A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Chalange, Chalance, n. Also: chal(l)ang, -andis, -enge, chellings; chalans, challans, -ance, chalaunce, chailance. [ME. chalange (c 1300), chalenge, OF. chalang, -enge (ONF. calenge, Prov. calonja, L. calumnia). The origin of the forms in -ance, -ans, which are peculiar to Sc., is obscure.]
1. A calling to account; a challenge as to conduct or party.1375 Barb. viii. 82.
Throu the thikkest of thame he raid, And but challans [E. challance] eschapit had, Ne war ane hynt hym by the brand 14.. Acts I. 332/2.
Off the chalance of ail taistaris Ib.; etc.
Off the chalance of prisaris of flesch c1475 Wall. ix. 1153.
Erar he wald bid chalans off the king, Than with Wallace to rakyn
2. An accusation or charge.14.. Acts I. 23/2.
Of the challange of a burges be ane uplandis man Ib. 25/2.
Off challange of thyft be ane uplandis man c1420 Wynt. v. 1628.
This Pape … Ordanyd that na man suld be But chalange put owte off his gre Ib. viii. 3199.
Chalange he gert mak thame then, That till murthrys the kyngis men Byddand thai ware in that buschement
3. A challenge as to right or ownership; a claim by one person against another.(a) 1393 Reg. Morton II. 192.
The saide landis … to be haldyn of the king … but claime or chalang of thaim or ony of thair ayris 14.. Acts I. 327/2.
Gif the forsaid hund takis the best, the huntar … sal pas away quyt and fre bot ony chalange of the king 1426 Charter (Reg. H.) Suppl.
Swa that I, [or] myne ayers, … sal mak [na] clame na chalang of richt in and to the said landis 1453 Stirlings of Keir 226.
I … sal neuermar … mak ony persute, clame, questione, chalangis … or demand 1456 Hay I. 192/28.
I aw … to defend [him] but clame or chalange of law 1456 Peebles B. Rec. 114.
Iohn Wilson, dempstar, wardit Wil Geddes … for faut of perans … to the chalang of Rob Percle(b) 14.. Acts I. 24/2.
It is lachfull … till ilke burges to geyff or sell his lande … bot gif the lande be in challange 1456 Peebles B. Rec. 115.
Pat Kello, dempstar, wardit John Acchen … for faut of perrans of hym self to the challang of Dic Wilson 1476 Acta Aud. 56/2.
At the said Gabriel be quite of the challandis of this summondis 1519 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I. 193.
Gif ony guidis beis sauld … by this statute that he put the samyn vnder arrest to the townis challenge 1622-6 Bisset I. 254/3.
How sa greit saevir the challange war against the dettour 1650 Irvine Mun. II. 75.
Provyding the notts of rescepts that I have given … be maid null without chellings(c) 14.. Acts I. 357/2.
That he that that lande sellyt preioysit it pesably xij monthe and a day for outin chalauince or clayme 1456 Hay I. 133/6.
I mycht laufully … put him out, but clame, or chalaunce of lawe 1473 Acta Aud. 26/2.
Sir William … is quite of the clame and chalance of the said Patrik anent the said malis 1479 Acta Conc. 46/1.
The quhilkis cornis the lordis ordanis to be put in souerte and keping, to the chalance of our souuerain lorde 1499 Prestwick B. Rec. 35.
The quhilk day comperit in court Marione of Chapele, arestit till Will Bronys chalance 1509 Ib. 41.
The said Wilȝeme enterit to the chalance the said Richart 1522 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 99.
The gudis … aucht … to be arrestit to the said merchandis challance(d) 1432 Ayr B. Ct. Bk. MS. 15 Dec.
He enterit nocht Thom Mason as he that was pleg to enter him to the chalans of Patrik Wales 1432 Lamont P. 13.
Thay sall mac na chalans na clam to the grounde right 1475 Prestwick B. Rec. 25.
Iok of Gauston tuk the heltir of a suerd … as the first warand to the chalans of Iohne Blak