A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Pruf(e, Prof(e, Prove, n. Also: prwf, pruff(e, prwff(e; pruif(e, pruiff(e, pruyf, prwif(e; preuffe; proffe, proif(fe; proof(e, prooff(e; prouf(e, prouff(e, prowfe; prowe, proove. [ME and e.m.E. prove (Cursor M.), prof(e (Manning), proff(e (Wyclif), proof (Prompt. Parv.), prouffe (c1430), late ME also prouve (1425), e.m.E. also prooff(e, late OF prouve, prove (14th c. in Littré), var. of Prefe n. with vowel of Prove v. and OF prover, prouver v.] Proof.
I. 1. Submission of something to trial or test, or the condition of being tried and tested; trial, test.Also to put (the thing) to (the) prufe. 1456 Hay I 257/36.
Oure haly fader … forbidis that maneris of provis, of bataillis in liss or justis of were a1585 Maitl. Q. xlvi 37.
Sa in afflixioun as ane furneis fyire We ar prepared be prove to the impyire Ib. 47.
Blist ar thay … That … patientlie in pruif dois perseueir 1586 Douglas Chart. 287.
And finding likleheid to gett thame fylit, put it to prufe 1596 Dalr. I 219/4.
This [method] sindrie tymes being put to profe and experience 1598–9 Montgomery Mem. 243.
That he be not admittit without ane sufficient essay and pruife of memorie ?1615 Melrose P. I 193.
If his maiestie … put not the authors to the pruif of thair misinformations he will bring vpon himself great vexation
b. To put (something) in profe, = to the test, ? passing into: at risk, in hazard. 1570 Leslie 227.
Monsieur de Desse … determinat incontinentlie to putt his hoill force in profe to recover that ile
2. The condition of having been tried and tested or the capability of passing a test; tried or tested quality; proven worth or ability. 1583 A. Hay Nobility 31.
James Stewarte … is a yonge man … of a very tall stature, but lyttle proofe 1585 Laing MSS I 39.
To have tryit horsses of pruif bot sa disgysit be cutting of thair talis, [etc.] … that nane suld suspect
b. Proof-sermon, a trial sermon of a candidate for a ministerial charge. a1651 Calderwood VII 507.
Mr. William Arthure … to compeir before the Hie Commission, becaus he refused to give some proofe sermons in Edinburgh, seing he was putt on the leits
3. Chiefly of a piece of armour: Tried power of resistance, ability to withstand assault (also, by a specified type of weapon), impenetrability.Chiefly in the phr. (corslet etc.) of prufe, and see Corslet(t n. 2 for further examples; also, as adj., by ellipsis of of. At proofe of, of the prove of = impenetrable by.(1) 1456 Hay I 85/6.
The traist that he has in his gude armouris makis him hardy … for thai ar of prove 1595 Invent. Castle Campbell in Argyll Mun. MS 21 Feb. (Old Argyll MS Inv.).
Ane croslatt of pruiff 1596 Dalr. II 419/10.
That tha prepare a hunder cumpanies in corsletis of profe 1600 Crim. Trials II 296.
It did him no hurt, be reasone of his doublet of pruiff 1605 Black Bk. Taymouth 341.
Ane murrioun of proofe 1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 26 Sept.
2 heidpeices of pruff, a tairge of pruf 1640 Bk. Carlaverock II 502. a1688 Wallace Orkney 72.
Having on him a corslet of prooff(2) 1583 Edinb. Test. XIII 49.
Tua corslattis the ane pruif and the vther ane quhyt corslat 1691 Kirk Secr. Commonw. (1964) 350.
A being proof of lead, iron, and silver, or a brieve makeing men invulnerable(3) 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 111/44.
God him self … Maid caibinetis faire at proofe of sunne quhiche out his beames did keipe 1644 Edinb. Test. LXI 2b.
Ane new secreitt of the prove of ane durk
II. A test of a sample as a means of ascertaining the yield or the quality of the whole. 4. Of ore or metal in coining. 1575–6 Reg. Privy C. II 512.
Than the foirsaid unfynit stuff salbe takin out agane be wecht or compt and ane quantitie thairof for ane pruif fynit be the said Abraham … and as the said pruif declaris the quantitie of the said gold and silver to be in the saidis gummis and sandis [etc.] 1576 Treas. Acc. XIII 102.
Loist upoun Abrahame Petirsonis pruiffis maid be him of plakkis and babeis 1591 Reg. Privy C. in Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 176.
[They] causit oppin the box quhairin wer the assayis of all … money quhilkis wer cunyeit sen … [1586] … the pruiff of quhilkis assayis of gold siluer and allayed money being tane and the samin tryit be the fyre … [they found that] all the saidis assayis keipit the iust fynnes appointit be the … actis … maid thairanent
5. a. A sample consisting of a fixed proportion of the corn in a stack or of a grain-crop (e.g. one sheaf out of twenty-five) threshed, winnowed and measured so as to estimate the total yield of the stack or the crop. b. The yield of the sample. c. The act of estimating the yield of a stack or a crop in this way. d. The estimated total yield.To cast a or the prufe, to estimate a yield by sampling in this way; to cast to (into) (the) prufe, to estimate the yield of (a crop or stack) by sampling in this way: see Cast v. 14 b. and Castar n.(1) 1505–6 Exch. R. XII 672.
The first stak of aitis the pruf vas ij ferlotis ij peccis … the secund stak aitis the pruf v ferlotis iij peccis 1507 Rentale Dunkeld. (S.H.S.) 192.
[Sir William Ramsay] jactatoris archoniorum [of the said crop, extending to 3 f. and 1] batum [of] lie pruffe, [16 b. 1 f. barley] Ib.
[From 2 c. sown in the kirkland and meadow of Clony … bearing of] lie pruff [2 b. 3 f. 2¾] bata, [3 c. 9 b. 2 f. oats] 1562–3 Inverness Rec. I 101.
As ane of four barnemen quhilkis rassauit the pruiff of the samyn [oats] quha nait he mellit wyth ony of the said pruiff 1567 Lothian P. MS (Reg. H.).
Twa dayis wondong … [of corn] on the morne cuming agane to wondo the pruf 1567 Inverness Rec. I 157.
To wpwark for sowde sawing pruiffis corne and all wther dewyte ane cottar … suld haif 1567–8 Ib. 159.
As he that com souerte for hyme … of ane pruf attis of xiij bollis and pettis [sic] ij bollis j firlote attis and sex pekis beyr of x firlottis beyr 1569 Ib. 180.
That … he makis him nocht compt reknyng and payment of iij bollis quheit, four bollis greit aittis [etc.] … of the rest of ingang of his pruiffis 1571 Ib. 204.
That he withhaldis fra me the pruiff of xxiiij bollis beir the said yeir, quhilk I aucht … to haif for my laubouris Ib.
And sayis he gaif newyr ane cottar the pruiff of his beir in respect the beir of the said towne … wes … thressin be my awin serwand men of my house, quharfor I aucht to pay na pruiff beyr to him Ib. 205.
And the said William is fundin fre of the beyr pruiff Ib. 203. 1656 Edinb. Justices Peace 407.
A tasker … if he be imployed to thresh … he is to have the twenty-fifth part of all such corns, as he shall happen to thresh (which is commonly called the lot or proof) a1699 Skene Agric. MS (see (2) below). 1687 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser XIII 187.
The deponent … wes delyvering … some beir and fodder, the proofe wherof wes carried … in to a barne(2) 1567 Inverness Rec. I 148.
To mak compt reknyng and payment … of xiij bollis aittis and ane half of ane pruiff castin … be Jame Baittis and xviij bollis aittis and ane half of ane wther pruiff cassin thair be William Anderson 1567–8 Ib. 159.
And the said William … confessit hym to be souerte for the ingang of the prufis quhilkis Dauid McConyll suld thress and desyrit the pruf manis ayth, and thair comperit Johne Gibson and deponit the prufis to be justle castyn 1569 Ib. 179.
To refound … the sowme of sex bollis aittis inleakit of tuay pruiffis aittis quhilk thai had the handling of, conforme to the ayth of Johne Donaldson castar of the saidis pruiffis Ib. 180.
To warne the pruiffis castaris this daye aucht dayis a1699 Skene Agric. MS.
As concerning the casting of the prooff the greive must not cast the prooff but an other man must doe it, the twentie fyft sheiff is the prooff first telling, twentie fowr then the twentie fift is the prooff, beginning at one again. And everie peck a prooff gives six furlets in the stacke(3) 1564–75 Hamilton & Campsie Test. I 20b.
Of beir as it wes castin to the proif xxiij bollis 1596 Oldcambus Acc. 2.
The tendis of the toune of the crope and ȝeir [etc.] … castin to pruf be Gudbert Lyll 1597 Ib.
The hall q[uhei]tt of the crope … being castin to pruf conform to the perticular cunt thairof extends to j ch. x bs. ij pcts. 1631 Edinb. Test. LV 152.
Sawin … fyv bollis peis quhilk being collectit schorne & cassin to the pruiff extendit onlie in increas to fyftein bollis peis 1665 Brechin Test. VI 300.
Cast into the proffe sex bollis … peas
e. attrib. and comb.: That is or serves as the ‘proof’ or trial sample in this sense; as ascertained by taking proof in this way.Also Pruf(e)man.(1) 1571 Inverness Rec. I 204.
Quharfor I aucht to pay na pruiff beyr to him — 1567 Inverness Rec. I 157.
To mak me thankfull payment of xiij bollis aittis for my sowde ij bollis aittis sawing pruiff corne and all wther dewytie … wont to ane cottar to get Ib.
ij bollis aittis sawing wyth pruiff cornis(2) 1543 Ex. Processes (Reg. H.) No. ii, Robertson v Campbell.
That the abbotis officiar had tane Ihone Robertsons aitis cassin be proif schaif out of stak 1549–50 Prot. Bk. Sir J. Cristisone 105.
[Ready to deliver the grain … and to cast the same with] proif schaif 1621 Brechin Test. IV 39.
Ane stak of aitis cassin be prouff scheiff(3) 1496 Acta Conc. II 8.
And as to the pruff avale of the proffittis of the saidis landis … the Lords … contenewis … the sade summonds
III. 6. An attempt, enterprise, endeavour. 1584 Montg. Suppl. xlvii n.
I have heirwith imparted to ȝour lordship his hienes first pruif and prentissage in poesie 1611 Crim. Trials III 167.
His great courage, vnhappelie bestowed in pruiffis of that kynd a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1068.
Like man, like matter, like purpose, like pruif
IV. 7. a. The fact of having confirmed something by trying it out; confirmation by experience, test or examination.Chiefly in later texts.Be, by, also in prufe, by experience.(1) 1567 Sat. P. iv 157.
I speik not but pruife, quhilk I may sairlie rew 1569 Cal. Sc. P. III 31.
[So as her highness and your lordship shall find] profe of my affectionate mynde [to (etc.)] 1572 Sat. P. xxxv 25.
Ȝour quene had pruif that Mortounis race To covatice wes hoill inclynde Ib. 95.
So pruif and deid sall testifie Ȝour kyndnes and our honestie 1585 Edinb. Univ. Chart. 96.
We heving sufficient proif and experience of the said Mr. Robertes lyfe and conversatioun [etc.] c1610 Melville Mem. 257. 1673 Aberd. Council Lett. V 292.
Proofe(2) a1400 Leg. S. xxiii 10.
Sume fulis … That wil trew nane bot that thai Be verray prowe here ore se may 1572 Sat. P. xxxiv 9.
Be pruif richt weill I doe espy The Scottisch tred … To be so bad 1584 Acts III 303/2.
His maiestie and thrie estatis finding be guid pruif and experience the skaith and inconvenient [etc.] c1600 Montg. Suppl. v 39.
By art & prouff thai craff is knayne To me 1609 Writers Signet 240.
I howpe by prwife yow sall find [etc.] 1630-1651 Gordon Geneal. Hist. 34.
In respect of the valiancie and courage which he had tryed by prooff to rest in him — 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (S.T.S.) 55/28.
This we haue in proofe by them that are carryed with the Phairie(3) 1564 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) I 44.
A gude pruffe have ye … of hir majesteis benignitie thir thrie yeiris … that scho hes lived in the governament over yow 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 136. 1582 Misc. Spald. C. II 334.
Vnto the tyme that my sones cum to ane gritter … discretioun or that I may haif ane suir pruif of thair guid behauiour towardis me 1600 Bruces of Airth App. xciv.
The lang and guid experience and the manifauld pruiffis quhilk his maiestie ever hes gevin of his hienes clemencie 1614 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 223.
Prooffes 1636 Aberd. B. Rec. III 96.
As for his qualificatioun for the place thair wisdomes hes had pruiff thairof for a long tyme 1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 54.
Having had so good a prouffe of ther affectione heirtofor
b. The fact of displaying (a quality) in action; (a) demonstration.(1) a1585 Maitl. Q. lx 9.
Of forraine landis the inclinatioun Be pruif richt weill I doe espy 1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I 90.
Quharin he gaif sic pruif of his vailȝeantness, courage and gude conduct 1583 Reg. Morton I 137.
And continualy sence hes ramenth constant and obedient as be ȝowr ward ȝe haue giuen ane guid prwffe 1585 Laing MSS I 52.
Ye have gevin effectuell pruif with quhat earnist zeale ye are devoted to our service 1594 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II 254. 1611 Reid Auchterarder 15.
Who be some notable service shall gif proffe and testimonie of [etc.] 1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I 330.
Proiffe 1650 Acts Sederunt ii 69.
Young gentlemen to give proof of their literature by makeing publick lessones(2) pl. c1590 Fowler I 39/71.
I saw suche perfyte proofes of grace in him 1613 Southesk MSS 14.
The bypast pruiffes of your vndisserved favour to me and my doughter
V. 8. That which makes good a statement or establishes a fact; sufficient or certain evidence, confirmation, verification (of some alleged fact). b. pl. c. An instance of this.(1) a1400 Leg. S. i 356.
At thu … May knaw be pruf richt weil now, Me suthfastis Goddis son to be, Ger ane of thi men now hed me [etc.] Ib. xxx 590.
That ony man Suld wit be pruf scho ware weman Ib. xxxi 382.
Pruff c1420 Wynt. viii 2808.
The indenture till hym gave he, Off thare cunnandis prwff [C. pruff, E., A. the pruf] to be c1475 Wall. xi 1413.
For I to this haiff don my diligence, Eftyr the pruff geyffyn fra the Latyn buk 1562–3 Peebles B. Rec. I 288.
That the said Johne bakbitit him, quhilk the said Johne requirit prufe thairof 1558-66 Knox II 406.
Quhilk gif your grace will deny, I sall addres me for the prufe(b) c1590 Fowler I 16.
Besydis the barbar grosnes of boyth thair translationis, whiche I culd sett doun by prwif … in twoe hundreth passages and moe 1593 Misc. Spald. C. I 7.
They … will also profess and gif prwif to be ennemie to all the … ennemies of our … cuntrie 1622-6 Bisset I 159/14.(c) 1600 Crim. Trials II 252.
As he has gevin us proif of the ane, sa mot he gif us the proif of the uther c1610 Melville Mem. 238.
For proif, efter that my brother … brocht [etc.](d) a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 941.
& swa with prooff of mychtfull dede He strinthit alway Godis sede 1616 Misc. Hist. Soc. II 172.
I kan nevir find … anie apparant reason, mekle les presumption prooff or indice to [etc.](e) 1611 Breadalbane Lett. (Reg. H.) 2 Sept.
I luik at this tyme to have prove of the same(2) 1456 Hay I 74/5.
Tharfore suld men be wele avisit or thai put crime till a man, bot thai war wele sekir of gude pruf 1477 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 200.
The rollis registeris and euidentis schawin … is sufficient pruff for the possession a1570-86 Maitl. F. lxxxix 31. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 3961.
Without mair prufe Ib. 10679.
The perfite prufe of hir rebald and knaif, Thame self baith fylis 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 152/6.
To preif the figuris of the auld testament sufficient pruyf of materis of fayth concerning the new testament 1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots I 542.
In manifest prufe of hir continewit hatrent 1584 Gray Lett. & P. 14.
But that I may beleue open and solleme prowfe, erneste and lyberall protestacyons 1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 189.
The erle of Argyll quha at my last assemble not onle gave to me, in secreit, exceiding gude prove of his religione, … bot [etc.] 1629 Justiciary Cases I 108.
Seing it is na lauchfull pruif to infer or preve witchcraft that ane man deing sould lay his daith upone ony [etc.]b. (a) 1456 Hay I 286/1, 4.
And gif the prince may … get knaulage of othir pruf or witnes or othir pruf be instrument or obligacioun or to draw out of the party be inquisicioun of confessioun and othir maner of prufis 1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots I 549.
Quhilk strange and vnnaturall crueltie … now euidentlie knawin be mony infallible pruiffis and argumentis c1590 Fowler I 16.
Which thing as they bring furth in yow the desartis and prwifes of perfyte praise(b) 1456 Hay I 259/12.
And nane wate it bot he himself na may nocht othir provis gett as to that mater Ib. 265/22. 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 84.
The planenes of the proues considderitc. a1400 Leg. S. xxxii 50.
Crystofer & Theodera To this a verra prowe ma may, That thar is na defence sa gude As is the takine of the rude 1549 Lamb Resonyng 33/12.
The mantenyng of the Scottis nobillis fugitiveis … is bettir knawin nor nedis ony pruif 1565 Q. Mary in Misc. Maitl. C. III 181.
Sic a declaratioun wes na pruif a1585 Maitl. Q. lxxx 37.
Lo heir a toy and licht conset … But onlye for ane treuth and prove [: move] To ladye maistres myne 1622-6 Bisset I 159/8.
Except … quha … sall gif ane pruif of thair qualyficatioun
9. The action of establishing the truth of a statement. c1590 Fowler II 51/20.
I pas the contradictioun … broght in by ȝow for profe of the saming
10. The action of establishing something in a court of law, esp. by evidence; the bringing of evidence.To mak prufe of (something), to establish it in this way.To mak prufe, to be accepted as sufficient evidence, to be held to prove the case.(1) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 22 (A) h. of ch.
Of pruf & acquitans betuix burges & wplandis men 14.. Acts I 377/2.
And [gif] efterwartis the folowar … mak a defalt … he sal tyn the benefite … of his pruf [L. perdat … beneficium … probacionis] and gif the … deffendour … be absent … the pruff sal pass again him [L. transeat probacio contra eum] 14.. Quon. Attach. c. 35.
Or ellis in that pruff he sal nocht be herde 1456 Hay I 73/16.
For quhen a man takis his pruf or defens in sik maner [trial by battle], it is like as he tempit God Ib. 73/34.
And gif a man failis his pruf, the defendour is quyte Ib. 260/29.
The quhilk [theft] may nocht be provit be opyn pruf Ib. 74/1. 1478 Acta Aud. 59/1.
And faleȝand of the said pruffe lettres tobe writin [etc.] Ib. 63/1.
The lordis continewis the pruf assignit … to pruf his sufficiand defesans 1488 Lanark B. Rec. 4.
For falt of entre in a pruf 1539 Prot. Bk. Hew Rig 31a.
The secund poynt of pruif, possessioun of this land past memor of man 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 67b.
It is in the election of him quha is accused, to vnderly the prufe of the woman, or [etc.] Ib. 106b (see 11 (1)). 1657 Boharm Kirk S. 1 March.
The said John taks it to prove be 4 witnesses(2) 1429–30 Acts II 19/2.
Sa that the party playntife mak prufe of the dede or of manance … done till hym(3) 1569 Reg. Privy C. II 76.
The saidis letters producit thaireftir salbe vode and mak na prufe, or have ony executioun
11. That which makes good a claim or statement or establishes a fact in a court of law, or an instance of this; (an) evidence. Also pl.Freq. to lede prufe, Lede v. 19, q.v. for further examples.(1) 14.. Acts I 377/2.
To bring furth witnes or pruff [L. testes vel probacionem] again his perty aduersar [etc.] 14.. Quon. Attach. c. 35.
The folowar sal bring his pruff gif he allegis it rycht thar in his hande … & gif his pruff be sufficiant [etc.] 1459 Peebles B. Rec. I 134.
That he suld be dettour of the som bot he mycht pruf with suffysand prwf that is fuwli content and payit 1466 Acta Aud. 6/1.
To restore … sa mekle of the saide lede vre as he may prufe was takin … , to the producing of the quhilk prufe the lordis assignis him [etc.] 1471 Ib. 21/2.
That … the said Margret bring … sic prufe and document as scho will vse 1478 Ib. 59/2.
Becaus the said schir Robert allegis that he has vther pruf the quhilk he mycht nocht get for schortnes of tyme the lordis auditouris continewis the said pruf [etc.] 1586–7 Reg. Privy C. IV 141.
Be sufficient testimony and pruffe allowable be the lawis 1608 Hist. Fam. Seton 908.
Without confessioun, preuffe or euther tryall 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 106b.
Gif the partie defendand that day of prufe be absent, and the party followand being present with his prufe in his hand, and swa the partie defendand be not … present to receiue the prufe against him(2) 1456 Hay I 257/24.
It is forbodyn … that ony man suld be witnes in his awin cause, the quhilk he ingeris him to be that wagis bataill, sen his awin persone is a pruf c1575 Balfour Pract. 523.
Gif the beist … happin to die, the defendar aucht to bring to the court ane pruif thairof, viz. the top and tail [etc.](3) pl. 1456 Hay I 73/22.
For quhy that it war bot vayne thing to jugis to do justice, gif men suld be prufis thame selff Ib. 257/26.
All folk to move plede for thair accioun, and to lede sufficient provis thareapon Ib. 268/31.
And sen it is sa in lawis ordinaire that quhen I have led a certane of witnes [etc.]. … And gif ane of my provis [sc. a weapon] failis me in lissis 1466 Acta Aud. 3/2.
The lettres, euidentis, documentis & richtis profis & witnes producit be bath the partijs 1500 Acta Conc. II 473.
Pruffis 1507 Edinb. B. Ct. Bk. 3.
& produccioin of prufis producit be the saide William Peirson hard red & vnderstandin a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 62.
Bot proovis wer brocht in aganis him 1644 Laing MSS I 214.
If he bring him to a legall tryell will allow him all his lawefull proufes and defences and doe him justice 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. i x §1 (1678) 81.
And in this crime there are seldom other prooves
12. a. The giving of valid evidence on oath in court; the action of serving as a valid witness. 14.. Acts I 380/2.
Thir are the namys of thame that may nocht stande in assise nor in pruf nor in acquyttance 1456 Hay I 263/23.
Gif a man … sais that [another] … is manesuorne and be that wald mak him unhable to stand in pruf na witnes … he [etc.] c1460 Consail Vys Man 79.
Ȝit have thai [sc. liars] scham in euery place Fra pruf and wytnes baith vnabile, And fra al office honorabile 1467 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 403.
Quhasa euir brakis in ony of thir condicionis sall be haldyn infamous maynsworne [etc.] … and nevir to be harde in prufe na witnes
b. A person who gives evidence on oath in court, a witness. 1466 Acta Aud. 6/1.
The lordis … ordanis him to haf lettres to summond his profis 1478 Ib. 75/1.
Prufis 1571 Lanark B. Rec. 57.
The balleis advyssand with the depositioun of the proffes and assessouris hes fund [etc.] a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 209.
Aganis these tua he brocht in tua fals provis, and cawsit thayme be confrontit before the juge 1597 James VI Dæmonol. (S.T.S.) 55/9.
Who but witches can be prooues, and so witnesses of the doings of witches?
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