A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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S(c)hute, S(c)huit, S(c)hote, S(c)hoot(t, Schet(e, v. Also: schwt(e, s(c)hut(t; s(c)huitt, schuite, schwit, schuyt; s(c)hout, schout(t)e, showt(e, schowit, sowt(e; shoote; scheut, seut; s(c)hot(t, s(c)hoit(e; shett. P.t. s(c)hot(t, chot, shut; schote; s(c)hoit(t, schoite; schute, shoot. P.p. s(c)hot(t, chot, shut(t, schote, s(c)hoit(t, s(c)hoyt(t, shoat(e. [ME and e.m.E. schetenn (Orm), scheotan (a1225), schote(n, schute(n (both c1400), schute (Cath. Angl.), schutte (c1500), shoot (1569), OE scéotan or scotian.]See S(c)hot n.1 for further examples.
I. To move suddenly, rapidly or forcefully.
1. intr. To move or pass rapidly, usu. in a specified direction; to rush, dash. Const. locative complement.Chiefly, with hostile intention. 1375 Barb. vii 474.
And als the hund … Schot till him sone & gan him ta Rycht be the nek Ib. ix 392.
He … in all his ger Schot in the dik Ib. 715.
Thai … schot furth fra thai harnasyt war Ib. x 668.
The constabill … All armyt schot furth to the cry Ib. xi 596 (C).
For sum vald schut [E. schout] out of thar rout … and ber doune men Ib. xvii 111 (E).
Throw-out the toun thai raissyt the cry And schot to-gidder her and thar a1400 Leg. S. xi 305.
Athre of thame … But rednes schot thai edryse til 1513 Doug. ii vi 105.
Lat ws togidder de And in amyd our ennemyis army schute Ib. xii xi 151.
He … with sa swift fard schot throu the melle That [etc.] a1568 Bann. MS 210b/8.
And quhen ye shoot alongis the shoar keip sycht Stand to your takill [etc.]
b. To schute apon (on) (a person), to rush on, to make an onslaught on, to assault violently.Chiefly in early verse. 1375 Barb. vii 397.
He thocht that with a gret menȝe He suld schute apon [C. on] him sudanly Ib. ix 596.
Than schot thai on thaim with a schout Ib. xiv 210.
Schyr Eduuard … With … his cumpany Schot apon [C. on] thaim sa sturdely That [etc.] Ib. xv 59.
The Scottis-men … schot on thaim at abandoun Ib. 482.
Than fersly schout [1571 set] on thaim [C. hym] we may a1400 Leg. S. i 525.
The hound … schot on Symeon in-to brath Ib. xxx 654.
He gert feyle feyndis thare apere, To schot one hyr with fellone bere ?1438 Alex. i 1118.
Than thai … Schot vpone him full douchtely Ib. 1624.
Seuin thousand … That shot with arrowis barblit bare Of syde come shutand on thame c1420 Wynt. viii 5804.
On owre hors bakkis than sall we Schwte on thame a1500 Henr. Fab. 2475.
All the beistis befoir that bandonit bene Will schute vpon my beistis with ire and tene a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 442.
Than but delay apoun [him] all thai schot 1513 Doug. ii vii 39.
On thame we schot and in thar myd rowt duschit [etc.]
c. intr. for reflex. To throw oneself (to the ground). c1475 Wall. (1570) vi 201.
War nocht for schame he had schot to the ground
2. intr. Of a material thing: To fly in the direction specified in consequence of an impact, collision, etc.; to move or flow rapidly or suddenly; to stick out of, project from (the mouth). 1456 Hay I 56/28.
Metallis quhilkis meltit quhen the toune brynt and schot doune all togedir the metallis and mellit thame all togedir Ib. 268/20.
Or gif his wappin schot out of the barrieris be ony cas of aventure 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 236.
The said guidwyffe tuik ane wodnes and hir toung schot out of hir heid and swallit lyke ane pott c1641–54 J. Gordon in Macfarlane's Geog. Coll. II 553.
For this river shutteth up the whole firth … no less then fourscoir myles long
3. Of blood or tears, etc.: To burst forth; to rush out. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 639.
Schire teris schot fra schalkis Ib. 690.
Fra schalkis schot schire blude our scheildis so schene c1475 Wall. iii 156.
Vpon the flouris schot [1570 schot out] the schonkan blude 16.. Soc. Ant. XI 195.
Keep ȝour selff safe … from the cruell and violent ayre that first shutts out of the pott; for in it is the greatest venome in the world
4. Of wind: To blow violently. 1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. i 84.
[Ac venti] … incubuere [mari], schot fordwartproverb. a1605 Montg. Sonn. lxix 8.
And let the wind shute in the [sea] a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1027.
Lat the wind schute in the sea
5. Of earth, sand, a bank, etc.: To fall, or slide, suddenly downwards; to collapse. b. With the gap or breach caused by a collapsed wall as subject: To open up. 1581 Lanark B. Rec. 85.
For ane dayis casting of the brey that schot at the end of the tounes new myln 1611 Crim. Trials III 131.
Ye … caist hollis in the sand to have buried him whilk still schutting and filling with sand and water, swa that ye wes not abill to get his corps covered 1692 Edinb. B. Rec. XII 97.
The brae upon the south side of the easter malt milne is shot and fallen doune with the breaking of the storme in winter lastb. 1618–19 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 107.
To Johne Simsone maisone for bigging up a great slop that schott out in the syd of Sir Michell Elphinstounes hous
6. To put forth buds or shoots. a1568 Scott xxxv 11.
He sall haif brute, as tre on rute Endlang the rever plantit; To burge and schute, and sall gif frutt In tyme a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xxxii 25.
Some flours may shoot suppose they haif no seed c1650 Spalding I 49.
At Martimess … the keall cam to seid and schot
7. fig. To schute to dede (deith), to die suddenly, as by a mishap or accident.Also, freq., as a result of magic or witchcraft.See 25 c below and S(c)hot n.1 10. 1531 Bell. Boece II 172.
The oxin at thair pasture tuke an uncouth rowting and schot haistely to deith 1533 Boece 380. 1588–9 Burntisland B. Ct. 21 March.
Ane gray naige … qwha schott to dead in the homcuminge 1622 Crim. Trials III 522.
Thow sall … suddanlie schute to deid in thy awin chyre
II. To cause to move, to propel.
8. tr. To thrust (a person, also an animal) in a specified direction; to force into a specified place, posture or position; to push violently. Also fig. or in fig. context.To schut by, to push out of one's way. Also with infinitive complement.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxi 254.
He schot hyre [L. mulierem cum indignatione repellebat] to the erde in tene Ib. xxvii 981.
Suddanly thai ware all deide, & schot in till gong stinkand Ib. xxxvii 374.
Thai bat-men that had hyme Schot in the se c1420 Wynt. viii 4947.
Bot Jhon … Schot hym off bak [C. on bak, W. abak] c1475 Wall. ii 100.
He Syn fra him dede schot him doun sodanle 1538 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 196.
That Thomas Melros dang hir and schot hir our varpynfalt a1578 Pitsc. I 319/24.
That cruell murtherar gart schut him fre his takoris 1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 128.
His sonn schott thé ouer amanges the coirne 1600 Crim. Trials II 183.
Immediatlie eftir he was strukin, his maiestie schoitt him doun the stair 1607 Ib. 532.
He … schot him fra him doun ane watter bra 1623 Dalyell Darker Superst. 126.
Scho bad the said James … schut his horse bak and foir to the fyre thryse 1637 Justiciary Cases II 341.
Depones … he saw thé James Heart schute John Chrystie over in ane close heid 1668 Rothesay B. Rec. 159.
John Campbell did schute him on his knee and he then suddentlie up lap on John Campbell 1694 Peebles B. Rec. II 147.
He threw ane capfull of ale in his face and shot him over the furm(b) 1513 Doug. iv v 127.
[Mercury] tuke his wand quharwith … The pail sawlis he cachis furth of hell And other sum tharwith gan schet [Ruddim. schete; L. mittit] full hoyt Deip in … hellys potefig. 1562-3 Winȝet II 51/11.
That it [sc. eloquence] may schuit men forduart to the consent thairof, quhome it may nocht aluterlie tyist 1570 Sat. P. xvii 108.
That shot idolatrie is shuitand vp agane 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 128.
The papistrie, … as it come in over the dycke, so sould it be shot ouer the dycke againe 1596 Dalr. II 225/1.
The King of Ingland quha had repudiat his wyfe … and shot her from him 1603 Philotus 1139.
Quhat is the mater that ȝe meine … Schut hame ȝour wyfe 1635 Dickson Wr. 68.
Tossed in his soul, like to be shot from God(2) c1610 Melville Mem. 132.
Some … wald schulder him and schut hym by when they entrit in the chamber(3) c1650 Spalding I 61.
[Thay] schot hir self with hir barnes to duell in the kilbarne
b. Without complement: To push or knock over; to push away (someone's hands). a1500 Sir Eger 1301.
The knight his hands in hers could fang She shoot his hands and bade, let go 1534 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 145.
The said Villiem schot Mairyone and hir kne bled 1611 Perth Kirk S. in J. P. Lawson The Book of Perth 267.
He … had misbehaved himself in the house of God by shutting his neighbours, and casting down their books
c. To schute (a person) to the ȝet (ȝettis) or dure (doors), to expel violently from a house. Also, fig., to reject, dismiss. 1578 Reg. Privy C. III 33.
Eftir reding of the same letter he schot the said Gawen to his yet 1580 St. A. Kirk S. 447.
Acusat … for … misusing off his wyffe and schuitting hir to the yeat c1650 Spalding I 51.
Thay … schot the lady with hir dochteris to hir owne yit Ib. 277.
Monro … schot his wyf and barnes to the dur Ib. II 396.
Sir Williame Forbes … schot thame to the yettis 1681 Cloud of Witnesses 125.
One that has robbed, spoiled and shut him to the doors … as one unworthy to manage the affairs of his own house 1697 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XXXIII 102.
He shott her to the door by the shoulderfig. 1562-3 Winȝet I 45/1.
Knawing that our Mastres … lufeand lawtie … wyl nocht be hard, bot repellit and schot to the dure a1599 Rollock Wks. I 415.
Schute it [supra this ministery] to the dore and for ocht I can see I trow it sall gang away
d. To throw (a corpse) (into (in) a hole). 1568 Buch. Indict. 22.
[Darnley's body] caryit … to the abbay … and schot in ane hoill
9. To schute furth, out or away, to expel; to banish; to drive out or away. Also fig.(1) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 7/11.
Methocht Judas with mony ane Jow Tuik blissit Jesu … And schot him furth with mony ane schow Ib. 126/4.
Suppois I war ane ald ȝaid aver Schott furth our clewch to squische the clever 1533 Bell. Livy I 148/4.
He commandit ane large nowmer of bestiall to be schot furth on the nixt day at porte Aquillyne Ib. II 125/8.
He … schot furth all thame that war fundin thareintill c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 531.
The pure plewmen & laubouraris of ȝour lands Quhen tha haue nocht to fill ȝour gredie hands … Ȝe schute thame furth, syne puts ane vthir thair 1581 Sempill Sat. P. xliii 97.
Sicklyk was Sipio saiklesly schot furth 1598 Crim. Trials II 70.
[They] tyrrit thair claithes of thame and schot thame moder-nakit furth of thair said duelling hous 1600 Haddington Corr. 208.
[He] gave the traitour ane deidlie wounde … and schutting him furth of the chalmer [etc.](2) 1562-3 Winȝet I 45/11, 13.
Treu workmen … to schute oute the vnclene baris … and to schut out or cut of alsua the wyld sangleris, that is, the proude schismatikis Ib. 49/5.
Quhen I … wes expellit and schott out of that my kyndly toun and fra my tender freindis thair a1568 Bann. MS 264b/53.
It is ourlait to schute me owte 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 43.
Quhat ellis sall we say scho menit thairby, bot, as the poet sayis, for pure lufe, God wait, scho schute him out of dures? Bot this tender creature, that outher schutes out hir husband, or als sone as he is cum chasis him away agane [etc.] 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 300.
The said cuntrie men … schote dispytfullie the pairtie of Edinburgh without 1596 Dalr. II 249/8.
Because the Inglis king schot not out be forse of this … rycht, … the heires of Makonell 1600 Elgin Rec. I 223.
[They] schoit him oute of the said kirkyaird be the schoulderis a1605 Montg. Sonn. xvii 12.
Quha thoght the poet somtyme worth his place, Suppose … they shot him out sensyne c1630 Scot Narr. 302.
‘Sweeth away! … pack thé, swinger!' and cryed to the door keeper, ‘Shutt him out!’ 1635 Dickson Wr. 93.
He will shoot out none that will stay in His house c1650 Spalding I 16.
The vther Frendracht schot out of his company 1669 Jus Populi 190.
They might have … shot him … out of doores with violence(3) a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 316/58.
Furthe at the dur he schot thame quyt away 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 38.
[She] schot away from hir, in maner into exyle, the ȝoung gentilman 1596 Dalr. I 144/14.
Quhome … he repudiat, forsuke and frome him as vnworthie schott her away 1616 Crim. Trials III 588.
Gif those howlattis and stymeis war schote away(4) fig. 1562-3 Winȝet II 60/3, 6.
For ony part of the Catholik doctrine being refusit and schot away, wtheris thingis also … sal be schote away 1570 Sat. P. xvii 107.
That shot hes justice and vertew shot away 1619 Sel. Biog. I 73.
The bishops being shot away, the kirk assembled in Edinburgh appointed that [etc.] 1635 Dickson Wr. 8.
If sense say, Shall God be cumbered with thee? He will shute thee away 1638 Henderson Serm. 346.
It were good for us … not to rest by the gate and … shoot out our wrath upon the stone that is casten at us a1658 Durham Commandments (1675) 207.
Humility … shooteth out self-confidence
b. To schute off, to cast off, reject, repudiate. 1596 Dalr. II 442/12.
Bot quhen Dosie … and vtheris Frenchmen had schot her aff as we speik, in a maner resisteng and gainstandeng thame
10. To push (a boat) into the water or sea; to launch. 1375 Barb. iv 629.
Men mycht thaim se Schute all thar galayis to the se And ber to se baith ayr and ster a1400 Leg. S. xvi 505.
That thai wald … schute thare bate with gud wil c1420 Wynt. ix 375. c1475 Wall. ix 47.
Bottis was schot and fra the roch thaim sent 1533 Boece 189b.
Infinite of his folkis … clam in the bote. Quhen be na way thai mycht schute hir fra land, scho was sa wechty, … all that cumpany was sonkin 1558-66 Knox I 120.
Schortlie thare after the admirall schot a flote boite which … sounded the deipe and so returned to hir schippe a1651 Calderwood VII 575.
The Hollanders shott their boates
b. To set, or put in position, a fishing net, also (once) a fishing line. Cf. Schot n.1 13.(1) 1447 Aberd. B. Rec. MS IV p. 477.
Ane schal noght row owir to schute his nett quhill [etc.] 1467 Reg. Dunferm. 359.
And pass vp and set owr thar nettis with routh with a tow of xxiiij fadom and schot at his avauntage quhen and quhat tym quhar thai lykis 1509 Reg. Great S. 714/1.
Piscaturam … cum potestate vulgariter le schute haill draw py and paill in quacunque parte infra dictos limites 1583 (1584) Ib. 225/2.
Cum potestate to haill, schutt, peill and draw nettis on all pairtis usit and wont within the saidis boundis 1642 St. A. Presb. 7.
Salmond fishers in the paroch of Leuchars, enacted … never to shutt a nett on the Sabboth(2) 1604 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 151.
That na persoun or personis sall fische, ley or schuit ony lynis within ony vo of the contrie fra Beltane to Alhalowmes yeirlie
11. To schute doun (a construction, as a wall, etc.), to knock down, to pull down, to break down. Cf. 5 above. c1475 Wall. ii 126.
Atour the dike thai ȝeid on athir side, Schott doun the wall 1513 Doug. xii v 154.
Sum schot doun with thar hand The altaris markyt for the sacryfys 1561–2 Edinb. Old Acc. II 163.
Being Sonday … the said auld dike chot doune and … enterit twa uther workmen
12. To thrust with a brisk movement (a part of the body) into the place, or in the direction, specified. Also fig.Also to schute out (one's hands), to take (prompt) action.(1) 1375 Barb. iii 117.
Ane other … his hand gan schute Betuix the sterap and his fute 1513 Doug. ii x 199.
I … schot my left arme in my scheild 1531 Bell. Boece I xxxiv.
For we schot our arme in the mouth thairof Ib. II 511.
[She] schot hir arme into the place quhare the bar suld have passit Id. Livy I 151/10.
He schot his hand in the fire 15.. Wyf Awcht. 75.
Ben thair come ane gredy sow … And in scho schot hir mekle mow(2) a1578 Pitsc. I 67/31.
The bischope randerit his spreit … and schew [I. schot] out his toung maist wyldlie as he had bene hangit wpoun ane gallous 1600 State P. (Reg. H.) No. 108/9.
Gif they saw his maiestie schut out his bair heid & airmes out at the windok 1600 Acts IV 210/1.
I … saw cleirlie his maiestie beirheadit schut furth his head & arme at the foirsaid window(3) fig. 1567 Sat. P. iii 81.
Unles ȝe now sharplie shuit out ȝour handis, And trewlie try the gyltie of this blude
b. fig. To schute out the hornes, to extend the scope or influence (of something). 1596 Dalr. I 238/23.
Quhen this Pelagian hæresie … appeired to schute out the hornes ay wyder and wyder
13. To thrust a (relatively) pointed object (through (thorow) something); to put (in) (a material thing) (in a specified place) with a rapid or forceful movement. 1533 Boece 633b.
Robert Grahame … was harlit throw the toun … & hait yrne schot thorow all partis of his body 1533 Bell. Livy II 225/26.
The Gaule … schot in his swerde in the leif of the ballance that was fals 1622 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 134.
Four daills of fir … thrie thairof lyand in the over loft beneath peis strae and the furt shot in at the laigh barne slit 1696 T. Davidson Rowan Tree (1949) 267.
The evil spirit … shut staves thorrow the wall at him but did no hurt
b. To thrust (a weapon or implement) into the place specified. a1568 Wedderburn Bann. MS 260a/17.
The skorne of Absolone, Quhen the hett culter wes schott in his hers Be clerk Nicolus 1596 Dalr. II 186/30.
Ilk schuteng his rapper in vtheris bellie
c. To thrust, push or otherwise move (something) aside. 1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. i 82.
([Jupiter] montem) Impulit in latus, schot the hill asyde or ȝondby
14. To schute the bar (of a door), to push back a bar or bolt so as to free it from its fastenings. 1633 Rutherford Lett. iii (1675) 193.
I have gotten now, honour to my Lord, the gate to open the store [1894 slote], and shut the bar of his door
b. To schute (a key or lock), to force a lock. 1573 Sempill Sat. P. xxxix 209.
Thay schot na keyis to brek the coffiris than 1601 Crim. Trials II 341.
Ye opnit the haill duris and schot the lokis of all the kistis within the said place 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1664) 343.
I know now … how to shut the lock & unbolt my welbeloved's door
c. To schute (the) dure, to break open a locked door. 1601 Misc. Spald. C. II 145.
And thair schoite the said James hall dure, and thairout thifteouslie stae tua gray pladdis [etc.]
15. To schute out (the bounds of a city or piece of land), to extend, enlarge. 1533 Bell. Livy I 97/3.
Throw quhilk the wallis war schot out with mare magnificent boundis than afore 1582 Kirkcaldy B. Rec. 70.
That na persoun schute out his land upone ony commoun gaitt, but as he aucht
b. reflex. To project, extend; to stick out. 1632 Lithgow Trav. i 22.
Italy … growing narrower and narrower till it shut out it selfe in two hornes
16. To drive (animals) to a place. Cf. 9 above. 1521 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 61.
That no katel be haldin in the infeld … bot all … be schot to the common daylie
17. To conduct (rain water) clear of a building; to let run away. 1542 Soc. Ant. III 163.
The watter tabill of the sidwallis of the said kirk … to be in ane caisment hevin for leid to be lad thairin to schout the watter by the wyndowis
18. Of a dragon, also a lynx: To emit fire or flames by breathing out. a1400 Leg. S. x 157.
& blessis of fyre with brynt-stane At nese & mowthe thai [sc. dragons] schote owte Ib. xxxi 509.
Wes neuir lenx that schuttis fyre Mare fulfillit of breth & yre c1420 Wynt. vi 432.
Lyk till dragownys fyr schutand
b. Of a comet: To throw out (flames, etc.) in its wake. 1596 Dalr. II 90/5.
A maruellous gret comet quhilk toward the south schot fyrie stremes terrabillie
19. Of grain: To emit or expend (its essence). 14.. Acts I 337/2.
Malt makaris … lat it [supra beir] akyrspire and schut out all the pith of it
b. To schute forth (venom), to eject from the body. 16.. Soc. Ant. XI 195.
And three of the most dangerous creatures that may be found ly within this pott which will all three shutt forth thair venome als soone als the pott is opned
c. To schute out (one's voice), to speak aloud, to call out; to utter sounds. a1500 Henr. Fab. 847.
[He] Schot out [Bann. Put furth] his voce full schyll and gaif ane schout
d. fig. To vent (malice or anger) (contrare a person or thing). 1562-3 Winȝet I 116/13.
Bot sen ȝe do nocht sa, appere ȝe nocht to schuit out ȝour malice contrare ws, and nocht contrare that quhilk ȝe had an errour?
20. intr. To void excrement. Also to schute behind or under. a1500 Henr. Fab. 2567.
Ȝe gart me schute behind Ib. 2584.
I schot behind quhen thow ouertuke me euer a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 451.
Apon hir sydis [sc. a ship's] was sene that thou coud schute Ib. 459.
Quhen that the schip was … undir saile … Thou schot … Beschate the stere [etc.] 1540 Lynd. Sat. 625.
I … schot sa fast abone and vnder The divill durst not cum neir my dok
b. To throw up; to vomit. Also to schute abone (see quot. Lynd. above). c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 152/61.
Out of thair throttis thay schot on udder Hett moltin gold
c. tr. To eject from the body as excrement or vomit. 1494 Loutfut MS 19b.
And quhen the hundis persewis hir scho seutis and castis hir filth apon the doggis 1540 Lynd. Sat. 4361 (B).
Scho puft and ȝiskit with sic riftis That verry dirt come furth with driftis. Sic dry smell droggis fra hir scho schot, Quhill scho maid all the flure on flot
III. To discharge a missile.
21. tr. a. To let fly (an arrow, bolt, etc.) from a bow, crossbow or the like (at (apon, contrar) a person or other target); to hurl (a stone) from a sling. Also fig. or in fig. context.Once, with bow as object, see e below.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xix 572.
Bot quhene thai schot thare arrois [etc.] c1475 Wall. viii 767.
Arowys thai schot als fers as ony fyr Atour the wall c1515 Asl. MS I 302/6.
He was slane be Lamech the blind vengeabilly schoting ane arowe at ane hert c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 188.
Fair Callyng that wele a flayn coud schute 1513 Doug. v ii 53.
Quha best on fute kan ryn, lat se, … Or dartis kast, and best schute arrowis lycht 1531 Bell. Boece I 229.
Men with licht harnes … schot incredibill nowmer of stanis and ganyeis with corsbowis and slongis Ib. II 161.
Thay wer stoppit be ganyeis, arowis, and stanis, schot out of the touris of Camelon 1533 Boece 384b (see c below). 1562-3 Winȝet I 58/26.
Quhen all his blunt boultis and pithles artelȝerie ar schot 1596 Dalr. I 93/20.
That the radier quhen thay walde thay mycht schote or caste a darte or ane arrow 1600-1610 Melvill 308.
[He] schouttes his arrow down the … wynd quhilk lightes upon … a matman of the town, and hurts him in the cragproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 76.
A fooles bout is sone schot(2) 1513 Doug. v ix 8.
Apon the top tharof [sc. a ship's mast] gart fessyn fast A fleand dow intil a cord, quharat Thai suld thar arowys schuyt 1531 Bell. Boece II 183.
The Scottis … come sa fersly with thair lang speris that thair ennimes had na laseir to schote thair dartis 1533 Boece 141.
Ane multitude of arrowis and ganeȝeis apoun Romanis war schott Ib. 429b.
The bendit stringis of the cors bowis suld … schute the ganeȝeis apoun the handillaris 1678 Stirling Common Good 122.
When the arrow was shutt at the cross(3) fig. a1510 Aberd. Univ. Rev. XXXVI i 44.
I sall ger fasone weile a flane And schut yt fra my hart 1536 Lynd. Answ. Flyting 37.
Thocht ȝe rin rudelie lyke ane restles ram Schutand ȝour bolt at mony sindrie schellis 1549 Compl. 123/9.
Allace I am the merk of the but contrar the quhilk euere man schutis arrous of tribulatione c1590 Fowler I 152/2.
Suld I not heate these harmefull hands … Which shott the shafts of love [etc.]?
b. To overshoot, shoot to the other side of an intervening space. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 120/59.
Bot ay sic space is us betwene That nane can schut it with ane flane
c. To hurl, throw (a dart, spear or the like, also a bundle of burning heather) (at a person).Some quots. in which dart is the object, may belong in a above. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2955.
He schot ane dart at him in hy ?1438 Alex. i 1672.
Dartis and staffis heidit with steill Thay bair and couth shute thame richt weill Ib. ii 3761.
Ȝe can shute speiris That hit the hart, and it nocht deres c1420 Wynt. v 4526.
Ane angyle … Wes send schwtand a dart off ire 1492 Myll Spect. 281/4.
He … schot at him thre fellone dartis 1513 Doug. xi xiv 86.
In honest fait of armys [he is] maist expert, And best betaucht to schute or cast a dart 1533 Boece 266.
Thai made the haddir in faggaldis and kindilling thame in fyre … schot thame doun amang the palliouns of inemyis Ib. 384b.
Danys … schot thare awfull dartis and brade arrowis 1558-66 Knox I 87.
Thei schote spearis and dagged arrowis whare the cumpanyes war thikest 1596 Dalr. I 93/20 (see a (1) above). 1632 Black Bk. Taymouth 389.
That he sall not … schuit a wasp spear, nor put out a wand on any pairt of the water of Tay
d. To fire (a gun or other firearm). Also to schute furth, aff.With and without locative complement.(1) pres. 1456 Acts II 45/2.
In ilk cart twa gunnys … and ane cunnande man to schut thame 1506 Treas. Acc. III 203.
The pynouris … carying the irn gun to the sandis to schut hir thair 1548 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 133.
Persouns … that can handill and schute ony maner of artailyery c1550 Lynd. Test. Meldrum 183.
Ane thousand hakbuttis gar schute al at anis(b) 1600 Edinb. B. Rec. V 269.
That the castell suld shuitt thair haill ordinance 1601 Crim. Trials II 370.
That na … persounes … sall schuit, weir or beir culveringis, dagis or pistolettis vpoun thair bodeis(c) 1617 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 75.
To schout and chairge the haill ordinance at his majestie hame cuming 1645–6 Dumfries Treas. Acc. MS p. 20.
For the powder to showt thame [sc. cannon] being sextene pound wecht(d) 1638 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XVII 338.
For pouder to shoot the cannan(e) a1578 Pitsc. I 270/10.
Desyrand … that he might schott his artaillȝe at the Inglische ost Ib. II 99/12.
The maister gouner … cuttit the quhellis and axtrie of his gone that he was schottand(f) 1596 Dalr. II 317/5.
Tyberie … shotes at thame a gret peace frome aboue Ib. 328/4, 5.
The Inglismen and Italianis tha chaist til a hicher parte of the ile, fra quhilk shoteng arrowis and casting stanes, lykwyse shuiting gunis, a certane space tha scharplie gainestude(g) 1557 Peebles B. Rec. I 240.
James Frank to schoit ane govne, and thairafter the swiche to cum to the gaitp.t. c1515 Asl. MS I 244/28.
The gret gwn the quhilk a Franche man schot richt wele c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 149/112.
Thai … schot ane gone a1578 Pitsc. I 229/25.
The Inglismen … schott ane gret cannone or twa at the Scoittis 1596 Dalr. II 438/8.
Tha thair cannounis … stellit and schot against the heichest houses of the nobillest men 1603 Moysie 87.
Ane narow entrie at quhilk the saidis conspiratouris … schot pistoletis 16.. Hist. Kennedy 60.
The Laird Auchindrayne … schott hagbuttis … at thame(b) 1531 Crim. Trials I i 156.
[They fell upon them, and] schote diuerse pecis of artilȝeari [at them] 1586–7 Reg. Privy C. IV 139.
[He] schote ane pistolett at him of intentioun to have schott him thairwith(c) 1599 Oliphants 170.
[They] schoit and dischargeit ane greite nowmer of hacquebutis and pistolettis(d) a1578 Pitsc. II 124/16.
Quhan thir proclematiounis war endit … than the trumpattis and schalmes blew and so did the arteilȝerie schuit and bellis rang [etc.](e) 1687 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 180.
He acknowledges that he shoot his pistoll once or twice at the wind and at ane markp.p. 1596 Dalr. I 25/15.
The grettest gun that is schott will nocht scar thame [sc. Solan geese] nor chais thame away(b) 1542 Treas. Acc. VIII 127.
For the drawing of the pece cassin before the last chakar to be schote witht hir(c) 1609 Crim. Trials III 47.
And than this deponar preissit to haif shoit his awin pistolett and it misgaif(2) 1524–5 Acts II 290/2.
That thairfor the capitane of the said castell suffir na gunnis to be schot furth of the samin to the hurt … of our souerane lordis liegis 1558 Treas. Acc. X 367.
In the monting of Mons furtht of hir lair to be schote 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 260.
It fortunit ane peice of artalȝerie wes schote furth of the castell, quhilk chancit to licht vpoun … Lord Methvene 1579 Warrender P. (SHS) I 145.
The castell … wes enveronit … , sum peces of artaillerie wes schot furth(3) 1596 Dalr. II 436/9.
Not ane cannoune was schott or lattne aff afor the neist day Ib. 436/21.
Cannounis schot of be the Inglismen against the kirk c1610 Melville Mem. 28.
The reisters schot aff all ther pistolles
e. Rarely, with multiple object, in both senses a and d above. a1500 K. Hart 862.
The grundin ganȝeis and grit gunnis syne Thai schut without a1578 Pitsc. I 232/9.
Sum to schut the hand bow, corsebow and collvering
f. With gunpowder as object. 1597 Misc. Spald. C. V 64.
For ane eftirnunes lawing to the bailleis and ȝouth of the toun that schot pulder that day 1610 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 324.
For ten pond of pouder that was schot with the chalmeris
g. To discharge (a bullet) from a gun. Also with a gun as subject.(1) 1585 Reg. Privy C. III 743.
Thay schott ane bullon throw his hatt 1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I 38.
[They] scheutis furth of the forster [= fore-stair] … sum bullatts amangis tham 1596 Dalr. II 295/13.
The gayleis shuiting al kynd of shuitting bulletis Ib. 310/5.
Quhen thay had shott ydanlie … tua hunder bullets [etc.](2) 1660 Wemyss Corr. 60.
Forty twa small ones [sc. pieces] shoutting one halfe pund bullet
h. With cognate object, in senses a and d above.To schute ane deid volie, to fire a salute at a funeral; to schute nipschot, see Nipschot n.(1) 1590–1 Crim. Trials I ii 228.
He causit schwit diuers schottis thairat 1594 Reg. Privy C. V 194.
[He] shoit three or foure schoitis of pistollettis at him 1595 Edinb. B. Rec. V 138.
Ane schott of ane pistolett … schott furth of the hie schole be ane of the bayrnes 1597–8 Reg. Privy C. V 443.
Thay … schoit and dilasheit aucht schoit … of pistollettis and hacquebutis at the said complenair 1615 Melrose P. 602.
The ordince … haid not shoat above sevin or eight shot, when [etc.] 1625 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 167.
Eftir the[y] haid schot the vollie 1644 Wemyss Corr. 89.
Young Drumme … did newer … shoot a shoott to the prejudice off anie off the lidges c1650 Spalding I 374.
And thrie soldiouris apoyntit, ilkane efter vther, to schute thrie deid schottis at him whill he wes schot deid(2) c1650 Spalding I 212.
Thair wes ane deid volie schot be the soldiouris for thair owne man Ramsay at the old kirk dur
22. intr. To send forth an arrow, bullet, or other missile from a bow, gun, etc.; to fire at a person or other target.Also with locative complement, see also c below.(1) pres. 1375 Barb. xiii 59.
[They] swa assaile thaim with thar speris That thai na layser haiff to schut Ib. xvi 147.
The king has gert his archeris then Schoute for to put thai men agayn 1424 Acts II 6/1.
That … thar be maid bowmerkis and specialy nere paroche kirkis quhare vpone haly dais men may cum and at the lest schute thris about and haif vsage of archary 1456 Ib. 45/2.
And gif he can nocht schut that he haif ane ax and a targe 1456 Hay I 234/4.
Quhen he herd ony wilde beste stalkand besyde him, be avys of his fele, he wald schute 1513 Doug. v ix 56.
Schuyt a1568 Norvell Bann. MS I p. 12/13.
How can ane blind man schut arrycht 1565 Reg. Morton I 14.
For restraynte of shotynge with gunnes … we … commande you … to apprehende all persons … that so vses to shote contrary our order 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 175.
The captane wha forbad his to shute quhill thei wer very neir 1572 Sat. P. xxxiii 268.
Quhair sic wer wont at all games to be reddy, To schuit or loup for to exerce thair body 1616 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 305.
Ane act … in favouris of the ilandouris to shote within a myle of thair owne housis for thair recreatioun allanerliep.t. 1375 Barb. xiii 52.
Thar archeris … schot rycht hard and grewous a1400 Leg. S. xix 656.
Foure hundir knychtis thra Al that day schot hyme fore to sla c1475 Wall. viii 602.
Sotheroun men schot and braithly kest doun stanys c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 34/179.
A cloud of arowis … lousit thay And schot quhill wastit was thair artilye 1558-66 Knox I 220.
Thare [was] a combate betuix the galayis and the Englis schippis; thei schote fracklie a whill a1578 Pitsc. I 340/26, 341/1.
Ane baillȝie, ane pyper, that schot felloun neir and warrit the Inglischemen … be neir schutting bot the rest of airchouris schott far and wight(2) 1375 Barb. xiii 209.
And the Scottis archeris alsua Schot amang thaim sa deliuerly Ib. xvi 105. c1475 Wall. iv 552.
Bauldly [he] schott amang thai men of wer. … And at a schoyt the formast sone he sleu c1515 Asl. MS I 159/1.
In Ynd ar treis so hie that men may nocht schute to thair crope 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 284.
The ane pairtie schuteand out and castand stanis furth of the said tolbuyth and the vther pairtie schuteand hagbuttis in the same agane a1578 Pitsc. II 264/5.
The castell … brocht certane pices of arteilȝerie with thame to the captanes ludgeing and schot downe and langis the gait amangis thame of Edinburgh a1599 Rollock Wks. I 413.
Tak ane gun and put it in ane bairnes hand, he will slay ane man or schute throw ane buirden dure a1605 Montg. Sonn. xlvi 6.
Sharper shuters ner the mark will shute 1665 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. II 24.
Walter Rosse … did shutt in with gunes and pistolls at the windowes 1665 Irvine Mun. II 91.
Ilk persone that sall schoot … sall give in … befoir they be suffered to schoott [at the papingo] threttein schilling four pennyis Scottis 1665–7 Lauder Jrnl. 37.
When he stood their and shoot over the steeple of Edenburgh
b. In extended sense, = to take an active part in fighting. 1595–6 Cal. Sc. P. XII 171.
[It is in my mind … to] schoot [in the wars in Ireland]
c. With the weapon discharged as subject. 1460 Hay Alex. 1382.
With that the culuerinnis begouth to schute 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 931.
Reddy to schute thay haue sax gret cannounnis 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 277.
All the ordinance of the Inglis camp schote for noveltie … in presens of the saids ambassatouris a1578 Pitsc. II 39/14.
The bowis, hagbutis and artaillȝe schott on ilk syde a1605 Birrel Diary 43.
And for honour of his bonyalla, the canons shott out of the castell of Edinburghe a1605 Montg. Sonn. xxii 12.
Fra tym ȝe caus my cannoun royal shuit Haif at ȝour rocks … Sho shuits so sharpe, ȝe dou not byde a brattill
d. To schute with (a bow, engine of war or firearm), also (rarely, in early use) with (an arrow or missile). Also to schute in (a bow). Also proverb.(1) a1400 Leg. S. v 486.
It suld hafe bene son out of pyth To schot ony takil vith ?1438 Alex. i 1649.
The Turkis with arrowis braid Schott thikker weill than hale or snaw c1420 Wynt. i 197.
He wes the fyrste at schot in bowe, Wyth vyre or bolt or wyth arowe — 1456 Hay I 44/5.
And he gert first mak the bowis to schute with at Rome Id. Alex. 4871.
Sum schott with gunnys and sum with ingyne, Sum vther with coluerynnis and with crapaldynis a1500 Bk. Chess 2107.
And the women with strang bowes thai schut 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 286.
Sen thov hes sic capacitie To lerne To … Schute with hand bow, crosbow and culueryng 1557–8 Edinb. Old Acc. I 239.
For twa silver culverings … to gif the young men occasioun to leir to schut with the culvering 1579 Acts (1597) ii 39.
That na maner person … of quhatsumever estait … schuit with culveringis, dagges, pistolettes … without licence of our soveraine lord, vnder the paine of cutting of their richt hand a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 735 (W).
To borrowe … Baith quiver and his bow Quhairwith befoir he seyit to schuit 1596 Dalr. II 327/25.
The Inglismen shot with arrowis, dartes and dagis c1650 Spalding I 70.
Thay schot out at them with hagbuttis(2) c1420 Wynt. i 197 (see (1) above). a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 163 (W).
I langit in luiffis bowe to schuite [Wr. shoote]proverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1128.
Manie speiks of Robein Hude that never schot in his bow
e. To schute at (a person, animal or thing, freq. an object set up as a target) (with the weapon specified).Also to schute at (a prize), to compete for (it) in a shooting contest.(1) 1375 Barb. vii 445.
Ȝow aucht to schame … For to schute at me apon fer 1456 Hay I 234/8.
Lameth, werand it war a wilde beste, schot at him and slewe him 1513 Doug. Direct. 24.
I myne honeste haue degraid And at my self to schute a but hes maid c1565 Lennox Mun. 266.
Caus the schippis quhilk ar in the revar to schoit at thame in thar gangin by 1570 Leslie 181.
The … capitane … caused showte at thame in sa gret aboundance and with so guid messour that [etc.] Ib. 199.
The harqhiebusaris … did shuit so hattlie at the vangaird of the Scottismen … that [etc.] 1596 Dalr. II 300/13.
The Inglis men of weir … with lang calleuiris shott at thair aduersaris c1615 Chron. Kings 164.
Bot the toune betraissing him, come [in] his contrair, and with moskattis schottis at him 1615 Crim. Trials III 276.
Patrik Halcro … schuteing out thairof [sc. the steeple] at all persones that durst kithe in ȝour contrair 1671 6th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 700/1.
He shot at him with ane littill short peice(2) 1550 Reg. Privy C. I 95.
That nane of oure soverane ladyis legeis tak upoun hand to schut with halff haige or culvering or pistolate at dere, ra [etc.] 1567 Acts III 26/2.
That na maner of person … sould schuit with culueringis, crosbow [etc.] … at … hair, cuning [etc.] 1576 Breadalbane Ct. Bk. 18b.
That na man … tak vpone hand to schute with ane culuering at deir or ony wyld foulis 1577 Reg. Privy C. II 648.
The actis … forbiddand to schute at wyld beist 1589 Edinb. B. Rec. V 10.
That he sall nocht … schuitt at ony maner of fowlis 1589 Glasgow B. Rec. I 143.
That nane … tak upoun hand to schute with culveringis pistolats or ony vther instrumentis at ony dowis within the burrow ruidis of the toun 1609 Breadalbane Doc. No. 385.
To schute … nather at deir nor ro inwith nor outwith the said forrest 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 155.
Na person sall shut at wild beastis … at ony time in winter nicht 1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 216.
Being accustomat … to tak a hacquebute and to shoite at foullis 1621 Black Bk. Taymouth 352.
Any … mane that schuitis at deir rae blakcokis [etc.](3) 1558-66 Knox I 457.
[They] caryed with thame some great ordinance to schuitt at Leyth a1578 Pitsc. II 170/20.
And money of thame slaine … be schot of cannon and wther peceis schottand at the wallis Ib. 302/19.
Thay began thair battrie eftirnon and schot at Dauidis towr 1596 Dalr. II 309/29.
He shot tua dayes continuallie at a gret strenth or bulwark quhilk the toune had and lipned maist in 1614 Crim. Trials III 287.
I commandit the cannoners to shute at the castell 16.. Hist. Kennedy 13.
He had conweynit sum of my lordis serwandis … and wnder clud of nycht schuttis at my lordis hous(4) 1496 Treas. Acc. I 273.
Giffin to the king himself to schute at the prop with James Mersar x s. 1497 Ib. 360.
To the king to schut at the schell 1504 Ib. II 446.
To the king [to] schut at the buttis iiij s. a1568 Scott v 43.
Syne marrowis mix To schute at buttis a1578 Pitsc. I 340/14.
That the said Inglischemen sould schute aganis thame [sc. six Scots] ether at prickis, reveris or at buttis 1684 Erskine Diary 59.
I saw ingineer Fletcher shooting at a mark with cannonfig. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 193/13.
He that hes for his awin genȝie Ane plesand prop … And schuttis syne at ane uncow schell And is forfairn with the fleis of Spenȝie [etc.](5) a1568 Scott xxxiii 25.
Blynd buk [sc. Cupid]! bot at the bound thow schutis 1616 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 190.
The siluer gun ȝeirlie to be schot at the first Monday of May
f. fig. To aim at as a target, to try to achieve (a particular end); to strive to achieve (the end specified).To schute at (a person's life), to try to bring about (his death).When the ‘target’ is a person, = to try to do harm to (? or to kill).(1) 1558 Q. Kennedy Tractive 102.
In the understanding of this consistis the heale purpose and markis poynt quhilk we schute at Id. Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 179/4.
The peple in the warld sall forȝet thair is ane God, quhilk is the markispoynct that the devill schutis at be heretykis 1562-3 Winȝet I 132/15.
Gif ȝe schuit only at this samin mark [supra the tramping doun of idolatrie (etc.)] … we exhort ȝow [etc.] 1570 Sat. P. xvii 24.
The maners of the king Is ay the mark quhairat his subiectis shuittis 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 288.
Bloodshed is the only thing that they shoot and mark at 1605-6 Welsh Forty-eight Serm. 421.
And that His glory may be your principal care, and the only thing that ye shoot at 1609 Garden Garden 79.
Indanger not … Th'immortall mark whereat the soule does shut(2) 1568 Haddington Mem. II 271.
The croun quhairat he hes lang schot him self c1610 Melville Mem. 324.
He [sc. the Earl of Arran] schot directly at the lyf and landis of the Erle of Gowry a1651 Calderwood VI 219.
The papists that shutt at that kingdom, shutt at my life also(3) 1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I ii 90.
Having na other but to schote at bot onelie oure said husband, being than Erle Bothwell 1594 Colville Lett. 264.
The marke he sowtes att is the secriter
g. To schute (at the pennystane), to make a throw or cast. 1577 Reg. Privy S. VII 162/2.
A boy of fourtene … schuittand with the uther bairnis of the scoill … at the pennystane in thair common playing place
IV. To attack, wound or kill by shooting.
23. tr. To hit, pierce, wound or kill (a person, also an animal) with a missile from a bow or firearm.(a) c1510 Prester John 311b.
Wod men, the quhilk ar callit sagittaris, quhilk schottis & slais other monstoris 1513 Doug. iii i 85.
Heir I ly Througyrd with dartis and thyk steil hedis schote 1570 Sat. P. x 338.
Just at aleuin houris … Thair wes ane knaif … Quhilk schot him 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 4.
The regent was … wairned that his distructioune was concluded, … to wit, that he shuld be shot Ib. 117.
Schoute 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 292.
The said seruand should schote him with ane dag, bot his peice … misga 1576 Misc. Spald. C. II 330.
He was manesit and boistit be the said suddarttis … to haue bene schott 1580 Crim. Trials I ii 90.
Vmquhile Alexander Stewart … schot with ane poysonit bullet 1583 Glasgow B. Rec. I 103.
Johnne Chalmiris schot in at his face and out at his neck 1594 Warrender P. (SHS) II 247.
He had aggreit with Gilpatrik oig Mckellar to schuitt and murthur the laird of Cadell 1596 Dalr. II 474/5.
Ane of the gentlemen … with a schot of a hagbit schuites M. Lord James and slayes him 1605 Stewart Mem. 114.
Schowittis 1672 Peebles B. Rec. II 87.
It shalbe lesum to any that finds them [sc. swine] without hous to schut or slay them 1679–89 McCrie Mem. Veitch 459.
The day that the butcher was shot, his lugg was nailed to the gallows(b) 1635 Ritchie Ch. S. Baldred 241.
To Alexander Sherrie, to buy poudder with to shett the dowes in the kirk … 6 s.
b. Of harsh weather: To hurt, wound; to beat upon, assail. lit. and fig. a1500 K. Hart 9.
For wes he never ȝit with schouris schot Nor ȝit ourrun with rouk or ony rayne … Na never had experience in to payne 1570 Sat. P. x 329.
With scharp hailstanis thay schot him traterouslie
c. fig. To wound or kill by the ‘evil eye’. 1691 Kirk Secr. Commonw. (1964) 328.
Walter Graham … killed his own cow, after commending it's fatnes, and shot a hare with his eye, having praised it's swiftnes
d. To shoot at (a person or animal, also a target). Cf. 22 e above. Also absol.(1) 1474 Acts II 107/2.
That na man hwnt schut nor sla dere nor rais in wtheris clos nor parkis(2) a1578 Pitsc. I 208/3.
They schott them so fast witht arrowis that they hourt money of thair horssis 16.. Hist. Kennedy 44.
Thai … laid for me lord … and had cuttit out hoillis, to the effect to schutt him in the by-gangingabsol. 1623 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. in Misc. Maitl. C. II 196.
That nae man hunt with doggis nor nettis nor shutt in uther mens links nor holmes in tyme coming
e. To hit (a person) in or throuch (a part of his body or an item of clothing) with a missile thrown or shot at him. 1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 77.
He wes schott in the faace with ane spere a1538 Abell 54a.
King Egfred wes schot in the face with a naro 1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 287.
Ane callit Cranstoune shoyt thorycht the schwlder 1570 Sat. P. x 17.
Ane woundit man … schot throw pudding and panche Abone the nauil and out abone the hanche 1558-66 Knox II 69.
Quha was schot in the thigh with ane falcone or haquebute of crock 1572 Sat. P. xxxii 77.
Smaikis … Hes schot my wyfe throw birsket, lyre and fell 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 248.
My lord regent … wes schote with ane dag be the said James Cadaris throw the flank and abone the henche 1583 Glasgow B. Rec. I 103.
Michaell Smyth schot throw the hand and metulat of his formest fingare a1595 Cullen Chron. Aberd. 39.
Maister Robertt Gordone … was schoytt with ane dayg in the heid 1596 Dalr. I 250/27.
In the heid he is schott, be quhome can na man tell c1614 Melrose P. 601.
One of the livtenants company was shoate in the bodie 16.. Hist. Kennedy 48.
Auchindrayne [was] schott and hurtt in the kirnellis of the thie 1619 Crim. Trials III 482.
Johnne Lyddell … schote him in his lichting af his horse with tua bullettis at the left pape throw the heart 1628 Reg. Privy C. 2 Ser. II 353.
Mr. Alexander Montgomerie … shott him throw the lippes of his bonnett c1650 Spalding I 44.
James Grant … bendis ane hagbut and schootis him throw both thies
f. To schute to (the) dede, also to schute dead or doun, to kill by shooting. Cf. 7 above.(1) c1475 Wall. iv 578.
Fyfteyn that day he schot to dede of hys hand Be that his arrous waistyt war and gayne 1513 Doug. vi xiii 100.
All thocht the … hart he schot to ded a1578 Pitsc. I 3/14.
Sum invyand vthir with maist crewell feid With sword and dag to schut him to the deid(2) c1650 Spalding I 374 (see 21 h (1) above). 1685 Lauder Observes 146.
The rebells … had very near shot Douglas himselfe dead(3) a1568 Broun Bann. MS I p. 37/71.
O crewale knychtis … Gud tyme wer heir for to repent Or ȝe be schot doun suddanly And brocht on force to iugement
g. fig. To schute (a realm) in tway, to divide into two factions. 1570 Sat. P. xvii 105.
That schot, allace! this realme hes shot in tway
24. In references to the impact of a shot: To break off or carry away (a part of a larger whole); to shoot off. 1599 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 712.
To thrie pynnouris … for mending the cunȝie stane wes schot avay be an cannon 1632 Lithgow Trav. ii 62.
We shot away their middle mast
V. 25. tr. and intr. Allusively, in references to a. Death personified. b. Cupid. c. The superstition that sudden illness, injury or death might be caused by flint arrow heads shot by fairies, a power also claimed and ‘practised’ by witches (cf. 7 above).a. a1500 Henr. Deth & Man 6.
Paip, empriour, king, barroun, and knycht, … May nocht ganestand quhen I [sc. Death] pleis schote this derte 15.. Dunb. App. ii 17.
Fra he [sc. Death] begyn to schute his schot, Thow wat nocht quhen that it will lichtb. a1585 Maitl. Q. 104/34.
Neuer a dairt So persit my hairt As dois the bolt Quhilk luif me schot O god Cupid gif bitter be thy dint Ib. 208/18.
Dido … Schot in the hairt with Cupids arrowis kein c1590 Fowler I 57/255.
I also know how luiff dois shutt and than dois flie away c1600 Montg. Suppl. v 7.
King Cupaid … Schott on, thow sall bott trawill tyne a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xxxiii 17.
A naiked boy vha bure a Turkish bou … shot and hat me on the breist; The sheirand shaft soon slippit to my hairtc. 1590 Crim. Trials I ii 192.
And thow schott twa schottis with the said arrow heid att [a clay image of] the said Lady Balnagowne Ib. 199.
For making of ane pictur of butter to the … Laird of Fowlis … and the said pictur of buttir … wes schot at with ane elf-arrow-heid be the said Marioune … for the destructioune of the young laird 1629 Justiciary Cases I 111.
Be the pannellis sorcerie … thair haill hors and cattell sudanlie schote to deid 1649 Ib. III 813.
The said Jeane be hir sorcerie and witchcraft, laid upone thrie of the saidis horssis [that] thay presentlie schot to dead 1659 Sc. Law Times (1935) 169 (20 July).
When she was layeing wakeing with a paine in her arme, she perceaved her thombe shot through with that which they call ane elffe stone 1662 Highland P. III 19.
He [sc. the Devil] … gave her ane elf errow stone to shott him which she did … that the child dyed imediately therafter 1662 Crim. Trials III 607.
And quhan ve shoot these arrowes (we say), ‘I shoot yon man in the Divellis name’ Ib.
We haw no bow to shoot with, but spang them [sc. elf-arrow-heads] from of the naillis of our thowmbes Ib. 612.
The Divell gaw Margret Brodie an arrow to shoot at him
VI. In other senses.
26. tr. To schute (a) day, to postpone something proposed for that day until a later date. Also with the thing proposed as object.(1) 1385 Rot. Sc. II 73/2.
That day that chuld be halden the xix day of Averill chall be chot to the xv day of May next to cumme 1429 Cal. Doc. IV 406.
That the commissaris and deputis of aithir perti sal schot na days of Marche withowt a resnabil and ane oppin cause a1500 Seven S. 976.
Lentulus … can requere That thai suld tary on the way To se gif he couth schut the day 1557 Crim. Trials I i 398.
Thair remanit quhill thai gat sure word that the wardane was returnyt and the day of trew schot(2) 1583 Wemyss Corr. 81.
I sall owther gar schwit it till ane vther day or [etc.] 1596 Dalr. I 291/16.
The conuentioune is skailet and schot quhil the neist ȝeir
27. fig.To shoot the buise, ‘seems synon. with the cant E[ng.] term, to swing, i.e. to be hanged’ (Jam., s.v. Buise). ‘Perhaps,’ SND conjectures, ‘buise is a variant of Buist n.1' a box (SND, s.v. Buise n.). Cf. slang English to kick the bucket’. a1689 Cleland 94.
Of penal statutes … Which rightly weigh'd and put in use Might yet cause some to shoot the buise
28. intr. To pay a share; to make a monetary or other contribution. Cf. S(c)hot n.1 14. 1580 (16..) Dundee B. Laws 121.
Without the mariner be subiect to the lawes of the gild and be content to shott and contribute with the pillot casten guides according to the act
29. tr. ? To avoid, escape. 1685 Hay Fleming Six Saints I 114.
Until … the brunt of the battle is over and the shower is slacked, I am confident the safest way to shoot the shower is to hold out of God's gate, and to keep within His doors until the violence of the storm begin to ebb
30. To schoot (to do something), to strive. Cf. S(c)hot n.1 12 c. 1638 Dickson in Sel. Biog. II 19.
And when it comes to the upwith, heir doe they schoot to put all the matters in man's awne hand
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