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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Sid(e, n. Also: syd(e, syid(e, syidd, sydd(e, seyd, said, sayed, (schyd). [ME and e.m.E. side (c1175), syde (c1275), OE síde. Cf. ON síða.] Side.See also Bak-sid(e n., Bra-side n., Cost-side n., Fire-syd(e n., Gat(e-syd(e n., Se-side n. and Water-side n.

I. 1. The right or left side of the body (of a person or animal). Also transf., the flank of an army. Also fig.For further examples of bak and side, see Bak n.1 1 b.1260 Reg. St. A. 346.
Edmund Yrinside
(a) a1400 Leg. S. vi 689.
Quhen he a fyngyr of his hand Had put depe in Goddis syd
a1400 Leg. S. xxii 346.
Hat irne til his sydis lay
1456 Hay II 43/6.
Thare suld the prince have the suerd redy … and belt it about his sydis
1456 Hay II 64/6, 7.
Sum trowis … on rycht hand, or on left hand, sayand, the rycht syde gais aganis him, and the left syde gais with him
1456 Hay II 124/6.
Dispone thé to slepe … ane houre apon thy rycht side, and syne … turn thé apon thy kerr side, … for the ker side is kindely caldare na the rycht
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 25.
Thair mantillis grein … Fetrit with thair quhyt fingaris about thair fair sydis
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 191 (B).
Quhair thow lyis sawsy in saphron bak & syd
1513 Doug. vi xv 82.
With spurris brochand the fomy stedis sydis
1560 Rolland Seven S. 9540.
Thair steids swat at syds
1579 Athole Mun. I No. 90.
Efter his death this deponar saw sum blak lumpis on his syd nek and schulderis
1588 Crim. Trials I ii 163.
And that thaireftir thay tuke the haill poistie of hir syde, in sic soirt, that scho lay tuentie oulkis thaireftir
1601 Melvill 496. 1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 242.
I wes forced to leave and fall af my horss, where I brack two ribbes in my syd
1632 Justiciary Cases I 203.
Be geving him ane deidlie streck in the left lisk or syde
a1603 Tract. Leg. Naval. Descr. Orchad. 31 in
The halder of the pleuche lyes one with his syde one the pleuche
(b) a1500 Rois Garlandis 320.
And blist be his breist and syiddis that wer cruelly scurgit
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1046.
His tender flesche thai brak fra bak to syid
1535 Stewart 8874.
Syidis wer schorne quhill that the blude burst out
1562 Crim. Trials I i 422.
His haill left syid wes sua occupiit and trublit with evill and maling humouris
1577–8 Reg. Privy S. VII 237/1.
In his [blank] syid and diverse utheris partis of his bodie
(c) c1570 6th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 652/1.
The deseis … wes meist pairt in hir lychtis, for thai wer blekynnitt and tynt thair cullour and growin clois to hir sayed
transf. 1531 Bell. Boece I 215.
The Romanis, seing thair sidis nakit be fleing of Britonis, wer astonist
fig. a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 435/39.
[The English forces] schortlie will sit to our sydis as sair As now thy rebellis quhome thay sould reforme
1683 Hay Fleming Six Saints I 57.
Off the throne … they [sc. the Stewarts] shall go, if all the world would set side and shoulder to hold them on

b. Chiefly pl.: The body of a woman or a female animal, with reference to pregnancy or giving birth. Also fig.(1) c1420 Wynt. v 584.
And wes in dowt off hyr lyff ay Betwene hyr sydys quhill he lay
a1500 Henr. III 147/33.
Borne was of hir sidis Our maker Goddis sone so deir
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) lxxxvi 25.
Thy blyssit sydis bair the campioun
1560 Rolland Seven S. 685.
That all suld say … That he war of my awin twa sydis borne
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 237.
Peilit gled, baith fed and bred of bichis syd
(2) a1568 Bell. Bann. MS 7b/270.
The fatall hors … Quhais prignant sydis wer full of men of weir

2. At, by (be), to (another's) side or the side of, beside, next to, in close proximity to.(1) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1860.
Thire lettres thai gart be than Leyd at the syde of one deid man
c1450-2 Howlat 744 (A).
Now souerane quhar thow sittis be thi sonnis syd
a1500 Henr. Fab. 944.
The kid ga saiflie be the gaittis syde
a1570-86 Maitl. F. 363/103.
Bot ȝe man rest with me all nycht All nakit sleipand be my syd
c1550-c1580 Art of Music 21.
It is the pwnct quhilk is appoint to the syd of the noit augmentand to the said noit half als mekill as the valour of it [etc.]
(2) 1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 352.
My sister nymphs at sporte, With bowe in hand, and quaver by their syd
(3) a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 40.
Thay walkit be the syde of ane fair well
ellipt. 1473 Acta Aud. 24/2.
He sall haue … vj acris of corne land of inland, & ij acris of medow at the side

b. Side for (be) side (with), close beside, next to. Also fig.1375 Barb. viii 182.
Sloppys … Sa large & off sic quantite That [fyve hunder] mycht samyn rid In at the sloppis sid be sid
1375 Barb. xiii 26.
That tyme thar [thre] bataillis wer All syd be sid fechtand weill ner
?a1500 Rosw. & Lillian 179.
Side for side, hand for hand rode they
1529 Berw. Nat. C. II 63 n.
Their plouche is drawen be foure beastis going syde for syde
c1650 Spalding I 37.
The Erll of Buchane careing the suord, and the Erll of Rothass careing the scepter, follouit the erllis, ryding syd for syd with vther
1670 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 71 (22 Nov.).
[Glen and James Aikin elder] lying syde for syde wpon some breckans
fig. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 370.
That proud thing, myself, will not play, except it ride up side for side with Christ

3. Half a carcase of an animal, prepared for sale by splitting lengthwise. Also b., of a fish.1512 Household Bk. Jas. IV 20a.
For i syd weill ii s. viii d.
1537 Treas. Acc. VI 464.
Twa siddis of bacone
1538 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 28 Nov.
That na flechors breik flesche that duellis owt wythout the towne bot in syds and quartors
1549 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 439.
Ane syde of mutoun
1567–8 Mar & Kellie MSS 19.
To my ladie and hir servandis … on ane flesche day … ane syd of sukand weill [etc.]
1602 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 33.
Bringyeow Manisoun is accuseit for the … steilling of sax sydis of dry scheip
1617 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. II 209.
iiij lib. for ane syd of beif
1630 Monteith Stewartry Ct. 28 May.
With xx s. for ane syd of katkoun
1631 Buccleuch Household Bk. 25 Sept.
For a syd of poudered keilling
1650 Misc. 3 Spald. C. II 204.
Ane syid mutton
1660 Dumfries Fleshers 17 May.
By their trusting of legs & syds of muttoun
c1675 Sc. Ant. I 178.
May, For a lame syde 19 s.
b. a1500 Henr. Fab. 2126 (Bass.).
It is ane syde off salmond, as it wair

c. As a unit of ownership, prob. equivalent to one half of a ship.1551–2 Dundee B. Ct. II fol. 128b (29 Jan.).
Anent the bying of ane syd of ane schip be Andro Gardine & Robert Viddir … for the some of thre score li. money of Scotland

4. One of the longer surfaces of a thing, as distinct from the ends; a particular surface of a square or cube, or of a rounded or cylindrical object.Quots. 1596, 1670 and 1674 may belong in sense 8.1456 Hay I 161/13.
[He] wate nocht quhat syde [sc. of a habergeoun] suld be before, quhat behynd
a1500 Bk. Chess 369.
In the syd it had Ane dur weile closand with a subtile gyn
a1500 Bk. Chess 1993.
Quhen Bernard kest a dyce in two is gone On a syd sex & on the tother one
a1500 Bk. Chess 2022.
The sydis of this chekker set on hicht Sall represent the tovnis wallis wicht
1506–7 Treas. Acc. III 252.
Blak satin to breik the scarlet side of the said tua pair hos
1513 Doug. vii vii 125.
About the sydis of the pot playing, The licour sparklis for the heyt bulyng
1535 Aberd. B. Rec. MS XV 639 (Jam.).
Als gud hagyng throucht the clois & langous the hous syd
1554 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 76.
The once haiffand the lyoune rampand crownit on that ane syde
1571 Aberd. B. Rec. II 5.
The said bonat cais … being cuttit on baytht the sydis
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 212.
The cornes and hather whilk was cassin to the hous sydis
1579 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 307.
Soume of this compt of thre leivis and ane syde [sc. of paper]
1587 Acts III 522/1.
That … the edge of the bottom [sc. of the firlot] entering within the laggyne be pairit outwith toward the nethir syde
1588 Reg. Privy C. IV 317.
The penny haveand on the ane syde ane lyoun ramping
1591 Acts III 526/1.
Ilk pece [of money] havand on the ane syde ane swerd with ane pair of ballance
1596 Elgin Rec. II 42.
To big the kirkyaird dyik, south syid, within fyvetein dayis
a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS No. 124.
Ane ful sack will tak ane clout one the syd
1626 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II 205.
To Mark the calsey layer for laying ane peice of calsey alongis the haill syd of the brewhous
1670 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 267.
Betwixt the pillers in the south syde of the new church
1674 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 2 May.
For carrying 20 gang cradling from the old hol in the south syd
1678 Edinb. B. Rec. X 431.
For guilding and painting the Lovetenin cornalls colleras one bothe the syds
1683 Ellon Presb. 223.
106 of the said deals dighted … upon both syds

b. The edge of such a surface.1655 Lamont Diary 91.
[He] was found dead … laying by the high way syde

5. The side of a boat or ship, from stem to stern, between the gunwales and the water-line. Also specif., braid syde.(1) 1460 Hay Alex. 2961.
Of ane schip sched wald stryk out the syde
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 451.
In to the Catherine thow made ane foule cahute … Apon hir sydis was sein that thow culd schute
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 735.
The Scottis gunnis … hat hir [sc. an English galleon] ay on the richt syde
1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 273.
The tumbling billowes fast her syddes assaill
1685 Erskine Diary 126.
Our boat being too laigh in the sides to hide us from people on the shore
16.. Admir. Ct. Form 13.
The watter baillie by oppressione takes 12 d. for everie bark that layes hir sydd to the key
(2) 1560 (c1650) Dundee B. Laws 21.
That na ship … lay too hir braid syde to liver or load at the shoar
c1650 Spalding II 233.
Thir sex rebellis schippis … settis thair bred syde to hir lodging

6. A slope or hillside.Chiefly in place names.c1098 Durham Chart. in J. B. Johnston Place-Names of Berwickshire (1940) 25.
a1153 Liber Melros I 5.
Terram et boscum de Galtunesside
11… Reg. Paisley App. 2.
a1199 Reg. Neubotle 52.
c1220 Liber Dryburgh 94.
c1220 (15 … ) Liber Dryburgh 149.
1249–85 Liber Melros I 315.
Hugo de Chirnesid
1490 Reg. Paisley 265.
Per fossam terrarum de Oxschawsid
1569 Berw. Nat. C. XXIV 424.
Fra the foott of Yowarsyid
1375 Barb. x 20.
That twasum samyn mycht nocht rid In sum place off the hillis sid
c1578 Reid Swire 29.
We looked down the other syde And saw come breasting over the brae [etc.]
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. I 98.
That he bad hir gang to Murray, and he suld lat hir sie sum thing at the syd of a hill

b. The edge or outskirts of a forest.1375 Barb. xiv 391.
Richarde of Clar, and othir … war Herbryit in-till a forest syde
1375 Barb. xiv 419.
That … in the ewynnyng [they] Wald cum owt at the woddis sid
c1475 Wall. xi 83.
Parteis beyn met ner a fayr forest sid
1626 Edinb. Test. LIII 324b.
To James Pringell … xx ȝowis … and xl hogis to be rune out at a syde
1641 Peebles Chart. 105.
The cornemylne callit the Rudemylne and Wakmylne buildit vpone the syd of the said Castellhill

7. A bank or shore of a sea, river, etc.; the lands adjacent to such a waterway.For further examples of river-side, see River n. (4) attrib.(a) 1375 Barb. iii 414.
Endlang the louchhis syd
1375 Barb. vi 120.
At the furd syd
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2778.
Ane lytill mous come till ane reuer syde
c1515 Asl. MS I 160/21.
That rysing and depnes is better knawin on the sydis than in the myddis of euery flude
1513 Doug. ix xiii 28.
Turnus … Begouth … to … sattil towartis the ryveris syde a law
1604 Crim. Trials II 439.
For convoying the said Laird of Mcgregour agaitwart to the syd of Lochloun
1636 Kirkcaldy Presb. 109.
The third time at Lochtie syd among the corn about Lambes in the farder end of harvest
1642 Spalding II 208.
Bot his majestie, … sent thrie peice of cannon to Thames syd
1662 Old Ross-shire II 48.
Inhabitants on syds of the watter nowayis … [to] fish … without libertie … from W[illiam] M[unro] or his kainer
(b) 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 8.
The governour … remanit … on the syid of Twead, becaus the wattir was greit
(c) 1570–1 Reg. Privy S. VI 206/2.
Gif the samin [sc. harbour] be nocht haistie biggit, beitit and mendit in baith the saidis of the watter of Leith

II. 8. The general area lying to the east, west, etc. of some place or building.See also North-sid(e n. and South-sid(e n.1387 Edinb. Chart. 35.
v chapellis on the south syde of the paryce kyrc of Edynburgh
1388–9 MacRae Early Sc. Texts No. 2.
Vp that burn as it bicumis dovne on the west syde of Failfod and sua vp the slak on the est syde of the teild landis
1434 Liber Aberbr. II 66.
1445 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 326.
On the est sid of the land of Patrick Lang
1488 Lanark B. Rec. 1.
The mekill buth of the north syd of the tolbuth
1505 Chart. Coupar A. II 115.
Wilȝamme Jakis akaris on the west syd hys kyl
1532–3 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 87.
Of tuay acris of land lyand on the west syid of the layd wynd
1540 Linlithgow B. Ct. 27 Oct.
To big his land liand on the northtschyd of our souerane lordis streit
1546 Treas. Acc. IX 39.
Ane patent writting to Dunde and certane other places langes the eist side of Angus
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 331.
Abone the west syid of Sanctcuthbertis kirk lay tua Scottis iyrone peicies

9. One or other direction to either hand of an object, place, etc., or the position, space or area implied in this.With various qualifiers expressing direction or location.Also const. of.(1) 1398 Acts I 212/1.
Alsua the burges sal pay to that ilke contribucion of thair gudis, alswele beyhond the see as on this side
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2796 (Bass.).
On this syde [sc. of the river] I get na thing till eit Bot hard nuttis
1596 Dalr. I 30/21.
Clyd rinis by the craig on the ane sid, or as we say on this syd, Leuin rinis by on that syd, as we vse to speik, for it is forkit in the midis (or diuidet)
14.. Burgh Laws c. 93 (B).
This is the ordenance of fayris in the kyngys burgh in this syde Forth
1515 Acta Conc. MS XXVII 53.
All maner of personis fensable … on this syde the Montht
(2) 1375 Barb. v 588.
For that cowert that he ȝeid till Wes on the tother sid a hill
1446 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 244.
And sene come in agayne on the tother syde als fer as the said lord clamyt for his
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 491.
I serf him on the tothir syde on the samin fasson
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 60/12.
A revir bricht … Quhair did upone the tother syd persew A nychtingall
a1540 Freiris Berw. 228.
Abowt he went vnto the vdir syd
1596 Dalr. I 266/33.
Than tua lynes, on the vttir syd, wouen in threid of golde
1597 Elgin Rec. II 50.
Gif hevin wer besyid hir and hell on the other syid scho wald laif hevin and loipp in hell
(3) c1475 Wall. iii 177.
Fra the coursour he fell on the fer syd
(4) 1494 Loutfut MS 31b.
And thair entre is on the richt sid & thair ische is on the kere sid
1513 Doug. iii vi 113.
On the richt syde the cost and wallis evaid
1597 Skene Verb. S. (1599) s.v. Hebdomas.
Vpon his richt hand was set the secund idoll Odhen, … ; vpon the ker and wrang side, was placed the thrid idole Frigga
(5) 1530 Aberd. B. Rec. I 129.
To cause big and mak an goif againe on the towne sid
1532 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 87.
Small aslar for topping of chymnais vyn be him on Fyf syd
(6) 1488–9 Reg. Paisley 407.
At the cors of Paslays side of the dike
1529–30 Edinb. B. Rec. II 20.
Ther is now ane fair to be hald on that vther syd of the walter
1550 Douglas of Morton 682.
All the medoland that lyis upoun the nether syde of the Westhawburn
1579 Reg. Privy C. III 248.
Expres command wes gevin that na wynis laitlie arrivit … sould be houssit bot on this side of the brig
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1804) 237.
Againes the borderers on the syde of Scotland
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 614.
Gude on this side of the sie, gude beyond the sea

b. On (upon, of) athir side(s), on bath (the) sides.(1) 1375 Barb. ii 346.
On athir syd thus war thai yhar, And till assemble all redy war
1375 Barb. xvi 394.
Byrkis on athir syde the way
?1438 Alex. i 1085.
Perdicas sawe on ather syde The folk assemble with routis ryde
1460 Hay Alex. 1237 (B).
[They] send thair furiouris on ather syde parte
a1500 Rauf C. 289.
I se the firmament fair vpon ather syde
c1475 Wall. viii 1207.
His glytterand glowis grawin on athir sid
c1515 Asl. MS I 156/22.
That men may heir foulis syng … on athir syd of the land bot wynd or wedder lat it
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 156/187.
Thay spurrit thair hors on adir syd
1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II 214.
That the clayth merket … be haldin … betuix the ovir Nether Bow and the Freir Wynd heid on ather syde of the trans of the Hie Gait
1641 Acts V 520/1.
The landis … boundit … as wind and weather sheares one either syde of the said water in bread
(2) c1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 59.
To ordane redresse to be made … of all attemptatis done of ayther syde
(3) 1456 Hay I 269/26.
That the parties or the frendis on aithir sydis sett remede of gude acorde and frendschip
1550 Reg. Cupar A. II 74.
Land … one bayth sydys of the mercat gait
(4) c1510 Prester John 311b.
This land lestis xl dayis jurnay on baitht the sidis
a1568 Scott ii 123.
Will saw his fais on bath the syddis
1584 Melvill 174.
Some … played prettelie the part of Jak on bathe the sydes

c. Of an approach, attack, or the like: At a side, of side, from the side or flank. Also, of departing, moving off.1375 Barb. xiii 68.
In hy apon thame can he ryde, And our-tuk thame at a syde
1375 Barb. xv 28.
Cum we than on thame at a syde, And we sall be at avantage
?1438 Alex. i 2368.
He socht vpon him at ane syde
?1438 Alex. i 1624.
Seuin thousand … Of syde come shutand on thame thair
a1578 Pitsc. I 98/5.
He come and left the Earle of Crafurd and passit out at ane syde

d. On sum side, from one or other direction.a1500 K. Hart 806.
For on sum syd thair sall ws folk assaill

e. In the phrases on al side(s), on (in) every side, (ap)on ilk(a) side, na side.(1) a1400 Leg. S. vii 444.
Uaspaciane … gret sege gert till it lay One al syd
1513 Doug. xi xiii 173.
On al sydis
1531 Bell. Boece II 392.
Mony pepill wer drevin at erd, on all sidis
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 38.
Forces of fensible men to be dissolvit on all syddis
(2) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 661 (C).
To brek the wall one eueryche syd
1456 Hay I 60/27.
Unes mycht men se quha had the better, sa mony was dede on every syde
c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 34 (M).
On every syd the hege rais hei on hicht
1513 Doug. x xiii 4.
Thai kyll and ar bet down on euery syde
1513 Doug. xii viii 73.
Apon hir weyngis scummand euery syde
1528 Cal. Charters Suppl.
Halff ane ell of breyd on euerylk syd off the marche stanys to be free wnlawboryt for euer
1562-3 Winȝet I 2/24. a1578 Pitsc. I 15/1.
Seand justice allutterlie suppressed in evirie sydde
(3) 1375 Barb.ii 74.
[He] gert men, with his lettres, ryd To freyndis apon ilk sid
1375 Barb. xvi 367.
The gud Lord of Dowglas … Had spyis out on ilka syde
a1400 Leg. S. iii 936.
Ȝour word is spred wid Of halynes one ilke syde
c1450-2 Howlat 343 (A).
Circulit on ilk syde with the sapheire
c1475 Wall. xi 426.
On ilka syd thai sailȝe with gret fer
1596 Dalr. I 293/8.
This was a lang way, and dyket in on ilk syd
(4) 1513 Doug. ix xii 34.
Ȝeild thé for thy, thou may eschape na syde

f. On side, to the side, sideways.1549 Compl. 159/28.
The ȝong partan … ȝeid crukit, bakuart, and on syd

g. On mony (diveris) syde, in many different places.c1475 Wall. i 11.
It is weyle knawyne on mony diuers syde, How [etc.]

h. transf. On this side of, before (a specified date or time).(1) 1658 R. Moray Lett. fol. 309.
There is enough behind to sing all the hens you will win at the curling on this side of Yule
(2) 1638 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 550.
How are we misted and mired with the love of things that are on this side of time
c1670 Dumf. & Galloway Soc. XV 145.
I believed never to have seen my wife or bairns and friends any moor on this side of time
1675 Cullen Kirk S. 25 Nov.
And sua forward ane boy after ane wther ilk four years, in all ages to come, in this syd of time

10. A part of a place or thing, lying in one direction or another from the centre.?1438 Alex. ii 305.
To ane syde [F. a une part] of ane tent he ȝeid
1456 Liber Aberbr. II 88.
The sowthe syde of the myre sal ly in commoun pasture
1460 Hay Alex. 1405.
Men mycht se his hals on a syde bare
1513 Doug. iii vi 111.
The left syde [sc. of the land] lang salt thou … Cyrkil
1657 Old-lore Misc. V 133.
Sche said is he comeing to our syde of the toun with thrie ky

b. A particular area, district or country. Also transf., of the people living in a particular ‘side’ or quarter of a town.1513 Doug. iii vi 121.
Fors of streym from the syde [Ruddim. coist] of Itale The ile of Sycill devydit hes [L. Hesperium Siculo latus abscidit]
1596 Dalr. I 5/2.
The vthir syd [sc. of Britain] lyeng toward Spane and the Occident, vii hundir pace
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 146.
Sir Johnne Foster … to mak sum incursions aganis them of Scotland syde
1641 Elgin Rec. I 269.
Androw Low in Forgie syid within the parochin of Keyth
1688 Galloway P. Feb.
[A tack] of … pairts and pendicles affeirand … to the hous barne & yeards called the Laich Syd
transf. 1597–8 Elgin Rec. II 62.
The sowth syid sall communicat first and sic of the landward as hes ressauit thair taikyins

c. ? A part of a month.1566 Treas. Acc. XII 396.
Thir preceptis servis for the sext syde of August
1566 Treas. Acc. XII 396.
Thir preceptis servis for the first syde of the moneth of September

11. On side: a. To one side, aside. Also fig. b. At the side. c. Sideways.a. (1) 1375 Barb. xi 344.
On athir hand The tothir battalis suld be gangand Behynd, on syde a litell space
1460 Hay Alex. 2785.
Thai mycht nocht sa littill step on syde Bot thai suld fall into thai wanis wyde
a1500 Henr. Abbay Walk 5.
On cais I kest on syd myne e
a1500 Henr. III 150/5.
Ȝour saying I haif sene, and on syd set it
c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 225.
On syde scho lukit wyth ane fremyt fare
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xx 14.
Fra vyle folkis draw thé far on syd
1513 Doug. i Prol. 268.
Ȝhe … cast this other buke on syde far by
1513 Doug. iii vi 172.
Direkking the leiffis per ordour furth on syde
1513 Doug. v viii 12.
On syde he bradis fortil eschew the dynt
1560 Rolland Seven S. 10438.
He commandit all persounis pas on side, Nane bot the knicht and his wife to abide
a1568 Bann. MS 26a/45.
[They] laid thair boist on syd
a1568 Scott xxi 37.
This lady is so gud ane gyd, Scho lattis me nevir gang on syd
(2) fig. a1500 Henr. Fab. 1910 (Bann.).
Schame is sett on syde
c1568 Lauder Minor P. ii 27.
Simplysitie is sett on syde
b. 1375 Barb. vii 112.
Thai saw on syde thre men cumand
1375 Barb. viii 185.
He na drede Had at thai suld on syde assale
c1420 Wynt. viii 4695.
[They] Com in on syd so sturdely … That in thare cummyng, as thai say, Thai bare down buskis in thare way
c. a1500 K. Hart 899.
Fikkilnes, hir sadill set on syde
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 180.
He is als brankand with bonet one syde

d. To (till) a side, to one side (= a above).a1500 Henr. Fab. 2315.
Than tuke the tod the man furth till ane syde
1562 Edinb. Hammermen 252b.
The said George … drawinge the vikit to the manner foirsaid to ane sid
1602 Conv. Burghs II 143.
And gif the merchandis guidis beis … stowin, pyikit or prewele put to syid [etc.]

12. On the side, surreptitiously, secretly.1560 Rolland Seven S. 8016.
Howbeit ȝe speik scho will not blenk agane And gif scho do, it is out on the syde

III. 13. The position or interests of one person or group of persons, in contrast or opposition to others.1375 Barb. xiii 653.
King Robert suld mak na murnyng For on his syd the quheyle on hycht Rais [etc.]
a1500 Colk. Sow ii 156.
‘Madame’ quod I ‘that tak I on ȝour syd'
1567 G. Ball. 69.
Sen on our syde is God him sell, Quha dar againe him pleid?
1568 Reg. Morton I 37.
The Erle of Murraye on the syid of my realme … and the Erle of Harford on the syid of Ingland
1593 Brunton & Haig 199.
The spiritual syd of the saidis Lordis nominat Alexander Lord Urquhart, ane of the temporal number, and the temporal syde nominat Mr. Johne Lindsay, persoune of Menmure, ane of the spiritual syde, to be upoun the lyttis

b. On the (that) uthir side, on the other hand, by contrast, conversely.a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 1065.
The ledis on loft in langour war lent The lordis on the tothir side for liking thay leugh
1513 Doug. x vii 178.
Pallas … Inforcis hym to greif hys fays that tyde; Lawsus resistis on that othir syde
1560 Rolland Seven S. 479.
The father on that vther syde For the sone did foirse

14. The maternal or paternal branch of a family; the bride's or groom's family at a wedding.1397 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 32.
Landis, rentis & possessiouns … pertenand til hir on hir fadir side
c1400 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 44.
Dame Mariory Comyne … was my graunde dame on the tother syde
c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2361.
Vpon his faderis syd Pirrus Has his grant-schir Peleus
c1515 Asl. MS I 186/1.
Of Grece of the mannis syd … and of the Egipcianis of the woman syd
1513 Doug. viii viii 130.
Takand sum strynd Apon his moderis syde of Sabyne kynd
1585 Chron. Perth 56.
40 pounds to be paid by them that call more than four on the side to the banquet
1586 Jurid. Rev. (1926) XXXVIII 312.
Being the wyfe bairnis and four brenchis … fader and mother syid
1610 Yester Wr. 296.
John Hay of Smithfeild and George Hay of Monkton, nearest agnates to him on the father's side
1669 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XXXV 141 n.
Robert Johnstoun … and John Maxwell … persons neirest of kin on his mothers syd

15. One of the opposing parties in a dispute; a political, religious or other faction.1386 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 9.
It ys acordit that nane pundys sal be tane of nouther syde for na manere of det ne trespasse
1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 175.
The pairtyng of the grange forsade with the consent of bath the sydis wes made at Martymes
1562-3 Winȝet I 10/24.
To the intent that all errour and abuse being cuttit away, we al on baith sydis mot knaw the veritie
1562-3 Winȝet I 55/22.
The lauchfull pastouris and wtheris bettir leirnit of the Catholik syde
1570 Sat. P. xxi 76. 1570–2 Facs. Nat. MSS III lxii.
It may be thoght tollerable for boith the sydis that a gouernement be established in Scotland compond of a certane nombre of the principallis of the nobillitye chosen indifferentlye of boith parteys
a1578 Pitsc. I 15/22.
Vpoun the wther sydd Schir Allexander Lewinstoun … menteined ane wther factioun
c1616 Hume Orthog. 9.
Of the next, i, we differ farder, and the knot harder to louse, for nether syde wantes sum reason
a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1016.
Kindnes can not lest on a syde
1664 Rothesay B. Rec. 85.
That two reasonable men one from either syd may desyde any controversie

b. One of the opposing groups of combatants in a war or a battle.1395 Rot. Sc. II 73/2.
That all prisoners taken on bothe the sidis sall be frely deliverid
?1438 Alex. ii 1416.
On bothe the sydes thay held thame still, That nane did vther mekill ill
c1420 Wynt. viii 6741.
And thiddire come of athyre party xxxti one ilk syd for to fecht
c1450-2 Howlat 509 (A).
He … Our set all the Sathanas syde Sarazenis mycht
c1475 Wall. ix 477.
Off wicht wermen … Feyll lessyt thar lyff apon the Sotheroun sid
c1515 Asl. MS I 227/19.
Hew of Douglas Erll of Ormond was chiftane on the Scottis syd
1533 Bell. Livy I 209/26.
The dartis war left vncastin on athir side
1568 Chron. Fortirgall 135.
And ther was slayne mayr na thoyll scoyr on the quenis syd
a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 33/26.
Trow ȝe to ly lurk … To se quhilk syde sall haue the victorie
a1578 Pitsc. II 275/6.
Thay had ovir meikill familiaritie with the castell syd
1603 Moysie 126.
Sa many as could be had of the Inglische syd went for manning the citaideall
c1615 Chron. Kings 113.
The queinis syd … thocht that thay war boune for Dalkath

16. One of the two divisions of a choir.c1420 Wynt. v 3524.
The ta part [sc. of the choir] suld the fyrst wers say, The tothir syd the neyst wers ay Suld begyn, and ilk[a] syd Suld wayte thare tymys and abyde

17. A page of a book or ledger.1474 Treas. Acc. I 72.
Sum totale of bath thir sidis, [£59 15 d.]
1641-8 Skipper's Acc. (Smettone) 12b.
The cherges one the vther seyd bein teckin of thes 1402 libres remenes hier to be counnptabill at the vt riking of the shep to Bourdext as follows

18. A side or aspect of the personality.c1700 M. Bruce Good News in Evil Times (1708) 68.
Thanks be to him that hath ay keeped in our black side yet, and hath no let the world see it

IV. 19. attrib. and comb. Situated at or to the side, worn on the side or at the side of the body, ? also forming the side (e.g. of a field, bed, etc.). See also Side-burde n.Also in place names.Side-clathis, ? cloths draped over the sides of a ship. Side-glas, ? a window-pane.1333 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 55.
De baronia de Sydgat xvi marcas
1565–6 Reg. Privy S. V ii 18/1.
Inter communem viam regiam vocatam Sydegait
1468 Peebles B. Rec. I 158.
Mychell of Forest sall mak wp hys syd dyk … wythin viij dayis
1500 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 112.
The syd hegis … to be devidit be the linaris evinly
1513 Doug. i iii 49.
The strang barge … The storm ourset, raif rovis and syde semmys
1563 Montgomery Mem. 197.
Ane syde furnist buird, with the trestis and furmes
1569 Peebles B. Rec. I 312.
All the dykis within the wall, baith syde dykis, thortour dykis and croce dikis
1589–90 Edinb. B. Rec. V 16.
That ane commodious schip be hyret … and dekkit with stremes, flags, anseyngyeis and syde claythis
1589–90 Elgin Rec. I 218.
Quhilkis shippis weill and honnourablie equippageit … with hand senȝeis, … streameris of weir of reid taffetty, reid syde claithis [etc.]
1594 Skipper's Acc. (Morton) 3a.
For ane syd glas viii d.
1595 Edinb. Test. XXVIII 294.
Ane walkeris scheir buird with the syd trestis
1624 Edinb. Test. LII 235b.
xij paire of syde gartanez with syde pairling with roisis
1644 Acts VI i 85/2.
The saidis estates sall caus provide reid cottoun for syde cloathes to his ship
1650 Acts VI ii 625/1.
The horsemen to be armed with pistollis, hulsteris or syidpistollis or launces
1653 Soc. Ant. XXIII 302.
Two peece of imbrodered courteens of reed cloth wherof one syde peece one fute peece [etc.]

b. (On) side-half, apart, to one side.c1520-c1535 Nisbet Acts xxiii 19.
The tribune tuke his hand, and yede with him on side halue [P. asidis half] and askit him [etc.]

