A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Spiritual(e, Speritual(l, adj. Also: spirituall(e, -all, -uell, -wall, -iall, spirytualle, spiritual, spiruataill, spyrytual(l)e, sperituale, speretuall, -uale, sperutual, sperietuall, spritual(l, -wall, -uell, spirtuall, spretual(l)e, -uell, -uiale, spreitwall, speirtwall. [ME and e.m.E. spyrytuele, spiritualle (both Manning), spiritual (1377), spirituel (Chaucer), spirital (Gower), sperituale (1400), sprytwalle (c1420), spirituell (1460), sprituall, spretuall (both Tindale), spryrytuall (1550), OF esperital, spirituel (mid. 12th c. and c1265 in Larousse), L. spīrituālis, spīritālis.]In MSS the word is usually abbreviated to sp̃uale, thus, many forms, esp. in the earlier sources, represent editorial expansions.
1. Of an ability, action, state, etc., also of a material thing in fig. use: Of, belonging to or affecting the soul or spirit of man, especially in relation to God or from a moral or religious point of view. Freq. in contradistinction to corporale, materiale, naturall and temporale. Also ellipt.There is some overlap with sense 3 below.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxii 23.
He gaf spiritual heryng To gere men cnaw hewynly thing 1456 Hay II 33/27.
The emperoure, the quhilk ordanyt knychthede spirituale, to kepe justice ordinare, be reugle vertuous [etc.] 1456 Hay II 53/1.
Be oure faith we have sight spirituale of hevin and hell, and all Goddis workis, visibilis and invisibilis 1490 Irland Mir. III 1/4.
The haly sacramentis ar the spiritual medicinis proffitable & necessar till ws agane our syn 1490 Irland Mir. III 1/26.
To deliuer the synnaris fra thar syn … and bring thame to thar perfit state in spirituale lif and perfeccioun of thar saule 1490 Irland Mir. III 81/9.
In the sacrament of ordour, thar is a thing spirituall and permanent procurit … in the saule, and that is nocht anerly grace, (bot als this spirituale figur) … it is a seill spiritual causit in the saule that is callit carectar 1490 Irland Mir. III 102/21.
Mariage is … a sacrament ordanit … to represent and signify sa haly spiritual thingis as the vnioun and coniunccioun of the diuinite with the humanite in the persoune of Jhesu a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 334 (Asl.). c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 16/33.
In the sevin deidis of marcy spirituall To the ignorant nocht gaif I my teching 1513 Doug. xi Prol. 81.
The flesch debatis aganys the spiritual gost … And be the body victor, baith ar lost c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4967.
Hungrit … for falt of spirituall fude, Because frome ws bene hyd the veritie c1552 Lynd. Mon. 6141.
All mortall men salbe maid immortall … And with thare spirituall eis, salbe sene … God as he is, and euermore hes bene. Continuallye that sycht contempland 1567 G. Ball. 16.
Our eine seis outward bot the watter cauld [sc. in baptism], Bot our pure faith the power spirituall Of Christis blude, inwart it dois behauld 1584 Aberd. Journal N. & Q. VI 114.
Everie an … is … exhorted to his privat exercise of … prayer … that therby he may … grow … mair zealus and devot in spreit … armed with spirituall armour(b) 1531 Bell. Boece II 337.
Otheris … tuk indignatioun, that sperituall materis wer sa opinly sauld for money(c) 1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 4.
Ane pest … beand contractit first maist quietlie infects the spiritall partis of mannis bodie(d) 1614 Crim. Trials III 353.
Being askit, quhidder the Popis jurisdictioun extendit ouir the kingis dominiounis in spreitwall matteris(2) 1456 Hay I 80/35.
Certaynly nocht force na strenth corporale makis a man to wyn the bataill. Bot force spirituale, that is to say, hardy curage, makis victory 1456 Hay I 130/11.
A clerk suld erar … help his bischop [than his father]. For nocht gaynstandand that the band of nature is stark, ȝit is the band spirituall betuix man and his fader spirituale mare stark na the temporale band betuix him and his fader a1500 Henr. Fab. 1634.
Our mirk and deidlie corps materiale Blindis the spirituall operatioun 1490 Irland Mir. III 81/3 (see 3 below). a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 392 (Asl.).
As smyttand seiknes caussis corporall offens … ill counsall is a spirituale pestilens c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. xix 12 marg.
This moun be sum spirituall gelding, neamely, ewin wilfull chaistite: ellis wer it lik the secund maner of gelding, quhilk is donne corporally a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 120/21.
Christ meanit … that he vas to gif his naturall flesche to be eaten as spirituall fuid of our saul 1570 Liber Scon 210.
The … guid seruice done to ws alsweill in oure temporale affaris as in spirituale cuiris be oure weilbelouit brutherellipt. c1420 Wynt. v Prol. 42.
Off this dowbyll governale The grettast is the spyrytuale The temporalle is the les … In to the Pape is the honowre, The state, the wyrschype, and the cure Off the grettest governale And off the les state … The soverane is the Empriowre 1456 Hay I 205/3.
It war better the temporale dede na the spirituale: for the ta way is salvacioun to bathe the saulis, and in the tothir cas the saule of the tane is tynt c1490 Irland Asl. MS 33/3.
In this chapitur … is tretit of the deidis of almos and mercye bath spirituale and corporale 1513 Doug. xi Prol. 75.
The armour of our chevalry … Not corporall bot sperituall beyn thai c1616 Hume Orthog. 3.
To grace your grace with al graces spiritual and temporal 1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xv.
As Salomons many thousand artificers were exercised about the building of the materiall temple: so must we … be occupyed in making vp the spirituall, and in squairing our selues as the Lords lyuely stones
b. Of a person or persons: Standing to another or others in some kind of spiritual relationship, related or connected in some way through the spirit.Seen in terms of ordinary human relationships, e.g., as a father, prince, friend, etc.Also in contradistinction to carnale, corporale, fleschelie and naturale. Also, once, of the relationship itself. c1420 Wynt. vi Prol. 31.
The Pape oure fadyre is spyrytualle, Devote hys swnnys we ar halle 1456 Hay II 57/10.
Suppos he be curageous … and of corps strenthy to ourcum his corporale inymyes, and nocht noblesse in him of forse of curage to vencus and ourthrawe his inymyes spirituale - that is vicis, he has nocht all the verray noble poyntis [etc.] … of knychthede 1490 Irland Mir. I 153/12.
Sche bure the sone of God that was hire sone carnale and natural, bot mony hundire thousandis sche had sonnis and dochtiris spirituale 1551 Hamilton Cat. 105.
Mak the puir men and wemen your spirituall freindis by giving of part of your rychis to thame 1562-3 Winȝet II 23/34.
He wald rais vp his kirkis afoir … wappit doun, wald quikin his spiritual peple afoir slane 1567 G. Ball. 33.
Sen we our fleschelie father dreid … How mekill mair our Father spirituall Suld we obey — 1533 Gau 59/12.
For causz ve ar bredir in ane heuinlie and spiritual broderschip
2. Of or relating to heaven; holy, pious, devout. b. pl. ? The denizens of heaven or ? holy or religious persons more generally. c1420 Wynt. i 56.
Thre Angelis we fynd … Tyttlyde be namys spirytualle [E. spiritualle, W. spirituall]. The fyrst cald is Mychaell, Gabryell syne, and Raphaell c1450-2 Howlat 166 (A).
A college of cardinalis … but fellony or feid Spirituale in all thing, Leile in thar leving c1450-2 Howlat 242 (A).
All apperit to the pape … Salust his sanctitud with spirituale speike 1551 Hamilton Cat. 99.
Quhat is symony? It is a diligent will to by or sel ony spiritual thing or ony uthir thing that is annexit to spiritual thingis … thai that byis or sellis the grace of God or ony special gift of the haly spirite … thai commit plaine symony … thai that giffis ony benefice of the kirk … for ony silver … thai commit oppin symony 1567 G. Ball. 1.
The word of God incressis plenteouslie in vs be singing of the psalmes, and spiritual sangis 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 123/8.
Other greiuouse sinnes that debarres the comitteris … from entrie in that spirituall & heauinlie Jerusalem 1635 Dickson Wr. 193.
A man may speak of worldly purposes, but with a heavenly mind, and do worldly actions, being levelled by a spiritual ruleb. c1450-2 Howlat 733 (A).
Haile blist throw the bodword of blyth angellis … Haile speciose, most specifyet with the spiritualis
3. Of the nature of or consisting of spirit with implicit reference to its eternal qualities; incorporeal.There is some overlap with sense 1 above. 1456 Hay I 130/16.
Gif the tane [sc. the father] be fader to the body carnale, the tothir [sc. the bishop] is fader to the saule spirituale 1460 Hay Alex. 426.
Than techit he him … that thair was bot ane God anerlie Quhilk spirituall was, nother mettell stane nor tre, Bot inuisibill in His diuinitie 1490 Irland Mir. I 70/28, 31.
Eftir that the hie maieste had maid the spirituall natur of angell and bodely nature of hevin and element, the waurld was nocht perfit quhil … he junyt the godheid and the spirituall and bodely nature togiddir [supra in the man] 1490 Irland Mir. I 71/1, 3.
Oure saule in eternall glore sal haue beatitude … sene it is a spirituale nature 1490 Irland Mir. III 81/4.
This power [sc. to minister sacraments] is na thing corporale or visible, bot spirituale and inuisible Tharfor … it mone be in the saule that is spiritual a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 128/12.
It is said that it is ane spiritual body hauand flesche, bluide and bonis quhilk is contenit in the blissit sacrament a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 128/17, 18, 19.
S. Paul vritis … ‘It quhilk is savine ane naturall body sall ryise ane spirituall bodye.’ S. Paul callis our bodeis efter the resurreccione spirituall bodeis, nocht changit in sprites, bot clede with spirituall giftes and qualiteis a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 128/25, 27.
Efter the resurreccione ve salbe lik onto the angellis in spirituall qualiteis … and salbe made in this maner spiritual
4. a. Of a person: Standing in some relationship to the church, esp. in its employ, concerned in a professional way with ecclesiastical or religious matters. Also ellipt. and absol.Spiritual juge, and, once, juge spiritual, a judge presiding in a spiritual court (see b below). Spiritual lord (also, in pl. as lordis spirituale), a high-ranking ecclesiastic, a member of the parliamentary Estate made up of the clergy.(1) 1424 Acts II (1804) 13/1.
It is ordanyt that thai billys of complaynt be execut and determyt be the juge ande officiaris of the courtis to quhame thai may pertene of lawe other justice chawmerlane sherefis bailȝeis of the burowis with wther spirituale jugis gif it efferis to thaim 1479 Acta Conc. I 34/1.
Becaus the declaracion of the richt … standis alutterly apon the richt of the benefice … the lordis referris this accion to the spirituale juge ordinare 1483–4 Acta Aud. 130*/2.
The accioun … persewit be Elizabeth Rait again Maister William Achinlek parsoun of Glenbervy … is referrit & remittit to the spirituale juge becaus the said Maister William is a spirituale parsoun 1498 Acta Conc. II 178.
It was allegit be the sade David … that the gudis that the sade Margret clamyt him as executour forsaid war testit gudis and aucht til be folowit and persewit before the spirituale juge 1499 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 101.
Tomas Bowchane … preusende ane later of the arsbescepis of Sanct Androus and maid his protextacione ande said that the actione dubeitabil betuix Alene of Valat and him auctnot tobe desidit in to the temporal court and thaer apone the hows … said that it hauct for to ba be foir the spreitwall juge 1527–8 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 92.
Spiruataill 1542 Linlithgow Sheriff Ct. 21.
Reseruand … alanerlie to the spiritual juge the actionis concernand thame 1560 Acts and Decr. XX 219 in Concilia Sc. I clxxiv.
Thair is na Consistoreis instant and the office of the spirituale juge quhilkis of befoir wes wont to cognosche in siclike caussis now ceissis a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 33.
The spirtuall judge wes in use of old to repledge kirkmen from the parliament — 1493 Acta Aud. 180/1.
The lordis auditouris & estatis of parliament … referris the said mater to be decidit & determit before the juge ordinar spirituale that suld knaw tharapon(2) 1475–6 Breadalbane Doc. No. 14.
Grantand till our said deput our full power … wapinschawingis till mak the folkis & inhabitandis the said boundis bath spretuale lordis landis & temporale til rays and gader alls oft he salbe chargid be ws — 1535 Acts II 343/1.
The lordis spirituale for taxatioun of the spiritualite hes chosin the Bischop of Galloway, the Bischop of Ross [etc.] … and the lordis temporale hes chosin [etc.](3) 1483 Acta Aud. 122*/1.
Anent the summondis made apon the prior & convent of Sanctandrois be Mariory Kerkettle … the lordis auditoris referris the said summondis to the spirituale juge becaus thai ar spirituale personis that ar summond 1488–9 Acta Aud. 125/1.
The said Adam … is a spirituale & beneficiit man 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 697.
I am na seculair, A spirituall man (thocht I be void of lair) Cleipit I am 1501 Acta Conc. III 59.
The lordis of the kingis consale war na competent jugis betuex thaim [sc. the prioress and convent] and Robert Lawder … becaus thai ar religious ladeis and spirituale personis 1505 Treas. Acc. III 141.
To Tempilman, messingeir, passand with the lettrez of the taxt of Denmark to the spiritual prelatis quhilkis wer nocht taxat … at the first tyme 1509 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 47.
Al and sindry the ordinaris spirituale being within our realme 1513 Doug. xi xv 2 (Ruddim.).
Spritual 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 684.
That spirituall men suld leue vpon thair teind 1546 Acts II 470/1.
Sperituale 1546 Acts II 470/1.
Speretuale 1546 Reg. Privy C. I 38.
Charge all and sindry eirlis, lordis … and gentill men, and utheris substantious yemen … dwelland upoun spretuell mennis landis … that [etc.] 1546 Reg. Privy C. I 64.
Spretuiale 1549 Compl. 162/19.
He [sc. Henry VIII] compellit pure speritual men, baytht regular and religiouse preistis, monkis and freris, to pas to leyrn mecanyc hand laubyrs 1549 Compl. 5/18.
Sperutual 1556 Lauder Off. Kings 360.
I haue schawin ȝow … Hov ȝe ȝour spiritual hirdis suld chuse … Now followis nyxt … To chuse ȝour jugis temporall 1594 Cal. Sc. P. XI 505.
[He is a] spirituall man and na phisicion 1600 Aberd. Council Lett. I 90.
Furth of ilk sprituell mans leving and yeirlie annewetie whether he be bischop abot commendator deane or minister and ecclesiasticall persone the sowme of [etc.] 1612 Acts IV 476/1 (see b (2) below). — a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 15.
Spiritiall — 1516 Acts XII 36/1.
We prelatis spirituall barouns temporall and commouns of the realme of Scottlaund representand the thre estatis of the sammyn … [re]commend [etc.](4) ellipt. 1424 Acts II 7/1.
Anent hospitalys … that ar fundyt be bischoppis or vthir lordis spirituale or temperale 1431–2 Newbattle Coll. (Somerville) (Reg. H.).
All … gudis … to be dystrenȝet pundyt tane & away had … but lef of ony jugis sycular or spiritual c1450-2 Howlat 857 (B).
Than rewit thir ryallis of that rath man Bayth spirituale and temperale that kennit the cas … And etc] 1467 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 33.
That bath the creditour and the dettour the byar ande the sellar the borowar and the lennar the lorde and the tenande spirituale ande temporale be [etc.] 1475 Aberd. B. Rec. I 34. 1499 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 625.
Sprituall 1503 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 51.
The … sercheouris sall haue power to serche the salaris and passaris furth of the realme … quhatsumeuir persoun he be spirituale or temporall 1516 Fife Sheriff Ct. 145.
To all & sindry o[u]r officiaris jugis and ministeris of law baith speretuall and temporall liegis and subdittis quhome it efferis 1531 Bell. Boece II 212.
Nocht onlie temporal men, bot als spretual, wer heryit 1535–6 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 165.
In all and syndry caussis proponed … be quhatsumeveris compeditoris spirituall or temporall c1530-40 Stewart in Maitl. F. 248/32. 1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 109. 1551 Rec. Earld. Orkney 245.
To follow and persew the sammyn befoir ony jug or jugis spiritual or temporal 1551 Hamilton Cat. 99. 1555 Acts II 496/1.
It is … ordanit that all notaris … baith spirituall and temporall be causit … to compeir … befoir the Lordis c1575 Balfour Pract. 13.
Anent the … chesing of the lordis spirituall and temporall, to be and remane with our soverane lordis secreitt counsall a1578 Pitsc. I 192/20.
King Richart … gart incontinent mak proclamatiounis … that all maner of man speirtwall or temporall to rys and pas with the king and tak pairt with him aganis Harie the Erle of Richmondis sone a1578 Pitsc. I 170/13.
Sprituall a1578 Pitsc. I 172/7.
Sperituall a1578 Pitsc. I 262/6.
Spretuall a1578 Pitsc. I 364/21.
Sperietuall a1578 Pitsc. II 119/5.
To vit that all the lordis lairdis barronis friehaulderis and substentious gentilmen … betuix saxtie and sexteine bayth spiritwall and temporall … to meit the quein … and to pas with hir quhair scho pleisit in defence of the realme(5) absol. 1461 Liber Plusc. I 336.
Schirris, I thank God and yow al, bath spirituale and temporale, and al hale the thre estatis of the realme c1515 Asl. MS I 232/4.
The lordis said that thai war litill gud worth bath spirituale & temporall that gaf the keping of the kinrik till a woman 1513 Doug. viii Prol. 46.
Sum sparis nowder spiritual, spousyt wife nor ant, Sum sellis folkis sustynance, as God sendis the feir c1520-c1535 Nisbet Galat. vi 1.
Brethir, gif ony be occupijt in ony gilt, ye that ar spirituale [L. spirituales], informe ye sic aan in spirit of softnes … that thou be nocht temptit 1567 G. Ball. 233.
I cry in generall, on spirituall & temporall
b. Of the (administrative, legal) religious body composed of such people: Ecclesiastical.Spiritual court, a court staffed by ecclesiastics and concerned with ecclesiastical matters. Spiritual (e)stait, the section of society occupied by the clergy seen in contradistinction to the temporal; chiefly in reference to the clergy as one of the Three Estates of parliament (see also Estate n. 2 and Stat(e n. 8).(1) 1467 Acta Aud. 6/2.
The lordis decretis … that the actioune … aucht nocht to resort before the lordis auditouris bot aucht to be remyttit to the spirituale court becaus it concernit matrimone 1482 Acta Aud. 102/2.
The mater of bastardry proponit again the sade Wilȝaim was dependand in the spirituale court vndecidit 1483–4 Acta Aud. 128*/1.
The accioun … is referrit … to the spirituale court becaus it is prefit be ane act of the spirituale court that the said Jonet tuke Walter Buchannan [etc.] … plegis & dettouris oblist to the bischop of Dumblane & his officiale for the restitucioun of hir dowry(2) c1450-2 Howlat 283 (B).
So that spirituale state And the seculare consate Mycht all gang in a gate c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) lxxi 25.
Couatyce ringis into the spirituall state Ȝarnand banifice 1531 Bell. Boece II 10.
Nocht onely, as Sanct Bede testifyis, war the temporall estait drownit in thir vicis, bot the spretuall estait in the samin maner a1538 Abell 51b.
Ȝe se now the contra baith in spirituall stait and temporall stait for thare halkis and hundis ar bettir tretit with thame na the pure lauborus man 1535 Acts II 342/2.
The soum of sex thousand pundis to be tane vp of the spirituale estait baronis and burrowis of this realm 1549 Compl. 45/12.
Ther is na faculte, stait, nor vacatione in the vniuersal varld, that can be conparit til oure stait. For al vthir staitis … baytht temporal and speritual … ther ringis na thing amang them bot auareis, inuy [etc.] … Bot it is nocht siclyik of vs that ar scheiphirdis c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5336.
Cunnyng clerkis … hes the sonne and mone comparit, The sonne to the stait spirituall, The mone, to princes temporall 1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 5b.
And at the delyuering … thair be thre of the lordis with the president or ony uther eldar of the spirituall estait that beis present for the tyme 1568 Lyndesay Pref. (STS) 397.
Quhat vice or iniquitie rang in his dayis, quhilk he did not rebuke? not onlie of the spirituall, bot alswa of the temporall estait? a1578 Pitsc. II 322/15.
Thair was ane taxatioun raisit be the regent vpone the haill realme alsweill temporall and spritwall estait and burghes 1585 Reg. Privy C. III 741.
[The tax is to be paid as follows:] Ten thousand pundis be the Spirituall Estate … Sax thousand sax hundreth thre scoir sex pundis xiii s. iiii d. be the barronis and frehaldaris [etc.] 1600-1610 Melvill 118.
Certain breither war apointed to consult whow the Parliament sould nocht inleak the spirituall esteat, bischopes being removit 1612 Acts IV 476/1.
For … payment of the spirituall mennis part of the said taxatioun the archebischops bischops and abbattis as representing the whole bodye of the spirituall estate, haue willinglie granted that [etc.](3) c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4400.
Efter the deth of … Christis trew disciplis all Thare successouris … Full craftelye clam to the heycht, Frome spirituall lyfe, to temporall mycht 1564 St. A. Kirk S. 195.
Excommunicacion … the gretast and last punischement belangand to the spirituall ministrie a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 25.
Alexander Lord Urquhart is chosen president … in this forme:—The spirtuall side nominat my lord Urquhart being temporall and the temporall side nominat Mr. Jhon Lindsay, persone of Menmuir being of the spirtuall syde on lyett; and, they being removed, the said Lord Urquhart is chosen president
5. Of an action, etc. brought to court: Concerned with ecclesiastical matters or ecclesiastical law. See 6 below. 1471 Acta Aud. 16/1.
The actioune … anent the spoliacioune of the fruytis & teindis of the kirk of Tulybody … is remittit be the lordis of counsale to the ordinare juge becaus the mater is spirituale 1471 Acta Aud. 16/1.
The action that the said gudis was takin for is be a sentence of the spirituale court & a spirituale actioun 1478–9 Acta Aud. 79/1.
The action … persewit be Frere Andro aganis James of Douglas [etc.] … anent the hospitale callit the Massindew of Elgin is be the lordis auditouris referrit to the juge ordinar becaus it is a spirituale mater 1501 Acta Conc. III 79.
[The Prioress alleged] that this accione betuex thaim [sc. the convent] and the lard of Bass … was ane spirituale accione 1539–41 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 290.
The expenssis maid be the compter upone proces spirituall and temporall for ingetting of all restis of taxtis 1596 Reg. Privy C. V 326.
Allegeit be his majestie that this mater [delivered in pulpit] is altogidder civile and not spirituall
6. a. Spiritual law, law spiritual, the system of law based on the doctrine of the church, ecclesiastical law. Cf. law cano(u)n, cano(u)n law (Canon(e n. 3). Chiefly, in contradistinction to temporal law. 1473 Acta Aud. 26/1.
The action … anent the wrangwis occupacion of the kirklandis of Kirklistoune & in specale of vj acris of the samyn that dependit in the spirituale law & for [etc.] a1500 Henr. Fab. 1471.
Without mercie, iustice is crueltie, As said is in the lawis spirituall 1476–7 Ayr Friars Pr. Chart. 55.
Quhat tyme it sal happyn … that the said annuel pas ouir thre termes wnpayit til us the said priour and conwent … than the foirsaid tenement … sal raturn agane til us … but ony proces of law spirituale or temporale 1490 Irland Mir. III 108/8.
Mony maneris of law ar amang men ane natural and this standis in principiis moralibus … Ane vthir law is spirituale and this standis in obligacioun of wertuis deidis and seruice of God 1517 Selkirk B. Ct. MS 48a.
The said Williem … [is] to brouk [the said lands] … bot fraud and gyll or ony process of law sperituall or temporell 1530 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 108.
The said executrice takis it upone hir and vyll answeir for it that scho vill persew hir of in spirituall law and temporall lawe
b. Spiritual jurisdictioun, jurisdictioun spirituale, the extent or area of authority pertaining to the church or its law. 1546 Reg. Privy C. MS 57-59 in Concilia Sc. I cxlvi.
Vtheris of thame … sum tyme prechis oppinlie and instructis vthiris in the saidis dampnabile hereseis … and the samin be nocht remedit … be your help and assistence to the jurisdictioun spirituale, it will spred … and ay the langer the mair difficule to remeid 1569 Q. Mary in Facs. Nat. MSS III lix.
We … haif … nominat and ordanit … commissionaris … to compeir befoir ane reverend father in God … Or befoir the commissaris of the spirituall jurisdictione and consistorie of Edinburgh 1570 Leslie 277.
That the quene regent … sall not suffer the clarge having spirituall or temporall jurisdictioune, to truble thame in ony wayis for the effares of the religeoun, or any thing depending thairupoun 1576 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 18.
That na maner of persone … pas to ony spirituall jurisdictioun … except testat geir teyndis partesingis or vther spirituall actions
7. Of a clerical position, rank, the accompanying authority, benefits, etc.: Provided or bestowed by the church. 1479 Acta Aud. 94/1.
The lordis auditoris ordanis that lettres be writtin to … the bischop exhorting … him to compell the said master James be his spirituale autorite to [etc.] 1549 Compl. 5/25.
Ane verteous captain can nocht exsecut ane mair vailȝeant act as quhen he purchessis pace ande concord … vitht out domage slauchtir or hayrschip to be amang the pepil, as this nobil prelat has dune diuerse tymes, vytht out dirrogatione of his speritual dignite 1549 Compl. 162/14.
He chesit furtht ane … that hed bene promouit to cathridral [sic] digniteis and til vthir sperut[u]al beneficis c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4744.
Quhat rewll keip thay in Rome, Quhilk hes the spirituall dominatioun And monarchie abufe all Christindome? c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5377.
Those that hes auctorite To prouyde spirituall dignyte, Mycht [etc.] a1578 Pitsc. I 412/19.
Auchtoritie nor power spreitwall Riches freindschip micht nocht that tyme prevaill 1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv Pref. 11.
Veneriall pastoris, in vomiting thair fayth, Lyk to ane tyke returning to it agane Filling thair purses with the spirituall grathe 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 159.
Many Scottishmen that doe possesse lands by inheritans in France, and hes spirituall liveings ther
b. Of a material thing: Owned or held by the church as an institution; required by the clergy in order to carry out ecclesiastical duties. Also fig. Cf. Spiritualite n. 2. 1471–2 Liber Melros II 591.
Wit ȝe ws to haue takin vndir our … protectioun … Richard abbot of our abbay of Melros & the convent of the samyn thare familiaris, servandis … stedingis, malingis … gudis movabill and vnmovabill spirituale and temporale quharesumeuir thai be within our realme 1498 Reg. Privy S. I 34/2.
With a protectione to the Lord Setoun and all men that pass wyth him, … tenandis, servitouris, … indwellaris of his landis, … corne, katell, landis and gudis, muvabill or unmuvabill, spretuall or temporall … for the space of [etc.] 1555 Irons Leith II 603.
Exceptane a ways the superioritie of lands … pertenand to the Abbay of Hailyruid-hous, and other spirituall lands haldan immediatlie of our said soverane ladyfig. 1549 Compl. 163/32.
Quhen the veyris ar endit, thai maye cleitht them agane vitht there spirutual habit, conformand to ther professione 1562-3 Winȝet I 59/21.
Gif kingis ande quenes buir nocht a suord, quhilk our aduersaris ferit mair than the spirituall sword of the pape and vtheris bischoipis
c. Spirituall tax, ? a tax levied on the church or clergy. 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 351.
Expensis to pas with lettrez in Fiff, Stratherne, and Anguse, for the spirituall taxt
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"Spiritual adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/spirituale>