … to be at hie solempne festiual tymes with ws … at the mes and ewin sang
1531 Bell. Boece II 297.
Becaus the samin wes ane hie solempne day
c1615 Chron. Kings 107.
The queine tuik gritt paynis to haue Bothuell most braw, bot thair wes small regaird had to the monting of the king … at sic ane soleame tyme
1643 Glasg. Univ. Mun. III 534.
The silver staff quhilk the bedel carrieth before the rector at sollem tymes
1650 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 615.
Upon the 11 day of August, 1650, being … a solempne day of fasting
predic. a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 282.
Poynding for maills and annuells [etc.] … wer deferred to the third day efter the termes of Whitsonday and Martimes … becaus they wer then holy and solemne
b. 1584 Cal. Sc. P. VII 104.
It [is] very hard for me not being accquented with the feir of the law to despute my lyf with ane experemented and practysed adwocat the tyme being so short and so suillen

3. Performed, or attended, with due ceremony or formality; formal, ceremonious.1533 Bell. Livy I 28/23.
Ane solempne play … in honoure of Neptunus chevelrier
1533 Bell. Livy I 125/14.
Hir fader, hir husband and remanent freyndis made thare aithis in solempne maner to be revengit [etc.]
1592 Acts III 544/2.
To sic … persounes as hes already … ressauit the honouris ordouris and estaittis of lordis of parliament be the solempne forme of belting and vtheris ceremonies
1596 Dalr. I 19/23.
Gret hartis are sa frequent that commounlie in a solemne hunting, the prince cheiflie present him selfe, now fyue hundir, now viii hundir, sum tyme 1000 at ane tyme ar slayne
1600-1610 Melvill 279.
Was keipit a maist solemne action and magnific of the quein's coronation and entres in Edinbruche
c1650 Spalding II 31.
He … took a solempne leive of all considerabill persones
1668 Creswell Royal Coll. Surgeons Edinb. 152.
[The professor of Botany … besides waiting upon them at a] solemn public herbarizing in the fields [four times in the year]

b. Of assemblies, meetings, visitations, and the like: Formally convened, duly constituted.c1420 Wynt. i 1059.
[In] Nycea … a seyhne solempne wes sene
1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 81.
Thair was ane solemne inquyrie for the murther
1589 Wemyss Corr. 38.
To haif heir a frequent and solempne assemblie … for … the … diuerting of the appering danegers thretnid
1625 Justiciary Cases I 33.
Constitutis and ordanis the said Sir George maister of ceremonies at the creatioun of all erles, lordis and barrones and of all uther soleme assembleis quhair honourable ceremonies ar accustomet and necessar to be uset
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 40.
The magistrats … should weir at their solemne meittings such comlie apparrell as the king shall prescryve
1659 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 181.
There sall be foure solemne visitatiouns of the grammar scool ewerie yeir

4. Of great importance or significance; impressive, worthy of admiration; famous, renowned. a. Of persons. b. Of a building, place or town. Also predic.a. c1420 Wynt. v 4177.
[Pope Leo] wes a solempne clerk, And dyd mony a clerklyk werk
c1420 Wynt. viii 408.
The byschape … Awrelyanens A clerk solempne in sere sciens
c1420 Wynt. viii 413.
The byschape … wes … Doctor solempne in to that quhylle … wes in canown and cyvyle
b. c1420 Wynt. vi 509.
Constantyne … Be Tay than fowndyd Dwnkeldyne, A place solempne cathedrale
c1420 Wynt. vii 306.
Off Eveshame than mwnkys thre, … Come, and ordanyd … Thre solempne and gret abbayis
c1515 Asl. MS I 153/9.
Julius Cesar … ordanit wys men to … discrive all the warld … that he mycht … be expart baith of the provincis and nacionis and solempne townis
1596 Dalr. I 230/12.
Thrie judgement saites to be seperate ane frome another in solemne places
predic. 1596 Dalr. I 22/23.
Edinburgh … quhilke was nocht litle celebrate and solemne

c. Of a banquet, celebration, etc.: Grand, sumptuous, splendid.1531 Bell. Boece II 152.
Kenneth … convenit all his noblis to ane counsall … and feistit thame within his palice be solempne banket

d. Of rank or degree: Senior, advanced.c1420 Wynt. vi 57.
Wyth mony a gret clark seculare, In till hey solempne greys Awawnsyd

5. Of a formal, serious or deliberate character; of force or import; weighty. a. Of an oath, vow, etc., also a curse. Also (once) with inflected plural.(1) 1478 Reg. Cupar A. I 213.
To kep al pwntis forsad he has sworn a sollempne ath, the quhilk ath and pwntis forsad halely nocht kepit togyder, his tak vakis of deid
1531 Bell. Boece I 92.
Thay … maid solempne aithis never to rebell in times cuming
1533 Bell. Livy I 55/9.
The fader patrat was ordanit to strenth & corroborat bandis and contractis with maist solempne faith [? erron. for aith], & did the samyn with mony devote cerymonis & coniuracions
1543 Soc. Ant. II 401.
The provost … resaivit thair and ilk ane of thair solempt ay[th]ts the haly evangelis twechit for leile and trew administratioun in thair office
1560 Rolland Seven S. 7621.
Than this lady scho maid ane solempne vow … All hir life time to leif in chastitie
a1578 Pitsc. I 142/9.
The solempt aith and faithfull promise that the saidis ambassadouris did promeis to me in thair names and behalfis
1579, 1617 Despauter (1579).
Iusiurandum, ane solempne aith
1584 Gowrie P. 28.
Gowry [was] perswaded by … this sollempnie promise
?1590 Strathendrick 171.
With solempne vowis of revenge
1593 Colville Lett. 99.
1597 Acts IV 137/2.
1611 Inverness Rec. II 80.
Sir George Hay … hes gevin the greit solempn aithe the halie evangelist [sic in pr.] tuchit, that [etc.]
1613 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 125.
[He] be his solempe aith purgit himself
1626 Justiciary Cases I 50.
[She] be hir soleme aith upone the stule of repentance tuik God and his angellis to witnes that [etc.]
1681 Hunter Fam. P. 66.
John Watt … to wittnes … the meiths and marches … & after they had given ylk ane of them their soleme oath
infl. pl. 1581 Bk. Univ. Kirk II 516.
The usurped authoritie of that Romane Antichrist … his dispensationeis with solemnes othes, periuries, and degreis of mariage forbidden in the Worde
(2) 1531 Bell. Boece I 167.
The solempne preistis … maid solempne cursinis on the Romanis, for violation of thair faith and band

b. Of a contract, treaty, vote, etc.Also, of the Solemn League (and Covenant) (Leg(e n.2 4).1531 Bell. Boece I 199.
[They] maid solempne votis to punis this tyrane for his demeritis
1566–7 St. A. Kirk S. 286.
I Wiliam Cristeson … offerris me to prev ane solempt contract and promys of mariaige [etc.]
1558-66 Knox II 176.
A solempne treatie and accord, maid the last yeir at Edinburgh
1644 Acts VI i 76/1.
This kingdome haveing entered into a solemne league and covenant
1650 Dunkeld Presb. II 494.
A victorie over these erronyous and blasphemous pairteis in England, quha, aganes the Covenant and Solempne League, did unjustlie persew this natioun

c. Of books of law.c1420 Wynt. v 4802.
The Code and the Digest … are bukys off cyvylle Gud, solempne and sutylle

6. Of an effect (of something): Decisive, thorough; likely to achieve the desired end.1567 Acts III 12/1.
That this our dimissioun may tak the mair solempne effect … we have geuin … our commissioun … and speciall command to [etc.]

7. Of a serious, grave character. a. Of persons. Also (once), ? erron. for sullen. b. Of the features or looks.(1) 1531 Bell. Boece I 167 (see 5 a (2) above).(2) a1578 Pitsc. I 257/11.
This lord beand solempe [I. insolent] and ȝoung … thocht he wald nocht obey
b. c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 79.
Thir peple sawe I stand, With mony a solemp[ni]t contenance

B. adv. Solemnly, in sense 5 a above. Cf. also Solem(p)nly adv. 2 b.1683 Conv. Burghs IV 39.
Alexander Patersone tooke instruments and … soleame suore the test and subscrivit the samen



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