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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Us(e, Ws(e, v. Also: usse, wsse, uis, uys, wis, wys, ues, huis, hws(e, eus(e, yus(e, yous(e, ous(s, ouys, usie. P.t. also uce. P.p. also use. [ME and e.m.E. use(n (a1240), wyse (Cursor M.), yuse (1305), ouse (c1400), wse (Lydgate), euse (1528), OF user, uiser, etc. L. ūs, ppl. stem of ūtī.]

1. tr. To carry out, perform (an action or activity) esp. regularly or habitually, to practise (a mode of behaviour, etc.). Also absol. and const. prep.(1) 1375 Barb. x 570.
Ik wsyt lang that trawaling Swa that I kan that roid ga rycht
1457 Acts II 48/2.
It is … ordanyt … at the fut ball ande the golf be vtterly criyt done and nocht vsyt
1513 Doug. Comm. i iii 54.
He [sc. Neptune] vsit mekill salyng and rowyng, … therfor is he clepit god of the sey
1531 Bell. Boece II 216.
The noblis, in the mene time, wer occupyit with reding of historyis, for than wes not usit sic hant of dise and cartis as ar now usit
1550 Knox III 69.
The maist abominabill abussis, as of bying and selling, useit now of lait by the mischevous preistis
a1568 Bann. MS 72a/5.
Vse mesurable rest with sobir eiting
a1578 Pitsc. I 232 marg.
How the king wssit mikill iusting
a1578 Pitsc. II 239/17.
He useand the airt of igrimancie and siclyk he confessit that sindrie vthiris ministeris vsit that same
a1585 Polwart Flyt. 622 (T).
He was ane fals schismatik … Baith hurdome, & homeceid, vnsell he vsit
1589 Conv. Burghs I 304.
Thatt the provest, baillies, counsall, and communitie of ilk burgh … anis in the ȝeir, perambulat thair haill marchis … this thair perambulatioun ȝeirlie to be vsitt
1623 Perth Kirk S. MS 14 May.
Scho wes als seik as of befoir, till wpone the morne the said Margaret returneit, wseit agane hir former cureis
1683 Lauder Notices Affairs I 456.
The Synod … enacted … who ever used lectures shall forbear them
(b) a1500 K. Hart 665.
To wis the richt and to disvse the wrang: That is my scule to all that list to leyr
absol. 1460 Hay Alex. 422.
All supois he [sc. Alexander] haid the subtiltie Off artmagik and necromancie [Aristotle] Bad him nocht vse bot keip him fra dessait
?a1500 Rosw. & Lillian 170.
Be courteous, genty, kind and free, And use ay in good companie
(2) 1531 Bell. Boece I 131.
Swetonius, legat of Britane, for his arrogance and cruelte usit on the Britonis, was deponit
1568 Anderson Collect. Mary IV i 123.
That ȝour Majestie will usse sic maneir of extremetie towart our soverane ȝour sister, to ratine hir within ȝouir realme
a1578 Pitsc. II 90/11.
I persaue they haue great pratick and ingyne wssand aganis ȝow
1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 223.
In the meintyme praye your lordships most humble befoir I be hard, not to wis oney wiolent curse aganes me
1629 Justiciary Cases I 130.
The saidis thraitningis minassis and predictiones uset and utterit be the said Katharene aganis thame
1645 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 52.
All the just and severe resentment … that can be wseit aganis the greatest enemies to the kings majestie and his service
(b) 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 9.
I … findis him weill myndit to do all thingis conformand boyth to your gracis weill and honor sic lyik hes schauin hyme as ye heve hwsit towart this Inglis inbassat

b. specif. To commit (a sin), perpetrate (a fraud). c1490 Irland Asl. MS 20/4.
The prest … sperand in generall … of the vij dedly synnis and vther that are vsit, bot of synnis that ar nocht gretly vsit he suld nocht speire mekle
1564 Edinb. B. Rec. III 187.
Becaus of the manifest fraud quhilk … hes bene vsit in wirking, weving, walking, litting and culloring of clayth
1622 (c1650) Dundee B. Laws 54.
Ther is great fraud visit be the meall makers … be the vsing of false straikes rolls and unstampit meall measors in mercats
1640 Dundonald Par. Rec. 466.
If it shall be found that the maister vsses ony fraud to elude the tryall as [etc.]

2. To carry on (a trade or occupation), to practise (a profession), carry out the duties of (an office), transact one's business. See Ows v. for further examples. 1375 Barb. xii 415.
Thai maid knychtis, as it afferis To men that wsys thai mysteris
1456 Hay (Glenn) III 13/5.
Gif knychtis vs nocht thair office thai ar contrarious to thair ordre
1466 Acts II 86/2.
It is statute & ordanit that na man of craft vse merchandise be himself, his factouris or seruandis, bot gif he lefe & renunc his craft but colour or dissimulacioun
1483 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. II 103.
Ane free airt and craft, to be onlie wraucht uset exercet be sic friemen as sall be inhabitantis of the said burgh
1497 Aberd. B. Rec. in Mill Mediæv. Plays 134.
The … consale … chesit Thomas Leslie & Robert of Cullane coniunctlie abbatis & priour of Bonacord tile vys & excerce the saide office
1508 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 333.
All uder thingis to hant, wis, and do that pertenis to the office of bailyory
1519 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 54.
We ordane … baxtery allanerlie to be usit be fremen
1542 Reg. Cupar A. II 22.
We will at nane hant nor vs the office of brewing, bakin, selling of wyne, or vther merchandice
1554 Reg. Cupar A. II 113.
The said Alexander vsand his craft of medicinarie, and leche craft … sall do his cure, as he beis chargeit thairto be ws
1560–1 Inverness Rec. I 51.
The consell … hes licencit hym to pas and wsse and ourse his busines in Ros
1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I ii 255.
To use and exerce the said office of regentrie … with als greit libertie, as ony regent or governour to the quene or hir predicessouris useit in any tymes bygane
1576 Orkney Oppress. 19.
Sensyne thai haue had na lawrichtman … to vse the said office
1615 Aberd. B. Rec. II 329.
To vse and exerce his said calling of the glasin wricht craft
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 36.
That ane burges could not both use merchandize and be ane litster craftsman
1666 Rothesay B. Rec. 120.
Neil MaCowke intending to come and dwell heire and use the smith trade

3. To observe (a custom, usage, etc.), to comply with or enforce (a law).pres. 1423 (1429–30) Reg. Great S. 30/2.
Al other thyng to do and use that to the office of chamerlanry and chancelery pertenys
1493 Reg. Cupar A. I 244.
All and syndry vthir thingis to do hant and vs, that to the office of balȝery is knawin to pertene of law
c1520-c1535 Nisbet 1 Tim. i 8.
We wate that the law is gude, gif ony man vse it lauchfully
1551 Hamilton Cat. 183.
The minister … in the ministratioun of the sacrament usis the forme of the kirk
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4469.
Consydderyng thare preheminence … for inobedience, Abusyng the commandiment Quhilk Christ left in His testament, Usyng thare awin traditioun More than His institutioun
p.t. a1500 Henr. Fab. 1172.
The oure off cause quhilk that the iuge vsit than
p.p. 14.. Acts I 84*/2.
The sheref of Carlile and Drumfres sall ansuere at Sulway eftir the lawis and custumys betuix the twa kinrikis vsit
1449 Reg. Episc. Glasg. II 370.
The priuilege and custum grantyd to the kirk of Glasgw … be our nobil ancessourez vsyt & kepyt in tym of our genitouris
1535 Stewart 34953.
Quhat euir he wes … The name of God blasphemit … With ane hett yrne wes brint vpone the mouth … War thair sic lawis vsit in thir dais … Men wald be lownar in thair langage far
1587 Acts III 447/1.
According to the auld accustumat vse vsit and accustumat befoir the making of this act
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 3.
Also barons sall receaue, and vse the lawes, as they are vsed in the kings court
1618 Conv. Burghs III 65.
The saids borrowis declaires the said forme of the electioun prescryuit in this present act not to be vsit as ane preparative amongs vthers borrowis
1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 49.
That forme of ministratione of the sacraments wich then was ussed
(b) 1657 S. Ronaldshay 19.
In regard of the forme ust, free and unanimous call, publict intimatne. of edict, and no apposione in the contraire … the brethren have [etc.]
(c) c1500 Harl. MS 4700 261a.
It is fundin statut and vse in tyme of weirfaire … thair sall ane bail be brynit on Trailtrow hill

b. To observe, perform or take part in (a religious ritual, ceremony or festival), esp. the sacraments. 1490 Irland Mir. III 48/25.
Thus the synnar vsand this sacrament deliueris him of the syn
1529 Lynd. Complaynt 416.
[That they] trewly vse the sacramentis Efter Christis institutionis
1531 Bell. Boece II 50.
Als sone as the Saxonis had conquest Britane … thay … usit the cursit ritis of paganis, aberand fra the Cristin faith, and makand adoratioun to idolis
1562-3 Winȝet I 83/5.
Mony of thai ceremones vseit be the Kirk of God in thir our days at baptim
1562-3 Winȝet I 103/28.
Quhy neclect ȝe to vse at the leist the absolutioun of the minister afoir ȝour communioun always?
1572 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 254.
Becaus thair is mes said in certane places of this cuntrie … that thair be a speciall day assignit to assemble all the professouris of the religione in places nixt adjacent to the boundis quhair the said messis ar vsit for apprehending of the mes sayaris
1589 Perth Kirk S. in Spottiswoode Misc. II 266.
No marriages to be used in the time [sc. King James VI's matrimonial voyage to Denmark]
1622-6 Bisset II 331/11.
That the Eister suld nocht be keiped as the Jowes uses on the fourtent day of the mone; bot on the nixt Sonday that followes

4. intr. With personal and non-personal subject: To be accustomed to do something, to be used to (something). Also with ellipsis of to. Also reflex.(1) 1375 Barb. xi 234.
The … lord of Dowglas … Brocht with him men … That weile war wsit in fechting … Awantage thai sall tittar se For to stonay thar fayis mycht Than men that wsis nocht to fycht
c1420 Wynt. ii 765.
Hybernia thai callyd it … That Yrland we ws to calle Now in to oure langage alle
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 111.
The tempill … To quhilk Cresseid … Vsit to pas, hir prayeris for to say
1489 Acts II 222/1.
It wes … complenȝeit … that certane … heddis of kyn in Galloway, that has vsit to tak cawpis, of the quhilk [etc.]
1531 Bell. Boece II 178.
Our folkis usis, quhen thay ar to fecht, to cum with sic faird and noys, that [etc.]
15.. King Berdok 9.
Kingis vsit nocht to weir clayis in tha dayis Bot ȝeid naikit
1549 Compl. 13/5.
Thir tua princis vsit oft to visye the feildis to tak ther recreatione
1574 Misc. Maitl. C. I 112.
Being inquirit gif scho usis to lene ony money, declarit that scho lenis nane
1596 Dalr. I 78/15, 16.
Thay vsed to eschewe stryfe and dissentione, to keip aback slachtir that vset, throuch the ambitione of some to brek furth
1596 Dalr. I 145/8.
This athe of keiping fidelitie, or as the vulgar vses to name it, ane athe of homage
c1630 Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 185.
The forrest where McLeod wont and uisit to hunt at the deire
1652 Peebles B. Rec. II 5.
The saides goodes … shall be herdit … be the awners therof … upon the boundes wher they use to pasture
1701 Brand Orkney & Shetl. 129.
Some hundreds of mo ships [used to] resort yearly unto this country then what now use to do
?14.. Ship Laws c. 19 (H2).
Giff it befall a schip is at burdeous or ony vthir steid the schipmene has kechinnyingis furth as thai vst in a schip the schip men aw nocht to beir out of the schip ony kiching nor ȝit drink bot [etc.]
1560 Rolland Seven S. 1332.
Four jewellours … In deip presoun richt schairplie him inclusit, Quhairin befoir the childe was neuer vsit
(b) 1662 Stirlings of Keir 498.
I requeist yow not to be to rassh, for they [sc. the English] ar very kittill, or as yea ous to say where ye ar, ticklish
(2) a1500 Henr. Fab. 220.
To tender meit my stomok is ay vsit
(b) 1584 Gray Lett. & P. 12.
He … sange the salmes with me … wherby yt semes he had byn eusyd too them, or else he cowld not a dune yt so well
(3) 1549 Lamb Resonyng 51/4.
The ryding and spuilȝeis of prevate Scottis and Inglis vsis to be redrest at wardan courtis
1573 Tyrie in Cath. Tr. 3/2.
All the writtinges of those quha defendes ane euill caus … vsis to be stufit … with schoring and hedinfull saingis
1599 Acts IV 180/2.
They discharge ony persone … to sell or by … ony sic kynd of foullis commounlie vsit to be chaisit with halkis
c1630 Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 165.
There uses manie shipps to come to … Ardgoure, and to be loadned with firr jests masts and cutts
c1650 Spalding II 381.
The maisteris in Old Abirdene wer laureat … whiche vsit not to be laureat quhill Lambes
1688 Lauder Notices Affairs II 874.
The moveables … out of which funeral charges uses to be payed
(4) reflex. a1568 Bann. MS 72b/41.
In ȝowtheid vse thé to temprance … For conswetude … haldis the lyf full on lenth
a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 45/14.
Deill with all folkis faythfullie And vse thé neuer for to lee
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 169/9.
Not thairfore using youre self to ouergreat softnes & delicatie in youre sleipe maire nor in youre meate
1601 R. Brown Paisley I 193.
Leprous folks wha repairs within this burghe and usis thameselves in company at butt and every wayis with the inhabitants

b. passive. To be practised or experienced in an activity. 1375 Barb. xi 229 (see (1) above).
1456 Hay I 84/33.
A knycht is usit in harnes of lang tyme
c1475 Wall. iii 379.
For thai war wicht, and weill wsyt in wer
15.. Clar. i 192.
Ȝe that ar ȝoung and not in armis usit On ȝow it [sc. the battle] tuik … And weill mentinet to the uterance

c. tr. To make familiar through practice, accustom. c1420 Ratis R. 224.
With wordis of lawte vs thi twnge Sua that thow may, quhar euir thow bee, Haf that vs, but defykiltee

5. To make use of, employ (an article, ability, means, etc.) (for (to) a purpose or to do something). Also in fig. context.pres. a1400 Leg. S. iii 946.
Warldly thingis to refuse And hewinly thing sine to wse
1428 Liber Aberbr. II 58.
Hal chawmyr kechyng and butre with swilk vtensele as the said John Vernour vsis
1456 Hay II 135/21.
To compone a medicyne that he suld us
1478 Acta Conc. I 4/2.
To comper … with the evidentis & richtis that he schew befor the inquest & sic vtheris as he will vse in the matter
1490 Irland Mir. II 9/14.
God in all his werkis wsis iustice and wisdome
1506 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 52.
To bring with thame thar richts resonis witnes and previs quhilks thai haue and will wis in the said mater
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 18.
Wondir laith wer I to be ane baird, Flyting to use, for gritly I eschame
1533 Boece 36a.
Iber … having ȝong men and gallandis in reddines to vse thare vassalage … to expell inemys
1551 Hamilton Cat. 6.
Evirilk man as God hes gevin … ane gift of grace; sa use it to the glore of God
1578 Glenartney Doc.
That na persons or personis tak upoun hand to … use ony commowne gaittes or passages
1595 Misc. Maitl. C. I 71.
The minister … to wse his diligence for to have the sclander lyand wpone the lard of Kilsyth elder … remowit
1596 Dalr. I 65/27.
Island … neist the pol articte, quhair brayet fishe thay vse for meil, and thairof thay make breid
1614 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 169.
To desair Cadell … to vse all the meins he can for inteaking the hous of Dunavege in Illa
1692 Presb. Eloq. (1694) 10.
That they [sc. Presbyterians] use no distinguishing garb must be acknowledged to be very congruous; for truly they are but laicks
(b) ?1549 Corr. M. Lorraine 301.
I belevit at yhe wald huis … my sobir counsell to your auin profet and honour
(c) 1580–1 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 195.
To vsie the messouris of this burgh of the pek and furlott
(d) 1652 Honours Scotl. 120.
My Lord may ues his awne monneyone ther uith them
(e) 1677 Stirlings of Keir 514.
My Lord Haton and his son went to Fyffe to euse ther intrest for the electtors
p.t. 1460 Hay Alex. 405.
Aristotell … In phisik magik and nicromancy Experience haid, ȝit thocht he it was ill It for to wse, in resoun and in skill; Thocht he expert and knawand all thing was He vsit nocht bot virtue and godlines
a1500 Lanc. 1196.
He vsyt haith mo hors than one or two
1499–1500 Acta Conc. II 403.
[Archibald's father] usit the chenȝe of gold and had it til his use as the abilȝeament of his persone
a1578 Pitsc. I 118/28.
Bischope James Kennedie vsit ane craftie mein to brek the Erle of Douglas armye
p.p. ?1438 Alex. ii 3585.
Bot wit, wysed wele and wittelly And clenely with courtessy [F. Mais sens en bien usés conduis par courtoisie] [etc.]
c1450-2 Howlat 763 (A).
The dulset … the schalme … The amyable organis vsit full oft
1540 Acts II 371/2.
Gunnis [etc.] … now commounlie vsit in all cuntreis
1545 Corr. M. Lorraine 137.
Monsieur de Lorges hes presently large mony tilbe iussit be the consall of Scotland aganis our inemys with ane grit quantatie of poulderis artailȝery [etc]
1555 Conv. Burghs I 14.
The act of parliament ordanis … just wechtis mettis and mesouris suld be vsite within burgh
1604-31 Craig iii 13/15.
Displeasure so to be ingratlie vs'd, Hath broght braue Dickson to his cognat bed
1630 Aberd. Council Lett. I 322.
Thair must be ane uther cours tene for drawing thais monyes out of hir handes, nor hais bein as yit usat
1681 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XXXVIII 163.
Yow have wssed your indevors to sell them for the best
(b) 1638 Hamilton P. (Camden Soc.) 2.
This 3 yaires the Inglis cevis book was yused in his cathedrall
fig. a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 1363 (Arund.).
For ink vse [Harl. vis] teris

b. To spend or pass (a period of time, one's life) (in an activity or to a purpose). ?1438 Alex. ii 10889.
That day thay vsit in gaming and play
1556 Lauder Off. Kings 360.
I haue schawin ȝow … Hov ȝe ȝour spiritual hirdis suld chuse And how thai hirdis thar lyffs suld vse
1567 G. Ball. 133.
My gylt, gude Lord, I will refuse, And the wickit lyfe that I did vse
a1578 Pitsc. I 209/34.
Ane lessone that they fall not from God wssing thair weckit lywes to thair awin sensuall plesour

c. To utter, say (words, etc.), to speak (a language), to employ (a manner of speaking). c1420 Ratis R. 208.
As our elderis has techit ws To tak kep our speking till ws
1490 Irland Mir. I 74/12.
Thai wsit this maner of speking
1533 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 4 Nov.
The assys ordainis that … all the officears … ws na ewill words to na gud manis wyf
1560 Rolland Seven S. Prol. 68.
Ane lytill quair … Embrowd … with trym termes maist vsit vp on land
1596 Dalr. I 86/4.
Thay vse thair alde Irishe toung
1581-1623 James VI Poems I 76/3.
Ȝe man … tak heid, that ȝe waill ȝour wordis according to the purpose: as, in ane heich and learnit purpose, to vse heich … and learnit wordis
1665 J. M. Beale Fife Schools 180.
That they [sc. the schoolmasters] use not despiteful [?] speitches

d. To make use of, employ (a person or animal) in some way. c1475 Wall. v 27.
In Gyllisland thar was that brachell brede, Sekyr off sent to folow thaim at flede. So was scho vsyt on Esk and on Ledaill
1614 Innes Sketches 541.
His said brother, whom he onlie usit as ane instrument to be the first authour of his rebellioun
1626 Garden Worthies 133.
Thé therfore and thy witts be wislie ws'd And once to be his cheeff embasdore chous'd
1632 Dundonald Par. Rec. 342.
Scho acceptis … hir mother and gudsister to be vssit as witnessis of hir execrabill wordis against the sessioune

e. To use for sexual pleasure. 1492 Myll Spect. 281/17.
Quhat was caus that King Sallamon … displesit God bot the delectatioun of the flesche quhilk he tuk in wemen … men ar sa blyndit … with thare bewte that mony ane can nocht be ware thairby quhilk has done dois & ȝit abill sall do full grete harme to thame; that vsis thame in sic manere
c1515 Asl. MS I 261/20.
Thir thre brethir war noble men & gud and vsit neuer women bot thar awne wyfis
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2968.
One secreit mansioun … Quhare scho … mycht tak Ȝoung gentyll men, for hir plesour; The quhilk scho vsit abufe mesour. One man allone mycht nocht be abyll To stanche hir luste insaciabyll
a1578 Pitsc. I 351/14.
They wald thoill no preistis to marrie bot they wald … burne him to the deid, bot gif he had wssit ten thowsand huris he wald nocht haue been brunt
1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 219.
The saide witches being demaunded, how the Divel would use them … they confessed, that … hee woulde carnally use them
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xviii 61.
A bissat … vsd hir, vhen the halk fleu out

f. To enjoy the company of for one's own pleasure. 1533 Boece 185a.
Daly he gaif him to greter delitis and lustis vsing cumpany of riotouris, waistouris, menstralis, piparis, dansaris; and sic kind of licht men
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xviii 49.

6. To have the use of, occupy (a piece of land, a building, etc.) for one's own benefit. Also absol. 1410–11 Reg. Episc. Brechin. I 30.
Ane borch that the foirsaid partye aw nocht till wis the foirsaid possessioun nothir with pastour na fewell … quhyll it war determinit betuix thaim
1431–2 Newbattle MSS (Reg. H.) 20 March.
The forsaid abbot … tyl occupy [the land] … als frely as ony othir land is haldyn … or as I or myn has or may have rycht tyl occupy & wys lave qwhil the sayd soume … be fullyly … payit
1475 Edinb. B. Rec. I 30.
The saidis craftismen to vse occupy and aduoruy [sic ? adorn] the said ile as thair awin proper ile
1519–20 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 55.
Thomas Hewart … depones that he kennes that Anne Mathosone … partit the fruttis and gers of the myll … betuix the said parteis in al tymes quhen he usit the hous
1557–8 14th Rep. Hist. MSS App. iii 77.
The sex riggis … sall be browikkit wssit and possedit fra thinefurth be Mr. George Ker
absol. 1476 Peebles B. Rec. I 178.
We balyeis … grantand to the forsaid George Robyson fwll power to mak resonabyll tenandis and wndersedyllis als oft as it is sene speidfwll tyll hym … als frely as ony malar browkis … vsand and josand … lely and trewly

b. intr. To stay at, dwell in a place. a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 97 (W).
Muisses that vses At fountaine Helicon

7. tr. To use as sustenance, to consume (food or drink). a1500 Henr. Fab. 1490.
It semis not ȝour celsitude, Quhilk vsis daylie meittis delitious To fyle ȝour teith or lippis with my blude
c1520-c1535 Nisbet 1 Tim. v 23.
Will thou nocht yit drink watire, bot vse a litil wyne, for thi stomak, and for thi oft falling in infirmiteis
1533 Boece 36a.
This pepill vsit, in place of mete, bot mylk, herbis, and vthir sic thingis
1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 38.
In tym of drouthe vse this iulepe
1596 Dalr. I 17/9.
Thay … sell aqua vitæ, quhilke … in place of wine thay commonlie vse
1602 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 18.
The stowth of ane scheipe of his nychbouris quhilk he brocht hame … and maid the samin reddie in his hous and uce the samin
1632 Lithgow Trav. iii 102.
Lemmons … the Turkes vse at their meate, as we doe the verges

8. intr., tr. To go in (into, to) a place (on a regular basis), to frequent (a place); to go amang(s people or about a place.intr. (1) c1475 Wall. i 209.
Into the toun he wsyt everilk day
c1475 Wall. ii 290.
He wsyt offt to that religious place
1558-66 Knox I 127.
Hie preached commonlie at the kirk of Gaston and used much in the Barr
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 289.
The said merschell of Edinburgh … wes euer suspectit, because he vsit to the said castell ofter nor neid
1591 Old Dundee I 103.
They gave full liberty to Michael … to attend upon all vagabonds and idle beggars uisane [pr. eisane] to the burgh wha are not born [therein] and expel and put them furth
(2) c1475 Wall. i 345.
Schyrreff he was and wsyt thaim amang
1499–1500 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 77.
At thai hald thame be thameself togidder, and nocht to cum nor vse amangs vther folks quhill God provyde remeid
1550 Edinb. Hammermen 2.
Anent vacabundis & vtheris nocht hauand masteris nor intendis nocht to be feit bot vsis about fra butht to butht
tr. 1491 Acts II 224/2.
That our souerane lordis liegis, vsing thai partis haue sic fredoume within the realme of France, & boundis of the samyne, lik as the Franchemen has within oure souerane lordis realme and bundis

b. tr. To hold, locate, site (the sale of) goods, a market or fair (in a particular place). 1477 Edinb. B. Rec. I 34.
The merket of haye, stra, gers, and hors mete to be vsit and haldin in the Cowgate
1477 Edinb. B. Rec. I 35.
All partrikis … and all vther wyld fowlis and tame to be vsit and sald about the merket croce, and in na vther place; … all buttir, cheis, woll, and sic like gudis that suld be weyit to be vsit at the Ouer Bow
1536 (1538) Reg. Great S. 395/1.
We … grantis to thame and their successouris, ane fair day … to be usit and exercite be thame als frelie … as ony uther fair is usit

9. intr. To behave, act (in a particular way). 1481 Fam. Rose 145.
[I] byndis … me till … Huchone the Rois … in all actionis … to stand, ouys and byid at the consall off the said Huchone Rois … in all actionis lesome
1498–9 Acta Conc. II 321.
The sade Schir Walter tuke the gudis fra the sade officiar and disobeit the Kingis command in that pairt quhare he suld haf complenit apone the sammyn and nocht haf usit in his aune autorite

b. reflex. To conduct oneself in a specified manner. 1533 Boece 185a.
In the viij ȝere of his regne, vsing him auster and cruell, how fer he grew in ȝeris he was mare reddily gevin to iniquite
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 119.
How my lord governour com unto your graice and sen that tym has ussit him be your graice and counsall
1549 Compl. 5/18, 19.
Jhone of Loran … nocht alanerly vsit hym lyik ane sperutual pastor, bot as veil he hes vsit hym lyik ane vailȝeant captan
1560 St. A. Kirk S. 50.
Sche dissociate hirself of my company nyne yeris syne … and sensyne hes used hirself maist viciouslie, gevand the plesur of hir body alsweale to strangearis … quherthrow sche … hes brokin … hir promise of mariage to me
1588 Reg. Privy C. IV 302.
Wandering beggaris … usand thameselffis in maist troublesum and fasheux maner, … gettis that almous quhairwith … uthiris aucht to be sustenit

c. To treat, deal with (a person or animal) in a particular way. Also absol. 1568 Buch. Indict. 33.
How fremitlie he wes wsit the haill vinter seasoun … being sent in halking to Pebills … restrainit … fra knawleg of the counsele effayris
1576 Reg. Privy C. II 567.
Thame that comperis not at the day appointed to thame, they sall not be ressavit on pannell thaireftir, bot be unlawit and usit as fugitives according to the lawis
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1804) 116.
The regent usit the Ladie of Fleyming verrie courteouslye, and sufferit hir to depairt … at ease and leaser
1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 219.
The saide doctor was taken and imprisoned, and used with the accustomed paine provided for those offences
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xxxviii 18.
Hou Troy and Trojans haiv they suld To vse them hailly as they wold
1604-31 Craig ii 92/7.
When Alexander … captiue tooke proud Porus … And bid him aske what most he did desire? Nought said braue Porus … But that thou vse me as a king should bee
c1610 Melville Mem. 273.
An slap throw the mothers syd is maid Be her awen cankred kitlins, sche is keild And they euen sa ar used in ther eild
1677 Stirlings of Keir 514.
This day I met with the Lairde of Airthe, who complains that he hes bein ille eused by you
1686 Old Ross-shire II 20.
You may expect all the troubll they can mack … so as you love your honar … be not so yoused … bot let … Heugh Ros know himself and let not him presum on your goodness
absol. 1609 Peebles Chart. 76.
I dout not as ye haif bein ernest to haif yowr town the seat of that judicatorie so ye wil haif care to se the judgis and thair memberis of courte weil vsit, and to your poweris wil assist the executioun of thair sentencis
1631 Innes Sketches 574.
I prey you ouss me alls familiarlie as I doo you

d. ? To direct, ? to advise. 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 26.
The Hamiltonis … maid ane conspiracy with certane lordis to put the said Duke [of Albany] out of authoritie and tak it on thame selffis and all thingis put in thar power thay mycht vse the king and realme at thair awin plesour
1542 in Tytler Hist. Scotland (1864) 8 n.
The third article was that the govenour shuld be vsit and counsalit be thame in all th' affaires

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