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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Ward, Waird, n.1 Also: warde, vard(e, wairde, vaird, word, vord, weyrd, werd(e. [ME and e.m.E. warde (Layamon), ward (Cursor M.), waard (1459), OE weard, MLG warde, ON varðe, a cairn, heap of stones, north-eastern OF warde (OF guarde). Also in the later dial.]

1. To have (hald) in ward, to have (a place, castle) in one's keeping. Also fig.Cf. also Castel(l)ward(e n. 1.1375 Barb. ix 340.
That tyme war tharin [sc. in Perth] duelland [Mushet] and als Olyfard Thai twa the toun had all in ward [C. vard]
1375 Barb. xiii 407.
Bothwell … in the Inglis-mennys fay Was and haldyn as place of wer, Schyr Walter Gilbertson wes ther Capitane and it had in ward
fig. c1420 Wynt. v 2802.
He may be cald he sayd a larde That mercy haldys in to warde
1460 Hay Alex. 18069.
Quhat vailȝeis me the mony fare pallais I had in ward

2. A particular place in or part of the defences of a castle, etc., the position of a particular guard or guards; an area of a castle, etc. more generally; also applied to the citadel of Troy. Also attrib. Also transf., an oarsman's position in a ship.1375 Barb. x 413.
Ledehous … Sped him to clymb fyrst to the wall … He at that ward had in keping Met him … at the wp-cummyng
1375 Barb. x 634.
The wachys quhen thai herd nocht ster Fra that ward [C. vord] samyn all passit er And … held fer by thar way
1375 Barb. xvii 349.
Till thar wardis thai went in hy That war stuffyt rycht stalwartly With stanys and schot & other thing That nedyt to thar defending
1460 Hay Alex. 953 (see Wach(e n. 2). 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1442.
To the first waird we went Of the palice, and enterit at the port
1513 Doug. iii ii 39.
Lattir wardis of Troy
1513 Doug. iv xii 7.
Dydo ruschit furth … Onto the innar wardis [L. interiora domus] of hyr place
attrib. 1507–8 Treas. Acc. IV 107.
To the pur folkis at the ward ȝet of Strivelin
transf. 1513 Doug. iv x 98.
Get vp, my men, inhy Tyte to ȝour wardis [L. transtris] span aris … Schaik down the salys … and lat ws wend

b. A position in battle held by a particular part of an army; a division or part of an army (as drawn up or deployed for battle). Also fig.See also Mid(d)il(l)-ward(e n. 2, Midwart n., Rer(e)ward(e n.c1420 Wynt. v 454.
Arvyragus … held that ward [C. warde, E.2 werd, E., A. word] in the batalle
1460 Hay Alex. 1303.
Aray ȝour battell, gar ilkane keip his warde
1460 Hay Alex. 2526.
Men of eild in battell fewest slayis, And ar ouir waik … To walk the ward, to travell and labure
1460 Hay Alex. 3872.
Gaudefere sa kepit the reregarde That quhair he was the flearis had [ay] ward
c1475 Wall. ix 933.
Thus all at anys assailȝeit in that place Nayn … durst turn fra the barrace … At athir ward thai handelyt thaim full hat
1513 Doug. v x 33.
A ward [L. acies] thar was of childir quham … ȝong Priamus Led
1513 Doug. x x 46.
Quhilkis that of Turnus first ward [L. prima agmina] ledaris was
1513 Doug. xi xiv 11.
The wardis [L. alas] all of euery natioun … tystis to feght
1513 Doug. xi xvi 13.
And eik Evandrus wardys [L. alae] of Arcadys
1513 Doug. xii ix 115.
Apon this wys the ostis and wardis haill On athir part returnyt in bataill
1535 Stewart 31561.
At Restennoth thir freikis met in field … so stalwart wes that stryfe That mony leid hes loissit thair his lyfe … and als had tynt that ward
1535 Stewart 50147.
Schir James of Douglas … Commandit hes into the mid-mest ward
fig. 1513 Doug. xii i 106.
Persave of weir the fykkill ward onstabill

c. A guarded position of an army more generally.c1475 Wall. viii 859.
The ost agayn ilkane to thar ward raid, Comaundyt wachis, and … restyt

d. Wach and ward, see Wach(e n. 1 (2), 3 d.

e. ? Oversight, custody of an area of responsibility or place more generally.1498 Halyb. 157.
Item at that tym contyt with ward of the Busche be for hym self and the said Schir Nycholl had tan for hys vard mar than the 2 li. that I gaf at his entrye, 2 li. 8 s. 6 g. Busch mony
1499 Halyb. 245.
Item paid for hym to the ward of the spysshous of the Feir

f. transf.A defensive position in sword play.1600-1610 Melvill 273.
The said Jaques Arthour … meitting with his marrow, with rapper and dagger, missing his ward, he gettes a porh at the left pape, wharof he dies
Urquhart Jewel 88.
He alters his wards from tierce to quart

3. In feudal law: Guardianship, custody. See also Tuto(u)r n. a. Of a minor, heir to lands held in ward, i.e. by knight service; the feudal casualty fallen to the superior in lieu of the knight service a minor is unable to supply. b. Of lands held by knight service whose control falls to the superior in the circumstances described in a above. Also transf.Applied to custody or keeping more generally. c. Freq. in collocation with Mariag(e n. 4, Non-entré n. 1, Non-entres n. 1 and Relefe n.2 1, qq.v. for examples. d. specif.As a type of land tenure, chiefly in collocation with Hald v. 6. Also taxt ward, see Taxt ppl. adj. 2. e. ellipt.The land itself. f. Ward of mariage, etc. possession of the right to control a marriage, etc. g. attrib.Also: Ward-fee (Fe n.2 1), a fief, held by knight service. Ward holding, the fact of possessing land by knight service; the land so possessed. Ward vassal, a vassal who is a minor and in the guardianship of his superior. See also Ward land n.a. (1) 1420 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 384.
I … has sawld … all the richt … that I haf … in the warde of the hayr quhilum of Adam of Balkarne
1501 Acta Conc. MS XI 60.
The sade Patrik had nowther tak nor … gift of the ward of his bruther son
(2) 1437 Cop. St. A. 155.
Willȝeame the Hay, hair to the said lord that dede is, … awcht of law or custume to be in warde to ws
1456 Hay I 264/12.
Certane resoun … that excusis the partis to nocht do the bataillis be thair awin personis as gif a man war our ȝong, within elde of tutry, and curatrye in warde
a1500 K. Hart 17.
Ȝit wes this wourthy wicht king vnder warde For wes he nocht at fredome vtterlie. Nature had lymmit folk … This godlie king to governe and to gy
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Pvtagivm.
Ane air femaill, being within ward, & of les-aige
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 37.
Gif ane heire fallin in warde, hes moe ouer-lords nor ane; his chiefe over-lord … sould haue the warde of the heires persone
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 38b.
Wemen being heretrices and in warde, and custodie of their over-lords [etc.]
b. (1) 14.. Acts I 72/2.
Henry … haffand the ward of the said Johne of Burnwell landis [etc.]
1479 Acta Conc. I 41/2.
Be resoun of gift made to him of the warde of the said landis be our souuerain lord
1496–7 Acta Conc. II 66.
jm merkis aucht to his hienes be the saide Anthone for the warde of the landis and lardschip of Petslego
1508 Reg. Privy S. I 262/2.
Of the gift of the warde of the landis of Logtoun … quhilkis … ar now in the kingis handis be resoun of warde … to be haldin … for all the tyme of the warde and ay and quhill the entre of the richtwis ayre
1537 Hunter Fam. P. 21.
To have gevin the sayd Mungo and Marioun his spous heretable … sesing of … the five merkland of Cambletoune … wyth the pertenence except the aucht part and the warde of the samyne lyand wythin the parrochyne of Kilbrid
c1575 Balfour Pract. 250.
King Malcome Mackenneth gave … all his landis of the realme of Scotland to his subjectis … and at that time all baronis gave … to him … the ward of all and sindrie landis pertening to the air of quhatsumever baron that sall happin to deceis
c1575 Balfour Pract. 254.
The keiping and ward of landis … pertening to natural fulis … sould pertene to the king
(2) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 80 (A).
Of a burges ayr & his ward Giff … aburges deis his ayr … & his gudis salbe in ȝemsell of his frendis on his moder half & alsa his heretagis salbe in the ȝemsell & warde [B. kepyng] of his frendis on his fader half till the leill elde of the ayr
1466 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 395.
In cais the halff landis … fall in ward til … the king be disceis of me
1479 Acta Conc. I 30/1.
The landis pertening to Archbald … ar now in our souuerain lordis handis be reson of warde
1480 Acta Conc. I 61/2.
The landis … ar in warde to our souuerain lorde
1506–7 Reg. Privy S. I 205/2.
Pertenyn to the king be reson of ward throw the said Patrikkis deceis
transf. c1420 Wynt. i Prol. 56.
This tretys … I made at the instans of a larde That hade my serwys in his warde
c1420 Wynt. ii 340.
Hys larde That all hys gude put in hys [sc. Joseph's] warde
c. (1) 1520 Reg. Privy S. I 479/1.
The airis of all thaim that happinit to deces in our service suld enter fre to thair landis and have the dispositioun of thair awne warde and mariage fre
1532 Treas. Acc. VI 62.
Ane thousand pund acht be Walter Lundie … for his graceis rycht and intres to the ward and mariage of Innermeith
1550 Reg. Privy C. I 96.
It is … understand to thaim that James Douglas … is donatour in and to the ward and mariage of Mouswald, and hes thairthrow rycht to the samyn
1557 Southesk MSS 17.
In cace … that my wyf mary, I leve the ward and mariage of Kynnell to … my sone
(2) 1536 Prot. Bk. Thomas Johnsoun 20.
Ony caus … quhar throw the said James … ma not bruk and jois the … landis … indurand the tyme of the ward and nonintres thairof
(3) 1589 Boyd Fam. P. No. 74 (9 Nov.).
The saids lands … frie … fra all and sindrie vardeis releveis … recognitionis foirfaltours [etc.]
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Relevivm.
After the expiring of the warde to his over lord of quhome he haldes his landes be knicht service, that is be warde and relieue
d. a1500 Rauf C. 760.
The nixt vacant … That hapnis in France, quhair sa euer it fall Forfaltour or fre waird, that first cummis to hand, I gif thé heir heritabilly
1578 Reg. Privy C. II 693.
All altering of haldingis blanche quhilk of befoir wes haldin ward
1600 Acts IV 219/1.
The changeing of the auld halding of the saidis landis … fra waird to blenche
1640–1 Lennoxlove MS (The Duke of Hamilton) C1/1306.
[Sir John Wauchope asks for his lands to be changed] from waird to taxed waird
1642 T. Hope Diary 176.
A neu commissioun, for changing of ward in few, both of lands haldin off the king and prince
1676 Sc. N. & Q. XII.
Holds of his majestie ward, and changed to taxt ward, for payment of 130 merks
1679 J. Somerville Mem. I 276.
For the barronie of Carnwath halding black waird before this … he by his … favour with King James the Fourth … gott the holding changed from waird to blenche
c1690 Cunningham Diary 146.
The above lands, holding ward of a subject, are [etc.]
1683 Martine Reliq. Divi Andreae 110.
By our law there are feoda militaria, i.e. lands holden ward
16… Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 21.
The Archbishop of St. Andrewes being lord of the regalitie and the whole lands thereof hold of him some feu, some waird
e. 1686 Stitchill Baron Ct. 101.
All masters, whether heretors, lyferenters, propper wodsetters, tutors, tacksmen, donators of wards or lyferents, shall … insert in all tacks [etc.]
f. 1558-66 Knox II 78.
It sall not be lefull … to dispone or sell wairdis of mariageis … or uther casualiteis
1669–70 Lauder Jrnl. 232.
Argile … said I think your grace [sc. Lord Lauderdale] would take the ward of my marriage. He answered, I may weill have that, for I once had the waird of your head
g. 1682 Decis. Lords F. 11.
The Earl of Cassil's … craved the waird duties of certain lands holden of him waird
1681 Stair Inst. ii iv § 55.
The laird of Dalmaghie … succeeded to a ward-fee … before he was fourteen
1662 Decis. Lords G. 29.
In all waird-holdings, de jure est, that the vassal may not dispone without the superior's consent
1681 Stair Inst. ii iii § 31.
Of old, the main importance of a ward-holding was indefinite service to be performed by the vassal to his superior and especially in war; but that being now little in use the main effect of it is the ward and marriage of the vassal
1684 Decis. Lords F. 61.
Bishops could not tax the wairdholding, to the prejudice of their successors
1684 Mackenzie Inst. ii iv (1694) 71.
Ward-holding, which is the properest holding, is called servitium militare; and all lands are therefore presumed to hold ward, except another holding be express'd
1684 Mackenzie Inst. ii v (1694) 75.
Ward-holdings gives the superiour a right to the meals and duties of his vassal's lands, during all the years that his vassal is minor and this is properly called the casuality of ward
1679 Fountainhall Decis. I 49.
The entertainment which a superior and his donator owes to the ward-vassal is more than a mere aliment
1681 Stair Inst. ii iv § 55.
This question … remaineth undetermined at what age of the ward-vassal the avail of his marriage may be declared

4. (A place of) custody, confinement or imprisonment. Also fig.b. Fre ward, unguarded custody within specified confines or imprisonment without fetters. See also Fre adj.8 a for a further example. c. In wardis, impounded (Poind v. 1). d. ellipt.= Wardhous n.14.. Acts I 8/2.
Gif he be put in … fetteris and … he eschapis out of that ilk ward the lord of that prisoun the theyff eschapis out sal [etc.]
c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 25.
In strayte ward and in strong prisoun
1444 Aberd. B. Rec. I 10.
For the deliuerance of certane Inglisemen, the quhilke ar in yhour warde and keping
1471–2 Acta Aud. 20/2.
That therfor lettres be writin to charge thaim to warde to the castel of Striuelin
1482–3 Acts XII 32/2.
The duc … has arestit & takin Alexander Hevme [etc.] … and kepis ame in ward
1496 Acta Conc. II 40.
The provest and bailȝeis … sal … pay … the sade soume … and failyeing thairof … that thai enter thare persons in ward within the castel of Dunbertane
1499 Exch. R. XI 435.
The said Ferquhar was and remanit in the kingis warde
1512–13 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 140.
That na persoun nor persouns … close in thair houssis or put to ony vther places be the … officiaris of the burgh … cum furth of thair houssis [etc.] … be nicht or day bot that thay keip that waird and houssis committit to thame
1535 Edinb. Hammermen 145b.
Gevin to the officeris to put Thomas Hovme in ward for inobediens
1543 Reg. Morton II 290 (see Relegatioun n.). 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 82.
The said Jhon being relaxit and tharby put to libirtie fre of ward
1571 Misc. Bann. C. III 122.
1581 Reg. Morton I 127.
The said William sall pas and enter his persoun in ward beȝond the wattir of Cromartie … and … he sall remane and keip ward benorth the said wattir
1610 Melvill 789.
A sufficient command to our capitanis and constabillis of wairdis and castellis, and to all keiperis of jaylis and prissounes
1622-6 Bisset I 6/22.
He wes put in strait waird or prisone
1628 Dumbarton B. Rec. 30.
That Margaret Hunter … be yet kepit in ward and captivitie
1638 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 578.
Janet Gordoun to remain in lockfast ward
1644 Hume Douglas (STS) 303/7.
They war al shortlie releivit of ther wards
fig. a1605 Montg. Misc. P. vii 9.
Quhat meins thou nou fra thou be in hir waird? Thy libertie, alace! it is to lait
1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 498.
I … was … imprisoned in justice's closet-ward, which is hell and damnation
b. 1546 Reg. Privy C. I 36.
Remane in fre waird within ony place the eirle of Huntlie forsaid pleissis to assigne
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1143.
In fre waird was Makferland seisit
1564 Reg. Privy C. I 293.
He sall remane in fre ward within the burgh of Edinburgh, and on na wayis depart furth of the samyn
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 75.
Lord Gordoun was transportit furth of the castell of Edinburgh to the castell of Dunbar, and thair put in frie waird
c. 1550 Cupar B. Rec. 27 June.
For strubling of Allexander Rankelor in raiffing of his hors poyndit on the said Allexanderis corn in wardis
d. 1616 Aberd. B. Rec. II 335.
That the said wark of the wardhous salbe biggit … in maner specifeit [etc.] … for perfyiting and finisching of the said ward

5. a. An administrative division of a shire, region or area of land. Chiefly with a place-name. Also, once, castlewairds, prob. = Castel(l)ward(e n. 2. See also Mid(d)il(l)-ward(e n. 3, Nether adj.1 2 c (a), (d), Upper adj. for further examples. b. A (? usu. enclosed) piece of ground, a field, paddock, freq. put to or reserved for a particular use. Also in place-names. c. East, Middle, Wester Ward, the wardanries or administrative divisions of the Scottish Border. d. attrib.Chiefly in sense b above. Also varding [ON þing an assembly. Cf. also SND Thing n.2] a district court. e. transf.A division of the underworld.a., b. (1) 1423–4 (1426) Reg. Great S. 11/2.
Twa forestar stedis wythin Schutynle warde, lyand betwix the mastirstede and the courrourstede off the ward off the Yharow
1489 Exch. R. X 100 n.
The wardis of Twede, Yarrow, and Etrik
1495 Treas. Acc. I 216.
Johne Hepburne of the Est Ward of Edinburgh
1521 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. I 82.
George Elphistoun … rentalit in vj lib. land … in Gwfane ward
1542 Old Ross-shire I 109.
The uther [pr. uyr] in the toun of Balcony and the third in the waird of Dingwall
1545 Treas. Acc. VIII 420.
To Heirman Gottersoun, officiar of the nether ward of Clyddisdale
1565–6 Reg. Privy S. V ii 56/1.
Una pecia terre vocata lie ward de Cowcardie
1569 Canongate Ct. Bk. 61.
Five aikeris of land of the landis of Coittes … togidder with twa pece of arable land liand beside the place and warde thairof
1582–3 Exch. R. XXI 233.
£466 10 s. whole fermes of ward of Yarrow … £607 3 s. 4 d. whole fermes of ward of Ettrik
1594 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 81a.
Alexander Mcewin and Donald Mckesaak forrestaris of the warde of Craig and Finlarg
1599 Montgomery Mem. 242.
That the ludge of Kilwynning … sall haif thair warden present at the election of the wardenis within the boundis of the Nether Waird of Cliddisdaill [etc.]
1601 Sutherland Chart. in Orig. Par. II ii 671.
[9½ pennylands of Skrabister, with the] castell wairdis [and Langag of Skrabister]
1605 Retours I Inq. Spec. Sutherland (2).
Lie Wairdis et Langrige de Scrabister
1649 Cramond Ch. Urquhart 28.
Andrew James … delait for breach of the Sabbath by going down to the wairds of Innes
1657 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 146.
Cutting and destroying of thair riges of brome that is growand in the wairds and aikers of Melrois
(2) 1437 Reg. Dunferm. 285.
The thrid part of the ward be north haulf that ilke chemis
1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 173.
The sade tenandis sal kepe thar self … and thar gudis … out of hanyngis, treys, stankis, parkis medous and wardis
a1500 Peblis to Play 185.
Johne Niksoun of the nether warde Had lever [etc.]
1539 Reg. Privy S. II 479/2.
Ortis, pomario, prato, le warde [etc.]
1539–40 Reg. Privy S. II 507/2.
The gift of the ward of thre aikeris and ane half of land … liand in the sulȝe of Belhavin
1549 Banff Ann. I 27.
That all the craigis and greis thairof betuixt the Droppane craig and the landis ward salbe … keipitt fra all kynd of gudis to the Rud day
1572 Reg. Privy S. VI 340/1.
[With the wood of Arkilstoun and the] nethir ward, vulgo vocato horse ward
1573 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 2b.
The wrangus distroying of the lardis medo and warde
c1575 Balfour Pract. 542.
It is leasum … to all men to chais hairis, foxis, and all uther wild beistis, beand without forrestis, warrenis, parkis, or wardis [Quon. Attach. c. 33, vtouth forrest & wardis]
1598 Misc. Spald. C. I 120.
Thow hes mett … dyvers peces of land callit wardis … to the hynd knicht quhom thow confessis to be a spreit and puttis four stanis in the four nokis of the ward and charmes the samen and theirby haillis the guidis and preservis thame fra … diseasis and thow forbiddis to cast faill … theron or put plewis therin and this thow did in the Manis of Innes [etc.]
1621 Misc. Spald. C. V 222.
Jon Cambell is creat pundlar for keiping of the new wards and ȝoung woods
a1700 Mare of Colinton 294.
Within the ward I might have clos'd thee … Amang the laird's best fillies
(b) 1495 Reg. Cupar A. I 246.
Thai sal keip our medowis, wairdis, and brvme parkis fra tham selff and thare cattell
1561–6 Book of Assumptions Balnagown Charters in Orig. Par. II ii 438.
The … yeards with the waird for feding of hors
1591 Edinb. Test. XXIII 209b.
I haif sawin this ȝeir in the waird of aittis … sewine bollis
1628 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. II 128.
Wodes, wairdes or orcheards
1647 Elgin Rec. I 183.
The new land, grass lands … togidder also with the moss vaird perteining therto
1656 Rothesay B. Rec. 263.
The keiping of the calffis in the calffward … and sould build the nearest dyk of the waird [etc.]
1662 Retours I Inq. Spec. Kincardine (101).
2 partibus seu portionibus terrarum dominicalium de Craignestoun vulgo the Swyne Waird and Busch vocatis
(c) 1454 Exch. R. V 669.
Et de xxvij li. de firmis fogagii de Wodcokare et le weyrd nemoris ejusdem
1464 Aberd. B. Rec. MS V i 514 (21 Sept.).
Hir croft callyt Harde werde
1600 (1604) Reg. Great S. 559/1.
Cum nova manerie et lie werd, et brueriis lie ailhous
c. 16… Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. III 159-60.
The three Wardenries of Scotland were first the Shiriffdom of Berwick, which was called the East Ward; the Middle Ward, which contains Teviotdale; and the Wester Ward, which containeth Nidesdale and Annandale
d. 1547 Prot. Bk. J. Cristisone 93.
[Instrument narrating that James Gareauht of Kinstair passed to a certain] ward dyik (fossam) [newly built … between the town of Kinstair … and … Ausballo … making new encroachment and hindrance to James and his tenants in their pasture used and wont]
1550 Breadalbane Doc. No. 73.
He sall hald vp the auld ward dyk sufficient … and keip it fra all guidis except my guidis
1590–1 Reg. Privy C. IV 567.
[Alleging that they] dimolissit and kaist doun his warde dykis
1602 Reg. Great S. 474/1.
Ane merchestane infixit in the waird-dyke standand beneth the place of Kirktounhill
1680 Foulis Acc. Bk. 33.
To the mason that bigged the slaps in the ward dyke
1576 Orkney Oppress. 71.
Nicholaus Johnsoun beand upon the assyis in ane court haldin at Sandnes … said to Harie Bruce that quhen he votit upon the assyis he had mair mynd to wyn geir nor he had of his saull. And Harie Bruce takand witnes of his speiking, summound him to the varding to underlie the law for the same
1567 Exch. R. XIX 563.
Terrarum de Cragheid et Meirstane … jacentium in baronia de Fynnevin … [cum] occidentali molendino lie ward myln
1669 Rothesay B. Rec. 180.
Ane aiker commoune land lyand at the wardnuik of Gartonkaillie
e. 1513 Doug. vi vii 7.
In the first cyrkill or the vtyr ward [L. in limine primo] Ȝong babbys sawlys weping sor thai hard
1513 Doug. vi viii 4.
Lattir wardis [L. arva] quhairin dois remane Vailȝeant folkis in feild and chevalry

6. Ward & (nor) warsall, appar. a pledge, security. Also in the later dial. See SND Ward n. 3.a1600 Aberd. B. Rec. MS XXIV (Jam. s.v. Ward and Warsel).
To remane wpoun his ward & warsall
a1600 Aberd. B. Rec. MS XXIV (Jam. s.v. Ward and Warsel).
He tuik nothyr ward nor wersell of the said claith



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