A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Partie, Pairtie, Pertie, -y(e, n. Also: pairtt-, peirt-, peart- and -i, -ij, -é; (purtie); plur. -is, -ys, -es, -ies, -ieis, -iis, -ice, -yis, -yes, -yce, -yse, -ei(e)s. [ME. and e.m.E. parti(e, -ye (13th c.), -y, pert- (c 1400), F. partie (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), L. partīta a division (fem. p.p. of partīre Part v.), also F. parti, L. partītum that which is shared: cf. also Parti(e a.]There is some coincidence in use and, esp. in the plurals partis, -ys, etc., in form, with Part n.: see also note to Part n.
1. A part or portion (of anything, material or immaterial); a share; a quantity (of a commodity); some but not all (of a body of persons, horses or articles).The maist party, the greatest part. (A) gret party, (a) large part.In (into), also on, (sum, etc.) party, partly, in part.Also a (ane) party, in part, somewhat (ME. aparty (Rolle), a parti (Wyclif), OF. en partie): see also Partie adv.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii. 884.
Men … gat away prywely Of his relykis a party ?1438 Alex. ii. 3432.
And his cheualry may betyde To faill ane party of thare pryde 1407 Douglas Chart. 47.
The partie of this endenture dwelling toward the forsayd kyng 14.. Acts I. 308/2.
And a parti of his salt sauld 1456 Hay I. 2/18.
The principale parties of the buke forenamyt Ib. 15/8.
The thrid party of the erd was brynt Ib. 13/22. 1494 Loutfut MS. 32 b.
Ane monstre in the sey that in his first partye is in form of ane armyt knycht 1513 Doug. xi. xv. 64.
Phebus … grantit to fulfyll Of hys axin a party 1533 Boece v. ii. 165 b.
Consider … quhat partie ȝe haue in this iourneye 1538 Treas. Acc. VII. ii.
The tapister partiis for the kingis littecamp Ib. 40.
Summa of this partie [118 frs. 17 s.] 1623 Dundee B. Laws 605.
His first pairtie of the haill siluer a1633 Hope Major Pract. II. 300.(2) a1400 Leg. S. xxvii. 1072.
& of his clerkis gret party c1420 Wynt. viii. 4497.
And off thaire hors thai slwe party(3) 1375 Barb. ii. 215.
Off Scotland the maist party Thai had in-till thar cumpany Ib. iv. 640.
Or ȝe pas I sall ȝow schaw Of ȝour fortoun a gret party Ib. xvi. 156.
Of thair fayis a gret party c1420 Wynt. i. 1364. 1535 Q. Margaret in St. P. Henry VIII V. 22 n.
The maist partie of oure landis(4) 1375 Barb. iii. 292.
He sall eschew it in party Ib. v. 115.
And then cesit in-to party The noyis [etc.] Ib. 129. a1400 Leg. S. vii. 572.
He fel in the parlesy & haltyte als in sum party Ib. xxx. 89.
He leit hyr wyt in sum party His wil c1420 Wynt. viii. 4554 (W).
Than were thai in to gud party To do weill 1490 Irland Mir. I. 121/3.
Thi realme jn gret parti standis desolate 1534–5 Misc. Spald. C. II. 188.
In party(5) ?1438 Alex. i. 1005.
Licanor was a [pr. ane] partie broun Ib. ii. 4825.
Quhen Fezonas hard him aperty Sho was aschamit Ib. 4721. c1420 Wynt. iii. 354.
Wytht sevyn corddys … Off hert cynownys noucht all dry But a party fast ware I Bundyn doutles I war than Bot [etc.] 14.. Reg. Episc. Aberd. I. 247.
Fra thine a perty northest
b. A side (of a human body); a flank (of an army).1375 Barb. x. 75.
At thai war swa Assalȝeit apon twa parteis Ib. xiii. 350.
And thai had on the tothir party Bannokburne a1400 Leg. S. xix. 582.
Ane erow in the ee Hyme hit & made hyme blynd one that party
c. plur. A region or district. (Cf. Part n. 4).1456 Hay I. 47/3.
In the parties of Rome and of Poyle Ib. 59/2.
In thai parties Ib. II. 111/12. 1616 Douglas Chart. 323.
To depairt … to the pairties beyond sea, of France or … Germanie allanerlie
d. A part or organ (of the body). (Cf. Part n. 2 b.) e. A quality of character. (Cf. Part n. 13.)c 1420 Liber Calchou 449.
To the principale party nest, that is the leuer 1456 Hay II. 151/28.
Of quhat parties that ever he be sa that he be vertuous [etc.]
2. A division of an army, or other military body; also, a detachment from a larger force.1375 Barb. vi. 537.
And the lest party of thame twa Wes starkar fer na he and ma Ib. ix. 155.
Thai of the erlis party Ib. vi. 565. c1420 Wynt. viii. 6760.
That baithe the partyis failyeid aynd c1475 Wall. vi. 529.
On the gret ost thi partice fast can draw Ib. ix. 504.
Thus hapnyt thai amang the gret party 1549 Compl. 15/3. 1562 Peebles B. Rec. I. 281.
[They] devidit thame selffis in sindry partiis 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 300.
The said cuntrie men … schote dispytfullie the pairtie of Edinburgh without 1672 Rothesay B. Rec. 236.
Johne Pollok serjand of the pairtie now at Bute in my Lord Levingstouns companie 1681 Aberd. Council Lett. VI. 330.
A peartie of troupers ar gone north to Mernes [etc.] … to quarter for the supplie
b. A group (of people). c. An armed company.14.. Acts I. 26/2.
Hym behofis to haf a party of burges and a party of thaim at duellis upolande to wytnes c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 143 (Ch. & M.).
The party was so plesand for to sene
3. A body of supporters or adherents, collectively; a political party or faction.To be of (grete, etc.) party, to have (much, etc.) support.(1) 1375 Barb. v. 153.
The queyn & othir ma That till his party war heldand c1400 Troy-bk. ii. 1407 (D). c1420 Wynt. viii. 4313.
Hys wil wes til enherde To the Scottis mennys party 1474 Thanes of Cawdor 61.
Injuris done to hyme his brethir kyne men ande party be the saide Huchowne 1481 Fam. Rose 143. c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxx. 29.
Help this pure realme in partiis all devydit 1519–20 (c 1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I. 194.
I will be of resoluit mynd … that thair be na pairteis in the said toun 1533 Boece xi. xiiij. 433 b.
Gryme … kepit kyndenes to the partie of Constantine 1533 Bell. Livy I. 14/12.
Nane of thir partyis [v.r. pertyis] war glade of the chancis falling be this fechting 1567 Reg. Privy C. I. 505.
Certane factious … personis … intendis to disturb the said electioun … be stering up of partiis within the said burgh 1567 Sat. P. vii. 140.
Bot he was king quhais pairtie did preuaill 1568 Argyll Fam. Lett. 7.
My soveranis letteris … commandand me nocht till invaid nane of hir aduersar partie 1570–2 Facs. Nat. MSS. III. lxii.
Parteys 1617 Acts IV. 540/2.
Vpone the apperance of anye fraye or stirre betuix pairties [etc.] 1650 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 638.
Under the specious name of the Godly Pairty 1653 Binning Wks. 590.
The terrors of God raise up a terrible party within a man's self 1689 Cramond Kirk S. III. 6 Dec.
By the prevailing of ane Antichristian pairty there [Ireland](2) c1475 Wall. iv. 392.
Son he consawyt … In to that land quha was of maist party Ib. viii. 538.
The felloun stryff … Agayn Inglande was off so gret party
b. To draw to parties, to form factions or come together into opposing sides. —1375 Barb. vii. 624.
Clyffurd and Waus maid a melle … And athir syne drew to partis a1400 Leg. S. v. 321.
The bischope … Raisit a gret sedicione In the puple of that towne Sa that thai drew to partyse thare 1596 Dalr. II. 199/15.
Quhen this amang the peple was spred the hail cuntrie drue to pairties
c. To make or be partie, to join in support or form a faction (with one person or against another).1409 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 72.
Alsua gif ther happynnis ony discorde … amang thair men … thai sal mak thaim na party with thaim bot in sobir manere as the lach will 1563 Peebles B. Rec. I. 293.
In compleining to outlandis men to maik pairty aganis thair aldirmen a1578 Pitsc. I. 87/14.
He thocht to bind ane lige witht sic nobillis as wald be partie
d. Faction; factiousness. —c 1600 Paterson Ayr & Wigton III. 32.
Quhen he durst not for feir of pairty … resoirt opinly with in the cuntry c1610 Jok Uplandis Newis fol. 3 b.
To seave them from all partie and cummer in time to cum
e. ? attrib. as adj. ? Factious.a1500 Henr. Fab. 1089 (Bann.).
Thay … fand that he was fals Off murthour thift and party tresoun als
4. A side, in a battle or contest.1375 Barb. iii. 19.
Bot the folk off the tothir party Fawcht with axys Ib. xvi. 316.
He had apon his party The Eryschry and Vllister ?1438 Alex. i. 1610. c1420 Wynt. viii. 5357.
For thai war on the lest party Ane hundreth armyd jolyly Ib. 6964.
Qwhen gret men off the tothir party Come dayis off trwys for till hald 1456 Hay I. 52/31. c1475 Wall. v. 90.
Betuex parteys than Wallace ischit out 1533 Boece v. ii. 166 b.
Quhen innowmerabill war slane nowthir partie apperit leif the feild 1535 Stewart 51242. a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. clxxix. 90.
Giff God wpone thi pairtie stand Quhat misteris thé for to tak feir a1578 Pitsc. II. 44/23. 1596 Dalr. I. 76/22. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 889.
It is hard to serve tua maisters and please baith the pairties
5. a. A contestant in a legal action, a plaintiff or defender, a litigant. b. The opposing party in a legal action. c. A party to a contract, dispute, etc.Juge and party, see also Juge n. 1 (4).On or for the partie of, for the part of, in the interest of.(1) 1389 Wemyss Chart. 25.
Bath the partys … the gret ath … has sworn 1410–1 Reg. Brechin. I. 30.
We assignit til the partieis the law day … nixt eftir Michelmes c1420 Wynt. vii. 3006.
The qwene Profferyd hyr to swere bodyly Bot that assythyd noucht the party 1429 Acts II. 18/1.
Quhare twa partiis apperis at the bar 1447 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I. 244.
And admittit be the partys 1450 Liber Aberbr. 77.
Parteys 1456 Ib. 89.
Parteis 1456 Hay I. 233/31. Ib. 250/22. 1464 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 59.
Baith the partis sall be in lyk in costis thairto a1500 Henr. Fab. 1203 (Ch.).
Parteis 1491 Acta Conc. I. 197/1.
Becaus thai war gevin without congniscioune of the caus & the partij nocht summond to ansuer for ther interes 1492 Reg. Episc. Morav. 244.
Parteis 1494 Acta Conc. I. 333/1.
Partij 1498–9 Ib. II. 310.
Til abid his parti this day 1503 Fam. Innes 92.
Parteis 1525 Crim. Trials I. i. *31.
And becaus he durst nocht compeir, he being innocent, for feir of his parti, I [his cautioner] am vnlawit 1535 Facs. Nat. MSS. III. xx.
That nane tak mair for the executioun of thair office bot efter the forme of the act of parliament bot giff it be beneuolence of party 1557 Digest Justiciary Proc. B. 145.
Parteies 1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 107.
In respect of the greitnes of his partie 1626 Justiciary Cases I. 49. 1629 Justiciary Cases I. 114.
Parteis a1633 Hope Major Pract. II. 155.
Letters of horneing against a minor should be execuit against him as principall partie 1640 Mouswald Kirk S. 1 July.
When parteis are to be proclaimed to be married [etc.] a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 741/2.
The second thing cleared in this judgement is the parties, who is the judge and … who are the judged 1699 Misc. 3 Spald. C. II. 96.
Ludovic Grant … partie lesed(b) 1460 Montrose Baillie Ct. 12 a.
And set ane curt to the said pairty 1539–40 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 98.
Becaus thair is dyuers pure persouns convict of distrublance and hes na guids to assyth the pairty 1549–50 Crim. Trials I. i. *347.
That na assise wer summond nor na pairty compeirit to persew thame for the saidis allegit crymes 1562 Armstrong Hist. Liddesdale I. ciii.
Pairteis a 1568 Sempill Sat. P. xlvii. 100. 1612 Orkney & Shetl. Ct. Bk. (ed.) 18. 1614 Crim. Trials III. 267.
Ane continuatioun … that in the meyne tyme thay may haif lasure to advyse with the pairtie in the caus 1615 Lett. & St. P. Jas. VI 254.
The question can not be setled bot in presence of the pairtyes having interesse 1662 S. Ronaldshay 37.
The minister seeke … directed the schoolmaister … to proclaime the pairtyes who wer to be marryed 1662 Sc. N. & Q. 2 Ser. II. 64.
And the defuncts pairtie irresolute ?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. I. 176.
The Assembly was pairtye and therfor could not be ther judge 1697 Fraser P. 151.
Bothe pairties lawiers being fullie heard 1699 Conv. Burghs IV. 293.(c) 1416 Liber Melros II. 539.
To make frenschippe vnite and gude concorde betwix pertyes discordand 1428 Ib. 519.
Wyth assent and consent of all the saide pertis 1459 Perth Guildry 36.
As the pertis will tyne and wyne 1485 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I. 318.
To tak the sade preif … and to warne the perty tharto 1529 Linlithgow B. Ct. 24 Nov.
And warnis al pertis … to bryng thair rychtis with thaim the said day as thai will wyne & tyne 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 233. 1603 Inverness Rec. II. .
And seinge na persone nor pertie to oppone in contrar the petitioun foirsaid 1612 Ib. 100.
And the wther halff thereof to the pertie harmit(d) 1509 Rec. Earld. Orkney 82.
As the said peirteis alegens [etc.](e) 1585 Dunferm. Hammermen 9.
Pearties(2) a1578 Pitsc. I. 65/11.
He being iudge and partie spoillȝeit them saiklislie of thair lyues(3) 1456 Hay I. 258/20.
And he war summond at instaunce of party before the king c1460 Regim. Princ. 201 (F).
Quhen party complenȝeis to the croun Thai send thaim to thaire awyn iugis agan 1491 Dunferm. B. Rec. I. 26.
Wytht consent of party 1491 Acta Conc. I. 212/1.
Quhare that the knawlage micht cum to the audience of pertij for ther interes 1496 Ib. II. 10.
Withowt prejudice of party 1564 Crim. Trials I. i. 443. a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. clxxx. 69.
To thi leiges do iustice equalie Without respect to persoun or pairtie 1599 Crim. Trials II. 97.
The said [King's] respect is … null … it being grantit without satisfactioune of partie(4) 1482 Edinb. Chart. 146.
That than it salbe … kepit and accomplesit on the partii of our souerane lord [etc.] 1489–90 Acta Conc. I. 127/2.
Beand als present for the partij of our souerane lorde
d. Comb. with a following noun that defines more specifically the nature of the ‘party's’ involvement in the action, contract, etc.1397 Acts I. 208/1.
His borous sal … mak assecht to the party pleygnand 1429 Cal. Doc. IV. 405.
At the soyt of the perti playntif 14.. Acts I. 377/2.
Gif ony man … be jugit … to bring furth witnes or pruff again his perty aduersar [etc.] … perty deffendour … perty folowar 1488 Breadalbane Coll. No. 24.
The partij kepar … the partij brekare 1503 Acts II. 246/1. 1574 Reg. Privy C. II. 366 (see Persewar n.). 1583 Waus Corr. 28.
[The] parteis contracteris … consentit the contract matrimoniall … to be … registrat in his buikis 1590 Conv. Burghs I. 337.
The pairtie mollester or persewar of vtheris vtherwayis than be the law sall find the haill burrowes to … assist with the pairtie offendit vnto Ib.
Pairtie molestar 1600 Crim. Trials II. 120.
The partie rasar of the lettres a1633 Hope Major Pract. I. 134. a1652 Dickson Psalms .
So is He party contracter in the covenant of redemption 1679 Fountainhall Decis. I. 54.
Party-user 1695 Misc. Maitl. C. I. 431.
Pairtie rewer
e. A combatant in a trial by combat.1456 Hay I. 272/11.
Quhen a bataill is … begunnyn in felde the parties fechtis lang Ib. 285/26.
[If] appellacioun of bataill be maid and the party ressavis the gage of bataill [etc.] Ib. 74/2. a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1306.
Had ony preiudice apperit in the partyce It had bene grete perell c1515 Asl. MS. I. 294/21.
Thir partijs met in the feild at a set daye c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1242.
Thairfoir sweit hart I reid ȝow fle … Ȝe ar na partie to defend
6. One concerned with or participating in an action (against, or on behalf of, another). Also, freq., quasi-adj.
a. A protagonist.1453 14th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. iii. 9.
Partyse 1456 Hay I. 155/34.
And to hald me harmles of the thef and his party 1635 Dickson Hebrews 64.
God is the partie with whom the hearer of the Worde hath to doe
b. An antagonist or adversary.(1) c1475 Wall. iv. 560.
Bettyr thai war and thai gat ewyn party In feild to byde othir with suerd or speyr(2) c1515 Asl. MS. I. 295/10.
He had the victorye and oure come his partye 1513 Doug. vii. iii. 38.
Ilkane bissy his party forto irk 1515 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 45.
War ane uthir man my partie than the paipe [etc.] 1535 Stewart 49846. a1605 Montg. Son. lv. 14.
My pairties ar my javellour and my judge 1598 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 227.
Thai will now … strik thair parteis with battouns [etc.] 1635 Dickson Hebrews 287.
Hee maketh their partie sinne Id. Psalms 82.
Such … do in a sort engage God to be their party a1658 Durham Scandal 304. 1685-8 Renwick Serm. 170.
He is a very sore party for the sinner that stands in opposition to Him
c. A supporter. —1685-8 Renwick Serm. 50.
Yet it concerns all the people of God to take Him as their party and to study to have Him on their side
Predicatively, quasi-adj.: d. Concerned, personally involved, interested; also, actively concerned, active, in, or accessory to (an action or scheme). e. Antagonistic, hostile (to another), personally involved or engaged (against).d. ?a1500 Remembr. Passion 461.
Grant me tobe party in the keiping of Thi commandementis 1546 Corr. M. Lorraine 173.
With the empriouris ambassatour quha schew him party 1548 Ib. 233.
Na thing that I can do may satesfy my lord governour to gif me my pece albeit the party be content, bot he wilbe party himself 1560 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 77.
My Lord James and my Lord Arrane pretended they had hindered them, albeit they were not partie, for the countrie would not remaine together 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 296.
And he findeth the wind more nor partie as the carcases of men and ships … doth testifie 1600 Crim. Trials II. 144.
And quhen ewir ony partie ingyres [pr. -gyues] him selff willinglie in that quhilk nawyis appertenis to his office, he man be estemit as partie 1615 Ib. III. 356.
Quhairas the said Robert was evin now … about the on-drawing of sum one pairtie to his designes 1629 Kirkcaldy Presb. 45.
In so farr as he … has kythit and professit himself partie … in the caus ?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. II. 18.
Since the bishopps declyne the Assembly as pairtye etc.]e. 1586 Warrender Illustr. Sc. Hist. 23.
That wer to mak him pertie to the quene my mistress 1606 Forbes Rec. 536.
The wrong done to us … in drawing in your highnesse to be pairty to us in this action 1635 Dickson Hebrews 212.
He [Christ] is partie to all the foes of His Kingdome: they are His enemies
7. (One) capable of opposing another; a match, equal.Only predic., const. to oppose or attack the opponent, to the opponent, and absol.1533 Bell. Livy I. 20/7.
Romulus seand him self nocht party to invade the king be opin violence [etc.] Ib. 57/20.
Howbeit he mycht nocht be equale partie [L. par] to fecht aganis all the thre curacianis at anis Ib. 156/30.
Seand he mycht nocht be partie to sedicius lymmaris [L. nec par factioni esset] 1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 295.
Had the Franch men in Dombar beyn half parte to tham thar had few Inglis men past away a1578 Pitsc. I. 115/14.
The Erle of Douglas quhome he knew to haue sa money favouraris … that it was onpossibill to him to be pairtie to the said Erle gif he pleissit rys aganis him and gif him battell Ib. 118/26.
Thinkand … he sould be pairtie to the king and gif him battell Ib. II. 20/18.absol. 1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii. 103.
Thay ar na partie and ȝe speid ȝow sone
8. a. A person proposed or intended as a marriage partner. = Mariag(e n. 3. b. A lover; a paramour. c. A spouse.Also, once, a (bird's) mate.(1) 1492 Acta Conc. I. 244/1.
That thai offerit the said Malcum a sufficient partij and mariage but disparising 1498 Ib. II. 292.
To be marit with ane competent persone and parti without disparage according to the lawis Ib. 245. 1559 M. Napier Mem. J. Napier 67.
My sister, your pairte 1562 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. ii.
Becaus syndrie … ar handfast … and as yit vill nocht mary … nother for fear of God nor luff of thair party 1562-3 Winȝet I. 110/15.
A man or woman being lang absent fra thair party or haifand thair party impotent throw seiknes 1564 Canongate Kirk S. (ed.) 8.
That his parte quhome he callit his wif wes departit of ane barn 1564 St. A. Kirk S. 222.
Sche [his wife] sall becum actitat to be ane trew party … to Robert in tym cuming a1568 Scott i. 198.
Thow … wes King Frances pairty maik and peir 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 57.
I ressoned … that being single without one pairtie I mycht the moir easilie spend my tyme 1575 Edinb. Test. III. 330 b.
Vnto the tyme that the said Nicolas & Bessie be mareit & tocherit with honest parteis 1576 Ib. IV. 148.
Als lang as ony of thame clethis nocht with ane partie nor mareis a1578 Pitsc. I. 360/7.
Pairtieis 1587 St. A. Kirk S. 581. 1591–2 Elgin Rec. II. 23.
His lemmane and partie with quhome he haldis hous 1596 Misc. Bann. C. II. 221. 1624 Perth Kirk S. MS. 27 Apr.
That he hed carnall deall with Katherine Ronnaldsone the said Williamis pairttie 1635 Dickson Hebrews 105.
A man could condescende no farther to give his partie satisfaction nor God hath condescended to satisfie us(b) 1597–8 Misc. Spald. C. I. 178.
And so will I … cause thy purtie marie thé(2) a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xli. 15.
The turtill … Hir pairtie perseuis
9. a. In on the ta party … on (apon) the tothir party, on athir party, etc., on one (the other) side, on either side, etc., in senses 4 and 5 a above.1375 Barb. xvi. 689.
Quhen thair levis on athir party Wes tane he vent to schip ?1438 Alex. ii. 6274.
And Caneus on the vther party Come hard 1420 (1430) Reg. Great S. 30/1.
At thir condicionnys sai be … trewly kepyt on bath the partis 1432 Lamont P. 13.
This indentur … betwyx … Robert Lawmanson on the ta party and his deyr cosyn … on the toder parte 1456 Hay I. 146/16. 1541 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 453.
On that a partie … on that othir partie
b. A game, contest, match.Cf. F. partie, common in the same sense, which however appar. does not otherwise occur in Sc. or Eng.?1438 Alex. ii. 7279.
We ar in sic ane party [F. le geu] That quik or ded ouris is the land
c. To mak (one's) partie gude, to hold one's own; to achieve success.1594 Charteris Wall. Pref. 168.
Quhen he enterit in combat, he was scarce able to mak his partie gude, to the … subversioun of this commounwealth