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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Taking, -yng(e, vbl. n. Also: -in(e, -yn(e, -en, -and, takking, -yn, tacking, -yne, -en, takein(g, taikin(g, taickin(g, tayking, talkin(g, tokyng, teckin, teakin. [ME and e.m.E. takyng (Manning), taking (Cursor M.), takyn (1466); Ta(k v.1] The action of Ta(k v.1 in various senses; an instance of this.

1. a. The capture or arrest of (persons). b. The seizure of (places). c. The seizure or theft of (goods). (Ta(k v.1 1.)a. 1375 Barb. ix 729.
Thai that war arestyt then War off thar taking wondre wa
?1438 Alex. ii 3004.
That ald tald him … The Bauderanes taking [F. la prise]
c1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 59.
The brennynge slachtyr and takynge of prisoneris
1460 Hay Alex. 2405.
Him self was in the taking woundit sair
c1515 Asl. MS I 216/28.
This bargane was done on the north inche of Sanct Jhonston, all for the takin of a man for thift that the said Willam tuke
1498 Grant Chart. 43.
For … the taking of Alane More McKewin … and inbringing of the sammyn
1498 Acta Conc. II 241.
The sade Henry Barrat til be put til fredome and that he sal pay na ransome throw his taking
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Rom. xi 9.
The burde of thame made into a girn before thame, and into taking [P. catchyng; Vulg. in captionem], and into sclanndire
1558-66 Knox II 7.
With the los of sex or sevin of thair men, and with the takein of some
c1600 Reg. Panmure I xxxi.
In the takine he vos schot
1615 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 370.
To the officaris for taking ane man of Leith that abusit our sandmen
(b) 1535 Stewart 53448.
Of his takking quhen that he hed hard tald
1558-66 Knox II 357.
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 184.
The commissioune … for tacking and apprehending of vitches
(c) 1535 Stewart 55229.
King Dauid fred wes than till go Hame to his kinrik … Efter his talking
1549 Lamb Resonyng 51/19.
Schir Robert Bowis talkin at Haldan Rig
b. 1386 Rot. Sc. II 85/2.
That thir forsayd lordes … sal do … no attemptat in the bondes of the tother … be … takyng of castelx [etc.]
1456 Hay I 133/16.
That men takis landis be force or housis of lang termes and syne … puttis tham in othir menis handis … quhethir the lord may mak were on him that is enterit under … a coloure of rycht fra him that maid the force and violence of the first taking
1549 Compl. 176/32.
The Romans brak there arraye … to impesche the takyng of the said hil
(b) 1533 Boece 13b.
How he was at the taikin of Rome
1615 Highland P. III 221.
I am and was ever inosent of the taiking or keiping of Dvnveg
c. 1438 Ayr B. Ct. 32b.
For the wrangously takkyn of his corne
1459 Peebles B. Rec. I 131.
Of the forssyng and the takyn of his fader gudis
1473 Prestwick B. Rec. 22.
The wrangwis takin of a creill of Anne Kerdis
1482–3 Acta Conc. II cvi.
Quhilkis gudis war takin and spuleȝeit … the lordis decretis … that the said persons sall … pay to the said Johne the some of xxti li. for his costis … sustenit be him throw the taking of the saidis gudis
1501 Acta Conc. MS X 127b.
The maisterfull taking of the keyis of the merchand buthe
1512 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 186.
The wranguus takyne of a leid fra him of collis
1530 Acta Conc. MS XLI 77.
That … Robert Bartoune and William war butis men with thame in takyne of the saidis schippis and gudis
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 107.
Thingis that I will nocht writ for daunger of tayking be the gait
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 177.
Ane grit cannone and ane grose culvering was tane out of the castle … to schut at the abbay … but … war carryit agane to the castell for fear of tacking
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 140.
Thow art indyttit for taking of twa coddis
(b) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1184 (C).
The slaughtre of the citezanis And tokyng of thar good
(c) 1567 Inverness Rec. I 152.
That quhar the said Thomas hes tane away of his turfe … to the nummer of thre scoir laiddis turfe fra the said Andro his stak to the teakin

2. The capture of (game, etc.). (Ta(k v.1 4.) 1587 Treas. Acc. MS 88.
Ane cadge for taking of the fox
a1595 Descr. Isles 431.
Thair daylie exercitation is maist in … taking of foullis and gaddering thair eggis, quhairon thay leif
1701 Brand Orkney & Shetl. 159.
The taking of fowls of divers kinds, as maws, herons [etc.]

3. The assumption of (power or authority). (Ta(k v.1 8.) 1657 Johnston Diary III 65.
He urged the taiking of the judiciarye, nomothetik, and militarye power all one

4. The action of acquiring (a legal document, etc.). (Ta(k v.1 16.) 1501 Treas. Acc. II 117.
To ane notair for the taking of ane instrument
1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 176.
That ȝhe superseid the taking of the said cougnicione in the said mater wnto the aucht day of August
1674 St. A. Baxter Bks. 137.
For takin instrumentis and protestatione against the said Johne Bruce

5. The confiscation (of goods) as a penalty, etc. b. Compensation obtained by an action of confiscation or something similar. (Ta(k v.1 10.) 14.. Acts I 27/2.
Impedymenttis that lettis pundis takyng in burgh
1482 Acta Aud. 106/1.
That the saide Matho did na wrang in the takin of the sade ox for the heriȝeld
b. 14… Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 250.
The samyn tennentis occupijs ane fald of vj bollis atis sawing to the Lard of Echt … quhilk pertenis to the bischopis landis of Auchlochir, to the takin Alex. Makfersan bailȝie to the bischop … sew the Larde of Echtis falde of Belmarion uppoun the samyn grond

6. The collection or levying of (rent, duties, etc.); the exaction of (prices, interest, etc.). (Ta(k v.1 11.) 1389 Liber Melros 449.
That the forsaid wollys … yhe suffre to be shippit withoutyn ony askyng or takyng of custume
1497 Acta Conc. II 78 (see Ta(k v.1 10).
1498–9 Acta Conc. II 314.
For the taking of double malis of the landis of Stanehouse
1500 Stewart Mem. 79.
That the sade Nele Stewart sall deceist and ceis of the taking and intrometting of the malis and proffittis of the landis of Rannach
1509–10 Edinb. B. Rec. I 128.
The takin rasing and inbringing of thir dewiteis
1524 Carnwath Baron Ct. (SHS) 25.
My lord folois in court the hostlaris for … the takin mair for the aill nor the heid browch
1595 Edinb. B. Rec. V 134.
[The council] dischairges the said lokman of all taking of any dewteis of … herbes in the kaill merket
1599 Crim. Trials II 101.
Contravening of the Actis of Parliament in taking of fyftene markis for the lane of ilk hunder
1603 Inverness Rec. II 15.
The commoun firlet and peck vsit and vont for custum taickin

7. The (process of) leasing or taking possession of (land, etc.). (Ta(k v.1 12.) 1508 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 119.
That na persoun interpone thame to haue ony entres in taking of the said hous … bot past his way in fer partis … nocht makand residence
1509 Reg. Privy S. I 285/1.
Dischargeing his … commissaris of his forest courtis … of the takyn of ony entreis in the said steding
1528 Prestwick B. Rec. 52.
Jhone Myller … accusit Riche Browne for the wrangus taking of takis owre his hed … The inquest fyndis Riche Browne in the wrang for the wrangus taking … of the said Jhone Myller of his takis
1536–7 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 83.
The persones that tuke the commoun aikeris at the first taking thairof
1557 Prot. Bk. Sir A. Gaw 42.
[He shall marry the said Eufame] and sal put hir at the nyxt takin of his takis in al his takis
1564 Reg. Privy C. I 295.
To mak … to the saidis Margaret [etc.] … infeftments of the saidis landis conforme to the auld takand of thame
1569 Canongate Ct. Bk. 79.
For the maill of ane lugeing … iiij s. for twa greit keis [etc.] … quhilk the said Jonet ressavit fra thame at the taking of the said hous
1605 Stirling Merch. Guild 24.
Concerning the talking off the millnis
1618–19 Misc. Spald. C. V 142.
Spent at the tacking saising be the toune of Johnne Fraseris hous
1650 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. LI 49.
Discentione for taking ane rowme … be one Herberte Sincklar in the parish of Irngray

8. The purchase of (a thing). (Ta(k v.1 12 b.) 1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I 203.
If he urge yit upon yow the tacking of a number of his bookes albeit we have lyand besyd us fourscoir … of these bookes undistribute that we have payed for

9. The action of lifting or taking (something) up for a purpose (and doing something). (Ta(k v.1 13.) 1548 Aberd. B. Rec. MS XX (Jam.).
For the wrangus takin of his swerdis, & striking tharof on an chaveling

10. The action of involving oneself in a relationship. (Cf. Ta(k v.1 19 and 32.) a1585 Maitl. Q. 111/102.
With licence then my luif I tak my leif Fering with langer purpose ȝow to greif For new taking God will send tyme and place

11. The action of receiving (payment, gifts). (Ta(k v.1 23.) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 210/1, 10.
Eftir geving I speik of taking … In taking sowld discretioun be
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 210/22.
And nevir fra taking can hald thair hand

12. The receiving of (advice). (Ta(k v.1 25.) 1456 Hay I 108/23.
The taking of counsaile as langand the weris pertenis to the princis

13. The action of assuming (a person's livery). (Ta(k v.1 35.) 1654 Johnston Diary II 237.
A listing under the general's colours, and taiking His lyverye

14. The action of taking care of or assuming responsibility for (something). (Ta(k v.1 47 a.) 1660 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 37.
The Comittie of Estats … to convein … for administrating justice and tacking cair of the affairs of this kingdome

15. The action or process of taking one's leave. (Ta(k v.1 40.) 1616–17 Misc. Spald. C. V 95.
For ane quart of wyne … at the gudenicht taking with sum strangeris of Edinburgh

16. The assumption of (an attitude). See Pet(t n.2 (Ta(k v.1 44.)

17. The contracting of (a disease). (Ta(k v.1 45.) 1533 Bell. Livy I 278/11.
The brother … rais neuer eftir the first takin of his maladie, bot lay bedderell

18. The action of conducting or teaching (a school). (Ta(k v.1 46 c and 73 t.) 1589 Aberd. B. Rec. II 66.
For obseruing of guid ordour, obedience to the maister and that na disordour sall be usit be him in tacking of the schule

19. The undertaking of (a procedure, etc.). (Ta(k v.1 46.) b. The negotiation, etc. of a truce. (Ta(k v.1 50.) 1473 Acta Aud. 27/1.
Warning bathe the partijs til a certane day to be at the takin of the saide inquisicion
1631 Linlithgow B. Rec. 3 Sept.
To ryid to the particular conventione of borrowis … for taking cours anent the incroching of the great constable wpone thair liberteis
1648 Dumfries Kirk S. 19 Dec.
Deacones appoynted for taking narrow search & inquirie of everie quarter of this towne
1663 Forbes Baron Ct. 237.
Sufficient wnderstanding men … for … taicking inspectione … with in the respective parishones and presinctis
b. 1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 58.
In the tyme of takyng of the said trewys

20. The action of taking (a task, etc.) upon one. (Ta(k v.1 47.) 1641 Acts V 332/1.
For taking vpon him … to goe before the king as ischear
1642 Aberd. B. Rec. III 282.
In tacking … vpon thame to sitt in any eminent roume or honest mens daskis

21. The action of having recourse to a means of transport. (Ta(k v.1 51 b.) 1679 Cunningham Diary 111.
For a mutchkin sack at taking coach, 11 s.

22. a. The transporting of (a person) to a place. (Ta(k v.1 57 a.) 1636 Rutherford Lett. (1660) No. 69.
The taking of you to heaven

b. The transportation of (something) to (a person or place). (Ta(k v.1 57 b.) 1525 Wigtown B. Ct. 179a.
For tackyne of hydis to Quhytarne
1686 Corshill Baron Ct. 172.
Ane seck … lost by them in takeing localitie to sojouris with corne

23. The action of removing (something) fra (a person). (Ta(k v.1 59.) 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 206.
And gewing and taking of power fra sindrie mennis memberis

24. Taking off, removal of (something). (Ta(k v.1 69.) 1629 Black Cal. Witchcraft 919/2.
Laying on and taking aff of sicknesses
1682 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 50.
Persons skilled in the airt of cutting hair and taking af of beards

25. Taking away. a. The removal, esp. by seizure or theft, of (someone or something); an instance of this. (Ta(k v.1 63 a.) Cf. Awaytaking vbl. n. 1472 Prestwick B. Rec. 20.
For the wrangwis takin awai a berne of twa cupile of his grounde
1530 Carnwath Baron Ct. (SHS) 115.
For the brekin of his fens in the takyn away of ij ky
1567 Inverness Rec. I 152.
Quhilk Thomas being present in jugement nayt the tacking away of turfe
a1578 Pitsc. I 20 h. of ch.
The chanceller persaued himsellfe to be disauit in the taiking away the prince frome him
c1584 Maxwell Mem. II 157.
Stieking of him and his wyf in thair avin hows … and taking away of thair dochter in wiolent maner
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 177.
The tacking avay of the barme

b. The eradication or elimination of (something). (Ta(k v.1 63 b.) 1650 Dingwall Presb. 196.
A preventative against the tacking away the substance of her milknes
1660 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 193.
The counsell for tacking away of the said abusse … ordaines [etc.]
1679 Hawick Mem. 21.
For … taking away the good name of John Moore

26. Taking doun, removal from a higher to a lower place. (Ta(k v.1 66 a.) 1560–1 Edinb. Old Acc. II 132.
For … taking doune of two stages fornent the pulpet
1563 Inverness Rec. I 102.
The wrangus tacking downe of the bell of the said chappell
1611 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 338.
For takeing downe … of the … wondokes

27. Taking furth, the action of taking (something) out. (Ta(k v.1 67 a.) 1499 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 104.
Wndir the pane of takyne furtht of thar caldronis and … dingin out of the bodumis

28. Taking out, the action of removing (someone or something) (furth). (Ta(k v.1 67 a, 71.) 1476 Acta Aud. 49/1.
The taking oute of twa persouns furthe of the kingis irnis
1493 Acta Conc. I 315/1.
The … breking of the said maister Walteris chawmer & takin out of the sammyn of a conter, twa fedder beddis [etc.]
1520 Wigtown B. Ct. 102a.
The vrangus takin owt of his land of ane spad of his
1565 Prestwick B. Rec. 68.
For the wrangus taken of ane kart of his owt of the kyrk
1643 Skipper's Acc. (Smettone) 11b.
To the colstreles & metters for teckin vt the colles 9 li. 11 s. 4 d.

29. Taking up, the action of a. Collecting (taxes, etc.). (Ta(k v.1 73 j.) b. Beginning the singing of the psalm in a church service. (Ta(k v.1 73 s.) c. Removing (something) from a place. (Ta(k v.1 73 d.) d. Founding (a school). (Ta(k v.1 73 t.) e. Understanding or apprehending (something). (Ta(k v.1 73 o.) f. Of arms, resorting to force, rebelling. g. Recording or registering (a name).a. 1467 Acta Aud. 7/2.
The wrangwis takin vp of the malis
b. 1577 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 60.
The oulklie pentioun … appoynttit to … Sir Edwerd Hendersoun … for taikin vp of the spalmes
1578–9 Perth Kirk S. MS 12 Jan.
Jhone Suentoun … had greatt travaillis … in taking wp of the psalmes
1603–4 Ayr B. Acc. 218.
Taking up of the psalmes
1654 Cramond Ch. Speymouth 19.
Knowing Thomas Innes … to be … exquisit in musick … for takeing up of the psalme in the church
c. 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 233.
Thair taking vp the bwreit people and junting of thame
d. 1608 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 37.
Robert Stevin … to haif contravenit his ayth of burgesschip in the taking up of ane grammer schole
e. 1638 Henderson Serm. 33.
For the more clear taking up of the words, ye sall mark thir things in them
a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 773.
There is a real immediate taking up of God, though not fully comprehensiue of Him
1685-8 Renwick Serm. 40.
Study much the law, that thereby ye may win to see yourselves … for without the right taking up of the law [etc.]
1685-8 Renwick Serm. 413.
The discovering and taking up of God spiritually in his works
f. a1649 Drummond (1711) 208.
The treaty … discharging all taking up of arms against the kingdom
g. 1671 Lauder Jrnl. 247.
To Mr. Archbald Camron for taking up the child's name, a dollar

30. ? Something received, a delivery or consignment. 14.. Acts I 332/2.
At thai ar nocht alvays redy to prise the flesch at the furth puttyng of the taking

31. A situation, state of affairs, plight. 1648 Baillie III 47.
The king and our nation is in a hard taking
1666 Wodrow Hist. II (1829) 29.
Finding themselves now very much disappointed and in a very ill taking

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