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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Stranger, Strainger, Straunger, Strenger, n. Also: strangere, -ear(e, -eer, -ar, -air, (strangerrer), straingear, straynger, -ear, -eair, straungear, strawnger, strengear, strensher, strynger. [ME and e.m.E. straunger (Chaucer), strongere (1430-40), stranger (c1450-60), strenger (c1511), OF estrang(i)er (c1350 in Larousse).]

1. A native of another country, a foreigner.(a) 1375 Barb. xx 412.
To the lord Douglas gaff he The awaward to led and ster, All hale the strangeris with him wer
a1400 Leg. S. xxvii 26.
God mad hym to rest syn in France, … Set thare a strangere was he
1428 Edinb. Chart. 63.
For ilk sarplare of wole and skynes of friemen of the Kingis burrowes iiij d. and of strangers and vnfriemen viij d.
c1515 Asl. MS I 189/16.
Neuer stranger rang on ws nor had dominacioun of ws
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xvi 36.
Sum givis to strangeris with face new, That ȝisterday fra Flanderis flew
1525 Buccleuch Mun. II 145.
For stanching of mowrmour and strangeeris and common wois of this realme
1547–8 Corr. M. Lorraine 213.
We have all reddy sic moyance bayth off force off men off wyr strangerreris and mony with all wthyris munitiones necessaires
a1570-86 Maitl. F. 309/32.
Bettir it war the lordis till aggre Nor with strangeris to cwmir this cuntre
1579, 1617 Despauter (1579).
Exter, ane stranger
1596 Dalr. I 4/5.
For the grett affinitie … betuene the Scots and Peichtis, the Romane writeris and al strangers gaue thame al ane name, sa war we all called Albans
1617 Kirkwall Sheriff Ct. Act Bk. 9.
That nae man sall sell fishes to strangers or pakers or peillers of fisches within this countrie [etc.]
1630 Rutherford Lett. (1862) I 64.
Christ is putting on His clothes and making Him, like an ill-handled stranger, to go to other lands
1632 Acts V 245/1.
That they caus order be takin for removing of all strangers repairing to our Iles for fishing [etc.]
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 139.
[Ane] actione against ane Inglishwoman, actually dwelling in England, and ane borne stranger
1693 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 85.
All shipps … comeing to this realme, aither belonging to natives or strangeris
(b) 1424 Acts II 6/1.
Of ilk last of hering takin be Scottis men & barellyt iiij s. and of ilk last tane be strangearis vj s.
c1475 Wall. x 51.
Schippys thai brynt off strangearis that was thar
1490 Irland Mir. III 123/28.
The tyrauntis that hatis thar pepil … ar in mar perell amang thar pepil na amang strangearis
1493 Acts II 234/1. 1513 Doug. i xi 76.
O Jupiter, … be fortunabill To ws Tyrryanys, happy and agreabill To strangearis
1513 Doug. x viii 57.
Strangear [L. advena]
1515 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 156.
Considdering the Flemynis and strangearis occupyit the fredome of the toun aganis the commoun weill
1516 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 69.
That na Inglisman nor strangear by hering, salmond, kelyng nor fisch, … bot fra fre men of burrowis
1525 Acts II 295/2.
That na maner of persoun strangeare that hapnis to arrife with thair schippis … bring with thaim ony bukis or werkis of the said Lutheris
1534 Treas. Acc. VI 225.
To the Grey Freris of Edinburgh for almous and intertening of ane gentillman strangear
1567 Reg. Privy S. VI 3/2.
Quhilk office oure said soverane lordis moder thaireftir disponit to Sebastian Denellourt, Francheman … he being ane strangear unqualifiit and unmeit thairfore
1558-66 Knox I 440.
That Frenche men could nott be justlie called strangearis, seeing that thei war naturalized
1576 Orkney Oppress. 39.
The Ducheman and uther strangearis resortand to the cuntrie of Zetland
1609 Edinb. Biblio. Soc. Publ. I (1893-4) 7.
[The Regiam Majestatem was issued in 1609 in two editions,] the one in Latyne for the use and benefite of strangearis and the uther in Scottishe language
(c) 1462 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 20.
That na nychtbour … tak vpon hand to warne ony strangaris of the price of vittuallis in the cuntrey
1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 6a.
All actionis extending to … fourtie pundis alanerlie … nocht to cum befoir the lordis … in the first instance except … pure folkis and strangaris quha sall haue proces at the will and plesour of the lordis
(d) 1507–8 Reg. Privy S. I 239/2.
Power to custum … merchandice othir passing furth of the realm or … be straingearis
1511 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 134.
First to serue the Kings Hienes … and … , be ordour, the provest, baillies, counsale and communitie, … and thairafter the strayngeris … , ilk ane in thair awin grie
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 88.
Merchandis and strayngearis, cumand owte of Almany to seyk riche furringis
1559 Cal. Sc. P. I 274.
1558-66 Knox II 85.
Quhen creuell straingearis did impyre
1572 Sat. P. xxxvi 48.
Our antecessouris … oft tymes baid the hasard of the weir For the resset and succouring of straingeris … Exylit from thair countreis and thair ringis
1576 Orkney Oppress. 87.
1580 Dickson & Edmond Ann. Sc. Printing 206.
Robert Wodhous, Inglisman, being ane foriane straynger and unfrieman
1582 Dickson & Edmond Ann. Sc. Printing 350.
Thomas Vatrollier, prenter, beand ane straynger and vnfrieman
1589 Edinb. B. Rec. V 3.
The baillies to … borrow … the best sort of … naiprie to serve the strayngeris quhilk sall aryve with the queyne
1592 Warrender P. (SHS) II 184.
Treasonable traffecquing with princes and straingeris of forrane nationes
1595 Edinb. B. Rec. V 137.
Understanding that [Josias Rikker] straynger, airmorer and maker of corsletts, hes repayret within this burgh [etc.]
1601 Conv. Burghs II 116.
Clayth makers … the said strayngers sal mak thair first residence in Edinburgh, and that thai ar to be brocht in and plantet vpoun the expenssis of the haill burrowes
1612 Reg. Privy C. IX 378.
[It is unreasonable that they should be] debarrit frome that which everie strayngeair and foreyner may lauchfullie do
1630 Conv. Burghs III 316.
The factoures abroad … by maryeing with straingeris becumes altogether alienants and straingeris
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. III 72.
That no patent of honour should be graunted to any strainger, but he who had 10,000 merkes free rent in Scottlande
(e) 1568 Q. Mary in Ellis Orig. Lett. 1 Ser. II (1824) 253, 254.
Schu wald a bin weilcom to a pur strenger, hua nocht bien aquentet vth her, wil nocht bi ouuer bald to vreit bot for the aquentans betuix ous
1571 Cal. Sc. P. IV 686.
Never the les for that he [sc. Verac, a Frenchman] was a strengear he was … licentit to remain … within the cietie of St Andros
1617 Melrose P. 275.
Efter-cuming princes, counsalled be strengers, might appoynt so many counsallours as thair number might ouerway the estates
(f) c1420 Wynt. vi 903.
Off Agare and off Barbary Twa gret ostys hawtanly Come in Calabyre … Wyth thai strawngeris he fawcht sa fast That [etc.]
1513 Doug. iv i 20 (Ruddim.).
Quhat be he this grete new gest or straunger, Into our realme latlie is dreuin here?
1548 Cal. Sc. P. I 144.
Your riche fishenges, that straungers gettes the holl profittes of
1559 Cal. Sc. P. I 226.
To mantean the liberty of this our countrey from the tyranny & thraldome of straungearis

2. One who is not native to a particular parish or town, and who resides, or formerly resided, elsewhere; a visitor; an incomer. Also fig.There is some ambiguity with prec.(a) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 44 (A).
Giff a stranger aw ony dett till a burges God leffis him to tak his dett quhar euer he fyndis him in the toune of his propyr awn gudis
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1155.
He gart at ane sete burd the strangearis begin, The maist seymly in sale ordanit thame sete
a1500 Rauf C. 214.
Gar our gaist begin, and syne drink thow to me; Sen he is ane stranger, me think it ressoun
1482 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 43.
That it sall be lefull to thame to sell and permute the salt and skynnis … to alienaris or strangearis or ony vtheris that thai mak merchandice with, custome fre
1530 Aberd. B. Rec. I 130.
Sex … honest men to walk this gude towne euerye nicht … that na strangearis nor gangerallis cum within the samyn
1538 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 87.
That nane forestalleris strayngeris nor vnfremen vse the fredome of this gude towne
1546 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 121.
That na flescheouris nor vthers persouns … sell ony talloun to strayngers inhabiteris of ony vther townis owtwith this burgh
1556 Inverness Rec. I 3.
The intakyn of clannit men and strangeris nocht beand merchandis nor making thair dale habitation within our bruch … is express incontrar our bowrow lawis
1565 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 21.
Phelpe Walker in dueller in Dunde … confessing the same [sc. fornication] … thai haif considerit bothe his powertye and also his lawlie submitting him self, beand ane strensher
1595 Edinb. B. Rec. V 146.
Gentillmennis bayrnes or strangers cum fra landwart
1600 Glasgow Wrights 44.
Ane stranger and vnfreman nocht beyng prenteis nor fremannis sone within the town
1608 St. A. Baxter Bks. 71.
That na brother of craft tak in thair seat … ony nychtbour … except it be ane vnknawn strenger of ony vthir burrow toun onkend in the kyrk
1615 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 43b (10 Jan.).
In respect thay war strangeris heir & recentlie come from the south thay ar ordainit produce ane testimonie from the place of thair former dwelling
1616 Irvine Mun. II 49.
The habeit and heid attyre of the wemen … is all togidder scoffat at by straingeris
1620 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 126.
Sundrie persons strangeris resortis to this burgh fra other parts and ar ressavit & housis latting to thame but knawledge of the magistrats
1633 Maxwell Mem. II 234.
The phisicians craivit to haue a college erectit and that non wer approvin without thair approbatioun and no stranger to give phisik without thair aprobatioun
1639 Lanark B. Rec. 132.
It sall be leisum to the said deacone … to exact … fra ilk extraneer strainger allanerlie ane box penny
1642 Baillie II 5.
The town councill were highlie displeased that any man, let be a young man and meer stranger … should offer himself to their chief place
1672 Lanark B. Rec. 194.
Licence to exact as ane calsay pennie aff ilk strainger that brings in any inlandish walkit cloath … on fair dayes
1685 Fawside Coal Compt 153.
To a poor voman a stranger 9 s.
1691–2 Glasgow Hammermen App. 273.
Strangers broadpennies £19 16 s.
(b) 1595 Culross 133.
Fenȝeng thame to be banist men, cairdis and all other kynd of idle vagabound stryngers
fig. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 36.
Thre strangers rais vp in that cietie Quhilkis of befoir na way wald sufferit be … thir thre vncouth strangairs [were] … lurkand haitrent The secund … ȝoung counsall and consent Singular profite … was the thrid
a1581 in Misc. Wodrow Soc. 297.
In this lyfe we are but travellouris pilgrimaris and strangearis seking for ane citie and habitatioun quhais beildare and maker is God

b. Straingeris silver, cf. Silver n. 8. 1590–1 Exch. R. XXII 156.
Borrowit fra the said clerk of register be his majestie of the straingeris silver consignit in his handis

3. An unknown person, a person not previously encountered. Also proverb. 14.. Acts I 325/2.
Gif ony stranger [L. aliquis extraneus] within the forest in ony forbodyn place be fundyn gif he will suer … that he na wyst at that way was forbodyn … the forstar sal lede him to the common way and thar … lat him pas
c1460 Thewis Wysmen 407.
Thai [sc. fools] goif one strangeris and thai keik, Ande al thar faltis one thaim thai seik
a1500 Bernardus 134.
It is na wyt … For to conwers wyth strangeris [L. ignotis] inwartly
a1500 Seven S. 2457.
The worschip ȝe to strangearis do Is ȝour honour and tharis to
1533 Gau 17/11.
And thay that begilis strengers or ony oders in guidis or mony by falset
1562-3 Winȝet II 7/11.
The scheip of Christis flok heiris and obeys his voce and fleis frome the voce of a strangear
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 44.
And the regents horsemen espying sum strayngeris to cum in amang the clan of the Ellots, they layd about the hous
proverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 229.
Ane uncouth face maks all the leave strangers

4. One who is not a relative; an outsider to one's own family. c1420 Wynt.v 5801.
He Suld wyth-draw hym … Fra hys kyn [in Hell] till ane wncouth lede; Till strawngerys fra hys awyne kyth Quhare he wes nwrysyd and browcht wp wyth
1490 Irland Mir. III 144/23.
Ilk man is be natur mar inclinit to luf his proper sone thocht he be nocht wertuus na ane vthir strangear of gret and excellent wertu
1560 Rolland Seven S. 10057.
Ane thing … vnnaturall, That the father his awin twa sonnis suld keil With his twa handis, for ony strangers weill
a1586 Maitland Geneal. Setoun 10.
Thair haill housis … is translaited … into the princes hands or sum vther strangear
1604-9 Grahame Anat. Hum. 41.
Some vnnaturall mothers will forget their children, she will be so delicate, … she must haue a stranger to nource her childe
1609 Crim. Trials III 15.
Albeet I was xij ȝeires in waird, and all my kyndlie landis disponed to strangeres

b. specif. In law: One who is not a child of a testator.‘By stranger is here meaned, one who is not a child of the testator, tho’ he be related to him as nearest in kin, & c. And in this case, even the wife is reckoned a stranger [etc.]'; Hope Minor Practicks (1734) 124 n. c1630 Hope Minor Practicks (1726) 25.
And if the defunct did name executors, strangers, and did not expresly dispone upon this third part … then the executors … have the third of the defunct's part for their charges

5. Something which is alien and does not fit in to (a condition or state of affairs). 1653 Binning Wks. (1735) 183.
It is no wonder that we cannot speak any thing to purpose of this subject … because it is indeed a mystery to our judgements and a great stranger to our practice

6. To be a stranger to (from), to be ignorant of or unacquainted with (something). c1520-c1535 Nisbet Prol. Rom. 323/6.
Paul exortit the Ephesianis … that thai walk not as dide vthir heythen quhilkis ar strangers from the lyf of Gode [L. alienati a vita dei]
1666 Laing MSS 349.
I was so grit a strenger at London to all things that conserned Scotland that everie thing was new to me
1699 Edinb. Test. LXXX 330.
The saids executors ar strangers to the defuncts effairs and can not at present have the exact knowledge tharof
1706 Dunkeld Presb. II 216.
[Lord Drummond stated that he was] but a strainger to bussiness in this country

7. attrib. passing into adj. In senses 1 to 4 above: That is not native (to a place); strange; unknown; foreign. Also infl. pl. and ellipt. 14.. Acts I 61/2.
That na strangear merchand arrivand with schippis and merchandise sall cut claith or sell in penny worthis bot in grete
14.. Acts I 361/2.
Ony stranger man merchand or ony other passand thru the kinrik nocht hafand a certane duelling place within the scherradome bot beand vagabund in the contre
1573 Dysart Rec. 38.
That nae stranger vessel lye langer in the haven bot three days after she be … laden
c1590 Fowler II 173/22.
Efter the repairing of her maiestie with her honorabill ladye[s] togeather with the stranger embassadours
1596 St. A. Baxter Bks. 60.
That na brother ressave ony strainger childer in thair baikhous
1602 Elgin Rec. II 100.
That all idill maistirles men and strainger beggaris be … commandit to remove furth of this toune
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 120b.
Na stranger merchand nor aliene may buy wool, hydes, nor other merchandice … bot fra ane burges
1624 Black Bk. Taymouth 365.
That ilk strainger cadger sall pey aucht penneyis at the brig of Killin for evry lead salt
1627 Dumbarton B. Rec. 12.
There is a stranger Dutche schip … arrived within Clyd
1631 Banff Ann. I 66.
Onye outland or stranger beggar
1650 Brechin Presb. 39.
Ther cam by a stranger woman and said the horse has gotten a blast of ill wind
1653 Binning Wks. (1735) 31/2.
Thus poor stranger-gentiles … come to share with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
1653 Glasgow Wrights 32.
Sundrie of the wreights … committed … insurrectioune … paseing frae house to house … whair stranger wreichtis wer working
1690 Cramond Kirk S. III 9 Oct.
One Arthur Forbes came out of Edinburgh thither … and asked if he would accept of a stranger woman to come stay a while with him who was under a consumption
infl. pl. 1545–6 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 119.
The strayngers gudis and merchandice that happinnis to aryve at this port
c1575 Balfour Pract. 625.
That strangeris merchandis that cum with shippis, cum to the principal town
1596 Dalr. II 454/13.
Al the Scotis, without onie straingeris men of weir, suld al leid thair lyfe at hame
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 92/7.
[To] take exemple be Englande hou it hes floorished … sen the straingeris craftis men came in amongst thaime
1612 Douglas Corr. 374.
Thre strangearis gentilmen, quha war cum in the cuntrie … frome other Christiane princes to sute maist humblie at his majestie
1665 S. Ronaldshay 51.
By reason of some strangers gentillmen in the church, intimatione for ane more liberall collectione to some … sailers who had been taken at sea by the Hollanders
1697 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 238.
Either to retaine the saids strengers poor or send them to their respective paroches
ellipt. c1590 Fowler II 73/7.
For a natiue prence hes not offere[d] to him sa mony occasions … as the new and stranger

b. attrib. for possess. A foreigner's (servant). 1653 Glasgow Wrights 32.
Ilk maisterman of the wreichtis, being straingers, sall pay in to the wrichtis box four schilling weiklie, and ilk strainger servand twa schilling weiklie

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"Stranger n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <>



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