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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Under, -ir, prep. Also: undyr, -re, wnder(e, -ir, -yr(e. [ME and e.m.E. under (c1175), undir (Chaucer), undyr (Lydgate), undre (1495), OE under, ON undir. Cf. Onder prep.]

1. Below, beneath, lower than, in respect of place or position.1386 Bk. Carlaverock II 418.
Alswele vndir erde as above
c1420 Wynt. viii 5538.
Sley mynowrys … Wndyre [C. Vndyr, W. Vndir]
a1500 Rauf C. 150.
He … hit him vnder the eir with his richt hand
c1475 Wall. ii 213.
Thou till hir was fer derer than gold. Hyr most desyr was to be wndyr mold
c1475 Wall. vi 817.
Than tuk he … Stewyn … and Kerle, that couth clyme The wattir wnder
c1475 Wall. ix 120.
‘Go wndyr loft; Sanct Androw mot ws speid!’ Bathe schip maistir, and the ster man … In the holl … he gert thaim go
a1500 Seven S. 1703.
Hid thingis that the erd ar wndere
1500 Treas. Acc. II 20.
For tua quhit matrasses, bocht to the king to lay undir his bed
1513 Doug. x ix 38.
Magus … iowkit in vnder the speir
1563 Inverness Rec. I 101.
Of the said Jasper … the wyndois on the eist syde of his house vnder his leaycht ruyff benetht the thek
1631 Gordon Chron. Keith 56.
[Take] muild out of the churchyard, and put it under the gait twys, and that wold mack his aill to sell
1688 Sinclair Doctrine Sphere 9.
The Zodiack, is one of the greatest circles of the sphere, movable under which the planets perpetually haunt

b. specif. With reference to the shelter, protection or concealment provided. Also vnder cure.(1) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 356.
Thus with trety ye cast yon trew vndre tyld
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 11 (M).
I hard, vnder ane holyn … Ane hie speiche at my hand
1513 Doug. xi vi 68.
All thai that in the feld … hes swelt vnder scheld
1533 Bell. Livy II 143/2.
The Veanis pas oure the wynter stormes vnder thare hous
1535 Stewart 32141.
His staf also he hid … Wnder his lap
1701 Cramond Kirk S. IV 4 July.
A woman which he calles his neice, stayes under roofe with him in the night time
(2) a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 10.
Quhen Titan had his bemis bricht Withdrawin doun, and sylit vnder cure

c. Under crop (corn, the woll etc.), bearing, covered with a crop, wool, etc.1569 Reg. Privy C. I 676.
Peciabill possessioun of the landis and stedingis of Cullard and Conege, under crop as it is
1620 Urie Baron Ct. 31.
Decernit … to pay … thrie custome wadders wnder the woll
1683 Coll. Aberd. & B. 105.
The husbandman keeps in some of his grounds, constantly, under corn and bear

d. Under (the) hevin, sky, sun (etc.), on earth, in existence.c1400 Troy-bk. i 398.
Nane was wisser vndre the hewen Ne Medea
c1450-2 Howlat 31 (A).
Vnder the Cerkill solar thir sauorus seidis War nurist be Dame Natur
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1317.
All that I haue wndir hewyne, I hald of you haill
a1500 Seven S. 20.
In Rome cite than was thar sevyne Sagis the wisest vnder hevyne
c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 89.
A goune … Off eviry hew undir the hevin that bene Depaynt
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 110/43.
Welcum, in armis moste aunterus and able Undir the soune that beris helme or scheild
15.. Dunb. App. xi 18.
Inclyne befoir the Cristin conquerour, Of every kith and kinryk vndir sky

e. With reference to clothes or headgear. Cf. also the Scott quot. in 7 below.c1450-2 Howlat 82 (A).
That is the plesant pacok … Constant and kirklyk vnder his clere cape
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 107/12.
Horrible to natour Is ane tratour As feind in fratour Undir a cowle
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 178/22.
He takis the knychtis in to feild Anarmyt undir helme and scheild
1531 Bell. Boece I 184.
Mony nobillis of Britane … wer cloithit under landwart habit
1603 Moysie 83.
The Queins grace … wes conuoyed … vnder a waill to Halyroudhouse

f. Immediately underneath (something that acts from above, presses or lies on), chiefly wnder fet (fute). Also in fig. context.1375 Barb. ii 359.
Men mycht haiff seyn … Knychtis … Wndyr hors feyt defoulyt thar
1375 Barb. xii 554.
And mony gud man fellyt wnder fet
?1438 Alex. i 2709.
His enemyis, Wnder hors fute defoullit
c1420 Wynt. ii 1278.
Hyr fleschly lust maid [hir] so ken That wndyr hym scho walde have bene
1535 Stewart 56343.
With his nevis tua of thame he dang Wnder his feit
1618 Edinb. Test. L 117.
Scho … leves to Johne Burne … the vndermost fedder bed that lyis wnder hir selff
fig. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 510.
I desire to learn, to bring my thoughts, will, and lusts, in-under Christ's feet, that He may trample upon them

2. At or close to the foot or bottom of (a hill, wall, castle, etc.).1388–9 MacRae Early Sc. Texts No. 2.
The ester wele of Sanct Johnnis vnder the crag
?1438 Alex. ii 519.
He rouit our … Till thay arryuit vnder the wall
a1500 Henr. Robene & M. 11.
Robene sat on gud grene hill Kepand a flok … I … keipis my scheip vndir ȝone wid; Lo quhair thay raik on raw
1537 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 17.
And frathin to the northeist part of the Woll law haldin under the bra
1572 Buccleuch MSS I 22.
He said he sould rather ly deid under a dyk in S[cotland] nor to seik refuge againe in England
a1578 Pitsc. II 97/12.
The governour … stude wnder and avastell the kirk of Innerask
1592 Digest Justiciary Proc. P 7.
To meit with him in ane glen vnder the place of Crychtoun
1602 Reg. Great S. 486/1.
The arrabill landis … wnder the hill callit Ardvalie

3. Retained within the authorisation, protection or leadership of (some thing having literal or symbolic significance). See also Sele n.2 4 (1) and 8 (3) and Signet n. 1 c for further examples.1513 Doug. vii vi 67.
All cuntre onsubieckit vnder our wand
1516–7 Reg. Privy S. I 451/1.
William Turnbule … deit under umquhile our soverane lordis baner
1525–6 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 239.
That Schir Johne Gurlay keip the prenting irnis and punsionis undir twa keis
1596 Dalr. I 277/6.
This croce vpset heir [sc. on Stirling bridge] is to schaw … Wndir this croce, Scotis men ar sure
1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 214.
That the instructionis … wer vnder my lord chancellaris hand

4. Under or during the rule of, subject to the authority or domination of (a ruler, etc.). b. Within (a community).a1400 Leg. S. ii 28.
Wndir fell Nero tholit dowme
1444–5 Peebles Chart. 11.
The vicar or his chapellane that beris cur of the parischyn vnder the vicar sal remufe hym
c1450-2 Howlat 133 (A).
For all statis of kirk that wnder Crist standis
1456 Hay I 223/34.
As gif a clerk had brocht with him twa or thre of mychti burgeis sonis under him out of Ingland
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2207.
The cadgear, deith, quhome vnder all man preis
c1475 Wall. xi 963.
He purpost than to serue God and … leyff wndyr hys rychtwys king
1490 Irland Mir. II 29/8.
Blissit Jhesus sufferit passioun vnder a pagane and gentil
1497 Acta Conc. II 88.
Georg Young, maister of a schip under God callit the Jonet
1524 (1529–30) Reg. Great S. 200/2.
The said M. Hary … has maid under him gude and perite scolaris now laitlie the tyme that he was maister of our scule
1573-1600 King Cat. in Cath. Tr. 190.
Lawmesse day quhen S. Peter was castin in prisone be Herod vnder Claudius
c1615 Chron. Kings 114.
The first men wnder the comandyment of Mortoune
1622-6 Bisset II 315/15.
Sanct Epaphias … wes martared under Nero
c1685 Cromartie Corr. I 45.
For such fall not under the marquis of Atholls livtennentry
b. 1533 Bell. Livy I 52/15.
Baith thir pepill war brocht vnder ane communite

c. Subject to the restraint of, in the keeping of (another).1689 Acts XII 50/2.
The petitioner was sent for to be brought to the meeting under a gaurd

5. Subject to specified conditions, processes, terms, etc.; in a specified state or condition. Also, of a ship, undersail.(1) a1400 Leg. S. iii 943.
I can fynd place na-quhare, That to me sa gaynand ware, As vndir ȝour proteccione To luf in contemplacione
1412 Aberd. B. Rec. I 389.
Giff ony soudane affray comys, that thai be redy under the said payne
1456 Hay I 103/34.
Cristin men that ar duelland in the mistrowand menis housis undermalis suld be lele to thair malaris
1474 Acta Aud. 32/1.
He askit a day to profe that the landis war vnder recognicion the tyme of the sesing gifing to Agnes
c1515 Asl. MS I 217/27.
Nychole of Borthuick and James of Crechtoun war wnder burrowis to the schiref … and thai put in be him on the kingis behalf
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xiii 5.
The tother rownit in [his eir,] ‘I tell ȝow this vndir confessioun'
1531 Carnwath Baron Ct. (SHS) 136.
He held … ane ȝong kow & draif hyr furth of the erdhous to Newbiggin eftir that scho was put undir fence
1569 Reg. Privy C. I 682.
[He] ressavit fra ilk ane … the sowme of thre pundis, and yit hes thame under danger of the rest
1627 Fraserburgh Kirk S. II 4 April.
Frances Craig hed nocht satisfeit … ȝit continewit wnder houpe of satisfaction
1650 Glasgow Wrights Acts 9.
Nether any who are under scandall quhill they have given sufficient satisfactioune
1659-60 A. Hay Diary 8.
I … was under a melancholick fitt
1678 Edinb. B. Rec. X 336.
The schoal at Moffat is in a bad conditione and under verrie great decay
1681 Acts XII 451/1.
Whill that Act of Religion is vnder consideration
(2) a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 457.
Quhen that the schip was saynit and undir saile

b. In the form of, in a manner comprising (what is stated).1490 Irland Mir. III 37/19.
His haly body … is gevin to ws wnder the figur and forme of breid and wyne
a1500 Henr. Fab. 18.
Sa lyis thair ane doctrine wyse aneuch And full of frute, vnder ane fenȝeit fabill
1588 King Cat. 83.
Christ … institut this sacrament, and gave to the Apostles vnder baith the kynds

c. In receipt of, having taken (something).1564 Reg. Privy C. I 276.
James Barry … quha allegeit him to be undir the King of Denmarkis wageis
1591 Reg. Privy C. IV 639.
Being under medecine within his chalmer

6. Next after (another) in terms of rank or precedence.1490 Irland Mir. I 59/9.
God maid the man last of all creaturis for to be heretare and lord vndir him of all corporale creaturis
1494 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 51.
That thai haue power to substet procuratour wndir thame ane or may
1506 Treas. Acc. III 324.
To Hamnet Cleg, ischare, his half ȝeris fee … Item, to Edmund Levisay, ischar undir him [etc.]
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) vii 47.
Welcum … moist of lawde, and hie magnificence, Nixt wndir kingis to stand incomparable
1513 Doug. i Prol. 408.
As [Chaucer] standis beneth Virgill in gre Vndir hym alsfer I grant my self to be
1542 Reg. Privy S. II 754/2.
Grantand … to him full power … [to] find deputis ane or maa under him

b. Lower than, inferior in position to.1596 Dalr. I 116/5.
Thay [were] called commoune or lai people, gif thay war vndir the digrie of gentilmen

7. In various usages indicating secrecy, falsity or a guise of some sort. See also Colour n. 3 b, Cullour n. 3 b and Thoum(e n. 1 c for further examples.a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 225.
Vnder smyling scho was dissimulait, Prouocatiue with blenkis amorous
a1500 Seven S. 2771.
Quhat seruice wnder coloure He maid my fader
a1568 Scott xxxiv 150.
Thir ressonis ar to rais ȝow Fra crymes vndir coite
1585 Reg. Privy C. IV 28.
Undir cullour of sum generall claus ingrossit in the said commissioun to bereve him of his lyffe
1596 Dalr. I 146/19.
Be the ingine … of his nurice was preseruet, and vndir thoume … was brochte vpe
1653 Peebles B. Rec. II 15.
Incaise any burges, under cullor of himself … take in landward goodes upon the said landes, he shall pay … ten merkes

b. Under (silence of) nicht, during the night; under cover of night.1434–5 Aberd. B. Rec. MS IV 33.
That na fischar of sawmondis sel fisch quhill he present thaim to the market … and that he house nane bot thai be tane undir nycht
1471–2 Acta Aud. 20/2.
The cummyng vpon the said Walter vnder silence of nycht quhare he wes in his bed at mydnycht
a1500 Seven S. 868.
Wnder the nychtis myrk scilens Thai maid the myne
1584 Gowrie P. 31.
To be accused, for the commoninge and conferring with [several others] … under night
1597 Edinb. B. Rec. V 193.
The said Sibilla drownit hirselff in the North loch … under nicht

c. Under (one's) voce, in a low voice, in an undertone.a1500 Seven S. 1916.
Durris and wyndois I sall steike And huly vnder ȝour voce ȝe speike

8. In the senses of various other prepositions, and once, a conjunction. a. = At prep. 4. b. = Behind prep. 1. c. = During prep. d. = In prep. 1, 11. e. = Quhil(l conj. 4.a. 1533 Bell. Livy I 51/15.
Legatis war send on athir side vnder ane tyme [L. sub idem tempus] desiring redres of all displeseris
b. a1500 Henr. Fab. 1357.
Ane roll off paper in his hand he bair; Ane swannis pen stikand vnder his eir
c. 1606 Birnie Kirk-b. Ded.
That such cullours of Asdod remaine not so standered out … vnder this our protested reformation
d. (1) 1375 Barb. iii 125.
The stede … lansyt furth … Swa that the tothir [sc. attacker] failȝeit fete. And nocht-for-thi his hand wes ȝeit Wndyr the sterap
c1475 Wall. i 223.
Wndyr his hand the knyff he bradit owt
(2) 1387 Edinb. Chart. 35.
Alsua the chapel and the ylys … sal be voutyt all vndir a maner as it is befor spokyn
e. c1630 Scot Narr. 84.
‘The burgesses best affected to religion,’ said Mr. Robert, ‘are under communing, charged to depart out of the towne’
c1650 Spalding II 396.
Wnder speiking this Williame Forbes schootis the gentilman with ane pistoll deid

