A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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S(c)hip, v. Also: skip, schype, shyp; s(c)hep, scheip. P.p. also (schippert). [ME and e.m.E. schyp(en (c1290), schep(en (c1300), schip(en (14th c.), schipp(en (Trevisa), schepp(en (c1400), late OE scipian f. scip S(c)hip n.]
1. tr. To put (goods) on board a ship, usu. for transportation; to take, or send, (persons or animals) on board ship, to cause to embark. Also ship aboard.(1) 1389 Exempt. of Melrose from Customs of Wools in Facs. Nat. MSS II xlvii.
That the forsaid wollys at your portes thir lettres sene … yhe suffre to be shippit and frely to pas withoutyn ony askyng or takyng of custume 1503 Treas. Acc. II 284.
To the men helpit to schip the keyll xlv sous 1506 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 109.
That nane … tak vpon hand … to schip the samyn [pr. saymn] … vnto the tyme that the saidis guidis be sene and custumit 1507 Aberd. B. Rec. I 436.
It is statut … that na taulcht be barrellit nor schippit 1523 St. P. Henry VIII 15 (see b below). 1540 Acts II 378/1.
Quhaire ony talloun beis schippit or brocht to the schippis 1545 Corr. M. Lorraine 141.
And thai tald that Lorges of Mwngebre had shypyt his hors 1558 Treas. Acc. X 426.
Aikin jeistis schippit in Andro Gallowayis schip 1562 Edinb. B. Deeds 56b.
Thre last of ure … quhilk is all radie schippit vpoun thair congie 1570 Leslie 299.
The quenes hienes fornitour, hingingis and appareill, quhilk wes schippit at Newheavin and careit in Scotland 1574 Acts III 94/1.
Of the salt … schippit and past out of the same [realm] 1575 Reg. Privy S. VII 41/1.
All guidis and merchandice to be schippit within the port and hevin of the same [sc. Dundee] 1582 Conv. Burghs I 141.
Ane collectour to vplift … the dewties of all … gudes schippitt at the poirtt 1586–7 Montrose Baillie Ct. fol. 27a (23 Feb.).
The saidis pypp of wyne was … schippert be the said Johne 1594 Conv. Burghs I 438.
For vptaking … of euery twn of geir laid vpoun thair schoir to be schippet 1625 Ib. III 200.
The skippers sall caus the clarkis of thair schippis tak vp ane iust nott of the hard guides schippit 1640–1 Ruthven Corr. 72.
Shipid 1647 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII 110.
Awneris of an loadning of beanes, yrone and lining shipped aboard in the shipp c1650 Spalding I 195.
[They] schippit thame [supra peices of ordinans] in a bark lying at the key heid, mynding to send thame to Montroiss(2) 1533 Boece 94.
Fynding fare wynd on the nycht he schippit his folkis a1578 Pitsc. I 378/16.
He schipit the quene and syne … saillit to Scotland 1627 Bk. Carlaverock II 103.
I will ernestlie requeist ȝour lordship to caus schip thame in all heast leist thay [sc. soldiers] run avay c1650 Spalding II 386.
He … gives ordour to … McDonald to schip his soldiouris, and land in Ardimvrchan, ane iland belonging to Argile 1657 Balfour Ann. I 270.
The cheiffe men of the Iles … submitted themselues to his mercey. Some of them he pardons; vthers he chains and ships them with himpassive 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 253.
Thir suddartis wer convoyit … to Crawmond, and thair schippit in ane crear the same nicht, and landit in at Abirdene 1681 Laing MSS 424.
The Secret Council … ordained the apprentices found guilty to be shiped with the Dutch officers
b. Only of persons: Quasi-passive in to be schippit, to go on board ship, to embark.Cf. (2) passive above, with which there is possible ambiguity.Also in this sense in ME (c1300–) and e.m.E. ?a1450 Florimond 292.
And all his knychtis schippit war 1523 St. P. Henry VIII IV 15.
A poste … with certen letters, shoing that the duk was sheppit in Pekerdde, and that the poste sawe 200 bardet horsse sheppit, with mych oder geir 1596 Dalr. II 198/2.
Quhen he was shipit, and louset with a fayr tyd, a prosperous veyage he fand
2. To send, carry or transport (in a ship). 1495 Halyb. 12.
Schepit in the Cristoffir of the Fer 1498 Ib. 250.
Schepit … in the said schip, 2 throwis 1527 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 232.
Quhidder the saidis wnfremen wes fre or nocht the tyme thai schippit the said wictuallis in the said schip 1558 Treas. Acc. X 426.
For xij barrellis of bisquite breid schippit in the said boyart 1589 Edinb. B. Rec. V 9.
For … salt cofit be thame fra him and schippett in the said schip 1596 Edinb. Test. XXIX 320.
Schippit in the said schip xx bukis & averis skynnis 1596 Dalr. II 448/2.
The Inglis schipis … quha the French men of weir had kariet and to France had schipid 1623 Edinb. Test. LII 10.
The guidis … in Thomas Watsonis schip schipit in Stokholme
3. Of a ship: To take (water) on board over the sides of the ship.(a) 1513 Doug. i iii 38.
Ane othir in quham salit the Lycianys … Ane hydduus sey schippit at hir stern behynd(b) a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xlviii 158.
Betuixt the tua we tuik sik taillȝeweis, At hank and buick we skippit syndrie seis
4. intr. To go on board ship; to embark (in, into, with a ship).Also, to schip in (in a ship).(1) 1375 Barb. xvi 37.
At Lochriane in Galloway He schippyt with all his menȝe Ib. xiv 21. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 474.
Til I … Saw men of … Egipe Hast thame to sey, for to schype Ib. xxi 75.
He … schipyt, & raysit sale one hycht, & saylit furth 1533 Boece 274.
Hengist … schippit at the mouth of Humbir 1570 Leslie 91.
The said harrauld … past in Flanders to haif schippit thair a1578 Pitsc. II 121/21.
The leave of the lordis scheippit in Leith with vthir schipis 1596 Crim. Trials I ii 394.
Adame … schippit in ane schip of Dysart, at Muntrois 1598 Ib. II 42. 1615 Highland P. III 177.
Sir Oliwer Lambert, commander of his maiesties Iyrish forces, shipit in his maiesties ship callit the Phœnix c1650 Spalding II 5. 1657 Balfour Ann. I 270.
Sho [sc. Mary of Guise] ships, and lands at Craill(2) 15.. Lichtoun Dreme 34.
Thair I schippit into ane barge of drafe a1578 Pitsc. I 202/6.
He past to Leyth and thair schipit in ane scheip of Captane Wodis(3) 1596 Dalr. I 202/30.
And at Denmark shiping in, the 8 day thaireftir … he landet al his nauie in the Rede of Moray Ib. II 378/20.
Quhen at Leith tha had shipit in [etc.] 1600-1610 Melvill 252.
We schippit in … in a … coll-bott 1649 Lamont Diary 2.
The comissioners … shipped in att Kirkecaldie in Jhone Gillespies shipe and loused on Saterday the 17
5. To travel in a ship; to go by ship (in, into a place).Quot. Hay Alex. may perhaps properly belong to 4 (3) above. 1460 Hay Alex. 16061.
All the folk said him … That bettir was to pas vp be the se, And doun agane to Sadoch for to ga … And schip in thare c1520-c1535 Nisbet Acts xx 13.
We went vp into a schip and schippit into Asson
6. tr. To sail, or otherwise move, (a ship) to (in) a roadstead. 1622-6 Bisset II 235/23.
The expensis of theme that schippis the schip in read and puttis the victuallis aburde
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"Ship v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/schip_v>