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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Scottis, Scottis(c)h, Scot(t)s, Scotch, adj. and n. Also: Scottys, -es, -ise, Skottis, Scotis, -es, Skotis, Scoittis, Schoyttis, Schotes, Scottis(c)he, Scotis(c)h, -ishe, -esh, Schotish, Shotishe, Skot(t)s, Scoats, Scotsh, Skotsh. [ME and e.m.E. scottisc adj. (c1205), also noun (1632), also as reduced form in scotcheman (1570), scotch cap (1591), late OE scottisc (older scyttisc) f. scott Scot n.]There is possible ambiguity with the pl. of Scot n. in possessive use.

A. adj. 1. Of Scottish nationality, or in references to the community of Scotland, its polity, institutions, etc.(a) c1420 Wynt. vii 407.
The Saxonys and the Scottys blude In natyownys twa before than ȝhud
Ib. viii 4158.
Sum that ware clene Inglis men, Sum Scottis [W. Scottis, bot Inglis] Inglis sworne then
c1450-2 Howlat 384 (A).
The armes of the Dowglas … Baith barmekyn and bar to Scottis blud bene
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 112/29.
We of Scottis natioun
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 29/71.
Scottis or Franche quhat man that ever he be
Ib. 32/17. 1572 Sat. P. xxxi 171.
Nane of Scottis blude In Scotland dar him self auow, Mair nor in Jurie dois the Jow
a1585 Maitland Maitl Q. 31/33.
Thairfoir ȝe all that ar of Scottis bluid Reioyis for the recovering [etc.]
1585 Gray Lett. & P. 44.
At the Scottise Court this 29 of April 1585
1586 Conv. Burghs I 221, etc.
Maister George Hacquett, conseruatour for the Scotis natioun in Flanderis
1596 Dalr. I iii title-page.
The Scottis cloister of Regensburg
Ib. v title-page.
The Scotis clostir of Byrland
c1680 Mackenzie Affairs 52.
Immediately after his arrival a Scottis Council is called
(b) 1600-1610 Melvill 645.
Mr. Alexander Hay, the Scotisch Secreatere
(c) 1640 Bk. Pasquils 110.
A Scots ambassador extraordinar
1683 Cochran-Patrick Coinage II 205.
That the Scotts armes shall have the first place in the shield
1689 Late Proceedings 5.
How may a crafty … courtier … influence a Scots Secretary unskilled in the Politicks
(d) 1648 Misc. Maitl. C. II 457.
Since the returne of the Scotch commissioners from London

b. Of the territory of Scotland, or any part thereof. See also Scottis se(e n.(a) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 104/40.
Thoue queyne of Scottis regioun
a1578 Pitsc. I 72/29.
He desyrit … at King Henrie sa mekill of Scottis ground as etc.
Ib. 83/31.
Quhene he was marchand neir the Scottis bordour, he send Mr. James befoir him
Ib. 369/4.
Quhene scho [sc. the queen] come on Scottis ground scho … tuik the mullis thairof and kissit
1596 Dalr. II 143/4.
He commitis to my Lord Hume Camerar of Scotland and Wardan, the kure of the Scotis bordouris
(b) 1595 Mercator Scotiae Regnum south sheet.
Forthe æstuarium The Scottishe fyrth
1630 Acts V 232/1.
That these of the associatioun sall be permitted … to fishe in all the Scotish seas [etc.]
(c) 1610 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 59.
The Flemyngs quha ar to seik liberty of fysching within the Scotts seyis
(d) a1650 Buchanan's Hist. MS Index (Edinb. Univ. Lib. * R. 20/12).
Mare Scoticum the firth of Forth the Scotsh sea, so called because it was once the march betuix Scotland and England
transf. 1684 Symson Descr. Galloway 108.
Your designe in composing and publishing the Scotish Atlas

c. Of a person or persons, seen as representative of some particular group, rank, class, etc. in Scottish society.Scottis Irishe, Gaelic-speaking Scots. Cf. Scot n. 2.Quot. 1693 may perhaps be an instance of e below.(1) 1375 Barb. xiii 208.
The Scottis archeris alsua Schot amang thaim … Engrewand thaim sa gretumly
c1420 Wynt. ix 1543.
The Scottis hieland-men Ware neire the wattyr off Ilé then
c1515 Asl. MS I 233/12.
Schir Henry Bekirtoun gouernour to the Scottis archeris
1506 Reg. Privy S. I 204/1.
And thare to … laid the samyn [ship] agane with the gudis of Scottis merchandis
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 273.
Scottis lordis chiftanis he gart hald and chessone
c1522 Doug. in Doug. (Sm.) I p. ci.
Twychyng the cummyng of this Scottis prest Schir John Duncanson
1539 Treas. Acc. VII 194.
Gevin to ane Scottis boy that spekis Frenche quhilkis passit witht the Frenche mynouris to Craufurd Mure
1540 Lynd. Sat. 2585(B).
Distroy our awin Scottis commoun tratour theivis
1572 Reg. Privy C. II 148.
Scottis people, being the creatouris of God and the kingis borne subjectis
a1578 Pitsc. II 170/16.
The Inglischmen witht the Scotis men of weir gaif the toun ane assault
1587 Acts III 464/2.
Quha bringis ony Scottis or Inglis theiff … to the kingis majesties court [etc.]
1596 Dalr. I 97 marg.
The Scottis bordirers to tile the land plane abhoris
Ib. 112 marg.
The beginning of the Scotis nobilite
Ib. 176 heading.
Heir the first of al the Scottis kingis embracet the faith of Christe
1603 Reg. Privy C. VI 553.
[To] steir up … in the hartis of all his hienes Scottis subjectis … ane loveing and kyndlie dispositioun towardis all his majesteis subjectis inhabitantis of England
1616 Crim. Trials III 586.
These Scottis courtioures … haif the disloyaltie or vnfaithfulnes of the Carthaginianis
(b) 1549 Corr. M. Lorraine 314.
I haid nocht gottin your grace wreittyngis to … the Scoittis lordis [etc.]
a1578 Pitsc. I 195/28.
Ten thowsand of thir to be in his wangard and thae to be reullit be twa Scoittis captanes
(c) 1560 Calderwood II 2.
The bands of Scotish men of warre … sall be brokin, and the men of warre licentiat to depart
c1625 Fam. Innes 214.
All our Scottisch lordes be at court
a1639 Spotsw. Hist. (1655) 225.
The Scottish queen
1663 Lett. (Annandale Papers, R. C. Reid transcript) 11 Dec.
For I am ashamed of the insolent cariage of that Scottishe boy
1695 Sage Wks. I 268.
She assisted the Scottish subjects against their native sovereign (her jealoused competitrix)
(2) 1596 Dalr. I 73/28.
The Irishe men and our Scottis Irishe acknawlege the same for thair first and mother toung
(b) 1593 Cal. Sc. P. XI 165.
[Macintosh, a] Scotishe Irishe [lord]
1691 Kirk Secr. Commonw. (1964) 208.
Done for the satisfaction of his friends by a modest inquirer living among the Scotish-Irish [v.r. Scottish-Irish in Scotland]
Ib. 212.
Fairies or the like … termed Hubhpisgedh … among the tramontaines or Scotish-Irish
(c) ?1596 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 13.
Som letter … wretten be Scotts Jessowitts
1606 Maxwell Mem. 12.
The Scotts bishops
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 381.
Byting and scarting is Scots folks wowing
?1660 R. Moray Lett. fol. 491.
The castle of Ed emptied as soon as there can be Scots sogers got to put into it
1661 Peebles B. Rec. II 201.
Thrie Scotts gentlemen, one of them being ane Hylander
1661 Stockholm New Year's Gift Title.
The Scots inhabitans of Stockholm
1669 Conv. Burghs III 620.
Full power … to conveen all such Scotts merchants and factors … as he hes to lead as witnessis
(d) 1584 Gray Lett. & P. 12.
The Skotsh queen
1661 True Character of a Ragged Presbyter 35.
He looked as bair as a Scotch laird in sackcloth
1693 Answ. Presb. Eloq. 57.
I hope that pious Church of England men will have no less esteem for our Scotch preachers

d. Of an army or other military formation.(a) 1375 Barb. xiv 397.
Thai come the Scottis ost sa ner [etc.]
a1578 Pitsc. I 191/31.
[In Henry Tudor's army,] of Scoittis men ane thowsand men of armes quhilk vas callit the Scoittis cumpanie
1646 Acts VI i 597/2.
Sr Robert Murray Lieut. colonell to the Scotis Regiment of the guard in France
c1650 Spalding I 213.
The Scottis army at the same time cam to Dunss, four myllis fra the kingis army
1650 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 614.
[They] stryped him naked of his cloathes, and sent him bak to the Scottis Leagure, as wes reported
(b) 1646 Some Papers Given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland 12.
The Scottish army
(c) 1646 Some Papers Given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland 22.
The King doth still remaine in the power of the Scots army
1651 Soc. Ant. I 161.
The Scots armie lying in leigour in Leith and about it
a1691 Kingston Contin. Ho. Seytoun 84.
Resolving to ingadge in that Scots army
(d) c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. fol. 22.
A Scotsh regiment in the Netherlands
1646 Some Papers Given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland 10.
If the Scotch army should deliver up his majesties person [etc.]
1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 383.
The Scotch army
Ib. 384.
The Scotch Lanciers

e. Of the language of the lowland Scots. Cf. 2 below. 1531 Vaus, Colophon.]
[Scoticæ linguæ imperiti
(a) 1533 Gau 5/2.
Al quhilk onderstandis the Scotis tung
1549 Compl. 16/16.
I hef vsit domestic Scottis langage maist intelligibil for the vlgare pepil
Ib. 144/11.
Ane vilaine, quhilk ve cal ane carl in our Scottis langage
1551 Hamilton Cat. 139.
In our Scottis speche, ane salviour
Ib. 157.
Latin infernus is as mekil to say in Scottis speiche as laych or underneth
1562-3 Winȝet I 74 marg.
‘By’ in Scottis and in Inglis toung is nocht ane
Gathering of the Halie Signes in 1562-3 Winȝet I lxxiv.
[He] causit this litle buike be set furthe in our Scottis toung
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xl 114.
That Scotland neuer bure In Scottis leid ane man mair eloquent
1578 Conv. Burghs I 61.
Na vthir persoun … that was prompt or perfyte of the Scotis langage
1579 Dickson & Edmond Ann. Sc. Printing 313.
[To print Bibles] in the vulgar Inglis, Scottis, and Latine toungis
1596 Dalr. I 95/18.
Thay quha this day with vs speik the ald Scottis toung [L. antiqua Scotorum lingua] … mair than 2 thowsand ȝeirs thay have keipet the toung hail Vncorrupte
1581 Hamilton Facile Tr. in Cath. Tr. (STS) 227/21.
The ministers hes peruertit this text be thair Scottis translation
16… Crim. Trials III 2.
This Schir James wes ane Scottis manne of bluid, albeit his landis lyis in Yrland. He … had nocht the Scottis toung, nor na langage bot Eirse
1622-6 Bisset I 74/16.
The auld lawes of Scotland … exponed furth of Latyne in Scottis langaige
Ib. 77/33.
Usand my awin maternall Scottis langaige or mother toung
Ib. II 57/23.
The summonis haill procese and sentence to be in Scottis vulgare tung, quhilkis war of befoir in Latyne
Ib. 263/23. 1632 Bk. Dunvegan I 102.
[Sir Rory being] unversit in the Scottis language
(b) 1559 Reg. Privy S. V i 143/2.
[Master William Nudry's] Short Introductioun Elementar, degestit into sevin breve taiblis for the commodius expeditioun of thame that are desirous to reid and write the Scottish toung
1558-66 Knox I 207.
He nether had French nor Latine and some say his Scottishe toung was nott verray good
1609 Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Publ. I (1893-4) 7.
[The Regiam Majestatem] … in Scottishe language
1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. xv.
In the Scottish language, but signifieth without
a1598 Ferg. Prov. (1641) Printer's Pref.
Whereas there are some old Scottish words not in use now
a1651 Calderwood I 142.
This James [Wedderburne] … made diverse comedeis and tragedeis in the Scotish tongue
1668 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I 178.
To educat … the children … in the Scottisch vulgar and Latine toung
1680 Th. A. Fischer The Scots in Sweden (1907) 266.]
[Will. Guthrie appointed interpreter for the English and Scottish languages by the magistrates of Stockholm, 1680
1693 J. Garden in Misc. 3 Spald. C. III 37.
The informations you may safely rely upon, being such as I can warrant (to use the Scottish phrase) from my own fact & deed
1693 Sage Fundam. Chart. Presb. Pref. Sig. b. 2b.
The prejudices of [my] education, custom, and constant converse in the plain Scottish dialect
(c) 1627 Kellie Pallas Armata 22.
The tearmes of command in our Scots language
Ib. 32.
Our Scots words of command are [etc.]
1660 Fugitive Poetry I xv title-page.
Congratulation in plain Scots Language to his Majesties Thrise Happy Return
a1688 Wallace Orkney (ed. 2) 68.
All speak English, after the Scots way, with as good an accent as any county in the kingdom
1697 Sermon on Witchcraft in Sc. Hist. Rev. VII 392.
A warlock that is a he-witch in our Scots language
16… Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. III 1.
The inhabitants of the Orcades … now … all speak the Scots language
(d) 1686 G. Stuart Joco-Ser. Disc. Pref.
I added the common English of every uncouth Scotch word
1690 Brief Account of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland 13.
Knaggs a Scotch word for a pin to hang any thing on
1692 Pitcairne Assembly (1752) Pref. viii.
His Latin speeches or rather his Scotch speeches ending in Latin terminations

f. Of proverbs and maxims in the lowland Scots language.(a) 1616 Crim. Trials III 389.
Our auld Scottis proverb, ‘Ane ȝule feist may be quat at Pase!’
(b) 1558-66 Knox I 116.
So that the Scotesh proverbe was trew in him
1608 Breadalbane Lett. 4 July.
I wald not wische ȝow schir to conforme ȝoureself to the Scottische prouerbe (Wyis behind the hand)
1614 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 160.
Yit ar they loathe, according to our Scottishe proverbe, to give him kaile of his owne peittis
1701 G. Ogilvie True Account of the Preservation of the Regalia of Scotland 8.
Sir George, after he had taken up the scepter, said … ‘The piper plays the worse that wants the nether chafts’ (being an old Scottish maxim)
(c) 1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 67.
As the Scots proverb saith
1687 Shields Hind Let Loose 320.
That Scots proverb, ‘o' fast o'er loose’

g. Of poetry, music and in musical instruments.(a) 1560 Rolland Seven S. Short Schawing (title).
At quhais requeist this buik was translatit out of prois in Scottis meter
1564–5 Reg. Privy S. V i 564/1.
The psalmis of David in Scottis metir
1571 Henr. (OUP) Introd. l.
Compylit in eloquent & ornate Scottis meter
1581-1623 James VI Poems I 65.
Some revlis and cautelis to be obseruit and eschewit in Scottis poesie
1600-1610 Melvill 23.
Wherin I … lernit sum thing … of the missours and cullors of Scottes ryme
(b) 1558-66 Knox I 64.
One of excellent ingyne in Scotish poesye
a1639 Spotsw. Hist. (1655) 101.
Some monuments of his engenie he [sc. Gavin Douglas] left in Scottish meeter
1661 True Character of a Ragged Presbyter 64.
Once more the Cause and cov'nant comes To shew's a Scotish jig
(c) 1587-99 Hume 54/58.
On hieland pypes Scots and Hybernik
1642 A Second Discovery of the Northern Scout 15.
They go to singing of Scots-jiggs, in a jearing manner at the Covenanters
1658 R. Moray Lett. fol. 308 (25 April).
A Scots iygg

h. Of manufactured articles or artefacts, esp. cloth: Made in Scotland.(1) 1398 Acts I 212/2.
Scottis clath … had out of the land
1500 Treas. Acc. II 40.
Scottis russait
Thre elne Scottis blak
1502 Ib. 46.
Scottis lynyn
Ib. 59.
Scottis tanne
1536 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 77.
All sorts of blak clayth, als weill Frainche clayth Flanders clayth as Scottis clayth
1537 Treas. Acc. VI 335.
Sex elnis Scottis blak to be harnessingis to mulatis
1554 Edinb. B. Rec. II 201.
Hewit Scottis braid clayth
1562 Will A. Betoun
Twa pair of Scottis courtingis
1562 Treas. Acc. XI 230.
Scottis gray
Scottis manteling
1565–6 Prot. Bk. Thomas Johnsoun 97.
2 burd clayths of Scottis dornyk
1575 Edinb. Test. III 352b.
Scottis grene grograme
1580 Coll. Aberd. & B. 391.
Of Scottis coveringis xvj thairof fyiff red and yallow lynnit
1584 Edinb. Test. XIV 107.
Of Scottis & Inglis tartane fiftie fywe eln
1584 Burntisland B. Ct. fol. 38a (10 Nov.).
The lynnit Scottis blaik kirtill
1591 Crail B. Ct. MS 8 June.
Scottis blak for xxx s. the vlne
1595 Campbell Inv. in Argyll MS Inv. 24.
Sewin wowin Scottis coveringis auld & new
1596 Edinb. Test. XXIX 240b.
Scottis kaseris
1597 Tailor's Acc. Bk. A 8.
Scottis sey bumbasie
1606 Ib. 54.
Ȝour honouris Scotis broun claith clok
1611 Brechin Test. II 173.
Scotis cloking claytht
1667 Edinb. Test. LXXIII 86.
Ane sute of Scottes cloath and ane mandellcoat
1672 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. III 472.
Workmen … now refyning and dressing of Scottes wooll at Kelso
(b) 1501 Treas. Acc. II 50.
Scottish blak to his hos
1558-66 Knox II 358.
A pair of Scottishe gray hoise
1653 Soc. Ant. XXIII 303.
Ane Scotishe play'd
(c) 1653 Soc. Ant. XXIII 302.
Six pair of good Schotish blanketts
(d) 1595 Breadalbane Lett. 27 Aug.
Ane Scotts covering
1645 Sc. Hist. Rev. XXX 147.
A pair of hose of Scots gray
1656 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 163.
Shoes maid of Scotts leather
1684 Edinb. City Archives Letters Vol. II (32).
Let me know if you will have Scots temmin or other
1696 Conv. Burghs IV 217.
Scots cloath
1697 Sc. Ant. XIII 78.
The late act … anent the bureing in Scots lining may be put in execution
(2) c1475 Wall. i 218.
A Scottis thewtill wndyr thi belt to ber
1542 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 574.
Ane lang Scottis countour, lockit and bandit. Ane lang seitt, and ane foarme of aik
1543 Aberd. B. Rec. MS XVIII (Jam., s.v. Skawbert).
Ane Frence repar with ane Scottis skawbert thairone
1543–4 Treas. Acc. VIII 269.
For [blank] dosoun of Scottis weschell deliverit … be Jhonne Achisoun, tailȝeour
1556 Aberd. B. Rec. I 300.
Scottis wairis, sic as claith, lynning, and woone, and vder smale cremary
1564 Perth B. Ct. 105 (9 June).
The gudis and geir being within his faderis chalmer viz. ane Scottis compter ane Flanderis compter ane cop almery ane lettrome ane chair ane forme ane bed of aik ane gardywyot
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 330.
Ane Scottis peice les nor ane cannoun, quhilk wes tane be the Inglismen at the feild of Flodane; scho wes callit ane of the sevin sistaris
Ib. 331.
Abone the west syid … lay tua Scottis iyrone peicies, at the north syid, the Scottis gros culveringis
1577 Dumfries B. Ct. MS 14 June.
Ane Scotis curlat coft be Wille Sawvrycht massone
a1578 Pitsc. II 14/25.
xxvc speir men veill areyit on horsbak in Scotis harnes and veaponis
1591 (16 … ) Dundee B. Laws 130.
Certain merchandis, tappers of Scottis steill
1595 Campbell Inv. in Argyll MS Inv. 24.
Ane grit Scottis kist
1598 Edinb. Test. XXXI 351.
Sex pundis of Scottis wax at x s. the pund
1606 Ib. XLII 108.
xviij rymms of Scottis paper at xxviij s. the ryme
1617 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 30.
For vc Scottis dailles at 1 lib. c.
1630 Banff Ann. I 64.
Ane boitfull of Scottis tymber
1638 Black Bk. Taymouth 391.
Quhat Scottis pistollis, horsmen pistollis, carrobines, jakis, lances and corslettis
1688 Lauder Jrnl. 184.
The gunner … shewed us the cannons, some Scotes peices, some English, some French, some Flemish, one braze of 34 pound bal taken up out of that ship of the invincible armado
(b) 1649 Wemyss Chart. 233.
I ordin my Skots diamond ring for my dir faither
1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 159.
15 souse on a iockleg, my Scots on being stolen from me
(c) 1619 J.M. Beale Fife Schools 130.
[The schoolmaster to be paid 2 merks per] Scotch plough
1632 Edinb. Test. LV 256.
Scotch Longinges [? for hinginges] at sextein pennes the eln
1648 Declaration Duke Hamilton 1.
The greatest part [of the artillery] of the Scotch-cases … each a carriage and frame, carrying 7 or 8 small peices

i. Of natural products: Of Scottish provenance, origin, growth, etc. c1390-1434 Scots Merchandise 115.
This is the Reknyng of the Scotis woll the quhilk is roght be the marc
1535–6 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 189.
For certane sarking burd of Scotis ayk
1570 Leslie 79.
The King of Scotland send … Certane propper Scottis horssis, principallie of Galloway, with a greit number of guid Scottis halkeis to the King of Ingland
1594 Orkney & Shetl. Rec. 218.
Ilk boitt … sall pay … ane barrell of small Scottis salt for thair licence to dry thair fische
c1608 Soc. Ant. XI 415.
But I purchased mor bothe of Scotes and Germane luna. As for sol minerall wee have enoughe in Scotland
1617 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 65.
Scottis irone at ii merk stane
(b) 1658 R. Moray Lett. fol. 247.
If you long for a stocky of sower cakes & Scots grottes my cummer hath sent me some of them too
1698 Marchmont 183.
[Bill of Fare]: Scotts collops

j. Of measures, or units of measurement(1) 1425 Acts II 10/2.
The quhilk sall wey xv lele troyis pundis ande at the stane be diuidyt in xvj lele Scottis pundis
1561 Inv. Q. Mary 21.
Silk … mesourit with a Scottis elnwand
a1578 Pitsc. I 247/14.
Thir tuo airmeis mairchit togither withtin the space of ane Scottis myle
1622-6 Bisset II 210/13.
Ane last makis ane Scottis chalder
(b) 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Serplath.
Of meille and malt called coist, ane last makis ane Scottish chalder
1624 Huntar Weights & Measures 3.
The 12 ounces Troy weight of England weyes 12 ounces 3 drop weight 21 graines Scottish weight
Ib. 9.
A Scottish myle containeth furlongs 8 [etc]
1687 Paterson Geog. Descr. 3.
The old Scotish mile of 1184 paces, at 5 foot to the pace, which is very near the true sea-mile
1691 Kirk Secr. Commonw. (1964) 258.
Both … joyntly digging, found a vessel as large as a Scottish-peck
(c) 1637 Lithgow Siege Breda 7.
The towne … is a Scots mile in length
1641 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I xxx.
The king hes vpon the coinage of everie Scots staine of silver bulyion 64 li.
Ib. lxxix.
The ounce Trose Scots is havier than the said ounce of Antwerpe by 1 denier of 24 grs preciselie
1673 Curiosities Charta Chest 18.
Ilk Scots pynt of the same brandy
1674 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 7 Oct.
All Ingliss candle to be sold for ane yeir with the Scots weight
1677 Edinb. B. Rec. X 292.
No merchant … shall presume … to … sell … anie confitts whyt sweities … bot be trew Scots weight onlie
1681 Consideration on the Scots Mint (1691) 23.
The Dean of Gild's weights of Edinburgh … are heavier than the Scots Troy weight, by two unces and a half every stone weight
1682 Curiosities Charta Chest 31.
About a Scots ell long
1697 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 249.
The old Scotts inches
16… Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. III 34.
A Scots stone weight is still 16 pound weight ther
(2) 1578 Edinb. Test. VI 84b.
xv elnis Scottis of satyne price of the eln lviii s.
1589–1600 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 50a.
Sex scoir sex ellis Scotis
1669 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I 164.
1 ell halfe ell Scottis
(3) 1595 Reg. Privy C. V 252.
[294] stane Scottis wecht
1613 Conv. Burghs II 394.
Ilk hwde of beir contening in Scottis messour aucht bollis

k. Of currency, or of coins minted in Scotland.Sometimes following the sum specified.(1) 1488 Treas. Acc. I 79.
In demyis and Scottis crovnis
1489 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 549.
Ane crovn with the halff commonly callit the Scottis crovn and demy, ten s.
1503 Treas. Acc. II 206.
xxvij Scottis … ridaris
1567 Edinb. Test. I 75b.
Twa Scottis pistolattis price of thame bayth xliiij s.
1576 Bentinck Dornoch 135.
Ane Scottis plak
1579 Acts III 150/1.
Thair salbe ane penny or pece of gould prentit and cunȝeit of xxj carrat fyne and the same to haue cours … for xl s. money … and to be callit the Scottis croune
1600 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 33a.
Resevit fra George Allane of skotis gould ic xiii v pound pecis
1600 Glasgow Wrights 45.
Euery freman … sall pay owklie ane Scottis penny to the box
1610 Edinb. Test. XLVI 172.
I leiff hir ane Scotis peice of gould
1620 Orkney & Shetl. Test. I 52b.
Ane peice Scottis gold of Quein Marie straik
1658 Paisley B. Rec. 102.
Ane Scottis pennie yeirlie … in name off blenshe ferme
(b) 1468 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. viii 143.
The Schoyttis crownyt groit
(c) 1654 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 324.
Ane Scots pennie in name of blenchdewtie
1658 R. Moray Lett. fol. 227.
A good Scots four shilling piece
1695 Acts 25 July.
Act anent … old Scots merk-pieces
(2) 1474 Aberd. B. Rec. in Misc. Spald. C. V 24.
Twenty pundis Scottis
1474 Ib.
Four score of merkis Scottis
1507 Treas. Acc. III 279.
For ilk crown xviij s. Scottis
1535–6 Perth Guildry p. 201 (18 Feb.).
For ilk schillynge in Danskin iij d. Scottis
1572–3 State P. (Reg. H.) MS 95.
Foure hundreth markis Scottis
c1607–15 Goudie Shetl. Antiq. 158.
Everie guidling is twenty foure shillingis Scottis
1661 Glasgow B. Rec. II 460.
Ane hundreth markis Scotis
1679 Musselburgh 117.
Under the paine of three pund Scottis ilk persone
1687 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 194.
Right … to exact six shillings Scottis for each last of tarr in tyme comeing
(b) 1547 Cal. Sc. P. I 4.
xm pounds Schotes
(c) 1638 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 280.
10 s. Scots
1645 Army of the Covenant I 163.
2 merks Scotts the Scotts pynt
1663 S. Ronaldshay 42.
Six schillings eight pennyes Scots
1672 Acts. VIII 86/1.
Thrie pound and a merk Scots
1678 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 14 May.
Six pundis Scots for ane sadle brydle and furnitur six shilling for ane quantitie of butterr
1685 Nat. Reg. Archives (Scotl.) Rep. (Ewart Lib., Dumfries) 33.
The passes are procured … at 2 pennies Scots the peece
1686 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 48.
On hwndered pownd Scotts
c1690 Cunningham Diary 128.
10 merks Scots yearly
1690 Acts 19 July.
Twenty shillings Scots [are to be coined] out of the pound [of copper]
1698 Edinb. Test. LXXX 271.
The goods … valued … to xxx lb. vij s. Scotts
(d) 1659 Irvine Mun. II 83.
Thrie-scoar tuelfe punds Scoats of silver meall
(3) 1491 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 327.
Fourty schillingis Scottis mone
1495 Halyb. 20.
Som in Scottis mony
1503 Treas. Acc. II 215.
Summa in Inglis monee xxxv li., and in Scottis monee jcxxij li. x s.
1562 Aberd. B. Rec. I 352.
To gif her also for ane pecuniall pane xxvj s. viij d. Scottis mony
1614 Oliphants 185.
In frie blenshe ferme for payment yeirlie of ane penny Scottis money
1661 Edinb. Test. LXX 91b.
Courteines estimat to xvj lib. Scottes money
1677 Corshill Baron Ct. 143.
Ten merke Scotis money ilke boll thairof
1683 Misc. Bann. C. II 289.
The heall bookis … in his choap, estimat all to be worth jml l. Scottis money
1701 Seafield Corr. 329.
He sayes that he will have three pounds Scotis money for ech tree
(b) 1584 Gowrie P. 28.
The somme of 6000 marks Scottishe
(c) 1653 Soc. Ant. XXIII 308.
5000 pound Shotishe
(d) 1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I 316.
Ten thousand punds Scots money
1641 Acts V 676/2.
Ane merk Scotts money
1654 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) May.
Sexscoir pounds Scotts money
1690 Acts IX 206/1.
Ane imposition of two pennies Scots money … upon every pint of ale
1705–42 Irvine Mun. II 319.
Five pund and twelve shiling Skotts mune
(e) ?1662 Ray Remains in Cunningham Diary xl.
[12 pennies, or a shilling scotch … is a penny sterling
Ib. ]
Thirteen pence half-penny English is a mark Scotch
1654 Rothesay B. Rec. 3.
The sowme of seavin merks monie Scotts
1505 Rec. Earld. Orkney 204.
Foure pund Scottis payment

l. In other applications.The Scottis hous, cf. Scotch house ‘a characteristic style of 17th c. house which succeeded the early fortified tower as a laird's dwelling’ (SND, s.v. Scots adj. 1 Combs. (27)). (a) c1475 Wall. ix 850.
The Scottis defens so sykkyr was and keyn
Ib. x 703.
Feill Scottis hors was drewyn in to trawaill
1531 Bell. Boece II 365.
Baneris of Scotland, havand Sanct Androis croce abone thair harnes, on the Scottis maner
1546 Acta Conc. & Sess. MS XXI 52b.
viij compteris of Flanderis and Scottiswerkis
a1568 Bellenden Bann. MS 370a/97 colophon.
Contenit in the volome of the Scottis Croniculis
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 324/19.
Think tyme to ceis Scottis blude to spill
1577 Buch. Wr. 58.
Sum Inglis lyis and Scottis vanite
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 178/7.
The aulde Skottis facon
1598 Misc. Bann. C. II 228.
I leif to the biging and repairing of the Scottis hous fyve hundreth merkis
1594–1600 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 77b.
For thar Scotis half hiris and Frenche half hiris
1610 Hist. Kinloss A. xi.
3 bakat stullis of Scottis work
(b) a1578 Pitsc. II 242/3.
All the Scoittis schippes that war in France war all arreistit
(c) 1558-66 Knox ii 324.
And this is a part of the obligation of our Scotishe kyndnes
a1585 Maitl. Q. 187/46.
Ȝit it is not ane Scottische tred [sc. to banish traitors]
Ib. 189/73.
So tressoun is no Scottische gyse
1600 Crim. Trials II 214.
He would teach him the Scottish fashion
1612 Bk. Rates (Halyb.) 336.
Plading of Scottish making
1615 Sutherland Bk. II 116.
As to our Scottische occurrentis they ar few in number
c1616 Hume Orthog. 18.
The proposition said he I understand; the assumption is Scottish and the conclusion false
1619 Mar & Kellie MSS Suppl. 94.
We … was kyndle intertinit and feasted boith be the Inglisch and Scottisch collegis
1622 Scot Course of Conformity 8.
That Italizing craft of Scottish windings, and secret underminings
a1649 Drummond II 205/1.
The Scottish kirke the English church doe name, The English church the Scotes a kirke doe call
c1650 Spalding I 42.
It is said his majestie commendit our Scottish intertynnement
1679 Musselburgh 72.
That John Smyth shall be master of the Scottish Schoole
(d) 1613 Mar & Kellie MSS Suppl. 52.
If thaye had a lytill of our Scots humore
1623 Ib. 159.
Now good crissined gossup in the auld Scotts fassion
1632 Prognostication.
Such Scots mistie weather as may weet an English man to the skin
1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 35.
xj spoones, Scots worke
1675 Aberd. Council Lett. V 419.
For re-establishing the Scotts steple there [sc. Campheer]
1687 Shields Hind Let Loose 416.
Until James the unjust claimed it in a Scots proclamation
(e) 1646 Corrector of Answerer to Speech Justifying Thos. Challoner 12.
Ther is risen up of late a sect called the Scotch paper sect … that hath plots and designs
1648 Designs of the Present Committee of Estates 5.
Many well meaning men that having lost their way in a Scotch mist
1689 Late Proceedings 5.
Their knowledge of Scotch laws and customs
Ib. 36.
The chief conduct of the Scotch affairs

2. Of or pertaining to, the Scots, the Gaelic-speaking incomers to the west of Scotland. See Scot n. 2.Quots. Monro may properly belong to 1 above, see the note to Scot n.The source of the quot. 1570 Calderwood MS is a 19th c. transcript of one of the notes not used by Calderwood in his History. It is possible in this instance that Scottish is an error for Irish. c1200 Inchaffray Chart. 9.]
[Locus qui uocatur lingua Scottica Inche affren
1533 Boece 231b.
In oure ancient Scottis tong ‘quhayn’ is callit ‘kane’ and ‘bowcht’, ‘the congregacioun of schepe’
1535 Stewart 19833.
Gif ony war than of the Scottis blude In Albioun … Tha sould be all into the Pechtis will
a1538 Abell 52a.
He lerit Scottis leid guhen he was exilit
1570 Calderwood MS in Bk. Univ. Kirk I 175.
Mr. John Robertsone, Thesaurer of Rosse, to assist Mr. Donald Monroe, Commissioner of Rosse; because the said commissioner was not prompt in the Scottish tongue
1573-1600 Burne Disput. in Cath. Tr. 129/25.
And Beda in the descriptione of Britanie vryttis that thair is fyve toungis in it, the Inglishe toung, the Britonis toung, the Scottis toung, the Pichtis toung, and the Latine toung
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 62.
Within this tomb [on Iona] … thair lyis 48 crownit Scottis Kings
Ib. 63.
Upon the north side of our Scottis tomb the inscription beiris Tumulus Regum Norvegiæ
a1634 Read Buch. 5.
Ther is no cause that moves me to mak so light account of the decay of the ancient Scots tongue as that to my contentment I perceaue those barbar sounds by litle and litle to parish

B. absol. as noun. 1. The vernacular of lowland Scotland; the ‘older Scottish tongue’. Also attrib.Quot. Spalding (see (1) below) may be an instance of Scot n. 1 pl.Also, broad Scots.(1) 1513 Doug. i Prol. 118.
So me behufyt quhilum … Sum bastard Latyn, French or Inglys oys Quhar scant was Scottis
1559 Reg. Privy S. V i 144.
Ane instructioun for bairnis to be lernit in Scotis and Latene
1562-3 Winȝet I 138/9.
Gif ȝe, throw curiositie of nouationis, hes forȝet our auld plane Scottis quhilk ȝour mother lerit ȝou, … I sall wryte to ȝou … in Latin
1614 Crim. Trials III 289.
I haue causit him … subscryue his awin depositioune, vpoun the quhilk ȝour lo[rdship] will get mater eneuche to gar him speak Scottis
1617 Mar & Kellie MSS Suppl. 81.
In respek of the great number of Scotsmen that is ther [sc. Bourges] … it was impossible to us not to speake Scotis
1626 Edgar Old Church Life II 119 n.
[At Newbattle the Kirk-Session ordained] everie scholar to pay 10 s. for lairning to reid and write Scottis
1627 Statutes for Heriot's Hospital in A. Law Educ. Edinb. 18th c. (1965) 222.
Teach the scholeris to read and wreat Scottis
1628 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 124.
That they speik Latine … and that none be fund speiking Scottes
1646 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 787.
Mr. Adame … takis … vpone him the charge of ane scoolemaister … for learning of Scottis and Latine
c1650 Spalding II 384.
Sum thocht thay [sc. the English] war now begining to lichtlie oure Scottis, tending to ane nationall querrell
1659 Edinb. B. Rec. IX 145.
The small penalties … in this and uther colledgis … For speaking Scotis toties quoties 2 d.
1680 Rothesay Par. Rec. 53.
Everie one that learnis Scots, everie Latiner [etc.] … [to pay] … ane xij d. mo ilk ane
(b) 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 222.
An instrument called in Scottish a Turkas
1635 Canons Eccles. Ch. Scotl. 27.
All schoole-masters shall teach in Scotish or Latine … the Catechisme
1637 Baillie I 14.
Cause Angous and Rothus … to speik plaine Scottish to my Lord Duke of Lennox
1640 Dundonald Par. Rec. 466.
All the childrein learning Scottish
1644 Hume Douglas To Reader.
For the language, it is my mother-tongue, that is, Scottish, and why not to Scottish-men?
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. II 145.
He planted ministers who understood not Irish into paroshines wher ther was not a word Scottish
Ib. I 176. 1668 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I 178.
Ilk chyld within the parish … being taught … in the vulgar and Scottisch in reiding and wryteing
(c) 1633 Lithgow Poet. Remains 94.
Whose riggs speake English and their falted furres, Forgetting Scots, can speek with gilded spurres
?a1640 Copie of a Baron's Court (1821) 26.
I must speak Scots
1640 Dundonald Par. Rec. 466.
No certaine number of lessons can be appointed for them quho learns Scots, to get it being a thing that depends on the tyme of the yeir, [etc.]
1661 Stockholm New Year's Gift Sig. A 2b.
Which J. [? = I] have rendered in Scots so
1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 121.
I fell to and abuse them [sc. Frenchmen] in Scots, as logerhead, ye are a sheip, etc. Their was no way I could anger them worse then to speak in Scots to them
1676 McKay Kilmarnock 135.
The quarter payments for the schoolers [were] 23 s. 4 d. for Latine, and 16 s. 8 d. for the Scots
1685 Acts VIII App. 46/1.
Efter publict reading of the said lybill of treasone in Scots
(2) 1683-4 Dick Testim. 48.
The nature of my jests shall be such, as we call in Latin, Seria mixta jocis, and in broad Scots, half jest half earnest
a1706 Sibbald Hist. of Picts in Misc. Scot. I ii 72.
And Runolph Jonas, in his small Islandick dictionary … has some thousands of words which have much the affinity with what we call broad Scots
Ib. I ii 75.(b) 1693 Sage Fundam. Chart. Presb. Pref. Sig. b 2b.
I was obliged to read so many books written in right broad Scotch … that ‘tis little to be wondered if my book abounds with Scotticisms
(3) 1534 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 422.
Thir new bukis maid be the said Lutheris secteis baith in Latyne, Scottis, Inglis and Flemys
c1535 Lennox Mun. II 349.
Quhylk ȝe may se be lettres wryt batht into Franc and into Scottis
1542–3 Acts II 415/1.
It salbe lefull to all our souirane ladyis lieges to haif the haly write … in the vulgar toung in Inglis or Scottis of ane gude and trew translatioun
1560 Rolland Seven S. Prol. 25.
Maister Williame Stewart, To mak in Scottis, richt weill he knew that art
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 8.
[The regent] sal geif the interpretation in Scottis correspondant to the Latin, garrying thayme all writ
Id. Detect. (1727) 93.
Ane uther wryting in Scottis
1579 Acts III 134/1.
Quhilk summondis … being red … first in Latine thairefter in Scottis
1596 Dalr. I 269/7.
Icon, quhilke in Greke is namet ane image in Scotis
Ib. II 180/9.
Exprement planelie and perfytlie in Scotis
1622-6 Bisset I 6/31.
He … caused imprent the samin stemmattis at Rowane in Scottis, Latyne [etc]
(4) 1494 Loutfut MS 78a.
The figuris of armes [etc.] … translatit owt of Fraynche in Scottis
c1508 Ch. & M. Prints (STS) 65/133.
The Porteous of Noblenes translatit out of Franche in Scottis be Maistir Androw Cadiou
1562-3 Winȝet II xxxv title-page.
A … buke … Neulie translatit in Scottis
Gathering of the Halie Signes (title) in 1562-3 Winȝet I lxxiv.
Translatit out of Frenche into Scottis
1596 Dalr. I v title-page.
In Scotis translated at Regensburgh in the Scotis clostir of Byrland be ane religious brother thair
Ib. II 179/29.
A special takne of his ingine was in translateng the Eneids of Virgil in Scotis
attrib. 1675 Grant Burgh Schools 136.
[The inhabitants [of Ayr] forbidden to send their children to any other Scots schools than the public Scots school]
1693 Stirling B. Rec. II 340.
To Androw Watsone, Scots dominie

2. = Scot n. 1 pl. c1650 Spalding I 214.
The Scottish humelie desyrit his majestie to appoint sum of the English to heir thair humill desyres

3. The Gaelic language, supposedly spoken by the Scots before they arrived in Ireland, and then believed to survive as Basque (see quot.). c1420 Wynt. ii 857.
Than wes in it [sc. Britain] thre natyownys, Scottish, Peychtis and Brettownys. Part off the Scottis yhit left in Spayn, Quhen thai war cumyn in tyll Brettane, And Scottis thai spekys halyly. And yhit are callyde Navarry

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