A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Sufficiand(e, -ant(e, adj., adv. and n. Also: sufficeand, sufficyand, suffyciand, suffycyand(e, sufficeant, suffeceant, suffic-, suf(f)ecient, sufficyent, suficiand, -cient, suffissand, suffysand, suffisant, -cant, -cent, -ceint, suffiecent, suffishentt, sufecent, sofficient, sofietieant, souffisande, soufisant, sowfychand, sufficians, suffisance, sufficiencie. [ME and e.m.E. sufficient, -cyent (Wyclif), sufficiaunt, suffisa(u)nt (all Chaucer), suffeceant, sufficiante (1423-4), suffycyent (1538), L. sufficient-, pres. p. of sufficere, OF sufisanz, sofisant, suffissant (c1120, c1160 and 1335 in Larousse), pres. p. of suffire, MDu. soff-, suffisant.]
A. adj. 1. Possessed of adequate means; financially secure; prosperous, well-to-do.1375 Barb. i 368.
With a wertu & leavte A man may ȝeit sufficyand be c1420 Wynt. i Prol. 81 (see Simpill adj. 5). 1494 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 49.
Wilyem Lambert … desyrit to be maid nychtbour at the balyeis and at the commonite … and thai fand him sufficiand and he than enterit burges 1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 251.
The said Alexander sal contract in mariage wytht ane sufficient persone quhilk salbe at the will of the said Andro 1564 Perth B. Ct. 159a (21 Sept.).
To put the samyn to the knawlege of tuelf honest men of the maist & sufficient burgesis of the said burght that best knawis the verite 1565 Edinb. Univ. MS La.iii.388a, 26a.
Quhilkis executouris salbe ane sufficient man having at the leist tua witnesis with him 1583 Conv. Burghs I 177.
To input in that burghe ane sufficient qualefeit persoun to be customar 1665 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds I 192.
[The money is to be placed in the hands of] ane sufficient landit man within the parish 1667 Edinb. B. Rec. X 27.
A sufficient merchant of Edinburgh or responsible skipper of Leith
b. Having sufficient provision for one's needs; contented, satisfied.c1520-c1535 Nisbet Philipp. iv 11.
I say nocht as for nede, for I have leirit to be sufficient in quhilk thingis I am
c. Suffisant of itself, self-sufficient; independent.c1590 Fowler II 154/12.
Without the which [forsight] na prencedome suffisant of it self and which mantanes an armye can come suddenlye to destructioun
2. Adequate, satisfactory, capable of fulfilling the purpose envisioned or meeting the circumstance in question. a. Of, chiefly, non-material things, resources, processes, etc.Const. for, to, to do (that) and impers.For gud and sufficient stuff, see Stuf(f n.(1) 1427 Melville Chart. 245.
Hafand fre vsche of watyr and sufficiand lade fra the loch of Lochgelly 1454 7th Rep. Hist. MSS App. ii 720/1.
That ȝe mak a sufficiande knavalage pas of the best and worthiest personis … to serche se and inqere how the elderis of the saidis Wattis held the said landis 1456 Peebles B. Rec. I 116.
That thai wald … ressayf the sayd frer John … to the plas and to geyf hym a sufi[ci]and lewyn 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 171.
That sal put thar land to sufficiand polici in bygyng of hous [etc.] … with hanyng and defensuris of the said plantacionis 1478 Peebles B. Rec. I 183.
A chaplan … to mak seruice sufficiand as efferit 1490 Irland Mir. I 119/19.
Sene mankynd may nocht mak plane and sufficiand amendis, … necessare is Thou send Thi blist sone(b) c1409-1436 Kingis Q. § 183.
Now sufficiante is my felicitee c1450 Cr. Deyng 15.
The ded of synfull man but sufficiant repentans is euir ill 1490 Irland Mir. I 68/17.
Becaus of the nobilite of complexioune of man, the membris of the ȝounge childer, as legis … suld nocht haue had sufficient solidite, tharfor thai suld nocht haue rvne … na done vthire werkis sa sone as vthir bestis 1531 Bell. Boece II 155.
Fortoun: of quhais instable favoure we have sufficient documentis c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1468.
Suffecient 1554 Crim. Trials I i 372.
Fyfthlye, gif thir offiris be nocht suffecyent thocht be the partye and frendis of the deid a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 123/32.
It vas nocht sufficient preiffe of his resurreccione to say that he saw hyme be ane spirituall visione 1561 Reg. Privy C. I 194.
Ane formal and sufficient roll and memoriall, quhilk may be sufficient and ressonable to sustene the minsterie [etc.] 1570 Prot. Bk. J. Robeson 110a.
That the samyn [sc. kiln] may haif sufficient air 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 51.
To the quhilk … thair wes sufficient answer maid in London c1575 Balfour Pract. 476.
Letteris of inhibitioun may not be gevin aganis ony erle, lord or baron, be the lordis, without ane sufficient and just cause 1588 King Cat. 85.
Quhar Christ is all haill receauit thair the sufficient fruict and effectual grace of sa gret a sacrament can na wayis laik heirin 1611 Macgibbon & Ross V 6.
The hall hawing foure ingangand windois and ane lyand window of sufficient heicht and breid 1631 Irvine Mun. I 226.
Our minister … , who has not … sic an sufficient and competent glebe as he ought to have(c) 1688 New Mills Manuf. 181.
Suficient(d) c1450 Cr. Deyng 90.
Sa at … he mycht haf suffissand contriscione, he war sauf a1500 Prestis of Peblis 849.
His saw was suffisand, And as he sayis I sall do God willand(e) a1578 Pitsc. II 19/7.
He … promissit that he suld haue ane suffiecent mense of the quene and cardinall or he sould leif Scotland c1590 Fowler II 105/34.
In the proofe wharoff is sufficent that example which before we have rehersed 1685 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II 205.
[To Samuel Halliday in Kirkcudbright] for ane good and sufficent kuir done to me by him(f) 1557 Fam. Rose 224.
He sendand in soufisant maner his houshald(g) c1475 Wall. viii 1735.
Thar may na band be maid so sufficians, Bot ay in it thai fynd a warians 1626 Stirling's Royal Lett. I 40.
Concerneing the sufficiencie provyding of fosteris and keipers of the said forrest(2) c1420 Wynt. v 4341.
Here suffycyand excusatyownys For wylfull defamatyownys 1533 Montgomery Mem. I 120.
To come vpoun land furth of thair schippis to sufficient nowmer for outredding and doing thair lefull erandis 1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 175.
That vmquhil maister Clement Littill … for the help … of sic as … suld happin to want buikis … hes left ane sufficient nummer of guid and godlie buikis to the ministrie 1586 Reg. Privy C. IV 130.
Allegeand that thay had maid sufficient assyithment … for the slauchtar … and purchest ane letter of slanes thairupoun c1590 Fowler II 121/17.
Law … aftentymes suppleith not the turnes of man nor is sufficent for the ebbing of his desyre 16… Monro W. Isles (1961) 66.
Upon the north north-eist coist of Mule lyis ane ile callit Calf … sufficient raid for schippis 1609 Dunferm. B. Rec. II 55.
[He is to] leve sufficient passage for serving bayth the nather yairdis bewest his said wester dyk(3) ?1438 Alex. ii 2527.
Thre thingis I pray thé nemmin heir … Quhilk thre thingis are maist sufficiand To lele lufe, and to hald lestand c1420 Wynt. iv 1990.
The land off Cyzille in the se Wes that tyme … till na statis sufficyand c1420 Wynt. vi 1474.
Gregor the sext … twa yhere held that se Bot … litill … he fand That till hys state wes suffycyand 1434–5 Reg. St. A. 424.
With sufficient fewelle to his hous for the term of nyne ȝher c1500 Barounis Lawis 6a.
Quhill he find borrowis sufficient and distrinȝeable to that court 1531 Bell. Boece II 229.
It micht have bene sufficient document to al pepil of … sorrow that fallis be civill weris 1562-3 Winȝet I 24/18.
Sa litle respect hes euir bene had to the grammar sculis … that in mony townis thair is not sa mekle prouidit thairto as a common house; and in nane almaist of al ane sufficient life to ane techear(4) 1397 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 35.
The Erle of Carrik … ande the Duk of Gvynne … hafande souffisande pouer of bathe the kingis … for to redresse … al the attemptates & trespasses don be see & be lande c1400 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 40.
The ambassatours … hytes that theire lige lord the kyng … shal sende men of semblable estat with sufficiant power to do the same 1463 Kennedy Aberd. Ann. II 472.
[The sum] was nocht lachful na sufficiande to pas for payment 1494 Loutfut MS 2b.
The iuge suld ordand sufficiant men of armes to kepe the feild souerly 1513 Doug. x Prol. 132.
A drop had bene sufficient of thy blude A thousand warldis to haue redemyt 1531 Bell. Boece I 94.
Fra he was advertist that the same was full of … bestiall … he thocht the same sufficient eneuch to decore his triumphe 1533 Bell. Livy I 86/26.
Thai had na sufficient laser to tak avisement a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 130/22.
His power is as sufficient to make his body invisible … in the sacrament … as vas his power to pase throw the multitude of the Jowis 1561 Reg. Privy C. I 194 (see 2 (b) above). 1560 Bk. Disc. 217.
The Principallis … shall nominat suche one as his conscience shall testifie to be maist sufficient to beare suche charge and dignitie [sc. Rector of University] 1616 Misc. Hist. Soc. II 172.
He thinks his dixit appearantlie … be sufficient to … condemne anie bodie —1456 Hay I 280/33.
Thai ar nocht of a realme na of a prince haldand; quharfor the naciouns makis the defference sufficiand, sa that it war nocht done for despyte(5) 1456 Hay I 292/6.
Bot it is sufficiand ynouche to me to tell as now that the emperoure aw to lyve be the lawis bathe canoune and civile a1500 Henr. Fab. 1755.
For clerkis sayis it is nocht sufficient To considder that is befoir thyne ee c1475 Wall. iv 44.
Ȝe do vs wrang, and it in tyme of pes; Off sic rubry war suffisance to ces 1531 Bell. Boece I 118.
It was sufficient ineuch to Romanis to have the confiderat kingis as thair freindis 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 191.
He … thocht sufficient to him far that iornay to repres the troubill amang the Britonis a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 129/23.
Truely, is as sufficient to do the ane as the other 1562-3 Winȝet II 29/28.
It had nocht bene sufficient to the conseruatioun of the faith anis techit, to hef nameit the natuir of manlie state —1681 Stair Inst. i xviii § 6.
By a liquid debt is not understood a debt for which there is a decreet … but it is sufficient that the debt itself is liquid
b. Of buildings, building work, etc.(1) 1427 Wemyss Chart. 53.
To make a myllyn dame, gud and sufficiande … quhare it best afferis for the myllyn demmande 1500 Jervise Memor. Angus & Mearns II 202.
Till all possibyl policy in biggyn, of gud and sufficiand ȝeird houses 1541 Elgin Rec. I 60.
William Vardane [etc.] … wrangit in the cutting of the hee get throch the hidderingis … sall mak the samyn sufficient 1564 Edinb. B. Deeds 137a.
The said George bindis … him … to big ane sufficient byre 1563–4 Inverness Rec. I 113.
Schir James Duff … is decernit … to mak his kyll sufficient and drye aboue 1580 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 117.
Johnne Craufurde to big sufficientlie the kirkyaird dyke … quhairthrow it be sufficient at the sicht of four honest men 1589 Glasgow B. Rec. I 136.
Ane sufficient gangand myln with sufficient happar, hup, [etc.] 1605 Peebles Gleanings 20.
Ane sufficient … prisone, able for kiping of all sic malefactoures 1611–12 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 337.
Thomas Smythe … to pet in twa yetes … and … to find hewen stones to the same and to beg thame up in gud and sofietieant wark 1676 Lanark Presb. 111.
To mak it a sufficient manse, water tight and wind tight 1695 Galloway P. 10 March.
[He is] to leave the houses good & suffishentt as at the enttrie(2) 1462 Peebles B. Rec. I 147.
At ilke man haf his dykkis mad be Mertymes sowfychand bath for front and hede rowm 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 173.
To help to mak a sufficiand bryg of tre with landstalis of stane bath for cart and wayn(3) a1400 Leg. S. xviii 1420.
The lyone mad the grawe … Depe, … & sufficent to sic serwise 1641 Glasgow Burgesses 105.
[John Clark, mason, made Guild Brother gratis] for the sufficient building of the townes new mylne in Partick to thair contentment(4) 1613 Conv. Burghs II 388.
Thair salbe provydit to the said natioun ane sufficient hous that sall serue thame for ane consergarie 1644 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 737.
Ane sufficient mans to be given buildit or bocht to Mr. Johne McClellane minister
c. Of things, freq. commodities. Also specif. of arms necessary to a fighting man and of the work, workmanship, etc. of a tradesman or craftsman.1400 Liber Melros 491.]
[Vnum cereum honestum et sufficientem(1) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 47 (A).
He salbe ȝemyt of the chalangeor & the bedall fynd him sufficiant festines & bandes etc. 1478 Acta Aud. 84/2.
To pruf that he deliuerit … tua twne of sufficient wad 1482–3 Acta Conc. II cxxii.
x daker of hidis of gude and sufficient merchand ware 1505 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 6.
For the payment of xxiiii stane of gud and suficiand woll in merchand ware 1548 Reg. Cupar A. II 55.
Payand … ȝerelie to ws … iijxx iiij laid of petis sufficient gude and dry ȝerelie 1565 Inverness Rec. I 124.
xx sufficient otter skynnis and fyve gude and sufficient tod skynnis 1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 156.
To … sett vpoun the turnepyke of their tolbuith and javellour hous ane sufficient dur 1661 Acts VII 230/2.
That the whole coupers … make the said salmond barrells of good & sufficient new knappell … without worme holls and white wood 1681 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 24.
Ane sufficient masking fatt —1598–9 Edinb. B. Rec. V 243.
To caus mak ane sufficient devyse for keiping the laich gaitt … unpassit be hors or cairts 1612 Conv. Burghs II 366.
To haif and intertein ane sufficient crain for dischairgeing of the said guids at … Campheir —1539–40 Reg. Episc. Morav. App. 420.
To deliver yeirlye to the bischop aucht skoir fyr sparris sufficient to be gestis(2) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 70 (A).
The man sal haf in his hande a suerd or an other wapyn sufficiant 14.. Acts I 113/2.
Evir ilk lawyt man … sal haf … a gud suffyciand acton, a basnet, & gluffis of playt 1491 Acts II 226/1.
All vthir ȝemen … sal haf … sufficient bowis & schaiffis swerd buklare knyff [etc.](3) 1426 Acts II 13/1.
The dekyn of ilk craft sal … se at the werkmen be cunnande and the werk sufficiande 1473–4 Edinb. B. Rec. I 27.
That all … that thinkis to be maisteris mak twa peis of wark sufficient belanging hattis-making 1475–6 Edinb. B. Rec. I 33.
He sal haue gude and sufficiand graith and werkloumys to be sene and considerit be foure men of the craft 1517 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 171.
That all the maisteris of the said craft mak guid and sufficient stufe and honestlie handlit and sufficient worth the money 1525 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 78.
Quhair the metlumes ar fundyne sufficient to be brynt be the balyeis, and quhair thai are fundyne unsufficient to be distrowit and cheit to the balyeis 1664 Banff Ann. I 148.
The magistrats ordaines the haill inhabitantis quho ather byes or sellis wictuall to have ane sufficient measur ather firlat, pek, or lippie 1668 Whitelaw Sc. Arms Makers 156.
[Joshua Shushan, gunsmith … presented his essay of] ane pair of sufficient pistolls
d. Of livestock, produce, food or drink.14.. Burgh Laws c. 54 (A).
Gif scho makis gude aill & sufficiant 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 171.
ijxii of kok and hen sufficiand and merkat lyk 1477 Reg. Cupar A. I 206.
Four bollis of atis sufficiand, the kaf clangit fra tham 1507 Reg. Privy S. I 209/2.
Four last of salmond, full, rede and suete, sufficiand merchand gudis 1520 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 57.
Wolyem bad the said Jhone cum and rasaiff the samyn [malt] for it was redy to pae him of sufficeant stuff 1532 Selkirk B. Ct. MS 162 (18 June).
Ane sufficient kowe, viz. ane nukhald … with the stirk 1535 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 71.
The baxters … till baik thair breid sufficient stufe weill baikin and dryit 1559 Inverness Rec. I 36.
xvj bollis sufficient victell, half meyll, half malt 1584 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 343.
To devyde the guid and sufficient fische fra the wrak and evill 1595 Skene in Misc. Stair Soc. I 142.
The flesche is delyverit be apprysing and x m[eillis] makis ane sufficient cow, quhilk thay call ane gild cow, and ane sufficient ox, quhilk thay call ane gild ox, is apprysit to xv m[eillis] 1613 Conv. Burghs II 430.
To trye that the wyne and beir be sufficient and not mixit 1632 Aberd. B. Rec. III 49.
Sufficient fishe, full reid and sweit, and nather ar gillit nor sour fishe 1674 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 213.
Which beir the said Georg faithfullie ingadgit to kill and make in suficient malt 1691 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II 427.
Sufficeint —1475 Reg. Cupar A. I 224.
iiij bollis of horscorn sufficyand [blank] alanerly for male
3. Of a person: Capable, competent; of proven skill in some trade or accomplishment; satisfactory. Also absol.(a) c1390 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 20.
Hym vs thynk ryght suffisant [to be prior] and he ys alsa mast lykand to the men of the land 1390 K. Robert in Coldingham Priory 60.
Till have a suffysand man and ane abelle present(b) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 106 (B).
In all borwis of Scotland the best men sal chese the xii lauchful burges sufficiand and wyse of the burgh 14.. Acts I 356/2.
Suffycyande(c) 1456 Hay I 150/24.
Ane hundreth men of armes, sufficient and competent 1475 Edinb. B. Rec. I 31.
He sall first cum to the said four men and thai sall examyn him gif he be sufficient or nocht [sc. to be a wright or mason] 1475 Edinb. B. Rec. I 32.
Gif he be nocht sufficient he sall serf a master quhill he haf lirit [sic] to be worthy to be a master 1525 (1527) Reg. Great S. 97/1.
Na man of the said craft sall tak up ane buth to be ane maister nor tak ane marrow freman with him quhill it be sene … be the dekin and four maisteris … of the craft that he be sufficient werkman 1552 Reg. Privy C. I 134.
Habill and sufficient horsemen, weill furnist and grathit 1560 Bk. Disc. 216.
Thair shalbe thre of the maist sufficient men of the universitie (not Principallis alreaddie) nominat by the memberis of the college … Efter the whiche tyme eght dayis the Superintendent … with the Rectour and rest of the Principallis … shall conferme ane of the three thei think maist sufficient 1573 Davidson in Sat. P. xlii 264.
Thair is skarse twentie of thame all Sufficient men that I can call, That are alreddy in thay rowmis 1585 Reg. Morton I 145.
With euerie horse a sufficient able careage man with knapscall and lance staff c1590 Fowler II 148/6.
His servants, quhiche ar rather gud or evill, sufficient and vnsufficient, according to the wosdome of the prince 1600 Inverurie 182.
The said miller condemned shall be fined double of the skaith suffered and the said miller be removed at Witsunday thereafter, and a sufficient miller provided 1611 Glasgow B. Rec. II 560.
To furneis thrie hors with ane sufficient seruant, abill to lay on and tak aff laidis for service of the said milne 1632 Cullen B. Ct. 9 Nov.
Quhilk noble lord … hoiping of his better amendement of his fame & guid will … ordanis the said Johne … to leawe in tym cuming as ane leyall and sufficient nichbour c1633 Innes Sketches 369.
Your lordship will provyde some discrit woman and ane sufficient man quha hes bothe Irisch and Englisch 1657 Glasgow B. Rec. II 378.
It shall be leassume to evrie frie man wright … to keip … ane prenteis with twa sufficient jornay men … and quhair … the said frie men … have no prenteis it shall be leassum to … keip … thrie jornay men 1666 Acts Sederunt ii 96.
Ye shall be carefull, that your summons be execute always by a sufficient man, before two witnesses at the least 1670 Urie Baron Ct. 90.
Ilk plugh … is to send tuo sufficient menabsol. 1456 Hay II 109/26.
And tak never medicyne of thaire hande bot mony of the maist sufficient acorde in the medicyne giving
b. Const. for or to.(1) 1425 Acts II 9/2.
That na man be admittit to be attournay in the justice ayr bot gif he be ane honest & sufficiande persone of discrecion for that office 1676 Lanark Presb. 111.
Two sufficient tradesmen for visitation and appretiation of the manse, and reparation of the samyne(2) 1429 Acts II 17/2.
That a mayr of fee … sal haf powere to present a sufficiande personne [etc.] … to be deputis vndir hym 1456 Hay I 23/18.
Gregore the Sext … he was nat sufficiand to governe the office [sc. of pope] 1456 Hay II 23/6.
Knychtis war clerkis and wele letterit men, sa that thai war the mare sufficiand tobe jugis be the knaulage of science of lawis [etc.] a1500 Bk. Chess 1664.
Without the quhilk sevyne sciens no man sall Be sufficiant the cur on hand to tak Off phesik 1549 Compl. 12/3.
He culd nocht get ane lady in special that vas sufficient to be his patrone [sc. artist's model] a1578 Pitsc. I 14/2.
The king was not sufficient to governe the realm for inlaik of aige 1616 Edinb. B. Rec. VI 147.
Ane sufficient and honest man to be jadger of herring and quhyte fische
c. Of an animal: Capable of performing a particular task.1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 50.
That everie man, as weill to burgh as landward, shall send out ane sufficient and able horss and man 1663 Black Bk. Taymouth 426.
To train up a sufficient fowling dog for the use of the laird 1689 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. XIII 530.
Two suficient baggadg horsses … suficiently furnished and graithed with sodds, ane sack, ane pair of backetts or creills
4. In legal contexts, of pledges, testimony, witnesses, etc.: Adequate, satisfactory; conforming to the requirements of the law.13… Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 137.]
[Ad prestandum vobis securitatem sufficientem quod idem episcopus et terre sue … cum incolis … erunt indempnes de ipso 14.. Burgh Laws c. 67 (B).
Gyf he be summond befor suffyciand wytnes and he cum nocht [etc.] 1471 Acta Aud. 13/1.
To profe that Robert … had sufficiand tak of the abbot of Jedworthe of the teinde schef of the Kirk & parsonage of Dunmanyn 1478 Acta Conc. I 5/2.
The probacion that the said Johne Maxwel allegis to of lefand witnes is nocht sufficiand 1481 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 330.
Williame and his spous sall make ane sufficeand reuersione in the best and sykkyrast wys to the said George 1526 Wigtown B. Ct. 173a.
The said bailȝeis assignis him xxti dais to find a sofficient pleg 1527 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 86.
This inqueist ordines Rolland Hammyltoun to bryng ane sufficiant preff that he gaif his sword to the madyne 1550 Boyd Fam. P. No. 28 (20 Dec.).
I makand seilland and subscryfand ane sufecient revertioun to the said Adam … of the sum of fyfe hundreth merkis 1569 Q. Mary in Facs. Nat. MSS III lix.
We … hes causet our signet to be affixit thairto, quhilk we will to be als sufficient as oure gret seall war affixit to the samin 1580–1 Lanark B. Rec. 78.
The balleis … fand the said ordour guid and sufecent in the self and ordourly procedet 1626 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 292.
The exceptioun of not confirmatioun … is ane sufficient exceptioun to elyde the said chartour a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 300.
Ane of the kinsmen may not persew assythment without … ane sufficient letter of slaynes for all the kin and freinds 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii xxvi 11 (1678) 536.
Witnesses who may be received, are called testes habiles, and they are distinguished in idoneos, or sufficient witnesses, or testes omni exceptione majores, who deserve yet a further degree of faith, [etc.]
b. Const. to (a person).1546 Perth Guildry 232.
Quhilk gift and discharge we will be sufficient to the den of gild and to allow the samyn in his comptis be this write subscriuit with our handis
c. Of a group of persons convened as a court, tribunal or the like: Legitimate; recognised as valid.1613 Ars Quatuor Coronatorum XXIV 39.
I Alexander Aittoun beffoir the faice of this sufficent Lodge buikss my self
d. Of money: Valid as legal tender; not debased or counterfeit.1491 Acta Conc. I 215/2.
The said somme wes nocht payit in sufficient money bot in blak money nocht haffand course for the tyme 1677 Irvine Deeds 13 Nov.
Sufficient current money without any coppir or uther baice or layit coyn thairintill
B. adv. Of a satisfactory standard, quality or ability.1399 Aberd. B. Rec. I 377.
The forsaid masonys sale hew … xii durris and xii wyndowys, in fre tailly … and that werk sal be sufficiand gude 1513 Doug. iii v 72.
Allace quhat aventur … Is thé betyd and hes degradit … quhat fortune mycht sufficient [L. quae digna satis fortuna] happyn thé 1552 Reg. Privy C. I 130.
Ane sufficient man weill bodin, for everie xl merkland of auld extent to be visiit, considderit, and rollit be the Capitane and Commissar that sall be derect to visie the samyn, gif thay be sufficient ebill or nocht
C. noun. A sufficient quantity.1663 Black Bk. Taymouth 426.
To be fowler to the laird, and to go to the hills with a sufficient of lying dogs and fowling nets