A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Sper(e, Speir(e, n.1 Also: speyr, speer(e, spear(e, spier, spair, (sphere, sperith). Pl. also sperris. [ME and e.m.E. spere (Layamon), sper (Cursor M.), speir (15th c.), speare (1524), spear (1539), OE spere, MDu. spere, speer, MLG sper.]
1. A spear, appar. of a more or less standard length, also a shorter lighter weapon of this kind used for throwing; specif. the spear used to wound Christ on the cross. b. A spear used in jousting.Also, brek(ing, rin(ning (of) (the, a) speir(is, fight(ing on foot or horseback, joust(ing. See also Rin v.1 28, Rinnar n. 4 b, to set speris, see Set v. 30; to streke (one's) sper(is, see Strek(e v. 3 (1); taxt or taxacioun of (the) speris, see Tax(t n.For further information see C. R. Beard Dictionary of Costume & Armour s.v. Spear and D. H. Caldwell (ed.) Scottish Weapons & Fortifications (1981) pp. 253-259.(1) 1375 Barb. iii 459.
He … wan the naylis, and the sper, and the croune, that Jesu couth ber 1375 Barb. v 642.
With the sper … he ran. Bot the king … vatit the sper … and with a wysk the hed off strak 1375 Barb. ix 511.
Schyr Ingrahame … gert ay ber about Apon a sper a rede bonet Into takyn that he wes set into the hycht off chewalry 1375 Barb. xi 594, 598, etc.
Thai with speris woundis wyd Gaff till the hors that come thaim ner … And other speris dartis & knyffis And wapynnys on ser maner Kest amang thaim that fechtand wer a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii 264.
Brandisand the spere hym til, Commendande hyme to Godis mycht Strak the dragone ?1438 Alex. i 1583, etc.
Fyue fute of the spere and mare He butlingis throw his body bare c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2122. c1420 Wynt. viii 5154.
At the tothir cours off were The Dowglas hit and brak his spere; And a sclys off the schafft … In till his hand a wounde can mak 14.. Burgh Laws c. 88 (B).
That ar cummyn to mannys elde sal gang dure be dure wyth pluykis stafys speris wyth brogys and armys [sc. as watch] 14.. Acts I 113/2.
Of armyn in tym of wer … it is ordanyt … that … evir ilk lawyt man … that hes x lb in gudis sal haf for his body in the defence of the kynrik a gud suffyciand acton a basnet & gluffis of playt with a sper & a suerd 14.. Acts I 114/2. 1434 Exch. R. IV 561.
Pro viginti octo sperris … pro hastiludio regis 1460 Hay Alex. 3357.
Ochtery Emenedus could mete, And on him brek his spere richt spedaly 1460 Hay Alex. 3598.
Sansoun … vndertuk tobe his messingere Bot he first wald assay to brek his spere That he sum takin micht till his maister bere 1471 Acts II 100/1.
That na merchandis bryng speris in this realme … bot gif thai conten sex eln & of a clyft na at na bowar within the realme mak ony speris bot gif thai conten the samyn lentht a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 618.
Thair speris in splendris sprent On scheldis schonkit and schent c1475 Wall. ii 115.
Inglismen, that war in bargane boune To kepe the gait with speris rud and lang 1481 Acts II 132/2.
That thar be na speris made in tyme tocum nor sald that is schortar than five elne & a half or v elne at the leist before the bur & of gretnes according tharto 1490 Irland Mir. II 57/17.
The instrumentis of the passioun the crovne the croce the naillis the sper 1494 Loutfut MS 4a.
The iiii keparis that ar ordanit to be heraris in the listes … suld nothir haff suerd ax no dagger no othir wappin bot alanerly schort speris but burris or heidis to depart the fechtaris … gif myster be 1496 Treas. Acc. I 310.
For hedis to xij speris, and dyamandis to xxiiij justing speris 1502 Treas. Acc. II 352, etc.
To Henry, lorymar, for sockatis and dyamandis to the speris 1508 Treas. Acc. IV 121.
To Johne Mayn, bowar, for fessonyng, grathing, and burring of jc Franch speris 1508 Treas. Acc. IV 121.
For xij speris for the listis xxiiij s. 1513 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 23.
[The] servand men … [to] be producit in wappynschawing … with ane sper lanch and bow 1513 Doug. x xiii 65.
Eneas kest hys sper, Quhilk throu Meȝentius armour all dyd scher 1515 Treas. Acc. V 12, etc.
To pay vj werkman quhilkis lauborit apoun the dichting and heding of my lord governouris speris and pikkis, and for takatis and grathing of the samyn hedis 1526 Treas. Acc. V 265.
For ij dousan of new speris with thair heddis … iiij li. xvj s. 1538 Treas. Acc. VII 8.
For jc and x speris of gretast bynd garnist witht irne, brokin at the listis 1539 Treas. Acc. VII 48.
Gevin in Paris for jm speris to the kingis grace, half for the listis, and the tother half for the weir, ilk jc l frs.; summa vc frs. 1540 Acts II 362/2.
That na maner of wapnis be admittit in wapinschawingis bot speris pikis stark & lang of vj ellis of lenth leicht axis halbortis [etc.] 1540 Treas. Acc. VII 317.
Cariage of the kingis harnes and sperris to Sanctandrois and utheris places for the justing 1542 Treas. Acc. VIII 92.
For dichting of the kingis grace justing harnes … steill sadillis, roundellis for speris, schaifronis for hors [etc.] 1548 Treas. Acc. IX 187.
For tua speris of Culane fyr to my lordes grace self iij li. v s. Item, for putting on of the speir hedis x s. 1574 Acts III 91/1.
That all vtheris of lawer rent and degre haue … swerdis pikkis or speris of sex elnis lang culveringis halbertis or twa handit swerdis —a1500 Lanc. 809.
The sperithis poynt, that bitith scharp and well(b) 1375 Barb. iii 582.
Newys that stalwart war & squar, That wont to spayn gret speris war, Swa spaynt aris 1375 Barb. v 607.
Speir a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 161.
The ice schoklis that fra his [sc. Saturn's] hair doun hang Was wonder greit, and as ane speir als lang 1491 Treas. Acc. I 171. 1513 Doug. ix xi 87.
Ane hydduus byssand fyry speir [Ruddim. fyre spere] That clepit is ‘phalarica’ in weir 1513 Doug. ix xii 41.
The tother … a huge speir of haill tre, With bark and knottis altogidder, leyt fle 1527 Treas. Acc. V 303.
Ane el taiffiteis, gray and ȝallo, for the kingis speir 1540 Maxwell Mem. I 408.
Sewyn haill speyris and ane brokyn speyr, and iiij of tha heiddit 1547 Treas. Acc. IX 99.
Half ane elne taffate of the corde to be ane pynsaill to my lorde governourres speir 1549 Compl. 58/18.
Sum tyme it [sc. the comet] vil apeir lyik lang bludy hayr, sum tyme lyik ane dart, sum tyme lyik ane bludy speyr c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 492.
His speir … was baith greit & lang With ane sharp heid of grundin steill 1552 Reg. Privy C. I 136.
That the said fittmen may be … accomptirit with jack and plait, steilbonett, sword [etc.] … and ane speir of sax elnes lang or thairby 1551 Hamilton Cat. 82.
He was strikin throw the hart with thre pickes or speiris, be the handis of Joab 1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii 163.
Quha is heir dar brek ane speir Vpon ȝone lymmeris lendis 1571 Bann. Memor. 108.
Speiris, heidit and vnheidit, lx 1582 Treas. Acc. MS 37.
To … speir maker for speiris bilȝeart bullis and bilȝeartis furnesset be him 1596 Dalr. I 101/23.
Thay [sc. the border men] vse … to put a gluue vpon the poynte of ane speir in exprobratione and schame of him quha crakit his creddence 1587-99 Hume 20/122.
Why whylome in the firmament strange tailed sterns appeiris Why whilome sindrie shaps of beasts, and flaming firie speiris a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xxxiii 11.
He [sc. Cupid] nokt ane arrou longer nor a speir 1622-6 Bisset II 289/13.
[St. Thomas was] slane witht ane dart quhilk we call a speir or javilling(c) ?a1450 Florimond 475.
Ane schort spair and ane scharp he haid c1610 Melville Mem. 202.
Efter lang fechting and poussing vthers tu and fra with ther spaires(d) 1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 71.
The Scottis ruschitt incontinent with … sic properant farde of speeris [1821 lang speris], that thair inymyis had na lasair to schutt thair darttis(e) 1543–4 Ayr B. Acc. 93.
To Wilsoun the bowyer for dichting the town's spears £4 9 s. 3 d. 1663 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 63.
In this moneth deceased King Henry of France, of the stroak of a spear running at the list(f) 1542 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 577.
Arma contenta in eodem cubiculo, ad communitatem collegii. Item, xii aiksis. Item, vii spheris(g) 1646 4th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 510/1.
For 3 dusson of spiers for running at the glove; 24lb(2) 1560 Rolland Seven S. 6964.
Fra this time furth he vsit daylie iusting, Breking of speiris and alswa hors rinning a1568 Scott ii 118.
Gife thow wald this lady win, Cum furth and brek a speir With me(3) 1538 Treas. Acc. VII 10.
For thre vicis to put apoun the kingis sadill for rynnyng of the speir 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1848 (Ch.).
And leirne to rin ane heavie spear, That he [sc. the king] into the tyme of wear, May follow at the cheace c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iv 597.
Than tuik thay in jurnayis of tornament And speir rinning with mony interpryis
c. In sing. without article, freq. coll. Chiefly in collocation with parts of armour and/or other weapons.(1) a1400 Leg. S. vii 466.
Alkyne instrument of were, As gyne, slonge, darte & spere 1398 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 38.
That al manere of man … sal haue fredome to folow thair gudis that beis stollin … fra thaim … in qwhat gudely manere thei list with owten bow & spere ?1438 Alex. i 3058.
I saw neuer man … Sa cleynly daill with scheild and spere 1425 Acts II 10/2.
That ilk gentilman hafande x lib. worth of lande or mare be sufficiandly harnest & anarmyt with basnete haile legharnes suerde speir & dager 1456 Hay I 142/29.
Armes invasives as spere, suerd, ax, and knyf, to defend the corps with c1475 Wall. iv 302. 1481 Acts II 132/2.
That euery aixman that has nowther spere nor bow sal hafe a targe of tree or ledir 1490 Irland Mir. III 27/19.
The body of Jhesu has bene skourgit persit with nalis and sper c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 154/127. 1522 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 64.
All man to be abulȝeit with jak, sper or lanch and fensable wappinnis 1538 Kinross Baron Ct. 6 June.
Johne Gib and Johne Stedman Robert Lang without sper and splentis Thome Jhonstoun without gair c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 237. 1558-66 Knox I 150.
My Lord Cardinall caused his servandis to address thame selves in thare most warlyk array, with jack, knapscall, splent, speir, and axe a1578 Pitsc. I 400/20.
Of all was comptit thriescoir thowsand in number, quhairof thair was … xxm in jak and speir, xxm haberjouns and tua handit suordis [etc.] 1592 Aberd. B. Rec. II 76.
Spair 1596 Dalr. II 133/20.
Tua gret shipis, ladne with speir and jaueling, darte and arrow, … with all kynd of armour, war sent to King James in gyfte a1651 Calderwood III 510.
Speere(2) 1375 Barb. vii 582.
Thai saw Thar fayis throw the wod cummand Armyt on fute with sper in hand 1375 Barb. xii 28.
Thar come ridand With helm on heid and sper in hand Schyr Henry the Boune ?1438 Alex. i 1145.
Antigonvs … Plungit into the thikkest preis. With spere in fewter and scheld embraissit 1513 Doug. ix ix 75.
Lycus … Quham Turnus, lanssand lychtly our the landis With speir in hand persewys forto spill c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 503.
Thay spurrit thair hors, with speir on breist, Pertlie to preif thair pith thay preist
d. With various qualifiers indicating manner or purpose of use.See also Casting vbl. n. 5, Fire-spere n., Gluf, Hunting vbl. n. 4, Justing vbl. n.1 3, Rin(n)ing vbl. n. 2 b. and Wasper(e n.(1) 1508 Treas. Acc. IV 122.
For iiij hedis of steil for casting speris 1513 Doug. ix xi 87 (Ruddim.) (see 1 (1) (b) above). 1513 Doug. x viii 46.
Quhen that Pallas saw hym cum sa neir He mycht areke to hym a casting speir [etc.] 1513 Treas. Acc. IV 490.
xxiiij stane of lynt for calfetyne and gunnys and fyre speris 1536 Treas. Acc. VI 454.
To Maister Wouff, gunnar, for fire speris, fire ballis, fire arrowis, and uther fire werk 1546 Treas. Acc. VIII 466.
For carage of certane fyre speiris furth of Edinburght to Dunbertane xx s. c1575 Balfour Pract. 631.
[The admiral] may … put [in the ships] pulderis, paveis, and speiris, for sic quantitie as he sall be requirit, to wit, ane pund of pulder for the tun, ane pavie and a fyre speir for thre tunnis(2) 1513 Doug. ix ix 62.
Seand be na meyn that scho mycht evaid, Apon the wapynnys rynnys with a braid, Slyppis hir self, and with gret fors hir beris Apon the pantis of the huntyng speris 1532 Treas. Acc. VI 25.
For tway dosane of justyn speris send to the kingis grace … price iiij li. … for cordis to turs thame with xiiij d. 1535 Treas. Acc. VI 261.
To George Mane for certane justing speris furnest be him to his grace iij li. 1635 Haddington Corr. 302 (see Gloofe spear Suppl.).
e. Burdoun spere, a cudgel ? with a long staff and/or a sharp-pointed head; trincher speir, a blunt spear for jousting.(1) 1503 Treas. Acc. II 389 (see Burdoun n. 2).(2) a1568 Scott ii 51.
With twa blunt trincher speiris squair … To fecht … For lufe, as is the gyis
f. Spere of were, a spear used in combat; spere of pese, a blunt spear used in jousting; spere of licht, ? a spear used as, or used to carry, a torch in a procession.(1) c1420 Wynt. ix 1046, 1049 (W).
Quhasa come to ask iusting Suld twiche ane of thai with a spere And gif it were a speire of weire The knycht suld at the armes baire Thre cours of weire ryn till him thare; … gif his speire of pes were, he Suld than of pes deliuerit be Thre cours a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 545.
Deulbere, thy spere of were but feir thou yelde(2) 1494 Edinb. Hammermen in Mill Mediæv. Plays 225.
For payntin of the spere of leicht
g. A representation of a spear.1488 Treas. Acc. I 81.
[Inventory of the Treasury] Sanct Michaell of gold with a perle on his spere. Item a quhissill of gold [etc.]
h. fig.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxix 357.
Thai myssit that worthi man, That for thame wes ay scheld & spere c1475 Wall. ii 231.
Yhe worthi men of wer, Compleyne for hym that was your aspresper a1500 Prestis of Peblis 128 (Asl.).
Welcome bischopis he [sc. the king] said … To me ȝe ar baith helm speire & scheld 1562-3 Winȝet II 6/12.
I hef præparit … a litle, partie, handsum, instrument that may suffice ws in tyme of neid, … for a speir or a spade, [etc.] … This noble instrument is this litle tractate 1567 G. Ball. 124.
My banis law thow sall releue, And be my scheild and speir(2) a1500 Henr. Fab. 517.
He wes angry … And woundit with the speir of ielowsy c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) lxxxiv 40.
Inconstance … Secreit invy, and of dispyt the speir
2. A spear used to support a banner, etc., freq. painted, for use in processions and the like.Those examples in (2) may be further examples of 1 above.(1) 1375 Barb. xi 472.
Thai saw sa fele browdyne baneris Standaris and pennownys & speris [C. apon speris] c1500 Coll. St. Salvator 156.
Tua bannaris and thre pennownis of red with fyue red speris and ane blak spere 1507 Treas. Acc. III 395.
For vj rede speris for the banaris in the barres, xviij s. 1513 Doug. vii vi 113.
Scho rasyt eik on hie Gret lang speris, as thai standartis wer, With wyne tre branchis wippit on thar maner 1545 Edinb. Hammermen MS 167.
v ellis of small canves to be ij new banaris … for ij new speris to beir thaim 1548 Treas. Acc. IX 178.
For ane speir to this standart and paynting of it reid 1548 Treas. Acc. IX 195.
For ane gret speir to the Quennis grace standart, ane heid to it, and paynting of the same x s. 1550 Edinb. Hammermen MS 183.
For ij new speris to the bannaris 1553 Edinb. Hammermen (ed.) 154.
For paynting of the speris that beir the banares a1586 Lindsay MS 47b.
The samin wis suld his dewys in his standart be the preparatiue of his armes … quhilk suld be sene on loft on ane speire 1622 Sc. Ant. XIII 162.
Next [in the funeral procession] … his lordshipes master-stabler riding on horse-back all cled in armour carying on a spears point quarterlay yellow and whyt tefety whilk is the ground of the cullers of the house(2) 1502 Treas. Acc. II 348.
To Johne Mayne, bowar, for xxvij speris, liiij s. … for thre rede speris, ix s. 1502–3 Treas. Acc. II 363.
To Johne Mayn, bowar, for thre quhit speris and ane axschaft … vij s. 1507 Treas. Acc. III 394.
iij greit rede speris, tua squar and ane holl … xv s.(3) 1533 Edinb. Hammermen (ed.) 89.
For pantying of our banare speirs … xxxijd 1538 Edinb. Hammermen (ed.) 100.
For paynting of the fure speirs that barre the bannris iiijs
3. transf. A soldier armed with a spear, a spearman. = Spere-man n.c1420 Wynt. ix 1464.
We, gadryde to oure weris Mycht noucht pas thre hundyr speris c1420 Wynt. ix 3122.
Knychtis avenand and sqwyeris Sowmyt bot aucht and twenty speris 1459 Ayr B. Ct. 20 April.
He that has a fardyn land sal be a spere to the kingis weris 1460 Hay Alex. 3609.
Wele tua hundreth speris in a [b]ront Straik of the formest doun 1481 Acts II 140/1.
Ilk man to haue for his wage on the day ilk spere ij s. vj d. [and ilk bow ij s.] 1528 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. viii 180.
The kingis grace grantis to the said lord … for the expulsioun of the saidis rebellis and keping of the said house and strenthis … lx speris furnist in all expense for the space of thre or four monethis 1540 Lynd. Sat. 2558 (B).
In to peice ȝe sowld provyd for weiris And be seur off how mony thowsand speiris The king ma be 1548 Reg. Cupar A. II 54.
The said Patrik … sall fynd ane furnist spere to ryde in our cumpany in the Quenis seruice 15.. Clar. iii 28.
Thair come … Awcht thousand speiris in full gud aray Of quhilkis the king held four thousand … The uther half they sent … To keip the cuntrie endlang the coast a1578 Pitsc. II 39/7.
The Scotis was nocht abone vc men … devydit in tuo … companieis … ijc speiris witht the Earle of Angus and ijc witht my lord governour 1638 Adamson Muses Thr. I 113.
Some doubting what to do … Confusedly to fight and flee they thrimble, The shivering spears do through their bodies tremble
4. pl. The thorns or prickles of a plant, etc.1490 Irland Mir. III 72/30.
As to the treis that beris na frute sperris or vthir thing wnproffitable thou wauld byrn thame c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 144/130.
Upone the awfull thrissill scho beheld And saw him kepit with a busche of speiris
5. a. attrib. With end and point.Also Spere-blok n., Sper(e)-hed(e n., Spere-lenth n. and Spere-schaft n. qq.v.(1) 1456 Hay II 45/9.
Be the pennoun on the spere end, it schawis that [etc.](2) 1460 Hay Alex. 819.
Wpoun a speir-point, scharpe and wele scharand I sall the tribute bring c1610 Melville Mem. 292.
The purse was born vpon a spair point lyk an enseingȝe
b. comb. With fisching, and makar.Also Spere-field n., Spere-man n. and Spere-silver n. qq.v.(1) 1601 Reg. Great S. 392/2.
Lie cobill, curroch et speir fischingis super aqua de Spey 1617 Reg. Great S. 634/2.
Lie cobill, curroche, et speir-fishingis super eadem [supra aqua de Spey] 1657 Retours I Inq. Spec. Elgin et Forres (110).
The towne lands of Ardiewhishe with the salmond fishing of the water of Spey callit the coble, curroch and spear fishing(2) 1557 Edinb. B. Rec. III 8.
Andro Kylle, speir makar 1582 Treas. Acc. MS 37 (see 1 (1) (b) above).