A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Stark, adj. and adv. Also: starke, starck, (starge, starte), sterk. [ME and e.m.E. sterc (c1175), stark (c1200), starrke, starrc (both Orm), stærc (Layamon), sterke (Ancr. R.), starcke (a1225), sterch (c1250), OE stearc, ON sterkr.]1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Georgics ii 44.
Ferrea, infragilis, firma (stark, that can not stirre)
A. adj. 1. Of a person: Strong, physically powerful, able to exert great muscular force, freq. as applied to fighting men as a term of approval; passing into valiant, steadfast, etc. Freq. in early verse. Also ellipt. or absol.(1) 1375 Barb. iv 72, 74.
A ȝoung bachiller, stark and fair … the starkast man of ane That men fynd mycht a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 837.
[An executioner] That wes stark and likly als But let to strik in twa his als ?1438 Alex. ii 309.
He was baith stith, stark and strang Weill made with lymmes fare and lang [F. grant fu et lons et drois de taille bien membrée] ?1438 Alex. ii 2086.
We ar thre, stark [F. vaillant] and vertuous! ?1438 Alex. ii 4198.
Mekill and stark, stout and hardy [F. grans et coragous] … Egir and als assailȝeand c1420 Wynt. viii 1075.
The kyng … He made hym, syn he wes stark and sture Kepare off hys chawmbyre dure c1420 Wynt. viii 6716.
Bewmanere … chesyt xxxti [men] Wicht and apert stark and douchty 1456 Hay I 195/30.
A dum man, and he war stark and sturdy, and mycht wele bere armes [etc.] 1460 Hay Alex. 1850.
He was sa stark sa mekill and sa square a1500 Henr. Fab. 123 (Bann.).
This iowall … makis a man stark and victorius a1500 Henr. Deth & Man 15.
Is none so wicht, so stark in this cuntre, Nor I sall gar him bow to me on fors c1475 Wall. iii 95.
So growane in pith, off pouer stark and stur, His terryble dyntis war awfull till endur c1475 Wall. i 191. 1494 Loutfut MS 16b.
It is a takin that he that bur it first has bene stark and victorieux in batell c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) lv 21.
Sum, thocht tham selffis stark, lyk gyandis, Ar now maid waek lyk willing wandis 1513 Doug. viii x 40.
My son, now art thou sovyr and stark [Ruddim. sterk] that thé not nedis to haue ony feir Fortill resist the prowd Latynnys in weir c1520-c1535 Nisbet Mark iii 27.
Na man may ga into a stark mannis hous, and tak away his vessellis, bot gif he bind first the stark man a1538 Abell 22b.
The last batell with the Romanis … mony thousand of oure stark wemen wes myxt with the men a1605 Montg. Flyt. 414 (T).
Sum [sc. witches], in steid of ane staig, over ane stark munk straid(b) 1549 Compl. 25/10.
The dominator … sal tak fra Hierusalem ande fra Juda, the mychty ande the sterk man, the victuelis [etc.] 1551 Hamilton Cat. 24.
Lat nocht the wisman glore in his wisdome, lat nocht the sterk man glore in his strenthcompar. 1375 Barb. xv 515.
Bot Dowglas starkar [C. sterkar] wes ik hicht, And mar wsyt alsua to fycht 1456 Hay I 81/29.
Na till his evill willaris, suppos thai be starkare, that lufis nocht the honour of God, as was be example of David and Golyas c1475 Wall. viii 475.
Starkar he was, gyff thai suld battaill seyn; For he befor had in gud jornays beyn 1598 Misc. Spald. C. I 121.
That the elphis hes schapes and claythis lyk men … and that thay ar bot schaddowis … bot ar starker nor men a1599 Rollock Wks. I 311.
The waikest bodie in hevin sall be starker nor the strongest man in eirthsuperl. 1375 Barb. iv 74 (see (1) above).
Sterkast [C. starkest] 1456 Hay I 113/1.
It gevin be charge … the princis … that thai suld tak the starkest men c1475 Wall. vi 129.
The starkast man that Hesylryg than knew c1475 Wall. xi 616.
The manlyast man, the starkast off persoun 1535 Stewart 45940.
The starkast man that wes amang thame … Doucht nocht ane fit thame fordward for to bairellipt. or absol. (1) 1456 Hay I 168/34.
Quhethir rychtwis men or synnaris ar in battaill the starkaris 1456 Hay I 257/9.
For it is agayne nature that the waykare wan the starkare 1456 Hay I 257/7.
Oft tymes the starkare has the wrang, and puttis the waykar to the wer 1490 Irland Mir. I 104/5.
The bed of Salamone, that lx of the starkest of Israell was ordand to keip(2) 1456 Hay I 169/1.
And first he provis that the synnaris ar mare stark in bataillis(3) 1456 Hay II 157/25.
Sum man stark as ane elephant and sum man wayke and tender as a wyf 1535 Stewart 47883.
Stalwart and strang, als stark as ony aik, Ane Inglisman he slew at euirilk straik a1568 Moffett in Bann. MS 259b/16.
Thocht thow be sterk as Hercules
b. Of a person's body, limbs, etc.: Physically strong; strongly made. Also fig., with, be stark hand, with (great) force, by force.1375 Barb. i 398.
Ector had … stark lymmys and rycht weill maid ?1438 Alex. i 1037.
Fair corps and hie and stark he hadfig. a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii 947.
Thai … wane the ton with stark hande, & al the Sarazynns … But pyte tha strak done 14.. Acts I 12/2.
He affermyt that wythoutin lawe or dome be stark hand ony thing was fra thaim away takyn
c. Of an animal, its limbs, etc.a1400 Leg. S. xlix 210.
Ymang thai bestis ves Richt stark & fel a lyonnes ?1438 Alex. i 2984.
Thare hors war stark and hyit fast c1420 Wynt. iii 215.
Quhat than the lyowne is starkare, And quhat than huny is suettare? 1460 Hay Alex. 80.
Out of him com ane serpent stark and sture 1490 Irland Mir. II 5/31.
The beir has sa stark feit that the thing that he grippis he haldis sa stark that [etc.] 1494 Loutfut MS 27b.
Signe is a foull richt stark and specially in hir wingis c1500 Fyve Bestes 286.
His tuskis … Of stele thai war baith stark and sture a1586 Lindsay MS 25b.
The faulcone is … waik in the fillattis and stark in the breist
2. Of a person or animal: Physically robust or vigorous, able-bodied, hale, healthy. Also proverb. b. With non-material subject. c. specif. Of a beggar: Fit for work. d. Of the limbs, organs, complexion, etc.: Robust, strong, healthy; able to resist disease.There is some overlap or ambiguity with 1 above.a1400 Leg. S. vii 655.
Ful harde is hungyre … ȝounge men, that ware starck & vycht, Wald, … In-to the rewyse of that sted Gange to & fra as halfe dede a1400 Leg. S. xviii 1402.
For thou art stark, & bettyre ma Wirk thane I a1400 Leg. S. xxxvii 73.
Thai schew thame fere starkare … Thane quhen to presone he thaim had. He sperit quha thame fed sa wele 1456 Hay I 250/29.
Bathe beste and man is mare stark and forcy be ferr to travaill and labour quhen thai ar wele fed 1492 Myll Spect. 277/2.
Quhat tyme is to hant & vse the luf of wemen? … Quhen thou felis thi self our stark & wold be feblit thairof c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xc 64.
Quhill thow art stark and young, With pith and strenth into thi ȝeris grene 1542 Acts II 422/2.
Vtheris of perfite aige and stark of persoun 1567 G. Ball. 9.
Beg not, and thow be haill and stark 1567 G. Ball. 26.
The flesche said I am stark and wycht, To wacht gude wyne … And tak my plesour 1574 Acts III 87/2.
All personis being haill and stark in body a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 290 (W).
I stakkerit at the windilstrayis, No takin I was stark 1596 Dalr. II 123/19.
Now quhen al vehemencie of her seiknes had left her, and sche began to be stark, al her helth sche referit to the pietie and deuotioun of her housbandproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 549.
Fill fw and had fw maks a stark manb. a1500 Henr. Age & Yowth 59.
Thy stait, thi strenth, thocht it be stark and sterne, The feviris fell and eild sall gar thé faldc. 1512 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 137.
Anent the multitude of beggares quhilk ar stark and may wirk 1529 Edinb. B. Rec. II 14.
Dauid Cristeson is banist this tovne because he is ane young stark fallow … and will nocht wirk for his leving 1533 Gau 93/30.
Theyffis and stark ydil beggers the quhilk ar blwid suppers of the pwir 1603 Elgin Rec. II 112.
Stark beggaris to be removit out of the towne(b) 1529 Edinb. B. Rec. II 14.
Irichman that singis with the las and beggis throu the toune is banist this toune becaus he is ane sterk young fallow and will nocht werkd. 1456 Hay II 119/27.
He that has a gude stark stomak, he has a blythe hert and lichtsum ay 1456 Hay II 123/17.
The ground of the stomak is mare hate and mare stark and mare forcy of degestioun na the humast part of the stomak c1520-c1535 Nisbet Ep. Ald Test. viii 3.
Confort ye laamyt handis and mak ye stark [P. strong] febile kneis 1560 Rolland Seven S. 9687.
His complextioun It was sa stark, it tuik na infectioun 1596 Dalr. I 64/13.
Thay ar al induet with a gude constitutione, and starke complectione of body
e. Of currency: Holding its value; not debased.1558-66 Knox I 403.
Thir wickit ministeris … spair not planelie to brek doun and convert the guid and stark money, cunȝeit in our Soveraneis les age, into this thair corruptit skruiff and baggage of hard-heidis and non suntis
3. Of a person: Morally or spiritually strong, having great strength of will, determination, courage, etc. Also const. in (something).(1) 1456 Hay I 82/8.
Throu force a man is stark to bere all tribulaciouns 1456 Hay II 95/26.
Dres all thy mynde … evermare to do wele And hald thé, ever stark and kinglyke, in thy glorious regne c1460 Consail Vys Man 349.
In rychtwys caus be nocht changabile Be stark and stedfast a1500 Henr. Fab. 132.
Quhilk makis men in honour ay to ryng, Happie, and stark to haif the victorie Of all vicis and spirituall enemie 1490 Irland Mir. I 26/25.
Thou suld be prudent, hardy and stark in all gud werkis 1490 Irland Mir. I 54/23.
For thai that was neuir tempit … wat nocht quhat difficulte is in that batall … And thocht we be febill and waik, with the help of oure fadere of hevin and Jhesu we are mekile starkare than all our innemeis 1490 Irland Mir. III 41/19.
For the persoune that resauis this sacrament … thocht he fall in syn is mar abill to rys fra it … for he is starkar Arundel MS 280/64. 1588 King Cat. 175.
We that ar stark (sayes the apostle) man comfort the imbecillitie of the waiker(2) a1500 Prestis of Peblis 1076.
Sa just he is and stark in his conscience 1490 Irland Mir. III 16/31.
Tobe ay stark constaunt and victorius in the caus and battale of God c1520-c1535 Nisbet 1 Peter v 9.
Quham againstand ye, stark in the faith 1558-9 Godlie Exhort.
Ȝe re[ssave the blyssit] bodie and blude of … Chryst … to mak ȝow starke in your faith towar[tes your] God a1568 Bann. MS 52a/91.
Be gude of lyfe and bissie ay Gud examplis for to schaw Stark in the faith 1610 Brechin Test. II 57b.
Hendrie Auchinleck … beand vaik in bodie bot stark in saull
b. Of attributes, faith, courage, etc.: Displaying such spiritual strength, etc. Also const. in (something).(1) 1375 Barb. vi 126.
Stark [E. strang] outrageous curage he had c1420 Wynt. vi 2112.
Makduff hym trettyd … To be off stark hart and stowtnes, And manlykly to tak on hand To bere the crowne than off Scotland 1456 Hay I 13/32.
The maa miraclis, the starkar was haly kirk. For ay the faith grewe starkar and starkare 1456 Hay II 26/23.
To stand to the utterest with stark curage for the rycht c1490 Irland Asl. MS 6/31.
& the gretar displesance suld be als stark as the plesans of the syn 1533 Gau 21/17.
Thou sal … haiff ane stark faith … in hime a1538 Abell 12b.
At verite wes starkar na kyng, vyn or women c1540 Glencairn in Knox I 74.
Thay say your fayth it is sa stark, Your cord and lowsie coit and sark, Ye lippin may bring yow to salvatioun 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 142.
Would thou know quhither thy faith be strong or not, quhither thy persuasion of God's mercie be starke or not? 1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 142.
I cannot have a starke persuasion that He will be mercifull to me(b) Arundel MS 242/139.
Grant me sterk perseverance into thi haly seruice(2) 1490 Irland Mir. I 54/12.
Quhen the innemy tempis thé, thou suld found and ferme thi mynd starke in cherite
c. transf. Of a person's will: Strong, determined in evil.c1490 Irland Asl. MS 59/24.
For it makis the will of the persone mair stark in evill
4. Of a person, institution, etc.: Powerful; wielding great military, political, moral or spiritual power or authority; in a position to control others. Also absol. Also const. prepositional phrase or infinitive.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xxviii 63.
Teodosius mychtty & stark, That of that lawis wes patriarch ?1438 Alex. ii 8974.
The starkest leuand king; And mychtyest in ilka thing 1456 Hay I 13/32.
Be caus that the maa thare was of marteris, the ma thare was of miraclis; and the maa miraclis, the starkar was haly kirk 1490 Irland Mir. II 67/35.
Euir the mar that the kyrk be invadit … euir the starkar it is c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. iii 11.
He that sal cum eftir me is starker than I 1562-3 Winȝet I 12/25.
Ane vthir sorte startis vpe faithles euery ȝeir embraissyng … the faith of the starkast party 1581 Burne Disput. 117.
Bot ȝe vil mak the deuil starkar nor God 1589 Lett. to Jas. VI xiii.
This my naikatnes [without relations] maid me to be waik and my inemyis stark 1592 Calderwood V 175.
We thinke ourselves more starke than we have beene, in respect we have joynned with us the great courteours 1600-1610 Melvill 371.
The ministers and Protestants in Scotland is over stark c1610 Melville Mem. 196.
The kingis faction … was starkest and gretest c1610 Melville Mem. 265.
He was regent, abyding alwayes starkest about the king 1692 Presb. Eloq. (1693) 87.
As stark as they were, God is starkerabsol. c1460 Wisd. Sol. (STS) 499.
Thar sal cum a tyme at the vertuous of the hie hewyne sal mofe and thane sal the starkest that was before schawaris sall be gryndaris of grauell [etc.] 1490 Irland Mir. III 86/13.
And this wauld caus all confusioun and infinit battalis and the starkest euir to regne … without ony iuste title(2) 1490 Irland Mir. II 136/13.
God is mekle starkar in our help na we can wnderstand 1515 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 43.
Howbeit your lordschip had stark compeditouris and divers contrar your lordschippis said promocioun 1528 St. P. Henry VIII IV 499.
To be sa stark of power that we suld nocht be habil to regne as his prince(3) 1544 Acts II 448/1.
To haue guid amite unite and concord amangis all the liegis of this realm Swa that thai all … in ane mynd … may provide for guid rewle and justice … amangis all our souerane ladeis liegis and may be the starkare to resist oure auld inymeis of Ingland
b. Of a fighting force, group of soldiers, etc.: Powerful, able to overcome an enemy, due to strength of numbers, ability, courage, etc.There is some overlap with sense 1 above.1375 Barb. vi 538.
The kyng … vmbeset With fayis … And the lest party of thame … Wes starkar fer na he c1420 Wynt. v 2784.
In swylk pres it hapnys ay That we ar starkare fere than thai 1460 Hay Alex. 929.
In the gret battall … was the lordis of Grece [etc.] … That battell was als stark as ony tour 1533 Boece 188.
With stark power of wageouris and vthir gaderingis he passit to Murray to assembil ane armye 1533 Boece 254.
At cuming of this stark naving 1533 Boece 617.
The king … with stark power send the erle of Crawfurde to persew this lymmare chiftane a1538 Abell 96b.
Philip procurand starte columpnes tuke Paip Boniface 1545 Acts II 596/1.
The said king of Ingland is preparand ane gret and stark army to distroy the samin 1547 Cal. Sc. P. I 6.
The starkest host and the monest and wyth the best order that was sen Flodwn 1547 Corr. M. Lorraine 211.
The langer our ennymeis be contenwat the starkar ar thai, and salbe the grettar fors that sall repus tham 1578 Waus Corr. 184.
I … desyre yow … in maist substantious and warlyke maner to be in the toun of Annand … and that ye cum with sic strenth as ye may, becaus (as I am informit) England menis to be veray stark(b) 1547 Cal. Sc. P. I 18.
[Huntly and Argyll come] als sterk as thai may 1549 Compl. 137/3.
Thai suld mesure and veye there auen forse and gif thai fynd them selfis sterk aneucht to defend them and there gudis contrar the Inglis men in that cace thay are oblist til hasȝard there lyifis [etc.] … to deffend the cuntre
c. To mak (oneself) stark (in some respect, with, be some means), to become powerful, to strengthen (oneself or one's position, politically or, chiefly, militarily).c1520-c1535 Nisbet Ep. Ald Test. xvi 7.
He sall sitt on the sete of Dauid and on the realme of him that he conferme it and mak stark in dome and richtfulnes 1548 Melville Chart. 89.
The Erle of Ergyle makis stark and cumis one Donde 1559 Corr. M. Lorraine 424.
I can nocht gyff your grace consell to mak ony delay to provid for the vorst and to mak your selff stark in al sortis 1570 Misc. Bann. C. I 45.
Evin so, my Lord, giue your lordship will do weill, make your selfe starke with waged men, both on horse and foute 1570 Leslie 22.
That the saide Erle … had maid him self stark, making bandis with … gret men 1570 Misc. Bann. C. I 49*.
Hannibald … maid him self stark be men of weir quhome to he gaif wagis
d. Of a military action, later, specif. of the action of guarding or of the guard itself: Vigorous; strong in numbers, etc.; well armed, etc.1375 Barb. xx 8.
A part to Norame went … And a stark assege has set 1535 Stewart 21769.
Ilkone … stark watches maid that nicht 1548–9 Corr. M. Lorraine 287.
The capitaine off Farnyherst thoycht tyll haf eschaippitt wer nocht my lord gart hald ane stark wache 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 11.
In this mene tyme was stark watcheing in Edinburgh about the kingis grace 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 11.
Heirat was mony hurt with hagbuttis and efter this greit and stark waitches wer in Edinburgh a1578 Pitsc. II 195/14.
That nycht the towne of Edinburgh keipit ane stark watch in the towne
e. Of non-material things.1456 Hay I 46/29.
The dede that all thing tamys was starkare than he and all his ost 1456 Hay I 128/30.
The first is … that the sone suld help the fader as said is … be lawe of nature … and … that he is behaldyn till his lorde is bot variable thing … the quhilk is nocht sa stark band as is the law of nature 1490 Irland Mir. I 38/23.
The will of God is sa stark, that, will we ore nocht, it mone be fulfillit 1490 Irland Mir. III 164/16.
That thi nobilite and peple may in thar awne tovng knaw the law of God and kep it, that s[t]andis euir stark in the self thocht the pepil oftymes falȝe in … breking of it c1490 Irland Asl. MS 4/14.
The writ declarit … is the mast sure stark and proffitable thing that may be done to Cristin peple 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 221.
Quhydder that I wes strickin in extasie, Or throuch one stark imagynatioun, Bot it apperit [etc.] a1568 Bann. MS 89b/18.
Be stark manrent with thame to gang Tresting to stand for evirmoir 1596 Dalr. I 161/17.
Quhen his haitred and inuie war sa starke, that with al this nobil blude he culde nocht stanche his stommok [etc.]
f. specif. Of a reason or argument, also, of a story, advice, a petition: Strong, powerful, convincing; having a great or powerful effect.Common in Hay.(1) 14.. Quon. Attach. c. 56.
Tharfor throu starkar resoune he may well be vnderstandin to ioyis it gif [etc.] 1456 Hay I 88/18.
Considerand all thir stark argumentis 1456 Hay I 109/25.
And ȝit mare stark resoun, the pape is soverane to the emperour 1456 Hay I 188/18.
Ȝit ane othir stark resoun is [etc.] 1456 Hay I 191/24.
Gif a frende may help ane othir to sauf his gudis, be mare stark resoun he may help him to sauff his lyf 1456 Hay I 211/35.
Nocht gaynstandand that thir resouns ar stark and gude, ȝit will we say sum thing for the tothir party 1456 Hay I 254/20.
Thare is ane othir argument that the party contrair thinkis mare stark 1456 Hay I 103/21, etc. 1490 Irland Mir. II 77/23.
This autorite is richt stark and to the sammyn entencioun persuadis Sanct Jerome 1490 Irland Mir. II 87/10.
This argument is richt stark 1562 Knox Ressoning 180.
Your reasones are as stark to your selfe as ye think them a1586 Maitland Ho. Seytoun 23.
His wyff … desyrand him to leif his sorow, and schew him gude and stark ressonis quhy he suld do the samin(2) 1560 Rolland Seven S. 2719.
Bot ȝit I wait againe scho sall assaill The Empreour with sum storie sa stark, Bot hir vain wordis sall hir nathing auaill 1596 Dalr. II 216/22.
Tha … gyue a stark counsel … to stryk affe that ȝok 1640 Baillie I 286.
It [sc. a petition] is now posting through the land for hands to make it stark
g. Starkest in favour, closest, most intimate or influential.c1610 Melville Mem. 265.
Bot my Lord of Obeny and James Stuart wer starkest in fauour
h. Of an office, position: Important.1456 Hay II 28/8.
For the office of knychthede suld have stark place in governaunce, and he suld be wele horsit and have power of men to kepe the contree
5. a. Of (a part of) a fortification, castle, place offering security, prison, etc.: Strongly built to resist attack or escape; (well) fortified. b. Of provisions, etc.: Well supplied. c. Of a geographical feature: Naturally offering resistance to attack. Also ellipt.a. 1375 Barb. x 138.
At Lythkow wes than a pele Mekill and stark and stuffyt wele With Inglis-men 1456 Hay I 174/35.
He puttis him in ferme prisoun, in ane hous of his castell, and in a stark toure 1460 Hay Alex. 4228.
Quhat harrow was in that ciete, Quhan, in the starkest toure in all thare place, Thare lord was slane 1460 Hay Alex. 3040. c1475 Wall. ix 812.
The strenth is stark, als we haiff men inew c1475 Wall. ix 830.
He gert thaim … a stark barres mak 1535 Stewart 1367.
Ane citie … With worthie wallis and mony touris he. It stude rycht stark quhair it had strenth aneuche Betuix ane watter and ane hingand heuche c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus ii 847.
This plesand mans … With stark draw brig, weil forcit with fortalice, That wit nor strenth of na man suld cum neir 1551 Hamilton Cat. 147.
The house quhairin he was borne was nother stark castel, fair pallace [etc.] 1554 Aberd. B. Rec. I 281.
In custodie in stark lokfast hows 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 48.
The Inglis schippis come to Inchekeith, and biggit ane stark forth thairof 1576 Reg. Privy C. II 556.
Thair commoun buist … to be suirlie kepit be him in his hous, being the starkest hous in the toun 1596 Dalr. I 98/11.
Bot thay far starker [castles] do make, four nuiked, of earth only quhilke nathir can be burnte nor … doune can be castne ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 68.
The castle of Dunvegane … ane stark strenth biggit on ane craig(b) 1535 Stewart 41337.
Anwik castell that wes starge and strangellipt. a1400 Leg. S. xlv 10.
He mad a toure of lyme & stane, A starkare mocht be fundine nan 1535 Stewart 19332.
Thair wes no strent … that micht mak thame ganestand. The starkest all that wer of lyme and stone … tha kest thame dounb. 1546 St. P. Henry VIII V 583.
And so ther shalbe no suspitione of any supporte, by the whiche our provitions may be and schalbe made the sterkare witht our freyndis 1596 Dalr. I 63/8.
Twa castelis … baith of starke munitionec. 1456 Hay I 113/9.
All gude constable suld put his fut men in stark place, outhir hill, or othir strenth c1575 Balfour Pract. 633.
To watch in townis, castellis, and utheris stark places situate upon the sea
6. Of manufactured objects or built structures: Capable of supporting strain or withstanding force; not easily broken or damaged. Also to mak (plet, big) (something) stark. Also, once (Selkirk B. Ct.) ? to strengthen.(1) 1375 Barb. xvii 623.
To lat it brynnand on hyr fall, And with stark chenȝeis hald it thar 14.. Burgh Laws c. 68 (B).
Gyf the burges hafe na prisoun and the chalangear sal kepe hym and the sergeand sal fynd gude bandis and stark 1494 Loutfut MS 32b.
On his nek hingis ane gret scheld and it hingis with stark ligatures 1513 Doug. xii x 122.
A stark cord … Quharwith hir self scho spilt by schamefull ded 1535 Stewart 37683.
Thocht it wes stark and strang, All with ane dunt the dur sone vp tha dang 1662 Forbes Cantus (1666). Pleugh-Song in
Soms of yron stark enough a1578 Pitsc. I 251/17.
The Great Michell … was ten fute thik in the waill, cuttit jeastis of aik, witht hir wallis and burdis on ewerie syde sa stark and thik [etc.] 1582 Edinb. Test. X 339.
He leuis to Thomas Broun his bruther … ane pair of blew schankis and tua round stark sarkis 1584 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 343.
The heiring … to be weill laid … within sufficient stark treyis of guid bind and lichtnes 1586 Treas. Acc. MS 59b.
Stark silkin points to hald doun the covering to the girdis [of a saddle] 1593 Edinb. B. Rec. V 101.
To caus mak ane sufficient and stark dur to the … kirk 1602 Conv. Burghs II 143.
Ilk skipper is haldin detbund to haue in his schipe stark cordellis and winding takill to sett in and out the merchandis guidis(2) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1911 (Bann.).
The feind plettis his nettis stark and rude 1512 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 109.
The said … myllar sall mak and wphald … all uther graith and gangand geir … guid stark and sufficient 1529 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 396.
To big agan the said brig … als stark and substantious as we resave the samyn 1609 Conv. Burghs II 284.
All cowperis sall mak thair hering barrellis ticht, stark, and sufficient treyis(3) 1529 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 102.
[That] the brekaris of our barrowis … mend and byg thaim agane … and all hedrowmes to be mad stark and cassing
b. Of a natural object, specif. (a branch of) a tree: Strong. Cf. also Pitsc. in (1) above.1551 Hamilton Cat. 82.
In his fleing his hair fessinit about a stark brance of ane aik tre 1590 Burel Pilgr. i 9.
The wood wes gret … Of lenth and largitude, The treis thairof war stark and strang, And full of fortitude
c. In fig. context in collocation with pillar or post: A strong, loyal or devoted supporter.c1420 Wynt. vii 1824.
He wes, … Off the kyrk a stark pillere a1538 Abell 38a.
Augustin … a stark pillar of halie kirk … wes maid bischop of Eponen a1538 Abell 122b.
He wes ane stark post before with the impriour aganis the infidelis … in the first wictorious expeditioun
d. With reference to an instrument of punishment, weapon, etc.: Strong; stout; powerful, capable of inflicting a severe blow, heavy punishment, etc. Also proverb.1375 Barb. xvii 697.
The stane … with gret wecht syne duschit doun … And hyt the sow in sic maner That it that wes … starkast for to stynt a strak a1400 Leg. S. xix 339.
Quhen that Christofore this prayere Had mad … His staf that was sture & stark Was cled with lewis & with bark a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 416.
A stark gallowis, a wedy, and a pyn, The hede poynt of thyne elderis armes ar c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xxxiv 77.
God … Nor ane stark widdy gar me gaip 1535 Stewart 11906.
Bowis … Baith stark and teuch and of thair schutting freproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 183.
A strong theif sould have a stark tow(b) 1549 Compl. 28/19.
Gyf his sonne rebellis contrar the correctione of the vand, than the father takkis ane batton or sum vthir sterk vappin to puneise his sonne
7. Of alcoholic drink, chiefly wine or ale: Strong, potent, high in alcohol. Also, starke wateris, ? spirits.(1) 1456 Hay I 275/28.
That he had drunkyn our stark wyne, or sum othir way had in foly and lichtnes maid his appellacioun 1456 Hay II 136/17.
Gyf a man thocht that wyne war our stark drynk till him, and he wald leve it a1500 Bk. Chess 1775. 1531 Bell. Boece I li.
The pepill [of Orknay] … makis the starkest ail of Albioun 1535 Stewart 54193. 1546 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 124.
That thairby the browsteris brew thair aill guid and stark 1563 G. Hay Confutation Abbot Crosraguel 25b.
Of the wyne semblablie, here of a starker kynde, here weaker 1576 Crim. Trials I ii 54.
Tak … ginger, clowis, annetsedis, licorese, and sum stark aill, and seith thame togidder c1580-90 Rules of Health 6.
Ȝour drink salbe … rype wyne, … weill taistit … not werrey stark nor our waik 1590 Crail B. Ct. 3 Nov.
The pynt off guid and sufficient weill browin aill stark and wicht for aucht pennyis 15… Aberd. B. Rec. MS (Jam.).
Stark mychty wynis & small wynis 1600-1610 Melvill 169.
The stark eall … maid him atteanes to keave ower aslipe 1613 Conv. Burghs II 429.
Breid and stark Inglis beir 1628 Ayrsh. Coll. II 170.
She is … to be sustained upon bread and water, and kept stringently away from stark drinkellipt. a1578 Pitsc. I 186/8.
For the wyne … of the best and starkest(2) 1624 Edinb. Test. LII 255b.
Ane wyne seller quhairin thair is sevin glasis full of starke wateris
b. Of medicine: Powerful, potent, making great demands upon the body.1490 Irland Mir. I 55/23.
The expert and gud medycinare geris nocht to the man that is nicht wait … oure stark medycyne
c. Of other substances: Strong, potent, powerful (in respect off some characteristic).c1420 Wynt. i 1039.
Fra tha capylis … The kynd ethchapys habowndanly That swa stark is off flaweoure That it raykys the revar our; And in thai merys entre tais 1633 Dalyell Darker Superst. 153.
Becaus the oyle was not stark enuch he gatt some aquavite to mak it starker
d. Of foodstuffs: Hard to digest.1456 Hay II 118/3.
Metis and drinkis that be of gude stark nature of degestioun 1456 Hay II 118/12.
Than is mare spedefull till him metis of gude pith and starkare metis na till otheris that ar of waykar complexioun 1456 Hay II 119/16.
And be caus syk mennis stomakys ar hate and moyste, starke metis and dryand war gaynand maist for thame 1512 Treas. Acc. IV 356.
To ane nurice to the prince … at was prewit with sex wolkis mylk, and gat hir leiff becaus hir milk was oure stark
e. Of soap: In contradistinction to sueit saip, ? coarse, not refined, ? not scented.1609 Edinb. Test. XLV 350b.
Ane barrell of sueit saip … Thrie kinking of stark saip 1625 Brechin Test. IV 198b.
Ane kinpkin stark saip … Ane staine wecht of sueit saip
8. Of wind, water, currents, etc.: Strong, powerful.c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. xiv 30.
Petir … walkit on the watris … Bot he saw the wynd stark [P. strong], and was affeirit 1533 Boece 109.
Contrare tydis … in stark stremys rynnyng betuix the promontoure of Dwne and Orknay 1533 Boece 149.
Betuix the wod foresaid and Athole fletis the flude richt depe and stark 1535 Stewart 314.
Tha had all bene lost, Throw wan tydis so stark ran by the land 1535 Stewart 46946.
He said agane, ‘So loud ane wind sould blaw Or none to morne, suld be so stark and strang That all Scotland sall rew’ a1570-86 J. Maitland in Maitl. F. 285/18.
Fluidis with gritter force ay flowis And starkar stevin quhone stoppit ar the stremis 1566-70 Buch. Comm. on Virgil Æn. v 193.
Thair runneth a stark tyde a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 1529 (Wr.).
The streame is there so starke, And also passeth wading deepe ?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 65.
Twa Kerniborgis … lyand in the middis of it great stark streams of the sea 1604-31 Craig ii 133.
And though the streams be stark, I through the waltering waues shall swim to thee
9. Of a question, area of inquiry or branch of knowledge: Difficult.1456 Hay I 140/16.
Here speris the doctour a stark questioun 1456 Hay II 111/18.
Traist nocht … that na mannis witt may have knaulage of the sternis … and that the science of thame is sa stark that nane may knaw it
10. Of a person: Able, having skill in some respect.1533 Boece 48b.
That pepill … bannyst, of obscure and incertane origine, stark in slauchter of wylde beistis
11. Of a battle, etc.: Hard fought, fierce.1456 Hay I 49/30.
The bataill was sa stark, and sa cruell that [etc.] 1456 Hay I 53/23.
The lordis … rais agaynis him, and thare was mony a stark bataill 1456 Hay I 57/8.
Na sik destruccioun of blude was never before that tyme sene in a felde, for the bataillis was bathe sa stark and mychty, sa cruell and sa mortall 1456 Hay I 121/11.
He wist wele and he had scapit he wald nocht have cessit to mak him starkare were than before
b. Of weather: Harsh, severe.1456 Hay I 58/3.
Quhen he came the frost and snaw was sa fell, and sa stark weder
c. Of punishment: Stern; harsh, severe.c1490 Irland Asl. MS 4/25.
The stark pvnicioun of God is able to strike upon thé
12. Of a thief, rogue, etc.: Arrant, unmitigated. Also proverb.(a) 1456 Hay I 150/29.
Sum is dronkynsum … sum stark theef sum a grete leare a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 213 (Harl.).
Job and Dauid … Quhilkis … of stark [Arund. sterk] schrewis pvnist peruersite c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 176.
Lyk to ane stark theif glowrand in ane tedder 1535 Aberd. B. Rec. MS XV A (Jam.).
Calland hir commond stark thief 1562-3 Winȝet I 108/7.
Ȝe be the starkast theif in Liddisdale a1605 Montg. Flyt. 74 (H).
Manie ȝeild ȝow hes [thow] cald over a know … stark theife, quhen thow staw them 1614 Highland P. III 172.
Ane stark theiff and captane of theifis(b) a1400 Leg. S. v 401.
He lefit the bischope, & vent than To sterk thefisproverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 778.
Twa daughters and a back door, are three stark theeves a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 693.
He is a stark fuill can mak na excuse for him self that is culpable
B. adv. 1. Strongly, powerfully, esp. displaying (military) strength in various senses of the adjective.(a) 1490 Irland Mir. II 5/31 (see A 1 c above). 1498–9 Acta Conc. II 306.
The sadis Katryne [etc.] … because thai understude thair richtis and ressons sufficiand and stark aneuch for thame in thare ground richt tharefore thai ar content [etc.] 1523 Acta Conc. MS XXXIII 208.
Our enemyis … ar gaderit stark at the bordouris 1535 Stewart 40924.
The wind it blew so stark out of the south, … it draif thame to the north, Quhill tha tuke land richt far vp into Forth a1578 Pitsc. I 89/15.
At this mean tyme the Erle of Douglas cuist him selff for to be stark aganis the king 1585–6 Montgomery Mem. 226.
Thai ordane to ryde throwcht thir feildis uerie stark c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxxvi 4.
As tyme consumes the strongest ark, To daithe at last sell straik thé stark c1610 Melville Mem. 406.
Baithe the parties being com stark to the court, wer commandit to keip ther logins, for eschewing of comber(b) 1515 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 59.
That all the lordis at ar heir present warn all thar folkis to be heir als sterk as thai may again the parliament … and als that lettres be writtin to all the schereffis of the cuntre quhar the uthir lordis duellis, chargeing thaim to cum heir incontinent with thar folkis als sterkly as thai may to the halding of the said parliament
2. Qualifying an adjective: Completely, utterly.1686 G. Stuart Joco-Ser. Disc. 27.
Under her feet she [sc. the mare] gets her branks And stark-horn-mad she ply's her shanksproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1753.
Ye are stark sueir like Thome Roises meir a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1759.