A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
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Ȝer(e, Yer(e, Ȝeir(e, Yeir(e, n. Also: ȝher(e, yher(e, iere, ȝheir, yheir(e, ȝeyr(e, yeyr(e, yheyr, ȝier(e, yier(e, ȝeer(e, yeer, yheere, ȝear(e, year(e, yir, ȝair, yar, heir. [ME ȝere, ȝier, hier (all c1200), ȝer, ȝær (both Orm), yere, yeir(e (all Cursor M.) yhere (1357), ȝeer (Piers Plowman), yeer (Chaucer), yeare (1548), OE ᵹéar (Anglian ᵹér).See also Farnȝer n., Lepe ȝere n. and New-ȝer(e n.
1. a. A year, a period of twelve months, esp. as occurring in the process of time and events but not specifically delimited as a particular year.Some examples may belong in sense 2.Chiefly in adverbial phrases, with or without a preposition. Also proverb., attrib. and possess. Freq. const. uninfl. pl. See also Spac(e n. 1. for examples of space of … ȝeris.Ȝeir of Jubile, Yherys (Ȝ(h)ere) of grace, a year-long period of emancipation in Jewish history, or remission of sins (see quot. Abell).(1) a1400 Leg. S. i 540.
And quhen a ȝer wes passit by, Symon to Nero com agane a1500 Lanc. 23.
The scharpe dais and the hewy ȝerys, Quhill Phebus thris haith passith al his speris 1533 Bell. Livy I 47/11.
He set him to ordoure the ȝere; And first he dividit the ȝere in xij monethis be cours of the mone 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1323.
It is half a ȝeir almaist Sen evir that loun laborit my leddirpl. a1605 Montg. Sonn. ii 6.
Boud Zodiak, circle-belting Phœbus bounds, Celestiall signis, of moneths making ȝeers a1603 Anc. Prophecies 9.
Be the yheris of Cryst comyn and gone, Fully nynty ande nyneuninfl. pl. a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 144/19.
All the aige, ȝeire, and tymes sene the heresye of Ecolampadius(2) sing. 1375 Barb. vi 185.
To ask haly the heritage Off Thebes till hald for a ȝer [C. ȝeir] 1409 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 74.
To refonde … a hvndir ponde … with[in] a yheir at twa vsuale termys of hit that is to say Witsonday & Martymes neist eftirfolowand gif hit hapynys the contrac … of mariage … to faylyhe c1420 Wynt. ii 601.
The forbodyn dayis, In ilk moneth off the yhere, Begynand fyrst in Januere c1420 Wynt. iv 38.
Before hym Marche wes … The fyrst begynnyng off the yhere 14.. Burgh Laws c. 31 (A).
Ilk broustar that brewis in burgh thru all the ȝer [B. al the yhere] sall gif to burrow greff iiii d. 1456 Hay I 143/35.
Rycht gladly walde he do that, sa that he war payit of his wagis for a ȝere c1456 Edinb. B. Rec. MS (Reg. H.) 2.
And sua restis alanerlie xl s. to be pait within a ȝere as said is 1461 Montrose Baillie Ct. 17a (3 May).
Alexander Cant … has tane halff of a nete of Nwrthesk for ane yhere in this next a1500 Henr. Fab. 563.
Turne agane and say that I and ȝe Freindis ar maid and fellowis for ane ȝeir 1490 Irland Mir. III 139/3, 4.
It is elik to tak the vernale tym and the begynnyng of the ȝer that is the first thre monethis fra the ȝeir 1507 Prestwick B. Rec. 40.
[Chosen] brostar for j ȝer Katrine of Dayll 1536 Fam. Rose 204.
Seruand to the said Huchoun for ane yeyr 1533 Bell. Livy II 84/29.
I will tharefore mak ane law, that this office sall nocht endure abone vj monethis, or ellis ane ȝere at the maist c1590 Fowler II 28/31.
His scabrous compend for the space of halfe a ȝeir did in weary affternoins refresch vspl. a1500 Seven S. 49.
The child … sall be lerd Within foure ȝeris our sciens all 1556 Aberd. B. Rec. I 299.
That Alexander Rutherfurd aucht and suld be obeyit … in tyme cumyng, induring the yeiris of his assedatioune off Sanct Nicholace mett 1567–8 Glasgow Prot. V 108.
The saidis … upone ane daye … viz. upone Yule evyn … in the hie kirk of Glasgw ony yeir nixt following the space of thre yeiris immediatlie following the daye and dait heirof to content and paye [etc.]uninfl. pl. 1375 Barb. i 532.
Alexander … conqueryt … all this warld … In [tuelf] yher 1391 MacRae Early Sc. Texts 3/14.
Wauter has tan … the landis off Cauerton for four ȝer pessabel for xxxii mark off syluer … the forsaid Wauter or his ayris be disstrowblit in ony tym off the forsaid four ȝer 1398–99 Liber Melros II 488.
Me … Archebalde … be halden … and … obligede … to the house of Melros in foure skore and ten pond … to pay … to thame … within the termes of twa yhere(3) sing. 14.. Burgh Laws c. 51 (B).
And gyf he brewis half ayher he sal gyf ii d. a1500 Henr. Fab. 228.
Baith meit and dreink, harberie and hous, Salbe ȝour awin, will ȝe remane al ȝeir 1604-31 Craig ii 84.
When Ædipus did foolishly resigne His kingdome to his sonnes, that he & he … yeare about should raigne 1675 Rothesay B. Rec. 339.
That noe person … be … put on the bailliff leites any tyme herafter wntill once they be a yeir theasurer of the said burghpl. a1500 Seven S. 54.
He askit bot twa ȝeris till his taxt a1500 Henr. Bludy Serk 6.
The lord was anceane and ald And sexty ȝeiris cowth ringuninfl. pl. 1375 Barb. i 39.
The land [sex] ȝer & mayr … Lay desolat eftyr hys day 1375 Barb. i 345.
In Parys ner thre ȝer duellyt he 1375 Barb. ix 300.
Eftre that weile [fyfty] ȝer [C. ȝheir] Men menyt the herschip off Bouchane a1400 Leg. S. v 540.
Quhene Sancte John had luffit here Fullely fourscore and sextene ȝere c1420 Wynt. iii 639.
He regnyd thretty yhere [C. ȝhere, W. ȝeris] and ane 1549 Compl. 97/25 (see 2 (3) pl. below). 15.. Lichtoun Dreme 56.
I socht my self and I was sevin ȝeir tynt(4) proverb. a1568 Balnevis in Bann. MS 138b/12.
Langer lestis ȝeir nor Ȝule a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 488.
It will come in an houre that will not come in a year a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 695.
Heise up heir, na mannis maich for a yeir(5) attrib. and possess. 1471–2 Acta Aud. 19/1.
To the ische of the fyve ȝeris tak made to hir be Schir Dauid 1532 Glasgow Prot. IV 57.
James Grahame and his wyf hes gevin our the yeyr tak of the half Posyll to John Scot a1650 Row 218.
That the licence … be restrained … to a liferent tack or to a nineteen yeare tack allanerlie 1513 Doug. i Prol. 424.
Hys twelf ȝheris laubouris war nocht worth a myte 1562-3 Winȝet I 59/30.
Albeit as ȝit in dede efter ane haill ȝeris aduisement we heir nocht thairof 1685 Brechin Test. VII 125b.
To Robert Spark hyrman for ane years fee xvj lib. —a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 38/39.
Now we haue mair … Nor our foirbearis had to spend Bot far les at the ȝeiris end c1575 Balfour Pract. 230.
The heritouris and airis may be followit at the ȝeiris end, efter the deceis of thair forebearis 1641 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I xxxi (see d (2) below). —c1590 Fowler II 40/11.
I requyrit better iudgement of a xx ȝeirs dialectatiner then [etc.]absol. 1567 Acts III 42/2.
That the proprietaris … of decayit and brint landis edifie and big the samyn within the space of ane ȝeris [sic](6) c1420 Wynt. ii 176.
The Jubile Fyrst in hys [sc. Abraham's] tym fundyn was And nowe we call the yherys [C. ȝhere, W. ȝere] off grace a1538 Abell 96b.
1299 … The ȝeir of Jubile wes institut be Boniface
b. (This, ful, etc.) mony (a) ( … ) ȝer(is, a long, indeterminate period of time.c1400 Troy-bk. i 2.
Ande Dyomedes byrdes thai ware Callit thare-eftre mony a ȝhere c1420 Wynt. iv 1246.
Fra thine he and his lynage … In to Latyne callid were Lasyd Romanys mony yhere [C. mony a ȝhere] c1450 Cr. Deyng (STS) 75.
The faithe … confermit be sancte Johne the Baptyst and mony othir prophetis or Cryst was borne mony a hunder ȝher a1500 Sir Eger 2009.
A man may covet many a year That many [L. may] right hastilie appear 1490 Irland Mir. III 158/26.
This haill realme … mony ȝer has bene in gret deformite c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 166/2.
Gif evir my fortoun wes to be a freir, The dait thairof is past full mony a ȝeir 1513 Doug. i i 58.
Juno … thame … causys oft ga will … By fremmyt werd ful mony ȝeris tharby 1535 Stewart 1674.
And so thai did richt lang and mony ȝeir 1560 Rolland Seven S. 316.
Lord I am auld and neuer vndefame On ȝour counsall, and hes bene mony ȝeir
c. (A, the) ȝere and (a) day, (a) day and (a) ȝere, chiefly in legal usage, a period of twelve months with the addition of a day to ensure that a full year has elapsed. Also in fig. context. Also proverb.In a case requiring court action ȝere and day in effect meant the space of four head courts (Hede-court n.), the minimum number of court sessions which ensured the passage of a complete year, see quot. 1443 below. See also Aberd. B. Rec. (SHS), xxxv n. 2 where the equation of ‘day’ with ‘law-day’ (Law-day n. a day on which courts may lawfully sit, one on which courts are in session) seems unnecessary and would be appropriate only in cases where the action of a court was required.'If a marriage shall subsist for a year, and part only of the day next ensuing the year, all deeds granted in contemplation of the marriage subsist … Which arises … from the legal meaning of the expression year and day: for where any right is to be completed, or act to be performed, within a year … a day is generally adjected to the year … that it may appear with the greater certainty that the year itself is completed.' John Erskine of Carnock An Institute of the Law of Scotland in the order of Sir G. Mackenzie's Institutions of that Law (1773) i vi § 42.(1) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 10 (B).
Qwha som evir haldis his land thrw ayhere and aday the qwhilk he has bocht lely … he that chalangis thaim eftyr the yhere and the day … he sal nevir be herde of that cause 14.. Acts I 44/2.
Gif ony lande be lynit be the bailȝeis … bath the partis beand present, and the merkis be laide and sasing of the merchis haldyn … be a day and a ȝer [Acts I 44/1, per unum annum et unum diem], the saide lande ane other tym aw nocht to be lynit agane 14.. Burgh Laws c. 33 (B).
Gyf aman of abaronys or erlys … servand that he be cummys in burg & byis aburwage and dwellis in it ayhere and aday for owtyn chalange of his lorde … he sal ay be fre as a burges 1434 Aberd. B.Rec. 3 Feb. in Murray Early B. Organ. I 246 n. 1.
And he to be putt on the pillary and to be excludit fra his craft for yer and day 1443 Reg. Great S. 86/2.
For the payment of the quhilkis … we … findande no gudez of the foresaide Johne … within oure schyrefdome to mak the payment … gert oure maris set a strop [sic] upon the landis of the Porterstoune [etc.] … and gert present to the foure hede courtis next thireftir haldin at Kincardyne irde and stane and profferit that landis to sell for the payment … and at the laste courte quhen yere and day was passit, and the processe lanchfulli prowit in the court [etc.] c1460 Consail Vys Man 316.
To cry in merketis thre ore foure Quhyll ȝhere and day war passit our 1478 Acta Aud. 84/2.
The Lordis auditouris assignis to him ȝer & daye nixt tocum to pruf that he deliuerit [etc.] 1481 Aberd. B. Rec. I 38.
Quha at … passis himself fra the defens of the towne his gudis sal be achet, himself benist for yer and a day … and his house to be tane downe efter, as it is statut in commond law 1515 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 33.
This inquest ordanes that na man pais to Jeddard quhill we be forder awisit … under the pane of forsuering the towne yere [MS ȝere] and daye 1526 Reg. Privy S. I 527/2.
Our soverane lord promittis … that he sall in all gudlie haist caus the saidis landis be recognist in his handis … and, ȝere and day being past efter the said recognitioun, he sall mak all personis havand … entres to the saidis landis … to be somond … to ane lauchfull day to heir and see thaim be decernit to have forfaltit [etc.] 1529 Edinb. B. Statutes 8 Oct.
And the thrid falt to bring thar caldrone or kettellis to the cros and dunt thame throw with ane puncione and spane thaim fra the operatione for ȝer & day 1534 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 145.
Geif he and his frendis vyll nocht mak ane mendis, we ordand caus Jhone the Ros to mensweir the toun yeir [MS ȝeir] and day 1537 Glasgow Prot. IV 111.
Jhon Blakwoud … oblises hyme … for to mak expensis apon the byggyng of the forsaid xii ell of waest ground ten pwnd of money within the yeyr and day swa that it salbe strenȝeable for the anwell forsaid 1563 Prestwick B. Rec. 67.
Quo die Jhone Stewart … desyris … to be enteryt to the fredome of the towne for the pament … The inquest fyndis … at thay suld nocht entyr ony man quhyl thay duel ȝere and day wythin the towne 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 122.
[A new burgess] after ȝeare and day he sall big and inhabit his land 1668 Rothesay B. Rec. 148.
It was replyit be the said Janet hir procuratour that in respect scho was not yier and day mareit with the said Patrick … scho aucht to have all the guids scho brocht in to the said Patriks hous the tyme of hir mariadgefig. 1602 Colville Paraenese Ep. 55.
That in Scotland God had … lost his lyfrent for lying year and day at the horn(2) 1560 Rolland Seven S. 206.
For hir saik quhen scho was deid … He commandit that na blyithnes suld be For ȝeir and day into his companie a1578 Pitsc. I 182/23.
[He] remaned himself still for ȝeir and day witht the king of Scottland 1664 W. Guthrie Serm. 19.
For a pluck of grass, or a beast going over the marsh, you have taken up a standing quarrel for year and day … yet … did not consider nor take it from the Lord as a chastisement for your contention on so feckless groundsproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1533.
There is day and yeir aneugh
d. With reference to regularly occurring events, esp. payment of rents, etc., in various prepositional and adverbial phrases, specif., (ȝer) be ȝer, fra ȝer to ȝer(is, in(to) the ȝer, ilk (everie) ( … ) ȝer, annually, etc.; in the ȝher, a yeir, (so many times) per year.(1) 1312 Facs. Nat. MSS II xix.
[Paying for the same [land]] iere be iere [to the said Abbot … two merks] 1386 (1414) Bk. Carlaverock 418.
And al the proffitis … to be [uptaken] … for a hundir mark yhere be yhere 1397 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 166.
[He] sall gif the sexteyn ponde of anwell … yeir be yeir 1405 Maxwell Mem. 145.
Twelfe penys of syluyr yheir be ȝeire, to be paijd as male 1415 Lennox Mun. 61.
For foure mark of fee that my said lord has grantit me ȝeire be ȝeire for al the terme of the said Morice my faderis life 1423 Edinb. Chart. 55.
Enterand the saide alderman [etc.] … at Martimes … and joysand [the tack] yhere be yhere(2) 1381 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 4.
For twa hundreth marces of sterlinges be yhere to be paiet … at twa termes of the yhere Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 75.
That the said erle … sal gif in dowry … to the said Elisabeth … twa hundreth markis worth of land of fre rent be yere c1420 Wynt. iii 983 (see (5) below). 14.. Burgh Laws c. 1 (A).
Ilke burges aw till our lorde the king for his burouagis that he deffendis of ilk rude of lande v d. be ȝer [B. yhere] 1515 Reg. Privy S. I 401/2.
Ane tenement … extending be ȝere to the avale of v lib. 1561 Reg. Dunferm. 433.
Ilk panne payis of ferme salt be yeir viij b. a1578 Pitsc. I 227/24.
He sould haue for his reward M pound starling to spend be ȝeir 1641 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I xxxi.
The wardens would have made 500 merks by yeire of the old yrons by selling of them bak to the maister at the yeiris end(3) 1461 Liber Plusc. 399.
The party neuir to be content, Bot drichit and delayit our fra yeir to yeris c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 143/75.
As thay had wont in May, fro ȝeir to ȝeir, To hir thair makar to mak obediens 1551 Hamilton Cat. 100.
Thay … puttis of the executioun of justice fra day to day and oft tymes fra yeir to yeir 1641 Glasgow B. Rec. II 46.
Account may be had … how the bookis ar keeped to the fore from yeir to yeir(4) 1488 Acta Conc. I 118/2.
Of ilk coitland in the ȝere iij caponis a1500 Bk. Chess 1091.
That all childer fer & ner Bot a clething suld haf in to the ȝere ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1884) 62.
Ther wool is but anes in the ȝiere pluckit aff them in some fauldes(5) c1420 Wynt. iii 983.
Fra that constituioune Thai made in thare descriptioune Evry ilke yhere, be yhere the date c1420 Wynt. v 4401.
The processyowne Before the Ascensiowne That … mony natyownys Callys the Rogatyownys … As yhe may yhit ilke yhere Se c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 206.
Of blise may thai sing That one Sanct Valentynis day ar vacandis ilk ȝer 1530 Reg. Soltre 98.
The saidis landis … Payand thairfor yheirlie … with gressume ilk thre yheir 1588 King Cat. 55.
Receaue the Blissit Sacrament of the altar at the least ains euerie ȝeer 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 91/3.
& sett euerie yeire doune a certaine pryce of all things(6) 1456 Hay II 93/16 (see 2 (3) below). c1490 Irland Asl. MS 9/19.
That all person havand wit & discressioun is oblist to confessioun anys in the ȝeire at the lest 1507 Reg. Dunferm. 361.
With thre bollis of mault to be payt at four termes in the ȝher 1574 Conv. Burghs I 32.
That na viages salbe maid … in the cuntrey of Flanderis, bot twyis in the ȝeir, viz., to the Pasche mercat, and Rude mercat in September 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 93/4.
For remead quhairof … certaine dayes in the yeare ualde be appointid for delyting the people uith publict spectacles ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 78.
His stewart … sayles anes in the ȝeir at midsymmer … to baptize bairns thair(7) 1657 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 168.
The great compositions which ar maid once a yeir, or to serve the haill yeir for comon sale
2. A particular year, a year specified by its date according to the (Christian) calendar, the regnal year or some other marker of specificity, esp. this (that, the, a) ( … ) ȝer (bygane, to cum, etc.). Also pl., uninfl. pl. and possess.See The def. art. 3 d for further examples of the ȝer, this year.(1) sing. 1379 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 2.
To this lettre I haue put my sele the xij day of Marce the yhere of grace [1379] 1380 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 3.
In the yheere of oure Lord [1369] 1388–9 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 12.
Yeir 1399 Melville Chart. 15.
The ȝere of our Lorde a thowsande thre hundreth nynty and nyne 1405 Maxwell Mem. 145.
Yheire 1486 Rot. Sc. II 85/2.
At Billymyre the xxvij day of Juyne the yeer of grace [1486] 1490 Foulis Chart. MS (Reg. H.) 4 Dec.
Ȝeyre … ȝeyrris 1529 Lennox Mun. 231.
The nynt daye of Aprylle in the ȝeyr of God [etc.] 1548 Reg. Soltre 217.
The yheyr of God ane thowsand fyfe hwnder xl and awcht yheyris c1500-50 Brevis Cronica 338.
Quhence he was brocht and royallie burried at Scone, the ȝear of oure redemptioune ane thousand three hundreth and nyntie 1562-3 Winȝet I 47.
In the ȝere of the blissit birth of our Saluiour 1563 1566 St. A. Baxter Bks. 12.
Ȝier 1572 Reg. Privy C. II 160.
The plakkis … bering … the dait of the yeir of God 1557, ar of late counterfaittit and adulterat 1596 Dalr. I title.
Ȝeare 1622-6 Bisset I 4/2.
King Metellanus … quha began to regnne in the ȝeir of the warld thrie thowsand [etc.]pl. 1549 Lamb Resonyng 5/20.
Prentit at Lundoun the ane thousand fyf hundreth fourty aucht ȝeiris of Christ 1573 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 2.
Of prices of beir malt and maill of the lxxii ȝeiris crope 1594 Chron. Perth 5.
Jhone erle of Athoil deceisit in Perth on the penult day of Aug. 1554 yeiris 1640 Spalding I 261 n.
At the Kingis Colledge, the first day of Appryll, 1640 ȝeiris, convenit [etc.] 1648 Dumfries Kirk S. 30 Nov.
The last day of November 1648 yeires 1670 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 27 April.
In the yeire 1650 yeirs 1688 T. Brown Diary 50.
A cannon ball … shot therat 74 yeiris … at the intaking of the said castell 1697 Orkney & Shetl. Misc. IX i 48.
Ane account of the key in the byr as followes the fourth of Decer. 1697 yeirs(b) 1553 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. I 148.
As the contrak of his consent berris of the daitt at Glasgo, the xxiij day of Marche, 1552 heiris(2) a1400 Leg. S. i 292.
Of Claudij the firde ȝere 1442 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 307.
Gevyn under our prive sele … the sext day off September & of our regne the sext yhere 1496 Acta Conc. II 12.
Of the kingis regne the thrid yeyre(3) sing. 1375 Barb. x 826.
Gyff at mydsomer the neist ȝer To cum it war nocht with bataile Reskewyt 1375 Barb. xix 651.
Do we with our fayis … As ik herd tell this othyr ȝer That [etc.] a1400 Leg. S. iv 189.
That ȝer that Abiathar Wes byschope 1385 Rot. Sc. II 73/2.
[Thai] has set thair signetz enterchangeably in absens of thair selles day and the yer beforsayd 1397 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 35.
[They] has set to thair selis the day yher & place beforsayde c1400 Troy-bk. ii 545.
In the ȝhere of the capcioune Of the cite of gret renowne 1402 MacRae Early Sc. Texts 9/62.
Ȝher c1420 Wynt. ii Prol. 32.
Beffor or fra than reknys he The yhere [C. ȝheris] as made wes the cyte 1456 Hay II 93/25.
Thai ordanyt that he suld never be sene bot anys in the ȝere … And thare was all the grete actis and poyntis of the realme determynyt that had bene misgovernyt in the ȝere before 1488 Lanark B. Rec. 2.
The quhilkis auditouris fyndis the rentell in the said yer [£33 13 s.] c1515 Asl. MS I 228/8.
That samyn ȝere … thair decesit in Glasqw master Willam Turnbull 1497 Aberd. B. Rec. I 425.
It was statut … that nay meill byaris sal cum in the mercat for this instant yer 1517 Selkirk B. Ct. MS 48.
The said Williem to brouk the saidis rigis for the nixt ȝer immediatlie folloand 1542 Treas. Acc. VIII 103.
To the v Italianis for thair loveray claithis this ȝere(b) a1500 Henr. Fab. 409.
Ane cais I fand quhilk fell this ather ȝeir Betwix ane foxe and gentill Chantecleir a1500 Colk. Sow ii 9.
A ȝeir eftir walking in his disport By a rever Cokelby saw [etc.] c1500 Fyve Bestes 264.
Now wepis he that leuch this hender ȝeire 1516 Rec. Earld. Orkney 91.
[He] passit to Ȝetland in the instant yeyr of the said Schir Dauidis disses 1536 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 142.
Precept and letteres to be direct thairvpone according to justice pronuncit ȝeyr day and monetht afoyr expremit 1567–8 Glasgow Prot. V 108 (see 1 a (2) pl. above). 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 34.
Ȝe haif ȝour protectour the samyn God this ȝeir that wes the ȝeir bipast 1590 Conv. Burghs I 319.
For obtening of redres of the spoliatioun of thair wynis this last yeir be the pennour of Neuhevine 1594 S. Leith Rec. 1.
11 Julij 1594, the quhilk day the sessioune … agreit with Robert Mitchell for ane ȝeir to cum to handle the knok 1600-1610 Melvill 419.
Wha apprehendit sic a feare … that it stak to thair stomak all that yeir efter-hand 1615 Chron. Perth 17.
This ȝeir preceding, the frost was lang luikit for before it came 1619 Rutherglen B. Ct. I 29 Oct.
The ȝeir to cum Jon Thomsoun [etc.] … ar electit lynneris to Michaelmes nixt 1634–5 Dumbarton Common Gd. Acc. 82.
For the half of the communion wyne and breid furneist the yeir of the an for the tounis part 1667 Irvine Mun. II 220.
The quhilk day [27 Sept.] [three men] are … lited to be fischall for the yeir to come(c) 1631 Strathbogie Presb. 2.
Being accused for not communicating the last yeer bygane(d) 1591 Whitelaw Sc. Arms Makers 37.
[Thomas Gordone, gunmaker] his composition dischargit for keiping of the thre knok the ȝair bygane(e) 1603 Dundonald Par. Rec. 38.
All that haif noth cum to examinatioun this yar to keip Tysday nixt to that effectpl. 1398 Liber Melros 489.
Thir paymentez to make … at the dayes of the yheris fornemmid c1420 Wynt. vii 2694.
And the kyngis famylieris Clerkys gret in to tha yheris 1549 Compl. 97/24.
Thir tuelf hundretht ȝeirs thai leit ȝou neuyr hef pace xvi ȝeir to giddir 1560 Rolland Seven S. 312.
This sall he do within nixt ȝeiris four 1600-1610 Melvill 29.
Mairower, in these yeirs I lerned my music 1643 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 147.
Our reider, quha had been in England the yeiris befor(b) 1518 Boyd Fam. P. No. 2 (7 July).
The proffietts that scho mycht haif had of the landis of Mylvane with the pertinents of 20 yirs biganeuninfl. pl. a1400 Leg. S. i 132.
Ger myn sowne be his prayere Ryse, at is deit gane fowre ȝere a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 501.
Thoght suld fynd thame new notis for this ix yeir 1569 Bann. Memor. 12.
Matcheivell is ane ewill buike, and I wold it had bene brunt sewin ȝeir syne, that be thair and heir be guid ȝeir!possess. 1456 Hay I 145/7.
Thai sall have … all that ȝeris service to the ende, suppos thai dee in the ȝere
b. Wes ane ȝere, a year ago or before a particular date. Cum an yher, a year from a particular date.(1) 1510 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 97.
His brother wes cruelly slaine xv daiis eftir Pasche wes ane yer 1637 Baillie I 4.
I know much of it wes printed in Edinburgh before Ȝuill was a year(2) 1549 Corr. M. Lorraine 302.
To be payeid … betuix this and Pais cum an yher
c. An entry for a particular year in a register or the like.1678 Craven Ch. in Orkney 74.
[The minister produced his session book] and … it was found formall and exact from the yeire of God 1673; and the cause being asked why the rest of the yieres were wanting, it was answered [etc.]
3. The year with reference to the seasons, weather, etc.; a particular season of the year. b. The sessoun of the ȝeir.a1500 Lanc. 2062.
And al thar art is in to medysyne … As plasteris, drinkis, and anouyntmentis seir, And of the qualyte watyng of the yher; And of the planetis disposicioune a1500 Prestis of Peblis 534.
Than war monie [sc. midge and flea] … Throw kynd of ȝeir and hait of that regioun 1513 Doug. viii Prol. 41.
The myllar mythis the multyr with a met skant, For droucht had drunkyn vp his dam in the dry ȝeir 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 167/506.
& soldatis suearlie keiping home into the house do holde Of libbit sonne to aagit yeire, thaire garnisoun full colde 1650 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 140.
[Between April 1650 and September 1651 the kirk session of Markinch made gifts totalling £26 4 s.] becaus the yeir is hardb. 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 46.
Richt hailsom was the sessoun of the ȝeir c1590 Fowler I 24/9.
Lowe, greif, disdanis, and planing plaintis and seasoun of the ȝeir Had caused me to a secreit place my self for to reteir
4. Chiefly pl. With reference to the age of a person or animal or the length of his or her life. a. In collocation with numerals, also freq. const. ald (cf. Ȝerald n.), of age, eyld, etc. b. pl. Chiefly possess. (One's) age, lifetime. Also with qualifier or in context indicating the stage of life referred to.a. sing. 1461 Montrose Baillie Ct. 16b (26 April).
That na beistis gang in the linkis bot calwis off ane ȝer alde onder paynis forsaidispl. c1420 Ratis R. 1671.
The sevynt eild that I rakin last Fra that fourscore of ȝeris be past 1380 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 76.
Hafand lx yherys of eyld in the yher of Cryst [1380] a1500 Henr. Age & Yowth 27.
I wes within thir sexty ȝeiris and [Makculloch ȝeir or] sevin Ane freik on fold c1475 Wall. v 581.
A madyn myld … Off auchteyn ȝeris ald c1515 Asl. MS I 301/15.
Matusale, langast of lyf that euer was, that was … xxxviij ȝeris of lyf langar than Adam 1570 Sat. P. x 14.
Ane woundit man, of aucht and threttie ȝeiris 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 62b (Table).
The heire of ane soccoman is of perfite age quhen he is passed fivetene ȝeares 1674 Argyll Justic. Rec. I 42.
Ane keir black horse six yeers olduninfl. pl. ?1438 Alex. ii 364.
Quhen he was xv ȝeir ald … He thocht [etc.] c1420 Wynt. i 651.
Quhen thai ar thre yhere awlde … Thair barnys all thai bere and get 14.. Burgh Laws c. 107 (B).
Aswyne of thre yhere a1500 Lanc. 609.
An hart he haith of pasing hie curag, And is not xxiiij ȝer of age 1490 Irland Mir. III 18/19.
This sacrament [sc. confirmation] may be gevin … to barnis quhen thai cum to knawlage as vii ȝer and eftir 1560 Rolland Seven S. 550.
Ane mayd of … fourtene ȝeir of age 1570 Edinb. Test. II 76.
Thre ȝoung beistis of twa ȝeir auld 1695 Sibbald Autob. 127.
Four children … who died all before they were full four yeer oldattrib. 1527 Wigtown B. Ct. 204b.
A tua ȝerald wedderb. (1) c1420 Wynt. i Prol. 118.
Part off the Bybyll wytht that that Perys Comestor ekyde in hys yherys a1500 Henr. Age & Yowth 32 (M).
Behald my lathlie lycome gif I li O ȝouth thy ȝeiris fadis farlie sone c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 86.
Scho was full tendir in hir yeris grene c1530-40 Stewart in Maitl. F. 396/5.
And Him imploir now in thi ȝeris ȝing To grant the grace thi peple to defend c1590 Fowler I 30/103.
In youthe a meik and modest chyld, bot in his yeiris and aige A cancard throward tyran c1590 Fowler I 258/1.
O Loue who may thy youthfull ȝeeres repres? 1603 Philotus 45.
I think ane man sir, of ȝour ȝeiris Sould not be blyndit with the bleiris 1607 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 74.
Since my ȝeiris of discreitioun 1611-57 Mure Early Misc. P. i 35.
To spend thy tender ȝeiris In loves lascivious layes(2) a1500 Lanc. 1431.
Arthur … In to his wit memoratyve can seik Of euery gilt wich that he can pens, Done frome he passith the ȝeris of innocens c1590 Fowler II 14/8.
An scoller of tender ȝeirs c1590 Fowler II 29/30.
Thou grosse creature, of gritter age then of spreit, of ȝeirs then of knawledg 1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas To the Reader 8.
Till ryper ȝeirs her infancy subdue