A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Spuilȝe, Spolȝe, Spoil(l, v. Also: spulȝ(i)e, -yie, -eȝe, -(e)ye, spuliȝe, spwlȝe, spullȝ(i)e, spuilȝie, -y(i)e, spuillȝie, spwilȝe, spolȝie, spoilȝ(i)e, -y(i)e, spoillȝ(i)e, spoylȝ(i)e, spoiel, spoulȝ(i)e, -ye, spowlȝe, spuil(e, spul(i)e, spoylie, spoyl(e. P.t. also spoliȝet, spoliat. P.p. also spulȝeat, spoliat(e, spalt. [ME and e.m.E. spoil(en, spoili(en, spoyle(n (all 14th c.), spule(n (Chaucer), spuyl(en (both Wyclif), spole (Lydgate), spolyon (Prompt. Parv.), OF espoillier, L. spoliāre, f. spolium.]
1. tr. To plunder (the dead or vanquished) after a battle, raid, etc.; to rob, steal from (a person or persons) by means of force. Also absol. and fig. Also, once, with a bird as the object.(1) 1375 Barb. xiii 459.
Thai nakit spulȝeit war That war slayne in the battale thar 1490 Treas. Acc. I 173.
Til … Arthure Olyfant that wes spwlȝet be the Master of Hwntle … xx li. 1490 Irland Mir. III 132/15.
Alexander … sperit at him quhy he reft and spulȝeit the peple and merchandis that passit the sey c1515 Asl. MS I 209/4.
He was baith strikin and spulȝeit and all his gudis reft fra him 1513 Doug. xii v 192.
Italianys hurlys on hym … Spulȝeit hys corps, hys membris ȝit all hoyt 1533 Bell. Livy I 162/28.
Quhen he wes spuleȝeand the said Mamilius of his riche armoure, he was hurte with ane lance be ane of his inemyis 1533 Bell. Livy II 203/8.
Spuleȝeand 1538–9 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 232.
Johnne Elphinstoune had assedatioune of Alexander Lord Elphynstoune of the keeping of his castell … and office of bailliery of his landis … and wes violentlie and wranguslie eiectit spulyeit and put tharfra be the said Vmfra Rollok 1545 Treas. Acc. VIII 416.
To ane of the cartterris that was spulȝeit be the thevis 1570 Sat. P. xiii 121.
How horriblie ȝe spulȝeit vnder nycht In his awin hous … Ane nobill lord … Ȝe left him nocht ane malȝe nor deneir 1602–3 Ayr B. Acc. 216. 1679 Wodrow Hist. III (1829) 41.
Spulie(b) a1500 Rauf C. 901.
Thou slane hes oft, thy self, of my counsingis … We sall spuilȝe ȝow dispittously 1503 Acts (1597) i 92.
It salbe leiffull to the partie quhilk is spuilȝied, to summonde the spuilȝiers vpon fifteene daies before the Lordes 1580 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 168. 1616 Edinb. Surgeons 65.
To Jon Steward barber that was spuilyed be pirates thre pundis(c) 1567 G. Ball. 59.
He againe fra deide vp rais … Syne spolȝeit [A. spoylȝeit] Sathan, hell and sin, And heuinlie gloir to vs hes win(d) 1457–8 Acta Conc. II xv.
Quhen the party spoilȝeit complenȝeis befor the lordis of the Sessione a1585 Maitl. Q. 54/6.
Now me to spoilȝie sum men not spairis, To tak my geir na Capitane cairis 1587–8 Aberd. Council Lett. I 22.(e) 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 326.
[She] desyrit him … to convoy hir, becaus capitane Lambie wes ane attending hir, and wald spoulȝie hir(f) 1666 Jurid. Rev. XXIV 17.
They were so rakit, spuilit, and put frae house holding and was made desperat(g) 1563-1570 Buch. Wr. 34.
Thair is ane kynd of thair thevis evin odious to mair gentill thevis quhilk spoylis trauellaris cadgearis and chepmen be the way c1590 Fowler II 114/25.
A prince suld mak litill count (provyding that … he spoyle not nor pyllie his subiects) 1596 Dalr. II 69/25.
Quhair hatered and inuie war, ilk spoylet vther schamfullie with baith natiouns 1610 Conv. Burghs II 305.
Pirattis … spoiling and riving all persons be sie a1651 Calderwood VIII 225.
One of his servants having … a silver lavacre on his back, was spoiled the night following 1691 Cullen Kirk S. 15 Feb.
Giuen to Alexr Thomson a poor man who was utterly spoiled by the armies … 6 s.(h) 1639 Sc. N. & Q. XII 59.
Giffin to ane poore merchand recentlie spolit be the catherens at Fetterkarne … 10 s.absol. 1513 Doug. viii ix 57.
Fra quham … this rycht hand … Tha sawlys all bereft, and … Of alsmony enarmouris spulȝeit clenefig. 1571 Ferg. Serm. iii Malachi Sig. B iv.
Sa greit is ȝour monstrous audacitie, that ȝe dar spuilȝe Me quhilk am ȝour Lord Eternall and only trew God 1572 Sat. P. xxxiii 82.
Particular weill hes spulȝeit policie(2) 1596 Dalr. I 25/31.
Gif thay sie, as oft chances, men take this fishe fra thair birdes, thay tyre nocht, with speid to flie to the fowlling agane; and agane and agane, how oft thay ar spoyled, ay quhill the sone gang to
2. To plunder or despoil (a place) (of something). Also fig.(1) pres. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 761.
The tempiles of the toune spolȝeand Full cruelly thrught strenth of hande c1475 Wall. v 1133.
The hous thai spoilȝe fast. All thing that doucht out off that place thai cast c1475 Wall. ix 1136.
Spulȝe 1490 Irland Mir. II 38/17.
This is the haly faith of Jhesu … that his haly saule discendit to hell to spolȝe it coniunyt with the divinite c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. xii 29.
Spoilye a1578 Pitsc. I 70/14.
They begane to spoillȝie the toune and slew all the citinaris 1596 Dalr. II 96/24.
The cuntrie about tha spoylȝie; with a fatt pray, and mony captiues, tha returne to Scotland 1596 Dalr. II 195/23.
Tha brek the bordouris, spoylȝeis and herries the Merce 1600-1610 Melvill 119.
Spulyie 1600-1610 Melvill 258.
The lown … haid newlings takin a crear of our awin town, and was spuleing hir 1607 Inverurie B. Ct. 25 Aug.
Giff ony persone … beis challensit spoilȝeand ȝairdis athir be cutting of wandis [etc.] … ilk persone … to pey … ten libisp.t. 1460 Hay Alex. 4239.
Spuleȝete c1475 Wall. iii 211.
Spoilȝeid c1475 Wall. iv 265.
Thai … Spoilȝeide that steid, and tuk thaim ganand ger c1475 Wall. viii 739.
The temporall land thai spoulȝeit at thair will, Gud gardens gay, and orchartis gret thai spill c1515 Asl. MS I 241/21.
[They] spulȝeit all the tovne and brint it 1533 Bell. Livy I 40/18.
He waistit and spuleȝeit all the landis of Veanis, mare to revenge the haitrent of his mynde than ony desire of pray 1570 Leslie 14.
Lauchlane McClane [etc.] … heryit, spulyeit and brint the cuntrye of Lenox 1558-66 Knox II 12.
He spoilȝied Kinghorne, Kirkaldie, and so muche of Dyserte as he mycht 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 326.
The suddartis … spoulȝeit the houssis and pure folk that wes carijt fra hous to hous 1596 Dalr. II 10/14.
Spoylȝet a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1804) 149.
Spuilziet 1666-74 Fraser Polichron. 85.
He wasted and spulied the whole country, carrying away a vast spreath of their strongest cattle(b) a1578 Pitsc. II 159/31.
Spollȝeitp.p. 1375 Barb. xvi 674.
Quhen the feld wes spulȝeit bar Thai went all hame c1475 Wall. ix 1357.
Spulȝeid 1557 Aberd. B. Rec. I 305.
Thair is sindrie Scottismen and thair schippis … stayit, haldin, spowlȝeit and pilleit [ed. pillest] in Ingland be Inglismen(b) 1610 Crim. Trials III 106.
[They] violentlie and perforce … buirdit ane bark … off plane plat and intentioune to have robit, spolȝiet, and reft hir 1650–1 Edinb. B. Rec. VIII 428.
For repairing the wells all spolyit and brokin with the sojors 18 s.(c) 1640 Lennoxlove MS (The Duke of Hamilton) C1/1143.
Spoillied(d) 1615 Highland P. III 296.
The rebels hes spoylled mightelie the land that the poore tennents is allmost vndone 1611-57 Mure Early Misc. P. xv 11.
Spoyld 1622-6 Bisset II 373/7.
Sanct Feacre, quhais kirk … his maiestie be his warris had laitlie spoilled & demolisched(2) 1513 Doug. v xi 118.
Part spulȝeis altaris of thar flambys schire 1535 Stewart 47851.
All the laif … spulȝeit the toun of gold, riches and fie a1578 Pitsc. II 90/30.
[The Frenchmen] spullȝet it [sc. the castle] … of all thingis that was thairin, … gold, silluer, … meat and drink [etc.] c1650 Spalding I 340.
Androw Hamptoun … violentlie spolȝeit Williame Scottis hous … of daillis … and vther fyn tymber, salt, tabacco, and the like commoditeis c1650 Spalding II 458.
Thay … spolȝeit the haill ground of horss, nolt, scheip, and vther goodis(b) 1596 Dalr. I 158/20.
Suetonius is compelled to spoyle Brittannie bair of all externe man of weir 1608 Melrose P. I 61.
The haill cuntrey being … spoylled of all the tymmer within the same
b. ? To take the crops off (ground).1514 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 28.
This inquest findis that eftir that Thome Jhonsone had tane sesing of the ground, the ground aucht nocht to be spolyeit without his leif bot geiff thair be condiciones that we kene nocht betuix the parteis
c. transf. To despoil (ground) of vegetation (by flooding). Cf. 9 below.c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1524.
The feildis grene and fluryst meidis Wer spulȝeit of thare plesand weidis. The erth … Wes be that furious flude deformit
3. To take (goods) as spoil or plunder; to steal or take wrongfully; once, const. of the goods stolen. Also fig. or in fig. context. Also const. fra a person or place, oute of, furthe of, of a place, also be a person.(1) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 1544 (C).
Some wounded, some slew, & some kan ta, And spulled [D. spelȝeid] thar goodes alsua 1498–9 Acta Conc. II 300.
[Action against William Blaer, etc. for destroying] ane bern beand biggit … and has spulȝeit and takin away the tymbir and stuff of the sammyn a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 277.
Inglis tykis … spulȝeit … the haly stane of Scone, The croce of Halyrudhous, and uthir jowellis 1513 Doug. i xii 7.
Grekis dyd spulȝe and distroy The gret ryches and lamentabill realm of Troy 1528 Ex. Processes (Reg. H.) Scott v. Seytoun.
The saidis ȝowis and wedderis wer spulȝet 1547–8 Treas. Acc. IX 150.
To Mungo Stratherne … to mak ane new armes, his awyn being spulȝeit in my lorde governoures service c1575 Balfour Pract. 496.
Gif ony man … violentlie and masterfullie spuilȝies and takis away the miln-rynd [etc.] … he … sould refound … to the awner … the damnage, skaith and interest sustenit be him a1578 Pitsc. I 127/24.
Spuillȝie a1585 Maitl. Q. 78/42.
Sum hes thair place brint … Thair guddis spuilȝit halallie 1582 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 255. 1594 Misc. Spald. C. II 128.
Quha confessit the intromissioune with the broune horse lybellit, and that he tuik him away ordourlie and nocht spulyed, bot be his maisters lawis 1596 Dalr. I 167/8.
Vpon gude faith … thay restore trulie, al that laitlie thay haue spoylȝet 1551–2 Acts (1597) i 137b.
Men … invaded the Scottis-men … burnt their houses, spuilȝied their gudes, and herried them there-throw 1599 Reg. Privy C. VI 16.
[They] spuilyeit and awaytuke aucht stane of cheis c1650 Spalding I 189.
Resolving to go to Durris and spolȝie what wes left —a1585 Maitl. Q. 40/9.
Thocht thay haue spuilȝit blyith of gud and geir Ȝit haue thay left lyand still the land Quhilk to transport wes not in thair power(b) 1651 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XX 92.
Thair lockit book … being reft spoiled and all lostfig. a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 477 (Asl.).
Of our saull fylis the fair figur Syne spulȝeand grace our hertis can endure We chewe na perrell na seikis na remeid 1531 Bell. Boece (M) II 284.
Thai spoulȝeit the Eucharist oute of the cais of siluer quhare it hang, and kest it in ane treyn kyst; comparit iustlye to barnis of Lucifer, quhilkis intendit to spoulȝe God oute of his awin hous c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4802.
Christis scheip thay spolȝe petuouslye, And with the woll thay cleith thame curiouslye. Lyk gormand wolfis thay tak of thame thare fude a1605 Montg. Sonn. lx 14.
She inflammis and freizis both at anis. To spulȝie hairt, that minion makes hir sp[ort](2) p.t. 1466 Acta Aud. 4/1.
That Androu … restore … to Robert … and his tennandis … the gudis that he spulȝeit & tuke fra thaim 1497–8 Acta Conc. II 103.
[He] with wappinnis wondit the sade Wilyeam and spulyeit fra him harnes, claithis [etc.] 1506 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 55.
Spulȝet 1517 Edinb. B. Rec. I 169.
[They] spulyeit certane sparris fra thame 1559–60 11th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. vi 223.
The said … lord spolieit and tuike furth of ane coffir or schryne … ane dosane siluer trunschewris 1582–3 Perth B. Ct. 15 Feb.
Spoliat 1583 Glasgow B. Rec. I 103.
[They] reft, spuilyeit and violentlie tuike frome thame out of thair bark … thir guidis and geir following 1589–90 Crail B. Ct. 27 Jan.
[Thomas Thomsoun] entirit within the said Robertis hous … and spoilȝeit and tuke fra him furth of the samin ane brasin pott off thre pyntis c1650 Spalding I 48.
Thay … spolȝeit a number of cattell and scheip fra the ground of Frendracht 1660 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 311.
[They] spoliȝet and away took furth of each on of their houses their fyre vessellp.p. 1478–9 Acta Aud. 80/2.
Thre oxin … takin & spulȝeit furthe of the said Symonis pluche be the said Robert 1482–3 Acta Aud. in Acta Conc. II cvi.
Quhilkis gudis war takin and spuleȝeit and withhaldin be the said persons out of the said landis of Lethindy 1492–3 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 110.
Spuilyeit 1497 Acta Conc. II 83.
Spulȝeat 1500 Acta Conc. II 434.
Fifty ky quhilkis war spulyeit be Cuthbert, Lord of Kilmawris out of Resdalemure fra the sade Matho 1503 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I 47.
Spoliacioun of xviiixx bollis of aits with the foddir spulȝeit of the hill of Bathelnuy 1528 Ex. Processes (Reg. H.) Scott v. Seytoun.
Quhilkis ȝowis … wer spulȝet fra the said William … be the said Andro 1531–2 Dunferm. Reg. Ct. 50.
David Bosuell had spulȝeit fray Robert Orrok ane letter of tak of the landis of Cullellow 1542 Fraser P. 180.
James Berclay … violentlie brak down ane grit part of the said Patrikis cruif wall … & spuilȝeit tuik & withheld fra him the stanis tharof and als has spwilȝeit & drawin the … wattir … fra his saidis cruiffis cruifwall … and tharthrow spwilȝeit hym of his possessioun of the said cruif wall 1562 Prot. Bk. Gilbert Grote 52.
Spoulȝeit 1591 Prot. Bk. J. Inglis 24 June.
The said George … allageand the said hors was spoilȝeit & tane fra hym 1602 Colquhoun Chart. 202.
Spwlȝeit 1605 Bk. Dunvegan I 214.
Certaine wairs guids and geir reft spulleit and tane fra me my pertenaris and complices out of our bark
4. To strip (a person) (of his or her clothes or armour), take the clothes off, divest. Also reflex. and intr. Cf. 1 above with which there may be some overlap.tr. 1531 Bell. Boece II 511.
The Erle of Athole … was … spulyeit of all his claithis saif onely ane linnin curche to hid his privat memberis 1540 Lynd. Sat. 3643.
Heir sall thay spulȝe Flattry of the kings habeit 1549 Compl. 101/29.
Al ȝour armye sal be spulȝit of ȝour armour and of ȝour clais, except ilk ane sal hef ane singil coit on ȝou, & ther eftir ve sal put ȝour cragis in ane ȝoik to be ane perpetual takyn that ȝe ar vencust be vs 1584-9 Maxwall Commonpl. Bk. 9a.
Yow mot spolȝe him, mank him & rywe him 1626 Aberd. Council Lett. I 246.
Alshener Andersone not onlie violentlie … dang … the hirds that wer keping the said bestiall bot also spoilȝeit thame of thair clothes 1699 Argyll Justic. Rec. 175.
She … robbed and spulȝied her of her body cloathes and took from her what money or others she then had(b) a1400 Leg. S. xlvi 216.
He spoylit thaim in hy, That he mycht nakit se thare flesch a1400 Leg. S. xlix 204.
Son ves Tecla fra Tryphe had, & spoylit of hir clathis but badintr. a1500 Seven S. 2769.
The child bad tak this damysele And spulȝe now that all may se Quhidder scho man or woman be a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 575.
Thai haue spulȝeit to the heid all bair, Syne till ane pillar thai full fast Him band c1520-c1535 Nisbet 2 Cor. v 4.
For quhy we that ar in this tabernacile, sorowis within, and ar hevyit, for that we will nocht be spoilyeit, bot be clethit abone c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 109.
On that voce he followit fast, Till he did see hir, at the last, Spuilȝeit, nakit as scho was bornereflex. 1494 Loutfut MS 30a.
Quhen the litil lezard worthis auld scho puttis hir throw a strait hole of a wall aganis the somer and spulȝeis hir nakit of al hir skynnys and al hir eld passis away
b. To strip (a person) of his or her office, to unfrock.1513 Doug. vii Prol. 34.
Lusty Hebe, … Stude spulȝeit of hir office and array 1568 Lyndesay Pref. in Mill Mediæv. Plays 182 n.
Findand them to be … vnworthie of onie functioun ecclesiasticall, decernit them to be degradit of thair digniteis and spulȝeit of thair officis
5. To deprive (a person) of (in) possessions, lands, etc. by forceful, violent or illegal means; also, once, to deprive a bird of its nest.(1) c1420 Wynt. viii 1913 (W).
Thare Johne the Ballioll with slycht and fors He tuke, and … This Johne the Ballioll spulȝeit he Off all his robis of ryalte 1443 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 43.
Oure soueren lorde … has chargit yhou … to ger restore agayne to oure cousin … al his gudis that he was spolyheit of 1493 Acta Aud. 173/1.
Maister David allegiit that thai wer spoulȝet of the said tak 1497–8 Acta Conc. II 152.
[They] cruelly dang and strak him and spulȝeit him of x s. of his gere and x s. of money furth of his purse 1518 Peebles Chart. 47.
Spulye 1529 Rec. Earld. Orkney 58.
James Sinclar tak and put your said messenger in prisoun and spulȝeit him of his wapponis 1531 St. P. Henry VIII IV 594.
Ony of the realmes mycht herie spulȝe and birne ony inhabitantis of the samyne with out makyne of ony redrese 1533 Gau 48/23.
Jesus Christ … as ane stark king spulȝeit the dewil of his kingdome c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1917.
Ȝoung wedowis spulȝeit of thare spousis 1573 Sempill in Sat. P. xxxix 218.
With gild of pepile sa thay brocht thame doun, As birdis but plumis, spuliȝeit of the nest 1576 Orkney Oppress. 52.
This law of granderie is ane meins … to spulȝie honist men of thair substance a1585 Maitl. Q. 44/37.
Spoilȝie a1585 Maitl. Q. 78/38.
Fra sum is taine bayth hous and land … Quhome doing wrang thay neuer fand … Ȝit ar thay spoilȝit of thair rent 1580 Cath. Tr. 40/29.
Quhy spoilye ye Christ Jesus of his inheritance quhilk was promised to him be his eternall father 1581 Bk. Univ. Kirk II 503.
Concerning thair rentis and possessionis that thay be not defraudit, revit, nor spoilȝet thairof 1589 Maxwell Mem. II 165.
Spwilȝeitt 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. ii 54b.
He qvha is spolȝeid of his possession, sould be first restored 1649 Glasgow B. Rec. II 166.
The grit losses … quhairby thair tennentis hes beine spoilleit of thair guids and thair landis c1650 Spalding I 4.
Thay … began to rob and spoilyie the erllis tennentis … of thair haill goodis geir insicht plenishing [etc.] ?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. III 228.
Dr. Scrogie after he is put frae his kirk and house, and spulȝied of his goods, gives now in ane supplicatione —1467 Acta Aud. 7/1.
The said Johne Dempstar has spulȝeit the said reuerend fader & his said landis of iijxx xvij nolt quhilk wes profit takin away be him(b) c1400 Troy-bk. ii 23 (C).
At the last he, spoylit [D. spoled] all Of hys goodes, … Inne-to depnes of povertee Byhuffyt hym dyrenyt to be 1405 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 58.
Tha merchandis spoleit of that schip & al thaire gudis sett thaim in ane yle callit Maij a1500 Sir Eger 320 (L).
Of all my gear they spoiled me: Both of mine habrek, and mine actoun 1558-66 Knox II 158.
He wes the cheif man that spoillit Johnne Mowbray of ten crownis of the Sone a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 220 (Wr.).
He spoild me of my geare(2) 1544 Aberd. B. Rec. I 205.
Thai war nocht hurt in thair personis, molestit, trublit, nor ȝete spulȝeit in ony of thair gudis
b. Of a ship: To be deprived of its pilot.1513 Doug. v iv 119.
Gyas schyp … gave hym place allswa, For scho was spulȝeyt of hir sterisman
c. To deprive (a person) of his life, to kill. Chiefly with double object.1531 Bell. Boece I 57.
Durstus … was … spulyeit baith of his liffe and crown 1533 Bell. Livy I 31/9.
Romulus … spuleȝit him baith of his riche armoure and life attanis a1578 Pitsc. I 65/10.
He being iudge and partie spoillȝeit them saiklislie of thair lyues a1578 Pitsc. I 66/13, 17.
He was … ane plaine enemie to good men thinkand it was ane great plesour to spullȝie thame of thair lywes and weill wone goodis, to herie thame of thair geir and nocht onlie spullȝeit he thame of thair places … bot also [etc.]
6. To deprive (a person or group) materially in a non-violent way; to detract from the way of life of a group.14.. Reg. Maj.c. 48.
For other forsuth giftis than thir … ar forbiddin betwen ilk man & his wif because that throu the gret affectone of luf betwene thaim thai be bath spulȝeit quharthrou thair lauchfull ayris may be lachfully disheryst c1552 Lynd. Mon. 4294.
Officiallis, with thare procuratouris, Quhose langsum law spolȝeis the puris 1560 Rolland Seven S. 3890.
The same seuin maisters … hes maid ȝow blind, To that effect that na fault ȝe suld find … Bot all sic things suld ly into thair hand. And ȝour subiectis to spuilȝe euerie day, All that was grene, to ȝow it suld seme gray a1568 Bann. MS 65b/19.
No man is countit worth a peir Bot he that hes gud hors and geir … The peur for this is spulȝeit neir 1609 Argyll Rentalls 9 Oct.
Duncan Mcgilmichall wes spuilȝeit for Mccoulls detis … iiij kye
b. To deprive (a person or persons) of (a quality, virtue, belief, benefit, etc.). Also fig. Also, once, in passive = to be held back fra happiness throch (due to) tribulation.(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1895.
This carll … of gentrice spoliate [Ch. spoliat, Bann. poliate] c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 397.
I spittit quhen I saw That super spendit evill spreit spulȝeit of all vertu 1513 Doug. vii ix 124.
Now at the dur deth reddy bydis me, Quhar now of happy pompis funeral I spulȝeit am 1562-3 Winȝet I 72/13.
Qvhy spulȝe and denude ȝe ws of this part of our Catholik beleif 1562-3 Winȝet I 76/3.
Wil ȝe that quhou oft a man sinnis, sa oft he be denudit and spulȝeit of all fayth a1568 Wedderburn Bann. MS 240a/47.
The briggandis pretendit haistallie To spulȝe thame of thair virginitie 1581 Burne Disput. 45b.
Quhy spulȝie ȝe the Christianis of this maist strenthie argument aganis the Jeuis a1599 Rollock Wks. I 366.
The Lord hes his wark in it, to spuilȝie thee for thy ingratitude and evill dispositioun of thy hart of the libertie of his glorious Gospell 1599 Reg. Privy C. VI 8.
Thay rebelliouslie withhald fra his Majestie ane grite parte of the propir rent and patrimonie of the crowne, spuilyeis the cuntrey of the benefeit quhilk micht redound thairto(b) 1562 Reg. Morton I 9.
This is ane small revard … to supplant me and with ane abusioun of ane innocent to spoill me … of … my honour 1558-66 Knox II 152.
That na man … suld complayne that he was spoyled of his liberty in electioun 1596 Dalr. I 46/8.
Ennirnesse, quhair afor tymes was a gret tak and a schule of herring of quhilke benifit a lang tyme now haue we bene spoylet 1609 Reg. Privy C. VIII 607.
It hes pleisit God … to spoyle him [sc. Lord Blantyre] of so good a sonefig. 1490 Irland Mir. II 7/29.
The thevis & innemeis of hell tempand Adam and induceand him to syn spolȝeit him and our natur of all gracis and giftis supernaturall 1563 Ferg. Tracts 30.
Sathan hath not onelie spoyled you of Christ him self … but also [etc.] 1581 Burne Disput. 30.
Ȝe spulȝie the halie ghaist of his principal operation a1599 Rollock Wks. I 345.
This vain glorying is ane kind of blasphemie, for that quhilk thou takis to thyself in thy vaine glorying thou spuilȝies God of it(2) 1549 Compl. 122/20.
Thou art spulȝet fra al felicite throcht grit affliction of langorius tribulatione
c. transf. To deprive (a text) of its quality.1600 Hamilton Facile Tr. 131.
Thay defame thame as thocht thay spulliet the scriptures of thair qualities, making tham subiect to the judgments of men
7. intr. To commit spoliation, to loot, plunder.c1475 Wall. iv 500.
Ilka nycht thai spoilȝeid besyle c1515 Asl. MS I 211/15.
Thair chiftanis spulȝeit reft & slew our all Yngland 1525 St. A. Formulare I 268.
Our soverane lordis … liegis … ar … mutilate brynt heriit spulyeit and reft oppinlie … be commoun traitouris … duelland within the sowth partis of this reaulme a1578 Pitsc. II 99/5.
The hielandmen of Scottland … ran to spullȝe and break order a1585 Maitl. Q. 65/38.
The lordis … will not spair to spuilȝie Or ellis thay will tuilȝie Gif ony thame gainesay 1596 Dalr. II 288/26.
The vther parte of his armie he sent to rin the forray intil Ingland, and to spoylie
8. tr. To take a cut of meat from (a carcase) before it is sold on the public market.(a) 1570 Elgin Rec. I 124.
That all personis that slais flesche to be sauld bring the samyn to the publict mercat with the talloun hyd and skyn thairof and that the samyn be nocht spoulȝeit vnder the pain of eschetyng thairof 1601 Paisley B. Rec. 242.
That na beiff nor muttoun be cuttit, caruit nor spouleit except ane cut athort the shoulders 1631 Aberd. B. Rec. III 37.
Neither sall it be lesum to any flesher … to cutt and carve thair beiff and muttone on the shulderis … nor yit to spuilȝie the caircages of beiff or muttone in the craig, spar rib, or any wther pairt … under the payne of … confiscatioun of the beiff and muttoun so spuilȝiet or carved(b) 1714 Stirling B. Rec. II 135.
That no flesh be spoiled nor slotted in the craig nor no other part
9. To spoil, damage or render useless; to pollute or soil. = Spil(l v. 4.c1400 Troy-bk. i 440.
Scho [sc. Medea] couth … ger the woddis grene That spoilyt had in wynter bene Throw wicked blastes and fellone schoures 1504 Rec. Earld. Orkney 78.
I have sene ane lettir … nocht spalt nor vitiat in it self, the tennor therof [etc.] 1559 Mill Mediæv. Plays 350.
A greate pairt of the playfeild belongeing to the toune … is spoilled, brockin, and cariet away be speat and inundation of watter 1633 Culross I 185.
That most impetuous storm of wind had spoiled and tyrred manie pieces both of stiple, kirk, and queire 1636 Old Dundee I 399.
Till try the estate of the books therein, that none of them be spoiled, mouled, or riven 1639 Fugitive Poetry II xvi 4/10.
Small flyes spoyle oyntments 1657 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 168.
That all spollit or lost drogues be cast out, and that sophisticat drogues be brunt 1659 A. Hay Diary 145.
Our malt was all spoiled with mytes 1663 Melrose Reg. Rec. II 61.
Robert Scot … had climbed ane pyet nest in his yaird and spoyled his trees 1673 Mint Melting Journals 11.
2 p[ieces] which were spoyled with the justing 1694 Glasgow Burgesses 234.
Ane horse pertaining to him … was given to ane of the officers … to persew after some deserters, wherby the horse being spoiled, he thereafter died 1702 New Mills Manuf. 323.
A sade colloured cloath … spoiel'd by the moeths
b. intr. To go off, spoil, become unfit for use.1655 Hibbert P. No. 17.
To pak ȝour butter it will be nothing worthe but spoill
c. tr. To hinder, impede (a person) in an activity.1676 Cramond Kirk S. II 5 Nov.
The session considereing how much the publick schoole at the church is prejudged by privat schooles and thairby not onlie the schoolmaster discouraged, but young children spoilled in thair learning