A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Thring(e, Thryng, v. Also: thrink, throng. P.t. thrynde, thyrnde, thrang(e. P.p. thrungin, -yne, ythrungin, throngyne, thringin, thrung, throung, thronged. [ME and e.m.E. þringe(n (a1250), thring (Cursor M.), thrynge(n (Chaucer), OE þringan, p.t. þrang (pl. þrungon), p.p. þrungen.]
1. intr. To assemble in a crowd; to flock (to a place). 1375 Barb. xix 70.
The pepill ferly fast gan thring Him and his myscheyff for to se 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1139.
The companie all haillelie, leist and best, Thrang to the well to drink 1513 Doug. iv iv 2.
As Phebus rays, fast to the ȝettis thringis The chos gallandis
2. To press or push forward against, or as against, a crowd or obstacle; to push one's (its) way forcefully (furth, in(-till), out, through, to). Also reflex.pres. 1375 Barb. vi 82.
Swa strait wes the wp-cummyng That twa men mycht nocht samyn thring Na on na maner pres thaim swa That thai to-gidder mycht land ta 1375 Barb. vi 135.
Thai … That saw him stand thar anyrly Thringand in-till the water rad ?1438 Alex. ii 10138.
On fute ȝit was the nobill king, Bot Tholomeir can to him thring, With ane stede arrayit rychely 1533 Boece 549b.
Wallace … thringing amang the thikest in front with felloun slauchter quhare euer he went c1590 Fowler I 106/56.
I lookeing thair did sie the Syracusian king Called Hero, and thair than agane with him prease to thring Hammilcar 1638 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 546.
So narrow is the entry to heaven … that we may thring in, stooping low, and creeping through(b) 1618 Bk. Univ. Kirk III 1156.
That afternoone, the whole number thronging in … came thither 1628 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 120.
That they may goe out quietlie not thronging or injuring ane another 1649 Sel. Biog. I 387.
Christ's door is yet half open; you have time to throng in 1667 Lauderdale P. II. 20.
Then worlds of hid things will throng forthp.t. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 520.
& I ful besyly with-al Thrange in amange tham all c1420 Wynt. viii 1812.
And at thai yhettis oppyn then Fast thrang [C. thrange] [in] the Inglys men a1500 Peblis to Play 131.
Thay thrang out at the dure at anis Withouttin ony reddin c1475 Wall. iv 454.
Thrys apon fute he thrang throuch all the rout a1500 K. Hart 583.
So come thai in ilkane throw uther thrang 15.. Clar. ii 1637.
The sound [sc. of trumpets] out throw the silver mettel thrang Whill all the grit hall throw the noyise rangreflex. 1557 Peebles B. Rec. I 237.
He … put furth his hand, egling to mak him ane gait and for desplesour of na man … bot to thring him self throw the mercat becaus it wes thrang c1610 Melville Mem. 276.
To thring them selues in about the yong King, and keip him
b. To squeeze past (by) (someone). 1513 Doug. v vi 67.
Hys tays choppand on hys heill al the gayt, Writhand with hys schuldir to haue thrung hym by
c. To rise up forcefully, billow. 1513 Doug. ix ii 3.
A dusty sop vprysand … Full thik of stowr vp thryngand in the ayr
3. tr. To thrust, push, force, drive. Also, to thring on, to impale, skewer.Cf. Out-thring v. a1400 Leg. S. xi 531.
He … the patent with hyme brocht … & in the erde can it thrink a1400 Leg. S. xliv 301.
His frendis … A sword in hire hals can thryng Bot that hire refit nocht the speking c1420 Wynt. viii 6737.
A stalwart barres … Off mekyll bastyn rapis thringin Throw stowpis that rycht deipe ware dungin Wythin the erd c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 165.
Quhere [as] sum were slungin Be quhirlyng of the quhele, vnto the ground, Full sudaynly sche hath thaim vp ythrungin And set thame on agane a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 993 (Asl.).
Apon his hed thai thrang a crovne of thorne a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 605.
Apoun his heid the crowne of thorn thai threw, With sa gret preis quhill thai his harnis persit; Fra the [harn] pane thai all the blude out thrang a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1328.
Ane stane … to clois the sepultur With richt gret force before the graif thai thrang c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 8/46.
Unneis with lyf he micht sustene That croun on thrungin with crueltie 1533 Boece 568b.
His jevellouris … pressing ane squarit burde in his wame assaying gif tharethrow thai mycht thring the saule out of the body 1535 Stewart 28784.
The speiris scharpe … Throw all thair armour in thair flesche tha thrang a1540 Freiris Berw. 134 (M).
This fayr wyf … thringis on fat capounis on the speit 15.. Clar. ii 1766.
Sir, ȝe ar perrellous Amongs ladies in companie to stand That so can thring thir billis in thair hand a1568 Scott ii 174.
Sum cryd the koward suld be keild Sum doun the hewche he thrang c1590 Fowler I 304/11.
Now to the ground my kneis I humblie thring a1605 Montg. Devot. P. viii 36.
Then a ring Did he thring On my finger, that wes fyne 1690 Leven & Melv. P. 477.
They haue thronged too much aquavitæ upon us. … wee had enough before this came
b. To brandish, swing. c1475 Wall. xi 621.
About he turned and wp his armys thrang; On thai traytours with knychtlik fer he dang a1500 Colk. Sow i 218.
Thurlgill thrang till a club So fers he flaw in a dub
c. To thrust or cast (a person) in(to) (prison). a1400 Leg. S. i 86.
Thane gert he rath Sanct Petire bynde And in harde presone hym thrynde [MS thyrnde] a1400 Leg. S. vi 504.
Caryse askit at the kynge That he mycht Thomas thraly thringe In-to presone
d. To clasp, enclose. a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1237.
On the ledder Joseph clame abone. Fra hand to fute the nalis out thai dang. That hevinlie hurde syne in armis he thrang
e. To bind or tie securely. a1500 K. Hart 205.
Thay kan thame bundin bring Agane vnto thair quene and bandis thring About thair handis and feit a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 600.
The purpour claith abut his corps thai thring
4. To thring doun. a. = Doun-thring v. to press or thrust down; to suppress. b. intr. To kill.a. a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii 349.
& fore that he herde reherse That in … Perce Cristine treutht wes throngyne don Yddyr he rad 1533 Gau 35/6.
He is the seid of voman quhilk God promist suld thring dwne the heid of the serpent 1556 Lauder Off. Kings 220.
Itt suld nocht be hid, nor obscurit, It suld nocht be throung down, nor smuritb. a1500 Rauf C. 197.
The forestaris … haue me all at inuy for dreid of the deir, Thay threip that I thring doun of the fattest
5. tr. To subject to pushing, jostle; to press up against. Also fig. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 607.
For in the tempil enterit ilkane … bot I alane … I wes sa thrungyne & mad sare, That, tho I wald, I mycht nomare c1520-c1535 Nisbet Luke viii 42.
And it befell the quhile he went he was thrungin [W. throngun, P. thrungun] of the pepile 1655 Glasgow B. Rec. II 315.
The counsell seatt in the Hie Kirk is oftintymes thronged wnmanerlie be young men 1666 Peebles B. Rec. II 71.
The said supplicant hes built ane steip in the North-gate, which with ane other steip … so throngs the malt that the same is in poynt of spillingfig. 1664 Sel. Biog. I 456.
I had no opportunity of doing this the little time I was there, being so thronged with visits
b. p.p. Of a place: Closely packed, crowded. 1695 Gallienus Redivivus 4.
The garison of Inverlochy being throng'd and Glenco being commodious for quartering, those soldiers were sent thither to quarter
6. To penetrate, pierce, stab. a. tr. Also fig. b. intr. Only fig.a. ?1438 Alex. ii 9798.
Quhill I the king Slay, or throw the body thring!fig. ?1438 Alex. ii 107.
The anger thrang his hart sa fast, His vissage blaknit at the lastb. a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1252.
Cair maid his cave invart, Thrang throw hir hert 15.. Clar. iii 1516.
The crampe of death did [fast] to his heart thring
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"Thring v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 21 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/thringe>