A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Summondis, Summonis, n. Also: summonds, -oun(d)is, -ound(e)s, swmmondis, sumon(d)is, -oundis, sommondis, somondis, -ys, somoundis, soumond(i)s, soummondiz, sowmondis, -oundis, summond, summon(e)s, sumonis, somonz, sowmownys, somance, sommonance, summoun(e, sowmoun. Pl. also summonses. [ME and e.m.E. somunce (c1290), somons (Cursor M.), somunse pl. (1429), somnes (a1483), somond, somondes (15th c., north.), summaunce (1502), summons (c1586), OF somonse (c1050 in Larousse).]For further examples and for general discussion of summonses see the indexes to R. S. Rait The Parliaments of Scotland, 1681 Stair Inst., 14.. Acts XII and Treas. Acc. V.
1. An order issued by one in authority demanding the recipient's presence at some specified time or place.(1) c1420 Wynt. iv 2520.
Fra sowmownys had bene to thaim made, … Ilke man to that cyte, Quharoff beforne that borne wes he, … Suld cum c1475 Wall. ix 1872, 1874.
Sowmoundis thai maid, and chargyt Bruce be nayme, And all wthir that leyffyt wndir his croun … to cum at thair sowmoun(2) c1420 Wynt. viii 2094 (W).
Off castellis, burrowis, and of tovnis All gert he [sc. Wallace] cum at his summondis c1450-2 Howlat 134 (A).
The pape commandit … to wryte in all landis … For all statis of kirk that wnder Crist standis, To semble to his summondis c1475 Wall. viii 32.
I [sc. Corspatrik] warne yow, I am fre; For your [sc. Wallace's] somoundis ye get no mar off me 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. 20.
Ane summondis direct be the King … for summonding of Duncane Campbell [etc.] … for bringing with thame befoir his counsall of thair writtis and richtis … to the thrid of Glaistre and Eddirlinght(b) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 10.
Dukis and digne lordis, … Sembillit to his [sc. the king's] summovne a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 447.
Nowthir for his senyeoury, nor for his summoun, … I will noght bow me ane bak c1475 Wall. ix 1874 (see (1) above).
2. specif. A citation to appear before a court; also, the document containing such a citation, the writ of summons. In various constructions and collocations. a. With article or qualifier. b. Without article or qualifier.a. sing. 1449 Acts II 37/2 (see f (1) below). 1463 Liber Aberbr. II 139.
I … massar and scyraff in that part sommond thir personis within vriting personale and befor wytnes as I hawe brewit eftir the tenor of this summondis 1466 Acta Aud. 5/2.
The place quhar the saide Walter was summond was na place of habitacion nor residence of his … therfor the summondis is nocht lachfull nor of avale 1490 Acta Conc. I 187/1.
Ane lettre of curatrj as is contenit in the summondis 1496 Acta Conc. II 20.
The secund part of the sade indorsacione of the summondis 1554–5 Edinb. B. Rec. II 294.
For the coppy of ane summonds with quhilk the provest, baillies and communitie wes summonit with at the instance of the abbot of Halyroudhous and Cannogait 1561 Reg. Privy C. I 173.
The saidis summondis is aluterly inept, irrevelant, and generale 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 78.
That this edict and summondis be red publiclie in this parroche kyrk befoyr the sermon, and tharefter affixed upon the kyrk dur 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 105. 1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 26a.
The summondis haill proces and sentences to be in vulgare toung 1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 28b.
The libellat summondis with the signet not exceding ane half throch of paper compactlie writtin as the clerk of the signet writtis a1585 Maitl. Q. 193/80.
[Thou] sen his deith him to dishonour ȝit Hes rasit ane schamefull summoundis to heir red 1584 Acts III 333/1.
It is our will that ȝe extinct and deleit furthe of the said summondis the saidis [persons] 1601–2 Aberd. B. Acc. in Misc. Spald. C. V 130.
At the libelling of ane summonds agains the tenentis of Tullo 1661 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 185.
Be the act of parliament in favor of the toun, the said Patrick … wes … declarit a fugitive … , quich midcuple of thair richt they have omitted out of thair summonds(b) a1578 Pitsc. II 142 heading.
Ane sumondis on the ministers of Goddis word a1634 Forbes Rec. 404.
A sumonds was direct with ane meassor against Mr. John Welsh, … chairging him to compear befor the Counsell upon the morne at sevein houres in the morning(c) 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 4.
And it is gude at the sommondour haf his somoundis redy to repet for he aw nocht to gaa vtouth the court to repet his somoundis in his awne deide 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 4.
It behufis als hym that makis the somoundis to nemyne in his somondis his awne propyr name with the name of his office that is to say … kyngis mayr … seriand [etc.](d) 1534 Edinb. Hammermen 143b.
Gevin for ane monitour with ane sovmondis ij s. a1578 Pitsc. I 201/8.
The harrott was ewill intreitit in the executioun of his sowmondis a1578 Pitsc. I 260/9.
A cry hard at the marcat crose of Edinburgh … proclamand as it had bene ane sowmondis, quhilk was nameit … the sowmondis of Plotcok 1642 Orkney Rentals iii 6.
Quharin is conteinit a soumonds, soumonding the titulleris and vthers having richt to the teinds for satling of the kirks(e) 1532–3 Wigtownshire Chart. 144.
Allegand that the said summons was intentit at the kingis instance 1622-6 Bisset I 126/20.
That the clerkis to the signet sall nawyis presume to cutt, mend or alter ony summonis or lettere eftir the samin be signettit 1622-6 Bisset II 58/26.
The summonis … to be direct to our lovittis with ane blank in the lettir to put in the executouris names 1622-6 Bisset I 127/12. 1681 Stair Inst. iv xxxviii § 2.
A summons is so named a summonendo, because it advertises the party to appear before the judge 1681 Stair Inst. iv xxxviii § 27. 1684 Wodrow Hist. IV (1830) 181.
To raise a process of forfeiture before the parliament, by a summons in Latin, after the old way, under the quarter seal(f) 1385 Urie Baron Ct. x.
To do this day efter my somonz for yhour haldyng as the law and ordyr of law askys in yt selfe(g) 1657 Dingwall Presb. 296.
Ordained a letter (containeing a somance) shuld be written to [etc.]uninfl. pl. 1429 Acts II 17/2.
A mayr of fee … sal schaw nane vthir power in his attachiamentis na in his summondis 1494 Acts (1597) i 57.
The summoundes that ar now dependand and hingand betuixt ony parties to be proceeded as they were wont 1513–14 Fife Sheriff Ct. 11. 1560 St. A. Kirk S. 53.
We … will use na forther summondis in youris kirkes … bott … we will use edictes upoun our consistory and hows of justice dur sa oft as neid salbe c1565 Facs. Nat. MSS III xx.
That all aduocatis and procuratouris sall entre in the counsalhous at the calling of all summondis and actis and remane quhill the parteis have argouit and disputet thair materis at the bar 1558-66 Knox II 379.
The summondis war direct against the messe-mongaris with expeditioun, and in the streatest form c1575 Balfour Pract. 269.
All summoundis quhilkis cumis in be tabill befoir the lordis of counsall, and sould be tabulat and affixt abone the tolbuith dur 1602 Anal. Scot. I 212.
Summounds(b) 1681 Stair Inst. iv xxxviii § 12.
The executions of summons do properly signify the acts done by the executor thereof(c) 1622-6 Bisset I 128/6.
All summonis, founded upoun interdictionis, inhibitious [etc.]infl. pl. 1681 Stair Inst. iv iii § 26.
The ordinary solemn summonses are such as are intented before the Lords, in the first instance, and these are called ordinary actions 1681 Stair Inst. iv xxxviii § 10.
The execution of summonses and all diligences was of old done by the sheriffs, while processes proceeded upon brieves out of the chancery 1681 Stair Inst. iv xxxviii § 2. 1681 Stair Inst. iv xxxviii § 26.b. sing. c1490 Irland Asl. MS 32/19.
Justice requyris that a persone cum befor the juge other of his fre will or be summondis 1497–8 Acta Conc. II 137.
The Kingis hienes … has contenewit al [accions?] of summondis … to begin on Friday 1501 Treas. Acc. II 129.
To pas in the Lewis with summondis on Torquhile Makloyd to the kingis instance 1509–10 Edinb. Hammermen 68b.
Item for summondis of certane personis at wald nocht pay thair dewitis xij d. 1511 Reg. Privy S. I 348/2.
The kingis advocat sal persew the said nonentres be summondis 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 30.
Thair aucht to have bene publict summoundis of the accuseris 1575 Conv. Burghs I 37.
The haill burrowis … vnder summondis for non payment of the boulȝeoun thir many ȝeris past 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 75b.
Summons is ane warning (and declaration) of ane certaine day and place, betwix parties, to ane lawfull day 1643 Dundee Chart. 89.
The saids pairties doe absolutly discharge others hinc inde of all kind of summonds, action, citation [etc.]pl. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xiii 29.
Sum castis summondis, and sum exceptis 1622-6 Bisset I 127/17.
Summonis for payment of dettis … for singill and dowbill awaill of mariaige [etc.]
c. To mak (a, etc.) summondis, to issue a writ.(1) sing. 1385 Urie Baron Ct. x.
That I haf mad this somondys in this maner as I hafe recordyt lawfully lo here my witnez Robyn Jonson [etc.] 14.. Burgh Laws c. 103 (A).
The somoundis maid in burgh til a burges throu the kingis mar … sall nocht be herd withoutyn the seriand of the burgh a1500 Henr. Fab. 1167.
This summondis maid befoir witnes anew The rauin as to his office weill effeird Indorsat hes the writepl. 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 168.
Gif any man of the north half the watter of Forth be somond of ony querel be the space of xv dayis & befor that tha somondis be mad til him he be on the south half of the watter of Forth translatyt [etc.](2) sing. and pl. 14.. Acts I 362/2.
Somondis aw to be maid in the burgh be the bedal and he aw to somonde sic a man sic a day at his house befor sic witness 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 168.
Somoundis maid be nycht ar of na valur efter the passing down of the sone 1431 Liber Melros II 522.
And syne tharefter come to me the kyngis letteris and made me sommondis and alsua gert me sommonde the said grete assise 1466 Acts II 85/1.
The sadis lordis sal haue powere of the parliament to sit ande juge the persons that haldis fra our souerane lorde the king [etc.] … ande to mak summoundis vppon thaime and al vthir thingis to do that is necessary
d. To send, tak, bring, raise, execute (a) summonds, = sense 2 c above. For further examples of to raise a summonds, see Rais(e v. 13 c.(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1152.
Ane fraudfull volff wes iuge that tyme … And on the scheip send furth ane strait summoun(2) 1471 Acta Aud. 14.
[To] tak new summondis til a schortar day befor the lordis of consaile 1492 Acta Conc. I 253/1.
That he tak summondis apon the mannvris of the saidis landis 1494 Acta Conc. I 359/2.
And … gif it plesse the said Angus to tak summondis for the third ȝeris proffitis justice salbe ministrit(3) c1515 Asl. MS I 222/24.
This person forsaid brocht ane summondis apon Schir Gilbert Mclathane(4) 1608 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 64.
The jugeis decerneit the haile persones conteinit in the libellit sumounds raiseit at the instance of Sir Jedeane Morray(5) 1683 Martine Reliq. Divi Andreae 64.
In case the baillie … has execute summons against him to underlye the law
e. With specification of the type of summons. Also fig.For an explanation of summons of adjudicatioun, declaratour, exhibitioun, forfaltour, improbatioun and reductioun, see these words.Summonds of errour, a writ cancelling an erroneous service of an heir, when a nearer heir to the deceased person has subsequently been discovered.Summonds of transferring, a writ directed to the heir or representative of a deceased person involved in litigation, transferring the responsibility for pursuing or defending the action.Summonds of wakening, a writ issued to initiate judicial proceedings when a year and a day have elapsed since execution of the summons without the case coming to court.(1) 1697 Dallas Stiles (1688) 192.
The summond of adjudication(2) 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. 54.
Summondis of declaratour, Patrik Campbell contra C. of Dundie 1682 Dunkeld Presb. I 449.
He … produced ane summonds of declarator … against his Majestie and the Bishop of Dunkeld 1697-1707 D. Hume Accompt of Estate 31.
He raised a summonds of declarator of redemption, and I raised a counter declarator of the expiration of the legal of Mr. Home's apprysing(3) 1491 Acts II 227/1.
That quhat persone optenis summondis of errour apon ane juge inquest or personis that past therapon that the partij be callit … to compere [etc.] 1497 Acta Conc. II 72.
The summondis of erroure betuex Georg, Erle of Huntlye, and Alexander Setoun of Tulebody twechand the ydeotry of Alexander Setone, his fader 1507 Treas. Acc. III 386.
To ane man that passit to the schiref of Fiff with ane summondis of errour on the assise that servit the breves of the brevis of Inverkethin, ij s. 1525 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 232. 1552–3 Treas. Acc. X 161.
To preif certane pointis in the summondis of arroure c1575 Balfour Pract. 651 (see (9) below).(4) 1688 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 316.
The persheuars having also executt summonds of exhibitione … against the defender(5) a1578 Pitsc. I 150/25.
Than was send ane summondis of foirfaltour(6) 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. 35.
Summondis of improbatioun persewit be James Lyndesay, burges of Dundie, aganis the ladie Ruthvennis 1623 Stirling B. Rec. I 159.
Ane summondis of improbatione to be raiset … aganes the aires of umquhile William Bell 1624 Annandale Corr. 330.
The laird of Drumlangrig hath raised summones of improbation against all the tenentes 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. i xxvii § 5 (1699) 137.
A summonds of improbation is raised, and continuedfig. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 338.
When summons of improbation, to prove our charters of Christ to be counterfeits, are raised against poor souls(7) 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. 11.
Ane summondis of reductioun … for reductioun of ane charter of the landis of Hilfeild 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. 37.
Copie of the summondis of reductioun persewit be Sampsoun Ker 1678–9 Arbroath Old Doc. 13/1.
Given to Robert Beill for wreiting the bill and summonds of reductioune(8) 1564–5 Reg. Privy C. I 321.
As the copy of the summondis of transferring … proportis(9) 1488 Treas. Acc. I 92.
To Montroyse harrolde, to pas with summondis of treson on the Larde of Cokpule [etc.] 1518 Treas. Acc. V 152.
The summondis of tresoun, direct apon the lard of Weddirburn 1523 Acta Conc. MS XXXIV 9.
Stoppit the summondis of tresoun and gart tak the minnit tharof 1544 Treas. Acc. VIII 326.
To Jhonne Ȝoung writtar for indossing of the summondis of tressoun upon my lord of Angus [etc.] c1575 Balfour Pract. 651.
The summoundis of tressoun, and summoundis of errour, being libellit, and formit be the King's Advocat, are direct under the testimonial of the greit seill, upon the Advocat's subscriptioun, or deliverance of the Lordis of Counsal and Sessioun 1579 Acts III 188/1. 1593 Acts IV 14/1.
Without specificatioun and qualificatioun of the quhilkis necessar circumstances … na summondis nor dittay of tressone … culd stand … bot wes altogidder generall and inept(10) 1656 Glasgow B. Rec. II 327.
For the charging of the thrie paroschis and sumonding thais of the barrounie parosche with the sumondis of wackining 1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 248.
I find on record of this action of Lovats against Duffus that there is a summons of wakening raised by every Lord Lovat at his entry to the estate 1675 Aberd. Council Lett. V 434.
And ther wes sumonds of walkening sent heir and returnit back with the executione therof 1689 Act 6 November.
Appoint the keeper of the signet to expede three summons of wakeningfig. c1590 Fowler I 196/4.
Whils your faire eyes wer summonds first of love, And then my lookes the lybells of lyke zeale
f. Letter (once, precept) of summondis, a document containing a summons; a writ. Chiefly const. on (upon) (the recipient) (for or to do something). Also, ane letter sowmondis, lettrez of somondis of forfatoure, and ane literal summonds.(1) 1449 Acts II 37/2.
At the lettres of summondis be maid & pas vndir the quhite wax and the summondis of the lordis of the regaliteis to be maid & pas vndir thar selis or thar signetis 1512 Edinb. Hammermen 77.
Item gevin for ane letter of summondis apone Pait Neill, Henry Lorymer [etc.] 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 345.
With lettrez of recognitioun and summondis one William Berclay [etc.] 1515 Treas. Acc. V 52.
To Robert Hart, officiar, for to pas with ane letter of sumondis upoun the lard of Clakmannane … for the taking of Charlis Denestoune, cabdene of Inchegarvy 1516 Edinb. Hammermen 90b.
Item gevin for ane letter of summondis with ane taill ij s. 1517 Treas. Acc. V 119.
Soummondiz 1560 St. A. Kirk S. 49.
Jhone Olufson … confessis that he hes ressavit ane litter of summondis … frome … Williame Raa … concerning … Margaret Johne Bucklijs(b) 1514 Edinb. Hammermen 84.
For ane letter of summond now rasit one Will Ra(2) 1507 Lanark B. Rec. 18.
For ane letter sowmondis apon maister James to heir ws assolȝit(3) 1515 Treas. Acc. V 34.
With lettrez of sumondis of forfatoure on my lord chamberlane(4) 1637 Elgin Rec. I 259.
David Dunbar … to be summonit be ane literall summonds(5) 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 170.
The precept of summondis … wes execut upone Munnunday eftir Palme Sonday
3. A peremptory command, direction or instruction.(a) a1500 Rauf C. 99.
The gude wyfe glaid with the gle to begin, For durst scho neuer sit summoundis that scho hard him say c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 319.
He durst not sit anys my summondis 1573 Davidson in Sat. P. xl 110.
God vsis for to call The sempill sort his summoundis til expres(b) 1573 Misc. Bann. C. II 73.
The Larde of Graunge, … notwithstanding this sommonance, refused vtterly to yeelde the fortresse
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"Summondis n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 7 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/summondis>