A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Thar(e)apon(e, Thairapon(e, adv. Also: thareapoun, -wpon, -uppone, tharapoun, -aponne, -u(p)po(u)n(e, thairapoun, -appon, -wpo(u)n(e, -upo(u)n(e, -uppo(u)n, -opone, therapoun, -appone, -upon, -uppo(u)n(e, theirupon, thereupon. [ME and e.m.E. þer uppon (c1175), þar up on (Layamon), þar upon (Cursor M.), þeroppon, þerapon (both c1400), thereupon (1499).]
1. Upon, on top of, on the outside or surface of.1375 Barb. xii 23.
On his bassynet he bar Ane hat off [qwyrbolle] ay-quhar, And thar-wpon [C. thar-vpon) in-to taknying Ane hey croune that he wes king 1375 Barb. x 750 (see Thar(e)on adv. 1).
Thar-apon a1400 Leg. S. viii 98.
[They] mad a croice … & thar-apone ful faste hym band 1456 Hay II 124/10.
And gif it be hapynis thé to fele ony dolour in thy stomak … ger hete a lynyn clathe and lay thareapon 1500 Coll. Aberd. & B. 318.
To big … a toure and fortalice … and thairuppoun to mak bertasing, battaling … and all other defens … as thai think … conuenient thairto 1534 Bamff Chart. 65.
Ane bowand stane … with pictours thairupon 1542–3 Treas. Acc. VIII 176.
To be ane sowme claytht to my ladyis soume, four elnis ½ elne Frenche broun … deliverit to the browdister to be the bordour flouris and armes wrocht thairupoune, thre quarteris dimmegrane [etc.] 1570 Leslie 285.
The Inglismen … caused mak ane litell hill of erd … , and caused mont and place gret ordinance thairupoun 1632 Cullen B. Ct. 27 April.
It is … ordanit that ane arestment be maid wpone the commone hillis of this burghe that nan preswme to burne middingis thairvpone
b. Dependent upon (a source of income).1670 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. III 239.
[The estate of Towie] is under unsupportable burdeins, there being tuo lifrenters thereupon
c. Upon that day.1588 King Cat. Sig. H ijb.
The Sonday … callit the day of our Lord, because of his resurrection thairvpon 1620 Dumbarton B. Rec. App. i 3.
Katrine Fyndlay being convict of … profaining the Sabbothe, by selling aile theirupon in tym of sermone
2. Upon that subject, regarding that matter, thing, etc.(a) 1381 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 4.
Thare apoun 1390–1 Acts I 216/2.
I requere yow … that in case gif ony sic contract be made in preiudice of my saide wife of that at aucht of richt & of lauch perteigne til hir … that yhe grant na confirmacion thare apone 1397 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 34.
Thar apoun 1402 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 55.
Efter as the obligacion thar apon made proportis c1420 Wynt. v 1100.
Quhethyr evyr hale or seyke thai were … he Walde pas and thare necessyte Walde he wysyte … And thare-wpon [C. thar apon] his gud dispende 1451 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 163.
And at he obserue and keipe the landymeris and merchis of the said landis … sua that in defalt of ministratioun of ȝour office we heir na rychtvis complaint … tharupone 1454 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 14.
Thairapoun 1454 Southesk MSS 8.
Thairappon 1456 Hay I 38/4.
Here declaris the doctour … how Rome was first begunnyn and as thareapon spekis Orosius the noble doctour 1466 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 396.
And tharuppon gif thar bodyly athis and thar lettres and seilis for thaim and thar aris 1472 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 26.
Thairvpoun a1500 Henr. Fab. 1212.
The beir, the brok, the mater tuke on hand … And thairupon as iugis thay sat doun And held ane … disputatioun a1500 Henr. Fab. 2684 (Bann.).
Thairvpone 1478–9 Acta Aud. 74/2.
He tuk … persons duelling vteuth the boundis of his office to pas vppon the said inquest quhare he mycht haue had sufficient … within the sammyn boundis to haf past tharuppon 1481 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 462.
Landis … gevin in warandys for the said annuell rent as in the charteris made tharuppoune mar fullely is contenyt 1482 Reg. Morton II 246.
Therappone 1482–3 Acta Conc. II ii.
Thairuppon 1488 Paisley B. Rec. 32.
Thar uppone 1492 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 63.
It is … consentit that that persoun … be callit afore the provest [etc.] … and accusit vpoun his ayth as a proponer contrair the … commoun proffeitt of this burgh and quha sua beis convict thairvpoun the saidis provest [etc.] 1493 Acts II 232/1.
The papis halynes has graciously grantit to abyde the kingis writting … anent the dispositioun and promotioun of all beneficis electiue … as the bull vnder the leid tharupone proportis 1496 Acta Conc. II 7.
Efter the forme of ane instrument of compromys tane before the kingis hienes apone Schir Robert Fresale, notar public thareuppone 1496–7 Acta Conc. II 50.
Thairapone c1500 Barounis Lawis 4b.
Tharupoune 1509 Douglas Chart. 193.
Thair opone 1521 Maxwell Mem. I 247.
Thairapon 1527 Treas. Acc. V 329.
To Schir Alexander Jardane maister of artalȝery awaytand continualy thairuppoun, for his fe jc li. 1528–9 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 3.
Persouns that takis wylde meitt … sall be frie to sell thame … on quhat pryce thai and the byare can agrie thairvpon 1545 Acts II 454/1.
Tharvpoun 1548–9 Treas. Acc. IX 282.
To Williame Lauder for making of his play and expensis maid thairupoun xj li. v s. 1556 Inverness Rec. I 2.
The sayd Thom is jugit in admerciament and dome gyfin thairapon a1578 Pitsc. I 137/19.
Quhen I did seik redres King Henrie delayit it to gif ane ansuer thairwpoun 1617 Urie Baron Ct. 24.
Thairwpone 1632 Aberd. B. Rec. III 43.
All wther bookis … put within the said librarie … conforme to the catalogues maid and to be maid thairwpoune(b) 1466 Acta Aud. 3/2.
The said Alane sall cesse of the … ministracion of the saide office … eftir the forme of the instrument made theruppone a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 25.
I traistit that Venus, luifis quene … My faidit hart of lufe scho wald mak grene, And therupon with humbill reuerence I thocht to pray hir hie magnificence c1590 Fowler II 72/5.
At lenght and leasure, in some other place I haue fullye discoursed thervpon 1492–3 Acta Conc. I 269/2.
The avale of the said landis that thai now giff according to the act of parliament maid therapoun 1496 Acta Conc. II 8.
Theruppoun 1699 Smout Sc. Trade 292.
[I dispone] ane twentieth pairt of the said ship … and apparrelling pertaining … thereto, … with full power to … sell, use and dispone thereupon [pr. the roup on] as their own goods and gear
3. Upon that, in consequence of that; directly after that.c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1855.
Pallamides was hole purpost For to betrais the Grekis oist And tharupon with Troyens had All trety and full connand maid 1456 Hay I 251/13.
The tane of the knychtis sais to the tothir that he is traytour to the king, and thareapon has gevin his gage of bataill 1457–8 Acts II 48/1.
Gif ony accione pertening to the saide lordis knawlege be continewit in the tyme of the saide sessione … be ony personis thay personis to be arestyt furthwithe with a masare and justice to be done tharapone as efferis 1460 Hay Alex. 1811.
Thairvpoun 1460 Hay Alex. 2807.
Thay suld him gif passage till his conquest And thairupoun hostage thai suld him send, Frelie to pas 1482 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 501.
Thairuppoun 1508–9 Reg. Privy S. I 278/1.
And dischargis thaim and ilk ane of thaim thairof and of al thing that may folow thairapon for evir 1558-66 Knox II 300.
The Quenis Majestie … to stay all inconvenientis that may follow thairupoun, intercommonit with ane parte of the clergie and estait ecclesiasticall a1578 Pitsc. I 19/26.
The commoditie fridome and opportunitie of tyme … with the gret honour and glorie that will follow thairvpone sould perswad ȝow mair nor my wordis can do
4. Approximately that number. = Thareabout adv. 3.c1520-c1535 Nisbet III 320/10.
xii hundreth yeiris bypast or thar aponne 1649 Guthry Mem. (1702) 72.
Standing in the close with 60 gentlemen or thereupon about him