A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1971 (DOST Vol. IV).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Maister, Master, n.1 Also: -ere, -ir, -yr(e, -ur, -ar(e, -re, mayst(e)r, -ir, -yr, maiester, mastier, measter, mester, meister, -eir; and Mister. [ME. maȝȝstre (Orm), maister, mayster, -tre, meister, -tre (12–13th c.), e.m.E. master, OE. mæᵹester, maᵹister, OF. maistre, both f. L. magister, -trum. Cf. also Mes.]Commonly abbreviated as mr. and m.In the possessive, with or without the inflection (like fader etc.).Recorded from the early 14th c. in the place-name Maysterton, Maistertoun etc. (Reg. Neubotle 4, 41, etc.).
1. A man who wields authority or dominion; a person's sovereign, lord, chief, captain, leader, superior; the ruler of a territory.See, for further examples, Lord n. 3 (2).(1) ?1438 Alex. ii. 4291.
To fecht for thare maisteris [F. seignor] saik 1456 Hay I. 67/14.
In schippis … men makis ay ane patroun and maister our the lave to governe … all the membris of the schip Ib. 110/14.
A kingis provost may have na mare power na has his maister a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 187.
Heir I mak yow of myne maister of myght c1475 Wall. vii. 378.
Latt ws … caflis cast quha sall our master be 1488 Rec. Earld. Orkney 332.
To … my … wele belovit maister David Sinclare fold of Ȝetland 1499 Liber Aberbr. II. 324.
And attour I … dischargis my said maistiris … of all sowmys … that I clamyt thaim of c1515 Asl. MS. I. 199/7.
In euerilk hous of Yngland thare was put ane Dene to be mastere 1531 Bell. Boece I. 54.
That ane of thaim [Druids], as bischop and maister, sall have jurisdictioun above the laif 1572 Buch. Detect. 107. 1569 Thanes of Cawdor 176. 1581 Burne Disput. 43 b.
Inducing subiectis to oppres and dounthrau thair maisters 1581 Acts III. 218/1. c1590 Fowler II. 76/6. 1596 Dalr. I. 104/15. 1596 Crim. Trials I. ii. 355.
As maister, landislord or cheiff to Johnne, James and Williame Johnnestonis 1622-6 Bisset I. 293/11.
[To] luik gif … he [the judge] be … of kin … to the pairtie or maister to him c 1630 Bk. Carlaverock II. 123.
The King my maisters frienship(b) 1582 Waus Corr. 258.
To his belowit master in the lord Jesus my lord off Barnbarache 1594 Acts IV. 71/2.
Masteris and sustenaris of thevis 1667 Laing MSS. I. 363.
Our grasious mastier(c) 1590 Edinb. Test. XXI. 304.
John Erle of Mortoun my gud cheif and mr.(2) a1568 Pedder C. 35.
Grit Lucifer, maister of hell 1567 G. Ball. 175. c1610 Melville Mem. 43.
That he … mycht with tim mak himself maister of the haill
2. A prince, magnate, great man, man of rank. 1375 Barb. iv. 411.
Othir syndry ȝeid thame by As thai war masteris [E. maistrys] ydilly 1456 Hay I. 210/33.
Gif a bataill war sett and thare war mony maisteris and princis governand bot gif thai obey all till a hede [etc.] c1475 Wall. iv. 11.
A gret consell … Into Glaskow quhar mony maistris mett c1500-c1512 Dunb. lx. 45.
The lerit sone of erll or lord … is maister natiwe borne 1512 Crim. Trials I. i. 80.
Quhar the takaris or apprehendaris ar maisteris of pover quharthrow the said rebell … may nocht evaide 15.. Clar. v. 2118.
Monie grit maistres and barrounes c 1580 Dumfr. & Gall. Soc. XVII. 95.
That na persoun … mak ony complent to ony out toun maister
3. The male head of a family or household.See also Maistres n. 2. 1558-66 Knox II. 241.
Everie maister of houshald … to instruct … his … familie [etc.] 1595 St. A. Kirk S. 811. 1635 Elgin Rec. II. 230.
That ilk master of familie be countable for the induellers in ther landis 1678 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS. 31 July.
4. An animal's master or owner. c1475 Wall. viii. 213.
Saidlys thai teym off hors bot maistris thar 1513 Doug. x. xiv. 93. 1551 Hamilton Cat. 24.
The asse has knawin the mangier of his maister 1560 Rolland Seven S. 1917.
5. A man who employs another in his service; a workman or other employee's (male) employer, a servant's, apprentice's or slave's master.See, for some further examples, Hussy n. 2 and Lord n. 1 (2). Also Hure-maister n. and task-maister. 1425 Acts II. 11/2.
The schirref sall assigne xl dais to sic ydil men to get thaim masteris ?14.. Ship Laws c. 21 (B).
Qwhen the schip is brokyn the maystyr may nocht sel the tacle of the schip bot gyf he haf … commandment of hys maystyrys c1460 Wisd. Sol. (S.T.S.) 267.
Quhen a seruand … is richit throw falsat of his mastir lell-wone gud 1473 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 27.
Gif ony prenteis … passis away fra his maister c1500-c1512 Dunb. xv. 19.
To serve and leif in beggartie To man and maistir is baith schame 1516 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 39.
The said Jhone Champnaye … to work ii dosone of skennes to his masteris utilite 1525 Reg. Great S. 97/2.
Ilk maister to fe thir servandis yeirlie at Yule 1531 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 23 Feb.
That the towne sall be thair masteris and thai to ansuer to the towne 1535 Stewart 5802. 1551 Elgin Rec. I. 108. 1570 Sat. P. xxiv. 96. 1572 Reg. Privy C. II. 133. 1576 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 19 b.
Quha evere of payd seruandis … that feis thame selfis with doubill maisters 1581 Sat. P. xliv. 33.
Sik man, sik maister, as is said a1598 Ferg. Prov. 3 b. 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. Table s.v. Ib. i. 24 b. a1628 Carmichael Prov. Nos. 101, 149, 889, 1405, etc. 1656 Edinb. Justices Peace 406.
[The wives of the hinds] are also to be assisting with their husbands in winning their masters hay and peatsfig. a1578 Pitsc. I. 88. n. 1.
The deuill quha is the maister of pryde
6. The landlord of a tenant; also, a feudal superior, overlord. 1514 Laing MSS. I. 6.
Ony personys hawand takkis … of the Kingis grace or of any utheris thair lordis and maistiris 1525 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 76.
Anent tenandre that tenandes suld warn thair maister fourtye dais or the term … and sic lyk the maister suld warn the tenand xlti dais 1561 Inverness Rec. I. 70.
To grant to him ane assedatioun of new of the samyn as thai that ar his maysteris and superiouris 1575 Reg. Privy C. II. 464.
To renunce him thair kyndlie maister c1575 Balfour Pract. 276.
Gif ony man … beis unlawit … because the said superiour … enterit not ane suit … he sould be releivit … of the said over-lord and maister forsaid 1586 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I. 207.
The maister settar of the hous 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Averia. Ib. s.v. Canum. 1600 St. A. Kirk S. 936.
The maisteris of tenentis 1642 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct.) 24 March.
Of maisters dewty to Patrik Carsen in Kirkcudbright of ferme crop 1641 [etc.] 1649 Acts VI. ii. 465/1. 1657 Stitchill Baron Ct. 9.
Decerned to pay [etc.], … verified by the mestres executioun 1671 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct.) 25 July.
Indew … to … my maiester 1671 Inverness Presb. 10. 1681 Stair Inst. ii. iii. § 80.
There is no difference whether he be a master or a farmer 1686 Stitchill Baron Ct. 101.
All masters, whether heretors, lyfe renters [etc.] 1686 Misc. Spald. C. V. 234.
[Tenants to] inact themselves in thair maister court books 1688 Galloway P.
To releive his meisters off all teind … payeable furth of the saids lands
7. A proprietor of lands, a fishery, a business or the like.Espec. maister of the gr(o)und (see also Grund n. 2 c), = landlord.(1) 1561 Inverness Rec. I. 61.
[That] na mastyris of vatteris or haweand takkis of the vatteris tak vpon hand to by thair fyscharis met fysches, bot [etc.] 1597 Skene Verb. S. (1599) s.v. Herreȝelda.
The best aucht … suld be given to his landis-lorde or maister of the said land 1598 St. A. Baxter Bks. 63.
Maisteris of baikhousis till informe thair servandis instantlie of this present act c1650 Spalding II. 25.
He … chargeit the maisteris and lax fisheris of Die and Done 1681 Glasgow Chart. II. 214.
A petition … for themselves and … their partners, maisters of the tuo suggarworks 1684 Lauder Notices Affairs 529.
The dam masters upon Don had contraveined the Acts of Parliament(2) 1596 Dalr. I. 26/22.
Maistir of the ground 1611 Brechin Test. II. 165.
To Thomas Greig maister of ground for the fies of ane heuk in haruest a1633 Hope Major Pract. I. 118.
The master of the ground should be preferrd to all wther creditors 1635 Grant Chart. 340. 1672 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct.) 1 Mar., 3 July. 1685 Ib. (Reg. H.) 24 July.
8. The holder of a document. 1456 Hay I. 178/6.
How suld thai be callit sauf condytis bot gif thai condyte thair maisteris saufly and surely? a1633 Hope Major Pract. II. 272.
A man is ever presumed to be master and keeper of his owen evident
9. a. Predicatively, without article or possessive, in various of the above senses (but applied to either sex, and fig. to things).(To be etc.) maister, (to have) the mastery, control or management, (be) in charge, (wield or assume) authority or dominion (of or over someone or something). c1420 Wynt. viii. 2427.
In till oure land, he … made hym maystyr, lord and syre 1456 Hay I. 69/2.
Bot quha mycht be maistry … be lord and maister [etc.] Ib. 181/35.
Quhat privilege … may a symple capitane geve till a grete lord to pas our the realme of Fraunce quhare he is na maister Ib. II. 58/29.
A knycht may … be maister of himself and ourcum all vicis Ib. 152/27. Ib. 164/8. c1460 Consail Wys Man 191.
And euer be mastyr of thi twnge c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 821.
Quhilk of ws be maister of vther ma a1500 Henr. Fab. 939. c1475 Wall. i. 131.
Quhar that stayne is, Scottis suld mastir be Ib. iii. 441.
He saw his enemys maistris in this regioune 1513 Doug. xi. Prol. 89. Ib. xiii. ii. 62. 1513 Rep. Hist. MSS., Varr. Coll. V. 27. Bell. Boece I. 96/27.
The said Willyame … salbe maistir in his awune house 15.. Wyf Awcht. 41.
Jok, will thow be maistir of wark 1555 Prot. Bk. Sir W. Corbet 22.
The said Jonot to be maister of hyr awyn landis a1578 Pitsc. I. 124/33. 1581 Burne in Cath. Tr. 145/26.
It is na meruel that God … sufferis thair idiot inferioris … to be maisteris ouer thame 1583 Edinb. Test. XII. 224, 1584 Ib. XIII. 195.
(The goodwife) 1585 Ib. XIV. 246 b.
Katharine Jamesoun my spous … to be maister and commander induring hir liftyme 1590 Welwod 69.
The pirat beand ains maister of the schip 1616 Reg. Privy C. X. 656. 1680 Edinb. B. Rec. X. 412.
Upon which they may be master of the key of the said utter gaitfig. 1456 Hay I. 19/33.
The will of the Fader that is in me salbe maister c1475 Wall. xi. 833.
Thar cowatys was our gret maystir seyn a1500 Colk. Sow ii. 226.
Lat nevir thy penny be … mastir of thé
b. Mare maister, one of greater authority or dominion. Passing into adj., (a) more powerful (person). c. Maste maister, also, principale maister, the person of greatest authority, the most powerful, the leader or head.b. c1460 Wisd. Sol. (S.T.S.) 304.
It is nocht to a man to strif agane mar mastir than hymeself in iugment c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 36.
The goddis ar mair maister than the kingc. a1400 Leg. S. xix. 90, 92.
I come … Trowand … That thu the maste master [L. majorem et potentiorem] had bene Bot now, me think, the dewil mare Master is thane thu 1570 Warrender P. I. 81.
The indifferentis will yeld to the maist maisters — 1456 Hay I. 181/1.
Under a claus of generalitee may nocht be na grettare persouns contenyt na the principale maister [F. le cheualier] to quham the sauf condyt is grauntit
10. The seaman placed in command of a ship and its crew; the master, skipper, captain.Also, one qualified for command of a ship.In a warship, the first officer responsible for the navigation, there being also a capitane in charge of the operations of warfare.Also maister-skiper and Schip-maister n.(a) a1400 Leg. S. xxxviii. 623.
The maistere gert the steris-man To the left hand stere hym thane ?14.. Ship Laws (Bute MS., Adv. MS. 25. 4. 15, Harl. MS. 4700) passim. c1500 Harl. MS. 4700 fol. 148 b.
Off the makin of a mane maistir of a schip 1444 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 12.
The said merchandis and maister 1466 Acts II. 87/1.
The maister 1497 Acta Conc. II. 93. 1500 Ib. 470.
[He] had ane schip callit the Bark of Liddale of the Kingis hienes and was maister under God til hir 1509 Reg. Privy S. I. 283/2. 1513 Doug. v. i. 22.
Palynurus, the maister, gave a cry From the eft castell heich 1525 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 221.
With the consent and assent of the maisteris and skipperis of Leyth 1533–4 Ib. II. 66. 1535–6 Reg. Privy S. II. 303/1, etc.; 1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 227. 1541 Treas. Acc. VII. 483. 1549 Compl. 40/12, etc. 1557 Admir. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 15; Ib. 22, 74, etc.
Walter Richardsoun capitane of the schip callit the Marie An, Thomas Wilsoun skippar and maister therof 1562–3 Treas. Acc. XI. 242. 1569 Edinb. B. Rec. III. 263. 1579 Reg. Privy C. III. 136.
In the schippis quhairof Robert Ramsay and Johnne Pedell war skipparis and maisteris 1586 Conv. Burghs I. 219. 1590 Welwod 53; etc.
That maister that is he quhom to the hail cure of the ship is committit 1596 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 165. 1602 Conv. Burghs II. 145.
That na man … sall tak the chairge of ane schip as to gif him furth for maister or pylott vnles he be first tryet be foure speciall maisters 1622-6 Bisset II. 220/16, 221/15, 235/9, 257/18, etc. 1638 Dumbarton B. Rec. 56. 1649 Brechin Presb. 7. 1686 G. Stuart Joco-Ser. Disc. 72.(2) a1578 Pitsc. I. 252/14.
Schir Androw Wode … was quarter maister of hir [the Great Michael], and Robene of Bartane was maister skiper of hir(b) c1420 Wynt. vi. 939.
The mastyre 1456 Perth Guildry 18.
The master 1471 Edinb. Chart. 134.
The masteris and governouris of the saidis botis 1549 Compl. 40/7, etc. 1681 Stair Inst. i. xii. 18.
11. The manager, whether as proprietor, tacksman or merely employee, of a bakery, mill, coal-works etc.Also cole-maister, Cole n.1 4 and salt-maister. 14.. Burgh Laws c. 71 (B).
Nane sal hafe in his ovyn ma servandis na iiii the maystyr and twa servandis & aknafe 1627 St. A. Baxter Bks. 87.
James Broun and Patrik Walker, maisteris of the said James his baikhous 1650 Brechin Presb. 41.
Som contraversie fell out betwixt the maister of the mill and her concerning mill dutie 1662 Lamont Diary 143.
William Lundy at that tyme measter of the mille 1672 Sinclair Hydrostaticks 295.
[Boring] leaves the master at an uncertainty (notwithstanding the coal has been found) … as to its nature and thickness 1673 Dunferm. Coal Acc. 21 a.
19 load show coills maisters parte 1674 Sheriffhall Coal Acc. 7 Feb. 1677 Fawside Coal Compt 15.
Coall compt 3 Februarij 1677 … Mesters pairt 30: 18: 0; uncost 37: 07: 4; supersp. 06: 09: 4 1679 Torry Coal & Salt Wks. 3 a.
12. In the titles of offices. a. The head of a society, religious order, institution or the like.Also grete maister, Grand Master (of an order of chivalry). 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 123.
Alsua the master of the Tempil & the chef priour of Irusaleme be thaim self ar resavyt 1482–3 Acta Conc. II. civ.
The maister of Sanctantonis 1509 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I. 44.
The maister of the Almous hous 1533–4 Acta Conc. Public Aff. 414.
To be maister of the girth 1595 Duncan App. Etym.
Libripens, a maister of wey-hows 1613 Conv. Burghs II. 428.
The said maister of the Consergerie 1641 Aberd. B. Rec. III. 272.
To the maisteris of the correctioun hous — 1375 Barb. xx. 403.
The gret master of Saint Jak a1400 Leg. S. xxix. 801.
Scho went in sped To the gret maister of the knychtede 1541 Sc. Hist. Rev. VI. 155.
The Dolphin and the grete maister … was reddy to depart … to the veris
b. In the designations of various governmental and other officials and of heads of departments of the royal and other households. Also attrib. in mastir-stede (in Ettrick Forest).Also, maister (of the) ale-sellar, artilȝery, cunȝe(-hous), garderobe (wardrobe), houshald, lardener, (Kingis) luge, ordnance, requests, revels, stabill, veschell etc., and maister (of) (the) brigwark, kirk-wark, and wark, werkis: see the latter nouns.(1) 1439 Cop. St. A. 177.
Duncane Kyd, maister of the almery, Willȝeam Bonare, chaumerlane, Willȝeam of Kynmonth, maister of the werk 1458 Perth Guildry 33.
That Jamis Charteris the den of the gilde sall be master of the per 1509 Reg. Privy S. I. 280/1.
Chargeit … be us, our thesaurer or maiester of our money 1542 Ib. II. 718/2.
Principale maister kepar and rewlar of all and sindry oure soverane lordis hingaris and tapessery within his realme 1542–3 Ib. III. 19/1.
Makand him maister and keipar of all the Duche stude meris within the realme c1575 Balfour Pract. 15.
That the maister of the Kingis hous sall have for his fie fourtie pundis, … The pantriman … ten pundis, … The maister of the lardner … five pundis 1581 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 203.
Makis … William Littill thair master of the buriale place and yairdis thairof, to se the sam … kepit and ordorit 1584 Waus Corr. 296.
As the maysteris of the cotis and testamentis … will testefye 1588 Exch. R. XXI. 367.
Francis Galbeirt, maister in the pantrie [etc.] 1593 Crim. Trials I. ii. 299.
The maister of his hienes palice, and portair of the same, and all thair deputis 1604-31 Craig iii. 3.
Heigh thesaurer of Scotland, great maister of the minerals there 1623 Hume Comment. Crimes (1844) II. 16.
Clarke of our justiciarie generall [and] maistir of the ceremoneis at the creatioune of all earles [etc.] 1641 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I. xxx.
The maister [of the mint] … does receave the haill bullion 1641 Cramond Ch. Birnie 13.
To goe speak my lord of Murray as maister of the teinds for provisione … to a reidare 1670 Murray Lyon Hist. Lodge Edinb. 426.
Neyther let the clerk … wreat upon it but when the three maisters of the keys shall be present 1682 Lauder Notices Affairs 360.
The act … constituting masters of the game(2) c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 915.
The admirall and maister of ablestre 1526–7 Reg. Privy S. I. 550/2.
Ane lettre to Patrick Sinclare … makand him maister of hunting to the King 1528 St. P. Henry VIII IV. 515 in Lynd. (S.T.S.) IV. 252.
Our maister of armis, Lyoun 1533 Bell. Livy II. 99/31.
Eftir that he had causit the maister of chevelrie to depone his office 1544–5 Treas. Acc. VIII. 342.
Andro Hammiltoun, maister of entre 1588 Exch. R. XXI. 363.
William Murray, maister of carriag 1645 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 49.
For payment to the maister of mortified moneys of this burghe 1655 Ib. 160; 1676 Aberd. Council Lett. VI. 27.
The master of mortificatiouns 1657 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 167.
Thomas Merser, present master of impost and shor(3) 1493 Acta Conc. I. 315/1.
The prebend of the maister hospitale in the Trinite College 1577 Perth Kirk S. MS. 2 b.
The m. hospitall 1668 Conv. Burghs III. 606.
With ane dean of gild, thesaurer and ane maister hospitall — 1613 Dundee B. Laws 57.
The hospitall maister 1569 Dundee Chart. 42.
The maister or maisteris of the hospital or almishous of this burcht 1578 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 63; 1591 Ib. V. 54; etc.; 1590–1 Reg. Privy C. IV. 591; 1599 St. A. Kirk S. 907; 1628 Stirling B. Rec. I. 162; 1649 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 182.
William Lytill and Jhonne Harwod ar chosin maisterris of the hospitale quhill Mychaelmes nixt 1676 Aberd. Council Lett. VI. 46.(4) 1513 Treas. Acc. IV. 444.
jc estland burdis ressavit be the master werk 1560 Ib. XI. 22. 1617 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II. 33, 81. — 1565 Reg. Privy C. I. 347.
The offices of chalmerlanerie and maistir ischearis Ib. 396.
The said office of maistir gunnarschip(5) 1423 (1426) Reg. Great S. 11/2.
Twa forestar stedis … lyand betwix the mastirstede [L. locum vocatum le maisterstede] and the courrourstede off the ward off the Yharow
c. The title of an elected officer or member of the governing body of certain crafts and merchant guilds. 1518 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 182.
We … grantis to the forsaidis merchandis brethir of gildry and thair successouris power now at the begynning of the said fraternite to cheis ane maister of faculte, certain officiaris and counsalouris as thai think … expedient 1560 Edinb. B. Rec. III. 79.
The maisteris of the Hally Blude and siclik the maister of Sanct Anthonis c 1628 E. S. Lawrie Lodge Glasgow St. John No. 3 bis (1927) 30.
Andrew Nelsons, master, and Thomas Nelsone, varden of the sed lodge of Saint Androis 1659 Dumfries Fleshers 30 Sept.
The haill body of the fleshour trade … did elect & choyse Thomas Forsyth deacon, Thomas Goldie treasurer, [six persons] masters & James Dowglas officer
d. As the second element of a compound.As box-, borrow- (burrow-), essay-, jadge-, key-, kirk-, purs-, quarter-maister etc., q.v. under the first elements. 1641-8 Skipper's Acc. (Smettone) 23.
To the hivin mester 2 li.
13. Used attrib. or as adj. = Chief, head, principal, leading.a. With the designation of an officer or of a workman (cf. 15).Denoting a senior official of the sort in question or an officer or workman in charge of the others so designated, whether as their employer or their foreman.See also, for further examples, Almosar, Armourer, Assayour, Baxter, Burreau, Cannonar, Can(n)oner, Carvour, Catour, Changeour, Clippar, Colȝear, Cuke, Cunȝear, Cunȝeour, Elemosinar, Fleschar(e, Gunnar, Isch(e)ar(e, Huntar, Juellar, Kervour, Kuke, Lardener, Masoun, Meltar, Sayar, Stabillar, Sewar, Usher, etc. ?1438 Alex. i. 588.
His maister chalmerlane was he 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I. 198.
Master forstar of al our wuddis 1491 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 61.
That thair maister masoun and the laif of his collegis and seruandis of thair kirk wark … keip thair seruice 1507 Treas. Acc. III. 401.
In Dunbertane, to the maister schipwricht, [42 s.] Item, to the calfataris and the laif of the werkmen [48 s.] 1511–12 Ib. IV. 274.
To Sebald Northtberge, maister finour [at Crawford Muir] 1512–13 Ib. 442.
To Robert Borthwik, gunnar, maister meltare of the Kingis gunnis, for him self and vj men his servandis 1526–7 Reg. Privy S. I. 546/1.
Makand him maister wax maker to the King 1531 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I. 56.
Maister elmusar 1546–7 Reg. Privy S. III. 348/1.
The maister wardane, maister sayar and maister sinckar now broukand the officis thairof 1561 Ib. V. i. 197/2.
Oure soverane ladeis maister smyth within the castell of Dunbar 1574 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 30.
Jhonne Forrest … [elected] maister clenger of the folkis mendit of the pest 1581–2 Reg. Privy C. III. 453.
His majesteis maister houshalderis 1607 Macgibbon & Ross V. 548.
James Murray younger mr oversear and attendar on all his majesties warkis … in Scotland 1609 Hilderstoun Silver Mines I. 171.
Candle to the Mr. fynner that nycht he fyned the siluer 1625 Glasgow B. Rec. II. 563.
Onlie the maister miller, the vndermiller and ane servant 1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 313.
Lord Lewis … had his master burner with him, who uppon a sign given him would instantly set fire to the cornstacks
b. With other designations of persons and animals.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xl. 450.
A bule … One the maister thef ruschit ?1438 Alex. i. 3279. a1500 Henr. Fab. 1418 (Bass.).
The nobill lyoun … with his pow the maister mous he tuke 1590 Burel Queen's Entry 14.
I mene the maister mair, The prouest(2) a1400 Leg. S. xxviii. 502.
That scho ourcumyne had The maister feynd 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1322.
Quhat maister feind neids all this hoist? — 1549 Compl. 134/30.
I suspect that ȝour successour sal be the master deuyl 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4020.
The maister deuell mot scald thea.
c. Applied to things, = main, principal, chief. ?1438 Alex. i. 2671.
Richt to the maister renk [F. les mestres rens] he raid Ib. ii. 3596.
The kingis knichtis … Ar cummin richt to the maister tour [F. la maistre tour] Ib. 38. 1456 Hay I. 47/8.
Thair maister citee was als mekle as Rome or as Cartage 1513 Doug. ii. vi. 115.
Amyd the cite we held the master streit Ib. viii. 74.
Be that in twa the master bar ilk deill Is al tofruschit 1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 185.
It is the cheif maister sennoun to knit althe membres 1618 Trial Isobel Inch 13.
The juglour cuist in the sey … one litle rid stane … quhilk was … termit to him to be the maister ston 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1891) 413.
The Lord made him the masterstone of power 1638 Drummond Wks. (1711) 170.
The … master-beams of religion being faith, hope and charity 1691 Cochran-Patrick Coinage II. 238.
The heid and reverse maister puncheons of the croun piece
14. A skilled tradesman, qualified to carry on trade on his own account, to employ others and to train apprentices.Also pas-, past-, passit-maister, qq.v.Normally also one who has been admitted to the freedom of his craft.Ambiguity or merging with sense 5 also occurs. 14.. Acts I. 336/2.
Thai mak tham [skinners] maisteris or thai can the craft, in grete skaithing of … the peple 1483 Edinb. Hammermen's Seal of Cause.
That al vnfre hammirmen … cum to the masteris of the saidis craftis or he be maid maister to be examit gif he be worthi tharto 1500 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 82. 1510 Ib. 128. 1516 Murray Early B. Organ. I. 361. 1517 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 171. 1520 Ib. 200.
Ilk bonetmakar wyrkand at thar awin hand as ane maister sall pay [etc.] 1525 (1527) Reg. Great S. 97/1. 1531 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 54, 55. 1548 St. A. Baxter Bks. 3. 1569 Edinb. Hammermen II. 2.
The aith gevin be euerie hammerma[n] befoir he be admittit … in maister and freman of his craft 1573 Edinb. Skinners in Bk. O. Edinb. C. VI. 60, 61. 1587 Dundee B. Laws 480.
Gif ony prenteis desyris to becum maister at the ischa off his prentischip 1598 Edinb. Masons 4.
That na maister ressaue … ane vther maisteris prenteis or servand that salhappin to ryn away fra his maisteris seruice 1607 Dundee B. Laws 410, etc. 1613 Ib. 409.
Jhoun Dunkin … is becowm mester to the skenner craft 1613 Dunferm. B. Rec. II. 106.
It is not lesum … to any master of art to exercise tua craftis in his person 1622-6 Bisset II. 237/22 etc. c 1628 Glasgow Masons 50. 1634 Edinb. Masons 3 July.
Admitet fellow off the craft be … [the] deken and … warden and the hell rest off the mesteres of mesones off Edenbroch and ther to eurie mester heath supscriuet 1650 Glasgow Wrights Acts 6.
The present deacone and maisteris of croft sall tack such course … that none of these who ar maisteris of croft and not gild brother [etc.] 1689 Murray Lyon Hist. Lodge Edinb. 126. 1699 St. A. Baxter Bks. 99.
The dickin and mastares
15. Attrib. with the designation of a tradesman, to denote one who is fully qualified (prec. sense) as distinct from an apprentice.Cf. 13 a, with which there may be ambiguity or merging.1456 Hay I. 281/27. (see Armourer n.). — Ib. II. 163/31.
And that thare be bot thou allane gardener apon thame, and nocht mony maister gardenaris a1500 Colk. Sow i. 295.
A maistir swynhird Swanky a1500 Bk. Chess 1681.
Be thir irnis a maister sirurgiane 1513 Doug. vii. viii. 75.
Tyrrheus the maister storour 1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 352.
Ane baxster, browster or ane maister cuke 1594 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 118.
Jhonn Roger, maister fensar 1598–9 Montgomery Mem. 239.
The statutis … to be obseruit be all the maister maissonis within this realme 1604 Edinb. B. Rec. VI. 316.
All the maister weyvers 1622-6 Bisset II. 237/30, 238/2.
And the maister calfatter … salhave for everie day x s. … and everie maister wricht vij s. 1676 Edinb. B. Rec. X. 256.
The good toune hes beene destitute of a mester smyth these seaverall yeares past 1678 Brown Hist. Indulgence (1783) 292.
A master fashioner [= tailor] 1684 Misc. Maitl. C. III. 81.
Two master gunners and fireworkers
16. a. A male teacher in a school, a schoolmaster; a tutor or instructor generally (to a person, of a subject, etc.).Also Scule-maister n. and Commaister n. a1400 Leg. S. ii. 648.
Seneca … to Nero … In all tyme had master bene Ib. xxv. 584, xl. 126. c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 276.
Alexander haid maisteris of science 1483 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II. 335.
Richard Boyl salhaf … the sang scule of Abirdene as principale maister of the samyn a1500 Seven S. 23. 1513 Doug. Direct. 27.
Thank me tharfor, masteris of grammar sculys 1519 Dunferm. B. Rec. I. 298. 1524 Holyrood Chart. 257. 1533 Boece vi. xii. 209 b. a1538 Abell 58 a.
Alcuyn Charlis maistir 1551 Banff Ann. I. 28.
The maister schowill of Banff, Sir Wm. Clark 1555 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. VII. 51.
To ane maister of techin of ane skoill 1556 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 241. 1558 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 313. 1560–1 Inverness Rec. I. 53.
The master of scule 1565–6 Reg. Privy S. V. ii. 15/2. 1531 Vaus (1566).
I sell tell the maistir 1578–9 Perth Kirk S. MS. Jan. 12.
Jhone Suentoun mr of the sangschull 1595 Crim. Trials I. ii. 362.
They refusit to lat in thair maister 1596 Dalr. II. 126/9.
He … was elected maister to the prince 1597 Acts IV. 148/1. 1598–9 St. A. Kirk S. 879. 1600-1610 Melvill 14. 1640 Dundonald Par. Rec. 464, etc. c1650 Spalding II. 411.
Johne Camrell, maister of fenss 1666 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 224. 1682 Edinb. B. Rec. XI. 39.
b. A teacher in a University.In plur. also = the teaching staff, collectively (or in some instances perh. = the graduates, collectively).Also principall maister, maister principal.(1) a 1500 Coll. St. Salvator 158.
Tua half portuis … liand befor the masteris on the north syd chenyeit 1583 Sc. N. & Q. 2 Ser. IV. 171.
The principall and mrs. of the colledge representis the dene 1602 Misc. Maitl. C. III. 47, 52, etc. c1650 Spalding I. 139.
The rentes … quhilk … belongit to the maisteris and inward memberis of the said college 1679 Aberd. Council Lett. VI. 163.(2) 1524 Balfour Pract. 614.
That all provestis, maisteris, regentis and uther studentis … sall be fre … fra all taxatiounis 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 10. 1583 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 305.
That maister Duncane Nairn be resauet … secund maister in thair college 1588 Coll. St. Salvator 174.
That the maisteris that begynnis with the classes sall teiche thame fordwart … and that the discipules sould not change maisteris 1597 Acts IV. 148/1. 1663 Lamont Diary 163.
Mr. Aedam … was admitted measter of humanitie in the Old Colledge 1694 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 315.(3) 1579 Acts III. 182/1.
In the Collegis of humanitie & philosophie the principall mr. and the laweir and the mathematiciane … for his awin fie 1591 Edinb. Test. XXIII. 93.
Mr James Wilkie, mr. principal of St. Leonardis College
c. A master of disciples or followers; one whose teaching or example a person follows. a1400 Leg. S. i. 59.
That he [Peter] is master cuth deny Ib. iv. 150.
It is nocht myn maister lar That [etc.] c1420 Wynt. iv. 1080.
As Oros … Wrat till his mastyre Saynt Awstyne 1456 Hay II. 111/10.
Oure maister Platoun 1513 Doug. i. Prol. 9.
Virgill … Maister of masteris Ib. 410.
My mastir Chauser 1533 Gau 25/9.
We neid noder to … leir of oder vane maisters quhat guid warkis we suld dw 1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 85/3.
Sic maister, sic disciple 1596 Dalr. II. 126/11.
That the maistre sa shortlie sulde follow the disciple 1629 Justiciary Cases I. 102.
The devill hir maister
d. One's superior; a person who excels one in authority, learning, expertise or the like. a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 375.
For thou sik malice of thy maister mutis c1500-c1512 Dunb. Ib. 114. ? 1662 Postscript for Lysimachus Nicanor 9.
In this arte they are your maisters, yee are but meere novices
17. a. A scholar of authority, a man of learning. Also attrib.Also const. in, of a branch of learning.Maister of the Sentence (Peter Lombard), of (the) Story (Petrus Comestor), see Sentence n., Story n. c1420 Wynt. v. 591.
Off Rome syne the maystrys all In till hys presence he gert call Ib. viii. 679. c1420 Ratis R. 1620.
Misteris [sic] of sciens gret and wys 1456 Hay I. 106/19.
This is the opynioun of oure maisteris and doctouris Ib. II. 111/2.
A notable and expert maister in astronomy c1460 Alex. (Taym.) 3632.
Ane wise maister of the lawis a1500 Seven S. 24, etc. c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5024. c1590 Fowler I. 58/50.
A maister gritt in Cupid's courtattrib. 1513 Doug. xii. vii. 109.
Throw manis mycht was neuer wrocht this cuyr, Nor be na mastir craft of medycyne
b. A holder of a Master's degree of a University.See Laureat a. (n.) 2 b, Laureat v. 2 a (1), Laureation n. (a), for some further examples. 1380 Inscr. in Soc. Ant. XXX. 42.
Heyr lyis Ingram of Kethenys prist maystr in arit c1420 Wynt. viii. 409.
A clerk solempne in sere sciens, Mayster [C. maistyr] off art 1456 Hay I. 2/20.
Gilbert of the Haye knycht, maister in arte and bachilere in decreis c1500 Fyve Bestes 177. a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 29.
Mandrag, mymmerkin, maid maister bot in mowis 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 13.
Ane of profession of medicine passit maister, and ane regent in humanite 1581 Hamilton in Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 85/24.
In theologie euerie ane pritends to be vearie lairnet vithout all instruction of doctors and maisters 1607 Glasgow Burgesses 34.
Quhen he is maid maister at Lambes nixt 1650 Rothiemay Kirk S. in J. Gordon's Hist. I. App. lvi.
Wrytten mostly by William Watt clerke or rather maister in our present want of a clerke
c. Maister clerk (Clerk n. 2). = a or b above. a1538 Abell 9*a.
Patryk Hammylton maistir clark [was burnt] for the sam 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4928.
Thair was ane maister clark Dwelling in Rome, … Callit Virgill a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun 26.
Gilbert, ane maister clerk, deit in Rome Ib. 33.
d. Maister act (Act n. 4).The public maintaining of a thesis for a master's degree; the ceremony at which this took place. 1528 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 121.
To propin Maister Hector Boyis to his maister ack in theologie with ane townn of wyne c1650 Spalding I. 225.
Thair wes no maister act keipit in either of the Abirdeins at Lambes as wes vsit befoir, bot thair young scolleris wes maid maisteris befoir tyme
18. One who is skilled or adept at (of, in, into) some thing or doing something.Maister of activity, see Activity n. c1420 Ratis R. 716.
Than ar thai all had in disspyt That ere ware maisteris of delyt 15.. Clar. v. 830.
All the ladies … He feistit hes, … With mirrie wordis … For he ane maister was and no scolleir Into sike thing 1572 Sat. P. xxxiii. 224.
Wyfis maisters bene in geuing haill counsell To lords and lairds
19. As a mode of address.a. To one who is one's lord, master, teacher, etc. (senses i, 5, 16 a, 16 c) or who has the rank of a master (senses 10, 14, etc.). Chiefly sing.sing. a1400 Leg. S. v. 569.
Myn mayster lord Jhesu Ib. xii. 165.
[Judas:] Master, thare-for dyces thé nocht ?1438 Alex. ii. 455.
(Alexander to Aristotle) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1384 (Bass.).
Esope, my maister venerabill, I yow beseik c1475 Wall. ix. 79.
[Wallace to the master of the ship]: Maister … quhat has amowit thé? 1513 Doug. xiii. Prol. 107.
(Douglas to Mapheus Vegius) 1554 Duncan Laideus Test. 156.
Than be the way me haistalie thar metis My companions … Sayand, ‘Maister, weilcum, be Alhallous’ 1560 Rolland Seven S. 1490.
(The gardener to his master) Ib. 4555.
[The knight to a barber:] ‘Maister, ar ȝe gudlie expart In blude latting?’ 1590–1 Crim. Trials I. ii. 239.
The Devill … callit ewerie man be his name and ewerie ane ansuerit, ‘Heir, mr.’plur. 1540 Lynd. Sat. 4160.
Adew iny maisters wrichts and maissouns, I haue neid to leir ȝow few lessouns 1562-3 Winȝet I. 12/20.
Sum for saying only to our ruid reformearis, My maisteris, ȝour doctryne plesis vs
b. plur. and sing. More loosely as a term of respect or politeness: Sir(s); gentlemen.plur. c1420 Wynt. viii. 2562.
Lordis, falowys and maystris now Wyth stowt hart ilkane off yhow Set[tis] agayne this ane assay a1500 Henr. Fab. 29. (Bass.).
Of this author, my maisteris, with ȝour leif [etc.] 1540 Lynd. Sat. 665.
Quhat ar ȝe sirs all of ane natioun? Maisters I speik be protestatioun [etc.] a1585 Arbuthnot Maitl. Q. xlv. 25. 1571 Fam. Rose 258.
Maistres, upoun my lauche I sall [etc.]sing. 1540 Lynd. Sat. 3090.
[Dissait, to Sergeant:] Allace maister ȝe hurt my crag c1550 Id. Meldrum 795.
[The captain of the English privateer to Meldrum:] Thairfoir gude maister saue my lyfe
20. The style of the lineal or collateral male heir-apparent to an earldom or lordship.The designation is that of the earldom or lordship, as Maister of Huntle, Maister of Marschal, Maister of Maxwell.Also with the addition ȝoungar as the style of the heir-apparent's eldest son: cf. also Maistres n. 9. 1548 W. Patten Exped. into Scotl. 35 in Dalyell Fragm. Sc. Hist. (Edinb. 1798).]
[The Scottes call the son and heyre of euery lord the master of the house and surname whereof hys father is called lord 16.. Crim. Trials II. 297.
Heaffing to his secund broder ane gallant manne quha wes stylit Maister and had to name Mr Allexander Ruthwene 1641 Baillie I. 379. Mackenzie Precedency 38.
With us the eldest sons of lord barons are design'd Masters, as the master of Rosse &c. And of old the uncles of lords, after the death of their elder brother, though he left a son, were called Masters, till the nephew had a son(1) 1439–40 Sc. Hist. Rev. XXIV. 289.
[Dominus Robertus de Keth magister eiusdem 1485 Chart. (Reg. H.) No. 517.]
Nos Angussium de insulis magistrum c1515 Asl. MS. I. 219/9.
The master of Douglas 1489 Treas. Acc. I. 107.
For the master of Crafurde 1490 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II. 102.
To Alexander maister of Huntle 1497–8 Acta Conc. II. 128.
Wilyeam, Erle of Eroll … and Wilyeame Hay, maister of Eroll 1509 Douglas Chart. 189. 1524 Reg. Privy S. I. 491/2.
The maister of Merschell 1526 Ib. 520/2. 1529 Sutherland Chart. 92. 1533 Boece xvi. viii. 623 b.
James Douglas master of Dalkeith with his 2 brithir [slain] 1534 Boyd Fam. P. No. 11 (17 April).
Mr William Cuningham knicht, maister of Glencarn 1542 Reg. Privy S. II. 742/1.
Maister of Hume, son and apperand are of George, Lord Hvme 1546 Reg. Privy C. I. 32. Ib. 42. 1547 Armstrong Liddesdale App. lxxxiii. 1548 Prot. Bk. G. Grote 67.
To tua servandes of the maister of Halis, … to ane servande of the said maisterris 1549 Compl. 103/14. 1553 Treas. Acc. X. 190. 1557 Inverness Sheriff Ct. MS. 64.
The said maistyr of Olyphant 1568 Douglas Chart. 266.
Be the mr. of Mairschell and the rest of the barrownes of the Meirnes 1569 Reg. Privy C. II. 2.
Johnne maister of Grahame nepote and heyre to the Erll of Montroise 1578 Moysie 8, 11. 1583 Sempill Sat. P. xlv. 531. 1584 Reg. Privy C. III. 644. 1585 Reg. Great S. 257/1.] 1597 Exch. R. XXIII. 201.
[Georgio comiti de Cathnes, Jacobo magistro de Cathnes ejus fratri 1604 Stewart Mem. 112. 1606 Reg. Privy C. VII. 211. 16.. Crim. Trials II. 297.
Quhenne the maister of Gowrie schew him all this Ib. 294. 1649 Lamont Diary 4.
The meister of Burley c1650 Spalding I. 192. 1665-76 Lauder Jrnl. 14. 1680 Cunningham Diary 21. 1697 Cramond Kirk S. IV. 15 Nov.
That the lord and master of Balmerino are [etc.] 1697 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 15 Aug.
Alexander viscount of Kenmure, William Gordon master of Kenmure(2) 1550 Treas. Acc. IX. 418.
For ane hors to the Maister of Sympill ȝoungar(3) 1526 Reg. Privy S. I. 521/2.
To William lord Symple, Robert maister Symple, David Symple [etc.] — 1559 Reg. Morton I. 8.
Williame maister Merschell 1568 Douglas Chart. 265.
My lord meisteir Mairschall, luiftennent 1569 Reg. Privy C. II. 2.(4) 1558-66 Knox II. 320.
Andro Stewart, Lord Ochiltree … commanded his sone, Andro Stewart, then Maister [etc.] 1580 Waus Corr. 230.
Ye mane writ scharple to the Mastar [sc. of Glamis] for [etc.] 16.. Crim. Trials II. 297.
That the Maister suld ryd to the King
21. Prefixed to the personal name of a man.a. Prefixed to the Christian name and surname, or, esp. when the full name has been given earlier, to the Christian name alone, chiefly of one who is a Master of Arts (sense 17 b).‘Masters’ in this use were often clergymen or schoolmasters, and so the occurrences are very numerous indeed, the following representing only a very small sample of the total. For the distinction, in pre-Reformation times, from schir, see that noun and Knox (W.S.) I. 555–8.Also prefixed to the Christian names of male heirs apparent of lordships (cf. prec. sense).Also applied in other uses (including 14 above) to foreigners, after MDu. meester, Eng. master.(1) a 1638 Orkn. Misc. I. 55/1.]
[Masters none are calld but such as have taken degrees in the universitie 1385 Red Bk. Grandtully I. 138*.
Maystir Dunckane Petyte 1395 Menzies Charters MS. (Reg. H.) 10 Feb.
Wytnes a reuerend man … Maystyr Water Trayl 1398–9 Acts I. 210/2. c1420 Wynt. vii. 1829, 2219; viii. 2392, 3288. 1421 Douglas Chart. 57. 1424 State P. (Reg. H.) No. 14.
Be yhour clerk maister Alexander of Foulerton 1431 Buccleuch Mun. II. 28. 1438 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 265. 1443 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I. 96. 1466 Peebles B. Rec. I. 155. 1473 Treas. Acc. I. 19; etc. c1475 Wall. ix. 1944, etc.
Maistir Jhon Blayr 1486 Exch. R. IX. 614. 1489 Wemyss Chart. 115. 1501 Treas. Acc. II. 95.
To maister William Dunbar 1502 Ib. 79.
To maister Andro Makbrekkis first mes a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 497.
Greit in the glaykis, gude maister Gilliam Gukkis c1500-c1512 Dunb. iv. 58, etc. 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 187. 1531 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 48. 1532 Exck. R. XVI. 551. 1534 Ib. 584. 1543 Blackfriars Perth 197. 1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 76.
Master Gorge Froster bayle of Leytht 1546 Acts II. 475/2. 1546 Reg. Privy C. I. 37. 1556–7 Reg. Privy S. V. i. 17/1.
Maister Edwarde Henrysoun, Doctour in the Lawis 1557 Peebles B. Rec. I. 238. 1560 Rolland Seven S. Prol. 24. 1558-66 Knox I. 459. 1573 Dickson & Edmond Ann. Sc. Printing 260.
Be m. Johne Dauidsone 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 166.
Mr Michell Elphinstoun a1578 Pitsc. I. 1/3. Ib. 308, h. of ch. 1581 Cath. Tr. 102/10, etc. 1582 Conv. Burghs I. 138. 1585 Edinb. B. Rec. IV. 410. 1589 Waus Corr. 441. 1599–1600 Misc. Spald. C. V. 126.
Maister Johne Skene, clerk of register 1603 Conv. Burghs II. 161.
Maiester Alexander Kellie, commissioner for Dumbar 1619 Perth Kirk S. MS. 5 Jan.
Maister Johne Malcome and Mr Johne Gutherie, ministeris 1630 Inchaffray Reg. 103. 1632 Cullen B. Ct. 6 June.
Vnder … subscription of maister Wm Leslie, notar 1633 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 390.
(Mr.) 1639 Baillie I. 238.
(Mr.) c1641–54 J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II. 513, 553, 571.
(Mr.) c1650 Spalding I. 258. 1649 Brechin Presb. 9, etc. 1669 Burnett Fam. P. MS.
The said maister Thomas Reid 1675 Cullen Kirk S. 5 Nov.
Mr Robert Skein, schoolmaister at Cullen 1678 Wemyss Chart. 254; 1701 Cramond Kirk S. IV. 14 Mar.; 1711 Old Ross-shire I. 43.
(Mr)plur. 1572 Stewart Mem. 104.
Maisturis Henrie Kynros, Johne Scharpe 1586 Reg. Privy C. IV. 74.
Maisteris Andro and James Melvillis, maisteris of the New College(2) 1457 Reg. Dunferm. 344.
Langand the said master Patrik & his moder 1486 Bk. Carlaverock II. 447.
For the saule heil of the said maister Jhone 1493 Acta Conc. I. 315/1, etc. 1500 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I. 219. a1500 Prestis of Peblis 50.
Tald … be master Jhon 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 189. 1537 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I. 414. 1543 Glasg. Chart. II. 505. 1586 Conv. Burghs I. 223. 1603 Strathendrick 131.
The said Mr William J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II. 572; 1647 Glasg. B. Rec. II. 123.
(Mr.)(3) c1550 Lynd. Test. Meldrum 208.
My lord Lindesay, … Maister Patrik, with ȝoung Normond, ȝour brother 1600 Acts IV. 203/2.
Eftir that maister Alexander had comeit ane certane space with his hienes c1612 Skene Memorabilia 13.
The Erle of Gowrie … slane with his brother M. Alexander Ruthwen … 1600(4) 1509 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 125.
Til our familiar and daily seruitour maistir Stephane, ypothegar 1513 Treas. Acc. IV. 512.
For … lumbart paper to maister Hannys [sc. the Flemish gunner] 1524 Douglas Corr. 95.
Maister Magnus, ambaxater to the Kingis grais of Englande
b. Less commonly prefixed to a surname. In quots. Henr. and 1637 and perh. others, appar. = (1) and (2) above. In quot. 1660, cf. sense 20. In most other instances echoing Eng. master (? also F. maître), as a polite title given to any gentleman or other man deserving of respect or deference.(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1155 (Bass.).
I, Maister Wolff, partles off fraud and gyle 1570 Sat. P. x. 81.
Schir Morpheus … led me captiue vnto maister Slumber 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1664) 139.
More … learned than I am mrs Dickson, Blair & Hamilton 1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World 200.
To the minister there, Master Wilkie 1684 Bk. O. Edinb. C. IX. 145.
To put Mr Carstaires in the ordinar irons(2) 1660 Mercurius Caledonius Dec. 31.
Master Murray, brother to the Earl of Atholl, as carver(3) 1505–6 Treas. Acc. III. iii.
To Maister Hunt, the Quenes maister cuke c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 271.
[An Englishman] Maister Talbart was his name 1568 Mary in Ellis Orig. Lett. i Ser. III. 253.
Mester Knoleis c 1571–9 Buch. to Cecil in Facs. Nat. MSS. III. lxvi.
As to maister Knokis a1578 Pitsc. II. 116/4.
Scho maid ane Mr Rwbie controllar 1603 Moysie 27. c1610 Melville Mem. 266.
Mester Randolphe wes send in with this ambasad Ib. 362.
Mester Draikis 1617 Stirling B. Rec. I. 148. 1690 Cramond Kirk S. III. 9 Oct.
The said Mr Forbes
22. Prefixed to the designation of an office. 1500–1 Acta Conc. II. 484.
Maister Marchemond Herrald [asked instrument, etc.]
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