A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
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Large, Lairge, adj. (adv.) Also: larg; lardg(e, lairdge, learge, lerge. Compar. larg(e)ar(e, -iar, -yare, larg-, lairg-, lerger. Superl. largeast, -iest, larg-, lairgest. [ME. large (a 1200), e.m.E. lardg(e, OF. large fem., superseding larg masc. (see Larg).In MSS. of Wyntoun sometimes written largis, -es.]
1. Liberal in giving or in expenditure; generous, open-handed, munificent; lavish, prodigal. Also const. of or in (what is given or expended).(1) a1400 Leg. S. ix. 109.
That gert the King, that wes large, His men of gold & siluer charge Camelis c1420 Wynt. vii. 1158.
[He was] Large [C. Largis] and off gret almws Till all pure folk 1456 Hay ii. 80/23.
That a king is nocht worth bot gif he be bathe large till him self and large till his subjectis c1460 Thewis Gud Women 265.
Mony lordis ar nocht larg, Thinkand thai have our-gret charge a1500 Bk. Chess 1000.
To lordis large the men drawis in deid a1500 Seven S. 841.
This large knycht fell so in det c1500-c1512 Dunb. xv. 26.
Sum in his geving is so large [: barge] 1531 Bell. Boece I. lvi.
[They] disjunit airly in the morning with smal refectioun, … At the sowper thay war mair large 1535 Stewart 1184.
Ane sone he had … Laulie and large, full of humanitie Ib. 60596.
Gif it be better till ane prince … for to be richt prodigus and large 1572 Sat. P. xxx. 55.
Ȝing, lusty, lufesum, liberall, and large(b) a1568 Bann. MS. p. 25/42.
Be not ouir skers nor ȝit ouir lairge [v. r. lerge] Ib. 213 a/5.
To be courtes, wyis, … Lairge, honest, gentill 1650 Brechin Presb. 26.
Elspit Gray … thinking that his sone was over lairge in melting [? metting] her shilling, said [etc.](c) c1500-c1512 Dunb. xli. 19 (B).
Be nocht sa lerge vnto thir sawis sung(2) 1375 Barb. xi. 148.
Of othir mennis landis large wes he a1400 Leg. S. xl. 243.
Large in almus 1456 Hay I. 30/7.
Thai ar … nocht large of gift a1500 Seven S. 873.
Of his spens [he] was als large As of befor c1530-40 Stewart Bann. MS. 96 a/48.
Scho wald be lerger of lufray Than all the laif that I of mene 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 4.
He was large of almous, and devoit of hering of mes(3) 1513 Doug. xiii. viii. 16.
Hys plesand vissage and knychtly large bonte
b. Large (= generous) of hand or of hart, with large hand, = generously, open-handedly.?1438 Alex. i. 2936.
Large of hart he was and fre, And thair-with sueit and debonare Ib. ii. 2785. Ib. 3782.
Quhilk sall of body douchty be And of hand baith large and fre 1513 Doug. x. xiii. 35.
And eik thou wait full oft with large hand [L. larga manu] … Thy templys and thyne altaris chargit has he
2. Of speech or words: Unrestrained, extravagant.c1475 Wall. i. 294.
He was wondyr fayr, Nocht large of tong, weille taucht and debonayr 1513 Doug. ii. ii. 66.
With wordis large Thus I prouokit scharp feid and malyce baith
b. ? Freely stated or discussed, open.1543–4 Corr. M. Lorraine 68.
Quhowe beid I heir sayeand large report cumin in this partis be dyvers marchandis … that [etc.]
3. Free, at liberty.a1500 K. Hart 270.
In the presoun fand he … Sum fetterit fast and fra [sic] fre and large
4. Ample in quantity, copious, abundant.(a) a1400 Leg. S. xxxix. 22.
To mak dispence gret or large c1420 Wynt. i. 94.
Of all thyngis at thare plesance Thai hade large abowndance Ib. iii. 527.
Large riches Ib. iv. 1660.
Large fe c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxxvii. 62.
Ane costlie coup that large thing wald contene 1513 Doug. xiii. iii. 131.
With quhou large wepyng, duyll and wa Ourfleit sal all the cite 1535 Stewart 36451.
This Culenus … With sic exces takand sua large ane fill 1533 Boece iii. i. 90 b.
Herying the cuntre he draif ane large & riche pray c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2207.
The preistis … Large proffeit gat ouerthort all landis 1620 Perth Kirk S. 296.
The Brig of Almond, … it will take large money and expenses to perfyte it(b) 1510 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 130.
In tyme of scant of water [at the mill] … and quhen the watter is lairge 1595 Edinb. Test. XXVIII. 260 b.
The obtening thairof will requyre lairge expensis c1650 Spalding ii. 174.
The fishes becam lairger, be Godis providence(c) a1568 Bann. MS. 73 a/70.
In ver and somer ȝe littill eit And wintir wald haif lerger meit
b. ? Prevalent.a1500 Quare Jel. 245.
Quho schall me help allace for to endite … This vice that now so large is and commoun
5. Ample in capacity or extent; spacious, roomy; extensive, wide, broad.Common in Douglas.(a) c1420 Wynt. iii. 926.
He made … a bull off bras, Large [C. Largis] and hole wyth-in Ib. iv. 692.
Gyff … tyll thare nawyne ony se Mycht rowme enuch or large be Ib. v. 718. 1456 Hay I. 44/14.
This king … gert mak at Rome the foussis grete and large 1513 Doug. Conscience 6.
Schrewit correctioun … thocht that conscience had our large ane weid Id. Æn. i. iv. 42.
Eneas … behaldand the large see Ib. ii. viii. 76.
Syne the hard burdis he hakkis And throu the ȝet ane large wyndo makkis Ib. 99.
The large hald Ib. v. xiii. 130.
The … wyndy clowdis … Gan fle onon furth of the large ayr Ib. vi. x. 29.
Thir feildis beyn largiar 1533 Bell. Livy I. 4/32.
Thare suld ȝit rest ane largeare feild til ere 1535 Stewart 210.
With visage large and ene baith grit and reid 1596 Dalr. I. 21/30.
Gif … he fynd the passage narrow … he with his feit makes it large and apnes it vpe Ib. 33/23.
The schirrefdome … of Perth is nocht litle, but ample indede and large(b) 1533 Bell. Livy I. 64/14.
Quhen he saw himselfe ane lairge space severit fra baith the armyis 1588 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II. 138.
The king of Spain … encouraged be his powar & lairge dominions 1648 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII. 152.
The beatting of the weatther on the lairge flait roff thairof 1662 Crim. Trials III. 611.
The hill opened, and we cam to an fair and lairge braw rowme
b. Large of lenth, large and lang (lang and lairge), large and wyde: cf. sense 8.(1) c1420 Wynt. vi. 254.
Hys berd a fwte wes large [v. rr. lang] off lenth [W. of large lenth] 1535 Stewart 15518.
The montanes he and mosses large of lenth(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxxii. 49.
Ane croce that was baith large and lang c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1381.
This Ark, quhilk was boith lang and lairge a1585 Maitl. Q. lxviii. 57.
Thy tour & fortres lairge & lang c 1614 1st Rep. Hist. MSS. 138.
Two paire of worset stokeins … that be lairdge and long anuffe(3) 1513 Doug. xii. viii. 74.
Thir heich hallys bene full large and wyde
c. Largedoore, appar. a surgical issue. = Ischew n. 1 d, Issu(e n. 3.1667 Lamont Diary 202.
Wheras the said Bessys legg was no better bot worse, whille they meade a new largedoore in itt att the kwutt
6. Wide in range, comprehensive, extensive.(1) c1420 Wynt. ii. 377.
He … gawe hym large and full powere To do that lykand tyll hym were 1483 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 48.
That his vther brether … be not hurt throu his large exercitioun and exceding of boundis 1541 Ib. II. 105.
Sua that the toun of Campheir grantit nocht nor gaif thame larger privileges nor Myddilburgh 1594 Lett. Eliz. & Jas. VI 102.
But if ye gaue him a lairge comission, I darr ansoure for it he tooke it als well upon him(2) 1498 Dunferm. B. Rec. 84.
This power to be extendit in the largiest forme of procuratory 1501 Ib. 117. 1527 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 230.
Be this present acquittans to be extendit in the largest and best forme that can be deuisit 1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I. 120.
That the samyn be extendit in the largeast forme, havand the strenth of an Act of Parliament 1591 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 42.
That the said toun is in sufficient and lairge forme erectet in ane frie burgh royall
7. a. Of a literary work: Ample, lengthy. b. Of a declaration: ? Full, comprehensive.a. 1492 Myll Spect. 292/15.
Apone the quhilk thare is mater to mak a large legent 1562-3 Winȝet II. 36/2.
That noble and large werk, of na les than of thretty buikis 1646 Moray Synod 103.
[The] larger and shorter catechismeb. 1661 Wodrow Hist. (1828) I. 165.
In offering a large testimony against the evil of the times 1671 Inverness Presb. 9.
The Minister … desyred to walk answerable to thair large declaration of him ?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. III. 53.
The greate dishonour done to God … by a booke called a Large Declaratione
8. Large in size, big, bulky, massive, stout. a. Of persons.Chiefly in phrases as large of (stature etc.). Also lang and large. ? Obsolete c 1560.(1) c1420 Wynt. i. 304.
Geawndys … That lyk tyll men ware in fygure Bot thai war largear of stature Ib. iv. 2497.
Large of lym and lyth he was ?1438 Alex. i. 691.
Large he was and fair of feir Ib. ii. 671. c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxxvii. 35.
The Bruce … Richt awfull, strang and large of portratour 1513 Doug. i. xi. 117.
Quhou large of statur was fers Achillis a1568 Scott ii. 135.
Thow art moir lerge of lyth and lym Nor I am, be sic thre(2) ?1438 Alex. ii. 4161.
Thir bacheleris … Baith lang and large, stout and hardy
b. Of objects, animals etc.(a) c1420 Wynt. v. 690.
The largyare body wes Off the fyschare, and the les Off the prechoure Ib. vii. 882.
Na swylk a kyrk … Swa larges [sic; C. largis] wes mad in qwantyte 1681 Blackness Customs 43 b.
Ane looking glas of large steell(b) 1511 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I. 133.
Thair commoun wechtis wer mynnist, becaus thay war to lairge agane the law Ib.
The said customes ar mynnist be the said nychtbouris that haldis the lairge wechts 1562 Montgomery Mem. 184.
The said erle … intendit … to tak lairger reinȝeis to sin, and to hauld hir in greit boundage 1596 Dalr. I. 46/11.
In this toune is the kingis castel baith lairge and stark 1658 Mun. Univ. Glasg. III. 504.
Given for 17 lairge glesse dyellis … given for tuintie glesse dyellis of a lesser sort 1705 Old Ross-shire I. 145.
To you a lairge muff and ane little mouse(c) a1568 Scott iv. 95.
The les the lerger hippit
9. In non-material applications: Large, great, considerable, substantial.(a) c1420 Wynt. v. 1992.
Gyff thaire god Jupytere Wald reweng hym … Syne large off mycht he wes thare-tille c1475 Wall. ii. 110.
Ane othir aukwart a large straik tuk [he] thar Abown the kne, the bayne in sondir schar 1501 Acta Conc. III. 93.
Sa that he may … haf largeare proffitt than he micht haf had c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 166.
I sall the venome devoid with a vent large Id. lviii. 30.
Quha maist hes than sall maist repent With largest compt to pairt amang thame 1513 Doug. i. xi. 105.
Quhy makis the nycht that tyme sa large delay Ib. xi. vii. 112.
Aggregyng on him wrayth and malice large Ib. xiii. v. 4, etc.
Fame … with large clamour fyllys inveroun Thar myndis all 1568 Lyndesay Pref. .
Kennedie and Dunbar … the large race of rethorik they ran 1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 23.
And large nummer of inhabitantis … can not sustene this grite crewaltie 1617 Acts IV. 536/1.
And where any [highways] ar of larger breadthe [etc.] 1623 Brechin Test. IV. 103.
Ane black vark hors of ane large eild 1622-6 Bisset I. 84/4.
Thair maist ancient lawes … requyre largare tyme to thar dew correctioun(b) a1570-86 Maitl. F. clxx. 11.
Withe los allace sa lairge of ȝour linnage a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1226.
Of other mens ledder men taks lairge quhaings 1608 Conv. Burghs II. 254.
The biging of innis … is ane mater that will requyre ane lairge tyme 1680 Elgin Rec. I. 324.
Each suyne of the lairgest syse 1s. 4d.
10. Of the full or rather more than the full (distance, time, etc., specified), a full or a good (mile, inch, month, etc.). b. Fully come, full (time of day).1558-66 Knox II. 321.
He was a large quarter of myle from the schote 1572 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 109.
Na tre to be put in … bot new aik, a large fute of the squar quhen it is dychtit a1578 Pitsc. I. 142/24.
Ane learge myle befor the rest of the oist 1642 Cunningham Journal 67.
[The ship was] detained a large month 1644 Baillie II. 184.
Mr. Marshall prayed a large two hours c1650-1700 Descr. Zetland 35.
2 large milesb. c1475 Wall. iv. 223.
Thir men went furth as it was large mydnycht
11. At large. a. At liberty, free; freely, without restraint, unhindered. Also at one's large (also plur., largis : but see Larges n. 4). b. Profusely, abundantly. c. ? .Greatly, much. Also in large. d. Of speech and writing: At length, in full, fully.a. (1) c1475 Wall. iii. 285.
He is at large, and will nocht do for me, Thocht ye tharfor rycht now suld ger me de 1513 Doug. i. ii. 23.
[The winds to] go fre at large to blaw out braid Ib. ix. x. 164.
Thai … wald no langar thoill hym go at large 1528 Lynd. Dreme 894.
Mony pure scabbit crok … goyng wyll at large, withouttin lok a1605 Montg. Flyt. 4 (T).
[I am] All reddie evir sorrow to sustene, On land and sey, at large or fetterit fast(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 186.
Wenus the best bad hir go wale at large a1500 K. Hart 878.
The barmekin birst, thai enterit in at large 1513 Doug. v. xi. 121.
The flambe … blesys braid at large Ib. viii. vi. 96.
Gret Jove … as he ful oft at large Dyd schake his tawbart Ib. xii. viii. 133.(3) c1475 Wall. v. 395.
He had leuer haiff had him at his large, Fre till our croun Ib. ix. 524.
Thai … maid thaim fre, at thair largis [1570, at larges for] to pas 1521 Fife Sheriff Ct. 280.
Johne Bower & Waltir Feyt … slew the said Andro … & passis at thar largis quhar thai pleisb. 1513 Doug. xiii. ix. 25.
Ane other sort doith set in all at large The cowpys gret 1560 Rolland Seven S. 8533.
Meit grew at large, and vittaillis was not deir a1568 Scott i. 204.
He sall thé send support, And len thé lustie liberos at largec. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 241.
The land wes likand in large and lufsum to call 1572 Sat. P. xxxvi. 59.
Thow may weill leif quhill thow at lairge repent itd. (a) 1482 Edinb. Chart. 146.
As be certane writtings … maid more at large planly apperis1525 Douglas Corr. 105.
I traist ȝoure said ambassiatoure has writtin to ȝoure hienes in this behalf at mare large1568 Lyndesay Pref. .
Reid heir ȝour lyfe at large, baith mair and min 1596 Dalr. I. 8/29. Ib. 82/14.
Bot [I] will explicat mair at lairge quhilkes to Scotland ar proper 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 24.
All which Ferrereus relateth at lairge(b) Ib. 480.
As you may read at learge in the historie of the genealogie of the earles
12. adv., in various senses of the adj. a. Generously, lavishly.1560 Rolland Seven S. 490.
Ilk ane … promeist … Mair large nor thay wald do c1590 J. Stewart 54/42.
Thocht lairge he did, he neuir amplie spak 1596 Dalr. I. 63/11.
Quhair of les expenses, mair bountiful and large thay lyue, than evin thair
b. To go large, to go free or without restraint or control.a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 172.
Justice for schrewis gois large at liberte 1513 Doug. v. xiv. 87.
[He] leyt his flote go large
c. Abundantly, greatly, much.a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1499.
And all his sanctis sa large tuke laubour For to optene that tryvmphe eternale 1513 Doug. xii. ii. 32.
The fervent fyre of schame … Kyndland mar large the red culloryt bewte 1560 Cal. Sc. P. I. 510.
I see the perell large greatar than ever it was a1570-86 Maitl. F. xcix. 40.
To conqueis large [Q. lairge] sum hes grit wrangis wrocht 1575 Cal. Sc. P. V. 196.
[He has found the proceeding at his hands] large harder [than he looked for] 1620 Sc. Ant. I. 93.
Your bairns can be no wors ther than at the Panes, and I think large cheipper a1650 Row 281.
If papatus politicus be not large worse nor papatus ecclesiasticus 1663–9 Sel. Biog. I. 163.
There was large more of that sort the year before
d. Extensively, amply.1533 Boece i. viii. 51 b.
Quhilkis considering the barrane ground [they] sall thareof extend the boundis mare large 1549 Compl. 97/13.
This battel vas fochtyn at Bannochburne, as the Inglis croniklis rehersis mair large
e. Fully, quite. (Cf. sense 10 above).(1) c1420 Wynt. vii. 546.
Fra it a space wes drawyn, … Large thre akyre leynth off land c1475 Wall. v. 204.
Xv fute large he lap out of that in 1609 Dunferm. B. Rec. II. 62.
Quhilk wound was lairge four inche lang c 1641–54 J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II. 524.
From Urquhattin to Innvernes ar twell myles, whereof the loch taketh up large eight Ib. 597.
The southsyd of Glenspeachan is … four myle large from Ferseden(2) 1630 Blair Autob. 84.
There would be large as many without the church as within it 1644 Aberd. Council Lett. II. 369.
Bot our generalwas lairge as strong as thay al