A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
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Principal(l, -ale, n.1 Also: prince-, prynsipall, principail(l, pryncipail, prinspaild; and Prencipal(l. [ME and e.m.E. principal(l, princypal (Gower, Wyclif), pryncipale, etc., f. or f. as Principal(ladj. and adv.]See also Principal(l adj. 3.
1. a. The chief or principal person in some action; the ringleader. b. The chief or leader of a group of persons, also animals; the ruler or leading person of a region.Also an instance of these, a head, ruler or chief.1375 Barb. xix 13 (E).
The lord the Soullis Schyr Wilȝam Off that purches had mast defame, For principale thar-off was he Off assent of that cruelte c1475 Wall. x 170.
Bot at thai men was natyff till Stwart, Principaill off But, tuk hardement in hart 1492 Myll Spect. 282/16.
The king Nysus that was principall and had the gouernance within this tovne 1494 Loutfut MS 112 b.
The king of armes or quha that is thair present principal of that office suld stad thaim to the aith c1500-c1512 Dunb. xlviii 178.
O blissit be the hour That thow wes chosin to be our principall c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4225. 1554 Corr. M. Lorraine 391.
Jhone Robssounis sone, quha is prynsipall of the Glengwne and prynsipall man that fortefeis McKy 1560 Rolland Seven S. 1056.
The principall ay is remanent That is our Father all potent Ib. 9043.
For I held ȝow amang my seruandis all, Into my hous euer the principall Ib. 10171.
And diuers tymes als he hes sauit ȝour lyfe, And was principall, that gat me to ȝour wyfe 1561 Paterson Ayr & Wigton III 33.
[The securities on the part of the Montgomeries were the] Earl of Eglintoun, as chief and principal of the fader's syde; Earl of Argyle, as chief and principal be the mvderis and guiddam syde; the Earl of Cassilis, as chief and principal of the guiddam be the faderis syde 1562-3 Winȝet I 102/10.
Sen naturalie be Godis prouidence amangis fowlis, fischeis and beistis, in euery cumpanie is ane principal, as it war superiour Ib. II 81/8.
We knaw the principal of this sort to be the angel of dirknes Ib. I 102/14. 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 288. c1590 Fowler I 31/115.
This is the principall of this pompe and heigh triumphant lord 1603 Moysie 7.
Befoir that Alexander Erskyne of Gogar wes chosen keiper to the king, and he misknawin to be principall, he … enterit within the castell of Sterling
c. One of the leaders of a party or of an enterprise; a leader or ringleader. In plur., also without inflection.Not always distinguishable from d.1513 Doug. viii iii 21.
Togiddir with the principalis of ȝonkeris, The sobir senatouris, and puyr officeris 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 50.
So the principallis of thame [wer] committit to ward in the castell of Edinburgh 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 192.
Becaus he was ane of the principallis that haid fallin and declynit fra the kingis auctoritie a1578 Pitsc. I 15/26.
The principallis of beith the factionis 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 235.
And the Irsch tailȝeour and his wyffe wes principallis thair; and … Rychard Grahame wes ane vthir of the principallis 1591 Ib. 245. 1596 James VI Facs. Nat. MSS III lxxiii.
I ualde uish you to dealle directlie uith the principallis of thame 1616 Reg. Privy C. X 559.
That our saidis justiceis pronunce sentence of death … upoun twa of the principallis of the men and twa of the principallis of the womenuninfl. 1567 G. Ball. 89.
Quhen hypocritis ar principall And hiest in authoritie a1578 Pitsc. I 47/30.
The principall of the Douglas that disswadit the marieage and annexatioun of the landis was the Earle of Angus and Schir Johnne Douglas of Dalkeytht
d. One of the leading persons of a nation or community; a magnate, prominent person, notable. In plur., also without inflection.1540 Lynd. Sat. 1828 (Ch.).
Ȝe se how Sensualitie With principals of ilk cuntrie Bene glaidlie lettin in 1562-3 Winȝet II 4/13.
The principalis of the peple 1563 Reg. Privy C. I 248.
The noble men underspecifiit, quha ar principallis of the boundis undernemmit 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 46.
Aganis certane lordis of the principallis of Scotland 1570–2 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxii.
Composed of a certane nombre of the principallis of the nobillitye 1575 Dickson & Edmond Ann. Sc. Printing 279.
That … ȝe pass and … charge the principallis and headismen of every parochine 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 25.
Thair was slane of Inglismen fyvetene hundreth or thairby, and fyvetene hundreth tane; thir ar the principallis, Mr. Lowis [etc.] a1578 Pitsc. II 218/11.
To drave in sum of the principallis that war aganes the regent 1595 Cal. Sc. P. XI 655.
[The] haill principallis [of the Isles are in this army] 1631 Kirkcaldy Presb. 34.
Whilks penalties shalbe taken up be the masters and principals of the ground in landwarduninfl. 1604 Elgin Rec. II 122.
That ewine the principall of the towne be poyndit
e. Applied both to the chiefs and to the other leading persons of a family or clan.1555–6 15th Rep. Hist. MSS App. ix 21.
The principallis [of his surname] … to take part with him 1575 Reg. Privy S. VII 42/2.
Betuix the principallis of the surname of Brounfeild and Haitlie 1577 Reg. Privy C. II 621.
To command and charge all and sindry the principallis and utheris of all clannis … that [etc.] 1585 Ib. III 739. 1587 Acts III 463/1.
Ay and quhill the principallis of the clan or brancheis find … responsall souirties Ib. 464/1.
To … persew the cheiff … and principallis of that clan
f. ? The principal representative of, or agent for, another, in administering a property.1555 Inverness Sheriff Ct. 29 b.
Wm Douglas … principall & taxman to ane wenerable father in God Dawid bishoip off Ros off the landis off Litle Kylmeur port & heawin thairoff
2. One who is pre-eminent in a class of persons or in some sphere; the chief, the greatest.a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 361 (Asl.).
Think on King Dauid of prophetis principale 15.. Edinb. Univ. MS La. iv 6.
Scho is of ladyis principail 1562-3 Winȝet II 50/29.
For as the wther amangis the Greikis, sua he amangis the Latinis, is to be iugeit neir the principal of al oure men a1585 Maitl. Q. i 6.
Bot to be pennit & placit as principall & metest mirrour of manheid martiall
3. The head of a College of a University.1560 Bk. Disc. 217.
Then shall … convene the hoill principallis, regentis, and suppostis that ar graduat 1562 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 126.
Our lovitis principale sub-principale and remanent maisteris and studentis of our college within the Universitie of Abirdene 1562–3 Reg. Privy S. V i 330/2.
Maister Johnne Douglase, principall of the New College of Sanctandrois and rector of the Universitie thairof 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 11.
The College of Philosophie. Personis: ane principal, ane reidar in medicine. And regents iiij Ib. 15.
The rectour most be ane discreit … person, doctor or bachelar … , or principal of ane college, or [etc.] Ib. 6, etc. 1569 Reg. Privy C. I 675. 1574 Comm. Univ. III (St. A.) App. 188.
That the principall of every ane of the collegis sall reid a publict Latin lessoun of theologie within the college ower quhilk he beris charge, every oulk anys 1575 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 96.
Maister Andro Melvill principall of the College and Vniuersetie of Glasgw 1591 Edinb. Test. XXIII 93.
Mr. James Wilkie, master principal of St. Leonardis College 1594 Marischal Coll. Rec. 89.
Maister and Principall off the new erectit college within the burght 1600 Marischal Coll. Rec. 79.
As to be Principall of the Colledge of Fraserbrughe 1602 Misc. Maitl. C. III 52. 1614 Aberd. Council Lett. I 120.
Anent the principall his place 1615–16 Glasg. Univ. Mun. III 566.
For laying the calsay anent the principallis 1626 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 106. 1628 Ib. 117. 1638 Baillie I 134.
On the Mononday we conveened the principall and others in my Lord Lowdon's chamber 1640 Aberd. B. Rec. III 242. c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. fol. 16.
In the charge of principall he was extraordinarilie painfull c1650 Spalding I 318. 1656–8 Glasg. Univ. Mun. III 503. 1679 Aberd. Council Lett. VI 163. 1694 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 315.
b. Also applied to the head of the High School of Edinburgh.1598 Edinb. B. Rec. V 223.
To serve the play to be playet be the principall and maisters and his schollers of the hie schole
4. The person primarily liable or chiefly responsible, a. for a crime or as a party in a law-suit or to execute some legal action, b. for a debt.1453 Aberd. B. Rec. I 403.
The forsaid Andrew … and Richard … borowes … enterit the said David … and David … personali … , neuertheles the said principales, David … and David … , wald noght [etc.] 1456 Hay I 272/21.
Quhare the principale gais the accessour folowis a1500 Henr. Fab. 1012.
Heir is the volff ane nobill clerk at all And of this message is maid principall 1520 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 56.
[They] aggreis nocht allanerlie of the principalis bot of kyne and allye 1528 Acts II 323/1.
And quhill the principale be convicte thare cann nane vthire be convicte of assistance 1576 Reg. Privy C. II 545.
We Alexander Arbuthnot merchand, and Thomas Bassinden imprentair … obleissis us … as principallis; David Guthre [etc.] … as souirteis 1586 Jurid. Rev. IV 295.
The tyme the Laird of Abbottshall quha is principall be first tryit … .The advocat answerit in the contrar seing the mater was divisibl & they were all callit togedder as principalls 1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 19.
The said William Sinclair, principall, actit him for releif of his saidis cautioneris of the premissis 1653 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 137.
5. The chief, main or most important of a number of things.1456 Hay I 201/2.
For law of nature is the lawe of God, the quhilk is hede and principale of all lawis c1460 Thewis Wysmen 318.
For of al taknis of foly … The principall is ignorans c1552 Lynd. Mon. 691.
The planetis … Off quhome Phebus was principall a1578 Pitsc. I 105/7.
6. An original document from which copies have been made.1489–90 Acta Aud. 145/1.
Baithe the said partiis … subscriuit the principale of this compromes ? 1536 in Knox I 52.
Please to gar have this, or the copy, to the clergy and kirkmen, and keap the principale 1567 6th Rep. Hist. MSS 642/1.
This is the autentik and just copy of the principall lettir aboue mentionat … And the same originall and principall extant to schaw will testifie c1575 Balfour Pract. 364.
Gif ony persoun producis in judgment the copie of ane instrument of sasine, and alledgis that the principal is tint 1599 Ayr Chart. 5.
The … copy of the charter … to mak als gritt fayth … as the principall in all tyme cuming 1631 Justiciary Cases I 177.
And the authentike copies of otheris wherof the principallis ar reteaned be his maiestie a1651 Calderwood II 354. 1668 Stair Decis. I 560. 1697-1707 D. Hume Accompt of Estate 16.
My father's band of provision … being registrat at a time when principalls were given back, I never had it
7. The principal piece of property or sum of money involved in a transaction, claim or dispute, as distinguished from subsidiary property, incidentals or outlays or, latterly, interest.c 1390 Coldingham Priory 65.
We wylle garre rayse till us alle the fermes and profittes of Coldynghame, quylle we be assethit als wele for owr scathes and of our costages as of our principale 1433 Ayr B. Ct. 15 June.
That Johnn Walker com til his prinspaild & hes some scathis apoun Newyn Chepman c1460 Regim. Princ. 231 (Maitl.).
Bayth interes and all the scathis haill To be assythit richt as the principall Ib. 254.
Than is ane pure man hereit vtterlie, And tynt bayth costis, laubour and principall 1461 Newburgh B. Ct. 6 b (see Pendicle n. 1 d (1)).
Pryncipail 1469 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 419.
In falt of payment of the principall … vnder al compulsion of law to be compellet ande dystrenȝeit 1481 Prestwick B. Rec. 29.
That in tyme cumin thare be na outtin scheip … haldin in the toune be ony induellar … vndir the pane of tinsale of the principale a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 180 (Harl.).
Quhat may be said of schrewit aduocatis, Quhilkis … be thare practik the sentence sa resplatis, Quhill that the pley oft pas the principall? 1515 Wigtown B. Ct. 45 b.
Andro McCron fand ane broch … at the said Andro had cumin to the principaill of the best with [the] profeitis 1565 Reg. Privy C. I 385.
For payment of the said bill, principall, dowbill and sapheir 1605 Glasgow B. Rec. I 228.
For the sowme of ane hundrethe markis money principall and ten markis liquidat expenssis a 1635 Berw. Nat. C. XXV 507.
The some of vi lib. as princepall with xvi shillings of peineilltie 1641 Aberd. Council Lett. II 275.
The haill soumes, principall, liquidat expensses, and annualrentes 1658 J.M. Beale Fife Schools 133.
The great charges and expenses hee bestowed thairon quhairby the principall was allmost exhausted 1676 Cramond Kirk S. II 5 March.
And to chairge for the principall and annual rents
8. a. A principal matter as opposed to that which is subordinate to or consequent on it. b. The principal purport or tenor of a statement.a1538 Abell 83 a.
He that will the principal that is to be a mwnk channon or freire he willis the accessour that is obligatioun to the preceppis of that rewll 1679 J. Somerville Mem. II 75.
As appeares by the answear returned by Marre, the principall vherof … is as followes