A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
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Proces, n. Also: process(e, -cese, sces, (s)ses, -ceis(s, -sceiss, -cis(s, -ssis, -sous, (prorsus). [ME and e.m.E. proces(s (c 1325), -(s)ses, -sis (c 1400), -ceis (1486), F. procès (13th c. in Godef.), L. prōcess-us f. p.p. stem of prōcēd-ere Proced(e v., advance, progress, process, lapse of time, in med. L. also procedure, legal proceedings, record of proceedings (1286 in Latham).]In verse, in non-rhyming position appar. more commonly but not invariably stressed on the first syllable; in the rhyming position final stress is regular. In contemp. ME and e.m.E. a similar usage appar. obtains.
1. The fact of advancing or going on, in non-material applications; progress, course.1549 Compl. 171/20.
For euerye thing is subieckit to the proces of the tyme 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 103.
This conscience is left in us to make out our haill proces in this life, to hold in the travels of the living God
b. The proceeding in sequence of a narrative etc., sequence, development.1456 Hay I 1/18.
Be the quhilkis men may better knaw the proces of the said buke and of every chapter specialy 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1955 (Bann.).
Thow art our perte to spill the proces of our play
c. Passage, course, lapse (of time, also, of ȝeris).Chiefly with preps. as be, efter, in etc.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxi 973.
Eftyr the processe Of tyme that myrakil cane ces Ib. xxx 549.
Syne eftyre of tyme in processe Hapnyt that scho gretare wes c1400 Troy-bk. 1 477.
Procese [:neuirtheles] c1460 Wisd. Sol. (S.T.S.) 116.
Bot as manis … dedis her within schort proces of tyme & al is forȝet at was 1456–70 Liber Aberbr. II 107.
For dreid that percais the smyth … suld eftyr be proces of tyme pretend ony clame … tyll the said landis 1490 Irland Mir. I 66/4.
Als the naturale heit falȝeis in thar wertu and strenthe be proces of tyme 1531 Bell. Boece I xlviii. 1533 Boece 297. 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 179/2. 1562-3 Winȝet II 58/4.
The natuir … of … bodyis, quhilkis, albeit be proces of ȝeris turnis ouer [etc.] Ib. 69/29.
Be lang proces of tyme 1650 Brechin Presb. 37.
In process of tym he urged us for the money(2) 1513 Doug. viii iv 39.
Proces of tyme at last hes ws inspirit And send ws help 1533 Bell. Livy II 150/7.
Nochttheles lang proces of tyme vincusis thame(3) a1400 Leg. S. vii 805.
Bot eftir the lange proces, Fra tyme that this done wes, The Iowys [etc.] 1513 Doug. vii i 46.
Tha boundis, … By lang proces of peax, in stait riall The king Latinus held in governyng 1567 Sat. P. vi 44.
From feruencie within proces ȝe fell, Quhilk Godis seruandis from tyme to tyme did tel
2. A series of prescribed official or ceremonial actions constituting a recognised procedure, or the manner of carrying them out.c1420 Wynt. vii 3027.
Schyr Willame Besat this proces [: newyrtheles] Gert be dwne 1456 Hay II 2/31.
The forme and maner … of the proces of the making of knychtis be ordre a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 674 (Asl.).
The thrid is callit iugement generale, Quhilk sall be plane in proces & complete, Nocht as thir twa forsaid in speciale, Quhilkis ar bot [etc.] Ib. 681.
And of this dome the principale proces … In sentens schort I preis to mak expres 1533 Bell. Livy I 73/27.
The bukis of Numa … in quhilkis war contenit the proces and maner of euery religioun be him devisit 1574 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 303.
Against the proces used be the Dean and Chapter of Murrey, in election … of the Bishop of Murrey
3. A series of actions, more generally; also, a sequence of events.c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2677.
Bot to Pirrus now our story Tornes agane to tell trewly Of all his proces [L. ad narrandum suos deinde processus] withoutin weir And how he deyed c1420 Wynt. ix 3083.
This wes the proces causative, That efftyr folowit effective c1475 Wall. xi 1437.
I haiff said her ner as the proces gais And fenȝeid nocht a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 11 (Asl.).
This first leif confusit in figoure Quhar that the warld is set in the salt se Quhais perrellous proces explanis the portratour Ib. 519. a1500 Seven S. 1971.
The hale proces scho him tald How he him has maid cukkald a1538 Abell 126 a.
Bot quhow thai haif don ȝit thare haill proces is nocht patent 1560 Rolland Seven S. 8976.
Ȝe knaw lechis will haue ane lang proces, Gude intreitting, rewardis [etc.] a1650 Row 89.
The Presbyterie of Stirlin is ordained to goe on in the tryell of Mr. Robert Montgomrie his process, lyfe and conversation
b. Passing into: A series of actions or sequence of events as related by an author; an exposition or narrative of actions or events.a1400 Leg. S. xxiv 340.
He … Wrat quhou he had left his wyf & al the procese of the lyf That he had c1400 Troy-bk. ii 3068.
The laif was in-to Dytes buke, All-thocht that Dares on hond he tuke To tell no more of this proces [: was] c1420 Wynt. i Prol. 98.
For that begynnyng sall mak clere Be playne proces [E. proces, W. procese] owre matere Ib. v 4759.
This clerk … rehersyd the proces [C. processe] And optenyd forgyffnes Ib. vi 2312.
This proces as I hawe led in dede Fra Adam throwch the Yryschery Ib. ix 1975.
Lo! here led a schort proces Off ane hey matere be liklynes Ib. ii 771, 966, viii 2400. 1456 Hay I 11/24.
For caus of irking of lang proces, I will pas mare lichtly our of all the papis Ib. 187/11.
And as to that mater, I will nocht mak lang proces to the ansuere Ib. 144/32. c1475 Wall. i 19.
And hensfurth I will my proces hald Of Wilȝham Wallas Ib. xi 311.
Quhar to suld I her off lang proces mak? a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 761 (Asl.).
This proces sall be schort … For of our synnis we sall fynd na excus a1500 Seven S. 1418.
To kirk scho went with this proces Scho tald hir moder halely [etc.] 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1166.
I will na mair thairon my foirheid riue Bot breiflie furth my febill proces driue Id. Æn. vii Prol. 168.
Thou drery preambill … Of sabyll be thy lettyris illumynate, According to thy proces and estait Ib. i Prol. 379, xi Prol. 55. 1533 Boece 309 b.
Galfreid … varyis nocht litill fra oure proces in discriving this iournay 1535 Stewart 38180.
I can nocht the veritie ȝow schaw, Without of thame the haill proces ȝe knaw a1538 Abell 59 b.
Hes patent in the proces of the ewangell c1552 Lynd. Mon. 3457.
To schaw … I am nocht abyll That pietious proces lamentabyll Quhow ceteis, castellis … Thay wer all in to poulder drewin Ib. 3793, etc. 15.. Clar. ii 1671.
If I sould tell ȝow all the long proces [: exces] a1578 Pitsc. I 148/1.
c. (But, quhat nedis) mare, ony proces, further ado, exposition, discussion, deliberation.1456 Hay I 152/15.
And but mare argument or proces I trow treuly that thai aw to be payit c1475 Wall. vii 816.
On the gret ost but mar proces thai ȝeid Ib. viii 1099, ix 1138. c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxx 29 (B).
But ony proces cum on thairfoir annone, All sircumstance put by and excusationis 1513 Doug. xii xiv 110.
Oys furth thy chance; quhat nedis proces mar? 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 586.
Quhat nedith more proces? 1546 Id. Trag. Card. 13. c1552 Id. Mon. 4219. c1590 J. Stewart 69/164.
Thay did dissouer now but proces mair Ib. 59/68.
4. ? The passage of a writ or plea through the prescribed steps of legal procedure.1460 Swintons App. xlii.
And ȝour gracious excellence knawlage it war a schort proces tyl arase me sa sudanely fra my fee and herytage 1558 Aberd. B. Rec. I 310.
The said Johnne Chalmer being lauchtfully warnit to all the dyettis and termis of the proces of this pley 1563 Reg. Privy C. I 252.
That the saidis caussis may haif the maist summar proces and schortar end 1622-6 Bisset I 293/5.
And then cummis mony exceptionis that suld … stope the procese and passaige of the breve
b. Also, Of legal pleas: To have proces, to go forward, be permitted to proceed.1522 Acta Conc. MS XXXIII 13 b.
The lordis … decretit that thai suld baith haue proces togiddir 1532 Acts Sederunt (1790) i 3.
Giff the kingis grace … has na matiris ado apoun Friday, thane the commone table to haue proces
5. Proces of law, also, lawis, justice, lauchfull proces: Formal legal proceedings.(1) 1381 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 4.
We sall nocht take fra hir thrid withoutyn lawchfull processe of law 1386 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS 410/2.
To the tyme that it was lauchfully recouerit … othir with trety or with proces of lauch Ib.
Prosces 1465 Buccleuch Mun. II 67.
Til haf ful regres in and to the said landis foroutyn ony processe of law a1500 Henr. Fab. 2682 (Bann.).
Thair suld no man … His aduersar puneis at his awin hand Without proces of law in audiens 1488 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 427.
Prosses 1548 Grant Chart. 102.
For the quhilk he hes comprisit be prorsus of law, certane landis c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii 927. Id. Seven S. 5407.
Gif ȝe will … Vndo ȝour sone without proces of lawis It salbe worse to ȝow 1564 Lochwinnoch Par. 79. 1592 Orkney Oppress. 101.
That … he may summarlie, but forme prosceiss of law, posses him selffe in our haill landis 1653 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 60.
And iff evir he sould be sein heireftir … within the Aill of Brittane … he was content to suffer death by hanging without any proces of law(2) 1431 Liber Melros II 522.
Hafand full power … be … the kingis patentis … be lauchfull proces procedand befor [etc.] 1436 Coll. Aberd. & B. 394.
That thai landis … hade bene … recouerit be lauchfull processe for the defaute of [etc.](3) 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 156.
Of thingis that lattis proces of iustice or thar commissaris
6. a. Litigation, legal action, legal proceedings before a judge or court or otherwise. b. The conducting of legal proceedings, or the hearing of an action or actions by a judge or court; trial, hearing. c. Judgement or findings following on these, or the document setting this out.Also said of actions in ecclesiastical courts.(1) 1456 Hay I 270/9.
And that in sik proces [sc. a plea before a judge in a court] the provour … suld speke first Ib. 274/3.
Gif a crime or caus mycht efter it was anys jugit cum again in jugement thare suld be nane end of proces na pledis a1500 Henr. Fab. (O.U.P.) 1225.
The arbiteris than summar and plane The sentence gaue and proces fulminait: The scheip suld pas befoir the volff agane And end his pley 1540 Lynd. Sat. 3914 (Ch.).
Becaus that clarks our substance dois consume For bils and proces of thair prelacies 1555 Aberd. B. Rec. I 288.
Beand lauchtfullie warnit … for the third and last dyat of proces 1558–9 Statut. Sc. Ch. 159.
The leigis of this realme ar havely hurt be the lang proces of the consistorial jugement 1561 Reg. Privy C. I 177.
I nocht the les willing to schort proces and schaw myself … benevolent … to the persewaris 1571–2 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. VII 62.
Anent the poindin of Johne Swyntoun and uther proces c1575 Balfour Pract. 275.
Na judge … aucht … till accept ony man in court as suitar bot him that can mak sufficient and lauchful record of proces, domis, and judgment 1579 Reg. Privy C. III 220.
Seing the langsumnes of proces, and slender executioun of decreittis 1594–5 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 6 a.
For exspenes and proses at ple and for ane mane that makis our report 1615 Fraserburgh Kirk S. 4 April.
[He says] that he is proceiding aganis thame bot tellis nocht at quhat point of proces he is 1620 Grant Chart. 327.
We … abstractit the kuist and haill process for that day 1621 Acts IV 621/2.
The extracting of proces wreatin compactlie ilk leafe on baith the syiddes, ij s. c1630 Scot Narr. 149.
That the Counsell wold passe from all processe and persute a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 233.
The Lords reduce rolements of inferior courts for inordinat proces 1686 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 29.
Hundreds of caussis … , where still ther was proces by way of declarator perseued 1690 Shields Grievances and Sufferings 9.
Some they murdered without process(2) c1420 Wynt. viii 1580.
Fra his court, and his proces [C. prosses] This Makduff appellyd for-thi 1424 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 162.
Inhibicione … to the … juge delegate in this caus that he suspende his proces quhill [etc.] 14.. Quon. Attach. c. 43.
Giff the scherray has processe to mak again ony man … the processe aw to be rollyt apon this maner 1456 Hay II 156/7.
That he be a gude rychtwis justicer … na for lufe na hatrede … he myslede nocht his proces 1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 175. a1585 Maitland Maitl. Q. li 5.
Plenand … That thair lang proces [Maitl. F. prosous] may na man induire Id. Ib. l 47. 1606 Melvill 723. 1625 Moray Synod 12.
Mr. John Hay reports that he had processit the guidman of Burgie so long as he was in the countrey. … The synod ordans him to gang fordward in his censuring and process(3) 1389–90 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 18.
That thai aucht nocht for to be had out of that lordschip withouttin mare proces 1513 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 24.
Entrais to the samyn … to be without ony proces of judge spretuall or temporel 1548 Reg. Cupar A. II 55.
In that cace it salbe tynsall of thair takkis but ony forder proces 1576 Bks. Adjournal MS 7.
[The advocate] protestit for forder procis in the said mater 1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 223.
To putt me to exsecutione, butt farther proses a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 275. 1656 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 62.
Neuer to return … under the paine of death … without ony new process of farder probation to bee led & deducit against them(4) 1522 Treas. Acc. V 207.
To the prior of Sanctandrois … to send ane commissioun for proces to be led on the thevis 1531–2 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 53.
Our soveran lordis lettres … chargand the ballies … to ces proces 1535 Stewart 45415.
Syne Alexander … But any caus … Of halie kirk the proces on him led 1536 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 132.
In payne of quhais nocht comperans the said Master Hew … desirit proces conform to the said precept 1544 Reg. Privy S. III 116/1.
Discharging yow all … of all leding of prosses or censurs of Haly Kirk upoun him 1550 Dundee B. Ct. II fol. 2 b (6 Oct.).
Quha producit eird & stane & askit prosses for the secund court 1555 Glasg. Univ. Mun. I 60.
Dischargis … Williame Bischop of Dunblane … of all asking cravyng monyssing and ledyng of proces quhatsumever aganis the saidis personis 1555 Peebles B. Rec. I 216.
That thair part of the compromit mycht haif proceis and letteres monitoriales raisit on the said Johne 1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. 2 a.
And proces to be gevin vpone ilk sumond be the ordour of the table Ib. 13 a.
Sua everie quarter resaues proces particularly be the vpputting of the tabill 1566 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 77.
That no excommunicat person have any proces befor their honours unto the tyme they be reconcileit to the kirk 1572 Buch. Detect. ii (J).
Upon the quhilk productioun of the foirsaid letteris … the said aduocate askit an act of court … and desirit of the justice proces conform thairto 1572–3 Peebles B. Rec. I 353.
Proceis 1587 Carmichael Etym. 42.
I sal libel or intend proces against thé, tibi scribam 1589 Sutherland Bk. III 158.
Proces to be summarlie deducit thairvpoun 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 77. 1622-6 Bisset I 225/33.
The lordis declaired that … they will gif procese iudge decyde and gif sentence upoun all clausis c1630 Scot Narr. 55.
Commission was given to some brethren to lead processe against a number of these bishops … reserving the sentence till the nixt Generall Assembly 1635 Stirling's Royal Lett. II 853.
Befoir yow [sc. the Court of Session] … have gevin proces and sentence for annatts … to the prejudice of intrants Ib.
That there be no more proces granted in this kynd 1638 in Spalding I 109.
If any man enter in proces with ministeris erroneous in doctrein … , and if the presbitrie refuse thame process, that thay protest [etc.] 1656 Drummond II 190/24.
To find their dead arise againe, And processe with their judge maintaine ?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. I 74.
They would intend processe, and so legally proceede in the probation of thes crymes objected against them 1698 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 268.
That non … move, intent [etc.] … any proces or action whatsomever for debt(5) 1532 Instit. Ct. Sess. in Facs. Nat. MSS III xx.
And giff thair be ony actis of continuatioun of proces begune that the samyn be nixt callit Ib.
All continuationis of proces befor the lordis quhar actis ar past to be callit [etc.](6) c 1390 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 21.
Sa that the place be nowt distorbelit be processe in the mein tym 1436 Coll. Aberd. & B. 394.
That thai landis … war … wonnyn and recouerit be lauchfull processe for the defaute of schauyne of thar charteris 1549 Compl. 167/6.
Inuentand cauillatione … to hef ther nychtbours heretagis … othir be proces & pleyis, or ellis [etc.] c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i 779.
Gif he denyis, and grantis nocht the trespas, To ane assyse it man ga with proces 1557 Inverness Rec. I 10.
Efter lang proces proceding in the said caus 1561 (c 1650) Dundee B. Laws 23.
Be lang proces the cost … hes been … above the principell soume c1575 Balfour Pract. 270.
Be way of supplicatioun, and not be lang proces a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 233. 1669 Conv. Burghs III 618.
Only determinable by proces(7) 1626 Durie Decis. 227.
By his discharge produced in process
d. Under, also in, proces, also procesis, involved in legal proceedings; under trial; under judgement or sentence.1466 Acta Aud. 4/2.
Becaus the said Margret is vnder procesis and sentence of cursin 1581 Nugae Scoticae 36.
I am ȝit in prossis herfor I pray your L. saind me silver 1610 Cramond Ch. Aberdour 8.
Except nine lynes in process scraipit out and the evill covered 1618 Aberd. Council Lett. I 161.
That our burgesses non residentes ar presentlie under proces and charges to mak thair residence within xl dayes 1642 Strathbogie Presb. 29.
He was guiltie of … murther … for the quhich he … was lying under proces befor the civill judge 1652 Cullen Kirk S. 18 July.
The elders should delait … those that were in processe befor in Mr. Alexander Seaton his tyme 1670 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 2 April.
Which reports … ar all approven be the haill counsall and lying in proces
e. The style or manner of the proceedings used in a particular court or a particular type of case.1525 Acts II 297/2.
Becaus the proces of justice airis is sa lang and prolixt c1575 Balfour Pract. 30 marg.
Form of process before the spirituall juge 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 87 b.
The like proces sould be keiped, and observed in the breive of convention; quhereof this is the forme 1622-6 Bisset I 197/12.
Ane ordinare form of procese suld be led and deduced aganist him Ib. 278/26, 27.
For … there chaptouris abone specified off civile procese, quhereunto is added the sext proceses … used in Scotland befoir the erectioun of the college of justice Ib. II 65/28.
That ane forme be maid of the haill ordoure of the procese used befoir the lordis of sessioun
f. Of a judge or officer of the law (here, the Pope): To mak proces, to take legal action (aganis another).1456 Hay I 111/13.
Agaynis the quhilk emperour, the said pape maid proces, and deprivit him of the dignitee imperialle be sentence diffinitive
g. Of a judge or panel of judges: (To find) no proces, appar. = to find that there is no case to answer.1661 Decis. Lords G. 9.
The lords found no process at the instance of the countess 1672 Justiciary Ct. Rec. II 74. 1681 Stair Inst. (1693) iv xxxviii §1.
For the first defence, and the most general in all actions … No process for such a reason
7. Chiefly, a. A legal action brought, or heard, before a judge or court; a case, cause, plea or hearing. Also, b. A legal procedure for any form of litigation. (Cf. also 9 below.) c. Also, the findings, judgement or sentence in a cause, following its hearing.Also said of actions in ecclesiastical courts. Also fig.For some further examples, see Lede v. 18, Leding vbl. n. 6.1681 Stair Inst. (1693) iv iii §21.
A process is an action sustained by a judge, that thereupon either an act or definitive sentence may follow … and therefore an action not sustained cannot be a process though in vulgar acceptance any summons [etc.] Ib. xxxviii §1. 1233 Acts I 85.
[Processus pro terra de Monachkennaran recuperanda coram judicibus 1349 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 80.]
Et petiit processum primi diei litis supradicte sibi perlegi(1) c1420 Wynt. viii 1628.
And menyd hym … that he wes Noucht trettyd as kyng in that proces [C. prosses] 1436 Coll. Aberd. & B. 394.
That the processe was suthfaste and lauchfully done in it selff 1456 Hay I 271/23.
And tharfor quhen twa campiouns ar in clos felde of barrieris, and the proces be all cummyn to poynt, redy to the conclusioun 1492 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 63.
Greitt trubill … sustenit … be calanȝears quhilkis accept thame to the court of processis and dilatour 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 689.
This inordinate court and proces quaid, I will obiect 1501–2 Acta Conc. III 172. 1519 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 188.
And for vther syndre causis the proces had na ordour 1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 175.
And our said schiref … hes forebydding his clerk of court to gif to the said James the coppy of the said proces 1525 Acts II 297/2.
That therfor in tyme tocum the procesis of justice airis and justice courtis be peremptour 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1123 (Ch.).
And ȝe sir freir, becaus ȝe can declair The haill processe, pas with him in commissioun Ib. 2003 (Bann.).
He … haldis me ȝit vndir the same proces [: pes] That [etc.] 1542 Acts II 416/2.
It apperis … the said proces invalide, null & aganis all law & equite deducit & gevin 1543 Reg. Morton II 288. 1545 Reg. Privy C. I 5.
To warne all our souerane ladyis liegis that hes ony processis ellis dependent or to be callit, that tha awate thairupon 1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. 26 a.
The summondis haill proces and sentences to be in vulgare toung 1570 Sat. P. xxii 84.
Thy fair fals toung dois still impung Our crown imperiall, Lyke wauering thane thy proces vane Will brew thé bitter gall 1574–5 Haddington Treas. Acc. 33.
The proces betuix Faconer and Thomas Thomsone 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 183/11.
The suffering of any contradiction … makis the processis endles 1587-99 Hume 74/206. 1600-1610 Melvill 10.
The haill expences of the proces and pices of the tytle … I estimat to a houndrethe marks 1622-6 Bisset I 168/17.
Quhilk inspectioun of the peces and wreittis of the procese suld … be granttit to the defender Ib. 212/29.
Proses 1630 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. III 450.
[He] hes kythed as ane partie … in all this processe and hes compeired in all the dyets 1645 Sc. N. & Q. 1 Ser. XII 60.
All processes ar continued against the next day because of the enemie 1650 Inverurie 314.
That ewerie session have five distinct registers, on for proceisses, discipline, ecclesiastical acts 1667 Dumbarton B. Rec. App. i 8.
He supplicat the sessioune to put a spedie cloise to his process 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii xxx 1 (1678) 557.
Some crimes have been tryed … at midnight and the malefactor immediatly drowned … without inserting any part of the process in the journal-books 1679 Dunblane Synod 146. 1681 London Gaz. No. 1648/4.
Preachers … declared fugitives upon a process intented against the said tennants 1681 Cleland 110.
And all the proces firm and fast To give the Counsel Jedburgh cast 1681 Stair Inst. (1693) iv ii §1.
All points of processes before them are with continuation of days Ib. xxxix §11. 1698 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 268.fig. a1605 Montg. Son. lv 7.
My patience pleids my proces at the bar(2) 1474 Acta Aud. 32/2.
Tuiching the inordinate procesis quhilk thai led as schereffis in that part direct be the kingis lettrez 1488 Acta Conc. I 88/1.
Efter the forme of the proces led apoun him 1492 Ib. 245/2.
The proces and dome led and gevin be the said chawmerlane depute aganis [etc.] 1492 Aberd. B. Rec. I 47.
That Bischop Alexander … renuncit all procissis made be him anent the tendis of [etc.] 1496 Acta Conc. II 25.
The saidis Lords … suspendis the proces past apone the sade erle and Wilȝeam in this mater of before in the menetyme 1496–7 Ib. 63.
That thai mak na execucione of na proces apone Maister Jhone Spens 1518–19 Fife Sheriff Ct. 297.
Summondis of errour for the retreting of the said processe 1522 Ib. 175. 1545 Reg. Privy C. I 5.
That quhether tha compere or nocht … that processis sal be had in all materis accordinglie as efferis 1583 Colville Lett. 38.
I man fra the begynninge deduce the haill proces led agains me 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 103 b.
He may cast the proces, saying, that … it was made vnlawfullie vnder sunne 1620 Mar & Kellie MSS Suppl. 105.
For the Deane of Murraye, I see his prorsus is endit with him selfe, and soe it fell him faire 1622 Fraserburgh Kirk S. fol. 143 b (25 Dec.).
The proces aganis John Maij to be walkinit & to begin quhair it left 1622-6 Bisset I 176/31.
That all … inordinate processis, be raisit … with in the space of thrie ȝeiris 1650 Brechin Presb. 47.
Processe 1666 Galloway Synod 72.
If Caigton the pursuer shall desist the processe a1670 Scot Staggering State 33.
There was a process intented against him by the Earl of Marr 1686 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 77. 1693 Fountainhall Decis. I 572. 1697 Penninghame Par. Rec. I 9.
The process being let fall when Mr. Cobham went hence, the Session thinks fit to revive the processe again 1698 Glasgow B. Rec. IV 267. 1697-1707 D. Hume Accompt of Estate 32.
And so did cast his process as heir to John(3) 1645 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. III 45.
That no process could pass againes hir for the moueable airship
8. a. In earlier use, appar. chiefly, A document or record narrating the proceedings and judgement in a case; a record of the hearing of a case by a court.1386 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS 410/2.
That the forsayde personaris contenyt in his prosces souch hym nother with grace [etc.] … to delay his dome na his proces 1436 Coll. Aberd. & B. 394.
Apon the quhilkis he schiev his processe and his dome giffin and the reseysing tharof agayne in his handis Ib.
The quhilk … assise … herde the processe forsaide rede and yede out of the courte haffande that processe with thaim a1500 Henr. Fab. 1239 (Bann.).
The iugeis into the caus furth cowth proceid, Lawrence the actis and proces wrait 1499–1500 Acta Conc. II 354.
[John, Lord of Cathcart, asked an act] that he had deliverit the processe that he was servit of til my Lord Chancellar 1500 Ib. 472.
Til bring with him the proces of the court led be him in this mater 1521 Fife Sheriff Ct. 274.
To produce before ȝou thar processe & rolment of court of the said pretendit sentence … to here the sammyn discussit befor ȝou as ordinar juge 1543 Acts II 433/1.
For reductioun of ane proces be ressoun of informalite & nullite contenit in the samyn 1561 Reg. Privy C. I 188 n.
The proces following suld be insert befoir this act and the samyn wes omittit c 1566 Fife Sheriff Ct. 407.
The clerk sall reid throw the haill rolment and proces of the last court haldin last befoir 1590 Aberd. Council Lett. I 50.
Sum auld imperfect informall bukis contenying partes of buikis … not haill yeris sic as the processes of the courts of Abd. 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii xvi 3 (1678) 433.
From all which, it seems somewhat strange that this process should have been insert in the adjournal books
b. ? The mandate, summons or writ which formally initiated an action at law.1496–7 Acta Conc. II 63.
That thai bring with thame al … citacions and processes purchest be thame 1532 Treas. Acc. VI 50.
For … parchement skynnis … to write the proces upon for the taxt Ib. 51.
For rede walx to sele the proces 1534 Ib. 208.
To Alexander Ȝoung for making of iij proces, ane for apprising of the lord Simpillis landis … and ane apoun the lard of Barsquyb for [etc.] … and the thrid apoun the lard of Walterstoun 1591 Aberd. B. Rec. I Pref. viii.
Onlie suittis and actionis, or processus for annuellis, euil to be red, be resoun of the antiquite of the wreit 1621 Acts IV 621/2.
For the proces of a speciall seruice to landis
c. Latterly, the documents and pleadings on which an action is based, lodged in court prior to the hearing of a case;‘the writs, forms and pleadings from the first step down to the judgement, by which an action or prosecution is brought under judicial cognizance’ (A.D. Gibb).1681 Stair Inst. (1693) iv iii §21.
Though in vulgar acceptance any summons when but called by a clerk and appointed to be seen is called a process Ib. xxxviii §1.
Yet the summons, with the instructions thereof, … is called a process, albeit properly it be not, until an interlocutor be upon it 1532 Instit. Ct. Sess. in Facs. Nat. MSS III xx.
That all publicationis of witnes and vthir attestationis and examinatioun of proces be maid befor the haill auditour 1583–4 Perth B. Ct. 17 Jan. (see Pece n. 15 a). 1622-6 Bisset I 165/12.
That quhat evir advocate tynis … the peces or procese of his awin clyent or of his pairtie adversare deliverit to him to be sene salbe haldin to ansueir [etc.] Ib. 167/22.
And the sicht of the peces of the procese, sic as the principall summonis, the executioun and indorsation thairof, with the perseweris tytill … quhairupoun his lybell is founded Ib. 220/21, 24.
That all procese salbe advised everie Setterday … and that the auldest procese be first advised a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 49.
Summonds and processes … apparentlie befor that tyme [sc. 1563] … used to be in Latine 1666 St. A. Presb. 84.
That processe which was given in in the fornoon by Mr. Andro Bruce minister of Carnbie against Margret Guthrie, scandalous for many yeares for vitchcraft, was read before the brethren 1681 Stair Inst. (1693) iv xxxviii §6.
The clerk marks the process to be seen in such an advocate's house, who is answerable for the return of it Ib. xxxix §3.
Processes with us are said to be discussed when the relevancy thereof is determined Id. Form of Process 3.
Processes are brought in before the lords … some in the first instance, some in the second
d. In fig. contexts.1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 25.
It may weill make up a dittay and proces against you, against the day of that generall assemblie 1630 Rutherford Lett. (1891) 55.
The wicked … are … clerks to their own process, and doing nothing all their life but gathering dittayes against themselves a1652 Dickson Psalms 1–50 (1653) 36.
When a process hath been lying long before God a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 24.
He is leading witnesses and fitting processes and discovering the truth and falsehood of everything
9. With qualifying phrase or possessive specifying the subject of the litigation or the form of legal procedure, trial or judgement.(1) 1480 Acta Conc. I 72/2.
It suld nocht hafe nedit the said Alexander to lede ony procesis of the said land 1482 Acts II 144/1.
And that na man vse ony procesis of ony pensioun impetrate contrare the saide actis 1519–20 Stirling B. Rec. I 1.
Ane proces of ane land liand in the Mary Wynd(2) 1631 Justiciary Cases I 155.
To cause forme and mak the said Margaret Woid hir proces and dittay upone hir manifest … periurie and abuseing 1638 Baillie I 163.
Orknay's processe came first before us: he was a curler … on the Sabbath-day [etc.](3) 1492 Reg. Episc. Morav. 248.
In sic effect … as proces of breif of perambulation 1496–7 Acta Conc. II 64.
Ane absolucione simpliciter of the proces of cursing past on him 1498–9 Ib. 332.
That gif this processe of the decernyng of thir landis … be decernit til the kingis hienes … , that he [etc.] 1499–1500 Ib. 392.
Til suspend al processis of cursing led be him apone the sade schiref 1512 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 358.
Be detful proces of recognicioune for none payment of … grund annuel 1515–16 Reg. Privy S. I 412/1.
With discharge … of all lettres and proces of horne gevin agains the said Thomas 1535 Acts II 350/1. 1540 Reg. Privy S. II 530/1.
Throw the said Laurence falseing and finȝeing of ane proces of apprising 1544 Aberd. B. Rec. I 207.
And producit ane proces of recognitioun ordourlie led at thrie sindry heid courtis 1561 St. A. Kirk S. 130.
He wald use nan other [defence] nor he had used alredy, in the proces of adherence 1573 Elgin Rec. I 140.
The decreit of the reductioun of the proces of forfaultry foirsaid 1578 Acts III 112/1.
Addettit … be proces of erd and stane in four heid court as is prescriwit be the form of law 1611 Scrymgeour Invent. (S.R.S.) 31.
Proces of appryseing led be Marie Erskyn, ladie Ruthvennis, aganis George Creichtoun of Canna, of the landis of Henderstoun 1622-6 Bisset I 12/14 f.
Togidder with the auld formes of the procesis of falsing of domes, the procese of the breve of perambulation, … the procese betuix the lord and the tennent, [etc.] a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 54.
Ane process or breive of ideotrie 1683 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 82.
Because ther is ane proces of compt and reckoneing and malversatione … depending against them 1690 Acts IX 225/2.
Remit of the proces of treason to the Lords of Justiciary(4) 1621 Acts IV 621/2.
For deduceing of a proces to serve a generall air and for extracting … off the retoure theroff
10. Attrib. in proces clerkschipe (senses 4-9 above). —1449 Aberd. B. Rec. MS V i 64.
The alderman and balȝeis … has grauntit the next proces clerkschipe that uakes in the burgh to William Forstar