A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
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Rais(e, Ras(e, v. Also: ra(i)ss(e, raize, rays(e, rayss(e, rayise, raiyse, raas(e, res(e, reis(s)(e, reas(s)(e, reais. P.t. and p.p. raisit, also resat, etc.; p.p. also (raisin). [ME and e.m.E. reȝȝenn (Orm), reise(n (c1220), reyse(n (Wyclif), rese (c1440), rease (1542) and raise(n (a1240), rayse(n (a1350), raiz(e (1590),also rase (c1460), ON reisa, Goth. (ur)raisjan, causative f. rais- ablaut var. of rĭs-, rīs Ris(e v. See also Risit.]Freq., in various of the following senses, to raise up.
I. tr. To cause to stand up or be active.
1. To help (a person) up or to his feet. a1400 Leg. S. iv 81.
God rasis thame that strekine ar Done to the ȝerd ?1438 Alex. ii 11048.
The Bauderane at his feit can fall … The king him rasit a1500 Seven S. 2716.
To erd thai fell And … thai ask mercy Bot he thaim rasit 15.. Clar. iv 1488.
Scho … af his knie thair raisit him 1560 Rolland Seven S. 10467.
He raist thame baith vp be the hand a1578 Pitsc. I 104/26.
The king bad raise him wpe
b. reflex. To rise up. 1490 Irland Mir. II 39/17.
He turnit agane to lif and raisit him-self
c. fig. To set up again, restore. 1562-3 Winȝet II 23/23.
Be thame he [the Lord] wald rais vp his kirkis afoir wappit doun
d. To make a person rise to his feet (from sitting), as by the use of force or persuasion; to cause to get up. a1578 Pitsc. I 224/20.
[It] was werie wnplessand to him … beand ane ȝoung prence sittand wpoun the sait royall, to be raissit witht his subiects 1611 Ellon Presb. 91.
[They] wald rais them and tak them be the sleve, saying gang to your awn kirk 1642 Aberd. B. Rec. III 282.
[He] shall be raised and taken furth of the saids daskis be the kirk officiar
2. To rouse from sleep, rest or unconsciousness; to make (someone) rise from bed. a1500 Seven S. 1934.
Wp fraitlye can the lady get And left the knycht gretlie abasit Bot hir moder him wp has rasit c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 141/25.
The lork hes done the mirry day proclame, To rais up luvaris with confort and delyt c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. viii 25.
His discipilis … raasit [P. reysiden] him a1550 Tayis Bank 25.
Rasing the birdis fra thair rest The reid sone [etc.] 15.. Christis Kirk 117 (M).
The wyffis … fand lyff in the loun And with thre routis thay raisit him And coverit him of swoune
3. To cause to rise from the dead; to restore to life. Also absol. a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 116.
Thai raisit dede men to lyff Ib. xxiii 445.
God has ws raysit before the day Of the gret rysing Ib. viii 52, etc. c1420 Wynt. v 3819.
Quhat medycyne can thow lat se Till hele or till ras [C. raysse] thame agayne c1420 Ratis R. 504.
Ȝhit has he hecht … Tyll rais al men … On domysday 1490 Irland Mir. II 57/11.
Therfor the devin wertu sal rais the bodeis and vne thame to the saule ?a1500 Remembr. Passion 303.
Think, to, how Lazarus wes rasit 1513 Doug. vii xii 161.
Havand disdene ony mortal suld be Rasyt to lyfe or over warldis lyght From the dyrknes of neddir hellis nycht 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 790.
In name of Christe thay halit mony hounder, Rasyng the dede 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 211.
Spair nocht to do ewill, … for he [Satan] sould raise thame vp at the latter day 1620 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 8 March.
Issobell Perk … accusit off cursing & despitful speichis against the dead … in saying the dewill raiss hime wp ?1655 Fugitive Poetry II xxviii 5/125.
Reaseabsol. 1551 Hamilton Cat. 160.
Thai raise fra the dede … be the powar … of our salviour
4. To stir up or arouse (a group of people, community, etc.) to common action, esp. in attack or defence (aganis an enemy).(1) 1438 Acts II 32/2.
That quhare thar is ony rebellys … that the lieutenande rais the cuntre & [etc.] 1491 Ib. 225/1.
The sheref … sall … rais the cuntre … in his support c1515 Asl. MS I 187/10.
Tharfor thai rasit thair folkis with thair schippis and past the Rais of Iubitere 1515–16 Reg. Privy S. I 412/2.
We … committis to our lovit William Cokburn … the … governance of all our liegis … to ras and assemblie thame … for resisting and develling of theves, rebellis and tratouris 1525 Bk. Carlaverock II 463.
Redy to do hym seruice … in weire with all my kyn [etc.] … that I may and dowe to rais 1533 Bell. Livy II 147/9.
Thay wald haue rasit Ethruria aganis ws c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3339. a1578 Pitsc. II 148/21.
The earle … raissit hallalie all that he might be … baitht of gentillmen and commons 1586 Jurid. Rev. IV 297.
It was lesum to the said baillie to arme himself and rais the countrie to his support Ib. 299.
Ony officer where he sees occasion of withstanding of his jurisdiction he may rais the countrie for furth setting thereof 1619 Old Kirk Chron. 89.
[Then come the] gysaris [who] drew swords … and raist the pepill of the toune to red them 1631 Justiciary Cases I 187.
The said Lord Roxburgh able to rease of his awin freindis and followeris aboue on 1000 gentlemen 1659 Johnston Diary III 129.
After sermon wee was raysed out of the Parliament House by lettres out of Cheshyre that Sir George Booth … was taiking armes(2) 1533 Boece 294b.
This bludy plaig raissit [L. exciuit] grete nowmer of Scottis & Pichtis that occupyit thai boundis
b. To cause to rise in rebellion. 1622-6 Bisset I 57/29.
He that raisis the kingis liegis salbe put to death
5. To incite or stir up (a person) in respect of (in, on or with) an emotion, an ideal, also, to a resultant action, etc.(1) 1513 Doug. vi xv 73.
Nevir child cummyn of Troiane blude In sic … glory and gret gude Sal rays his forbearis Italianys Ib. xi xiv 6.
Tarchon … In breithfull stoundis rasyt brym as fyre 1533 Bell. Livy I 164/13.
Throw thir tythingis … war the faderis … rasit with inestimabil blyithnes Ib. 178/10.
The pepill war rasit on flocht Ib. II 103/24.
The more the Romanis schew thame effrayit … the more war the inemyis rasit in hie curage 1568–9 Inverness Rec. I 175.
Thai … rasit the towne in feayr 1600-1610 Melvill 227.
We … saw na thing that might rease us in anie grait hope of provision(2) 1533 Bell. Livy I 56/15.
Thir brethir … rasit to extreme ieoperdie of armes be hortacioun of thare … nacioun
6. To bring, or restore, to or towards a vertical position; to set upright; to hold erect.Quot. 1450 may properly belong to 20 below.(1) 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 356.
My daisit heid fordullit disselie I raisit vp Id. Æn. v viii 8.
[They] heich abufe thar hedis in the ayr Onabasytly rasyt thar armys squair Ib. i iii 57. 15.. Clar. i 83.
He raisit up his forcie arme on height c1590 J. Stewart 25/365.
Doune falls the king and mycht not rais his cors 1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas iii 458.
Leining on her elbowe, preis'd in vaine, Thrie times her body from the bed to rayse(2) 1450 Aberd. B. Rec. I 18.
John Traile … yherly to pay xl s. quhill he bryng hame the blew stane til his fadre and that to be raiset be the sight and ordinance of his modre 1701 Brand Orkney & Shetl. 123.
A monster, which had upon its forehead like a pirwig of flesh and hair, raised and towered up
II. To cause to arise; to produce; to bring into being.
7. To build, construct or have built (a building, part of a building, or other structure); to set up. 1443 Reg. Cambuskenneth 126.
To brek, big, and agane rais the stane gavill … at the west nuke of that foirhous c1475 Wall. vii 987.
Feill bestials rycht starkly wp thai rais 1513 Doug. iii ii 133.
Our folkis … Exort I to graith howsis … And rays on hycht the strenth and fortales Ib. vi viii 59.
I … A voyd tumbe rasyt 1533 Boece 182.
Anthone … causit … rais heich towris 1542 Soc. Ant. III 162.
In the northe angell … of the kirk syd to rais ane commodious turngreis 1556 Reg. Cupar A. II 262.
Thai sall big and rais the vallis of … the chalmer a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun 37. 1583 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 310.
The gayvellis … the stane work and paittis mane be reassit to ane greit heicht 1611-57 Mure True Crucifixe 868.
By raysing altars they must seme devote c1643 Rothes P.
Aucht garrand naillis to raiyse the barrasse ȝett c1650 Spalding I 259.
Thay raiss midding montis vpone the calsay
b. To cause (a bump or swelling) to rise or form. 1555 Peebles B. Rec. I 217.
In striking of Cristiane Bell with ane stop on the heid, quhilk raisit ane clour thairon
8. To cause (a spirit) to appear by witchcraft or invocation; to call up by means of incantations: a. The devil or another wholly spiritual being. b. Deceased saints or other personages; esp. of the raising of the spirit of Samuel by the witch of Endor. c. Also, once, with inanimate object.a. 1375 Barb. iv 243.
The erll Ferrandis moder was Ane nygramansour, & Sathanas Scho rasit Ib. 289.
Scho rasyt the ill spyryt c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 23.
To gar me ryme, & rais the feynd with flytting 1538 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. IV 21.
The said Alex … raisit the devill his maistir 1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv 296.
Reasing the devill with invocationes 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (S.T.S.) 40/4.
Their [evil spirits] naturall comming … not raysed by witch-craft 1598 Misc. Spald. C. I 120.
The Devill … is rasit be the speking of the word ‘Benedicite’ 1618 Trial Isobel Inch 12. 1661 Kinloch in Murray Witch-cult 114.
Reasedb. 1375 Barb. iv 756.
Saull … Rasit, throu [hyr] mekill [slycht], Samuell sperit 1513 Doug. i Prol. 212.
The spreit of Samuell … Raysit to King Saul Id. Comm. i Prol. 211. 1570-3 Bann. Trans. 310.
He had reasit sum sanctisc. 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 212.
[He] be his devilisch craft, rasit vp foure candillis vpoune the horssis twa luggis
9. Of God: To cause (a particular person or sort of person) to appear or come into being.In quot. Wynt. the application of spyryt, if correct, is unclear.Freq. const. up. c1420 Wynt. viii 6997.
Bot God … rayssyd the spyryt off a man, That [etc.] … , The Kyng of Nawerne c1520-c1535 Nisbet Luke i 69.
And he has raasit [P. rerid] to vs a horn of heill in the hous of Dauid his childe Id. Acts iii 22.
God sal raase [P. reise] to you a prophet 1567 Acts III 23/1.
The ministeris … quhome God … hes now rasit vp amangis vs or heirefter sall rais 1567 Sat. P. iii 132.
God to ȝow will rais sum Josuay 1568 Lyndesay Pref. (S.T.S.) 399.
In all agis … it hes plesit God … to rais and steir vp his prophetis and seruandis … to testifie his truth Ib.
He rasit vp alswa in the dayis of Carolus Magnus, twa of our cuntrie men Ib. 400. 1570 Sat. P. xiv 26.
Vp … Thow rasit to reule my ring … James … my uncle
b. Of persons: To bring (another person) to prominence; to elevate. Also c. With a thing as object.b. c1420 Wynt. v 5724.
And thai that pwt hym till dede Rassyd wp ane othire in his sted 1621 Aberd. Council Lett. I 189.
Now hee is gone I hope hee will raise you up another in his roomec. 1533 Gau 45/34.
He hesz distroyit sine and rasit wp richtusnes 1558-66 Knox II 393.
The Frenche menȝie … raised up thair messe more publictlye then they had done … before
10. To produce or bring into action various natural phenomena, as wind, storm, etc.Freq. by the use of witchcraft. c1400 Troy-bk. i 426.
Scho [Medea] wald rase wedderis one thame thare … That all suld peryse hastely Ib. 467.
Scho couth rase thundre-blastis 15.. Dunb. App. vi 67.
At Norway coist scho raisit the wind 1513 Doug. v xiii 58. a1585 Maitl. Q. 201/34.
The iawis Of Neptunis raige quhilk rasit bene by raine c1590 Fowler I 174/13.
Thow … dois rease thy stormes, and maks thy wynds more blaw[e] 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 211.
Quhair Satan promesit to raise ane mist 1590–1 Ib. 235.
The Dewill rasit ane ewill wind, he being vnder the schip 1662 Ib. III 607.
Quhen we rease the wind, we tak a rag of cloth and weitts it in water [etc.]
11. To start a fire or fires.Freq. as a means of waging war.To raise nedefyre, see Nede-fyre n. 2. a1400 Leg. S. xxvi 303.
It a fyre mad alsone That broynt the watir & lo rasyt c1475 Wall. ix 442.
In Gyan land … Raissyt feill fyr, and waistyt wonnyngis wid 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 282.
This Synon was a Greik that raisit fire Id. Æn. vii v 95.
Ene … Sal rays and kyndill dedly flambe agane Of hait fyre brondis amang the wallis Troiane 1563–4 Reg. Privy C. I 269.
That the said erle … raise fyre, and use all kynd of hostilitie aganis the saidis rebellis 1567 Digest Justiciary Proc. G. 13.
Cummand … to the barne ȝard … and raising the fyre amangis the corne a1578 Pitsc. II 86/28. 1587 Aberd. Council Lett. I 33.
Ane commissione … to serche seik and apprehend the committaris of the saids crymes rais fyr serche hous and do all thingis … that may farther the same 1592 Douglas Corr. 243.
And their hes reisit fyir, and hes slaine ȝoung Mongo of Lokarbie 1630 Urie Baron Ct. 69.
The haill tennents … sall pay tene pundis … to the laird for ilk mwir burne to be reaisit be thame Ib.
To reais fyir and burne mwir 1670 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 16 Nov.
Throw … hir extraordinar druckennes that thairby fyere fell to be raised in hir house
12. To cause, originate, set going or give rise to: a. Trouble, dissension, and the like.Also const. aganis, in, on, upon the victim.(1) 1375 Barb. ii 205 (see Dragoun n.1 1 b). c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2084.
Oetus … Wrote in lyke maner, to rais stryf c1420 Wynt. ii 1479.
Thai … rasyde were and playne batayle 1453 Stirlings of Keir 226.
I … sal neuermar … move plede, raise stryf [etc.] a1500 Henr. Hasty Credence 18 (M).
Thir taill tellaris oftymes dois grit scayth Resand feid mortale and vther discrepance 1513 Doug. vii v 133.
Thou may skurgyng and strakis in lugyngis rays 1529 Lynd. Complaynt 294.
Those that had the gouernance Amangis thame selfis raist variance 1533 Bell. Livy II 6/3. 1561 Inverness Rec. I 59.
That biing of the … mettis that cumis to the mercattis and sendyn of tham of the towne hes rasit ane exhorbitant derth 1562 Aberd. B. Rec. I 343.
To raise tumult and ingener discord betuix the craftismen and the fre burgessis of gild 1570-3 Bann. Trans. 10.
[They] raised the first trubles a1578 Pitsc. I 48/25. 1592 Acts III 577/1.
Sic derth is rasit in the cuntrie that ane mutton … far surmountis the price of ane boll of quheit 1595 Reg. Privy C. V 250.
Thinking to rais ane mutine 1602 Dundonald Par. Rec. 22.
Anent the tumvlt rasit in the kirkyaird(2) a1400 Leg. S. ii 163.
[They] Raisit in hym sedicione 1513 Doug. viii x 98.
The werys rasyt aganys Romanys 1530 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 26.
Forsamekill as thair is greit derth rasit apone our souerane lordis legis of all kynd of meit c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iv 474.
And ȝe do … Agane Venus rais ony rank riat … it will caus sturt 1568 Anderson Collect. Mary IV i 126.
Quhairby it appears gret cumbers to raise on us 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 113/11.
The first rebellion raised aganis me a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 302.
They that raise warr against the king … should be punished as traitors
b. A rumour or report. 1562 St. A. Kirk S. 173.
Anent the sclander rased upon Dauid Ballingall 1563 Ib. 187.
Understandyng sum brut of suspicion to be rased aganis Mr. George Trayll 1600-1610 Melvill 232.
Ther is a sklanderus report reased upon the kirk 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 158b.
He quha raises or invents narrations or rumors 1629 Fraserburgh Kirk S. II 25 March.
Thay reportit thay hard nothing bot sik as this brute hade raisit
c. An emotion, feeling, desire, etc. c1420 Wynt. iv 2620.
For thare he saw that wysyowne That raysid his dewotyoune c1475 Wall. xi 596.
Gret sorow was raissed 1513 Doug. vii viii 2.
Turnus … In the Rutilyanys rasys hardy hartis Ib. xii i 11.
[Turnus] Full hie rasand hys curage and hys cheir Ib. 17.
A wild lyoun … first begynnyng to rays hys stern moyd a1538 Abell 56b.
For the tarisumnes of the affectioun of man at is nocht rasit be deuotioun 1567 G. Ball. 211.
Lichorie … raisit … Ȝour gredines 1596 Dalr. II 385/19.
Quhilk rumour in Scotland rayset not lytle invie in France 1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 134.
This reased a curiosity in Roderick 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. i i 4 (1678) 12.
The doing what may tend to … raise jealousies
d. An activity, process, reaction or condition. c1420 Wynt. viii 6065.
The Kyng off Frawns set hym to ras And set a sege befor Calays 1456 Hay II 127/16.
[Failure to satisfy the appetite promptly] rasis fumygaciounis and vapouris as reke c1460 Consail Vys Man 151.
Lytyll forfalt rasis blame 1560 Peebles B. Rec. I 272.
[He] sall raise na novationes vtheris nor hes bene thir hundreth ȝeris bygane 1582 Mill Mediæv. Plays 168.
The haill personis that ar … takeris vpoun thame to ras vp or play Abbot of Vnressones playis or Robene Hudis 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 153/366.
The peripneumonie … heate doth kendle & raise
e. To put forward (a doubt or difficulty). 1683 Misc. Bann. C. III 237.
I hope none will rease aney questione or doubt about this
13. To set up (a court of law, inquest, etc.). c1420 Wynt. ix 2360.
Sua in coloure off justis Set it wes nane, he rasit assis 1436 Coll. Aberd. & B. 394.
I gert rase ane assise of the gentillys of the cuntre 1442 Raine N. Durham App. 105.
Granntand till hym our full power … to sett fermes to rayse courtys till hald amercyments till rayse trespasours [etc.] 1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I 41.
And geiff ane commissioun neidis that ye rais the same for the nowmer of ane hundert or mair [guards or police]
b. To institute a legal action. 1535 Stewart 13046.
For richt thairof he raisit hes greit pley 1595 Aberd. Council Lett. I 63.
Informatioun for the … baillies … to rais suspentioun of the charges giffen to them be Androw Moresone 1619 Tayler Hist. Fam. Urquhart 32.
Anentis the suspentioun reissit off that his decreit quho maikis me to beleiff 1622 Douglas Bequest IV 16 July.
The actioun and caus of improbatioun raisit and perseuit at the instance of Sir Wm. Oliphant 1631 Dumbarton B. Rec. 35.
Anent the arreistment raist at the instance of Johne Sempill of Aikenbar c1650 Spalding II 45.
Quhairvpone horning, captioun, and compriseing, wes haistellie raisit 1673 Lauder Notices Affairs I 74.
What if a declarator should be raised against you 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. i xxiv 6 (1678) 246.
It is ordinarily advised in such cases to raise an exhibition Ib. ii viii 7 (1678) 392.
Ludwharn having raised … a pursuit against Mowat [etc.] 1684 Laing MSS I 428.
He was to rease several reductions upon the king's account 1694 Dingwall Kirk S. 32.
And if needs be to raise diligence thereon 1700 Glasgow Chart. II 281.
There was an action and cause of declarator, first raised and intented before the late commissioners
c. To obtain or have drawn up (a legal document, etc., or a copy of one); to produce the same as evidence or as grounds for an action.Also const. aganis (on or apon) a person.Common only in Sc.For further examples see also Breve n., Commissioun n. 2, Gravatour n. 2, *Incidens n., Letter n. 7, Lift v. 4 b, etc.(1) (a) 1457–8 Acts II 48/1.
Gif ony persounis has ony acciounis to folow he sall warne thame to pas to the kingis chapell and rais summondis peremptour apone xl dais 1479 Acta Aud. 92/2.
That he be chargeit … to rais his breuis and persew his entre 1499–1500 Elphinstone Mun. 189/2.
The said Alexander … to pas to our souerane lordis chancellarii … and rais his infeftment … in dew forme 1517 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 43.
And ather of the said parteis … sall rais ane dispensation 1518 Lag Chart. 54.
Acts and instrumentis to ask and rais 1530 Edinb. Hammermen 130b.
For ane letter of somondis raisin and cawin of thaim that will nocht pay 1534–5 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 147.
We ordand James Keyne to rais his instrument that he allegis he hes efter the tenor of this vryt fra yone nottar 1547 Liber Coll. Glasg. 138.
And heirapone instrumentis and documents to tak, lift and rais 1568 Grey Friars 66.
All letteris executorialis that ar ellis raisit, or may be raisit thairupon 1574 Conv. Burghs I 26.
Letteris salbe raisit befoir the Loirdis of Sessioun for poynding of the contravenaris thairof c1575 Balfour Pract. 185.
Inhibitioun being raisit be ane man aganis ane uther [etc.] Ib. 439.
The breve of perambulatioun may be raisit for perambulating of landis lyand without burgh 1578 St. A. Kirk S. 429.
Margaret Clapen to rays the bischoppis letteres … and to bryng the saidis letteres indorsat 1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv 230.
The superintendent … raist a letter And gat the harlat to the horne 1587 Aberd. Council Lett. I 15.
[Ye sall] ressave ane croun to rais sic letters as may be had presently 1587 Acts III 462/1.
That the saidis landislordis rais lettres be deliuerance of the Secreit Counsall 1600 Stirling B. Rec. I 95.
To caus libell and rais ane summond of reductioun 1625 Justiciary Cases I 31.
Raiset 1622-6 Bisset I 176/32.
That all summoundis of errour, and inordinate processis, be raisit and persewed Ib. 289/16. 1627 Bk. Carlaverock II 90. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 338.
When summons of improbation, to prove our charters of Christ to be counterfeits, are raised against poor souls 1701 New Mills Manuf. 280.
Alexander Weir to cause raise a summonds befor the Lords and summond [etc.](b) 1495 Acta Conc. I 423/2.
Eschewing of friuell summondis to be rasit be partijs but evident richt 1497 Ib. II 82.
The sade Master Georg has … purchest the sade denery in the sade court of Rome and rasit bullis thareuppone 1502–3 Treas. Acc. II 358.
To David Tempilman … to summond Matho Wallace and Duncane Simson for the breif quhilk wes rasit 1529 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 103.
Ane letter of cursing to be rassit for spulatioun 1562 Inverness Rec. I 78.
Ane edict rasit be Margret Waus 1570–1 Canongate Ct. Bk. 323.
Ane breif of lyning … rasit be the said Johnne 1582 Perth Guildry p. 450.
Den gild … past to Edinbrugh, rasit and extractit the said act … and als … thair rasit ane lettre quhilk he obtenit subscryuit be the erle of Gowry 1589 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 3 Aug.
Lettres of inhibitione rasat at the instance of Schir Walter 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Breve de morte antecessoris.
This brieue is rased furth of the Chancellarie and persewed be ane appeirand aire 1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 33.(c) 1491 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 34.
The bref aucht to proced … be caus it wes lawchtfull resit and proclamit to the said day(d) 1593–4 St. A. Kirk S. 779.
This instriment reasit be me wes usit be utheris … to the sklander of our sessioun 1632 Justiciary Cases I 209.
I reasit lettres befoir the Justice Generall 1641 Inverness Rec. II 177.
For this effect lybellis and procieds to reas(2) 1495 Reg. Paisley 405.
Summondis raisit apon the saidis abbot and convent 1514 Edinb. Hammermen 84.
Ane letter of summond now rasit one Will Ra [etc.] 1532 Treas. Acc. VI 116.
Certane witnes to … beir lele witnessing anentis ane summondis raisit … aganis David Kennedy 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 21.
That my lord governour hes rasit ane cursing on my lord 1564 Reg. Privy C. I 307.
He rasit our soverane ladiis lettres aganis Edward Irrwing 1570 Conv. Burghs I 21.
That letters be raisitt vpoun all vnfremen, slayaris of … quhite fische 1581 Misc. Spald. C. II 54.
Quhilkis rassit the letteris on sertten and prensipell onest men 1587 Conv. Burghs I 273.
Letteris and executionis raisit and execute aganis the burrowis refusand to pay thair customes 1620 Aberd. Council Lett. I 180.
Thair wes a second suspensioun rasit … aganes the said John Mersser suspending the executioun of his present decreit 1632 Justiciary Cases I 175.
That ane coppie of the chairge to be reasit and execute againes the saidis Jon a1676 Guthry Mem. 250. 1681 Purves Revenue Crown 26.
So hath he the power to raise & intent actiones … against all persones 1691 Presbyterian Inquisition 37.
III. To cause to rise or mount up.
14. To produce or utter a loud noise, din, cry or outcry.For further examples see Cry n. 4, Fray n.1 2 b, Hoyes n. b, Huy and cry.(1) 1375 Barb. vi 276.
Fra thai had rasit on him the cry ?1438 Alex. ii 10267.
Than thay of Inde hes rasit the scry That [etc.] c1475 Wall. v 40.
Gret noyis & dyne was rayssit thaim amang 1513 Doug. vi viii 34.
Sum rasyt a cry with waik voce, as thai mocht Ib. ix x 106.
The Troianis rasyt a scry in the ayr With rerd and clamour of blithnes 1533 Bell. Livy II 33/7.
Als sone as the army had rasit thare noyis and clamoure 1567 Acts III 32/1.
That all our souerane lordis liegis … ryse, cry, rais the fray, and follow thame 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 71 (Table).
Voice popular … sould be raised vpon ane theif c1615 Chron. Kings 162.
The cry is reassit be Gowreyis folkis that the king is away 1683 Erskine Diary 2.
Raize(2) 14.. Acts I 328/2.
Gif ony seis misdoaris in the forest tak ony der … he aw to rays hoy and cry 1535 Stewart 8532.
Thai raisit how and cry c1575 Balfour Pract. 140.
He sould raise a hoy and cry
b. To raise the kingis horn on, to proclaim (a person) an outlaw. Cf. Horn n.1 2. 1432 Acts II 20/2.
The schiref … sal rais the kingis horne on hym 1491 Ib. 225/1.
The sheref … sall … persew the slaaris … ane or maa and rais the kingis horne on him
15. To start or lead the singing of psalms in a church service. See also Raising vbl. n. 1 (7). 1646 Glasgow B. Rec. II 96.
Anent John Cant musician … that the proveist [etc.] … sall pay to him yeerlie … for to raise the psalmes in the Hie Kirk on the Saboth
16. Of smoke or dust: To cause to rise or mount up.Also, spec., to reas reik, to have a hearth, to be a householder. 1533 Boece 239b.
Thai … suld mak bekynnys … [and] be ony hwmyd materials rais ane smoik c1540 Lynd. Syde Taillis 76.
In somer quhen the streitis dryis, Thay rais the dust abone the skyisspec. 1599 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. VII 100.
The haill inhabitants within this burgh that reasis reik thairin
IV. To lift up or remove to a higher position; to exalt.
17. a. To hoist up (sails, a portcullis gate); to pull up (an anchor). 1375 Barb. iii 695.
Thai raysyt saile, and furth thai far c1400 Troy-bk. i 191.
Jasone … couth hym say That he ger ankeris rasit be ?14.. Ship Laws c. 16 (B).
Falows, raysys vp yhour ankyr c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 4236.
Syne doun thai passit and rasit vp the ȝettis 1560 Rolland Seven S. 7389.
b. To lift up as a whole; to elevate; to hold aloft. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 359.
He saw hyr raysit a cowte & mare Fra erde in ayre c1420 Wynt. vi 2264 (C).
Raysse c1475 Wall. x 206.
Thai raissit wp … The Bruce baner c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 9/71.
Him all nakit on the tre Thai raissit on loft Ib. 11/4.
The signe triumphall rasit is of the croce 1513 Doug. vii vi 112.
To thé, Bacchus, scho rasyt eik on hie Gret lang speris, as thai standartis wer Ib. x vi 17.
Bend vp ȝour ayris styth, and rays ȝour schippys [L. tollite, ferte rates] Ib. xi v 1.
The meyn sesson Aurora rasyt hir lycht Ib. xiii xi 22.
Onto the starnyt hevynly hald on hie Thou promyst rays the maste douchty Enee 1531 Bell. Boece II 190.
Quhen he wes rasing the visare of his heumont Id. Livy I 83/26.
Thir seittis … war rasit on certane stakis xij fute of hicht fra the erde Ib. 91/2.
That vthir lymmare rasit his ax 1533 Boece 156.
He chargit thai suld rais standartis 1596 Dalr. I 26/17.
This fowle … gif … sche lycht on the ground … can nocht rais her selfe
c. To throw or propel upwards; to blow up. — 1513 Doug. iii viii 135.
Sum tyme it [sc. Etna] rasyt gret rochys 1570 Leslie 193.
The governour … seged the castell of Langup … and with pulder raised it frome the grond 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 103.
The said haill ludgeing was raisit and blawin in the air 1581 Acts III 305/1.
He … brint his haill lugeing … and rasit the same in the air be force of gun pulder a1605 Birrel Diary 7.
The hous wes raisett up from the ground vith pouder
d. To bring (mineral) to the earth's surface. [Cf. 18th c. Eng., in this sense (1759)]. — 16.. Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. III 49.
The greatest quantity of silver that ever was gotten … was raised and fined out of the red metal
18. To advance in dignity or exalt a person, one's name, etc. c1420 Wynt. viii 720.
Gyve thame possessiown amang thare kyth Thaire fadyre name to ras thare-wyth a1500 Henr. Abbay Walk 55 (M).
Remember him … Quhilk rasis the law and humilis the hie 1513 Doug. vi ii 109.
Ful few thar bene, quhom heich aboue the skyis Thar ardent vertue has rasit and vphyeit c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 3.
He promist vnto Dauid … I will eftir thé rais vp thi sede 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 384.
Quhen thay bene heych rasit in thare ryngis 1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 326.
Our rising … for him [sc. the king] may well ruin us and not raise him
19. To raise (the heart or spirits), to make more cheerful or hopeful, to elevate. 1375 Barb. iv 546.
Tharfor we suld our harts rais a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1542 (Asl.).
To rais thi spreit fra perrellous oppressioun 1533 Boece 126b.
In grete esperance and glaidnes war thare hartis rasit Ib. 263b.
Galane … omyttit na thing quhilk mycht rais the hartis of his army 1567 G. Ball. 231. a1568 Scott xvi 29.
Quha suld my dullit spreitis rais, Sen for no lufe my lady gais?
b. To heighten (one's anger or fury). — 1513 Doug. ix ii 69.
The wild wolf … his rageand furour … Rasys in ire for the wod hungris lyst
V. To bring together or collect.
20. To levy (taxes) or collect (rents, fines or other charges); to obtain (funds).Also const. to the beneficiary, on (upon) the person paying or source of the payment.Freq. coupled with lift, see Lift v. 4 for further examples.Also absol.(1) (a) 1389 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 16.
Vndyr the payne of twa hundyr mark of sterlyngys to be raysit & tane to the werk of the kyrk of Saynt Androus c1390 Ib. No. 19.
We wyll gerre rayse tyll vs all the fermes and the profites of Coldynghame 1398 Acts I 212/1.
[The queen's] pension of … to be raysit of the custumes of syndry bowrous 1423 (1429–30) Reg. Great S. 31/1.
Rayise 1424 Acts II 6/1.
Quha sa vsis nocht the said archary the lorde of the lande sal rais of him a wedder 1428 Wemyss Chart. 57.
And the malis of thaim to rayse … and evynly to divyde [etc.] 1450 Coll. Aberd. & B. 428.
Raisse 1493 Reg. Cupar A. I 244.
Oure landis forsaid to set, malis, customys, dewiteis of the samyn to rais and vptak 1496 Acta Conc. II 28.
The Lordis wil raise and tak the unlaw of xl s. of the party that tynis his accione 1500 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 87.
Vnder the pane of x li. to be raisit vpoun the … brekaris of this act and statute 1505 Ib. 103.
That ane of the maisteris … lift and rais the saidis quarter paymentis fra euery persoun that aw the samyn 1539–40 Reg. Privy S. II 511/1.
Havand regres and reservatioun of the frutis of the said personage to me, and to hie sett and rais the sammyn 1570 Leslie 65.
Henry King of Ingland … raiset ane gret taxatione 1584 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 379.
That ane extent of the said sowm be sett and rayset of the haill nychtbouris 1596 Misc. Spald. C. I 83.
Unlawis … of the saidis courtis to ask, lift, and rais 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Extent.
Taxation of landes ar raysed conforme to the auld extent 1602 Grant Chart. 199. 1644 Acts VI i 81/2.
Suche persons as are knowin to be able … to lene or raise money(b) 1424 Acts II 4/1.
Thar salbe rasyt a general ȝelde or ma 1448 Aberd. B. Rec. I 402.
Under the payne of a punde of wax or the valu of it to be rasit be the dene of the gild Ib. MS V i p. 4 (19 April).
That the alderman sal ras of the personeris [? for presoneris] the sovmys acht be thaim 1474 Edinb. B. Rec. I 29.
That the said penny be rasit wolkly … of al personis lauborand thair awin werk 1481 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 330.
Ras 1485 Breadalbane Coll. No. 22.
Four hundretht pund … to be vpliftit and rasit of my landis 1496 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 339.
We … assigns to the saide Robert … tua markis of our kirk bred to be rasit … at his avne hande 1510–11 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 11.
And persewit viii s. of annuel yerle to be rasyt to him of ane pes of land 1523 Ib. 69.
Ane annuel of ix s. to be rasit upone the tenement of umquhill Gellelok Wycht 1532 Reg. Cupar A. I 315.
x thowsand ducattis … to be … rasit and vpliftit on the haill prelatis of his realme be our haly fader the pape 1542 Irvine Mun. I 194.
Anuellrent … to be liftit and rasit of the said tenement 1556 Aberd. Council Lett. I 2.
Ane impositioun … rasit in Rowane … upoun the custume of [etc.] 1560 St. A. Kirk S. 64.
As sowm liquidat to be rasit and distributit to the puyr 1563 Acts II 544/2.
The lait impositioun and custume rasit vpone thame [sc. the burghs] be the King of Denmark 1570 Conv. Burghs I 18.
Rasitt(c) 1649 Glasgow Hammermen 17.
Fynes ar resat at ten merks the man(2) 1420 (1429–30) Reg. Great S. 30/1.
Michel sal taik and raise up the malis of Heythathe and Smalehameabsol. 1415 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 36.
We byd ȝou … that … ȝe rais and distrenȝe for the teind penny aucht to the said bischop of the foirsaid thingis 1510 Reg. Privy S. I 329/1.
With power to furthput and inbring, lift and rais or labour the grond with his awn gudis 1626 Aberd. Council Lett. I 254.
Full power … to amerchiat unlawes [etc.] … , to ask lift and reise and for the same gif neid beis to poynd and distrenȝie
21. To levy or gather together (fighting men, troops, an army); to prepare an incursion.(1) c1420 Wynt. iv 589.
He rasyd ost and mowyd were 1533 Boece 137.
Cornan … attemptit to rais power in defence of the king(2) c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 1051.
Of gude men he mycht rais in his cuntre Ten thousand fechtaris out of a citie c1475 Wall. x 951.
Langaweill als a gret power can rais 1533 Bell. Livy II 135/17.
Now was … ane armye rasit of gude-willy knichtis 1540 Lynd. Sat. 943 (Ch.).
Of my freindis I sould rais ane futher 1546 Id. Trag. Card. 163. 1551 Treas. Acc. X 34.
To Duncane Dundas to raise certane hakbutaris and peoneris 1552 Reg. Privy C. I 129.
The quhilk men of weir can nocht gudlie be reasit without the realme be stentit Ib. 130.
That of everie fourtie merk land … thair be ane ebill sufficient fitman … reasit Ib. 129.
Resit 1565 Irvine Mun. I 52. 1567 Sat. P. iii 90.
Our quene … Into this realme did rais ane ryall rout a1578 Pitsc. I 25/9.
He … wald bring thame [supra a gret companye of thewis (etc.)] … in the kingis sicht to lat him vnderstand his michtie power that he may rais 1580–1 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 192.
That ane number of hacbutteris be raisit 1596 Dalr. II 282/7.
Raseng an armie thame cruellie he persewis 1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 259.
To rease and vse the whole powar and forceis within the boundes vnder his charge for defence of the countrey 1643 Baillie II 58.
Ane inclination in manie to have raised some men to have lyen on the Borders 1664 Lamont Diary 173.
They raised 500 seamen 1672 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. III 490.
The thousand foot appoynted to be raised(3) 1654 Laing MSS I 293.
As if … wee wer raysing a Whigamyre road under Argyle
VI. To remove by, or as by, lifting; to bring to an end.
22. a. To lift or remove (a thing) from its place. b. To disturb the surface of a piece of ground by digging it up or lifting part of it.a. a1500 Henr. Fab. 2123.
I wald gif all my clays To se gif that my wappinnis mycht it rais [sc. a herring] 1531 Aberd. B. Rec. I 143.
That the segstar raise na paithment to na lyaris 1545 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. XXXVII 116.
The capitane [had another lot of oxen] to rais the said monitioun 1561–2 Edinb. Old Acc. II 160.
The said lange gutter of leid being raisit and deliverit to Johnne Weir 1619 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 282.
The leid aboue the samen to be siclyik resit and mendit 1664 S. Ronaldshay 47.
Walter Woolritch, slater, … is to … raise so many good and sufficient sclaits out of Liddell heid — 1498 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 79.
And witht him witnes to pas and se [him] … ras vp erde and stane of ane lande … for falt of payment of the grvnd annuall as maner of recognicioune is Ib., etc.b. 1598 Aberd. B. Rec. II 170.
That … Thomas Mollisoun hes done wrang in causing rais the calsey 1679 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 288.
Swyne going besyde the kirk and kirk yeard who has raised up the grass and graves therof 1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World (1685) 192.
The very earth was raised, and the muiles … heaved up
23. To dig up or remove (a corpse, skeleton, etc.) from its grave, to exhume. c1420 Wynt. vii 3120.
Hyr body to rays thai had na mycht c1460 Alex. (Taym.) (ed.) 2659.
Than gar he rais the banis of Ieremy Ib. 2677.
And he raisit vp thai banis halelie And in Constantinopill thaire thay ly 1605 Crim. Trials II 478.
The said Patrik … raisit and tuik vp sindrie deid persones furth of thair graves 1611 Ib. III 165.
The corps wes raised and … sighted be … his sister who … assured thameselfis … that he wes the mourthoured man 1636 Inverurie 211.
John Pirie … buriet in the kirkyaird of Inverury. Was raissit again … upon ane bruit that he had gotten wrong 1661 Soc. Ant. XXII 254.
Reased 1674 Dunblane Synod 105.
That both the persones who buried within the ryt of other men, and these who raised the corps, be cited unto and censured
b. fig. To lift (a person) from sin or degradation. — a1568 Scott xxxiv 149.
Thir ressonis ar to rais ȝow Fra crymes vndir coite 1588 King Cat. fol. 27b.
Forgiue me all my sinnes, and raise me poor creatur out of the midding
24. To remove (lands or property) from the possession of a tenant. 1511 Exch. R. XIII 444 n.
And with power to set and rais the saidis landis and fischingis and the tennentis thairof to remove, change [etc.] 1519 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 70.
Thomas Henderson constitut Jonet Hendersone his … wndowtit assignaye to the tenement … to seit and rais als oft as neid beis 1542 Reg. Privy S. II 754/2.
Committand to him full power … to rais and set all his landis, lordschippis, baronyis, heretage, takkis, stedingis and possessionis 1564–5 Ib. V i 527/1.
With power to the said Frances Stewart … to sett and rais all and haill the landis and lordschip abonewrittin 1663 Soc. Ant. XIV 40.
To them full power and comission to sett, raise, sell [etc.] … the saids lands 1677 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 11 July.
To the effect the said Elizabeth … may enter therto and peacablie brook the samyn set raise use and disponne therwpon
25. To end a siege a. by withdrawing from it or b. by forcing the besiegers to desist.a. 1375 Barb. xx 64.
Syne the assegis rasit wairb. ?1438 Alex. ii 438.
To Effezone ȝow ryde but let And rase the sege that thair is set c1460 Wisd. Sol. (S.T.S.) 432.
Oft-tyme has ben hard that a gret cete has ben segit with a gret prince, and ȝhit a pwre man has rasit the seg thar-of
26. To adjourn or prorogue (a meeting, parliament, court, etc.). 1478 Acta Conc. I 19/1.
This day the lordis of counsale raisit and disoluit ther sete 1639 Johnston Diary Ia 80.
The third queree was whether he had the power of raising the assemblie c1650 Spalding I 256.
Quhairvpone the king … raisis this parliament Ib. II 290 marg.
It [sc. the Session] is agane raisit 1658 Lamont Diary 104.
Raysed 1661 Nicoll Diary 333.
The Erle of Callendar … did rais the Assemblie, and dischargit the Moderator 1685 Stranraer B. Ct. 16 March.
Therwpon the court wes raised
27. To move, or cause to move, (an army or camp). c1475 Wall. i 79.
His ost he rasd, and come to Werk on Twede 1513 Doug. xi ix 4.
Eneas all his ost … Hes rasyt, trumpyng to the town in hy 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 44.
The Inglismen raisit thair camp and come forward a1578 Pitsc. I 214/9. c1650 P. Gordon Brit. Dist. 186.
The generall had not tym sufficient to rease his liger and crose the river
VII. To make higher or greater.
28. To increase in height, size or level, to cause to rise or swell up. c1400 Troy-bk. i 456.
Scho wald … hydwisly wp raise the see a1500 Seven S. 104.
Oder is the erd hiear rasit, Or hevyn declynit 1513 Doug. i ii 30.
The power … To meys the flude, or rays with stormys hie a1578 Pitsc. I 312/9.
Ane blast of eistrene winde … raissit the flame of fyre sa wehementlie that [etc.] 1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 175.
To rais, heicht and enlairge the window 1585 Ib. 428.
The greitt bell … to be rayset hiear 1619 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 282.
That pairt of the foir wall … to be reasit and maid lewall with the rest 1660 Lanark B. Rec. 182.
To build up the sessioun house … and to raise it als heich as the midle of the eist church window, he lofting the samine 1681 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 8.
Incaice the walls … be to laigh … then to raise the same
29. To bring up (a nap on cloth); to make a nap (on cloth). Also absol. 1525 (1527) Reg. Great S. 97/1.
All owtman of the said craft [sc. the waulkers of Dundee] … takkand wobbis or claith to walk, raise and scheir a1568 Sempill Sat. P. xlviii 78.
Syne with the sleik stanis … Thay rais the pyle 1701 New Mills Manuf. 268.
The cloaths are not reased weell enugh in the dabbing board, which makes the threed appear
30. a. To increase (a price, rent, wage, etc.) in amount; to heighten.(1) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 210/13.
Mailis and gersomes rasit ouirhie [M. ar raisit so hie] 1536 Edinb. B. Rec. II 77.
That na man … tak on hand to raise the pryce of ony of the stuffis foresaidis … darrer nor it hes bene done coft and sawld in tyme bygane 1565–6 Reg. Privy C. I 425.
The marchantis … hes continewalie hychtit and rasit the pryces 1588 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 172.
Rased 1599 Fraser P. 115.
Not only is the derth of all wairis … foisterit and raisit 1608 Aberd. Council Lett. I 104.
The grite and extraordinair derth and prices reasit upoun the buittis and schone Ib.
The cordinaris who sall contravene rais or heicht the said prices 1613 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 101.
That na strayngers … heicht or rayse the pryces thairof [victual] 1622-6 Bisset II 256/26.
They that be at his coistis he aucht to raise there weyges … eftir the reat of there hyre 1637 Fraser P. 120.
Not onlie is the dearth of all goods comming to the said faire raised, fostered and interteainned but [etc.](2) 1595 Skene in Misc. Stair Soc. I 149.
That all rentallis given doune or diminished in the cheker propter sterilitatem agri be raisit up againe
b. To increase the price of (an article); to charge more for.To raise the markit, to charge higher prices. 1540 Lynd. Sat. 3186 (Ch.).
The markit raisit bene sa hie 1546–7 Edinb. B. Rec. II 126.
Raisand all wyld mete … to ane sic exhorbitand derth a1568 Sempill Sat. P. xlviii 58.
Ȝour court-men heir hes maid my claith deir And raisd it twell-pennis of the ell 1575 Orkney Oppress. 11 (see Mele n.2 2 b (c).
c. With personal obj.: To charge (a person) more dearly; to subject to increased contributions. 1606 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 18.
Thay will willinglie pay the said penny, … with … conditioun that thai be nocht heichtet nor rayset heirafter
VIII. 31. intr. To rise, in various senses. Cf. Ris(e v. 1375 Barb. xvi 409 (E).
Quhen he has hard sua rais [C. ris] the cry … He dressyt thidderwart c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 3385.
The duke Betis begouth to rais And waryit God c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3332.
Quhen Arbates that sycht had sene, His corage rasit frome the splene 1573 Inverness Rec. I 230.
Trocht quhais trublis rasit schoutting and crying in the nycht 1603 Moysie 21.
All his subiectis … to rease and meit his majesteis leiftennentis at Hamiltoun 1600-1610 Melvill 708.
At the heiring quhairoff, with great motioun, raysing, he prayit 1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 49.
The palais at Poictiers … raises the 1 Saturday of September, and sittes doune again at Martimess
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