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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Spek(e, Speik, v. Also: speike, speick, (speikin), speyk, speck(e, speak(e, speack, speek(e, speeck, spake, spaik(e, spick(e, spyk. P.t. spak(e, spack(e, spaik, spo(c)k(e, spoak, (speak, spekyn), spakit. P.p. spok(k)-, spock- and -in(e, -yn(e, -ing, -en, -ein, -an, spo(c)kne, spoikin, spookin, spolkyn, speikin, spock(e, spok(e, spoake, spookt. [ME and e.m.E. specon (c1120), speke(n (c1175), spæcke(n (Layamon), speke (a1250), spe(c)k (Cursor M.), speike (c1400), speak(e (1535), etc. P.t. spec (a1122), spac (a1154), spak (a1250), speke (Layamon), spack (Cursor M.), spake (a1300), spoke (1377), spoake (1617), etc. P.p. i-speken (c1200), spoken, -in (Cursor M.), i-spoke (Trevisa), spoke (Gower), spokyn (c1400), spocken (1583), etc., late OE specan, p.t. spæc, p.p. spæcon, OE sprecan, MDu. spreken, (rarely) speken, MLG spreken.] To speak.

I. intr. 1. To exercise or possess the faculty of speech; (to have the ability) to utter or articulate meaningful sounds; (to have the freedom) to express one's thoughts in words, orally or in writing. Also proverb. and fig.Also, in collocation with ga.Also, const. with, by or out of one's mouth, etc.(1) 1375 Barb. ii 133.
He ne wald spek [1571 sleip] till he war gane
1375 Barb. iv 200. a1400 Leg. S. xi 244.
Ther men to spek sal haf na mycht
1460 Hay Alex. 2191.
He lay ane lang tyme or that he spak
a1500 Henr. Fab. 44.
My author in his fabillis tellis how That brutal beistis spak and vnderstude
1513 Doug. ii xii 27.
Speke mycht I not, the voce in my hals swa stak
1560 Rolland Seven S. 4080.
The day will cum … quhen he speikis that is dum
a1580 in Bann. Trans. 491.
The erle had died … speikand to the latter mamonde of his lyfe
a1578 Pitsc. II 58/3.
Not allso … his meik ansueris sa far as he had leif and lasure to speik
1580 Hume Promine 119.
The goldspinkis was sa glaid Culd thai haif spokin, doutles thai had said [etc.]
a1599 Rollock Wks. I 339.
Speik thairfoir ever according to conscience
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 94b.
Quhen peace and silence is proclamed … na man sall speik, bot they quha sould keip the streit [etc.]
c1616 Hume Orthog. 21.
They have the exemple of France … speak ane way and wryte an-other
1667 Lamont Diary (1810) 246.
James Elder, a seaman … by the fall of a keap-stone … his head was bruised in to peices, and never spake after
proverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 989.
I speik as ye speik, as Lamb Sandie said to the laird of Bass
(2) a1400 Leg. S. i 483.
Gyf he liffis, he ma spek, and ga And othir lifly taknis ma
a1400 Leg. S. xi 257.
We sal gyf tham leyf to speke, … Syne gyf tham leif to ga
c1420 Ratis R. 1114.
Within the fyrst thre ȝere … buskis child to spek ore ga
1460 Hay Alex. 208.
Quhan he com to spek and gang of age, He passit all vther bairnis of curage
1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 527.
Quhat gret mysreule, in to this regioun rang, Quhen our ȝong prince could noder spek nor gang
(3) c1490 Irland Asl. MS 11/14.
Sen man or woman offendis God in thair hert thinkand or spekand be thare tung [etc.]
1568 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 13.
The said Villiam planlie spak and affermit he wald never ressaue his vif agane for ony man that wald speik with ane tong
transf. a1585 Polwart Flyt. 764 (T).
Tanny cheikis, [I] think thow speikis with thy breikis, foul ers

b. With the voice, mouth or tongue as subject. 1460 Hay Alex. 3048.
Be the voce that spak he haid ane feill And but delay his message send abak
1551 Hamilton Cat. 110.
Of the abundance of the hart the mouth spekis
1562-3 Winȝet I 120/3.
Gif it [sc. the invisible Kirk] wantis toungis to speik and handis to writt [etc.]
1567 G. Ball. 88.
Thair leing tungis, O Lord, cut out, That speikis in to Thy contemptioun

c. Of a bird: To imitate the sounds of speech. 1549 Compl. 182/1.
He … neurissit tua ȝong corbeis in tua cagis, in tua syndry housis, and he leyrnit them baytht to speik
16… Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. III 191.
Jay called lipper-jayes, taught to speak as exactly as any parrat

d. With various adverbs and adverbial phrases of manner, intention, etc. Also with the tongue as subject.Some of the instances in (2) may properly be tr. uses of the verb.(1) 1375 Barb. viii 143.
The king that hard his messynger Had dispyt … That Schyr Aymer spak sa heyly, Tharfor he ansueryt irusly
?1438 Alex. ii 101.
The gude man hard the king sa speik, For tein his hart in shunder breik
?1438 Alex. ii 556.
Speke softer and be not sa bald!
a1500 Rauf C. 278.
Than callit he on the carll … For to tak his leif, than spak he freindly
1490 Irland Mir. II 146/34.
In this mater I will speik with all humilite honour & reuerens of the diuinite
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 680. c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 40.
They wauchtit at the wicht wyne and waris out wourdis; And syn thai spak more spedelie and sparit no matiris
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 212/33.
Towsy sayis I am sa streiche I speik not lyk thair hous menȝie
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2481.
The deuyllis … In those ydolis thay maid thare entres, and in thame spak
1568 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 13 (see 1 (3) above). 1585 Lett. Jas. VI to Eliz. 19.
I doubt not, madame, but ye have kept one eare for me, notwithstanding of many malicios tongues that nou do boldlie spicke
(2) ?1438 Alex. ii 558.
Ȝoung men that to armes tais Sould lytill speke
1456 Hay I 33/13.
Therfor suld I undertak to speke mare forthirly
a1500 Rauf C. 270.
Mair the king spak nocht
1513 Doug. ix x 105.
Thus far spekis Ascanyus, and na mair
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. vi 7.
In praying wil ye nocht speke mekile as hethin men dois
1562-3 Winȝet I 6/25.
Tyme not permitting vs to speik ferder in this mater
a1570-86 Maitl. F. 127/63.
The Inglismen War schamit of thair wourdis … and spak na mair In till dispyt
1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. vi 547. a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 819 (Wr.).
Speak on Experience … We think you hold you dumb
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 84b.
Gif any man railes or speiks evill to the baillie in his lords court
a1651 Calderwood II 523.
proverb. 1584-9 Maxwall Commonpl. Bk. Prov. No. 85.
Those that lowe most speake least
(3) ?1438 Alex. ii 2222.
The King saw and persauit weill That ielusy gart hir speik ilk deill
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 300/101.
I speik for na dispyt treulie My selffe am not of faltis fre
1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas ii 197.
Perceiving that of policy she spak From Italy Æneas to keip back

e. specif. of God, a person's spirit, etc.: To communicate, to find (literary) expression (in, (to) a person, etc.). a1400 Leg. S. xxix 114.
Men suld treu That in hyme [sc. the hart] spak swet Jhesu
c1420 Wynt. v 1943.
This spyryte that spak in to the brest … off this wode preste, Wes off the de[wi]le
c1515 Asl. MS I 318/10.
The haly gast speking in Dauid he prophetizit the psalter complete
c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxx 49.
Thy spreit, my spreit to speik, with speid, inspyr. Holp, holie ghost! and be Mongomries muse

f. Followed by quotation of the words uttered. Also in collocation with say.(1) ?1438 Alex. ii 3847.
Scho … spak, ay taryand him hethingfully, ‘Schir, wraith ȝow nocht sa egarly'
1460 Hay Alex. 332.
He granit soir and spak ȝit at the last; ‘Now se I weill my goddis war all suthfast [etc.]’
a1500 Henr. Fab. 523.
Than Pertok spak, that feinȝeit faith befoir … ‘Sister [etc.]’
a1500 K. Hart 593.
The king begouth to speik vpone this wyse: ‘Fayr Conscience [etc.]’
a1500 K. Hart 684.
Honour he raid the castell round about … ‘Is Eis thairin?’ cryit he … Dame Plesance spak … ‘He is ane gouernour of ouris, that ilk’
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 167/14.
Than spak the Devill hard him besyd, Renunce thy God and cum to me
1567 G. Ball. 35.
The ȝungest [son] spak in this maneir [etc.]
a1568 Bann. MS I p. 25/5.
Than spak ane bird hard me besyd … ‘Thir wordis in hairt se that thow hyde [etc.]’
1588 King Cat. 30.
For thow hes spoken by thyne halie and blessed mouth ‘the bread quhilk I sal giue is my fleshe [etc.]’
(2) 1456 Hay I 64/28.
A labourare … broddit his ox with a scharp brod, the quhilk ox spak agayne sayand till his maister ‘Quhy broddis thou me?’
1456 Hay II 7/30.
The worthy knycht spak first, sayand, ‘Faire frende, [etc.]’
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1263.
Spynok spekis with speche, said: ‘Moue you na thing [etc.]’
1513 Doug. i x 14.
Scho spak, and said on this maner: ‘O thow my child [etc.]’

2. To communicate or speak in (tyll) or with (a language, etc.).(1) c1420 Wynt. i 1708.
Men begouth to speke In tyll mony twngys sere
c1420 Wynt. v 1939.
This was noucht that spyryt … that … Illumynyd the Appostillys, swa that thai Oppynly spak in all langage
1533 Boece 327.
Prince Oswald was interpretour and … schew the pepill in thare native tung the wordis of Aidane as he spak in his maternal langage
(2) 1535 Stewart 1677.
Wyis ald men … The kingis barnis … Tha taucht to speik with diuers [kynd of] toung

b. To express oneself in (a particular style of language). 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 29/205.
That olde voce serude in Dodon, spak in verse As Æsculap did
1674 Laing MSS 397.
Your grace did charge me as unchristian and uncivill, tho I wes upone my guard to speik in all submissive termes

3. To converse, talk, hold discourse. Also const. to and fra, cf. 18 below.(1) 1375 Barb. xix 309.
As thai war on this wis spekand Our ane hey rig thai saw ridand Towart thaim [etc.]
1525 St. A. Formulare I 271.
I forbid … alsua al Cristin man and uoman til have ony cumpany with thame eittand drynkand speikand prayand … or ony uthir deid doand
c1527 James V in Bk. Old Edinb. C. XI 117.
That na man sall heir the disputation of the lordis, bot at tha ma spek disput and argw libere
1593 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 262.
And finds that quhatsomewer instruments protestations calumniatt speiking in privatt or publick maid against the said Thomas … to haif proceiditt vpon fals growndis
1667 Dumbarton B. Rec. App. i 9.
About ten hours at nyt she heard William Campbell and Jonet Allan speiking out of bed neir tuo hors
(2) ?1438 Alex. ii 7633.
Thusgait spekand to and fra, To palyce Jupiter thay ga

4. In various parenthetical phrases: a. As (it) is befor, etc. spokyne, as (it) is previously, etc. said or mentioned; as wes commounlie spookin, as was generally said; as I spak before, as afor I spak, as I said previously, as I mentioned before.(1) 1387 Edinb. Chart. 36.
The forsayde communyte sal gyfe to the forsayde masounys for the forsade werk as it is before spokyne vic mark of sterlyngis of the payment of Scotlande
1399–1400 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 43.
As is befoir spoken
1433 Liber Coll. Glasg. 167.
To be haldyn … tyll the priour … in fourme and maner as is befor spokyn
1649 Lamont Diary 5.
He sold his lands in Fyfe … as is afteruarde spoken
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 291.
This … wes done as wes commounlie spookin be the avice of the Inglis ambassatouris
(2) 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 71/13.
And because this tayle nather seruis for cullour nor fute, as I spak before [etc.]
1596 Dalr. I 14/25.
The pastorall is plesand, as afor I spak, of quhilke we haue cheis nane fyner, and buttir in gret quantitie

b. For to speke, so to spake, so to speak. c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 136.
And schortly for to speke, be lufis quene I was aspyit
1650 Carstairs Lett. 64.
There is never ill in his mynde, never ane ill turne, so to spake, none of his thoughtes are thoughtes of ill

c. In contrast with the verbs think and do: Laitt be to speke (it), let be spoke (of), let alone to say (something), let alone be said (of a person), much less to say or be said. Cf. Lat v.1 2 f. 1575 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 41.
It is spokin and allegit be his grace … that we haid spokine off his graice that we haid maid his graice and we waild mismak him, quhilk we denye neuir to be thocht be ws, laitt be to spek it [pr. spekit]
1652 Protestation Given in by the Dissenting Brethren to the General Assembly July 21 12.
I confesse, ill enough cannot be done to, let be spoke, of men who are truly such as they describe

d. As we (vse to) speik, as we (usually) say, as we express it. 1596 Dalr. I 46/29.
In his thie bane, or as we speik, his hanche bane
1596 Dalr. I 166/25.
Galdie … douchtilie draue thame into thair strenthis, quha culde be formest in flicht, al throuch vther, and as we vse to speik, arse ouer heid
1596 Dalr. I 247/13.
To that intent he and his peiple mycht a litle drawe thair braith, or end, as we speik
1596 Dalr. I 266 marg.
Quha heir [sc. in monasteries] ar inclosit suld haue lettiris, or as we speik be lettiret
a1599 Rollock Wks. I 393.
Gif thou continue sa quhill thy lyfe be in thy lip, as we speik, quhill the last gasp

e. In pres. p. with adverbs or adverbial phrases. Also const. of.(1) 1490 Irland Mir. I 31/32.
And, spekand propirly, God alanerly is the thing that is
a1599 Rollock Wks. I 339.
He [sc. Paul] turnis him to the Corinthians, … and he sayis, ‘As for ȝou Corinthians (speiking sparinglie) I trust, &c.'
(2) 1549 Compl. 22/22.
The prophet Esaye, spekend be the spreit of Gode, he gyffis his maledictione on al them that beleuis that fortoune hes ony pouuer
(3) 1614 Crim. Trials III 301.
‘This is a sair matter,’ said he, (speikand of his father,) ‘thair was neuir thing lukkit weill yit quhilk he devysit’

5. To express one's views verbally, to make a speech, chiefly in a public or formal situation; to preach; to speak (as witness, advocate, etc.) in a court of law; to tell or recite a story. Also const. to (= for the purpose of).(1) pres. c1450-2 Howlat 99 (A).
The pape … baldly him bad That he suld spedely speike and spair nocht to spell
1456 Hay I 270/9.
In sik process the provour, … that makis the clame, suld speke first … and the tothir suld ansuere him
1456 Hay I 300/23.
He [sc. a prince] suld … be mesurit that he think alwayis before or he speke … and namely in his counsaile and in his perlement
1533 Bell. Livy II 47/19.
The consullis had inhibit him to speik
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1578.
Of ancient storyis for to tell, Abone all vther he did precell; Sa that euerilk creature To heir him speik thay tuke plesure
1600 Crim. Trials II 234.
Act aganis the ministeris of Edinburgh … they ar not worthie to be sufferit to speik or preiche publictlie to his heynes peopill
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 114b.
Of them quha sovld speik in Court … na man aught to speik, nor intromet betwix the parties, bot they ilke parties, and their forespeakers, and their counsell
1664 Dunkeld Presb. I 396.
We salbe writtin letters to the severall parichionors in your Presbiterie for ane voluntar contribution for that effect. We intreat your concurance that ȝe may spyk in your severall parioches for that end
1689 Acts XII 59/2.
That the members be allowed to speak oftner then twyce
p.t. 1460 Hay Alex. 1161.
The king … gart [tell] thame … quhow that knycht quhilk thair befoir thame spak, … haid tane his leve but lak
1513 Doug. xiii vi 205.
The Latynys, quhill he spak With vissage still beheld hym stupifak
1573 Davidson in Sat. P. xlii 960.
Had ilk preichour Into the mater bene als frak As ȝe haue bene heir sen ȝe spak, It had not cum to sic an heid
1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 147.
Mr. Androw Cant, and some uther of the brethren, spack likewise to the same purpose
1639 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 239.
The man that spocke and his speache
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. II 38.
During the Comissioner's aboade, it is saide that few ministers spocke, and but seldome
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. II 39.
1670 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 14 Dec.
That he called Johne Livingistoun dirten bailȝie and that the said William said to the bailȝie in his face he wished he never spake in his cause or no vther mans
p.p. c1450-2 Howlat 808 (A).
Mony lesingis he maid wald let for no man To speike quhill he spokin had
(2) 1617 Mill Mediæv. Plays 268.
He schall speik to the prais of the toun both anent the antiquitie thairof [etc.]

b. To speik bak, to have another opportunity to give one's opinion to a formal assembly. 1600-1610 Melvill 661.
In the end, Mr. Andro Melvill, craiffing licence, on his knees, humbly to speik bak again, spake out in his awin maner and [etc.]

c. Followed by quotation of the words uttered. Also in collocation with say.(1) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 148/76.
Thane spak anone Inoportunitie: … ‘I stand ay befoir the kingis face’
1533 Boece 614.
Than Dowglas … with waik woce … spak in this sort his lattere mynde: ‘My hartlie freyndis, [etc.]’
1560 Rolland Seven S. 314.
Than spak the fyft, Josephus hecht his name ‘Lord I am auld [etc.]’
1638 Sel. Biog. II 17.
Then Mr. David [Dick] raise and spack as followes:—The taske is large, the tyme is short [etc.]
(2) c1420 Wynt. v 2937.
A gret part off the cytezanys … Assemblyd befor the Emprioure … Ane for all … spak in hy, And sayd that, ‘Throwch the novelry [etc.]’
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 341.
Spynagros than spekis, said: ‘Lordingis in le [etc.]’
1490 Irland Mir. I 120/22.
And eftir spak the haly spiritis of the secund ierachie, … And said: ‘O hevinnis king [etc.]’
1560 Rolland Seven S. 324.
Than spak the sext … And said siclike as the laif said befoir, ‘Of ȝour gude grace rewaird I seik no moir [etc.]'
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 113/24.
The sacrament of the altare is bot ane syng … only of the body and bluid of our saluiour, sayand in his last suppar: ‘this is my body’, ar spokin be ane figure and similitude

6. With the thing written, also ? occasionally spoken, as subject: To express or state in words. 1375 Barb. viii 499.
The lettyr spak on this maner
1490 Irland Mir. II 23/28.
Thame that sais that God gouernis nocht the waurld … bot ordanis vthir vnder him to gouerne it agane thame spekis Iop xxxiiii
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 140/3.
The scriptouris speakis sumtyme be ane similitude
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 127.
Lat ws heir the text perfytlie feill, … speykand in the present tyme it sayis, [etc.]
1581 Sempill Sat. P. xliii 135.
Bot as the prouerbe speikis, it plaine appeiris, Auld men will die, and barnes will sone forȝet

7. fig. a. Of a mode of behaviour: To be expressive or indicative of its nature. b. Of something eaten: To cause discomfort (in the stomach).a. a1500 Bk. Chess 618.
Quhen ȝe kyth to frendis ȝour gud will The gud will speik thocht ȝe wald hald ȝow still
b. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 853.
I love not the meit speiks in my wimb

II. tr. With various prepositions.

8. To spek about, tuiching, to discuss (a matter). 1492 Myll Spect. 272/24.
The luf quhilk is detfully vsit in the haly band of matermoney tuiching the quhilk I will nocht speik in my sempill translatioun
1666 Laing MSS 349.
I shall … give you an accompt of your owin busines … so far as I could learn from those I sent for to spek about it

b. To speik … anent, to talk about (a person) in a particular way. 15.. Clar. ii 1708.
The nobill knichtis speikis more largly Anents my sone … nor he hes deservit

9. To speke agane, aganis or contrair, to express hostility or opposition to, to say or write something unfavourable about (something or someone).1456 Hay II 99/22 (see 14 b below). 1567 G. Ball. 119.
Thay haue blasphemit all too lang, Speikand contrair thy godlie Maiestie
1568 Lyndesay Pref. (STS) Adhort. 39.
Intill his bukis to speik he did nocht spair Aganis all vyce
1596 Dalr. II 284/10.
Contrare Lenox tha spack verie scharpe
1627 Laing MSS 177.
The mowthes of these that speiks against them may be stoppit
1651 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 641.
Some reiding publicke orders … speckes aganist them in priuat conferences
1686 J. Canaries Rome's Addition to Christianity.
They render it leasing-making and lese-majesty to speak against popery at all

10. To speke for, to make a plea in speech or writing in place of or on behalf of (a person or thing), to speak for; to speik ane for ane uther, to speak on behalf of another.(1) 1375 Barb. vi 201.
Thedeus … swa spak for Polnices That [etc.]
1490 Irland Mir. II 104/36.
The secund buk of the sentens quhar as me think I haue spokin mar profoundly for clerkis na heir for lawde men
1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 38.
The Pichtis … maid inhibicionis to all personis, vnder pane of deth, to speke for thame or trete peace in ony maner
1533 Bell. Livy II 47/17.
Gif it be lefull to me (O consullis) to speik for the commoun weill, I will nocht suffir the pepill to be dissauit in this mater
a1578 Pitsc. I 222/21, 23.
I desyre … to speik this day for my brother for … thair is nane … that is ane mane of law that dar speik for him foir feir of ȝour grace
a1578 Pitsc. I 222/28.
My hairt may nocht suffer me to sie my natiue house … to perische … . Fervent lufe … constranis me to speik for the samin and to defend it
1622-6 Bisset I 32/5.
Quha spak for thaim, war repute, as participant of the cryme
1650 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 596.
The housse gave him liue to speake for himselve, wich he did … with all reuerence to the parliament
1650 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 607.
Not knowing wither some of ws … shall … heireafter haue aney occasione to speike for the discharge of our consciences, wee haue … thought it necessarey to [etc.]
1666 Laing MSS 350.
Had I not 5 pour children … I shuld trubell nobody ether to spek or doe for me
(2) 1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World Suppl. xii.
The said woman disyred that the declarant should imploy her to spick for her to the Queen of Farie
(3) c1566 in Fife Sheriff Ct. 406.
That na man trubill this court … to speik ane for ane uther without leif askit and gewin

b. With non-material subject. a1568 Bann. MS I p. 36/31.
Ȝour awin conscience innocent Sall speik for ȝow quhen thai ȝow call Befoir the iuge in iugement

c. To redeem (a pledge), to order (a commodity), (to seek) to hire (workmen). 14.. Acts I 10/2.
Quhen tha thre dayis ar gane and na man cumys to spek for that pund than sal the playntiff haf that pund … thare to do wyth it as lawe wil
1574–5 Haddington Treas. Acc. in E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. VIII 20.
To James Twydye to ryde to Broxmouth to speik for ane stane [sc. ? a millstone] vi s. viii d.
15… Crawford Mun. Invent. II 56 (1 April).
I haif spoken for ane luging of Mr. Henrey Lauderis
1655 Conv. Burghs III 405.
Seuerall burgessis … ar not onlie content to buy thair goodis at the free mercatis and publict fairs but goes and sendis to the cuntrie and thairfoir speakis and buyes thair seuerall commodities
1671 Dunferm. Coal Acc. 4b.
Thomas Elders charges goeing to Keltie to speak for workmen

11. To speke of, to talk about, to tell of; to discourse about in speech or writing; to discuss; to mention. Also proverb.Also const. to or for (= on behalf of) a person, etc.(1) 1375 Barb. xiii 751.
Thar wes done na chewalry Prowyt that is to spek of her
1375 Barb. xv 433.
He hard the folk … Spek off the lord Douglas mycht
a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 60.
Syne tuk I one hand to tret Forthire & of the ewangel speke
?1438 Alex. ii 150.
Lat be and speik of vther thing
c1450-2 Howlat 467 (A).
We will speike of Dowglace quhat way he couth wend
1456 Hay I 37/31.
In this part of this buke myn entencioun is nocht to speke of the citee of Macedone; be caus [etc.]
c1475 Wall. ix 1637.
The ax he gat, that Anderson off spak
1490 Irland Mir. I 29/10.
The first is, the gret benignite of the fadere that I haue spokin of in the chepture precedent
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 210/1.
Eftir geving I speik of [M. we will speik of] taking
1513 Doug. vii vi 70.
Of sik strangeris the goddis spak
1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 83.
He maid ane edict that all pepill quhilkis blasphemit God … or spak of the devill, salbe brynt with ane hait irne on thair lippis
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1354.
Esayas, Speikand of Christ the gret Messias Sayand, the Bairne is tyll ws borne
1567 Sat. P. vii 14.
I tuik tent, abone all other thing, Quhen thay spak of this realme and gouerning
1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots I 530.
The warld … begouth to speik of it compairing Boithuillis intertenyment with that quhilk the king hir husband ressauit
1575 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 41 (see 4 c above). 1588 Crim. Trials I ii 163.
Gif scho wald speik and tell of thame and thair doingis, thay sould martir hir
1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 94.
He taught … spaikand of the kingdome of God
1649 Hist. Fragm. III 2.
1666 Laing MSS 351.
May be you will think all this folie to be spok or thoght of
1697 Conv. Burghs IV 227.
Nothing but a present repairatione … in the termes wee have spock of can make us digest what is past
a1400 Leg. S. xvi 142.
With hyre mowth … That of pryd had spokine & foly, Ful oft scho kysit Cristis fet
proverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 213.
Cadgers speaks of leadsadles
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1775.
Ye are speikand of the milne ganging to, and the corn undryed yet
(2) 1460 Hay Alex. 364.
Thow neuir speik of this mater to the king
1562-3 Winȝet I 5/16.
Ȝour [sc. the Bischops] wyse, saige, and grave familiar servands, void of al vanitie, bodely lustis, and heresie, ar spokin of to ȝour prayse
1691 Anal. Scot. I 392.
He had reserved ane share for you, becaus I had spoak of it for you first

b. With adverbs.Some examples in (2) may properly be absol. uses of 18 and 19 below.(1) 1375 Barb. i 382.
He wes nocht sa fayr that we Suld spek gretly off his beaute
1375 Barb. i 477.
Thys lord the Brwys, I spak of ayr
a1400 Leg. S. xi 406.
That citte quhare-of befor here spake we
?1438 Alex. ii 4159.
It is ferly that worthy leuis Gif he [etc.] … Thus thay spoke of thir bacheleris
c1420 Ratis R. 1204.
Quhy I spek sa mekile here Off gud dissert, I wyll ȝow lere
1456 Hay II 99/23.
Understand wele that peple will speke lychtly of lytill evyn
1533 Gau 34/30. 1562-3 Winȝet I 20/21.
Sen ȝe … hes spokin sa braid thairof in the pulpet
1586 Cal. Sc. P. VIII 486.
Monyvise hathe it bene spokin of … how [etc.]
1593 Warrender P. (SHS) II 208. 1596 Dalr. I 88/20.
Hithirto we haue schortlie spokne of the peoples of Britannie
1600 Crim. Trials II 248.
1649 Lamont Diary 5.
The Comissioners … before spoken of
?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. III 87.
This scarcitye heer spockne of
(2) 1375 Barb. x 275.
He wes so curageous a knycht, … That mekill of hym may spokin be
a1400 Leg. S. xxx 105.
Of that thing spek nomare!
14.. Burgh Laws c. 106 (A).
Gif ony other man cumis to spek mar of that thing at the somondis of the balȝes
1456 Hay I 66/4.
I will speke now no mare of his governaunce
c1460 Consail Vys Man 83.
Be neuir bakbytar … Of nakyne persone ill thow spek
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 72/26.
I haue synnit … speking evill of other personis accusand thaim & thair synnis
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1427.
Our heynd squyar Of quhome we can not speik bot gude
a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 301/107.
Off burges wyfis thocht I speik plane Sum landwart ladeis ar als vane
1571 Bann. Memor. 149.
Thow thy self hes spocken mair of that mater nor I haue done
1596 Dalr. I 23/8.
Of quhilke mater mair at large we will speik in the awne place
(3) 1572 Reg. Privy C. II 137.
To se … thair doingis columpniat and evill spokin of be the commoun … people
1570 Bann. Memor. 12.
Alexander Clerke … and vtheris of his acquentance, both wryte and say he is evill spoken of throw the cuntrie, for lying out from ȝour grace
1651 Comm. Gen. Assembly III 387.
Lett it not … abate your courage that your way by some is ewill spokin of

c. To here spek (be spokine) of, to hear tell of. See Her(e v. 2 c. Also const. how.(1) 1375 Barb. xix 365.
Quhen thai herd spek of Dowglas, The hardyest affrayit was
a1400 Leg. S. xxxii 299.
Of thi gudnes … I here In sere placis be spokine
1456 Hay I 77/16 (see Her(e v. 2 c (1)). c1475 Wall. ii 36.
Quhen Wallas herd spek of that mery saw, He [etc.]
c1475 Wall. iv 379.
Wallace than said; ‘I her spek of that man’
c1515 Asl. MS I 153/14.
Thai herd neuer speike of sic merwellis befor
1560 Rolland Seven S. 1075 (see Her(e v. 2 c (1)).(2) c1420 Wynt. viii 5140.
He has herd spek how the Dowglas Throw wyt … Dyd mony dowchty jwperty

d. With something written as subject. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1886.
The samyn wecht of gold … That the lettres spak of before
1456 Hay I 43/1.
Here begynnis the storye to speke of the next emperoure
1456 Hay I 44/21.
The kingis of Joury of the quhilkis spekis the decreis in syndry placis
1490 Irland Mir. I 16/21.
The v [book] spekis of the fre liberte of man
c1520-c1535 Nisbet John vi 54 marg. 1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 156/34.
The wordis of the prophet speikis of ane sacrifice offerit vp in everie place
1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 20/6.
The Scripture … speakes of magicians and necromancers onlie
1631 Justiciary Cases I 159.
The actis of parliament … speikis only of fals witnesses

e. transf. With non-material subject: To indicate. 1490 Irland Mir. I 31/26.
His namys spekis of His powere, His wisdome, His gudnes [etc.]
1531 Vaus in Innes Sketches 272n.
The coniuntive mode it spekis of dowt, as cum amem, quhen I lwf

12. To speke to, till, unto. a. To talk to, converse with, address words or discourse to (someone) (about, anent, concerning, of someone or something). Also transf.(1) 1375 Barb. i 438.
The byschop … durst than spek till him na mar
?1438 Alex. ii 2474. c1475 Wall. ix 1853.
He gert commaund na Scottis suld to thaim spek
1490 Irland Mir. II 68/7. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 102/13.
Quhen that I speik till him freindlyk He barkis lyk ane midding tyk
1513 Doug. xiii vii 35.
Quhen that he cummyn was so neir That athir gudly to othir speke mycht
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 301.
To speik to me thow suld haue feir; For I haue sic practik in weir
1587 Acts III 461/1.
That gif onie of the saidis accusaris … pretend in ony wayes … to informe, solist, ressone dispute speik or repair to the said assyis efter thair removing furth of iudgement
c1590 Fowler II 150/18.
Incace euerye man sa frelie and indifferentlye sal speik vnto thé then thy estimation perrisches
1603 Inverness Rec. II 9.
He haid spockin and meinit himself to the guidman of Strechin
1627 Fraserburgh Kirk S. II 22 Aug.
He is deaff and heiris none and so can not wnderstand quhat is spoikin wnto him
1631 Justiciary Cases I 195.
The contradictioun betuixt that quhilk was relaited be the Loird Reay and that was spokin and informet positiue to his maiestie
1654 Johnston Diary II 282.
I found my wyfe vexed that … Osburne spak pughtily to hir
1661 Elgin Rec. II 295.
He … denyed that he ather spack to or handled the chyld
1691 Kirk Secr. Commonw. (1964) 248.
Spock [v.rr. spoak, spoke]
(2) 1560 Rolland Seven S. 7015.
He spak to hir of lufe
a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xxi 28. 1656 Glasgow B. Rec. II 349.
To speik to Mathow Hammiltoune anent the building of ane dyk
1666 Laing MSS 363.
This kingdoum is hapie to have tuo such discrit ofisires in it. Therfor … speack to his majestie of tham
1686 Old Ross-shire II 20.
He had wreten to you to speck to my Lord Liveston concerning his sone Robert
1690 Dunlop P. III 56.
To lett me know if you have spock to Grant about that horse
1691 Leven & Melv. P. 629.
I have spoke very home to Sir Wm Lockheart, concerning that flying packet he sent
1691 Anal. Scot. I 392.
You remimber you speak to me in general about your desire to engadge in the ferming of the customs and excise … . I spoake then to the Commissar Dalrumple about it
(3) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 101.
Schir Kay … Spedely to hym spak: ‘Schort amendis will I mak [etc.]’
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 261.
Than Schir Spynagrose with speche spak to the king: ‘Yone lord [etc.]’
c1475 Wall. iv 41.
He spak to thaim with manly contenance. In fayr afforme, he said, … ‘Ye do vs wrang [etc.]’
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1459.
My nimphe vnto me spak … ‘quhy standis thow stupifak’
1513 Doug. ii xii 28.
Scho … on this wys to me spak, With sik wordis my thochtis to asswage: ‘O my sweit spows, … ,' quod sche, ‘Fra hyne [etc.]’
1513 Doug. iv i 16.
Queyn Dido on this kynd Spak to hir systir … ‘My sistir An … ’ quod sche
a1540 Freiris Berw. 213 (B).
Syne to hir madin spedyly scho spak, ‘Go to the fyre, and the meitis fra it tak’
a1578 Pitsc. II 89/20.
This captane spake into the governour [sc. inside the castle] in this maner saying, ‘my lord [etc.]’
(4) a1400 Leg. S. xxix 112.
Sum men sais it is to lak That the hart to the knycht spak
c1515 Asl. MS I 315/30.
His [sc. Balaam's] as spak to him as a man

b. To speak to; to request, apply to, petition (someone) to, for (a specified purpose or reason), to do (something), also without construction. Also proverb.(1) 1543 Corr. M. Lorraine 44.
Therfor at your lordschip speik to the lordis to have e to thir … materis
1603 Philotus 49 heading.
The auld man speikis to the macrell to allure the madyn
1627 Bk. Carlaverock II 84.
Iff ȝe wilbe pleised to tak the paines to speik to the Erle off Melros, and requyst him to [etc.]
1654 Inverness Rec. II 208.
Ordaines Alexander Fraser … to be speikin wnto and agreit with to teache the childrene and attend the chairge of being schoolemaster
1669 Sc. Hist. Rev. XL 60.
I have bein at considerable expence in apprehending and conveying this woman away and have bein spocke to by severellis to have letten the first woman goe
1672 Inverness Rec. II 251.
Bailie Fraser is appoynted to goe and speack to the Earle of Murray and learne from him … quhat way is proposed
1674 Inverness Rec. II 260.
Bailies Duff and Hepburne ar appoynted to speack to Sir Jon … and to know from him [etc.]
1693 Culross Kirk S. in Sc. Ant. IV 83.
Some of the elders appointed to speak to John Blair girtdlesmith to deliver the laddell
1695 Strathendrick 61.
The Session … did … condescend wpon John Edmond [etc.] … to be elderis, and James Duncan [etc.] … to be deacons and desyres the minister to speek to them for that effect
(2) 1669 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 392.
No insistment and Mr. Gib to speek to Harie Grahame
proverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 774.
He that wald marie me sould speik to my mother

c. To discuss, talk about, address, deal with (a subject) directly in speech or writing, or indirectly, of something written, to be relevant to (a matter).(1) 1375 Barb. xii 208.
Quhen the king had hard sa manlily Thai spak to fechting … [C. hard thaim … spek to the ficht] In hart gret glaidschip can he ta
1580 Hume Promine L'Envoy heading.
Thir wordis few the authour dois reheirs Into this maner, speikand to his veirs
1650 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 604.
Wee shall speike to that wich most directlie concerns your lordships
a1658 Durham Blessedness Death (1682) 40.
The last thing we spoke to was a doctrine … that [etc.]
a1659 W. Guthrie Christians Gt. Interest (1776) 260.
Before I speak directly to this express covenanting with God [etc.]
?1661-5 M. Bruce Soul-Confirmation 14. 1689 Acts XII 48/2.
The report of the committee … being read and spoken to [etc.]
1749 Stirling B. Rec. II 289.
The council taking to consideration the usefulness of a corn market … which has been often spoke to, do therefore recomend to the provost and magistrats as a committee … to meet and consider of the matter
(2) 1654 Johnston Diary II 278.
He shew me a letter of M. J. G. anent the remedye of his melancholye which indeed speaks jumplye to M. Jh. Burnet's caise

13. To speek upon, to talk about, talk of (a matter). 1567 Anderson Collect. Mary II 186.
As they war speeking upon it, the house begouth to take fyre and blew up

14. To speke with, to converse with, talk to, hold discussion with (a person or persons) (anent a matter). Also const. various advs. Also reflex., to communicate with oneself, to think about (something).(1) 1375 Barb. x 333.
Thai mystrowit him off tratoury For that he spokyn had with the king
a1400 Leg. S. xviii 250.
A-byde a lytil & spek with me
1456 Hay I 204/7.
Men … that … lyvit in desertis … and nouthir spak with preste na clerk na tuke sacrament
1456 Hay II 102/8. 1498 Acta Conc. II 289.
He grantit … that he had commonit and spokin with the sade Jonet
1533 Bell. Livy I 116/27. 1536 Douglas Corr. 143.
c1538 James V in Misc. Spald. C. II 193.
It is murmuryt hyr that ye sould a spolkyn with Gorge and Archebald Dougles … quhylk wase again my command
1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 104.
1545 Douglas Corr. 156.
I heif spoking with ȝour servitour
1571 Cal. Sc. P. III 531.
[George Robysone passed to Court and] spakit [with Lords Leicester and Burghly]
a1578 Pitsc. I 248/13.
To speik witht the King of France and commond kyndlie and tenderlie witht him
1600-1610 Melvill 404.
When I tuk yow twa by and spak with yow
1640 Acts V 619/2.
He … wald not suffer nather kinsman nor frend to cum in and spyk with me
1661 Elgin Rec. II 296.
She asking him what man was he that he spak with
1662 Highland P. III 12.
She met with the devill and spok with him
(b) 1569 Treas. Acc. XII 163.
To Andro Rausoun, messinger, passand to warne the men of Elgin … to cum and speikin with the comptar thairin
(2) 1375 Barb. v 282.
That he wald cum all anerly, For to spek with hym preuely
a1400 Leg. S. xxix 158.
Wel I treu That thu that spekis with me now, Is he that mad has althing
c1420 Wynt. v 3404.
In lyklyness off a spayman, … the dewyll spak wyth hym than
a1500 Seven S. 2293.
That he mycht speke with hir allane
c1500 Harl. MS 4700 143.
Of thame that spekis with Inglismen but lief of the king or wardane
1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 107.
He … sais that he sall spek with your Lordschipe tharapoun
1513 Doug. iii v heading.
Eneas arryvis at Epyria, And how he spak thar with Andromacha
1546–7 Corr. M. Lorraine 174.
We spak on Thurisday the thrid day of Februar with the erle of Hertfurde in his logyn
1567 G. Ball. 7.
Moyses … With the greit God spak face for face
1586–7 Rait & Cameron King James's Secret 171.
Yisterday I spak with my Lord Leicester in privat
1677 Aberd. Council Lett. VI 89.
I spock at lenth with Sir Alexander Fraser efter I had delyvered him his leter
1687 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 175.
The persewar … not haveing spocke with her half ane yeir befor this tyme
(3) 1624 Aberd. Council Lett. I 223.
I spock with the commissioner also anent your confirmation
1647 Inverness Rec. II 195.
Such merchandis … suld be spockin with annent quhat satisfactioune they will give the toune [etc.]
reflex. 1549 Compl. 9/28.
Quhen he [sc. Scipio] aperit to be solitar, than he vas speikand vitht hym self anent his auen byssynes

b. To speak in agreement with. 1456 Hay II 99/22.
Draw to thé at all thy powere the hertis of thi subjectis … and kepe to be nocht irefull na injurious aganis thame, thouch thai speke quhilum with thé and othir quhilis aganis thé

c. To talk to or hold a discussion with (a person) to do (something), or for a purpose. Also const. that.(1) 1375 Barb. x 196.
With this Bunnok spokyn [C. spokin] had thai To lede thar hay
a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 112.
To spek with hyre come oure lady … To mend hyre & hyre chere
1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I 136.
He … durst resort to hir majestie to speke with hir, to procure thair lauchfull business
1648 Glasgow B. Rec. II 129.
Ordaines Niniane Gilhagie … to speik the heretouris and occupyeris of these landis … to try quhat they will contribut for casieng of that pairt of Partik Lone as is not yet caseit, and to speik with John Boill for laying therof
1652 Hossack Kirkwall 253.
I head no tyme to stay to speik with him to learn any of his occurrences
1661 Glasgow B. Rec. II 475.
Recommends to the baillies to speick with the maister of the gramer schoole to suffer and permit the bairnes to sit with covered heids
1651 Anal. Scot. I 353.
And for that effect that you appoynt one of your number … to speack with the commissioners
(2) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 109 (D).
When furst he and Eneas spak Wytht kyng Pryame that he shold mak Wytht Gregeois pees
1417–18 Durham Priory Reg. II fol. 11 (6 March).
We charge yhu … that … ȝe addres yhu till cum till oure presence to spek with us that we may wit of what auctorite ȝe entermet thare with
1645 S. Leith Rec. 61.
That James Seatone thesaurer sould go to Musilbrough and speek with the baillies thar that thei cause provyd drinke for the use of the publick heir in this present visitaone
1669 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 392.
To speak with George Davidsons airs that he doe no dead to the colledge in prejudice

d. To meet with, to confront (in battle). a1676 Guthry Mem. 178.
He [sc. Montrose] considered that if he suffered himself to be attacked both before and behind, he might run a risque; therefore, instead of marching forward, he turned about, and went to speak with Argyle

III. intr. With adverbs in special uses.

15. To speik furth, to speak out freely and unreservedly. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 8883.
Let ane ȝoung man quhidder he speid or nocht Hane not his speich, but speik furth & spair nocht

16. To speke out, to speak, to utter words; to speak freely and unreservedly. 15.. Dum Wyf 43.
Scho sall spek out haif thow na dout
c1578 Reid Swire 65.
Carmichael bad them speik out plainlie
c1578 Reid Swire 157.
Not that I speak preceislie owt
1600-1610 Melvill 661 (see 5 b above). a1650 Row 387.
Marshall did sweare afterhend that he had not fylled him at all, but confessed that he was sleepie, and spak not out: and so he was noted as if he had fylled him
1686 G. Stuart Joco-Ser. Disc. 41.
Again speaks out a lyver-lad A trusty Trojan, thus he said [etc.]

17. intr. To speke togedder, to converse; to confer or discuss, to have conference (of (= about) a subject).(1) 1456 Hay I 177/2.
Quhen thai have spokyn togedder, the knycht wald pas agayn till his place
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Luke vii 32.
Thai ar lijk to childir sittand in the mercat, and spekand to giddire, and sayand [etc.]
15.. Clar. iii 885.
Quhen thay had spokin togidder at laser
1569–70 6th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 650/1.
Me lord of Mar and Lard of Lochlevin and I could get na laisur to speik togyther
1558-66 Knox II 382.
The mater fell so hote betwix the Erle of Murray and some otheris of the courte, and Johne Knox, that familiarlie after that tyme thei spack nott togetther more then a year and half
(2) 1524–5 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 74.
[He] depones that he com to rest Thome Keyne and thai var speikand togidder of greans bot he hard nocht

IV. tr. 18. To utter or articulate (a word or words), to say (something), freq. const. neg. to say nothing (in malice, etc.); to exchange (words), converse, also to speke bot ane word, to have a brief conversation, ‘have a word’. Also const. in word, in words as opposed to deeds.(1) 1375 Barb. vii 298.
Than spak thai wordis to and fra, Till at the last the king gan say [etc.]
a1400 Leg. S. xiii 40.
Sa wes he the fyrste that thare Spak ony word of Goddis lare
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 495.
To every man … speke I sum wordis So wisly and so womanly quhill [etc.]
1560 Rolland Seven S. 8194.
I saw, ane word gif that I spak Within seuin dayis that I with schame & lak Suld thoill the deith
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 164.
The … lordis never creditit ane word that wes aither promittit or spokin be the lordis assistaris of the kingis auctoritie thairefter
1590 Reg. Privy C. IV 545.
Patrik Crummy … cravit that he micht speik bot ane worde with the said Raulff Ker
(2) a1400 Leg. S. xi 252.
Sorcery sa dum thame mad, That nane to spek a word had
?1438 Alex. ii 1946.
The Bauderane … in ane study held him still And na word spak, gude nor ill
a1500 Lanc. 2943.
He spak no word, bot he was not content
a1500 K. Hart 384.
A wourde scho culd nocht speik, scho wes so abaisit
a1500 Seven S. 191.
Bot a word les na maire He spak becaus [etc.]
a1500 Peblis to Play 237.
The dewill a wourde that scho micht speik
1560 Rolland Seven S. 6546.
Hir husband … Gaue him sic wappis that he spak neuer word
1567 Crim. Trials I i 494.
He appeared to be in ane greit effray … and not ane word to speik
a1578 Pitsc. I 67/26.
Nane of thame had ane word to speik to ane wther
1605 R. Brown Paisley I 206.
Wm. Elphinstoune, glaisewricht, … desyrit the said James, c[om]pliner, to haif spock nane word to him
1607 Melvill 703.
He wes so perplexit … that he had not a word to speik!
1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 467. 1604-31 Craig v 24.
Shee weeping went away, And not a word spake
1669 Laing MSS 373.
I have nether delayiend the bishop's letter nor spok an word of the negotiatione to any lieving
(3) a1500 Henr. Fab. 770.
Me think na man may speik ane word in play, But now on dayis in ernist it is tane
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 102/6.
In malice spack I nevir ane woord
(4) 1456 Hay I 175/15.
Suppos it be nocht spokyn in word, he schawis it in dede

b. With adj. indicating the nature of what is said. Also const. in or with … wourdis, in a specified style of speech.(1) 1375 Barb. xi 257.
He welcummyt thame vith gladsum fair, Spekand gud vordis
1533 Bell. Livy I 60/14.
Quhen he had spokin maist iniurius wourdis to his sister, he peirsit hir throw the body
1565 St. A. Kirk S. 236.
He hard Patrik Hepburn speyk scharp and hard wordis to Joanna Hepburn to persuad hyr [etc.]
1570 Q. Mary in Cal. Sc. P. III 434.
Sum personnes … quha … forces thame selfes … to cause speik filthie and most dishonest wordes of ws to oure said sonne
1638 Adamson Muses Thr. I 39.
This bloody traitor from his gorge did spew, Words treacherous, nor to be spoke, nor true
1659 A. Hay Diary 135.
He spok some big words against the lady
(2) a1500 Peblis to Play 93.
Ane spak with wourdis wonder crous
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 153.
To speyk in wourdis breue

c. To utter (particular words) (indicated contextually or quoted), to say (a particular thing), also const. to cause (something) to happen. Also with the tongue as subject. Also proverb.There may be some overlap with b above.(1) 1375 Barb. vi 323.
Syk wordis spak thai of the king
1375 Barb. xix 82.
And quhen thir wordis spokyn wer With sary cher he held him still
?1438 Alex. i 895. c1420 Wynt. viii 2038.
Hald stylle thi hand, and spek thi worde
a1500 Seven S. 2050.
Than spak the ald wyf all on hicht All wordis to gar the pyot de
1513 Doug. x xii 128.
For all thy prowd wordis thou has spokkyn Thow sall nocht [etc.]
1549 Compl. 118/23.
The Ephores … hid them in ane secret place … to that effect that thai mycht heir the vordis and communicationis that vas to be spokyn betuix Pausanias and his seruituir
1551 Hamilton Cat. 110.
And thow wald refrein thi tong fra all evil wordis quhilk thow spekis aganis God and thi nychbour
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 125/3.
Quhat planar vordes culd be spokine conforme to the scripture of almichty God
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 156/32.
Mark the wordis of the prophet, … thai ar nocht spokkin of the sacrifice of the Lordis body offerit vp apon the croce
1558-66 Knox II 333.
Your wourdis ar scharpe, yneuch as ye have spocken thame; but yitt thei war tald to me in ane uther maner
1582 Aberd. B. Rec. II 48. 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 235.
Gif his maister had nocht spokin the wordis he spak
1598 Elgin Rec. II 64.
Katherin Duff … allegit that she spak the wordis bot in ane hamelie maner
1629 Justiciary Cases I 138.
The pannell spak the wordis thairin sett doun to the wemen
c1420 Wynt. vi 1038.
Than gert he fyrst hys twng owt tak, That wyth the Dewill the wordys spake
proverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1568.
The word I spak never, I rewit never
(2) c1400 Troy-bk. i 133.
Hercules … Spak to the kingis messyngere Thyre wordis & said one this manere: ‘Frend [etc.]’
1513 Doug. iii vi 37.
This gret preist gan spekyn and declar To me thir wordis of the goddis answar: ‘Son of the goddes [etc.]’
1513 Doug. v ii 5.
Eneas … spak thir wordis on a knollys hycht: ‘O ȝe my Troiane pepill [etc.]'
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. I 94.
Thow … spak thir wordis ‘Guidwyf hef ye twa peckis of draff to sell?’
1607 Crim. Trials II 536.
Causing him, … quhan he liftit the stoupe … to spaik thir woirdis, ‘I lift this watter [etc.]’
1631 Justiciary Cases I 189.
Ȝe … maist baldlie … spak to his maiestie theas wordis: ‘Sir [etc.]’

d. To speke … wordis to (= for), to say (something) for a person's delight, his understanding, etc. e. To speak a word to (= about), to say (something) about a subject.d. 1551 Hamilton Cat. 110.
Na man can speik gud wordis to the plesour of God and edificatioun of thair nychtbour, except that he haif ane gud hart [etc.]
a1578 Pitsc. I 350/7.
I had leiffar speik fyue wordis to the wnderstanding … of the pepill nor ten thousand … in ane langage quhilk they wnderstand nocht
e. a1658 Durham Blessedness Death (1682) 40.
We shall speak a word to that which is manifestly implyed here

f. Similarly with other objects denoting what is actually said; a speech, prophecy, etc. Also const. aganis, of, to a person, etc.(1) 1388 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 295.
At all this covenand beforspokyn suld lelely be kepit
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 94 (D).
Ande … hys sermoune To hem spak [C. spok]
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 67/21.
I confesis me that I haue offendit the makar of hevin and me with my mouth spekand and manswerand the haly name of God [etc.]
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 70/25.
Be invy spekand evill langage lesingis and detractionis aganis thair [sc. good people's] gud fame and honour
a1500 Bk. Chess 341.
His liegis he herd … Defamous langage spekand of him
c1515 Asl. MS I 195/13.
Sanct Bernard come & saw him and spak of him this prophecye sayand thus [etc.]
?a1500 Remembr. Passion 626.
The Jowis spittit in his face, And fals witness spak
1531 Bell. Boece II 222.
He micht not refrene fra teris quhen he herd his [sc. the dead prince's] name spokin
1549 Compl. 16/32.
Loquere verbis presentibus … that is to saye, thou sal speik comont langage
1560 Rolland Seven S. 9508.
I sweir … Be the Euangells that our Sauiour spak … That [etc.]
1564–75 Hamilton & Campsie Test. I 53.
This is my lettir will spokking with my awin mouth
1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv 353.
Yit with the people he was suspected, Trowing the teallis befoir was spocken, Because [etc.]
1597 Elgin Rec. II 57. 1604 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 113.
The … unreverent langage spokin be him to his father
1698 Annandale Corr. 161.
(2) 1375 Barb. x 4.
Thomas Randell … wes … send to duell in gud keping For spek that he spak to the king
1571 Inverness Rec. I 208.
I reprewit him for his vnworthie speiking quhilk he spak in my presence to Thomas Moir
1607 Dundonald Par. Rec. 144.
Jonat Wood … accused of … contemptious speichis spokin be hir against the minister and sessioun
1677 Edinb. B. Rec. X 296.
John Broun and Robert Murray … denayed anie irreverend speitches spock be them against the baillie
(3) 15.. Dum Wyf 121.
Latt thy wyff speik hir fill

19. To utter or say (something) by way of a statement or remark, to mention (something) (aganis, for (= on behalf of), of a person, etc.). Also proverb.(1) pres. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 168 (C).
Inne secre place … Thame drew, whare they myght pryvely Spek what they wold
c1420 Ratis R. 209.
As our elderis hes techit ws To tak kep our speking till ws: Quhat that we spek, and the place quhare [etc.]
1562-3 Winȝet II 29/2.
Men of corruptit mynd … speikand that becumis nocht
1573 Davidson in Sat. P. xlii 834.
To mak princes iniunctiounis geif To speik nathing that may thame greif
16… Polwart Flyt. fol. 33b (H).
The man is wysse that speikes few things
proverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 311.
He that speakes the thing he should not, hears the things hee would not
p.t. a1500 Bk. Chess 336.
No thing he spak bot to the loft he lukis
1562-3 Winȝet I 77/23.
Our Saluiour and his apostolis did and spak mony thingis
p.p. 1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 169.
I waited till the people conveined that day having no advertisement of any thing to be spocken from me, but only the ordinar course of prayers
(2) a1400 Leg. S. xii 344.
Tho I na-thynge Spek forthire her of his lowynge
1456 Hay II 99/26.
Thou mak na cause that suld geve thame … occasioun to speke aganis thé ony thing
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 302.
Conanus desyrit licence to speke sum thing for the commoun wele, and sayid [etc.]
c1540 Lynd. Kitteis Conf. 26.
Of gude he spak na thing
1562-3 Winȝet I 4/31.
Sumthing of ȝour prais man we speik
1596 Dalr. I 33/19.
Gif turneng my selfe to the in-cuntrie, I speik ony thing of the schirrefdome of Perth [etc.]

b. With the conscience as subject: To communicate (a view). a1599 Rollock Wks. I 339.
Gif thy conscience speik ane thing, and thy mouth ane uther, thou sall be challenged of ane lie

20. To utter or express (the truth, lies, praise, etc.) (aganis, amangis, for (= on behalf of), of, to a person, etc.) (in or throw proverbs, hypocrisy, etc.).(1) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 278.
Spekis na succeudry, for Cristis sone deir!
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 66/16.
To … ask forgevenes … of all the synnis that I haue done spoken and thocht sen I was borne
?a1500 Steel Roy Robert 115.
The suth in proverb spokin is
1540 Lynd. Sat. 1088.
We sall … gang … To lordis of Spritualitie And gar thame trow, ȝone bag of pryd Hes spokin manifest heresie
1551 Hamilton Cat. 110.
O ye generatioun of serpentis, how can ye spek gud, quhen ye your selfis ar evil?
1567 Sempill Sat. P. viii 50.
All detours ar bot discommendit, That speikis dispite in speciall
1558-66 Knox I 93.
Yitt none spack all together besydis the treuth
1596 Dalr. I 227/15.
Our cuntriemen, quhais prais speikes at large Beda in his Inglise historie
a1599 Rollock Wks. I 434.
He is ane fuill … quha thinkis he speikis ay ane oracle
1602 Colville Paraenese Ep. 2.
Elia and Michea speking the piking veritie var vnuelcum and the 400 fals prophets pronuncing plesant lyes var acceptabill
1602 Colville Paraenese Ep. 3.
Rather to spek plausibill errors nor vnplesant veriteis
1639 Fugitive Poetry II xvi 2/4.
To speik the truth I am not blaite
1572 Sempill Sat. P. xxx 74.
Thow bure the toung that neuer spak dispyte
(2) c1420 Wynt. vii 2358.
Off Kyng Jhon he spak gret schame, And sayd, that [etc.]
1456 Hay I 85/1.
Drede he [sc. a knight] has that folk speke a lak of him
1460 Hay Alex. 1975.
Quhat honour, quhat renoun, Was spokin of him and of his company
1490 Irland Mir. II 89/20.
The man … is oblist … to think speik and do all maner of seruice honour and reuerence to his creatour
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 70/25. (see 18 f (1) above). 1531 Bell. Boece II 90.
Conwallus, King of Scottis, … was haldin in sic reverence amang his pepill, that na person durst be injurius to othir, nor yit speik of him ony detraction
1533 Boece 536b.
Aganis the prior of Sanctandros he spak mony dispitis
1533 Gau 17/28.
Quhou man sinnis aganis the viii command … thay that spekis notht guid for thair nichtburs … quhair thay cane
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 272.
[An Englishman] … Of Scottis & Frenche quhilk spak disdane
1562-3 Winȝet I 28/4.
He spekis blasphemie aganis the Haly Gaist
1568 Anderson Collect. Mary IV ii 65.
The ignominy spokin amangis all nations of that murther
(3) c1520-c1535 Nisbet 1 Tim. iv 2.
Deuilis that spekis lesing in hipocrisie
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 94.
Dewillysche doctrine, and idolatrie Of thame that speykis leis throw ypocresie

b. To speke (one's mynd, opinione or thoughts). 1600-1610 Melvill 660.
Mr. John Carmichaell and Mr. Adame Colt wer commandit to be schort, and to speike thair mynd conforme to the rest
1674 Laing MSS 397.
I thought I might have spokine my opinione freelie
1674 Laing MSS 397.
Yet no sooner did I offerr to speik my thoughts befor the bishop … but [etc.]
1674 Laing MSS 397.
There may be hazard for me any more to speak my mynd in this meiting

c. To speke out: To express (one's feelings) freely and unreservedly. Cf. 16 above. 1685 Lauder Observes 244.
Another … spoke out his insetled inconstant temper

21. To declare or state (something which has already been mentioned or discussed orally or in writing), to explicate, make clear (something already stated). Also to spek in (the spirit of) prophecy.(1) pres. a1400 Leg. S. ii 952.
It afferyt nocht to man To spek that thing, that he herd than
a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii 253.
As thai this spekande ware, The fel dragone … A-beowe the wattyre cane apere
1513 Doug. iii vi 52.
The remanent heirof, quhat evyr be it, The Werd Systeris defendis that suld be wyt, And … Juno Forbyddis Helenus to speik it
1565 Facs. Nat. MSS III xlix.
This is the qwerrell for the quhilk thai wald haif yow haserd your lyffis [etc.] … to speik it in guid langage thai wald be kingis thame selffis
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 226.
To mak the consolatioun the moir Of his discyplis, he speakis the sam heirfoir
1591 Warrender P. (SHS) II 156.
I may justly speke it bycaus [etc.]
p.t. 1375 Barb. i 504.
He spak bot suthfast thing
1558-66 Knox II 280.
I have witnesses … what I spake both against suche artis, and against those that use suche impietie
1558-66 Knox II 332.
Ye could not justlie have bene offended with any thing that I spack
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii 297.
The number that ȝe spak be far
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 376.
Mr. Patrik Galloway … as the king maid his narrative first, so did he with lowd voice to the people ther assemblit to verifie all that the king spack
c1680 Mackenzie Affairs 45.p.p. 1375 Barb. xx 230.
Quhen the gud lord of Douglas Wist that thing thus spokyn was He [etc.]
c1420 Wynt. viii 2802.
Ilke nycht than wryttyne ware Thare indentwris and athis made Till hald all that thai spokyn had
1456 Hay I 272/23.
Suppos it was nocht spokin, it was understandin be the sentence
1513 Doug. ii xii 57.
Quhen this was spokkyn, fra me away scho glaid
1560 Cal. Sc. P. I 381.
[He wrote a long discourse to my lord Grey—but far different from what he had] spocken [in his presence]
1564 Peebles B. Rec. I 293.
Gif ony nebur … on the inquest … reweill ony thing that is spokin be the inquest [etc.]
1568 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 13.
[They] maid ane solempnit ayth … to keip althingis spokin and said in the common assemblie secrete
a1578 Pitsc. I 116/20.
This beand spokin the king past to his disjohne
1629 Justiciary Cases I 131.
It is allegit aganis the first article of dittay … that be ressone it may be thoucht hardlie to be spokin out of the procuratouris mouthes
1638 Rothes Affairs Kirk 151.
He had never spoken it to any liveing since his home-comeing
1674 Laing MSS 397.
I heard it spokine in the meiting that [etc.]
a1686 Turner Mem. 88.
I wrote … essays and discourses, … if Overton had perusd them, he had found so much spoke to the disadvantage of his masters, that [etc.]
(2) c1420 Wynt. v 1932.
The spyryte … Gerrys me spek this in prophecy
1562-3 Winȝet I 19/3.
Al thing quhilk he spak in the spirit of prophecie of Christe wes trew

b. To reveal, make known (a plot, course of action, etc.) in words; to relate, explain (something not already known or understood) in speech or writing. Also followed by objective clause, chiefly in impers. const., also with something written as subject.(1) 1375 Barb. xvii 50.
Quhen … the king herd that this trane Wes spokin in-to sic certane That [etc.]
1445 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 311.
To warn thaim … that he may get wit that sic thingis be ymaginit or spokin to be done againnis thaim
1456 Hay I 33/8.
I have nocht undertane to speke, na tell all the declaracioun of this avisioun … na to declare the interpretacioun of it
a1500 Henr. Orph. 598.
O man … Will thow be God … To tell thingis to cum that neuir wilbe … And superstitioun of astrolegy Saif allanerly sic maner of thingis Quhilk vpon trew and certane causis hingis … All thir to speik it may be tollerable
15.. Dunb. App. vii 9.
Quhat that I mene be this I dar noght speke
1560 Rolland Seven S. 92.
O my gude lord, … Ȝe licent me my erand to ȝow speik
1562-3 Winȝet II 32/22.
Gif he sal forespeik … a signe or foretaking, and it sal chanse as he hes spokin
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 1152 (Wr.).
c1590 Fowler I 137/12.
With humill speche speik this to her againe: ‘O off this stayles thoughts [etc.]’
c1590 Fowler I 321/5.
I now will sing off patience bred by preason, A theame not yet by others spookt or pend
1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i 114b.
It is lawfull to ilke man, that is soyter in the court to speik his intent
1622-6 Bisset II 222/26.
The tent pairt to the said admirall to be nebait, quhilk salbe spokin hereftir
1633 Orkney Witch Trial in Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. V 554.
Ilk kow that she had wes riddin quhilk fell out even according as ye spaik
(2) 1567 G. Ball. 135.
I haif spokin in my Scripture, I will the deide of na creature
1568 Hosack Mary Q. of Scots I 534.
That it was poysoun … [the] chyrurgian at the sycht of him playnelie jugeit and spak
1570 Q. Mary in Cal. Sc. P. III 434.
It war spoken that she haldis oure handes in the meane tyme that ane other … reifis ws of all that we have
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 187.
It is spocken that [etc.]
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 187.
It is spokan that the said Robert wes betrayit be ane James Hering his companȝeoun
1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I 39.
It is specielie spokkin without counsall that ather sall thai escheme us or caus us brek lawburrowis
1596 Dalr. I 149/9.
Cæsar al throuch sa speikis, that he neuir planelie ascriues vs ony certane victorie
1646 Cramond Ch. Lhanbryd 8.
He had spokin it was not the part of ministers to stirr up ther peopl to tak arms … but only to teach faith
1685 T. Brown Diary in Orkney Misc. (1953) 35.
It was spocken that [etc.]
a1633 Hope Major Pract. I 190.
The act of parliament speeks only that warneing sall be made at any terme efter the redemption

22. (To have the ability) to communicate or express oneself in (a language, etc.). a1400 Leg. S. ix 67.
Al langage spek he cane, & vndirstand al leyd of mane
c1420 Wynt. i 1534.
Off Ytaly he lord wes syne, And this Latyne langage he … gert spokyn be
c1420 Wynt. viii 1077.
Na langage cowth he spek clerly Bot hys awyn langage off Normawndy
1456 Hay I 22/10.
This pape … coude wele speke the langage of Grece and of Latyne
a1500 Prestis of Peblis 472. c1520-c1535 Nisbet Acts ii 4.
Thai began to spek diuerse langages, as the Haligaast gaue to thame
1549 Compl. 111/27.
It is as onpossibil to gar ane auaricius man be faythtful, as it is … to gar ane fische … speik Hebreu or Greik
1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 9.
In thys classe thay salbe constranit to speik Latin
a1578 Pitsc. I 233/19.
They could speik sindrie and dyuerse langagis
1610 Reg. Privy C. IX 29.
It is inactit that everie gentilman … within the said ilandis, … sall put at the leist thair eldest sone, or … thair eldest dochter, to the scuillis on the lawland, and bring thame up thair quhill thay may be found able sufficientlie to speik, reid, and wryte Inglische
a1651 Calderwood II 245.
Mr. Robert Pont accepted the commissioun with provisioun that he be not burthenned with kirks speaking the Irish tongue
1678 Mitchell's Tragedy 6 in Fugitive Poetry 2 Ser.
For to supplie the Scottish lands defects, Heare these concerned speak their own dialects
1700 Misc. Spald. C. III 183.
He heard them [sc. gypsies] speak a language, which he understood not

b. In p.p. as the second element of a comb. = speaking, able to speak. 1594 Cal. Sc. P. XI 326.
Their landit thre men, one Scottis man and one French man, and ane uther Inglish spokin

23. tr. To talk of, mention (a person) in a particular way, to speak ill of a person. a1400 Leg. S. iii 975.
Men will lichtly spek ye ill, Thocht thai haf litill cause

24. Of an action, thing, etc.: To mention, say or express (something); to signify or indicate. Also const. to (a person) that.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xii 34.
His ill to al that [sc. dream] spek cane
1456 Hay I 224/4.
Suppos the privelege say that clerkis studyand suld be previlegit it spekis nathing of thair servandis
1645 Rutherford Tryal Faith (1743) 11.
All the dispensation and providence seemeth to speak the word of God
1645 Rutherford Tryal Faith (1743) 11.
Ramhorns speaketh not taking of towns in an ordinary providence, as spear and shield and an host of fighting men doth
1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 48.
Its a fine drollery to sie a Frenchman conterfit the Castilian as he marches on his streets of Castile … his march and paw speaking pride it selfe
(2) 1645 Rutherford Tryal Faith (1743) 11.
Killed all the day long, and estimated as sheep for the slaughter, speaketh not to me that God's people are more than conquerors through him that loved us

25. To address, discuss with or talk to (a person, etc.) (about, anent, concerning, tuching, also for (= with regard to) or in (= in respect of), a matter). Also const. that. Also followed by quotation of words uttered.(1) 1553 Corr. M. Lorraine 367.
I heyff appontit [a day] … to spek the nort Illis men
1559–60 Treas. Acc. XI 10.
To Johnne Patersone, herauld, … to pas and speik the Inglis schippis liand in the raid
1560 Rolland Seven S. 7470.
Tary ane time quhill I the empreour speik
1568–9 Reg. Privy C. I 645. 1570 6th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 651/2.
I past to Loychlewin, and spak my lady your mother
1558-66 Knox II 34.
Yett wald he answer no thing till that he had spokein the Lordis
1581 Lanark B. Rec. 82.
William dissyret me speik him doun the cassay
1581 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 206.
Jhone Adamesoun to speik the said justice clerk and obtein his gude will
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 25.
He desyrit the regents licence to pas and speik the queyne
1601–2 Misc. Spald. C. V 73.
To ane boit to gang to the raid to speik ane crerar … fra Sanct Jonstone
1603–4 Misc. Spald. C. V 75. 1615–16 Dumbarton Common Gd. Acc. 8. 1625 Fraserburgh Kirk S. II 7 Dec.
Jon Girg is ordenit to speik Georg Dauidsone & report his answer
1648 Glasgow B. Rec. II 129 (see 14 c (1) above). 1664 Kingarth Par. Rec. 32.
c1679 Kirkton Hist. 330.
The two brethren went and spoke the Lord Stair
(2) 1553–4 Corr. M. Lorraine 369.
I have tareit heir … in houp of your cumyng to this towne; awating thaireupone to haif spoking your grace … in all my necessar besines
1571 Bann. Trans. 134.
The counsall [etc.] … went and spak the captane about James Inglis
1571 Bann. Trans. 141.
I have spocken the man that wrait to you, … anent your awin part
1581 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 206.
Alexander Wddart, baillie, … declarit that he had spokin the justice clerk anent [etc.]
1589 Mill Mediæv. Plays 254.
The brethrene … ordanis Maister Johne Ker [etc.] … speik the Laird of Samelstoun for discharging of the play callit [etc.]
1601–2 Montrose Treas. Acc. 8.
To gang … vith the bailleis to speak Dauid Fullartone & the maisone for the schoir mending
1614 Aberd. Council Lett. I 127.
I have spokin … the commissioner and Mr. Thomas Hoip tuching [etc.]
1615–16 Dumbarton Common Gd. Acc. 6.
When thai raid to Glasgow to speik the toun for the salt furlotts and customes of frie menis boits
1623 Linlithgow B. Rec. 9 May.
To ryid and speik my ladie Bructoun anent the loch milnes
1631 Glasgow B. Rec. II 5.
The proueist … and counsell … haue ordanet John Maxwell … to speik the noblemen … for [etc.]
1645 S. Leith Rec. 58.
The bailies promised to spake my Lord Provost of Edr. concerning the absents out of this toune
1657 Peebles B. Rec. II 42.
1674 Old Ross-shire I 367.
Honoured loving coussing … I spock you anent the bearer his particular at Brahan
(3) 1641 S. Leith Rec. 36.
George Hygen and John Gray was requysted to speak the callings of the toun desyring that [etc.]
1660 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 42.
I have not yet spocken the chancellor that I am to desyr ane commission for reapprehending him
1666 Fife Synod 184.
The brethren of that presbitry are to speak the magistrates, that he be lookt vnto as one guiltie
(4) 1533 Boece 213b.
The king … apoun ane hicht spak his armye in this sorte: ‘Oure progenitouris [etc.]’
1533 Boece 233b.

b. To talk to (a person or persons) in order to fulfill a specified objective. 1562 Breadalbane Lett.
We lippin to ȝour selff to speik MakGregour … to put ws nocht to ony cummers
1586 Douglas Chart. 290.
Desyr the principallis of the brokin men … to cum and speik ȝoureself … to vnderstand quhat offer and suretie thay will mak for redres of parteis skaithit
1599 Conv. Burghs II 47.
Desyris … commissioneris … to speik thair magistrattis and counsall to be myndfull to the support the indigens of George Strawchane
1604 Elgin Rec. II 124.
The bailyeis to speik the headis of craftis to stay fra this prophaine pastyme
1616 Haigs of Bemersyde 137.
I spak Mr. Mald to apprehend my brother
1656 Dingwall Presb. 275.
That some of the brethren speake the erle of Seafort … to mak ws knowe his intentioune
1684 Red Bk. Grandtully II 261. 1698 Orkney Rentals App. 70.
The magistrates of the brugh of Kirkwall hade spock Mr. Thomas Baikie, their minister, to signifie to the saide sessione that [etc.]

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"Spek v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Feb 2025 <>



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