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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Ȝed(e, Yed(e, Ȝeid, Yeid, Ȝud(e, Yude, p.t. Also: ȝheid(e, yheid, yheyd, yied, ȝet, ȝid, ȝ(h)yd, yid, yit, ȝaid, yaid, ȝhed, yhed(e, yeed, ȝead, yead, ȝhud(e, yhud(e, ȝhuyde, ȝowde, ȝode, ȝoid, ȝood, yhood. [ME and e.m.E. ȝæde, ied- (both 1154), ȝiede (c1200), ȝod (c1250), ȝet (Layamon), ȝede (1297), ȝeide, ȝide, ȝodd (all Cursor M.), ȝeede, ȝude (both Trevisa), yad (c1435), ȝeyde (1487), OE eode.] intr. The past tense of Ga v. Cf. went, p.t. of Wend v. See the note to Ga v. See also Ourga v.

I. Of a person or animal.

1. Went; moved; walked ((ap)on(e a surface or on a means of locomotion). (Ga v. 1.)(1) a1400 Leg. S. i 499.
Petir … sad … 'Gyf he liffis he ma spek and ga And othir lifly taknis ma' … And Petir … cryit … 'Thu ȝong man ryse … ' Than rase the dedman … And ȝed
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Acts iii 8.
His leggis and his feet war sowdit togiddir; and he lap, and stude, and yede [W., P. wandride]
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Acts xiv 9.
Paule … said … , Rijse thou vp richt on thi feet. And he lap, and yede [W., P. walkide]
(2) a1400 Leg. S. i 32.
[Peter] … as one dry land ȝed one se
1501–2 Mill Mediæv. Plays 318.
To the spelair that ȝeid on the cord
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 127/29.
Our saluiour ȝeid apone the see vith His verray natural body
(3) ?a1537-1550 Scrimȝeour MS 1a.
Quhen he raid or ȝeid on fut or hors

2. Went, travelled, made one's way. (Ga v. 2.) 1602 Dundonald Par. Rec. 17.
He went to … Barrassie and requyrit the indwelleris … to cum and assist him to [etc.] … onlie Robert Blair yed with him

3. Const. prep. phr. or adv. indicating the direction or destination of movement. Also in collocation with come. (Ga v. 3, 4, Wend v. 1.) b. Const. agayn: Went against, attacked. c. Const. eftir : Went after, pursued. d. Const. for: Went for, fetched. e. To grund yhude: Fell. f. With adv., etc. indicating in what the movement consisted or how it was performed. See also Hiddy-giddy adv. for further examples.(1) 1375 Barb. iii 112.
Than with a will till hym thai ȝede
a1400 Leg. S. l 70.
To the emprioure … Scho ȝed
c1420 Wynt. v 3473.
Wyth that the ymage … Off oure Ladye agayne past, And in the tabernakyll yhede
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. iv 23.
Jesus yede about al Galilee … heiland … ilk seeknes amang the pepile
(b) 1375 Barb. v 582.
A chamber page thar with him ȝeid … Towart the cowert gan him ga
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1560.
The which brayes endlong he ȝheid
?1438 Alex. ii 425.
About the altar ȝeid he thryse
?1438 Alex. ii 10902.
Before the king thay ȝeid
a1500 K. Hart 693.
Dame Plesance harde and on hir wayis scho ȝeid Richt to the king
1502 Treas. Acc. II 147.
To the bote men of the Cristofer that yheid on burd
1506 Treas. Acc. III 342.
To marinaris ȝeid to Maij in the Lioun with the king
1535 Stewart 43397.
He … sark allane … barfeit … to Canterberrie ȝeid
(c) a1500 Henr. Fab. 196.
And thus thay fure … Syne fute for fute vnto the chalmer ȝude
a1500 Seven S. 2489.
In the schip thai ȝud And drewe wp saile
(d) 1523 Wigtown B. Ct. 145b.
He ȝhyd with his careagis to the [blank] [etc.]
(e) 1600 Acts IV 206/2.
Passit to the kingis maiestie and ȝaid about him and drew his quhinger
(2) 1436 Coll. Aberd. & B. 394.
The quhilk … assise … yede out of the courte … bade furth lang space and … in come agayn
1535 Stewart 16073.
In to Scotland richt oft scho come and ȝude
a1605 Montg. Devot. P. iii 29.
The angels come and ȝeid From hevin to earth
(3) c1420 Wynt. vi 1042.
Thai yheyd … in to that place Quhare [etc.]
1523–4 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 195.
Sen my lord of Angus yid furth of Scotland
1551 Hamilton Cat. 82.
His hair fessinit about a … brance of ane aik tre, his mule yeid away fra under him
1576 Crim. Trials I ii 52.
Sche … ȝeid vp with him to the kill-end
(4) a1400 Leg. S. x 134.
The haly spyrit … gerte vs con al menys lede To speke quhare-sa-euire we ȝede
c1420 Wynt. ii 38.
Ane archare … wele behelde quhare Nynus yhude
1587–8 Cal. Sc. P. IX 541.
The crownar is cumit hame [sc. from Denmark] … the crownar hes done mair with the king nor all the imbassatouris that ȝude [pr. ȝird] therof befor
(b) 1513 Doug. ii xii 21 (Sm.).
Throw howsis and the citie quhar I ȝoid [Ruddim. ȝode]
(5) a1400 Leg. S. xviii 860.
I fand a kyrk Thar ȝed I in
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2288.
Frome thyne in poverte furth we ȝude, Quhill that we come to this cuntre
c1420 Wynt. v 2724.
On thai yhud Till thai met wyth the emprioure
?14.. Ship Laws c. 11 (H1).
Gif he ȝid [B. yhede] away the maistir aw nocht to perfurnis his waige
1428 Liber Melros 521.
The saide assis ȝeid to gidder & saide at thai fande the West Maynis twa plew of lande
1442 Aberd. B. Rec. MS IV 289 (10 Dec.).
John of Troup rase vp and ȝeid furth
a1500 Henr. Fab. 255 (A).
The eldest mous was gyde & ȝeid [Bass., Ch., B. went] beforne
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2415.
The tod come hailland vp, the volff ȝeid doun
1545 Elgin Rec. I 84.
Sche ȝeid widersonnis about mennis hous
a1578 Pitsc. I 43/21.
Thair fatheris consall … that they ȝeid never baitht togither quhair thair was ony appeirance of … danger
a1578 Pitsc. I 283/17.
The earle … ȝeid bak and was schassit
1611 Ellon Presb. 92.
He yied south … to Sanct Androis
1650 Elgin Rec. II 270.
Being delate for going to the Freir Kirk to pray … confessed scho yeid in and prayed
b. 1375 Barb. xviii 407.
Thai lychtyt and agayn thaim ȝeid
c. a1570-86 Maitl. F. 361/57.
In hy eftir that heynd I ȝeid
d. 1502 Treas. Acc. II 149.
Quhen he ȝeid for the kingis harnas
1507 Lanark B. Rec. 17.
For ane absolutione to the balye to John Dewar quha yed for it
1546 Treas. Acc. VIII 479.
To certane servandis … that yeid for his hors
e. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 577.
The feght … Quhil Gaudifeir and Galiot baith to grund yhude
f. 1549 Compl. 159/27.
The ȝong partan vald nocht gang euyn furtht, but rather sche ȝeid crukit, bakuart and on syd
a1578 Pitsc. II 17/18.
He was ane strang man … and ȝeid brent and right wpe in his passage

4. With nominal complement indicating rate of progression, route or distance. Cf. Way n. 3 a. Also fig. (Ga v. 4 b, Wend v. 1 d.) 1375 Barb. vii 203* (C).
Till hym thai ȝeid a full gret pas
1375 Barb. ix 204.
Till Auld Meldrum thai ȝeid the way
a1400 Leg. S. i 368.
Symon ȝed his gettis fre
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 304.
He … buskit hame the samyne way that he before yude
a1500 Rauf C. 595.
Leidand coillis he ȝeid To Paris the way
1528 Lynd. Dreme 655.
The persoun … ȝeid … ten liggis in certane
a1568 Bann. MS 155b/1.
I ȝeid the gait wes nevir gane
fig. 1521–2 Doug. in Doug. (Sm.) I xc.
The freir that seykis pensyoun apon my benefice of Dunkeld … sais … I sall regret that euir I yeid that gait
a1585 Maitland in Maitl. Q. 61/21.
Quhen I for sibnes to him socht It wes the wrang way that I ȝeid

5. Went to, proceeded to, engaged in (an action or activity). a. Const. prep. phrase (apon, till, to, etc.). b. Const. infin. Also const. about, took pains (to do something). c. With a second active verb linked by and expressing the activity engaged in: Went and did something.a. a1400 Leg. S. xxvi 59.
Vtheris to playine ȝed
a1400 Leg. S. xxx 422.
Quhat thing thai bad hir do, But gruching scho ȝede it to
?1438 Alex. i 493.
Gif I ȝeid [in] this message As sould ane knaif do
c1420 Wynt. vii 3000.
Schyre Willame … yhed till his bed
c1420 Wynt. viii 1485.
Alway quhen scho yhed till mete
1431–2 Ayr B. Ct. 10 Feb. (see *Helter n.2). 1459 Peebles B. Rec. I 132.
The balyais chessyt of the best … men of the town xiij for … tyl dissyide makeris of that fechtyng … the gud men that yeid apon it and [etc.]
c1475 Wall. viii 346.
Sone till aray ȝeid this gud chewalry
c1500 Fyve Bestes 345.
The king … To counsall ȝeid
1513 Doug. ix iv 41.
Sammyn thai ȝeid to mete, to rest or play
1531 Bell. Boece I lvii.
Al rank madinnis and wiffis … yeid als weill to battall as the men
a1538 Abell 86b.
Thai ȝid first to pennence & laubouris
1560 Rolland Seven S. 2498.
Thow … to thy hures ȝeid
1563 Cal. Sc. P. II 77.
After noone the lordes yede to the sermon
1614 Inverness Rec. II 120.
Confessit … that they ȝeid in handie grippis
(b) 1558-66 Knox I 89.
He … yead to bed
(c) 1567 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 68.
Scho yit to the tabill afoir the reconsilieatoun afor the kirk
b. (1) c1420 Wynt. v 1061.
[He] gert ordan … That quhen thai yhed to sacrify [etc.]
c1475 Wall. i 436.
He ȝeid to fysche no mar
a1500 Seven S. 1537.
Scho said ‘I ȝeid to seike a knyf'
15.. Wyf Awcht. 85.
Than he ȝeid to tak vp the bairnis
1566 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 49.
Allexander yed to feche sum claythis
a1568 Scott v 18.
In May quhen men ȝeid … With Robene Hoid and Littill Johne, To bring in bowis and birkin bobbynis
1578–9 Reg. Privy C. III 78.
They quhom they yeid to have distroyed (I meane the Grahames)
1587 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 284.
For ix menis disiwnis or thai ȝid to put wp the bell
1627 Elgin Rec. II 202.
He … ȝeid of intent to sie who was there
(2) 1567 Acts III 27/2.
[Mary and Bothwell] ȝeid about be indirect and colourit menis to … hald bak the knawlege of the treuth
1568 Haddington Corr. 271.
Our said darrest spous … yeid about to depryse ws
c. a1400 Leg. S. l 70.
Scho ȝed and sad til hym
1457 Peebles B. Rec. I 122.
Qwen the curt was don the balyeis yhed and gayf sessyng to the said John
1633 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 352.
Thomas yaid and tuik the said bot with him

d. Applied pressure to, prevailed on (a person). c1420 Wynt. iii 195.
This wyff swa on hyr husband yhede [C. ȝheide] That hym behowyd … Tell hyr all the suthfastnes

e. Ȝeid to the horne, were proclaimed outlaws. (Horn n.1 2 c.) 16.. Hist. Kennedy 27.
The laird … and his … serwandis ȝeid to the horne

f. Const. prep. phr., adv. or p.p.: Indicating a state or habitual manner of being. c1420 Wynt. ii 330.
His brodyre … Slew a kyde and in the blude Wet the gown that he [sc. Joseph] in yhude [C. ȝhuyde, W. ȝude]
1531 Bell. Boece I lvi.
Thay yeid commonly bairfutit
15.. King Berdok 10.
Kingis vsit nocht to weir clayis in tha dayis, Bot ȝeid naikit
1623 Elgin Rec. II 180.
Scho … said also it was not sa with hir quhan scho yeed with a blankat about hir ars

6. a. Adopted, took on, accepted, succumbed to (an attitude, point of view, belief system, state of mind). Const. prep. phr., adj., adv. (Ga v. 5 c, Wend v. 6). Also succumbed to (circumstances, conflict). b. Changed in state, specif. const. to deid, till hevyn, died, and to the quick, came to life. c. Was included in a communication. d. ? Intended, meant.a. (1) 1375 Barb. i 333.
And till swylk thowlesnes he ȝeid As the cours askis off ȝowtheid
a1400 Leg. S. xxix 297.
Thane wes the feynd wondir wa That Placydas lewit hym sa & ȝet on Crist
a1500 Lanc. 1485.
Ay when thei ȝhed in to his ways richt, Ther fois gon befor there suerd to nocht
1527 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 89.
Thai say Willem Ker and Jhone yeid [MS ȝeid] by thaim [sc. the members of the inquest] to ane uther composition
1560 Rolland Seven S. 2532.
To baudrie ȝe ȝaid baith lait and air
1562 Q. Kennedy Ressoning 210.
Yit ȝeid I not to mannis imagination bot to the plaine text and grounded me upon the wordes of the text
(2) ?1438 Alex. ii 5081.
Porrus ȝeid malancoliand
a1500 K. Hart 416.
Dame Chastite that selie innocent For wo ȝeid wode
a1508 Kynd Kittok 31 (Ch. & M.).
Saint Petir hat hir with a club … becaus the wif ȝeid wrang
a1538 Abell 48b.
He degenerit in crudelite and … eftirwert ȝed wod
(3) 1535 Stewart 2044.
Lautie wes lost, forleit wes all the lawes, The waik estait that tyme ȝeid to the wawes
b. (1) 1375 Barb. xv 72.
Thaim that thai gat to ded all ȝhud
a1500 Bk. Chess 135.
Quhen Socrates to deid for iustice ȝeid
a1500 Seven S. 2781.
He governit his land in rest & peis Syne ȝeid till hevyn
(2) 1567 G. Ball. 41.
Gif ony to the quick ȝeid from the deide
c. a1500 Lanc. 2942.
Quhen he … planly wnderstude How that the quen not in the mesag ȝude He … was not content
d. c1420 Wynt. viii 1028.
For scho trowyd bot honeste Set by that sum-thyng yhede he [C. ȝheide, W. Bot all other wayis menyt he]

II. Of a thing, material or non-material.

7. Went, moved, travelled; was caused to move, was transported in some fashion. Const. prep. phr. or adv. Also without construction, functioned. Also of a part of the body.(1) 1375 Barb. ii 428.
Then off his hand the brydill yhed
1375 Barb. xi 120.
Off cartis als thar ȝeid thaim by Sa fele
?1438 Alex. ii 9736.
The suerd sklentit and forby ȝude Glasane doun richt by his face
1460 Hay Alex. 2997.
And with thai chenȝeis linkit thame [sc. the felled trees] so fast That quhare ane ȝeid all suld toggidder ga
1495 Edinb. Hammermen 9.
Quhen the sacrament ȝeid throcht the toune to the child at bur the banaris in drink
1496 Treas. Acc. I 284.
For a last of beyr that ȝeid to Striuelin
1501 Treas. Acc. II 42.
For jc elne carsay to hir quhilk ȝeid to Ternway
1537–8 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 220.
For recovering of ane gret jest that yeid away fra the said flot
1573 Sempill in Sat. P. xxxix 97.
The vehement schot ȝeid in at ather syde
1577 Glasgow B. Rec. I 64.
The auld bell that yed throw the towne of auld at the buriall of the deid
1620 Grant Chart. 322.
To ane man who fand Thomas Johnestounes clok, quhilk yed with the water
(2) 1571 Black Bk. Taymouth 137.
Fra that furth … gret frost that no plwis ȝyd quhil aucht dayis eftyr
(3) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 100/4.
The ane futt ȝeid ay onrycht
15.. Clar. i 57.
His fute sadly throw the stirrip ȝeid

b. Of blood, poison, water: Flowed. 1375 Barb. xii 560 (C).
Quhill throu the byrneis brist the blud, That till the erd doune stremand ȝud
?1438 Alex. i 2102.
He sawe him bathit all in blude, That stremand fra his woundis ȝude
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 824.
Hys blood That streymand out hys body yhood [D. ȝood]
1513 Doug. vii vi 81.
The furyus poyson … Deip in hir breist and entralis swiftly ȝeid
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 168.
The watter … yeid out at the bred syd [of the mill-lade]

c. Of a track, etc.: Went, took its course. 1605 Prestwick B. Rec. 86.
Quhilk kar gait ȝid throw the said John McQuharreis ȝard of befoir

d. Of the sun, daylight: Went doun (to), set; faded. (Wend v. 1 f.) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 228.
Quhen it drew to the dirk nycht, and the day yeid doun
1537 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 186.
He said that he suld red it all or the sone yeid to

e. With non-material subject. c1475 Wall. vii 230.
Vengeance off this throuch out that kynrik ȝeid
a1578 Pitsc. I 369/24.
Thair ȝeid sic murning throw the contrie
1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv 327.
With this the word yead through the toun How [etc.]
a1605 Birrel Diary 54.
Word ȝead to the king and queine

8. a. Of a thing: Broke, shattered in (splinters, etc.). b. Of a fire: Went out, became extinguished.a. ?1438 Alex. ii 1634.
Marciane … hit him, that … His mekill speir in splendris ȝeid
?1438 Alex. ii 6279.
Baith thair speiris … Richt to thare neiffis in peces ȝeid
b. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4996.
The fire lestit, and neuer mair ȝeid out

9. a. Of coinage: Remained in circulation. b. Of (the value of) corn: Stood (at, efter a particular time). c. Of cloth: Went in (= into) (the making of) a garment.a. ?1490 Tytler Hist. II 389.
Thair was black cunye … strikin and ordynit be King James the Thred … And thai yeid twa yier and mair
b. 1529 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 100.
And the said Jhone to tak the boll as it yeid [MS ȝeid] one the Thirsday efter Michelmes day
1564 Perth B. Ct. 188 (21 Nov.).
Oblist him nocht to pay him at Pasche bot as the feir ȝeid at Mertymes
c. c1500 Crying of Play 39.
Five thousand ellis ȝeid in his frog Of hieland pladdis of haire

10. Of events, circumstances, states of affairs: Took a particular course, turned out; progressed, developed. Const. prep. phr., adv. b. Const. with: Went well, turned out favourably for a person. c. Of an office or title: Passed in succession. 1375 Barb. i 90.
Thai trowyt that he … Wald hawe iugyt in lawte, Bot othir-wayis all ȝheid the gle
1375 Barb. iii 302.
For his caus ȝeid fra ill to wer
1375 Barb. vii 36.
He … said … That he suld weng thar blowde, Bot other-wayis the gamyn ȝowde
c1420 Wynt. v 5002.
He wan … prowes … Wyth prayerys … Thare wes na thyng in to dede That in hys tyme agayne hym yhede
1432 Ayr B. Ct. 12 May (see *Helter n.2). 1456 Hay I 180/12.
For sa ȝede ordour bakwart qwhen the les ledis the mare
1513 Doug. ii vii 110.
By multitude and nowmyr apon ws set All ȝeid to wraik
a1568 Waus Corr. 58.
I taik God to witnes quhudder it yid far in my haycht or nocht the offence at I commyttit to yow
1570 Sat. P. x 117.
Sa lang all thing ȝeid weill and wes weill drest
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 178.
It [sc. his illness] wes cassin on him on ane Sonday … quhilk yeid befoir him lyk mousswobis, and culd nocht be helpit
1615 Bk. Islay 290.
Howsoever the erand of Dunoveg yed, he had ane warand past be his Majeste
b. 1375 Barb. viii 122.
Thaim thocht … thai suld les thar fayis dreid Sen thar purpos sa with thaim ȝeid
c1400 Troy-bk. i 212.
So fayrly Fortune with thame ȝhude
1558-66 Knox I 208.
All yead with the preastis eavin at thare awin pleasur
c. 1456 Hay I 214/9.
Efter that the empire ȝede be electioun. Bot before … it ȝede all be lyne of heritage and successioun
1490 Irland Mir. III 148/5.
And [= if] the realme ȝeid be eleccioun … thar war perell of sedicioun and diuisioun

11. Of time, const. oure, up: Passed, concluded. 1572–3 Reg. Privy C. II 189.
Obtenit letters … to enter him in possessioun of the saidis fischeingis … and broukit the same thairefter quhill fischeing tyme yeid up
c1500 Fyve Bestes 222.
The houre ȝeid oure the cok he held him clos

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