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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Lay, v.1 Also: laye, leay, ley, la. P.t. and p.p. laid, layd(e, lad(e, lead, led, leid, lyd; lait, leyt, let; layid, -it etc. [ME. laye, lain, leye, leyn etc., earlier leggen, p.t. laid(e, leide (Orm leȝȝde), later layed, laied, etc., p.p.y) laid, i)leid (Orm leȝȝd) etc., OE. lecg(e)an (pres. t. 2nd pers. leᵹest, 3rd pers. leᵹeð, whence the more usual ME. and Sc. form of the whole pres. tense), p.t. leᵹde, p.p. ᵹeleiᵹd, -léd.] To lay, cause to lie (Ly v.).

I. The simple verb, chiefly tr. (1–30). II. With adverb complements in various senses of the simple verb and in specialized senses (31–45). III. intr., with preps., in specialized senses (46).

I. 1. tr. To bring down, lay low (an overthrown enemy or the like). Only with complements.Common in early verse, espec. to lay at (the) erd, on the land and to lay dede, law for which see also these words.(1) 1375 Barb. iii. 16.
Weill ost … War layd at erd, but recoveryng
c1420 Wynt. viii. 5713.
He … layd hym at the erd [W. to the erd] flatly
?1438 Alex. i. 2566.
He was … stoutly laid to ground
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 715.
Schir Evin has schir Edmond laid on the land
Ib. 1052.
Quhen thai saw thair liege lord laid on the landis
1513 Doug. xi. xiv. 47.
With huge strenth [he] dyd hym cowch and lay Befor his breist
1535 Stewart 34323. Ib. 56604.
Rycht mony Brit wes laid vpone thair bak
(2) ?1438 Alex. i. 925.
The duke … laid him deid [F. l'abat mort] richt suddanly
1513 Doug. xi. xiii. 62.
Alsmony Troianys ded to grund scho laid

2. To lay in a recumbent position, to lay down (a person, a dead person, etc.); also, to lay (a dead person) in his burial-place etc., to bury.Also to lay down (37a), up (45a), and to lay (= bury) in erde, graif, lame, lede, see these nouns.(a) 1375 Barb. ix. 170.
In a littar the Kyng thai lay And … held thar way
a1400 Leg. S. xvii. 187.
Scho … bad thame hyre in askis lay
a1605 Montg. Flyt. 496 (Hart).
They lay it [the child], they lift it, they louse it, they lace it
c 1609 Kelso Presb. in Berw. Nat. Cl. V. 332.
Charlie Burne, being posit whither he himself helpit to lay his wyf in the queir of Sproustone, anserit, that he did it not
(b, c) a1400 Leg. S. l. 1179.
Angelis … hire body bare To mont Synay, & lait it thare
Ib. xvi. 512. c1420 Wynt. vii. 348.
That body … Wes layd in halowyd sepultoure
Ib. viii. 2211.
Willame Frasere hart is layd Betwene tha towmys twa
1513 Doug. xi. i. 124.
To se thy a son on hys beir tre laid
1560 Rolland Seven S. 4665.
Scho being laid sa softlie in hir bed
1558-66 Knox II. 357.
The Erle … was laid in the tolbuyth
a1578 Pitsc. I. 234/11.
I pray … that we may be laide and dissollwit in the earth
1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xiv. 22.
[That] we may be laide … in a comely, closse, clean, competent kirk-ile or yarde
(b) a1400 Leg. S. vii. 779.
In that grawe … [I] lad hyme
Ib. xii. 51.
A cowyne Tha mad … & syne Lad hyme in
1513 Doug. vi. iii. 102.
The body syne bewalit haue thay lade In ane soft bed
1533 Boece ix. xx. 341.
The kingis corps in funerall attyrement was lade in the palace clois

b. reflex. To lay oneself down. 1650 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 602.
A little befor day, having layed him to rest his weired bodey, he was found by [etc.]

c. To lay (also lay fast, 38a) a person in the irnis, stokkis. 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 326.
He wes tane and laid in the iyrnes
1623 Kinghorn Kirk S. 24.
To be layd 24 howris in the stockis
1629 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. III. 193.
Thay … layed him in thair yrnes callit the long gade

d. To lay asleip or to sleip, to lay to sleep, also fig. to assuage, or, to subdue. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 294.
Sal neuer my likame be laid vnlaissit to sleip. Quhill I haue gart yone berne bow
1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. i. 374.
Diem componit, lay to sleip
1596 Dalr. I. 327/19.
All cause of diskyndnes … was outher laid black deid or presentlie laid asleip
Ib. II. 9/25.
Quhen externe ennemies he had laid asleip

3. To lay aside or at rest, put out of action (a plough); to lay by, give up (some activity); to still or silence (a person's tongue, one's speech, etc.); to put a stop to, repress (a nuisance); to lay or cause to go down (the Devil); to check (a flood).(1) c1420 Wynt. viii. 6356.
In Lowthyane, as men sayde, Ma than a hundyr plwys war layde [W. it laid]
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. xcv. 23.
Thai landis … To extreme powertie ar brocht, Thai wickit schrewis hes laid the plewis
1578–9 Reg. Privy C. III. 101.
They reft and tuke fra him thre oxin and ane kow and hes thairby laid his pleuch, quhairthrow his mailling is lyke to lye unteillit and lawborit
1581 Ib. 409.
[They] maisterfullie reft … hir haill … geir and laid hir plewis
(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 352.
I maid that wif carll to werk all womenis werkis, And laid all manly materis and mensk in this eird
(3) 1540 Lynd. Sat. 3533.
I walde thy toung againe war laid
1633 Coll. Witchcraft 115.
Many pretty men has thou putten down both in ships and boats; thou has gotten the woman's song laid now
a1650 Row 439.
He hoped that he should yit speak, suppose it be said that his speech is laid, and show his awin mynde
(4) c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 96.
Ȝit come I hame, fals baird, to lay thy boist
(5) 1598 Misc. Spald. C. I. 120.
Thow confessis that the devill … is rasit be speking of the word Benedicite, and is laid agane be tacking of a dog vnder thy left oxter
1661 Soc. Ant. XXII. 254.
By turning the sive and sheires she reased the divell who being werry hard to be laid againe ther was a meiting of witches
(6) 1631–2 Peebles B. Rec. I. 417.
For twa hundreth faill to lay the schoole flode

4. To lay (tombstones, building-stones, paving, boarding etc.) in (horizontal) position.(a) 1387 Edinb. Charters 36.
The forsayde masounys sal lay in place … xiic hewyn stanys
14.. Acts I. 44/2.
Gif ony lande be lynit … and the merkis be laide [L. et mete posite fuerint]
c1420 Wynt. iv. 1621.
The women … Apon the wallis besy wes, Layand stanys here and thare
1531–2 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I. 69.
Dalis … wrocht to be laid in fluring
1534 Ib. 121.
To lay payment
1555 Stirling B. Rec. I. 66.
Quhen the graf is sattillit that … the samyn laris be laid agane
1610–2 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I. 327.
For fyve stane of wab leid to lay ane gutter above the great turnpyk heid
1611 Macgibbon & Ross V. 6.
To hew and lay the haill lyntalls and harth stanes
1617 Edinb. Test. XLIX. 337.
My father to lay ane throwch stane vpone my graf
1623 J. Cruikshank Sketch Incorp. Masons 70.
[A cowan] without power to work or lay hewn work
(b) 1464 7th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. 736/1.
To la thar throwch quhen it plesis thame in the sayd place
1542 Soc. Ant. III. 163.
The watter tabill … , ane caisment hevin for leid to be lad thairin to schout the watter by the wyndowis
1557 Black Bk. Taymouth 127.
The castell … was begun til la stanis in it and the woltis was mayd or Lammes

b. To build (a structure) in this way. 1500–1 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 90.
To furnis … fyve masouns … quhen thay begyn to lay the wark
a1538 Abell 20 a.
His stane house laid without lyme
a1540 Freiris Berw. 541 (B).
The wall … round abowt wes laid with stanis dry
1611 Macgibbon & Ross V. 5.
Hawing ane house foundit … and ane pairt of the wallis and grund therof alreddie layid quhilk being intendit to have bene maid ane eard hall
1680 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt Jan. 3.
For casting of faills to lay dams

c. To lay a foundation. lit. and (chiefly) fig. a1400 Leg. S. i. 8.
For-thi cane Criste apone hym lay The fundament of haly kirk
1533 Boece xiii. xiv. 531.
Alexander, quhilk laid the fundment of the Abbay of Paslete
a1585 Polwart Flyt. 691.
I laid the ground whereon thou, best, began To big the brig
c1590 Fowler II. 153/21.
He acqueres … glorye for having lyd [sic] the ground and beginings of a new princedome
1590-1 Bruce Serm. 389.
Therefore, lay thir conclusions with thyself, lay thir grounds in thy heart [etc.]
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. II. 8.
The reasone and fundatione of ther opinione they laye, because such a preiveleidge … belonges to the Churche

5. To build or lay out something so that it extends from one place to (unto) another. 1596 Dalr. I. 170/16.
Adrian … laid a woundirful wall … frome the mouth of the riuer of Tyne, vnto the riuer of Eske

b. p.p. Laid out in extent, extending. c1420 Wynt. ii. 432.
Ryngys fyrst he gert … the myd fyngyre bere, For fra that to the hart, he sayde, Ane ewyn strekande wayne wes layde

6. To lay out (land): to measure and apportion (land); to allot or assign as to its position within a common farm (a particular portion of land).Also to lay in (40 f), to (44 d). 1388 Bamff Chart. 22.
The qwilke foure layd the landes with lyne and departit tham ewynly in tua
1544 Reg. Cupar A. II. 224.
Give it happinnis ws to tak ony pairt of the said town within our awing hand, that we sall haue that pairt laid be it self on the syde nixt the place
1555 Ib. 123.
Leid apon the eist syd nyxt the place
1634 Contract (Jam. (1825) s.v. Coutch).
The foirsaids lands … lyis rinrig and navayis comodeyuslie coutchit nor laid be itself euerie man his portioun tharoff

7. To draw up (a plan of action), to plan or arrange (a scheme or design). 1597 Melvill 413.
Plattes and courses ar wyslie leyit befor moyenes and meanes ar appointed to bring them about
Ib. 415.
Ther was a grait plat leyed, and mikle ado usit (plewing alwayes with our hiffers) whow to get a moderator
1657 Balfour Ann. IV. 148.
A deseinge laide to inwade England

8. To spread (a table-cloth); to lay (a cloth or some clothing) on or about a person.(1) 1375 Barb. v. 388.
[He] fand the met all reddy grathit Vith burdis set and clathis laid [E. layit]
(2) a1400 Leg. S. iv. 85.
Quhen the sudar wes lad One Phylet
Ib. xi. 81.
Criste … Fra hyme a lynyne clath tuk thare & lad it one his visage sone
c1475 Wall. xi. 1059.
A courch with slycht upon his handys thai laid
15.. Clar. iv. 309.
This pectrell … about hir schoulders scho it laid
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 484.
The cloike being led about him, he maid him in to the place

b. p.p. Covered or overlaid with (anything). a1691 Kingston Contin. Ho. Seytoun 81.
Having a throne layed with carpets erected for them

9. a. To lay out (peats) to dry. 1632 Cullen B. Ct. MS. 27 July.
That nane preswme to cast or lay peittis in the said boundis

b. ? To lift up or fold back: cf. Uplay v. c1420 Wynt. v. 1254.
Quhen yhe se the chesybyll layde [W. vplaid] And the preyste makys hym bown To mak the levatyowne

10. To set, place or deposit (an object, on the ground, a table, or the like).Also to lay doun, 37 b. a1400 Leg. S. ii. 388.
The hevid than to the fete thai lad
Ib. iv. 352.
The discipulis … In the wane lade it [the cross]
c1400 Troy-bk. ii. 439.
When the inwarde bowelles were Of the bestes … Grathed & leyd one the alter
c1420 Ratis R. 1189.
Als weill a kynryk as a croft Beis in thai balans laid on loft
1468 Peebles B. Rec. I. 158.
That ilk nychtbur suld lay vj laid of stanis at the Kow furd
1500 Treas. Acc. II. 20.
For tua quhit matrasses bocht to the King to lay undir his bed
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxx. 8.
His abbeit … Me thocht on bed he layid it me abone
a1540 Freiris Berw. 373 (B).
Scho brocht all furth and on the burd cowd lay
1562 6th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. 647/2.
Twa tyld claithis to la vpone the fluir
1594 Conv. Burghs I. 438.
Victuall that sall … be schippet … or layet vpoun the schoir
1598 Misc. Spald. C. I. 122.
Thow biddis lay the harrowis on the land befoir the corne be brocht furth
1608 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 285.
Na maner of … fuilȝe sould be had, laid or keippit vpone the streitis
16.. McPherson Primitive Beliefs 233.
She laid him over the fire and said ‘Throu the fire [etc.]’

b. tr. (also reflex.) To place or set something as a trap or the like; also, to place something in one's way, to set oneself in the gate of another.(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1848.
He hes it [chaff] heir layit for ane trane
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 127.
Powlder, quhilk they haid layid there
1597 Crim. Trials II. 25.
[She] suld lat him sie quhair the witchcraft was laid
1622-6 Bisset II. 249/11.
They aucht to lay sa mony ingynis ane as the uthir
(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. xii. 14, 15.
Welth, warldly gloir, … Ar all bot thornis laid in thy way, Ourcowerd with flouris laid in ane trane
1591 Crim. Trials I. ii. 245.
To lay the droppis of the taid in his hienes way
(3) c1420 Bute MS. fol. 174.
Gyf ane auld schyp wald lay hym gladly in the gate of a bettyr

c. To cast (lots). a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 812.
My claithis ar partit and thaim cuttis laid

11. a. To set or place something before a person; hence fig., to propose, explain or describe (something) to a person.(1) a1400 Leg. S. vi. 102.
A blak hund … gat his richt hand, … & lad before thame all
1513 Doug. v. vii. 68.
He hes … twa kempys burdonys brocht and befor thame laid
(2) 1551 Hamilton Cat. 155.
Jesus … quhilk quhen the joy was lade before him, tholit the crosse
1594 Warrender P. II. 252.
Ye shall lay before our said dearest sister that [etc.]

b. To submit or expound (something) to a person; to submit (something, to the decision of another). c1475 Wall. vii. 31.
To lord Persye off this matter thai laid
1532 Selkirk B. Ct. 162 b.
The said maister Michaell layt it to the forsaid Jhone Michag aycht quhidder [etc.]

c. To cite, adduce (evidence, proof).Also ME. (1387) and e.m.E., and cf. ME. (1356–1470) aleye, alay in the same sense, OF. aleier to declare on oath, L. allēgāre to cite, adduce. 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 102.
A guid and wise dialectisiane wald … haue laid some pruife, befoir that he wold haue so rashlie pronunced

12. To lay down as a pledge or wager, to pledge or stake.Also to lay doun, 37 f (2). a1500 Henr. Orph. 124.
Of sik musik to wryte I do bot dote, Tharfor at this mater a stra I lay
a1500 Rauf C. 374.
Ȝone man … Is not sa simpill as he said Thairun my lyfe dar I layd [= lay it]
a1500 Bk. Chess 1703.
Off ony man the countenans scho said That scho suld brek & thairapon scho laid Ane hundreth pund
a1500 Seven S. 1178.
I dar lay my hed in wage Maire mischeif fall sall ȝhe [etc.]

b. Common in verse tags, as I (dar) lay wed or vow, and absol. I (dar) lay, = I wager, I avow, I dare say.(1) a1400 Leg. S. i. 488.
Ȝe sal se, I lay wede, The fendis craft son onhyde
?1438 Alex. ii. 7230.
Ane mychty man … Durst nocht derene, I dar la wed
c1460 Consail Vys Man 352.
Lawte … sall recouer, I dare la wow
1535 Stewart 16770.
‘And do ȝe nocht,’ he said, ‘I dar la wode, Within schort quhile that tha sall spring and spred’
(2) c1420 Ratis R. 1089.
It sal lyk thé, dare I lay
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 95.
Yhit ar thi latis vnlufsum and ladlik, I lay
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xlii. 23.
Ontill my lady, I dar lay, Ȝe be to pure a presoneir

c. To lay in (or to) gadge, pand, pledg(e, wad (wed), wage, = in pawn. See chiefly these nouns. 1622-6 Bisset II. 241/12.
For the expensis of the schip, he may lay in gadge sum of the taikling

d. To lay down, relinquish, sacrifice (one's life). 1567 G. Ball. 142.
Or ellis our lyfe we suld lay for it

13. To lay out (money), pay out, disburse.Cf. MDu. geld leggen and to lay down, 37 f (1). 1494 Halyb. .
Som in the haill that I haf laid for Schir R. Vellis sen my last cont is 19 li. 14 s. 4 g.
1497 Ib. 151.
Laid for his kagis 5 s.
Ib. 152.
Som that I haf lait for Master James, excep the mony that I haf laid for T. Tod 176. 18 s.

14. To lay (eggs). Also absol., (of a bird) to lay, and transf.(1) 1535 Stewart 55432.
Baith ravin and ruik … Biggit nestis and eggis laid thairto
1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 1 Oct.
A dossone of fresche egis new leayed
(2) 1513 Doug. xii. Prol. 154.
Swannys … Seirsand by kynd a place quhar thai suld lay
1580-92 James VI Lusus Reg. 25.
As hennis of nature kekkillis quhen thay lay
transf. a1585 Polwart Flyt. 755 (T).
Lik quhair I laid, and pikill of that py

15. To lay (something) fra one: To lay down or lay aside, to take off (clothes); also, to give up, surrender (property). Also absol. in the exclamation Lay weill frome you, = ?(1) a1400 Leg. S. iii. 684.
And quhen he had this wiis sad, His clathis all fra hym he lad
1456 Hay I. 202/27.
Gif a preste be assailit … quhethir he aw to lay fra him the sacrament and defend him be were
1540 Lynd. Sat. 4380.
Than sic flobbagge scho layis fra hir About the wallis
1600 Crim. Trials II. 198.
Quhairat he layit fra him his suorde, and stoppit doune to the place but ony wapyn
(2) 1474 Reg. Cupar A. I. 193.
And gif tha haue mare [than a quarter of land] tha sall layd [= lay it] fra thame
(3) 1642 Aberd. B. Rec. III. 292.
The said Elspet wes convict for saying ‘Lay weill frome you, she is not sibb to na body heir,’ to forbear

16. To place (something) as or like a burden on (upon) a person or thing. 1375 Barb. viii. 445.
He gert … sekkis ta … and syne thame lay Apon thair hors
1533 Gau 98/24.
The cors quhilk thou layis apone vs
1576 Douglas Corr. 217.
The crewelnes of the irnes layed upon hym

17. fig. To impose (a task, tax, punishment, embargo etc.) on or upon a person.Also to lay on, 41 b. 1490 Irland Mir. I. 168/3.
Vpon thé [the Virgin] was laid the cure To bere the lord of hevin
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxi. 28.
On fredome is laid [M. led] foirfaltour
1510 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 7 b.
The office of balȝery the quhilk we laye one thaim
1540 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 174.
To recompense the pane layd vpoun thame
1596 Dalr. I. 171/18.
A new cense he lays vpon the hail realme
1613 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 119.
We allow ane uther hundreth merks [for payment of his debts] quhilk utherwayis man be laid upon thame
1637 Aberd. Journal N. & Q. I. (1908) 52/2.
The charge … of the reparatioun of the haill worke … wes then layed upon the late Lord Fraser
c1650 Spalding II. 321.
Thair wes tua hundreth and fortie hors laid vpone the schires of Abirdene and Banf
1681 Stair Inst. ii. iii. § 80.
The constant custom layeth hereȝelds most upon tenants possessing more lands
1689 Acts XII. 71/1.
That one imbargue be layed on all shipps goeing to France

b. To charge or levy (payment). c. To assess or rate (a tax or other exaction). a1500 Rauf C. 297.
‘Lat be, God forbid’, the coilȝear said, … ‘That for ane nichtis harbery Pay suld be laid’
1497 Dunferm B. Rec. 77.
Thir persones … chosyn be the hale communitie till lay the vnlais
1597 Elgin Rec. II. 56.
Thair is layid be the eldaris taxtlayers that thair be a taxation … and ilk pleuche layid to saxtein schillingis. The burgh of Elgin layid to ane half thairof

d. intr. To lay on (upon) one (to do, for doing something), = to charge or delegate (as spokesman or attorney). a1568 Bann. MS. 239 a/7.
Gif ȝe delay and with ane ney me quyt Of all my syt, on ȝow I ley me till assay, It is ȝour pley perfyte
1594 Colville Lett. 262.
For the deleing with that estett he leyis onle one yowe, promesing qwat yowe sey in hes nem sell be as he haid seillit and sowscriwit itt
1600-1610 Melvill 369.
The rest leyed upon me to be speaker

e. To lay one's speche on a person, = to make him one's spokesman. See Spech(e n. III 6 c.

f. Of a witch: To lay (a spell) or inflict (a sickness) on or upon a person. Cf. 41 c. 1596 Misc. Spald. C. I. 92.
The Said Johnis haill guidis … ar at the poynt of beggarie, be thi divileche witchecraft led on tham
1630 Justiciary Cases I. 145.
Thomas Home … being bewitchet with ane feirfull seiknes laid upone him be ane beggar wyfe

18. To lay (responsibility or blame), impute (a fault or a crime), on or upon a person, to a person, or to one's charge (Charge n. 7).(1) 1535 Stewart 6762.
On thé he lais the haill caus and the wyit
1560 Rolland Seven S. 9178.
And richt falslie he layis on me sic crime
a1568 Scott xxvi. 27.
Of thair wanhap thay ley the wyt On thair leill luvaris innocent
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 34.
Of all this ye can lay the wyte on na man vther bot your selffis
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I. 88.
James Low … lead his deitht on thé … in his last wordis
1613 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 8 Sept.
[She] grantis scho had spokin the wordis layed vpon hir name
1615 Highland P. III. 302.
He purged him self and leyed the blame vpon me
1670 Boyd Fam. P. No. 304 a (8 Nov.).
I am confident … yea will be fwnde blame worthie and not I, swppose yea stryve to leay it wpon me
(2) 1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots 571.
I will that ȝe do nathing quhairthro ony spot may be layit to my honor or conscience
a1578 Pitsc. I. 393/17.
I was innocent of the cryme that was layd to me
(3) 1538 Red Bk. Grandtully II. 125.
Sic crimis as we haif to la to thair charge
1567 Anderson Collect. Mary II. 280.
I layed to his charge the law of adulterie
a1578 Pitsc. I. 82/6.
Pointis of dettay … laid to the Earle of Douglas charge
1595 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 62.
Quhatsumever inconvenience sall follow thairupoun may be layed to our charge
1603 Moysie 3.
All thingis and intromissionis that micht be layd to his chairge
(4) 1520 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 79.
[He is] to [be] inbrocht to the nixt curt to la the falt quhar it suld be

19. With a member of the body as object.a. To put one's arm, hand, mouth on (upone, undir, till, about, in) and so in contact with (anything). To lay one another's heidis togither, = to take counsel, confer. b. To lay (violent) hand(is on (upoun) a person or object: cf. Hand n. 11. c. To lay one's hand ritually on or upon (a person's head).a. (1) a1400 Leg. S. xxxviii. 411.
Thane set scho don … & hyr harme vndir his hed lad
a1500 Henr. Fab. 1162 (Ch.).
The selie scheip durst lay na mouth on [B. till] eird Till he befoir the awfull juge appeird
1522–3 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 98 b.
With that he layit his hand upone his knyf
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1255.
Scho … about hir hals syne laid his armis tua
1568 St. A. Kirk S. 299.
Thair handis layit togethir
1616 Misc. Maitl. C. II. 189.
He … laid his hand upoun hir breist
1676 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 229.
Whither or not the said Charles Corsane did ley his hand in Mr. James Walker hand and promissed [etc.]
(2) a1578 Pitsc. I. 292/11.
They laid thair heidis togither and conwenitt ane counsall at Glasgow
b. a1400 Leg. S. xxviii. 125.
Than ware handis wyolent Layd one that Cristis innocent
Ib. xl. 741.
Bot one it [sc. St. Ninian's relics] lais na man hand, Bot the maste vorthi of the land
?1438 Alex. ii. 1239.
Bot gif that we may fall … That I hand mycht on him lay, He suld aby the deid, perfay
1540–1 Reg. Privy S. II. 581/2.
That … ȝe … tak and lay handis upoun thame quharevir thai may be apprehendit
a1578 Pitsc. I. 295/22.
The Frinchemen … layit handis on the lord Home and his brother and pat them in pressone
1661 Black Sc. Witches 44.
Efter they resewed the said letter they did lay hands wpon the said Jennott Paistoune and did tack hir over out off Dalkeith to Neutoune
c. c1515 Asl. MS. I. 250/14.
He laid his hand on his hed and gaf him his blessing

20. To lay the Bible, (the sign of) the Cross, on a person, ritually. a1400 Leg. S. xv. 115.
Barnabas tuk the ewangele … & lad it apone Thymonene In Goddis name
Ib. xix. 81.
To mak ȝone takine [sc. to cross himself] I had skil, The feyndis name quhen I here say … for I dowt he suld noy me, Fore-thi sic takine is one me lad

21. To lay a rod, whip or the like on (also about), in beating or thrashing; also, to lay a lash or stroke on.Cf. to lay on, about, 41 d, e, 46a, c.(1) a1400 Leg. S. i. 201.
Petir his staff has hym taucht And bad hym with all his mawcht Lay it on his falow sowne
c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxi. 13.
With gentill hors quhen I wald knyp, Thane is thair layd on me ane quhip
15.. Christis Kirk 126 (B).
The reird rais rudly with the rappis Quhen rungis wes layd on riggis
1627 Peebles B. Rec. I. 368.
[He] boistit the said Adam, avowing he sould lay ane wand about his luggis
(2) a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 45.
Se sone thow mak my commissar amendis, And lat him lay sax leichis on thy lendis, Meikly in recompansing of thi scorne

b. intr. Said of rain or storm: it layis, = lays on, cf. 41 f. a1500 Rauf C. 137.
For sa troublit with stormis was I neuer stad; Of ilk airt of the eist sa laithly it laid

22. a. tr. To put ships to (the) sea. Only in Wyntoun. c1420 Wynt. ii. 1586.
Enes gert twelff schyppys be Wytayllyde and layde to the se
Ib. 1620.
He schyppys layd to se
Ib. iv. 684, 1398. Ib. vi. 2433.
[He] gert lay schyppys to the se
?14.. Ship Laws in c1500 Harl. MS. 4700 fol. 151.
Thai lay the schip redy to the see and thai pas furth

b. To station (a ship) in a harbour or at (to) the shore.Cf. To lay fast (38 b). 1577 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 30.
Na victuall … to pas furtht … in na schip … that beis laid withtin this hevyn
1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II. 452.
[The ship, having a leak] behooved to be layed to the shoare

c. To drop (anchor). ?14.. Ship Laws in c1420 Bute MS. fol. 173.
Gyf thai lay ankyr wyth owtyn buy
1498 Acta Conc. II. 246.
Fredome to lay and fessin thare ankeris within the flude mark
1622-6 Bisset II. 245/27.
It may be that ane schip layd anker at reid or hevin [etc.]

23. a. To station or plant (troops, men, artillery etc.) in a position or place. 1533 Bell. Livy I. 217/16.
Thir Veanis laid ane strang garnison … in secrete glennys
1535 Stewart 11218.
Ane grit navin of mony schip thai la Befoir the coist
a1578 Pitsc. II. 302/14, 15.
The Inglis cannonis war styled, to wit … four layd in the Gray Freiris … and four of thame layd without the towne
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. III. 128.
One [battery] was layd neer the Grey Freer Churche

b. tr. passing into intr. To set (men) in ambush, passing into, to set an ambush, station (oneself) or lie in ambush, for (the taking or slaughter of) a person, to (take a person). Also, to lay the wayis for, = to waylay.(1) 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 203.
The tyme of his incuming thairto, thair wes sindrie laid for his taking, bot he eschewit
Ib. 213.
The laird … come to Edinburgh … albeit thair wer diuerse laid to stopp him in the way
1592 Reg. Privy C. IV. 821.
Advertizement maid to him that his slauchter wes laid for be meanys of my Lord Chancellair
16.. Hist. Kennedy 44.
Thai, with tenne or tuelff with thame, laid for me lord, within the keill … to schutt him in the by-ganging
c1650 Spalding I. 158.
He is suddantlie takin by the covenanteris, who wes laid for him
(2) 1584 Acts III. 306/1.
He layit the wayis for the said maister James and garrit await for him

c. intr. To lay await (for), = To lay wait, watch, q.v. under these nouns. To lay at await, see Await n. 1645 Dunkeld Presb. II. 372.
Their persons and lyfes ar sought and layed awaite for by the enemy

24. tr. To place or set (close), to apply, to attach, add or annex, to or till anything. b. To supply, provide, at the place required.Cf. to lay in, 40 c, e, to lay to, 44.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xvi. 525.
Thai … layde the chylde til hir breste
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1126.
Swyith, lay the ledderis to the hous
a1540 Freiris Berw. 135 (B).
And fatt cunyng to a fyre did scho lay
1588 Sc. Ant. IV. 37.
Tak plaister … and la the same to the soir
1665 Lauder Jrnl. 115.
Is the meat ready yet? No, sir, but its layd to the fire
(2) 1513 Doug. ix. ii. 84.
Thar schippys … That fast by jonyt to the wall was layd
16.. Admir. Ct. Form 13.
The watter baillie … takes 12 d. for everie bark that layes hir sydd to the key
(3) c1475 Wall. viii. 1046.
Thir men … To the barmkyn laid temyr apon hecht
1678 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II. 173 (12 Nov.).
[Heritors are to] lay to the howse sufficient timbar to mak upe the house conform to the walis that is standing
(4) 15.. Wyf Awcht. 29.
Ȝeis lay ane soft wisp to the kill, We haif ane deir ferme on our heid
1571 Crosraguel Chart. II. 8.
The Maister of Cassilis … in his heat wald lay fyre to the dungeon
1628–9 Misc. Maitl. C. III. 370.
To lay fyre to the upstanding craig at the greine 2 dayes
(5) 1505 Lennox Mun. 172.
The quhilk [acres] sal be … layd to and allangis the said Lord Erskynnis propirte
1584–5 Rec. Earld. Orkney 306.
The hall of Quholme, quhilk is biggit upoun the Kingis baik outwith the auld bow and now laid and plankit to the same
b. 1578 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 75.
The said thesaurer sall furnys all materiallis necessary with scaffolding to be laid to the said wark
1627 Banff Ann. II. 213.
The stanes being frilie laid to him at the saidis goillis
1677 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS. 3 Jan.
To build owt [the house] with the first fair weather all necessars being laid to his hand

25. a. tr. To set (a besieging army) to (= to invest) a place. 1533 Bell. Livy II. 149/35.
Fra oure army be laid to ane toun, na irksumnes … may remove the same

b. To lay (ane) sege to (unto, about), to lay siege to: see Sege n.

26. To deposit, place, put, bestow, in a specified repository.Also to lay in depose (in pose), in hurd, in keping, see these nouns, and to lay up, 45 c. Cf. also to lay in gadge, pand etc., 12 c. a1400 Leg. S. i. 429.
He … lade [the bread] In his slefe
Ib. xi. 274.
In a kyste … Men ma costlyke thingis lay
Ib. xxiii. 171, xxvi. 117. c1400 Troy-bk. ii. 1884.
[They] socht in his bed and fand thar laid The samyn wecht of gold
14.. Acts I. 361/2.
Bot gif he lay his custum in the statut place vnder the erde or vnder a stane
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2938 (H).
Now gownis gay, now bratis laid in pres
1490 Treas. Acc. I. 134.
To by a pwncion of wyne to lay in his hous
1494 Acta Conc. I. 361/2.
The money … suld be … layit in ane evinly manis hand
1496 Halyb. 9.
Laid that ymag in the Julyan
1513 Doug. iii. vi. 174.
Without the cave closyt scho lays the write
1518 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 180.
Sa that the inhabitantis … be nocht compellit to lay thair gudis bot to quhat schippis thai pleisis best

b. p.p. and gen. Placed, situated. 1580-92 James VI Lusus Reg. 51.
My lott was maid Into that cuntrey to be tyed quhaire my empyre uas laide

c. To lay down, stock (a larder). c1450-2 Howlat 217.
The ravyne … Was dene rurale … ; Quhill the lardnir was laid. held he na hous, Bot … At vicaris and personnis, For the procuraciounis, Cryand full crows
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i. 150 b.
They lay ane lardnar in great, and selles in their buiths be peces

d. To deliver (a person) as a pledge or hostage for (another). 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 10.
The King of France … the next ȝeir … was redemit, and his tua sones laid for him

e. To invest (money) on (upon) (land), to (profit).(1) 1494 Acta Conc. I. 361/2.
The money … salbe disponit on this wis that is to say that it suld be lait on land & warit
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I. 125.
She … could not be compelled to lay and imploy upon land 600 merks
(2) 1580 Edinb. Test. VIII. 23.
Ane hundreth merkis … to be put all togidder in ane soum and laid to proffeit ȝeirlie

27. To place (praise, hope, confidence, love) on (apon) or in a person or thing. b. To devote (care) to (in) anything. c. To lay or take something to heart. a1400 Leg. S. i. 236.
‘I am Goddis saule,’ he sade: Sic lois on hym-self he laide
Ib. xxxvi. 1024.
In ald men suld nocht be lad Hope of helpe
c1500 Fyve Bestes 227.
And all thar trast apon ȝour sang thai lay
1549 Compl. 65/10.
Sum of the … sangis that i herd … My luf is laid apon ane knycht
b. 1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv. 14.
Veneriall pastouris … Layand thair cuires in warldlie busines
c. 1657 Balfour Ann. IV. 150.
Wee humblie desyre your Lo[rdshi]ps to lay it to heart

28. In technical senses. a. To paint.Also to lay over, 43 b. 1492 Myll Spect. 275/9.]
[How will thai paynt & lay on thare facis diuers materialis
1501 Treas. Acc. II. 25.
For … rede lede to lay Mons Messingeir and Talbart with
1591 Aberd. Kirk S. in Hay Post-Ref. Ch. in Scotl. 219.
[Engaged] to set with lym the allegit cordinaris ill to lay it quhyt

b. To smear or ‘lay’ wool.See also Laid ppl. a. 2 a. 1684 Symson Descr. Galloway in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II. 101.
Their wool is of three sorts: laid-wool, moor wool, and deal wool; the most part of their laid wool called in other parts smeard wool is in the parish of Monnygaffe, so called because about Martimas they melt butter and tar together and therewith they lay, for that is their expression, or smear their sheep by parting the wool and with their finger straking in the mixt butter and tar on the sheeps skin

c. To couch or passement (a garment).Also in laid work, Laid ppl. a. 2 b. Cf. also 37 h, 42 b, 43 c. 1633 Sc. Ant. I. 94.
Four elles of pax for leyen my kassak with
1674 Fraser P. 258.
Velvat cots … layed with small silver lease for footmen

d. To lay (cloth) within (a garment), as a lining. 1502 Treas. Acc. II. 68.
For othir xxxvj elne lynyn claith … to lay within the capes

e. To re-steel (an iron implement).Also Laying vbl. n.1 1 (8). Also north. ME. alayng (1409), laying (1472), and e.m.E. and in later Sc. and Eng. dial. Perh. ultimately f. as Lay v.2 1554–5 Edinb. Old Acc. I. 155.
For foure punds of steill to lay the cleiks of the crepars of the cran
1570 Lanark B. Rec. 50.
For thrie pundis of irne quhilk hie coft to lay his pleu arnis with
1694 Foulis Acc. Bk. 172.
For a pund and 1 unce of steel [pr. steck] to lay the axe, etc. [5s.]

f. To twist strands together to form (a rope): cf. also Lay n.5e.m.E. laying vbl. n. in this sense 1486–, lay v. 1627–. c1420 Wynt. iii. 355.
Wytht sevyn corddys newe layde Off hert cynownys noucht all dry
Ib. 390.
Than thai twa rapys newe layde He brak

29. To reckon up, check or audit (an account). b. To lay compt, lay accounts, = reckon, count. c. transf. and fig.Appar. only Sc.: cf. the later (literary) Scotticism to lay one's account with to reckon on, anticipate (1746– ).? Originally with reference to the laying out of counters in calculating. Cf. the similar L. calculos (also rationem) ponere and MDu. ene rekeninge leggen (Germ. Rechnung (ab)legen). 1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 107.
His obligatioune … buyr that he is nocht awan bott vi pundis and xij penneyis. Your lordschipe man lay our again his obligatioune mair tentiyvlie and send me vord
1565 Reg. Privy C. I. 404.
The said David … producit his compt buik, quhilk wes sichtit, sene, and laid be the thesaurare
1565 Peebles B. Rec. I. 300.
To pay the … expenssis that the said neburis depurssit, thair comptis beand laid as affeiris [etc.]
1649 Stirling B. Rec. II. 196.
A roll of the tounes obittis, to be examinat, copiet and layit, and apointis for this effect the baillies [etc.]
b. 1557 Stirling B. Rec. I. 71.
To teche … ony barnis … except tham that leris to reid & wryt & lay compt
1646 J. M. Beale Hist. Fife Schools 85.
[To] instruct the bairnes … to read, wrytt & lay accounts
c. (1) 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 99.
Railing I deny … I haue laid my compt; mony thingis I knowe I haue omittit, but in that I find no great fault with my memorie
a1578 Pitsc. II. 257/3.
At this tyme all thame that war taine on baith the sydes war releivit … and so quhen thay had layd thair comptis … thair was no adwantage nather of the syddes
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 12/32.
Hauing laide my count, euer to walk as in the eyes of the Almightie, examining … the secretest of my driftes before I gaue them course
1637 Rutherford Lett. (1822) 122.
This is our happiness now, that our reckonings … when eternity shall come … cannot be told … , that angels cannot lay our counts, nor sum our advantage and incomes
c1650 Spalding I. 109.
The covenanteris ... laid compt befoir the incuming of this generall assemblie to bear doun episcopacie
1657 R. Moray Lett. 28 Sept./8 Oct.
Lay your count never to find a hair in my neck
(2) Ib. (1894) 185.
If ever ye laid Christ in a count, … take Him up and count over again

30. a. To lay waste, see Waste a. b. To lay (a ship) undir cros(-sail), to lay on brede (= abroad). 1513 Doug. iv. viii. 21.
The maryneris glaid lays thar schippis vndyr croys
1533 Bell. Livy II. 162/35.
All necessaris lade on brede in the ciete

II. 31. To lay af, to put off, postpone. 1631 Red Bk. Menteith II. 126.
If any rub occurre, ȝour lordship will lay it af till I be aduertisit

32. To lay apart, to put away or aside. c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2873.
Scho laid apart hir awin cleithyng And tuke the rayment of ane king
1578 Reg. Privy C. III. 18.
That all querellis be laid apart

33. To lay aside (also on syde), to put off, discard, get rid of, dismiss, discontinue, postpone.(1) 1558-66 Knox II. 264.
Understanding our hoill wisdome to be but meare foolishness befoir … our God, [we] layed it asyd, and followed onlie that … approved by Him self
1590-1 Bruce Serm. 355.
Let not the theif pass … , nor the murderer … , therefore, in time lay them aside
1596 Dalr. I. 275/7.
Quhen he had pacifiet his cuntrey, layd asyde his alde ennimies [L. sublatis hostibus]
1670 Annandale Corr. 310.
Your letter … would make a noysse if it should haue beine made … publick, so I weaved it and laid it assyd
c 1670–80 D. Blair in Blair Autob. 589.
The voyage was laid aside for some weeks
1674 Aberd. Council Lett. V. 329.
If Sir George Lockhart be layd asyd to imploy Sir Robert Sincklar
1685 Conv. Burghs IV. 50.
It is alwayes in their option to continue or lay asyde their clerk when they think fitt
1697 Penninghame Par. Rec. I. 8.
Which she promising to observe is dismissed and the wholl affair laid aside
1698 Ib. 22.
The Session thinks it fit to … lay him aside from the exercise of his office for a tyme
(2) c1568 Lauder Minor P. i. 543.
Ȝour housis halding is down, & laid on syde: Quhair hunders wount ȝour faders to conuoye, Now will ȝe ryde with ane man and ane boye

34. To lay bak (= hold back) one's hand frome the pleugh. a1578 Pitsc. II. 111/32.
They … laid bak thair hand frome the pleugh

35. To lay by (By adv. 1): To place close by. a1400 Leg. S. xxii. 765.
[They] of the chalyce fand the ere Brokine thare & layd by
1581 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 225.
That the said flesche haif the hyde stikking with the carcage and the skin with the bowlk or layit hard by

36. To lay by (By adv. 3). a. To lay back. b. To lay aside, put away, discard; to discontinue, dispense with. c. To dispose of, get rid of, dismiss (a person); also, to put off, discourage. d. To set aside, reserve.a. 1624 Misc. Abbotsf. C. 137.
Being in ȝour bed, ȝe layed by the lap of the claithes, and lut hir sie besyd ȝou … ane great bag
b. (1) a1400 Leg. S. xlv. 35.
In a wyndo scho lad it by, & it hyd thare
1513 Doug. i. x. 62.
The god of lufe … laid his weyngis by
Ib. v. xi. 39.
Iris … Hir godly figur and hir weid laid by, And bycame agyt Beroes
1569 St. A. Kirk S. 326.
He tuik the said Johne prayer buik and laid it bi, and said, ‘Ye sal nocht reid heir [etc.]’
(2) a1586 Maitland Geneal. Setoun 19.
His wyfe … laid by her motherlie sorrow
a1658 Durham Clavis Cantici (1668) 166.
She doth not then lay by diligence, as if all were done, but is of new taken up with as great care [etc.]
1651 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 204.
The muir heuche of the Gorballis being for the present downe, … it was fund … that it sould be layd by for a tyme
c. 16.. Hist. Kennedy 22.
Me lord being layed by, this laird dewyssit … how to ruitt out this Hous of Bargany out off memory
1637 Rutherford Lett. (1822) 41.
Dr. Baron hath disputed with me … : three yokings laid him by; and I have not been troubled with him since
1672 Brodie Diary 332.
Thes that ar laid by, and thes that ar keipd and admitted
1681 Cloud of Witnesses 10.
And let not this discourage you, or lay you by
d. 1503 Orkney Rentals i. 89.
Notwithstanding the land is all the Kingis to the male yit ilk iij d. terre is laid by to pay scat to the bischop
1570 Conv. Burghs I. 22.
In cace itt happin [money] to be … in radynes and laid by to be gevin to the creditour
1636 Misc. Spald. C. V. 226.
Ilk ane … sall labour [the lands] … that was sighted, cawled, and laid by to them

37. To lay doun. a. To lay down, lay in a recumbent position (sense 2). Also reflex. b. To set down (sense 10). c. To station or place (a camp): cf. 23 a. d. To establish.a. a1400 Leg. S. iv. 264.
The corse … thai haf tane, And lad it done one a stane
1513 Doug. iv. vii. 62.
Vp thai hyr hynt … and in hir bed Laid softly down
1691 Sc. Ant. XIII. 73.
Severall children are exposed and layd down as foundlings
reflex. 15.. Clar. iii. 1984.
He laid him doun agroufe besyde ane well
1646 Rogers Social Life I. 139.
Ane bairne was found in the West Burne Wynd, layd doun at John Yule's stair foot
1682 Cramond Kirk S. II. 19 Nov.
That all persones ... would enquire after the woman which had laid it [a foundling] doune
b. a1400 Leg. S. i. 224.
I … In the corn myn howk doun lade
Ib. xx. 238.
[He] Gert melt leyd in fusione & gert clammys lad by [= be] done
1613 Conv. Burghs II. 430.
Euerie maile, noone, and evin, the trynsheour salbe laid doun
1614 Crim. Trials III. 266.
Haifing persauet the said Alexander Blair … to haif laid doun the said wallet vpoune the burd heid
c. 1641 Wemyss in Sc. Diaries 123.
We did … march … and did leay doune our lidger att the the Hirshill Law
c 1680 Bothwell Lines 46 in Fugitive Poetry I.
Upon the hight of the Moorhead They laid their ligour down
d. 1641 Acts V. 646/1.
That … a solid course be laid downe for removeing the horrible villanies committed be sic persones

e. To lay down or aside, put by; fig. to give up, leave off, discontinue; to set aside, annul. Cf. 3.(1) 1375 Barb. ii. 96.
Quhen the burdys doun war laid Till chamyr went thai
(2) c1420 Wynt. viii. 7117.
The King off Yngland wes oblist … The armys off Fraunce … Qwytly to lay all doun Fra hym and his successioune
?1438 Alex. ii. 3820.
For he that speche wald doun war laid [F. Pour ce qu'il voloit miex la chose anïenter]
Ib. 8180.
The first avow, that doun was layit [F. Qui fu du tout anoientis]
1457 Acts II. 47/1.
It is sene spedfull at that vse be laide done and forborn in tym to cum
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxxix. 13.
Honorable houshaldis ar all laid doune
15.. Dunb. App. v. 23.
In hairt be blytht and lay all dolour doun
1553 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 280.
That … all sic sumpteous bankating be laid doun aluterlie except thre
a1568 Bann. MS. 64 a/13.

f. To lay out, disburse, pay (a payment); to lay down (a pledge or bet): cf. 12, 13.(1) 1390 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 19.
The other xli. the quylk ve haue layde doun fore yhowre howse
c1420 Wynt. iv. 2604 (W).
And ilk man … laid his trewage doune and toll
1457 Peebles B. Rec. I. 123.
The sayd balyhe laid don ij s. at the justys ar for the comysson [etc.]
1475 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 31.
He sall lay downe to the reparatioun of the altar a merk
1488 Treas. Acc. I. 103.
To Andro Wod, that he laid downe at the Kingis command, xix vnicornis
1490 Ib. 186.
Thir ar the sowmis of mone laid down for cleything to the Kingis awin person
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1140.
Restorit be me [sc. the Cross], Frethand the man that had nocht to lay doun, Quhill that my frute is sauld for his ransoun
1500 Treas. Acc. II. 20; etc.
Giffin to Jame Dog that he laid doun for tua pair of bedis to the King x s.
1501 Ib. 124.
Payit to Thom Foret that he laid doun to pur folkis
1506 Ib. 208.
He laid doun that he tynt at the kylis in the schip
1531 Selkirk B. Ct. 159 b.
In vodset ay and quhill iiii lib. be lait down to hyme be Johne Achesone
1586 Reg. Privy C. IV. 79.
[They had become bound] to lay doun and pay in the foir yeir in … claith and utheris wairis [etc.]
1695 Cullen Kirk S. Jan. 13.
And that it be not given out without present money laid down
(2) 1560 Rolland Seven S. Prol. 85.
Ane wed thairfoir scho said scho wald doun lay
a1578 Pitsc. I. 340/19.
The King … gart her pand ane hunder crouns and ane tune of wyne wpoun the Inglischemenis handis and hie incontinent laid done sa mekill for the Scottismen
1640 Mouswald Kirk S. MS. 1 July.
No compleiner shall be hard till first he shall ley done tuentie four shilling

g. To hand over, give (something) to a person. 1576 Digest Justiciary Proc. I. 25.
Thome … layit doune to hir ane grene silkin laise … and bad hir … knit it aboute the left arme

h. = senses 28 c, 42 b, 43 c. c 1650 Johnie Armstrong in F. J. Child Ballads III. (1956) 369 § vi.
You shall every one have a velvet coat Laid down with golden laces three

38. To lay fast, to secure. a. A person in the ironis (= 2 c). b. A ship at a quay (cf. 22 b). 1632 Justiciary Cases I. 200.
The said schip … brocht in … and laid fast at the new kie
c1650 Spalding I. 260.
For the quhilk he is laid fast in the ironis in the tolbuith of Edinburgh

39. To lay furth: a. on (upoun) breid, to extend, spread out.a. c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 424.
Quhen that I go to the kirk … Than lay I furtgh my bright buke on breid on my kne
1560 Rolland Seven S. 4637.
The barbour causit hir lay furth on breid That vther arme
a1568 Bann. MS. 229 b/46.
All ȝe flouris … Lay furth ȝour levis vpoun breid

b. To put out (furniture, from a house) esp. in evicting a tenant. Hence c. To evict in this way.Cf. To lay out (42 d).b. 1522 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 93 a.
He come quhen Besse Ker was layand furcht the gudis of James Ellot of the hous he inhabitis att this instant tym
1541 Dumfries & Galloway Soc. (1913–14) 186.
[8th June, Sir John Cunynghame passed to the lands of Katrina Fergussoun and there] laid furth thre things of hir guids, as use is [and removed her goods from the said lands, and put his own therein]
1551 Prot. Bk. W. Corbet 14.
[The officer] lychtit doune to haiff laid furth thair gwiddis and insycht of house
c. 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 181.
Considerand thai wer lauchfully warnit to remwf … and als layd furtht in the ferd day in Wytsonowk eftir the form … of act of parliament

40. To lay in. a. To lay, put or place in, in general senses. 15.. Dum Wyf 52.
[He] laid in leifis thrie
1522 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 93 a.
He layit in his gudis [in the house]
1619 Glasgow Merchants Ho. 112.
[They] layis in stray within the said passage & fylis the samyn
1680 Edinb. B. Rec. X. 401.
The councill … allowes to the two beddells of that kirk wher corps are laid in threttein shilling

b. To pay in (rent in kind, pledges). 1518 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 66 b.
Adam grantit … certane clath layit in to him in clewis
1590 Reg. Privy C. IV. 794.
[They had become sureties … that they would] lay in plegeis for observing of … ordour … , and geving of … obedience
1659 Rothesay B. Rec. 280.
With pouer … to resaue the money and the beir in sufficient in laid beir withe the commoun ferm measuire that the samyn used to be layd in withe
1668 Boyd Fam. P. No. 288 (20 April).
Ane stone of salt buttir in warr yeirllie or four pund for itt in caise itt be not laid in att Candlemes
1671 Corshill Baron Ct. 98.
The fear of the victual that is not payed and layd in betuein that and Candelmes

c. To supply at the place required, to bring in and deposit on the spot (building material): cf. 24 b. 1656 Peebles B. Rec. II. 38.
The great ludging or Eist Work, for which the toun is to lay in and carie sex scoire loades lyme; my lord is to pay for lyme; and the counsell resolves to caus lay it in
1669 Ib. 78.
Everie familie … to lay and carie in for repaireing … of Tueid caule … thrie loades stones
1682 Ib. 106.
To agrie with William Allan to lead fifty draught of stones to Tweid caull, provyding the myllner lay in tuenty draught for the same use, and win and lay them all in the cauld himself

d. To make or extend (a dam) or to dam up or bank in (a river or stream) so as to divert the water into a mill-channel: cf. Inlair n., Inlaying n. b and Laying vbl. n.1 2 (5). 1571–2 Haddington Acc. MS.
Half ane daill to lay in the foirscheit of the kirkmyln
1611 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 560.
That the said James King … sould big and lay in the dam of the said milne … vpon his awin chairgis
1658 Peebles B. Rec. II. 44.
The thesaurer to caus lay in Edderstoun burne
1696 Lanark B. Rec. 259.
The south syde of the burn to be laid in and for preserveing the out breaking of the burn, and for that end everie heretor to lay in the burn befor his ain tenement

e. To re-unite a piece of separately enclosed and cultivated land to the common land from which it has been taken, to return to common land: cf. 24 (5). f. Cf. 6 and 44 d.e. 1600 Acts IV. 228/1.
Ordinis thatt all persones quha hes … inclosit or appropriat ony pairt … of his ma[jes]teis … commounteis … lay in the samyn commounteis agane
1622-6 Bisset II. 274/6.
Quhasumevir … labouris … any pairt of his hienes muris [and] lay nocht in the samin agane to remane unlaboured in communtie [etc.]
f. 1632–3 Peebles Gleanings 136.
When the merches betuix Mr Hewe Ker and the toun wer visited and layed in, with the provost, baillies, and visitouris

41. To lay on. (See also Onlay, Onlayer, Onlaying.) a. To set or place on to something, in material senses.(Cf. also 28 a, 43 b). c1475 Wall. iv. 52.
The hors thai tuk … Laid on thar sowme
1611 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 560.
To furneis thrie hors with ane sufficient seruant, abill to lay on and tak aff laidis
1615 M. Works Acc. (ed.) 373.
The last lintellis that is to be layit on this yeir
1688 Old Kirk Chron. 49.
[For] thre pynts of tarr to lay on the boat
fig. c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 1633 (see Lade n.1 3 b).

b. To impose (a tax, charge etc.); to levy or to assess or rate (a tax): cf. 17. c. Of a witch: To lay on or inflict (a disease): cf. 17 f.b. 1596 Dalr. I. 171/18.
A new cense … , quhilke quhen he had laid on, he commandes it to be gathired
1641 Acts V. 679/1.
Gif the provisiouns of schooles be leyit on vpon prelacies it is onlie the way to distroy schooles
16.. Admir. Ct. Form 59.
Queritur how the commissar layes on and lowses arreistments
1676 Cunningham Diary 80.
To my father to pay the month's cesse that was laid on by consent
c. 1607 Crim. Trials II. 524.
Sche … laid on ane feirfull and vncouth seiknes on him
Ib. 526.
A witche, quha had skill to lay on and tak af seiknes
1622 Ib. III. 514.
This seiknes was laid on be the pannell
Ib. 519.
Albeit the deid-straik war laid on, scho could tak it af agane

d. To deal or strike (blows or strokes). e. absol. To deal blows, fight vigorously. f. intr. Of rain: To come down copiously or violently, to pelt down.Cf. 21.d. c1420 Wynt. viii. 2525.
Than thai layid on duyhs for duyhs
a1500 Sir Eger 1521.
He that did the dint lay on
a1570-86 Balnavis Maitl. F. cxxix. 41.
Fra thow inlaikis to lay on straikis. Fra thyne my sone adew
e. 1375 Barb. xiii. 143.
With all thar mycht … Thai layd on
c1420 Wynt. viii. 2260.
Thai come on, and layid on fast
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 858.
Thai lufly ledis … thai layid on in ane ling
Ib. 1003. 1590-1 Bruce Serm. 295.
The Lord … maketh not a mynt against his enemies, but he layeth on also
a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS. No. 856.
Iff ye mint Is lay one
f. c1420 Wynt. iv. 396.
For it layit on sa fast off rayne
1600-1610 Melvill 714.
The raine laying on about their luggis

42. To lay out. a. To hold out, extend; to spread out, unfold, lit. and fig.; to set out (a trap); to lay out or spend (money).Cf. also Outlay, Outlaying.(1) c1475 Wall. ix. 57.
Ledys on luff burd … Lanssys [1570, Lynis] laid out to [1570, to luik] thar passage sound
(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. x. 45.
Now spring vp flouris fra the rute … Lay out ȝour levis lustely
1572 Ferg. Tracts 74.
This it is that muifis me … to lay out befoir ȝour eyis the miserabill estait of the pure Kirk
(3) 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 276.
Thei salbe snaired into the gyrne thei lay out for vtheris
(4) 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 15.
Scho hirself laid out the money to by him apparell

b. To couch or passement, and c. To line (a garment). Cf. 28 c and d, 37 h and 43 c. 1610 Edinb. Test. XLVI. 176 b.
My fyne blak claith cloik that is layit out before with figourit taffattie and pasmentis round about it
1634 Ib. LVI. 368.
Ane blak clock lynit with and laid outt with velvoot in the lapis

d. To evict or eject (a tenant); to put out (furniture) as a symbol of this: see 39 b, c. 1509 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. II. 282.
Dominus cancellarius prohibuit dicto Thome Kelso … et precepit Thome Or sergiando remouere eundem et sua viz. lay him owt et imponere vnam taxatam firmam
1549 Ex. Processes (Reg. H.) No. X (Irvin v. Wischart).
I … lauchfullie warne Alexander Wischert … thair seruandis … and than ordorlie eiectit & laid thaim out as vse is
1681 Stair Inst. ii. ix. § 39.
Whereupon, the second day after Whitsunday, he came brevi manu and expelled the tenant; or at least laid out some of his goods to complete the solemnity of his removing

e. To deal (a blow). Cf. sense 41 d. 1600-1610 Melvill 70.
Alexander leyes out a strak at me with the sword

f. To place (an accusation) against. Cf. sense 18 (2). 1568 Laing MSS. I. 22.
As alsua for your answeris maid to the accusation layd out aganis me

43. To lay over. a. To lay as a charge upon, commit to. b. To paint. = 28 a. c. = 28 c, 37 h and 42 b.Cf. also Our- and Overlay, -laying.a. a1650 Row 456.
I have layd over my bairnes upon God
b. c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1371.
Noyis arke … wes … Laid ovir with pik, within, and out
1554–5 Edinb. Old Acc. I. 140.
To lay the haill knok … all ouer with reid leid
1628–9 Misc. Maitl. C. III. 372.
The haill yrone windowis to be layit ouer with fyne rid oyle cullour
1629 Ib. 375.
The Dukes chalmer … to be weill paintit in the sylring with the wallis layit over with gray
1629 M. Works Acc. MS. XXI. 50.
The pend of the windowes and skenschonis to be weill layit ouer with ane blew gray
c. 1593 Lennox Mun. 463.
Clething … that salbe ony wys begaried, laid ower or smered with ony kind of pasimentis greit or small, plane or ajower, bissettis, lillekynnis [etc.]

44. To lay to: To place close; to apply; to supply: cf. 24. b. To apply one's ear, to listen carefully; to apply one's arms, exert oneself. 1513 Doug. vii. vii. 124.
Lyke as quhen that the ingill of stikkis dry With blesand sownd is layd to by and by
1562-3 Winȝet II. 8/3.
For wald ony of thame lay to this lyne and square reul, and preue thair doctrine?
a1578 Pitsc. I. 312/6.
They layd to the fyre to him bot it wald on nawayis burne
Ib. II. 89/31.
Then this captane laid to great batterie
Ib. 90/13, 17. 16.. Hist. Kennedy 51.
Doctour Low … was he that handelitt his woundis, quha had na skill, bot laid to plaisteris to the wondis
1653 Peebles B. Rec. II. 18.
Each maister of familie … to lay to ane stone of 8 stone weight, for laying the ground of the bow bridge
b. (1) 1513 Doug. i. Prol. 482.
Glaidly wald I baith inquire and leir And till ilke cunnand wight la to myne eyr
a1599 Rollock Wks. I. 376.
Lay to thy lug as thou will, … , gif thou have bot ane naturell ear, … , thou sall not … heir
(2) c1620 Boyd Zion's Fl. 20.
Lay to your armes, and help in haste afford, This Jonah take and cast him over boord

c. To charge, urge (a person) to do something. a1500 Bk. Chess 535.
Quhen to the worthy wedow Anima Hir nychtbour come … And laid hir to a husband for to tak

d. To lay out, measure out (land): cf. 6 and 40 f. 1672 M. Bruce Rattling Dry Bones 30.
[God] is the greater party; and will bring the measuring line, and lay to His own lands, and will neither want cotter-house nor keal-yard, that belongs to him

45. To lay up. (Cf. also Uplay v. and n.). a. To put to bed, to bury, to put to sleip. = sense 2. 1587 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 17.
The bed … quhair the said Jonet was laid up be hir … eftir hir delyverance
1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xiv. 21.
Before Tabitha was lade vp, she was washen
1607 Reg. Privy C. VII. 429.
To caus hir to bind up hir manis heid, for they had layit him up to sleip

b. ? To set uppermost. 1501 Treas. Acc. II. 25.
For casting of the erd fra Mons and to turne hir and lay the twych hole vp

c. To deposit or put away in a repository for safe-keeping; to put by: cf. 26. Also absol., To put by or save up (possessions). 1505 Treas. Acc. III. 162.
To four men … to fald and lay up the arres werk
1562-3 Winȝet II. 17/22.
Thai thingis be our forbearis til ws deliuerit, and amangis ws laid vp in keiping and stoir
1567 G. Ball. 93.
Thy gudnes and beningnitie … Thow lay thame vp with me in stoir
1600-1610 Melvill 490.
The quhilk letter the King tuk … and hes it leyed upe … amangs his privie wryttes as yit
1641 Acts V. (1817) 495/1.
The vther inventor sall be layd vp … with the honnors
1662 Crim. Trials III. 618.
We took it owt of the fyre … and did lay [it] vp on a knag, and sometimes vnder a chist
absol. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1777.
Ye lay up lyke ladies and seiks lyke dawes

III. 46. intr. a. To lay about one, to strike out, deal blows. b. To lay aganis : to counterbalance; to lay to the charge of. c. To lay on (upon) a person, to strike out at, assail. d. To lay till a person, to apply oneself to, attend to.a. c1420 Wynt. iii. 300 (W).
Fra he gat it in his grip, He laid [v.rr. leyt, let] about him, quhip for quhip
b. 1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. i. 239.
[Fatis contraria fata] rependens, weyand, laying aganis
c1520-c1535 Nisbet III. 321/32.
He ansuerit to that that mycht be laid aganis him
c. a1400 Leg. S. xxxix. 149.
My goddis ware wrath with me & with the nefis one me layd
?1438 Alex. ii. 3041.
Thare layit on vs thay of Medy
Ib. 9626.
With speiris bricht Thay laid on vther
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1121.
Thay agane richt manfullie … on thair colleris laid full sikker
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 112.
They … meiting with the croseguard … cryed ‘Lay upon the theives!’
c1575 Balfour Pract. 627.
Gif the master [of a ship] layis on his men, and gevis ony of thame ane buffet with his neif, or with his palme
d. a1500 Sir Eger 1880.
The lady was leech, … And spared not, but laid him till

e. To lay with (a woman), = to lie with: cf. Ly v. 1658 Sc. Ant. IX. 51.
The Diwell … cam hom to hir hous and laid with hir

47. tr. ? To sow or cultivate (land). 1615 Bentinck Dornoch 176.
Many will parisch in thir contreys throwgh famine and neuir more lay land for falt of seid

48. To lay (claim) upon (= to) something. c1500 Barounis Lawis fol. 8 b.
Him that lays clame tharapone

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