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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Solem(p)nit, ppl. adj. Also: solem(p)nyt, sollempnit, solem(p)ned, solennit, sollenyt. [Solem(p)(ne v.]

1. Of a ceremony, rite, etc.: Having religious significance, sacred, holy. = Solem(p)n(e adj. 1.a1400 Leg. S. xviii 1444.
Ilke ȝere Solempnyt fest … Thai mad one that day scho deyt
c1450 Misc. Maitl. C. III 203.
Ane haly wattyr fat of siluer with ane stik of the same for solemnit festis
c1453–4 Coll. St. Salvator 153 n.
[Two capes to be used only] in solempnyt actis
1469 Acts II 97/2.
That [craftsmen] keip na ma haly days na is biddin of halykirk of gret solempnit festis
1478 Grey Friars II 15.
[To] syng ane sollenyt evynsang
1491 Kennedy Aberd. Ann. II 4 (see Solem(p)n(e adj. 1 (1)). 1494 Loutfut MS 1b (see Solem(p)n(e adj. 1 (1)). 1513 Doug. vi v 176.
On thy corps erect a sepultur, Doyng tharto solempnyt [Ruddim. solemnit] funeral cur
1520 Peebles Chart. 51.
He sall … compeir … in the quer with his surples, all solempnit festis, dowble festis, Sondais and halydayis
1533 Boece 63.
He ekit certane solempnit ceremonis of new to be done in reuerence of immortale goddis
1533 Boece 319.
Quhill Aidane ȝit liffit, the solempnit processiouns callit the grete Latynie to expell the violent pest … war institute

2. Of a particular day, etc.: Distinguished by the celebration of certain rites; holy. = Solem(p)n(e adj. 2.14.. Reg. Maj. c. 4.
That he mak nocht his somoundis on the Sonday or on ony other solempnyt day
1469 Acts II 95/2.
The solempnit days of Witsonday and Martymes
a1500 Rauf C. 404.
Vpon solempnit Ȝule day quhen ilk man suld rest
1531 Perth Guildry p. 194.
At na merchand oppin thair boithis one Sondais or vther solemnit festuale days
1532 Lamont P. 40. 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 18.
The Assomcion Day of our Lade, being ane solemnit day
1547 Hunter Fam. P. 25.
The said Mungo Hwntar … at oure duelling place … or in oure paroche kirk on ane solempnit day in the tyme of the he mes in presens of ane notar and witnes … to … deliver to ws … the soum of ane hundreth pundis [etc.]
1557 Peebles B. Rec. I 242.
Diuers of thame [sc. chaplains] seruis curis furth of the burgh and thairthrow the patronis wantis seruis at hie solemnit tymes
1562-3 Winȝet I 31/8.
I sall turne ȝoure solennit dayis in murnyng and ȝour canticulis in sobing
1562-3 Winȝet I 51/20.
The Lord hes forȝet in Zion … the solennit tyme and the Sabbath day
1562-3 Winȝet I 31/8.

3. Performed with due ceremony or formality. = Solem(p)n(e adj. 3, 3 b.1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 9.
The king maid his solempnit entree … in the tolbuyth of Edinburghe

b. Of an ambassador, embassy, assembly: Formally constituted, invested with the appropriate powers.1473 Acts II 104/1.
Thai think expedient that his solemnit ambassat … be send … to the duke of Burgunȝe
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 40.
The quenis authoritie, which in publict, lawfull, and solempned parliament, was annulled
1586 Rait & Cameron King James's Secret 46.
[Keith had urged that] ane solemnit ambassadour may be send hyther wyth speed [to join the French ambassador in a protest]

4. Rendering L. sollemne, = wonted, usual, customary.1513 Doug. xii iv 84.
My fader in law as souerane lord and syre Duryng hys lyfe most bruke solempnyt empyre [L. imperium sollemne]

5. Of great importance or significance. = Solem(p)n(e adj. 4 b.1533 Boece 77.
In this Ile of Mone as in place solempnit haly and prymare sete of kirkmen
1549 Compl. 10/29.
Delphos is ane solemnit place, on the hyl of Pernasus

b. Grand, sumptuous, splendid. = Solem(p)n(e adj. 4 c.a1500 Rauf C. 663.
Sa solempnit ane semblie had he not sene, The hall was properly apperrellit and paintit but peir
1513 Doug. v ii 24.
Netheles suld I … exequeys with solemnyt pomp and fair, Dewly perform
1533 Boece 602.
He placit the twa princis on his richt and left handis at ane solempnit banket

6. Of priestly vestments: ? Ceremonial; ? sumptuous; ? imposing, impressive.1531 Bell. Boece II 191.
Than come the religius men in processioun: amang quhome wes Bischop Cormach, in solempnit habit [L. solemni habitu amictus] beirand the croce

7. Of oaths, etc.: Of a formal, serious character. = Solem(p)n(e adj. 5.a1500 Colk. Sow ii 251.
[He] awowit to God in solempnit word That he suld nevir study to mak ane hord
1492–3 Acta Conc. I 271/1.
William … maid solempnit protestacioun that [etc.]
1549 Compl. 121/18.
Alexander maid ther ane solempnit vou to reuenge the trason committit be the said Bessus
1563 Ferg. Tracts 31.
Jesus … made vnto them a solempned promise
1567 Reg. Privy C. I 542.
I faythfullie affirme be my solempnit ayth
1568 Cal. Sc. P. II 574.
With solempnit protestatiounis
1558-66 Knox I 66. a1578 Pitsc. I 79/18.
He maid the sollempnit aith never to ceis quhill he war revengeit thairof
c1588 Cath. Tr. 251/35.
We confes the thre solemned wowes … of pouertie, chastitie, and obedience
1632 Cullen B. Ct. 27 July.
And gif thair solempnit aith that thai hawe not takin wther menis elding this ȝeir

b. = Solem(p)n(e adj. 5 b.1549 Lamb Resonyng 141/4.
The solempnit act and judiciale process of Kyng Edwardis the First in dicisioun of the titill of Scotland
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 25.
Contrair to … solemnit contract of pacificatioun betuix thir twa realmis

8. Of discourse: Grave, earnest.a1538 Abell 91a.
Heir wes solempnit disputation in Paris of the pluralite of benifice
1558-66 Knox II 43.
Solempned thankis war gevin … unto God for his mychtie delyverance



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